// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ResTProp.cpp
// Abstract:
// Implementation of the resource type property sheet and pages.
// Author:
// David Potter (davidp) May 14, 1996
// Revision History:
// Notes:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ResTProp.h"
#include "ResType.h"
#include "DDxDDv.h"
#include "HelpData.h" // for g_rghelpmap*
#include "resource.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CResTypePropSheet
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CResTypePropSheet, CBasePropertySheet)
// Message Maps
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CResTypePropSheet, CBasePropertySheet) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CResTypePropSheet)
// CResTypePropSheet::CResTypePropSheet
// Routine Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// pci [IN OUT] Cluster item whose properties are to be displayed.
// pParentWnd [IN OUT] Parent window for this property sheet.
// iSelectPage [IN] Page to show first.
// Return Value:
// None.
CResTypePropSheet::CResTypePropSheet( IN OUT CWnd * pParentWnd, IN UINT iSelectPage ) : CBasePropertySheet(pParentWnd, iSelectPage) { m_rgpages[0] = &PageGeneral();
} //*** CResTypePropSheet::CResTypePropSheet()
// CResTypePropSheet::BInit
// Routine Description:
// Initialize the property sheet.
// Arguments:
// pci [IN OUT] Cluster item whose properties are to be displayed.
// iimgIcon [IN] Index in the large image list for the image to use
// as the icon on each page.
// Return Value:
// TRUE Property sheet initialized successfully.
// FALSE Error initializing property sheet.
BOOL CResTypePropSheet::BInit( IN OUT CClusterItem * pci, IN IIMG iimgIcon ) { // Call the base class method.
if (!CBasePropertySheet::BInit(pci, iimgIcon)) return FALSE;
// Set the read-only flag.
m_bReadOnly = PciResType()->BReadOnly();
return TRUE;
} //*** CResTypePropSheet::BInit()
// CResTypePropSheet::Ppages
// Routine Description:
// Returns the array of pages to add to the property sheet.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// Page array.
CBasePropertyPage ** CResTypePropSheet::Ppages(void) { return m_rgpages;
} //*** CResTypePropSheet::Ppages()
// CResTypePropSheet::Cpages
// Routine Description:
// Returns the count of pages in the array.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// Count of pages in the array.
int CResTypePropSheet::Cpages(void) { return sizeof(m_rgpages) / sizeof(CBasePropertyPage *);
} //*** CResTypePropSheet::Cpages()
// CResTypeGeneralPage property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CResTypeGeneralPage, CBasePropertyPage)
// Message Maps
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CResTypeGeneralPage, CBasePropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CResTypeGeneralPage)
// CResTypeGeneralPage::CResTypeGeneralPage
// Routine Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CResTypeGeneralPage::CResTypeGeneralPage(void) : CBasePropertyPage(IDD, g_aHelpIDs_IDD_PP_RESTYPE_GENERAL) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CResTypeGeneralPage)
m_strDisplayName = _T(""); m_strDesc = _T(""); m_strName = _T(""); m_strResDLL = _T(""); m_strQuorumCapable = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::CResTypePropSheet()
// CGroupFailoverPage::BInit
// Routine Description:
// Initialize the page.
// Arguments:
// psht [IN OUT] Property sheet to which this page belongs.
// Return Value:
// TRUE Page initialized successfully.
// FALSE Page failed to initialize.
BOOL CResTypeGeneralPage::BInit(IN OUT CBaseSheet * psht) { BOOL bSuccess;
ASSERT_KINDOF(CResTypePropSheet, psht);
bSuccess = CBasePropertyPage::BInit(psht);
if (bSuccess) { m_strDisplayName = PciResType()->StrDisplayName(); m_strDesc = PciResType()->StrDescription(); m_nLooksAlive = PciResType()->NLooksAlive(); m_nIsAlive = PciResType()->NIsAlive(); m_strName = PciResType()->StrName(); m_strResDLL = PciResType()->StrResDLLName(); if (PciResType()->BQuorumCapable()) m_strQuorumCapable.LoadString(IDS_YES); else m_strQuorumCapable.LoadString(IDS_NO);
// Duplicate the possible owners list.
{ POSITION pos; CClusterNode * pciNode;
pos = PciResType()->LpcinodePossibleOwners().GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { pciNode = (CClusterNode *) PciResType()->LpcinodePossibleOwners().GetNext(pos); ASSERT_VALID(pciNode); m_lpciPossibleOwners.AddTail(pciNode); } // while: more nodes in the list
} // Duplicate the possible owners list
} // if: base class method was successful
return bSuccess;
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::BInit()
// CResTypeGeneralPage::DoDataExchange
// Routine Description:
// Do data exchange between the dialog and the class.
// Arguments:
// pDX [IN OUT] Data exchange object
// Return Value:
// None.
void CResTypeGeneralPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX) { CString strValue;
CBasePropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CResTypeGeneralPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_QUORUM_CAPABLE, m_editQuorumCapable); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_RESDLL, m_editResDLL); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_NAME, m_editName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_POSSIBLE_OWNERS, m_lbPossibleOwners); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_IS_ALIVE, m_editIsAlive); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_LOOKS_ALIVE, m_editLooksAlive); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_DESC, m_editDesc); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_DISPLAY_NAME, m_editDisplayName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_NAME, m_strName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_DISPLAY_NAME, m_strDisplayName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_DESC, m_strDesc); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_RESDLL, m_strResDLL); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_QUORUM_CAPABLE, m_strQuorumCapable); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) { if (!BReadOnly()) { DDX_Number(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_LOOKS_ALIVE, m_nLooksAlive, 10, 0xffffffff); DDX_Number(pDX, IDC_PP_RESTYPE_IS_ALIVE, m_nIsAlive, 10, 0xffffffff);
try { PciResType()->ValidateCommonProperties( m_strDisplayName, m_strDesc, m_nLooksAlive, m_nIsAlive ); } // try
catch (CException * pe) { pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete(); pDX->Fail(); } // catch: CException
} // if: not read only
} // if: saving data
else { m_editLooksAlive.SetWindowText(_T("")); m_editIsAlive.SetWindowText(_T("")); m_editQuorumCapable.SetWindowText(_T("")); } // else: resource type properties are NOT available
FillPossibleOwners(); } // else: setting data to dialog
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::DoDataExchange()
// CResTypeGeneralPage::FillPossibleOwners
// Routine Description:
// Fill the Possible Owners list box.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CResTypeGeneralPage::FillPossibleOwners(void) { POSITION posPci; CClusterNode * pciNode; int iitem;
posPci = LpciPossibleOwners().GetHeadPosition(); while (posPci != NULL) { pciNode = (CClusterNode *) LpciPossibleOwners().GetNext(posPci); iitem = m_lbPossibleOwners.AddString(pciNode->StrName()); if (iitem >= 0) m_lbPossibleOwners.SetItemDataPtr(iitem, pciNode); } // for: each string in the list
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::FillPossibleOwners()
// CResTypeGeneralPage::OnInitDialog
// Routine Description:
// Handler for the WM_INITDIALOG message.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// TRUE Focus needs to be set.
// FALSE Focus already set.
BOOL CResTypeGeneralPage::OnInitDialog(void) { CBasePropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
// Set the static edit controls ReadOnly
m_editName.SetReadOnly(TRUE); m_editResDLL.SetReadOnly(TRUE); m_editQuorumCapable.SetReadOnly(TRUE);
// If read-only, set all controls to be either disabled or read-only.
if (BReadOnly()) { m_editDisplayName.SetReadOnly(TRUE); m_editDesc.SetReadOnly(TRUE); m_editLooksAlive.SetReadOnly(TRUE); m_editIsAlive.SetReadOnly(TRUE); } // if: sheet is read-only
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::OnInitDialog()
// CResTypeGeneralPage::OnApply
// Routine Description:
// Handler for the PSN_APPLY message.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// TRUE Page successfully applied.
// FALSE Error applying page.
BOOL CResTypeGeneralPage::OnApply(void) { // Set the data from the page in the cluster item.
try { CWaitCursor wc;
PciResType()->SetCommonProperties( m_strDisplayName, m_strDesc, m_nLooksAlive, m_nIsAlive ); } // try
catch (CException * pe) { pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete(); return FALSE; } // catch: CException
return CBasePropertyPage::OnApply();
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::OnApply()
// CResTypeGeneralPage::OnKillFocusDisplayName
// Routine Description:
// Handler for the WM_KILLFOCUS message on the Display Name edit control.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CResTypeGeneralPage::OnKillFocusDisplayName(void) { CString strName;
m_editDisplayName.GetWindowText(strName); SetObjectTitle(strName); Ppsht()->SetCaption(strName);
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::OnKillFocusDisplayName()
// CResTypeGeneralPage::OnProperties
// Routine Description:
// Handler for the BN_CLICKED message on the Properties button.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CResTypeGeneralPage::OnProperties(void) { int iitem; CClusterNode * pciNode;
// Get the item with the focus.
iitem = m_lbPossibleOwners.GetCurSel(); ASSERT(iitem >= 0);
if (iitem >= 0) { // Get the node pointer.
pciNode = (CClusterNode *) m_lbPossibleOwners.GetItemDataPtr(iitem); ASSERT_VALID(pciNode);
// Set properties of that item.
if (pciNode->BDisplayProperties()) { } // if: properties changed
} // if: found an item with focus
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::OnProperties()
// CResTypeGeneralPage::OnContextMenu
// Routine Description:
// Handler for the WM_CONTEXTMENU method.
// Arguments:
// pWnd Window in which the user right clicked the mouse.
// point Position of the cursor, in screen coordinates.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CResTypeGeneralPage::OnContextMenu(CWnd * pWnd, CPoint point) { BOOL bHandled = FALSE; CMenu * pmenu = NULL; CListBox * pListBox = (CListBox *) pWnd; CString strMenuName; CWaitCursor wc;
// If focus is not in the list control, don't handle the message.
if (pWnd == &m_lbPossibleOwners) { // Create the menu to display.
try { pmenu = new CMenu; if (pmenu->CreatePopupMenu()) { UINT nFlags = MF_STRING;
// If there are no items in the list, disable the menu item.
if (pListBox->GetCount() == 0) nFlags |= MF_GRAYED;
// Add the Properties item to the menu.
strMenuName.LoadString(IDS_MENU_PROPERTIES); if (pmenu->AppendMenu(nFlags, ID_FILE_PROPERTIES, strMenuName)) { bHandled = TRUE; if (pListBox->GetCurSel() == -1) pListBox->SetCurSel(0); } // if: successfully added menu item
} // if: menu created successfully
} // try
catch (CException * pe) { pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete(); } // catch: CException
} // if: focus is on list control
if (bHandled) { // Display the menu.
if (!pmenu->TrackPopupMenu( TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, this )) { } // if: unsuccessfully displayed the menu
} // if: there is a menu to display
else CBasePropertyPage::OnContextMenu(pWnd, point);
delete pmenu;
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::OnContextMenu()
// CResTypeGeneralPage::OnDblClkPossibleOwners
// Routine Description:
// Handler for the LBN_DBLCLK message on the Possible Owners listbox.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CResTypeGeneralPage::OnDblClkPossibleOwners(void) { OnProperties();
} //*** CResTypeGeneralPage::OnDblClkPossibleOwners()