// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// AtlExtDll.cpp
// Abstract:
// Implementation of the Cluster Administrator extension classes.
// Author:
// David Potter (davidp) May 31, 1996
// Revision History:
// Notes:
// This file is intended to be included in a stub file which includes
// the ATL header files and defines _Module. This allos _Module to be
// defined as an instance of some application-specific class.
#include <algorithm>
#include <CluAdmEx.h>
#include "CluAdmExHostSvr.h"
#include "AtlExtDll.h"
#include "AdmCommonRes.h"
#include "AtlExtMenu.h"
//#include "TraceTag.h"
#include "ExcOper.h"
#include "ClusObj.h"
#include "AtlBaseSheet.h"
#include "AtlBasePropSheet.h"
#include "AtlBaseWiz.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Global Variables
#if DBG
//CTraceTag g_tagExtDll(_T("UI"), _T("EXTENSION DLL"), 0);
//CTraceTag g_tagExtDllRef(_T("UI"), _T("EXTENSION DLL References"), 0);
#endif // DBG
// class CCluAdmExtensions
// CCluAdmExtensions::Init
// Routine Description:
// Common initializer for all interfaces.
// Arguments:
// rlstrExtensions [IN] List of extension CLSID strings.
// pco [IN OUT] Cluster object to be administered.
// hfont [IN] Font for dialog text.
// hicon [IN] Icon for upper left corner.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by new.
void CCluAdmExtensions::Init( IN const CStringList & rlstrExtensions, IN OUT CClusterObject * pco, IN HFONT hfont, IN HICON hicon ) { ATLASSERT( rlstrExtensions.size() > 0 ); ATLASSERT( pco != NULL );
CWaitCursor wc;
// Save parameters.
m_plstrExtensions = &rlstrExtensions; m_pco = pco; m_hfont = hfont; m_hicon = hicon;
// Allocate a new Data Object.
m_pdoData = new CComObject< CCluAdmExDataObject >; if ( m_pdoData == NULL ) { goto MemoryError; } // if: error allocating memory
// Construct the Data Object.
Pdo()->Init( pco, GetUserDefaultLCID(), hfont, hicon );
// Allocate the extension list.
m_plextdll = new CCluAdmExDllList; if ( m_plextdll == NULL ) { goto MemoryError; } // if: error allocating memory
ATLASSERT( Plextdll() != NULL );
// Loop through the extensions and load each one.
{ CComCluAdmExDll * pextdll = NULL; CStringList::iterator itCurrent = rlstrExtensions.begin(); CStringList::iterator itLast = rlstrExtensions.end(); CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itDll;
for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { //
// Allocate an extension DLL object and add it to the list.
pextdll = new CComCluAdmExDll; if ( pextdll == NULL ) { goto MemoryError; } // if: error allocating memory
pextdll->AddRef(); itDll = Plextdll()->insert( Plextdll()->end(), pextdll ); try { pextdll->Init( *itCurrent, this ); } // try
catch ( CException * pe ) { pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete();
ATLASSERT( itDll != Plextdll()->end() ); Plextdll()->erase( itDll ); delete pextdll; } // catch: CException
} // while: more items in the list
} // Loop through the extensions and load each one
Cleanup: return;
MemoryError: CNTException nte( E_OUTOFMEMORY, ADMC_IDS_INIT_EXT_PAGES_ERROR, NULL, // pszOperArg1
NULL, // pszOperArg2
FALSE // bAutoDelete
); nte.ReportError(); goto Cleanup;
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::Init()
// CCluAdmExtensions::UnloadExtensions
// Routine Description:
// Unload the extension DLL.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CCluAdmExtensions::UnloadExtensions( void ) { //
// Delete all the extension DLL objects.
if ( Plextdll() != NULL ) { CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itCurrent = Plextdll()->begin(); CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itLast = Plextdll()->end(); CComCluAdmExDll * pextdll;
for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { pextdll = *itCurrent; pextdll->AddRef(); // See comment below.
pextdll->UnloadExtension(); if ( pextdll->m_dwRef != 2 ) { Trace( g_tagError, _T("CCluAdmExtensions::UnloadExtensions() - Extension DLL has ref count = %d"), pextdll->m_dwRef ); } // if: not last reference
// We added a reference above. Combined with the reference that
// was added when the object was created, we typically will need
// to release two references. However, due to bogus code
// generated by earlier versions of the custom AppWizard where the
// extension was releasing the interface but not zeroing out its
// pointer in the error case, we may not need to release the
// second reference.
if ( pextdll->Release() != 0 ) { pextdll->Release(); } // if: more references to release
} // while: more items in the list
delete m_plextdll; m_plextdll = NULL; } // if: there is a list of extensions
if ( m_pdoData != NULL ) { if ( m_pdoData->m_dwRef != 1 ) { Trace( g_tagError, _T("CCluAdmExtensions::UnloadExtensions() - Data Object has ref count = %d"), m_pdoData->m_dwRef ); } // if: not last reference
m_pdoData->Release(); m_pdoData = NULL; } // if: data object allocated
m_pco = NULL; m_hfont = NULL; m_hicon = NULL;
// Delete all menu items.
if ( PlMenuItems() != NULL ) { CCluAdmExMenuItemList::iterator itCurrent = PlMenuItems()->begin(); CCluAdmExMenuItemList::iterator itLast = PlMenuItems()->end(); CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemi;
for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { pemi = *itCurrent; delete pemi; } // while: more items in the list
delete m_plMenuItems; m_plMenuItems = NULL; } // if: there is a list of menu items
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::UnloadExtensions()
// CCluAdmExtensions::PwpPageFromHpage
// Routine Description:
// Get the wizard page pointer from an HPROPSHEETPAGE.
// Arguments:
// hpage [IN] Page handle.
// Return Value:
// pwp Pointer to wizard page object.
// NULL Page not found.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CWizardPageWindow * CCluAdmExtensions::PwpPageFromHpage( IN HPROPSHEETPAGE hpage ) { ATLASSERT( hpage != NULL );
// Get a pointer to the wizard object so we can traverse the page list.
CWizardWindow * pwiz = dynamic_cast< CWizardWindow * >( Psht() ); ATLASSERT( pwiz != NULL );
// Loop through each page looking for an extension page whose
// page handle matches the one specified.
CWizardPageList::iterator itCurrent = pwiz->PlwpPages()->begin(); CWizardPageList::iterator itLast = pwiz->PlwpPages()->end(); for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { CCluAdmExWizPage * pewp = dynamic_cast< CCluAdmExWizPage * >( *itCurrent ); if ( pewp != NULL ) { if ( pewp->Hpage() == hpage ) { return pewp; } // if: found the matching page
} // if: found an extension page
} // for: each page in the list
// Look at the alternate wizard if there is one.
pwiz = pwiz->PwizAlternate(); if ( pwiz != NULL ) { itCurrent = pwiz->PlwpPages()->begin(); itLast = pwiz->PlwpPages()->end(); for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { CCluAdmExWizPage * pewp = dynamic_cast< CCluAdmExWizPage * >( *itCurrent ); if ( pewp != NULL ) { if ( pewp->Hpage() == hpage ) { return pewp; } // if: found the matching page
} // if: found an extension page
} // for: each page in the list
} // if: alternate wizard exists
return NULL;
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::PwpPageFromHpage()
// CCluAdmExtensions::CreatePropertySheetPages
// Routine Description:
// Add pages to a property sheet.
// Arguments:
// psht [IN OUT] Property sheet to which pages are to be added.
// rlstrExtensions [IN] List of extension CLSID strings.
// pco [IN OUT] Cluster object to be administered.
// hfont [IN] Font for dialog text.
// hicon [IN] Icon for upper left corner.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by CCluAdmExDll::AddPages().
void CCluAdmExtensions::CreatePropertySheetPages( IN OUT CBasePropertySheetWindow * psht, IN const CStringList & rlstrExtensions, IN OUT CClusterObject * pco, IN HFONT hfont, IN HICON hicon ) { ATLASSERT( psht != NULL ); ATLASSERT( pco != NULL );
m_psht = psht;
// Initialize for all extensions.
Init( rlstrExtensions, pco, hfont, hicon ); ATLASSERT( Plextdll() != NULL );
// Let each extension create property pages.
CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itCurrent = Plextdll()->begin(); CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itLast = Plextdll()->end(); CComCluAdmExDll * pextdll; for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { pextdll = *itCurrent; try { pextdll->CreatePropertySheetPages(); } // try
catch ( CException * pe ) { pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete(); } // catch: CException
} // while: more items in the list
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::CreatePropertySheetPages()
// CCluAdmExtensions::CreateWizardPages
// Routine Description:
// Add pages to a wizard.
// Arguments:
// psht [IN OUT] Property sheet to which pages are to be added.
// rlstrExtensions [IN] List of extension CLSID strings.
// pco [IN OUT] Cluster object to be administered.
// hfont [IN] Font for dialog text.
// hicon [IN] Icon for upper left corner.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by CCluAdmExDll::AddPages().
void CCluAdmExtensions::CreateWizardPages( IN OUT CWizardWindow * psht, IN const CStringList & rlstrExtensions, IN OUT CClusterObject * pco, IN HFONT hfont, IN HICON hicon ) { ATLASSERT( psht != NULL ); ATLASSERT( pco != NULL );
m_psht = psht;
// Initialize for all extensions.
Init( rlstrExtensions, pco, hfont, hicon ); ATLASSERT( Plextdll() != NULL );
// Let each extension create wizard pages.
CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itCurrent = Plextdll()->begin(); CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itLast = Plextdll()->end(); CComCluAdmExDll * pextdll; for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { pextdll = *itCurrent; try { pextdll->CreateWizardPages(); } // try
catch ( CException * pe ) { pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete(); } // catch: CException
} // while: more items in the list
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::CreateWizardPages()
// CCluAdmExtensions::CreateWizard97Pages
// Routine Description:
// Add pages to a Wizard 97 wizard.
// Arguments:
// psht [IN OUT] Property sheet to which pages are to be added.
// rlstrExtensions [IN] List of extension CLSID strings.
// pco [IN OUT] Cluster object to be administered.
// hfont [IN] Font for dialog text.
// hicon [IN] Icon for upper left corner.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by CCluAdmExDll::AddPages().
void CCluAdmExtensions::CreateWizard97Pages( IN OUT CWizardWindow * psht, IN const CStringList & rlstrExtensions, IN OUT CClusterObject * pco, IN HFONT hfont, IN HICON hicon ) { ATLASSERT( psht != NULL ); ATLASSERT( pco != NULL );
m_psht = psht;
// Initialize for all extensions.
Init( rlstrExtensions, pco, hfont, hicon ); ATLASSERT( Plextdll() != NULL );
// Let each extension create wizard pages.
CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itCurrent = Plextdll()->begin(); CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itLast = Plextdll()->end(); CComCluAdmExDll * pextdll; for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { pextdll = *itCurrent; try { pextdll->CreateWizard97Pages(); } // try
catch ( CException * pe ) { pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete(); } // catch: CException
} // while: more items in the list
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::CreateWizard97Pages()
// CCluAdmExtensions::AddContextMenuItems
// Routine Description:
// Query the extension DLL for new menu items to be added to the context
// menu.
// Arguments:
// pmenu [IN OUT] Menu to which items are to be added.
// rlstrExtensions [IN] List of extension CLSID strings.
// pco [IN OUT] Cluster object to be administered.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by CCluAdmExDll::AddContextMenuItems() or
// CExtMenuItemList::new().
void CCluAdmExtensions::AddContextMenuItems( IN OUT CMenu * pmenu, IN const CStringList & rlstrExtensions, IN OUT CClusterObject * pco ) { ATLASSERT( m_pmenu == NULL ); ATLASSERT( pmenu != NULL );
// Initialize for all extensions.
Init( rlstrExtensions, pco, NULL, NULL ); ATLASSERT( Plextdll() != NULL );
m_pmenu = pmenu; m_nFirstCommandID = CAEXT_MENU_FIRST_ID; m_nNextCommandID = m_nFirstCommandID; m_nFirstMenuID = 0; m_nNextMenuID = m_nFirstMenuID;
// Create the list of menu items.
ATLASSERT( m_plMenuItems == NULL ); m_plMenuItems = new CCluAdmExMenuItemList; if ( m_plMenuItems == NULL ) { CNTException nte( E_OUTOFMEMORY, ADMC_IDS_INIT_EXT_PAGES_ERROR, NULL, // pszOperArg1
NULL, // pszOperArg2
FALSE // bAutoDelete
); nte.ReportError(); } // if: error allocating memory
else { CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itCurrent = Plextdll()->begin(); CCluAdmExDllList::iterator itLast = Plextdll()->end(); CComCluAdmExDll * pextdll;
for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { pextdll = *itCurrent; try { pextdll->AddContextMenuItems(); } // try
catch ( CException * pe ) { pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete(); } // catch: CException
} // while: more items in the list
} // else: memory allocated successfully
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::AddContextMenuItems()
// CCluAdmExtensions::BExecuteContextMenuItem
// Routine Description:
// Execute a command associated with a menu item added to a context menu
// by the extension DLL.
// Arguments:
// nCommandID [IN] Command ID for the menu item chosen by the user.
// Return Value:
// TRUE Context menu item was executed.
// FALSE Context menu item was not executed.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by CExceptionDll::BExecuteContextMenuItem().
BOOL CCluAdmExtensions::BExecuteContextMenuItem( IN ULONG nCommandID ) { BOOL bHandled = FALSE; HRESULT hr; CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemi;
// Find the item in our list.
pemi = PemiFromCommandID( nCommandID ); if ( pemi != NULL ) { ATLASSERT( pemi->PiCommand() != NULL ); Pdo()->AddRef(); hr = pemi->PiCommand()->InvokeCommand( pemi->NExtCommandID(), Pdo()->GetUnknown() ); if ( hr == NOERROR ) { bHandled = TRUE; } // if: no error occurred
} // if: found an item for the command ID
return bHandled;
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::BExecuteContextMenuItem()
// CCluAdmExtensions::BGetCommandString
// Routine Description:
// Get a command string from a menu ID.
// Arguments:
// nCommandID [IN] Command ID for the menu item.
// rstrMessage [OUT] String in which to return the message.
// Return Value:
// TRUE String is being returned.
// FALSE No string is being returned.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by CCluAdmExDll::BGetCommandString().
BOOL CCluAdmExtensions::BGetCommandString( IN ULONG nCommandID, OUT CString & rstrMessage ) { BOOL bHandled = FALSE; CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemi;
// Find the item in our list.
pemi = PemiFromCommandID( nCommandID ); if ( pemi != NULL ) { rstrMessage = pemi->StrStatusBarText(); bHandled = TRUE; } // if: found an item for the command ID
return bHandled;
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::BGetCommandString()
// CCluAdmExtensions::OnUpdateCommand
// Routine Description:
// Determines whether extension DLL menu items should be enabled or not.
// Arguments:
// pCmdUI [IN OUT] Command routing object.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by CCluAdmExDll::BOnUpdateCommand().
#if 0
void CCluAdmExtensions::OnUpdateCommand( CCmdUI * pCmdUI ) { CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemi;
ATLASSERT( Plextdll() != NULL );
// Find the item in our list.
// Trace( g_tagExtDll, _T("OnUpdateCommand() - ID = %d"), pCmdUI->m_nID );
pemi = PemiFromCommandID( pCmdUI->m_nID ); if ( pemi != NULL ) { // Trace( g_tagExtDll, _T("OnUpdateCommand() - Found a match with '%s' ExtID = %d"), pemi->StrName(), pemi->NExtCommandID() );
pCmdUI->Enable(); } // if: found an item for the command ID
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::OnUpdateCommand()
// CCluAdmExtensions::OnCmdMsg
// Routine Description:
// Processes command messages. Attempts to pass them on to a selected
// item first.
// Arguments:
// nID [IN] Command ID.
// nCode [IN] Notification code.
// pExtra [IN OUT] Used according to the value of nCode.
// pHandlerInfo [OUT] ???
// Return Value:
// TRUE Message has been handled.
// FALSE Message has NOT been handled.
#if 0
BOOL CCluAdmExtensions::OnCmdMsg( UINT nID, int nCode, void * pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO * pHandlerInfo ) { return BExecuteContextMenuItem( nID );
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::OnCmdMsg()
// CCluAdmExtensions::PemiFromCommandID
// Routine Description:
// Find the menu item for the specified command ID.
// Arguments:
// nCommandID [IN] Command ID for the menu item.
// Return Value:
// pemi Menu item or NULL if not found.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CCluAdmExMenuItem * CCluAdmExtensions::PemiFromCommandID( IN ULONG nCommandID ) const { CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemiReturn = NULL;
if ( PlMenuItems() != NULL ) { CCluAdmExMenuItemList::iterator itCurrent = PlMenuItems()->begin(); CCluAdmExMenuItemList::iterator itLast = PlMenuItems()->end(); CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemi; for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { pemi = *itCurrent; if ( pemi->NCommandID() == nCommandID ) { pemiReturn = pemi; break; } // if: match was found
} // while: more items in the list
} // if: item list exists
return pemiReturn;
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::PemiFromCommandID()
#if DBG
// CCluAdmExtensions::PemiFromExtCommandID
// Routine Description:
// Find the menu item for the specified extension command ID.
// Arguments:
// nExtCommandID [IN] Extension command ID for the menu item.
// Return Value:
// pemi Menu item or NULL if not found.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CCluAdmExMenuItem * CCluAdmExtensions::PemiFromExtCommandID( IN ULONG nExtCommandID ) const { CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemiReturn = NULL;
if ( PlMenuItems() != NULL ) { CCluAdmExMenuItemList::iterator itCurrent = PlMenuItems()->begin(); CCluAdmExMenuItemList::iterator itLast = PlMenuItems()->end(); CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemi;
for ( ; itCurrent != itLast ; itCurrent++ ) { pemi = *itCurrent; if ( pemi->NExtCommandID() == nExtCommandID ) { pemiReturn = pemi; break; } // if: match was found
} // while: more items in the list
} // if: item list exists
return pemiReturn;
} //*** CCluAdmExtensions::PemiFromExtCommandID()
#endif // DBG
// CComObject< CCluAdmExDll >
// CCluAdmExDll::Init
// Routine Description:
// Initialize this class in preparation for accessing the extension.
// Arguments:
// rstrCLSID [IN] CLSID of the extension in string form.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CNTException 0 (error converting CLSID from string)
// Any exceptions thrown by CString::operater=().
void CCluAdmExDll::Init( IN const CString & rstrCLSID, IN OUT CCluAdmExtensions * pext ) { ATLASSERT( pext != NULL );
HRESULT hr; CWaitCursor wc;
// Save parameters.
ATLASSERT( StrCLSID().IsEmpty() || (StrCLSID() == rstrCLSID) ); m_strCLSID = rstrCLSID; m_pext = pext;
// Convert the CLSID string to a CLSID.
hr = ::CLSIDFromString( (LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR) rstrCLSID, &m_clsid ); if ( hr != S_OK ) { ThrowStaticException( hr, ADMC_IDS_CLSIDFROMSTRING_ERROR, rstrCLSID ); } // if: error converting CLSID
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::Init()
// CCluAdmExDll::LoadInterface
// Routine Description:
// Load an extension DLL.
// Arguments:
// riid [IN] Interface ID.
// Return Value:
// piUnk IUnknown interface pointer for interface.
// Exceptions Thrown:
IUnknown * CCluAdmExDll::LoadInterface( IN const REFIID riid ) { HRESULT hr; IUnknown * piUnk; CWaitCursor wc;
// Load the inproc server and get the specified interface pointer.
// Trace( g_tagExtDllRef, _T("LoadInterface() - Getting interface pointer") );
hr = ::CoCreateInstance( Rclsid(), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, riid, (LPVOID *) &piUnk ); if ( (hr != S_OK) && (hr != REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) && (hr != E_NOINTERFACE) ) { ThrowStaticException( hr, ADMC_IDS_EXT_CREATE_INSTANCE_ERROR, StrCLSID() ); } // if: error creating the object instance
return piUnk;
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::LoadInterface()
// CCluAdmExDll::UnloadExtension
// Routine Description:
// Unload the extension DLL.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CCluAdmExDll::UnloadExtension( void ) { //
// Release the interface pointers in the opposite order in which they
// were obtained.
ReleaseInterface( &m_piExtendPropSheet ); ReleaseInterface( &m_piExtendWizard ); ReleaseInterface( &m_piExtendWizard97 ); ReleaseInterface( &m_piExtendContextMenu ); ReleaseInterface( &m_piInvokeCommand );
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::UnloadExtension()
// CCluAdmExDll::CreatePropertySheetPages
// Routine Description:
// Add pages to a property sheet.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
void CCluAdmExDll::CreatePropertySheetPages( void ) { ATLASSERT( Pext() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Psht() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( m_piExtendPropSheet == NULL );
// Load the interface.
m_piExtendPropSheet = reinterpret_cast< interface IWEExtendPropertySheet * >( LoadInterface( IID_IWEExtendPropertySheet ) ); if ( m_piExtendPropSheet == NULL ) { return; } // if: error loading the interface
ATLASSERT( m_piExtendPropSheet != NULL );
// Add pages from the extension.
GetUnknown()->AddRef(); // Add a reference because extension is going to release.
Pdo()->AddRef(); try { hr = PiExtendPropSheet()->CreatePropertySheetPages( Pdo()->GetUnknown(), this ); } // try
catch ( ... ) { hr = E_FAIL; } // catch
if ( (hr != NOERROR) && (hr != E_NOTIMPL) ) { ThrowStaticException( hr, ADMC_IDS_EXT_ADD_PAGES_ERROR, StrCLSID() ); } // if: error creating property sheet pages
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::CreatePropertySheetPages()
// CCluAdmExDll::CreateWizardPages
// Routine Description:
// Add pages to a wizard.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
void CCluAdmExDll::CreateWizardPages( void ) { ATLASSERT( Pext() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Psht() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( m_piExtendWizard == NULL ); ATLASSERT( m_piExtendWizard97 == NULL );
// Load the interface. If it can't be loaded, try to load the
// Wizard97 interface so that Wizard97 pages can be added.
m_piExtendWizard = reinterpret_cast< interface IWEExtendWizard * >( LoadInterface( IID_IWEExtendWizard ) ); if ( m_piExtendWizard == NULL ) { //
// Try to load the Wizard97 interface.
m_piExtendWizard97 = reinterpret_cast< interface IWEExtendWizard97 * >( LoadInterface( IID_IWEExtendWizard97 ) ); if ( m_piExtendWizard97 == NULL ) { return; } // if: error loading the non-Wizard97 interface
} // if: error loading the interface
ATLASSERT( (m_piExtendWizard != NULL) || (m_piExtendWizard97 != NULL) );
// Add pages from the extension.
GetUnknown()->AddRef(); // Add a reference because extension is going to release.
Pdo()->AddRef(); try { if ( PiExtendWizard() != NULL ) { hr = PiExtendWizard()->CreateWizardPages( Pdo()->GetUnknown(), this ); } // if: extension supports non-Wizard97 interface
else { ATLASSERT( PiExtendWizard97() != NULL ); hr = PiExtendWizard97()->CreateWizard97Pages( Pdo()->GetUnknown(), this ); } // else: extension doesn't support non-Wizard97 interface
} // try
catch ( ... ) { hr = E_FAIL; } // catch
if ( (hr != NOERROR) && (hr != E_NOTIMPL) ) { ThrowStaticException( hr, ADMC_IDS_EXT_ADD_PAGES_ERROR, StrCLSID() ); } // if: error creating wizard pages
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::CreateWizardPages()
// CCluAdmExDll::CreateWizard97Pages
// Routine Description:
// Add pages to a Wizard 97 wizard.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
void CCluAdmExDll::CreateWizard97Pages( void ) { ATLASSERT( Pext() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Psht() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( m_piExtendWizard == NULL ); ATLASSERT( m_piExtendWizard97 == NULL );
// Load the interface. If it can't be loaded, try to load the non-
// Wizard97 interface so that non-Wizard97 pages can be added.
m_piExtendWizard97 = reinterpret_cast< interface IWEExtendWizard97 * >( LoadInterface( IID_IWEExtendWizard97 ) ); if ( m_piExtendWizard97 == NULL ) { //
// Try to load the non-Wizard97 interface.
m_piExtendWizard = reinterpret_cast< interface IWEExtendWizard * >( LoadInterface( IID_IWEExtendWizard ) ); if ( m_piExtendWizard == NULL ) { return; } // if: error loading the non-Wizard97 interface
} // if: error loading the Wizard97 interface
ATLASSERT( (m_piExtendWizard97 != NULL) || (m_piExtendWizard != NULL) );
// Add pages from the extension.
GetUnknown()->AddRef(); // Add a reference because extension is going to release.
Pdo()->AddRef(); try { if ( PiExtendWizard97() != NULL ) { hr = PiExtendWizard97()->CreateWizard97Pages( Pdo()->GetUnknown(), this ); } // if: extension supports Wizard97 interface
else { ATLASSERT( PiExtendWizard() != NULL ); hr = PiExtendWizard()->CreateWizardPages( Pdo()->GetUnknown(), this ); } // else: extension doesn't support Wizard97 interface
} // try
catch ( ... ) { hr = E_FAIL; } // catch
if ( (hr != NOERROR) && (hr != E_NOTIMPL) ) { ThrowStaticException( hr, ADMC_IDS_EXT_ADD_PAGES_ERROR, StrCLSID() ); } // if: error creating wizard pages
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::CreateWizard97Pages()
// CCluAdmExDll::AddContextMenuItems
// Routine Description:
// Ask the extension DLL to add items to the menu.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
void CCluAdmExDll::AddContextMenuItems( void ) { ATLASSERT( Pext() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Pmenu() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( m_piExtendContextMenu == NULL );
// Load the interfaces.
m_piExtendContextMenu = reinterpret_cast< interface IWEExtendContextMenu * >( LoadInterface( IID_IWEExtendContextMenu ) ); if ( m_piExtendContextMenu == NULL ) { return; } // if: error loading the interface
ATLASSERT( m_piExtendContextMenu != NULL );
hr = PiExtendContextMenu()->QueryInterface( IID_IWEInvokeCommand, (LPVOID *) &m_piInvokeCommand ); if ( hr != NOERROR ) { PiExtendContextMenu()->Release(); m_piExtendContextMenu = NULL; ThrowStaticException( hr, ADMC_IDS_EXT_QUERY_CONTEXT_MENU_ERROR, StrCLSID() ); } // if: error getting the InvokeCommand interface
// Add context menu items.
GetUnknown()->AddRef(); // Add a reference because extension is going to release.
Pdo()->AddRef(); // Trace( g_tagExtDll, _T("CCluAdmExDll::AddContextMenuItem() - Adding context menu items from '%s'"), StrCLSID() );
try { hr = PiExtendContextMenu()->AddContextMenuItems( Pdo()->GetUnknown(), this ); } // try
catch ( ... ) { hr = E_FAIL; } // catch
if ( hr != NOERROR ) { ThrowStaticException( hr, ADMC_IDS_EXT_QUERY_CONTEXT_MENU_ERROR, StrCLSID() ); } // if: error occurred
// Add a separator after the extension's items.
// Trace( g_tagExtDll, _T("CCluAdmExDll::AddContextMenuItem() - Adding separator") );
try { hr = AddExtensionMenuItem( NULL, NULL, (ULONG) -1, 0, MF_SEPARATOR ); } // try
catch ( ... ) { hr = E_FAIL; } // catch
if ( hr != NOERROR ) { ThrowStaticException( hr, ADMC_IDS_EXT_QUERY_CONTEXT_MENU_ERROR, StrCLSID() ); } // if: error adding a separator
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::AddContextMenuItems()
// CCluAdmExDll::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo [ISupportsErrorInfo]
// Routine Description:
// Determines whether the interface supports error info (???).
// Arguments:
// riid [IN] Reference to the interface ID.
// Return Value:
// S_OK Interface supports error info.
// S_FALSE Interface does not support error info.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
STDMETHODIMP CCluAdmExDll::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo( REFIID riid ) { static const IID * rgiid[] = { &IID_IWCPropertySheetCallback, &IID_IWCWizardCallback, &IID_IWCWizard97Callback, &IID_IWCContextMenuCallback, }; int iiid;
for ( iiid = 0 ; iiid < sizeof( rgiid ) / sizeof( rgiid[0] ) ; iiid++ ) { if ( InlineIsEqualGUID( *rgiid[iiid], riid ) ) { return S_OK; } // if: found a match
} return S_FALSE;
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo()
// CCluAdmExDll::AddPropertySheetPage [IWCPropertySheetCallback]
// Routine Description:
// Add a page to the property sheet.
// Arguments:
// plong_hpage [IN] Page to add.
// Return Value:
// NOERROR Page added successfully.
// Any hresult returned from CBasePropertySheetWindow::HrAddExtensionPage().
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
STDMETHODIMP CCluAdmExDll::AddPropertySheetPage( IN LONG * plong_hpage ) { ATLASSERT( plong_hpage != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Psht() != NULL );
// Loop to avoid goto's.
do { //
// Do this for the release build.
if ( (plong_hpage == NULL) || (Psht() == NULL) ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; } // if: no page or sheet
// Allocate a new page object.
CCluAdmExPropPage * ppp = new CCluAdmExPropPage( reinterpret_cast< HPROPSHEETPAGE >( plong_hpage ) ); ATLASSERT( ppp != NULL ); if ( ppp == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } // if: error allocating memory
// Initialize the page object.
if ( ! ppp->BInit( Psht() ) ) { delete ppp; hr = E_FAIL; break; } // if: error initializing the page object
// Add the page to the sheet.
CBasePropertySheetWindow * psht = dynamic_cast< CBasePropertySheetWindow * >( Psht() ); ATLASSERT( psht != NULL ); hr = psht->HrAddExtensionPage( ppp ); if ( hr != NOERROR ) { delete ppp; break; } // if: error adding the extension page
} while ( 0 );
return hr;
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::AddPropertySheetPage()
// CCluAdmExDll::AddWizardPage [IWCWizardCallback]
// Routine Description:
// Add a page to the wizard.
// Arguments:
// plong_hpage [IN] Page to add.
// Return Value:
// NOERROR Page added successfully.
// Any hresult returned from CWizardWindow::HrAddExtensionPage().
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
STDMETHODIMP CCluAdmExDll::AddWizardPage( IN LONG * plong_hpage ) { ATLASSERT( plong_hpage != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Psht() != NULL );
// Loop to avoid goto's.
do { //
// Do this for the release build.
if ( (plong_hpage == NULL) || (Psht() == NULL) ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; } // if: no page or sheet
// Allocate a new page object.
CCluAdmExWizPage * pwp = new CCluAdmExWizPage( reinterpret_cast< HPROPSHEETPAGE >( plong_hpage ) ); ATLASSERT( pwp != NULL ); if ( pwp == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } // if: error allocating memory
// Initialize the page object.
if ( ! pwp->BInit( Psht() ) ) { delete pwp; hr = E_FAIL; break; } // if: error initializing the page object
// Set the default buttons to display. This assumes that there is
// a non-extension page already in the sheet and that there will
// be a page added after all extension pages have been added.
pwp->SetDefaultWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT );
// Add the page to the sheet.
CWizardWindow * pwiz = dynamic_cast< CWizardWindow * >( Psht() ); ATLASSERT( pwiz != NULL ); hr = pwiz->HrAddExtensionPage( pwp ); if ( hr != NOERROR ) { delete pwp; break; } // if: error adding the extension page
} while ( 0 );
return hr;
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::AddWizardPage()
// CCluAdmExDll::AddWizard97Page [IWCWizard97Callback]
// Routine Description:
// Add a page to the Wizard97 wizard.
// Arguments:
// plong_hpage [IN] Page to add.
// Return Value:
// NOERROR Page added successfully.
// Any hresult returned from CWizardWindow::HrAddExtensionPage().
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
STDMETHODIMP CCluAdmExDll::AddWizard97Page( IN LONG * plong_hpage ) { ATLASSERT( plong_hpage != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Psht() != NULL );
// Loop to avoid goto's.
do { //
// Do this for the release build.
if ( (plong_hpage == NULL) || (Psht() == NULL) ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; } // if: no page or sheet
// Allocate a new page object.
CCluAdmExWiz97Page * pwp = new CCluAdmExWiz97Page( reinterpret_cast< HPROPSHEETPAGE >( plong_hpage ) ); ATLASSERT( pwp != NULL ); if ( pwp == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } // if: error allocating memory
// Initialize the page object.
if ( ! pwp->BInit( Psht() ) ) { delete pwp; hr = E_FAIL; break; } // if: error initializing the page object
// Set the default buttons to display. This assumes that there is
// a non-extension page already in the sheet and that there will
// be a page added after all extension pages have been added.
pwp->SetDefaultWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT );
// Add the page to the sheet.
CWizardWindow * pwiz = dynamic_cast< CWizardWindow * >( Psht() ); ATLASSERT( pwiz != NULL ); hr = pwiz->HrAddExtensionPage( pwp ); if ( hr != NOERROR ) { delete pwp; break; } // if: error adding the extension page
} while ( 0 );
return hr;
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::AddWizard97Page()
// CCluAdmExDll::EnableNext [IWCWizardCallback/IWCWizard97Callback]
// Routine Description:
// Enable or disable the NEXT button. If it is the last page, the
// FINISH button will be enabled or disabled.
// Arguments:
// hpage [IN] Page for which the button is being enabled or
// disabled.
// bEnable [IN] TRUE = Enable the button, FALSE = disable.
// Return Value:
// NOERROR Success.
// E_INVALIDARG Unknown hpage specified.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
STDMETHODIMP CCluAdmExDll::EnableNext( IN LONG * plong_hpage, IN BOOL bEnable ) { ATLASSERT( plong_hpage != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Psht() != NULL );
// Find the page in the extension page list.
CWizardPageWindow * pwp = Pext()->PwpPageFromHpage( reinterpret_cast< HPROPSHEETPAGE >( plong_hpage ) ); if ( pwp == NULL ) { return E_INVALIDARG; } // if: page not found
// Let the page enable/disable the Next button.
pwp->EnableNext( bEnable );
return NOERROR;
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::EnableNext()
// CCluAdmExDll::AddExtensionMenuItem [IWCContextMenuCallback]
// Routine Description:
// Add a page to the wizard.
// Arguments:
// lpszName [IN] Name of item.
// lpszStatusBarText [IN] Text to appear on the status bar when the
// item is highlighted.
// nCommandID [IN] ID for the command when menu item is invoked.
// Must not be -1.
// nSubmenuCommandID [IN] ID for a submenu.
// uFlags [IN] Menu flags. The following are not supported:
// Return Value:
// NOERROR Item added successfully.
// E_OUTOFMEMORY Error allocating the item.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
STDMETHODIMP CCluAdmExDll::AddExtensionMenuItem( IN BSTR lpszName, IN BSTR lpszStatusBarText, IN ULONG nCommandID, IN ULONG nSubmenuCommandID, IN ULONG uFlags ) { ATLASSERT( Pext() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( Pmenu() != NULL ); ATLASSERT( !(uFlags & (MF_OWNERDRAW | MF_POPUP)) );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CCluAdmExMenuItem * pemi = NULL;
// Do this for the release build.
if ( (uFlags & (MF_OWNERDRAW | MF_POPUP)) != 0 ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } // if: invalid menu flags specified
else { ATLASSERT( Pext()->PemiFromExtCommandID( nCommandID ) == NULL );
try { // Trace( g_tagExtDll, _T("CCluAdmExDll::AddExtensionMenuItem() - Adding menu item '%s', ExtID = %d"), lpszName, nCommandID );
// Allocate a new item.
pemi = new CCluAdmExMenuItem( OLE2CT( lpszName ), OLE2CT( lpszStatusBarText ), nCommandID, NNextCommandID(), NNextMenuID(), uFlags, FALSE, /*bMakeDefault*/ PiInvokeCommand() ); if ( pemi == NULL ) { ThrowStaticException( E_OUTOFMEMORY, (UINT) 0 ); } // if: error allocating memory
// Insert the item in the menu.
if ( ! Pmenu()->InsertMenu( NNextMenuID(), MF_BYPOSITION | uFlags, NNextCommandID(), pemi->StrName() ) ) { ThrowStaticException( ::GetLastError(), ADMC_IDS_INSERT_MENU_ERROR, pemi->StrName() ); } // if: error inserting the menu
// Add the item to the tail of the list.
Pext()->PlMenuItems()->insert( Pext()->PlMenuItems()->end(), pemi ); pemi = NULL;
// Update the counters.
Pext()->m_nNextCommandID++; Pext()->m_nNextMenuID++; } // try
catch ( CNTException * pnte ) { hr = pnte->Sc(); pnte->ReportError(); pnte->Delete(); } // catch: CNTException
catch ( CException * pe ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; pe->ReportError(); pe->Delete(); } // catch: CException
} // else: we can add the item
delete pemi; return hr;
} //*** CCluAdmExDll::AddExtensionMenuItem()