// // Wmi internal classes
class WMIEvent : __ExtrinsicEvent { };
[WMI, Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("This class contains the definition of the package used in other classes"), guid("{ABBC0F60-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class Package { [WmiDataId(1), read, write, Description("16 bytes of data") ] uint8 Bytes[16]; };
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Class to test Query/Set a package"), guid("{ABBC0F6a-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_QSPackage { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId(1), read, write, Description("description") ] Package Data;
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Class to test Query/Set a string"), guid("{ABBC0F6b-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_QSString { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId(1), read, write, Description("description") ] string Text; };
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Class to test Query/Set a ULONG"), guid("{ABBC0F6C-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_QULong { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId(1), read, write, Description("description") ] uint32 ULong; };
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Class used to operate methods on a package"), guid("{ABBC0F6D-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_MPackage { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiMethodId(1), Implemented, read, write, Description("Return the contents of a package") ] void GetPackage([out, Description("Package Data")] Package Data);
[WmiMethodId(2), Implemented, read, write, Description("Set the contents of a package") ] void SetPackage([in, Description("Package Data")] Package Data);
[WmiMethodId(3), Implemented, read, write, Description("Generate an event containing package data") ] void FirePackage([in, Description("WMI requires a parameter")] uint32 Hack);
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Class used to operate methods on a string"), guid("{ABBC0F6E-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_MString { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiMethodId(1), Implemented, read, write, Description("Return the contents of a string") ] void GetString([out, Description("String Data")] string Data);
[WmiMethodId(2), Implemented, read, write, Description("Set the contents of a string") ] void SetString([in, Description("String Data")] string Data);
[WmiMethodId(3), Implemented, read, write, Description("Generate an event containing string data") ] void FireString([in, Description("WMI requires a parameter")] uint32 Hack);
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Class used to operate methods on a ULong"), guid("{ABBC0F6F-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_MULong { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiMethodId(1), Implemented, read, write, Description("Return the contents of a ULong") ] void GetULong([out, Description("Ulong Data")] uint32 Data);
[WmiMethodId(2), Implemented, read, write, Description("Set the contents of a ULong") ] void SetULong([in, Description("Ulong Data")] uint32 Data);
[WmiMethodId(3), Implemented, read, write, Description("Generate an event containing ULong data") ] void FireULong([in, Description("WMI requires a parameter")] uint32 Hack);
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Class containing event generated package data"), guid("{ABBC0F70-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_EventPackage : WmiEvent { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId(1), read, write, Description("Package Data") ] Package Data;
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), Description("Class containing event generated string data"), guid("{ABBC0F71-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_EventString : WmiEvent { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId(1), read, write, Description("String Data") ] string Text; };
[WMI, Dynamic, Provider("WmiProv"), Description("Class containing event generated ULong data"), Locale("MS\\0x409"), guid("{ABBC0F72-8EA1-11d1-00A0-C90629100000}") ] class AcpiTest_EventULong : WmiEvent { [key, read] string InstanceName; [read] boolean Active;
[WmiDataId(1), read, write, Description("ULong Data") ] uint32 ULong; };