Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ClusDoc.h
// Abstract:
// Definition of the CClusterDoc class.
// Implementation File:
// ClusDoc.cpp
// Author:
// David Potter (davidp) May 1, 1996
// Revision History:
// Notes:
#ifndef _CLUSDOC_H_
#define _CLUSDOC_H_
// Include Files
#ifndef _NODE_H_
#include "Node.h" // for CNodeList
#ifndef _GROUP_H_
#include "Group.h" // for CGroupList
#ifndef _RES_H_
#include "Res.h" // for CResourceList
#ifndef _RESTYPE_H_
#include "ResType.h" // for CResourceTypeList
#ifndef _NETWORK_H_
#include "Network.h" // for CNetworkList
#ifndef _NETIFACE_H_
#include "NetIFace.h" // for CNetInterfaceList
#ifndef _TREEITEM_H_
#include "TreeItem.h" // for CTreeItem
#ifndef _NOTIFY_H_
#include "Notify.h" // for CClusterNotifyKeyList
// Forward Class Declarations
class CClusterDoc;
// External Class Declarations
class CClusterNotify;
// Type Definitions
// class CClusterDoc
class CClusterDoc : public CDocument { friend class CCluster; friend class CClusterTreeView; friend class CClusterListView; friend class CCreateResourceWizard;
protected: // create from serialization only
CClusterDoc(void); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CClusterDoc)
// Attributes
protected: CString m_strName; CString m_strNode; HCLUSTER m_hcluster; HKEY m_hkeyCluster; CCluster * m_pciCluster; CTreeItem * m_ptiCluster;
CNodeList m_lpciNodes; CGroupList m_lpciGroups; CResourceList m_lpciResources; CResourceTypeList m_lpciResourceTypes; CNetworkList m_lpciNetworks; CNetInterfaceList m_lpciNetInterfaces;
CClusterItemList m_lpciToBeDeleted;
BOOL m_bClusterAvailable;
public: const CString & StrName(void) const { return m_strName; } const CString & StrNode(void) const { return m_strNode; } HCLUSTER Hcluster(void) const { return m_hcluster; } HKEY HkeyCluster(void) const { return m_hkeyCluster; } CCluster * PciCluster(void) const { return m_pciCluster; } CTreeItem * PtiCluster(void) const { return m_ptiCluster; }
CNodeList & LpciNodes(void) { return m_lpciNodes; } CGroupList & LpciGroups(void) { return m_lpciGroups; } CResourceTypeList & LpciResourceTypes(void) { return m_lpciResourceTypes; } CResourceList & LpciResources(void) { return m_lpciResources; } CNetworkList & LpciNetworks(void) { return m_lpciNetworks; } CNetInterfaceList & LpciNetInterfaces(void) { return m_lpciNetInterfaces; }
CClusterItemList & LpciToBeDeleted(void) { return m_lpciToBeDeleted; }
BOOL BClusterAvailable(void) const { return m_bClusterAvailable; }
// Operations
public: void UpdateTitle(void); void Refresh(void) { OnCmdRefresh(); }
// Overrides
public: // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
public: virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName); virtual void SetPathName(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bAddToMRU = TRUE); virtual void DeleteContents(); virtual void OnCloseDocument(); virtual void OnChangedViewList(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
void OnSelChanged(IN CClusterItem * pciSelected); LRESULT OnClusterNotify(IN OUT CClusterNotify * pnotify); void SaveSettings(void);
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CClusterDoc(void); #ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid(void) const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
protected: void OnOpenDocumentWorker(LPCTSTR lpszPathName); void BuildBaseHierarchy(void); void CollectClusterItems(void) ; ID IdProcessNewObjectError(IN OUT CException * pe); void AddDefaultColumns(IN OUT CTreeItem * pti);
CClusterNode * PciAddNewNode(IN LPCTSTR pszName); CGroup * PciAddNewGroup(IN LPCTSTR pszName); CResource * PciAddNewResource(IN LPCTSTR pszName); CResourceType * PciAddNewResourceType(IN LPCTSTR pszName); CNetwork * PciAddNewNetwork(IN LPCTSTR pszName); CNetInterface * PciAddNewNetInterface(IN LPCTSTR pszName);
void InitNodes(void); void InitGroups(void); void InitResources(void); void InitResourceTypes(void); void InitNetworks(void); void InitNetInterfaces(void);
BOOL m_bUpdateFrameNumber; BOOL m_bInitializing; BOOL m_bIgnoreErrors;
// This menu stuff allows the menu to change depending on what
// kind of object is currently selected.
HMENU m_hmenuCluster; HMENU m_hmenuNode; HMENU m_hmenuGroup; HMENU m_hmenuResource; HMENU m_hmenuResType; HMENU m_hmenuNetwork; HMENU m_hmenuNetIFace; HMENU m_hmenuCurrent; IDM m_idmCurrentMenu; virtual HMENU GetDefaultMenu(void);
void ProcessRegNotification(IN const CClusterNotify * pnotify);
// Generated message map functions
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CClusterDoc)
afx_msg void OnCmdNewGroup(); afx_msg void OnCmdNewResource(); afx_msg void OnCmdNewNode(); afx_msg void OnCmdConfigApp(); afx_msg void OnCmdRefresh(); //}}AFX_MSG
}; //*** class CClusterDoc
#endif // _CLUSDOC_H_