// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// AtlBaseSheet.h
// Implementation File:
// AtlBaseSheet.cpp
// Description:
// Definition of the CBaseSheetWindow and CBaseSheetImpl classes.
// Author:
// David Potter (davidp) December 1, 1997
// Revision History:
// Notes:
// Forward Class Declarations
class CBaseSheetWindow; template < class T, class TBase > class CBaseSheetImpl;
// External Class Declarations
class CCluAdmExtensions; class CBasePageWindow;
// Include Files
#ifndef __ATLDBGWIN_H_
#include "AtlDbgWin.h" // for DBG_xxx routines
// Type Definitions
// class CBaseSheetWindow
// Description:
// Base property sheet window for all kinds of property sheets.
// Inheritance:
// CBaseSheetWindow
// CPropertySheetWindow
class CBaseSheetWindow : public CPropertySheetWindow { typedef CPropertySheetWindow baseClass;
public: //
// Construction.
// Standard constructor
CBaseSheetWindow( HWND hWnd = NULL ) : baseClass( hWnd ) , m_bReadOnly( FALSE ) , m_bNeedToLoadExtensions( TRUE ) , m_ppsh( NULL ) , m_pext( NULL ) { } //*** CBaseSheetWindow()
// Destructor
virtual ~CBaseSheetWindow( void ); //
// This must be virtual so that a pointer to an object
// of type CBaseSheetWindow can be held and then later
// deleted. That way the derived class's destructor will
// be called.
// Initialize the sheet
BOOL BInit( void ) { return TRUE; }
public: //
// CPropertySheetWindow methods.
// Add a page (allows other AddPage method to be virtual)
void AddPage( HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage ) { baseClass::AddPage( hPage );
} //*** AddPage( hPage )
// Add a page (virtual so this class can call derived class method)
virtual BOOL AddPage( LPCPROPSHEETPAGE pPage ) { return baseClass::AddPage( pPage );
} //*** AddPage( pPage )
// Add a page to the propsheetheader page list
virtual BAddPageToSheetHeader( IN HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage ) = 0;
public: //
// CBaseSheetWindow public methods.
// Create a font for use on the sheet
static BOOL BCreateFont( OUT CFont & rfont, IN LONG nPoints, IN LPCTSTR pszFaceName = _T("MS Shell Dlg"), IN BOOL bBold = FALSE, IN BOOL bItalic = FALSE, IN BOOL bUnderline = FALSE );
// Create a font for use on the sheet
static BOOL BCreateFont( OUT CFont & rfont, IN UINT idsPoints, IN UINT idsFaceName, IN BOOL bBold = FALSE, IN BOOL bItalic = FALSE, IN BOOL bUnderline = FALSE );
public: //
// Abstract override methods.
// Add extension pages to the sheet
virtual void AddExtensionPages( IN HFONT hfont, IN HICON hicon ) = 0;
// Add a page (called by extension)
virtual HRESULT HrAddExtensionPage( IN CBasePageWindow * ppage ) = 0;
public: //
// Message handler functions.
void OnSheetInitialized( void ) { } //*** OnSheetInitialized()
// Implementation
protected: PROPSHEETHEADER * m_ppsh; BOOL m_bReadOnly; // Set if the sheet cannot be changed.
BOOL m_bNeedToLoadExtensions; CCluAdmExtensions * m_pext;
public: BOOL BNeedToLoadExtensions( void ) const { return m_bNeedToLoadExtensions; } BOOL BReadOnly( void ) const { return m_bReadOnly; } void SetReadOnly( IN BOOL bReadOnly = TRUE ) { m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly; }
// Return a pointer to the property sheet header
PROPSHEETHEADER * Ppsh( void ) const { ATLASSERT( m_ppsh != NULL ); return m_ppsh;
} //*** Ppsh()
CCluAdmExtensions * Pext( void ) const { return m_pext; }
}; //*** class CBaseSheetWindow
// class CBaseSheetImpl
// Description:
// Base property sheet implementation for all kinds of property sheets.
// Inheritance
// CBaseSheetImpl< T, TBase >
// CPropertySheetImpl< T, TBase >
// <TBase>
// ...
// CBaseSheetWindow
// CPropertySheetWindow
template < class T, class TBase = CBaseSheetWindow > class CBaseSheetImpl : public CPropertySheetImpl< T, TBase > { typedef CBaseSheetImpl< T, TBase > thisClass; typedef CPropertySheetImpl< T, TBase > baseClass;
public: //
// Construction.
// Standard constructor
CBaseSheetImpl( IN LPCTSTR lpszTitle = NULL, IN UINT uStartPage = 0, IN HWND hWndParent = NULL ) : baseClass( lpszTitle, uStartPage, hWndParent ) { } //*** CBaseSheetImpl()
static int CALLBACK PropSheetCallback( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam ) { //
// If we are initialized, let the sheet do further initialization.
// We have to subclass here because otherwize we won't have a
// pointer to the class instance.
if ( uMsg == PSCB_INITIALIZED ) { ATLASSERT( hWnd != NULL ); T * pT = static_cast< T * >( _Module.ExtractCreateWndData() ); ATLASSERT( pT != NULL ); pT->SubclassWindow(hWnd); pT->OnSheetInitialized(); } // if: sheet has been initialized
return 0;
} //*** PropSheetCallback()
public: //
// CPropertySheetImpl methods.
// Add a page to the propsheetheader page list
virtual BAddPageToSheetHeader( IN HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage ) { return AddPage( hPage );
} //*** BAddPageToHeader()
public: //
// Message map.
BEGIN_MSG_MAP( thisClass ) #if DBG
#ifdef _DBG_MSG
MESSAGE_RANGE_HANDLER( 0, 0xffffffff, OnMsg ) #endif // _DBG_MSG
#endif // DBG
// CHAIN_MSG_MAP( baseClass ) // doesn't work because base class doesn't have a message map
public: //
// Message handler functions.
#if DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG )
// Handler for any message
LRESULT OnMsg( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled ) { return DBG_OnMsg( uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled, T::s_pszClassName );
} //*** OnMsg()
#endif // DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG )
#if DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG_NOTIFY )
// Handler for the WM_NOTIFY message
LRESULT OnNotify( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled ) { return DBG_OnNotify( uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled, T::s_pszClassName, NULL );
} //*** OnNotify()
#endif // DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG_NOTIFY )
#if DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG_COMMAND )
// Handler for the WM_COMMAND message
LRESULT OnCommand( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL & bHandled ) { return DBG_OnCommand( uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled, T::s_pszClassName, NULL );
} //*** OnCommand()
#endif // DBG && defined( _DBG_MSG_COMMAND )
// Implementation
}; //*** class CBaseSheetImpl
#endif // __ATLBASESHEET_H_