Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
SMBus Smart Battery Subsystem Miniport Driver (Selector, Battery, Charger)
Ken Reneris
Revision History:
Chris Windle 1/27/98 Bug Fixes
#include "smbbattp.h"
#include <initguid.h>
#include <batclass.h>
// Global
BOOLEAN SmbBattUseGlobalLock = TRUE; UNICODE_STRING GlobalRegistryPath;
// Prototypes
NTSTATUS SmbBattQueryTag ( IN PVOID Context, OUT PULONG BatteryTag );
NTSTATUS SmbBattQueryInformation ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, IN BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL Level, IN LONG AtRate OPTIONAL, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT PULONG ReturnedLength );
NTSTATUS SmbBattSetStatusNotify ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, IN PBATTERY_NOTIFY BatteryNotify );
NTSTATUS SmbBattDisableStatusNotify ( IN PVOID Context );
NTSTATUS SmbBattQueryStatus ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, OUT PBATTERY_STATUS BatteryStatus );
NTSTATUS SmbBattCreate( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp );
VOID SmbBattUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject );
VOID SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm ( IN PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM SubsystemExt, IN ULONG OldSelectorState, IN ULONG NewSelectorState );
NTSTATUS SmbBattGetPowerState ( IN PSMB_BATT SmbBatt, OUT PULONG PowerState, OUT PLONG Current );
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,DriverEntry)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattNewDevice)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattUnload)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattCreate)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattClose)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattIoctl)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattQueryTag)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattQueryInformation)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattSetInformation)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattGetPowerState)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattQueryStatus)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattSetStatusNotify)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,SmbBattDisableStatusNotify)
NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the Smart Battery Driver
DriverObject - Pointer to driver object created by system.
RegistryPath - Pointer to the Unicode name of the registry path for this driver.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the initialization operation.
--*/ { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objAttributes;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBatt: DriverEntry\n"));
// Save the RegistryPath.
GlobalRegistryPath.MaximumLength = RegistryPath->Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); GlobalRegistryPath.Length = RegistryPath->Length; GlobalRegistryPath.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( PagedPool, GlobalRegistryPath.MaximumLength, 'StaB');
if (!GlobalRegistryPath.Buffer) {
BattPrint ((BAT_ERROR),("SmbBatt: Couldn't allocate pool for registry path."));
RtlCopyUnicodeString(&GlobalRegistryPath, RegistryPath);
BattPrint (BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBatt DriverEntry - Obj (%08x) Path \"%ws\"\n", DriverObject, RegistryPath->Buffer)); DriverObject->DriverUnload = SmbBattUnload; DriverObject->DriverExtension->AddDevice = SmbBattNewDevice;
DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = SmbBattIoctl; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = SmbBattCreate; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = SmbBattClose;
DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_PNP] = SmbBattPnpDispatch; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_POWER] = SmbBattPowerDispatch;
DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_SYSTEM_CONTROL] = SmbBattSystemControl; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
Routine Description:
This creates a smb smart battery functional device objects. The first object created will be the one for the "smart battery subsystem" which will have a PDO from ACPI. This will receive a START Irp, then a QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS Irp. In the QUERY it will create PDOs for the batteries that are supported by the system and eventually they will end up here for FDOs to be created and attached to them.
DriverObject - Pointer to driver object created by system.
PDO - PDO for the new device(s)
Return Value:
BattPrint(BAT_IRPS, ("SmbBattNewDevice: AddDevice for device %x\n", PDO));
// Check to see if we are being asked to enumerate ourself
if (PDO == NULL) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNewDevice: Being asked to enumerate\n")); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
// Check to see if the PDO is the battery subsystem PDO or a battery PDO. This will be
// determined by the PDO's DeviceType.
// FILE_DEVICE_ACPI This PDO is from ACPI and belongs to battery subsystem
// FILE_DEVICE_BATTERY This PDO is a battery PDO
if (PDO->DeviceType == FILE_DEVICE_ACPI) {
// Create the device object
status = IoCreateDevice( DriverObject, sizeof (SMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM), NULL, FILE_DEVICE_BATTERY, 0, FALSE, &fdo );
if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNewDevice: error creating Fdo for battery subsystem %x\n", status)); return(status); }
// Initialize the Fdo
fdo->Flags |= DO_BUFFERED_IO; fdo->Flags |= DO_POWER_PAGABLE;
// Initialize the extension
subsystemExt = (PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM)fdo->DeviceExtension; RtlZeroMemory (subsystemExt, sizeof (PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM));
subsystemExt->DeviceObject = fdo; subsystemExt->SmbBattFdoType = SmbTypeSubsystem; IoInitializeRemoveLock (&subsystemExt->RemoveLock, SMB_BATTERY_TAG, REMOVE_LOCK_MAX_LOCKED_MINUTES, REMOVE_LOCK_HIGH_WATER_MARK);
// These fields are implicitly initialize by zeroing the extension
// subsystemExt->NumberOfBatteries = 0;
// subsystemExt->SelectorPresent = FALSE;
// subsystemExt->Selector = NULL;
// subsystemExt->WorkerActive = 0;
KeInitializeSpinLock (&subsystemExt->AlarmListLock); InitializeListHead (&subsystemExt->AlarmList); subsystemExt->WorkerThread = IoAllocateWorkItem (fdo);
// Layer our FDO on top of the ACPI PDO.
subsystemExt->LowerDevice = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack (fdo,PDO); if (!subsystemExt->LowerDevice) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNewDevice: Error attaching subsystem to device stack.\n"));
IoDeleteDevice (fdo);
// Zero out the battery PDO list
// This is already zeroed by the RtlZeroMemory above.
// RtlZeroMemory(
// &subsystemExt->BatteryPdoList[0],
// );
// Device is ready for use
} else {
// This is a battery PDO. Create the FDO to layer on top of it.
pdoExt = (PSMB_BATT_PDO) PDO->DeviceExtension; subsystemExt = (PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM) pdoExt->SubsystemFdo->DeviceExtension;
// Allocate space for the paged portion of the device extension
SmbBatt = ExAllocatePoolWithTag (PagedPool, sizeof(SMB_BATT), SMB_BATTERY_TAG); if (!SmbBatt) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNewDevice: Can't allocate Smart Battery data\n")); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
RtlZeroMemory (SmbBatt, sizeof(SMB_BATT));
// Create the device object
status = IoCreateDevice( DriverObject, sizeof (SMB_NP_BATT), NULL, FILE_DEVICE_BATTERY, 0, FALSE, &fdo );
if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNewDevice: error creating Fdo: %x\n", status));
ExFreePool (SmbBatt); return(status); }
// Initialize the Fdo
fdo->Flags |= DO_BUFFERED_IO; fdo->Flags |= DO_POWER_PAGABLE; //
// Layer our FDO on top of the PDO.
SmbNPBatt = (PSMB_NP_BATT) fdo->DeviceExtension; SmbNPBatt->LowerDevice = IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack (fdo,PDO);
if (!SmbNPBatt->LowerDevice) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNewDevice: error attaching to device stack\n"));
ExFreePool (SmbBatt);
IoDeleteDevice (fdo);
return(status); }
// Fill in privates
SmbNPBatt->Batt = SmbBatt; SmbNPBatt->SmbBattFdoType = SmbTypeBattery; IoInitializeRemoveLock (&SmbNPBatt->RemoveLock, SMB_BATTERY_TAG, REMOVE_LOCK_MAX_LOCKED_MINUTES, REMOVE_LOCK_HIGH_WATER_MARK);
ExInitializeFastMutex (&SmbNPBatt->Mutex);
SmbBatt->NP = SmbNPBatt; SmbBatt->PDO = PDO; SmbBatt->DeviceObject = fdo; SmbBatt->SelectorPresent = subsystemExt->SelectorPresent; SmbBatt->Selector = subsystemExt->Selector;
pdoExt->Fdo = fdo;
// Precalculate this batteries SMB_x bit position in the selector status register.
// Just move it into the lower nibble and any function that needs
// the bit can shift it left 4 = charger, 8 = power, 12 = smb
SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition = 1; if (pdoExt->BatteryNumber > 0) { SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition <<= pdoExt->BatteryNumber; }
// Have class driver allocate a new SMB miniport device
RtlZeroMemory (&BattInit, sizeof(BattInit)); BattInit.MajorVersion = SMB_BATTERY_MAJOR_VERSION; BattInit.MinorVersion = SMB_BATTERY_MINOR_VERSION; BattInit.Context = SmbBatt; BattInit.QueryTag = SmbBattQueryTag; BattInit.QueryInformation = SmbBattQueryInformation; BattInit.SetInformation = SmbBattSetInformation; BattInit.QueryStatus = SmbBattQueryStatus; BattInit.SetStatusNotify = SmbBattSetStatusNotify; BattInit.DisableStatusNotify = SmbBattDisableStatusNotify;
BattInit.Pdo = PDO; BattInit.DeviceName = NULL;
status = BatteryClassInitializeDevice ( &BattInit, &SmbNPBatt->Class );
if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNewDevice: error initializing battery: %x\n", status));
ExFreePool (SmbBatt);
IoDetachDevice (SmbNPBatt->LowerDevice); IoDeleteDevice (fdo);
return(status); } //
// Register WMI support.
status = SmbBattWmiRegistration(SmbNPBatt);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// WMI support is not critical to operation. Just log an error.
BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNewDevice: Could not register as a WMI provider, status = %Lx\n", status)); }
// Device is ready for use
} // else (we have a battery PDO)
return status; }
VOID SmbBattUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleanup all devices and unload the driver
DriverObject - Driver object for unload
Return Value:
--*/ {
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattUnload: ENTERING\n"));
// Should check here to make sure all DO's are gone.
ExFreePool (GlobalRegistryPath.Buffer); // This is listed as an error so I'll always see when it is unloaded...
BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattUnload: Smbbatt.sys unloaded successfully.\n"));
NTSTATUS SmbBattCreate( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) { PSMB_NP_BATT SmbNPBatt = (PSMB_NP_BATT) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); NTSTATUS status;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattCreate: ENTERING\n"));
status = IoAcquireRemoveLock (&SmbNPBatt->RemoveLock, IrpSp->FileObject);
// Complete the request and return status.
Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattCreate: EXITING (status = 0x%08x\n", status)); return(status); }
NTSTATUS SmbBattClose( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) { PSMB_NP_BATT SmbNPBatt = (PSMB_NP_BATT) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattClose: ENTERING\n"));
IoReleaseRemoveLock (&SmbNPBatt->RemoveLock, IrpSp->FileObject);
// Complete the request and return status.
Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattClose: EXITING\n")); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
NTSTATUS SmbBattIoctl( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
IOCTL handler. As this is an exclusive battery device, send the Irp to the battery class driver to handle battery IOCTLs.
DeviceObject - Battery for request
Irp - IO request
Return Value:
Status of request
--*/ { PSMB_NP_BATT SmbNPBatt; PSMB_BATT SmbBatt; ULONG InputLen, OutputLen; PVOID IOBuffer; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattIoctl: ENTERING\n"));
IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); SmbNPBatt = (PSMB_NP_BATT) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
status = IoAcquireRemoveLock (&SmbNPBatt->RemoveLock, Irp);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (SmbNPBatt->SmbBattFdoType == SmbTypePdo) { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else if (SmbNPBatt->SmbBattFdoType == SmbTypeSubsystem) { if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode == IOCTL_SMBBATT_DATA) {
// Direct Access Irp
IOBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; InputLen = IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength; OutputLen = IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength;
status = SmbBattDirectDataAccess ( (PSMB_NP_BATT) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension, (PSMBBATT_DATA_STRUCT) IOBuffer, InputLen, OutputLen );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = OutputLen; } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; }
} else { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } else { ASSERT (SmbNPBatt->SmbBattFdoType == SmbTypeBattery);
// Check to see if this is one of the private Ioctls we handle
switch (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode) { case IOCTL_SMBBATT_DATA: IOBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; InputLen = IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength; OutputLen = IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength;
// This one is only handled by the battery subsystem
status = SmbBattDirectDataAccess ( (PSMB_NP_BATT) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension, (PSMBBATT_DATA_STRUCT) IOBuffer, InputLen, OutputLen );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = OutputLen; } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } break; default: //
// Not IOCTL for us, see if it's for the battery
SmbBatt = SmbNPBatt->Batt; status = BatteryClassIoctl (SmbNPBatt->Class, Irp);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// The Irp was completed by the batery class. Don't
// touch the Irp. Simply release the lock and return.
IoReleaseRemoveLock (&SmbNPBatt->RemoveLock, Irp); BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattIoctl: EXITING (was battery IOCTL)\n", status)); return status; }
} // switch (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode)
IoReleaseRemoveLock (&SmbNPBatt->RemoveLock, Irp); }
Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest (Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattIoctl: EXITING (status = 0x%08x)\n", status)); return status; }
NTSTATUS SmbBattQueryTag ( IN PVOID Context, OUT PULONG BatteryTag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to retrieve the batteries current tag value
Context - Miniport context value for battery
BatteryTag - Pointer to return current tag
Return Value:
Success if there is a battery currently installed, else no such device.
--*/ { //PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM subsystemExt;
NTSTATUS status; PSMB_BATT SmbBatt; ULONG oldSelectorState;
PAGED_CODE(); BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattQueryTag: ENTERING\n"));
// Get device lock and make sure the selector is set up to talk to us.
// Since multiple people may be doing this, always lock the selector
// first followed by the battery.
SmbBatt = (PSMB_BATT) Context; SmbBattLockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector); SmbBattLockDevice (SmbBatt);
status = SmbBattSetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, &oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattQueryTag: can't set selector communications path\n")); } else {
// If the tag is not valid, check for one
if (SmbBatt->Info.Tag == BATTERY_TAG_INVALID) { SmbBatt->Info.Valid = 0; }
// Insure the static information regarding the battery up to date
SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo (SmbBatt, 0);
// If theres a battery return it's tag
if (SmbBatt->Info.Tag != BATTERY_TAG_INVALID) { *BatteryTag = SmbBatt->Info.Tag; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } }
// Done, unlock the device and reset the selector state
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { status = SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattQueryTag: can't reset selector communications path\n")); } } else { //
// Ignore the return value from ResetSelectorComm because we already
// have an error here.
SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); }
SmbBattUnlockDevice (SmbBatt); SmbBattUnlockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattQueryTag: EXITING\n")); return status; }
NTSTATUS SmbBattQueryInformation ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, IN BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL Level, IN LONG AtRate OPTIONAL, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT PULONG ReturnedLength ) { PSMB_BATT SmbBatt; ULONG ResultData; BOOLEAN IoCheck; NTSTATUS status, st; PVOID ReturnBuffer; ULONG ReturnBufferLength; WCHAR scratchBuffer[SMB_MAX_DATA_SIZE+1]; // +1 for UNICODE_NULL
UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; UNICODE_STRING tmpUnicodeString; ANSI_STRING ansiString; ULONG oldSelectorState; BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE granularity;
PAGED_CODE(); BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: ENTERING\n"));
// Get device lock and make sure the selector is set up to talk to us.
// Since multiple people may be doing this, always lock the selector
// first followed by the battery.
SmbBatt = (PSMB_BATT) Context; SmbBattLockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector); SmbBattLockDevice (SmbBatt);
status = SmbBattSetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, &oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: can't set selector communications path\n")); } else {
do { ResultData = 0; ReturnBuffer = NULL; ReturnBufferLength = 0; status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// If no device, or caller has the wrong ID give an error
if (BatteryTag != SmbBatt->Info.Tag) { status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; break; }
// Get the info requested
switch (Level) { case BatteryInformation: ReturnBuffer = &SmbBatt->Info.Info; ReturnBufferLength = sizeof (SmbBatt->Info.Info); break;
case BatteryGranularityInformation: SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_FULL_CHARGE_CAPACITY, &granularity.Capacity); granularity.Capacity *= SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale; granularity.Granularity = SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale; ReturnBuffer = &granularity; ReturnBufferLength = sizeof (granularity); break;
case BatteryTemperature: SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_TEMPERATURE, &ResultData); ReturnBuffer = &ResultData; ReturnBufferLength = sizeof(ULONG); break;
case BatteryEstimatedTime:
// If an AtRate has been specified, then we will use the AtRate
// functions to get this information (AtRateTimeToEmpty()).
// Otherwise, we will return the AVERAGE_TIME_TO_EMPTY.
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: EstimatedTime: AtRate: %08x\n", AtRate));
if (AtRate != 0) { //
// Currently we only support the time to empty functions.
ASSERT (AtRate < 0);
// The smart battery input value for AtRate is in 10mW increments
AtRate /= (LONG)SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale; BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: EstimatedTime: AtRate scaled to: %08x\n", AtRate)); SmbBattWW(SmbBatt, BAT_AT_RATE, AtRate); SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_RATE_TIME_TO_EMPTY, &ResultData); BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: EstimatedTime: AT_RATE_TIME_TO_EMPTY: %08x\n", ResultData));
} else {
SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_AVERAGE_TIME_TO_EMPTY, &ResultData); BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: EstimatedTime: AVERAGE_TIME_TO_EMPTY: %08x\n", ResultData)); }
if (ResultData == 0xffff) { ResultData = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_TIME; } else { ResultData *= 60; } BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: (%01x) EstimatedTime: %08x seconds\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, ResultData));
ReturnBuffer = &ResultData; ReturnBufferLength = sizeof(ULONG); break;
case BatteryDeviceName: //
// This has to be returned as a WCHAR string but is kept internally
// as a character string. Have to convert it.
unicodeString.Buffer = Buffer; unicodeString.MaximumLength = BufferLength > (USHORT)-1 ? (USHORT) -1 : (USHORT)BufferLength;
ansiString.Length = SmbBatt->Info.DeviceNameLength; ansiString.MaximumLength = sizeof(SmbBatt->Info.DeviceName); ansiString.Buffer = SmbBatt->Info.DeviceName; status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&unicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ReturnBuffer = Buffer; ReturnBufferLength = unicodeString.Length; } break;
case BatteryManufactureDate: ReturnBuffer = &SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerDate; ReturnBufferLength = sizeof (SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerDate); break;
case BatteryManufactureName: //
// This has to be returned as a WCHAR string but is kept internally
// as a character string. Have to convert it.
unicodeString.Buffer = Buffer; unicodeString.MaximumLength = BufferLength > (USHORT)-1 ? (USHORT) -1 : (USHORT)BufferLength;
ansiString.Length = SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerNameLength; ansiString.MaximumLength = sizeof(SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerName); ansiString.Buffer = SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerName; status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&unicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ReturnBuffer = Buffer; ReturnBufferLength = unicodeString.Length; } break; case BatteryUniqueID: //
// The unique ID is a character string consisting of the serial
// number, the manufacturer name, and the device name.
unicodeString.Buffer = Buffer; unicodeString.MaximumLength = BufferLength > (USHORT)-1 ? (USHORT) -1 : (USHORT)BufferLength;
tmpUnicodeString.Buffer = scratchBuffer; tmpUnicodeString.MaximumLength = sizeof (scratchBuffer);
RtlIntegerToUnicodeString(SmbBatt->Info.SerialNumber, 10, &unicodeString);
ansiString.Length = SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerNameLength; ansiString.MaximumLength = sizeof(SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerName); ansiString.Buffer = SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerName; status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&tmpUnicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) break; status = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString (&unicodeString, &tmpUnicodeString); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) break;
ansiString.Length = SmbBatt->Info.DeviceNameLength; ansiString.MaximumLength = sizeof(SmbBatt->Info.DeviceName); ansiString.Buffer = SmbBatt->Info.DeviceName; status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&tmpUnicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) break; status = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString (&unicodeString, &tmpUnicodeString); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) break;
ReturnBuffer = Buffer; ReturnBufferLength = unicodeString.Length; break;
// Re-verify static info in case there's been an IO error
//IoCheck = SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo (SmbBatt, BatteryTag);
IoCheck = FALSE;
} while (IoCheck);
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { //
// Done, return buffer if needed
*ReturnedLength = ReturnBufferLength; if (ReturnBuffer != Buffer) { // ReturnBuffer == Buffer indicates that data is already copied.
if (BufferLength < ReturnBufferLength) { status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && ReturnBuffer) { memcpy (Buffer, ReturnBuffer, ReturnBufferLength); } }
// Unlock the device and reset the selector state
st = SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (st)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: can't reset selector communications path\n")); status = st; } } else { *ReturnedLength = 0;
// Ignore the return value from ResetSelectorComm because we already
// have an error here.
SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); }
SmbBattUnlockDevice (SmbBatt); SmbBattUnlockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattQueryInformation: EXITING\n")); return status; }
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to set the battery's charge/discharge state. The smart battery does not support the critical bias function of this call.
Context - Miniport context value for battery
BatteryTag - Tag of current battery
Level - Action being asked for
Return Value:
--*/ { PSMB_BATT SmbBatt; ULONG newSelectorState; ULONG selectorState; UCHAR smbStatus; ULONG tmp;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattSetInformation: ENTERING\n"));
SmbBatt = (PSMB_BATT) Context;
// See if this is for our battery
if ((BatteryTag == BATTERY_TAG_INVALID) || (BatteryTag != SmbBatt->Info.Tag)) { return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; }
// We can only do this if there is a selector in the system
if ((SmbBatt->SelectorPresent) && (SmbBatt->Selector)) {
// Get a lock on the selector
SmbBattLockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector);
switch (Level) {
case BatteryCharge: BattPrint(BAT_IRPS, ("SmbBattSetInformation: Got SetInformation for BatteryCharge\n"));
// Set the appropriate bit in the selector state charge nibble
newSelectorState = SELECTOR_SET_CHARGE_MASK; newSelectorState |= (SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition << SELECTOR_SHIFT_CHARGE);
// Write the new selector state, then read it back. The system
// may or may not let us do this.
smbStatus = SmbBattGenericWW ( SmbBatt->SmbHcFdo, SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorAddress, SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorStateCommand, newSelectorState );
if (smbStatus != SMB_STATUS_OK) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattSetInformation: couldn't write selector state - %x\n", smbStatus) );
status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; }
smbStatus = SmbBattGenericRW ( SmbBatt->SmbHcFdo, SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorAddress, SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorStateCommand, &selectorState );
if ((smbStatus != SMB_STATUS_OK)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattSetInformation: couldn't read selector state - %x\n", smbStatus) );
status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; }
// Check the status that was read versus what we wrote
// to see if the operation was successful
// To support simultaneous charging of more than one battery,
// we can't check the charge nibble to see if it is equal to
// what we wrote, but we can check to see if the battery
// we specified to charge is now set to charge.
tmp = (selectorState & SELECTOR_STATE_CHARGE_MASK) >> SELECTOR_SHIFT_CHARGE; if (SmbBattReverseLogic(SmbBatt->Selector, tmp)) { tmp ^= SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; }
if (tmp & SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition) {
BattPrint(BAT_IRPS, ("SmbBattSetInformation: successfully set charging battery\n"));
// Success! Save the new selector state in the cache
SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorState = selectorState; status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
} else { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattSetInformation: couldn't set charging battery\n")); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } break;
case BatteryDischarge:
BattPrint(BAT_IRPS, ("SmbBattSetInformation: Got SetInformation for BatteryDischarge\n"));
// Set the appropriate bit in the selector state power by nibble
newSelectorState = SELECTOR_SET_POWER_BY_MASK; newSelectorState |= (SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition << SELECTOR_SHIFT_POWER);
// Write the new selector state, then read it back. The system
// may or may not let us do this.
smbStatus = SmbBattGenericWW ( SmbBatt->SmbHcFdo, SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorAddress, SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorStateCommand, newSelectorState );
if (smbStatus != SMB_STATUS_OK) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattSetInformation: couldn't write selector state - %x\n", smbStatus) );
status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; }
smbStatus = SmbBattGenericRW ( SmbBatt->SmbHcFdo, SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorAddress, SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorStateCommand, &selectorState );
if ((smbStatus != SMB_STATUS_OK)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattSetInformation: couldn't read selector state - %x\n", smbStatus) );
status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; break; }
// Check the status that was read versus what we wrote
// to see if the operation was successful
// To support simultaneous powering of more than one battery,
// we can't check the power nibble to see if it is equal to
// what we wrote, but we can check to see if the battery
// we specified to power by is now set to power the system.
tmp = (selectorState & SELECTOR_STATE_POWER_BY_MASK) >> SELECTOR_SHIFT_POWER; if (SmbBattReverseLogic(SmbBatt->Selector, tmp)) { tmp ^= SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; }
if (tmp & SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition) {
BattPrint(BAT_IRPS, ("SmbBattSetInformation: successfully set powering battery\n"));
// Success! Save the new selector state in the cache
SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorState = selectorState; status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
} else { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattSetInformation: couldn't set powering battery\n")); status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } break;
} // switch (Level)
// Release the lock on the selector
SmbBattUnlockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector);
} // if (SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorPresent)
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattSetInformation: EXITING\n")); return status; }
NTSTATUS SmbBattGetPowerState ( IN PSMB_BATT SmbBatt, OUT PULONG PowerState, OUT PLONG Current ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the current state of AC power. There are several cases which make this far more complex than it really ought to be.
NOTE: the selector must be locked before entering this routine.
SmbBatt - Miniport context value for battery
AcConnected - Pointer to a boolean where the AC status is returned
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG tmp; ULONG chargeBattery; ULONG powerBattery; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR smbStatus;
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; *PowerState = 0;
// Is there a selector in the system? if not, go read directly from the charger
if ((SmbBatt->SelectorPresent) && (SmbBatt->Selector)) {
// There is a selector, we will examine the CHARGE nibble of the state register
SmbBattGenericRW( SmbBatt->SmbHcFdo, SMB_SELECTOR_ADDRESS, SELECTOR_SELECTOR_STATE, &SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorState);
chargeBattery = (SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorState & SELECTOR_STATE_CHARGE_MASK) >> SELECTOR_SHIFT_CHARGE; powerBattery = (SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorState & SELECTOR_STATE_POWER_BY_MASK) >> SELECTOR_SHIFT_POWER;
// If the bits in the CHARGE_X nibble of the selector state register are in the
// reverse logic state, then AC is connected, otherwise AC is not connected.
// NOTE: This code depends on every selector implementing this. If it turns out
// that this is optional, we can no longer depend on this, and must enable the
// code below it.
if (SmbBattReverseLogic(SmbBatt->Selector, chargeBattery)) { *PowerState |= BATTERY_POWER_ON_LINE; }
// Look at Charge Indicator if it is supported
if (*PowerState & BATTERY_POWER_ON_LINE) {
if (SmbBatt->Selector->SelectorInfo & SELECTOR_INFO_CHARGING_INDICATOR_BIT) { if (SmbBattReverseLogic(SmbBatt->Selector, powerBattery)) { *PowerState |= BATTERY_CHARGING; } }
if (*Current > 0) { *PowerState |= BATTERY_CHARGING;
} else {
if (*Current <= 0) {
// There is some small leakage on some systems, even when AC
// is present. So, if AC is present, and the draw
// is below this "noise" level we will not report as discharging
// and zero this out.
if (*Current < -25) { *PowerState |= BATTERY_DISCHARGING;
} else { *Current = 0;
} }
//else {
// *PowerState |= BATTERY_CHARGING;
// If we don't report as discharging, then the AC adapter removal
// might cause a PowerState of 0 to return, which PowerMeter assumes
// means, don't change anything
} else {
// There is no selector, so we'll try to read from the charger.
smbStatus = SmbBattGenericRW ( SmbBatt->SmbHcFdo, SMB_CHARGER_ADDRESS, CHARGER_STATUS, &tmp );
if (smbStatus != SMB_STATUS_OK) { BattPrint ( BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattGetPowerState: Trying to get charging info, couldn't read from charger at %x, status %x\n", SMB_CHARGER_ADDRESS, smbStatus) );
*PowerState = 0;
// Read Charger Successful
else {
if (*Current > 0) { *PowerState |= BATTERY_CHARGING; }
} else {
if (*Current <= 0) {
// There is some small leakage on some systems, even when AC
// is present. So, if AC is present, and the draw
// is below this "noise" level we will not report as discharging
// and zero this out.
if (*Current < -25) { *PowerState |= BATTERY_DISCHARGING; } else { *Current = 0; } }
// If we don't report as discharging, then the AC adapter removal
// might cause a PowerState of 0 to return, which PowerMeter assumes
// means, don't change anything
} } }
return status; }
NTSTATUS SmbBattQueryStatus ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, OUT PBATTERY_STATUS BatteryStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to retrieve the batteries current status
N.B. the battery class driver will serialize all requests it issues to the miniport for a given battery. However, this miniport implements a lock on the battery device as it needs to serialize to the smb battery selector device as well.
Context - Miniport context value for battery
BatteryTag - Tag of current battery
BatteryStatus - Pointer to structure to return the current battery status
Return Value:
Success if there is a battery currently installed, else no such device.
--*/ { PSMB_BATT SmbBatt; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN IoCheck; LONG Current; ULONG oldSelectorState;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattQueryStatus: ENTERING\n"));
// Get device lock and make sure the selector is set up to talk to us.
// Since multiple people may be doing this, always lock the selector
// first followed by the battery.
SmbBatt = (PSMB_BATT) Context; SmbBattLockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector); SmbBattLockDevice (SmbBatt);
status = SmbBattSetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, &oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattQueryStatus: can't set selector communications path\n")); } else {
do { if (BatteryTag != SmbBatt->Info.Tag) { status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; break; }
SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_VOLTAGE, &BatteryStatus->Voltage); BatteryStatus->Voltage *= SmbBatt->Info.VoltageScale;
SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_REMAINING_CAPACITY, &BatteryStatus->Capacity); BatteryStatus->Capacity *= SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale;
SmbBattRSW(SmbBatt, BAT_CURRENT, &Current); Current *= SmbBatt->Info.CurrentScale;
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattQueryStatus: (%01x)\n" "------- Remaining Capacity - %x\n" "------- Voltage - %x\n" "------- Current - %x\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, BatteryStatus->Capacity, BatteryStatus->Voltage, Current) );
BatteryStatus->Rate = (Current * ((LONG)BatteryStatus->Voltage))/1000;
// Check to see if we are currently connected to AC.
status = SmbBattGetPowerState (SmbBatt, &BatteryStatus->PowerState, &Current); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) {
BatteryStatus->PowerState = 0; }
// Re-verify static info in case there's been an IO error
IoCheck = SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo (SmbBatt, BatteryTag);
} while (IoCheck);
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { //
// Set batteries current power state & capacity
SmbBatt->Info.PowerState = BatteryStatus->PowerState; SmbBatt->Info.Capacity = BatteryStatus->Capacity;
// Done, unlock the device and reset the selector state
status = SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattQueryStatus: can't reset selector communications path\n")); } } else { //
// Ignore the return value from ResetSelectorComm because we already
// have an error here.
SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); }
SmbBattUnlockDevice (SmbBatt); SmbBattUnlockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattQueryStatus: EXITING\n")); return status; }
NTSTATUS SmbBattSetStatusNotify ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, IN PBATTERY_NOTIFY Notify ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to set the batteries current notification setting. When the battery trips the notification, one call to BatteryClassStatusNotify is issued. If an error is returned, the class driver will poll the battery status - primarily for capacity changes. Which is to say the miniport should still issue BatteryClass- StatusNotify whenever the power state changes.
The class driver will always set the notification level it needs after each call to BatteryClassStatusNotify.
Context - Miniport context value for battery
BatteryTag - Tag of current battery
BatteryNotify - The notification setting
Return Value:
--*/ { PSMB_BATT SmbBatt; NTSTATUS status; BOOLEAN UpdateAlarm; ULONG Target, NewAlarm; LONG DeltaAdjustment, Attempt, i; ULONG oldSelectorState;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: ENTERING\n"));
if ((Notify->HighCapacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY) || (Notify->LowCapacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY)) { BattPrint(BAT_WARN, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: Failing because of BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY.\n")); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// Get device lock and make sure the selector is set up to talk to us.
// Since multiple people may be doing this, always lock the selector
// first followed by the battery.
SmbBatt = (PSMB_BATT) Context;
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: (%01x): Called with LowCapacity = %08x\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, Notify->LowCapacity));
SmbBattLockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector); SmbBattLockDevice (SmbBatt);
status = SmbBattSetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, &oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: can't set selector communications path\n"));
} else {
// Target (10*PS*mWh) = Lowcapacity (mWh) / 10*PS (1/(10*PS))
Target = Notify->LowCapacity / SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale; DeltaAdjustment = 0;
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: (%01x): Last set to: %08x\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting));
// Some batteries are messed up and won't just take an alarm setting. Fortunately,
// the error is off in some linear fashion, so this code attempts to hone in on the
// adjustment needed to get the proper setting, along with an "allowable fudge value",
// since sometimes the desired setting can never be obtained.
for (; ;) { if (BatteryTag != SmbBatt->Info.Tag) { status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; break; }
// If the status is charging we can't detect. Let the OS poll
if (SmbBatt->Info.PowerState & (BATTERY_CHARGING | BATTERY_POWER_ON_LINE)) { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
// If the current capacity is below the target, fire an alarm and we're done
if (SmbBatt->Info.Capacity < Target) { BatteryClassStatusNotify (SmbBatt->NP->Class); break; }
// If the target setting is the Skip value then there was an error attempting
// this value last time.
if (Target == SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Skip) { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
// If the current setting is above the current capacity then we need to
// program the alarm
UpdateAlarm = FALSE; if (Target < SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting) { UpdateAlarm = TRUE; }
// If the target alarm is above the current setting, and the current setting
// is off by more then AllowedFudge then it needs updated
if (Target > SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting && Target - SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting > (ULONG) SmbBatt->AlarmLow.AllowedFudge) {
UpdateAlarm = TRUE; }
// If alarm doesn't need updated, done
if (!UpdateAlarm) { BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: (%01x) NOT Updating Alarm.\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition)); break; } BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: (%01x) Updating Alarm.\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition));
// If this is not the first time, then delta is not good enough. Let's start
// adjusting it
if (DeltaAdjustment) {
// If delta is positive subtract off 1/2 of fudge
if (DeltaAdjustment > 0) { DeltaAdjustment -= SmbBatt->AlarmLow.AllowedFudge / 2 + (SmbBatt->AlarmLow.AllowedFudge & 1); // too much - don't handle it
if (DeltaAdjustment > 50) { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } else { // too much - don't handle it
if (DeltaAdjustment < -50) { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } }
SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Delta += DeltaAdjustment; }
// If attempt is less then 1, then we can't set it
Attempt = Target + SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Delta; if (Attempt < 1) { // battery class driver needs to poll for it
status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
// Perform IOs to update & read back the alarm. Use VerifyStaticInfo after
// IOs in case there's an IO error and the state is lost.
// verify in case there was an IO error
//if (SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo (SmbBatt, BatteryTag)) {
// DeltaAdjustment = 0;
// continue;
// verify in case there was an IO error
//if (SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo (SmbBatt, BatteryTag)) {
// DeltaAdjustment = 0;
// continue;
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: (%01x) Want %X, Had %X, Got %X, CurrentCap %X, Delta %d, Fudge %d\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, Target, SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting, NewAlarm, SmbBatt->Info.Capacity / SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale, SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Delta, SmbBatt->AlarmLow.AllowedFudge ));
// If DeltaAdjustment was applied to Delta but the setting
// moved by more then DeltaAdjustment, then increase the
// allowed fudge.
if (DeltaAdjustment) { i = NewAlarm - SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting - DeltaAdjustment; if (DeltaAdjustment < 0) { DeltaAdjustment = -DeltaAdjustment; i = -i; } if (i > SmbBatt->AlarmLow.AllowedFudge) { SmbBatt->AlarmLow.AllowedFudge = i; BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: Fudge increased to %x\n", SmbBatt->AlarmLow.AllowedFudge)); } }
// Current setting
SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting = NewAlarm;
// Compute next delta adjustment
DeltaAdjustment = Target - SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting; }
// If there was an attempt to set the alarm but it failed, set the
// skip value so we don't keep trying to set an alarm for this value
// which isn't working
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status) && DeltaAdjustment) { SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Skip = Target; } }
// Done, unlock the device and reset the selector state
if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) { status = SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: can't reset selector communications path\n")); } } else { //
// Ignore the return value from ResetSelectorComm because we already
// have an error here.
SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); }
SmbBattUnlockDevice (SmbBatt); SmbBattUnlockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattSetStatusNotify: EXITING\n")); return status; }
NTSTATUS SmbBattDisableStatusNotify ( IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to disable the notification setting for the battery supplied by Context. Note, to disable a setting does not require the battery tag. Any notification is to be masked off until a subsequent call to SmbBattSetStatusNotify.
Context - Miniport context value for battery
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; PSMB_BATT SmbBatt; ULONG oldSelectorState;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattDisableStatusNotify: ENTERING\n"));
SmbBatt = (PSMB_BATT) Context;
SmbBattLockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector); SmbBattLockDevice (SmbBatt);
status = SmbBattSetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, &oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattDisableStatusNotify: can't set selector communications path\n"));
} else {
SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting = 0; SmbBattWW(SmbBatt, BAT_REMAINING_CAPACITY_ALARM, 0);
// Done, reset the selector state.
status = SmbBattResetSelectorComm (SmbBatt, oldSelectorState); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) { BattPrint(BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattDisableStatusNotify: can't reset selector communications path\n")); } }
// Done, unlock the device
SmbBattUnlockDevice (SmbBatt); SmbBattUnlockSelector (SmbBatt->Selector);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattDisableStatusNotify: EXITING\n")); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
BOOLEAN SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo ( IN PSMB_BATT SmbBatt, IN ULONG BatteryTag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads any non-valid cached battery info and set Info.Valid accordingly. Performs a serial number check after reading in battery info in order to detect verify the data is from the same battery. If the value does not match what is expect, the cached info is reset and the function iterates until a consistent snapshot is obtained.
SmbBatt - Battery to read
BatteryTag - Tag of battery as expected by the caller
Return Value:
Returns a boolean to indicate to the caller that IO was performed. This allows the caller to iterate on changes it may be making until the battery state is correct.
--*/ { ULONG BatteryMode; ULONG ManufacturerDate; UCHAR Buffer[SMB_MAX_DATA_SIZE]; UCHAR BufferLength; BOOLEAN IoCheck; STATIC_BAT_INFO NewInfo; ULONG tmp;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo: ENTERING\n"));
IoCheck = FALSE;
// Loop until state doesn't change
do {
// If device name and serial # not known, get them.
if (!(SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_TAG_DATA)) {
IoCheck = TRUE; SmbBatt->Info.Valid |= VALID_TAG_DATA;
RtlZeroMemory (&NewInfo, sizeof(NewInfo)); SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_SERIAL_NUMBER, &NewInfo.SerialNumber); BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo: serial number = %x\n", NewInfo.SerialNumber) );
// If SerialNumber was read without a problem, read the rest
if (SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_TAG_DATA) {
BattPrint(BAT_IRPS, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo: reading manufacturer name\n")); SmbBattRB ( SmbBatt, BAT_MANUFACTURER_NAME, NewInfo.ManufacturerName, &NewInfo.ManufacturerNameLength );
BattPrint(BAT_IRPS, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo: reading device name\n")); SmbBattRB ( SmbBatt, BAT_DEVICE_NAME, NewInfo.DeviceName, &NewInfo.DeviceNameLength );
// See if battery ID has changed
if (SmbBatt->Info.SerialNumber != NewInfo.SerialNumber || SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerNameLength != NewInfo.ManufacturerNameLength || memcmp (SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerName, NewInfo.ManufacturerName, NewInfo.ManufacturerNameLength) || SmbBatt->Info.DeviceNameLength != NewInfo.DeviceNameLength || memcmp (SmbBatt->Info.DeviceName, NewInfo.DeviceName, NewInfo.DeviceNameLength)) {
// This is a new battery, reread all information
SmbBatt->Info.Valid = VALID_TAG_DATA;
// Pickup ID info
SmbBatt->Info.SerialNumber = NewInfo.SerialNumber; SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerNameLength = NewInfo.ManufacturerNameLength; memcpy (SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerName, NewInfo.ManufacturerName, NewInfo.ManufacturerNameLength); SmbBatt->Info.DeviceNameLength = NewInfo.DeviceNameLength; memcpy (SmbBatt->Info.DeviceName, NewInfo.DeviceName, NewInfo.DeviceNameLength); } } else {
// No battery, set cached info for no battery
SmbBatt->Info.Valid = VALID_TAG | VALID_TAG_DATA; SmbBatt->Info.Tag = BATTERY_TAG_INVALID; } }
// If the battery tag is valid, and it's NO_BATTERY there is no other
// cached info to read
if (SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_TAG && SmbBatt->Info.Tag == BATTERY_TAG_INVALID) { break; }
// If the mode has not been verified, do it now
if (!(SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_MODE)) {
SmbBatt->Info.Valid |= VALID_MODE; SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_BATTERY_MODE, &BatteryMode); BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo:(%01x) Was set to report in %s (BatteryMode = %04x)\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, (BatteryMode & CAPACITY_WATTS_MODE)? "10mWH" : "mAH", BatteryMode));
if (!(BatteryMode & CAPACITY_WATTS_MODE)) {
// Battery not in watts mode, clear valid_mode bit and
// set the battery into watts mode now
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo:(%01x) Setting battery to report in 10mWh\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition));
SmbBatt->Info.Valid &= ~VALID_MODE; BatteryMode |= CAPACITY_WATTS_MODE; SmbBattWW(SmbBatt, BAT_BATTERY_MODE, BatteryMode); continue; // re-read mode
} }
// If other static manufacturer info not known, get it
if (!(SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_OTHER)) { IoCheck = TRUE; SmbBatt->Info.Valid |= VALID_OTHER;
SmbBatt->Info.Info.Capabilities = (BATTERY_SYSTEM_BATTERY | BATTERY_SET_CHARGE_SUPPORTED | BATTERY_SET_DISCHARGE_SUPPORTED); SmbBatt->Info.Info.Technology = 1; // secondary cell type
// Read chemistry
SmbBattRB (SmbBatt, BAT_CHEMISTRY, Buffer, &BufferLength); if (BufferLength > MAX_CHEMISTRY_LENGTH) { ASSERT (BufferLength > MAX_CHEMISTRY_LENGTH); BufferLength = MAX_CHEMISTRY_LENGTH; } RtlZeroMemory (SmbBatt->Info.Info.Chemistry, MAX_CHEMISTRY_LENGTH); memcpy (SmbBatt->Info.Info.Chemistry, Buffer, BufferLength);
// Voltage and Current scaling information
SmbBattRW (SmbBatt, BAT_SPECITICATION_INFO, &tmp); BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo: (%04x) specification info = %x\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, tmp));
case 1: SmbBatt->Info.VoltageScale = BSCALE_FACTOR_1; break;
case 2: SmbBatt->Info.VoltageScale = BSCALE_FACTOR_2; break;
case 3: SmbBatt->Info.VoltageScale = BSCALE_FACTOR_3; break;
case 0: default: SmbBatt->Info.VoltageScale = BSCALE_FACTOR_0; break; }
switch ((tmp & BATTERY_IPSCALE_MASK) >> BATTERY_IPSCALE_SHIFT) { case 1: SmbBatt->Info.CurrentScale = BSCALE_FACTOR_1; break;
case 2: SmbBatt->Info.CurrentScale = BSCALE_FACTOR_2; break;
case 3: SmbBatt->Info.CurrentScale = BSCALE_FACTOR_3; break;
case 0: default: SmbBatt->Info.CurrentScale = BSCALE_FACTOR_0; break; }
SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale = SmbBatt->Info.CurrentScale * SmbBatt->Info.VoltageScale * 10;
// Read DesignCapacity & FullChargeCapacity and multiply them by the
// scaling factor
SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_DESIGN_CAPACITY, &SmbBatt->Info.Info.DesignedCapacity); BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo: (%01x) DesignCapacity = %04x ... PowerScale = %08x\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, SmbBatt->Info.Info.DesignedCapacity, SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale)); SmbBatt->Info.Info.DesignedCapacity *= SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale;
SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_FULL_CHARGE_CAPACITY, &SmbBatt->Info.Info.FullChargedCapacity); BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo: (%01x) FullChargedCapacity = %04x ... PowerScale = %08x\n", SmbBatt->SelectorBitPosition, SmbBatt->Info.Info.FullChargedCapacity, SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale)); SmbBatt->Info.Info.FullChargedCapacity *= SmbBatt->Info.PowerScale;
// Smart batteries have no Use the RemainingCapacityAlarm from the smart battery for the alert values
SmbBatt->Info.Info.DefaultAlert1 = 0; SmbBatt->Info.Info.DefaultAlert2 = 0;
// Critical bias is 0 for smart batteries.
SmbBatt->Info.Info.CriticalBias = 0;
// Manufacturer date
SmbBattRW (SmbBatt, BAT_MANUFACTURER_DATE, &ManufacturerDate); SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerDate.Day = (UCHAR) ManufacturerDate & 0x1f; // day
SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerDate.Month = (UCHAR) (ManufacturerDate >> 5) & 0xf; // month
SmbBatt->Info.ManufacturerDate.Year = (USHORT) (ManufacturerDate >> 9) + 1980; }
// If cycle count is not known, read it
if (!(SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_CYCLE_COUNT)) { IoCheck = TRUE; SmbBatt->Info.Valid |= VALID_CYCLE_COUNT;
SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_CYCLE_COUNT, &SmbBatt->Info.Info.CycleCount); }
// If redundant serial # read hasn't been done, do it now
if (!(SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_SANITY_CHECK)) { SmbBatt->Info.Valid |= VALID_SANITY_CHECK; SmbBattRW(SmbBatt, BAT_SERIAL_NUMBER, &NewInfo.SerialNumber); if (SmbBatt->Info.SerialNumber != NewInfo.SerialNumber) { SmbBatt->Info.Valid &= ~VALID_TAG_DATA; } }
// If cached info isn't complete, loop
} while ((SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_ALL) != VALID_ALL) ;
// If the tag isn't assigned, assign it
if (!(SmbBatt->Info.Valid & VALID_TAG)) { SmbBatt->TagCount += 1; SmbBatt->Info.Tag = SmbBatt->TagCount; SmbBatt->Info.Valid |= VALID_TAG; SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Setting = 0; // assume not set
SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Skip = 0; SmbBatt->AlarmLow.Delta = 0; SmbBatt->AlarmLow.AllowedFudge = 0; }
// If callers BatteryTag does not match current tag, let caller know
if (SmbBatt->Info.Tag != BatteryTag) { IoCheck = TRUE; }
// Let caller know if there's been an IoCheck
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattVerifyStaticInfo: EXITING\n")); return IoCheck; }
VOID SmbBattInvalidateTag ( PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM SubsystemExt, ULONG BatteryIndex, BOOLEAN NotifyClient ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine processes battery insertion/removal by invalidating the tag information and then notifies the client of the change.
SubsystemExt - Device extension for the smart battery subsystem
BatteryIndex - Index of Battery to Process Changes for - Power and Charge
NotifyClient - Whether or not to Notify Client
Return Value:
None --*/
{ PDEVICE_OBJECT batteryPdo; PSMB_BATT_PDO batteryPdoExt; PDEVICE_OBJECT batteryFdo; PSMB_NP_BATT smbNpBatt; PSMB_BATT smbBatt;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattInvalidateTag: ENTERING for battery %x\n", BatteryIndex));
batteryPdo = SubsystemExt->BatteryPdoList[BatteryIndex];
if (batteryPdo) { batteryPdoExt = (PSMB_BATT_PDO) batteryPdo->DeviceExtension; batteryFdo = batteryPdoExt->Fdo;
if (batteryFdo) {
// Invalidate this battery's tag data
BattPrint ( BAT_ALARM, ("SmbBattInvalidateTag: Battery present status change, invalidating battery %x\n", BatteryIndex) );
smbNpBatt = (PSMB_NP_BATT) batteryFdo->DeviceExtension; smbBatt = smbNpBatt->Batt;
SmbBattLockDevice (smbBatt);
smbBatt->Info.Valid = 0; smbBatt->Info.Tag = BATTERY_TAG_INVALID;
SmbBattUnlockDevice (smbBatt);
// Notify the class driver
if (NotifyClient) { BattPrint(BAT_ALARM, ("SmbBattInvalidateTag: Status Change notification for battery %x\n", BatteryIndex)); SmbBattNotifyClassDriver (SubsystemExt, BatteryIndex); } } }
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattInvalidateTag: EXITING\n")); }
VOID SmbBattAlarm ( IN PVOID Context, IN UCHAR Address, IN USHORT Data ) { PSMB_ALARM_ENTRY newAlarmEntry; ULONG compState;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattAlarm: ENTERING\n")); BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattAlarm: Alarm - Address %x, Data %x\n", Address, Data));
// If we have a selector and the message is from the address that
// implements the selector, then handle it. If there is no selector
// and the message is from the charger, then process it. Or, if the
// message is from the battery, then process it. Or, in other words,
// if the message is from the charger and we have a stand-alone selector,
// then ignore the message.
if (Address != SMB_BATTERY_ADDRESS) { if ((subsystemExt->SelectorPresent) && (subsystemExt->Selector)) {
// If a Selector is implemented and the Alarm Message came from
// something besides the Selector or a Battery, then ignore it.
if (Address != subsystemExt->Selector->SelectorAddress) { return; } } }
// Allocate a new alarm list structure. This has to be from non-paged pool
// because we are being called at Dispatch level.
newAlarmEntry = ExAllocatePoolWithTag (NonPagedPool, sizeof (SMB_ALARM_ENTRY), 'StaB'); if (!newAlarmEntry) { BattPrint (BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattAlarm: couldn't allocate alarm structure\n")); return; }
newAlarmEntry->Data = Data; newAlarmEntry->Address = Address;
// Add this alarm to the alarm queue
ExInterlockedInsertTailList( &subsystemExt->AlarmList, &newAlarmEntry->Alarms, &subsystemExt->AlarmListLock );
// Add 1 to the WorkerActive value, if this is the first count
// queue a worker thread
if (InterlockedIncrement(&subsystemExt->WorkerActive) == 1) { IoQueueWorkItem (subsystemExt->WorkerThread, SmbBattWorkerThread, DelayedWorkQueue, subsystemExt); }
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattAlarm: EXITING\n")); }
VOID SmbBattWorkerThread ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT Fdo, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine handles the alarms for the batteries.
Context - Non-paged extension for the battery subsystem FDO
Return Value:
None --*/ { PSMB_ALARM_ENTRY alarmEntry; PLIST_ENTRY nextEntry; ULONG selectorState; ULONG batteryIndex;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattWorkerThread: ENTERING\n"));
do {
// Check to see if we have more alarms to process. If so retrieve
// the next one and decrement the worker active count.
nextEntry = ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList( &subsystemExt->AlarmList, &subsystemExt->AlarmListLock );
//It should only get here if there is an entry in the list
ASSERT (nextEntry != NULL);
alarmEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD (nextEntry, SMB_ALARM_ENTRY, Alarms);
BattPrint( BAT_ALARM, ("SmbBattWorkerThread: processing alarm, address = %x, data = %x\n", alarmEntry->Address, alarmEntry->Data) );
// Get last Selector State Cached Value (update cache with new value)
if (subsystemExt->SelectorPresent) { if (subsystemExt->Selector) { selectorState = subsystemExt->Selector->SelectorState; } else { // We're not initialized enough to handle a message
break; } }
// Determine Source of Alarm Message and then Process it
switch (alarmEntry->Address) {
// Handle Charger Message - If Charger/Selector Combo, then
// fall through and handle it as a Selector. If no Selector,
// then attempt processing as a Charger. Ignore Charger messages
// if Selector is present.
if (!subsystemExt->SelectorPresent) {
SmbBattProcessChargerAlarm (subsystemExt, alarmEntry->Data); break;
} else {
// If SelectorPresent, but no Selector Structure, Ignore message
if (!subsystemExt->Selector) { break; } else { if (subsystemExt->Selector->SelectorAddress != SMB_CHARGER_ADDRESS) {
break; } } }
// Fall through to Selector Procesing for integrated Charger/Selector
if (!subsystemExt->SelectorPresent) { BattPrint ( BAT_BIOS_ERROR, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: Received alarm from selector address, but BIOS reports no selector is present.\n") ); break; }
// This is a selector alarm indicating a change in the selector state.
// There are four different areas that could change: SMB, POWER_BY,
// CHARGE, PRESENT. First try to determine which ones changed.
SmbBattLockSelector (subsystemExt->Selector); BattPrint ( BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: New SelectorState being written as - %x\n", alarmEntry->Data) ); subsystemExt->Selector->SelectorState = alarmEntry->Data; SmbBattUnlockSelector (subsystemExt->Selector);
SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm (subsystemExt, selectorState, alarmEntry->Data); break;
// Send notifications to all batteries.
// It seems we get notifications even for batteries not currently selected.
for (batteryIndex = 0; batteryIndex < subsystemExt->NumberOfBatteries; batteryIndex++) { BattPrint(BAT_ALARM, ("SmbBattWorkerThread: Notification to battery %x\n", batteryIndex)); SmbBattNotifyClassDriver (subsystemExt, batteryIndex); } break;
} // switch (alarmEntry->Address)
// Free the alarm structure
ExFreePool (alarmEntry);
} while (InterlockedDecrement (&subsystemExt->WorkerActive) != 0);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattWorkerThread: EXITING\n")); }
VOID SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm ( IN PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM SubsystemExt, IN ULONG OldSelectorState, IN ULONG NewSelectorState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine process alarms generated by the selector. We will only get here is there is a change in the SelectorState for one or more of the following state changes:
- PowerBy nibble change caused by the power source changing to a different battery or to AC adapter.
- PowerBy nbble change caused by optional Charge Indicator state change when the charger starts or stops charging a battery.
- ChargeWhich nibble change caused by a change in the current battery connected to the Charger.
- ChargeWhich nibble change caused by AC adapter insertion/removal.
- BatteryPresent nibble change caused by insertion/removal of 1 or more batteries.
SubsystemExt - Device extension for the smart battery subsystem
NewSelectorState - Data value sent by the selector alarm, which is New SelectorState.
Return Value:
None --*/ { ULONG tmp; ULONG BatteryMask; ULONG NotifyMask; ULONG ChangeSelector; ULONG index;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: ENTERING\n"));
// Determine SelectorState changes and combine them together
ChangeSelector = NewSelectorState ^ OldSelectorState;
if (!(ChangeSelector & ~SELECTOR_STATE_SMB_MASK)) { //
// If the only change is in SMB nibble, no nothing.
return; }
// Check for change to Batteries Present nibble. Invalidate and Notify
// each battery that changes state.
BatteryMask = ChangeSelector & SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; NotifyMask = BatteryMask;
// Check for change to Charge Which nibble. If all bits set, then the nibble
// just inverted state indicating an AC adapter Insertion/Removal. Notify
// all batteries of change. If only one or two bits changed, notify just
// the batteries that changed status.
// If nibble inverted state, then the AC Adapter changed state
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: AC Adapter was inserted/removed\n")); NotifyMask |= tmp;
// Battery Charge Which changed
} else { //if (SmbBattReverseLogic(SubsystemExt->Selector, tmp)) {
// Let's just notify all batteries to be safe
tmp = SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: Charger Nibble changed status\n")); NotifyMask |= tmp; } }
// Check for change in Power By nibble. Notify all batteries of any change.
tmp = (ChangeSelector >> SELECTOR_SHIFT_POWER) & SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; if (tmp) {
// If nibble inverted state, then the check for Charge Indicator change
// and notify the battery that started/stopped charging
if (tmp == SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK) { if (SubsystemExt->Selector->SelectorInfo & SELECTOR_INFO_CHARGING_INDICATOR_BIT) { tmp = (NewSelectorState >> SELECTOR_SHIFT_CHARGE) & SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; if (SmbBattReverseLogic(SubsystemExt->Selector, tmp)) { tmp ^= SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; } BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: Charging Indicator changed status\n")); NotifyMask |= tmp; } else { // If not Charging Indicator, then all battery power by nibbles inverted
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: Power By inverted state, without supporting Charge Indication\n")); NotifyMask |= SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; }
} else {
// Let's notify all batteries if the Power By nibble changes
BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: Power By Nibble changed status\n")); NotifyMask |= SELECTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; } }
// Notify all batteries of change in Present Status
tmp = BATTERY_A_PRESENT; for (index = 0; index < SubsystemExt->NumberOfBatteries; index++) { if (BatteryMask & tmp) { if (!(NewSelectorState & tmp)) { BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: Invalidating battery %x\n", index)); SmbBattInvalidateTag (SubsystemExt, index, FALSE); } } tmp <<= 1; }
// Don't notify batteries already notified
//NotifyMask &= ~BatteryMask;
// Process Notifications Now for changes to SelectorState for Power, Charge, etc.
tmp = BATTERY_A_PRESENT; for (index = 0; index < SubsystemExt->NumberOfBatteries; index++) { if (NotifyMask & tmp) { BattPrint(BAT_DATA, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: Status Change notification for battery %x\n", index)); SmbBattNotifyClassDriver (SubsystemExt, index); } tmp <<= 1; }
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattProcessSelectorAlarm: EXITING\n")); }
VOID SmbBattProcessChargerAlarm ( IN PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM SubsystemExt, IN ULONG ChargerStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine process alarms generated by the charger. We will only get here is there is no selector in the system and the alarm is the one to tell us when AC and batteries come and go.
SubsystemExt - Device extension for the smart battery subsystem
ChargerStatus - Data value sent by the charger alarm, which is charger status register
Return Value:
None --*/ { BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattProcessChargeAlarm: ENTERING\n"));
// There should only be two reasons we get called: a change in AC, or
// a change in the battery present. We are really only interested in
// whether or not there is a battery in the system. If there isn't, we
// will invalidate battery 0. If it was already gone this re-invalidation
// won't matter.
if (!(ChargerStatus & CHARGER_STATUS_BATTERY_PRESENT_BIT)) { SmbBattInvalidateTag (SubsystemExt, BATTERY_A, TRUE); }
// Notify Change
SmbBattNotifyClassDriver (SubsystemExt, 0);
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattProcessChargerAlarm: EXITING\n")); }
VOID SmbBattNotifyClassDriver ( IN PSMB_BATT_SUBSYSTEM SubsystemExt, IN ULONG BatteryIndex ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine gets the FDO for the battery indicated by index from the smart battery subsystem and notifies the class driver there has been a status change.
SubsystemExt - Device extension for the smart battery subsystem
BatteryIndex - Index for the battery in the subsystem battery list
Return Value:
None --*/ { PDEVICE_OBJECT batteryPdo; PSMB_BATT_PDO batteryPdoExt; PDEVICE_OBJECT batteryFdo; PSMB_NP_BATT smbNpBatt;
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattNotifyClassDriver: ENTERING\n"));
batteryPdo = SubsystemExt->BatteryPdoList[BatteryIndex]; if (batteryPdo) { batteryPdoExt = (PSMB_BATT_PDO) batteryPdo->DeviceExtension; batteryFdo = batteryPdoExt->Fdo;
if (batteryFdo) { BattPrint ( BAT_IRPS, ("SmbBattNotifyClassDriver: Calling BatteryClassNotify for battery - %x\n", batteryFdo) );
smbNpBatt = (PSMB_NP_BATT) batteryFdo->DeviceExtension;
BatteryClassStatusNotify (smbNpBatt->Class); } } else { BattPrint ( BAT_ERROR, ("SmbBattNotifyClassDriver: No PDO for device.\n") ); }
BattPrint(BAT_TRACE, ("SmbBattNotifyClassDriver: EXITING\n")); }