// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ClusRes.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation of the resource classes for the MSCLUS automation classes.
// Author:
// Charles Stacy Harris (stacyh) 28-Feb-1997
// Galen Barbee (galenb) July 1998
// Revision History:
// July 1998 GalenB Maaaaaajjjjjjjjjoooooorrrr clean up
// Notes:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ClusterObject.h"
#include "property.h"
#include "clusres.h"
#include "clusresg.h"
#include "clusrest.h"
#include "clusneti.h"
#include "clusnode.h"
// Global variables
static const IID * iidCClusResource[] = { &IID_ISClusResource };
static const IID * iidCClusResources[] = { &IID_ISClusResources };
static const IID * iidCClusResDependencies[] = { &IID_ISClusResDependencies };
static const IID * iidCClusResDependents[] = { &IID_ISClusResDependents };
static const IID * iidCClusResGroupResources[] = { &IID_ISClusResGroupResources };
static const IID * iidCClusResTypeResources[] = { &IID_ISClusResTypeResources };
// CClusResource class
// CClusResource::CClusResource
// Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResource::CClusResource( void ) { m_hResource = NULL; m_pClusRefObject = NULL; m_pCommonProperties = NULL; m_pPrivateProperties = NULL; m_pCommonROProperties = NULL; m_pPrivateROProperties = NULL; m_piids = (const IID *) iidCClusResource; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCClusResource );
} //*** CClusResource::CClusResource()
// CClusResource::~CClusResource
// Description:
// Destructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResource::~CClusResource( void ) { if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { ::CloseClusterResource( m_hResource ); m_hResource = NULL; } // if:
if ( m_pCommonProperties != NULL ) { m_pCommonProperties->Release(); m_pCommonProperties = NULL; } // if: release the property collection
if ( m_pPrivateProperties != NULL ) { m_pPrivateProperties->Release(); m_pPrivateProperties = NULL; } // if: release the property collection
if ( m_pCommonROProperties != NULL ) { m_pCommonROProperties->Release(); m_pCommonROProperties = NULL; } // if: release the property collection
if ( m_pPrivateROProperties != NULL ) { m_pPrivateROProperties->Release(); m_pPrivateROProperties = NULL; } // if: release the property collection
if ( m_pClusRefObject != NULL ) { m_pClusRefObject->Release(); m_pClusRefObject = NULL; } // if: release the property collection
} //*** CClusResource::~CClusResource()
// CClusResource::Create
// Description:
// Finish creating the object.
// Arguments:
// pClusRefObject [IN] - Wraps the cluster handle.
// hGroup [IN] - Group to create the resource in.
// bstrResourceName [IN] - Name of the new resource.
// bstrResourceType [IN] - The type of resource to create.
// dwFlags [IN] - Creatation flags, separate resmon, etc.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CClusResource::Create( IN ISClusRefObject * pClusRefObject, IN HGROUP hGroup, IN BSTR bstrResourceName, IN BSTR bstrResourceType, IN long dwFlags ) { ASSERT( pClusRefObject != NULL ); ASSERT( bstrResourceName != NULL ); ASSERT( bstrResourceType != NULL );
if ( ( pClusRefObject != NULL ) && ( bstrResourceName != NULL ) && ( bstrResourceType != NULL ) ) { m_pClusRefObject = pClusRefObject; m_pClusRefObject->AddRef();
m_hResource = ::CreateClusterResource( hGroup, bstrResourceName, bstrResourceType, dwFlags ); if ( m_hResource == NULL ) { DWORD _sc = GetLastError();
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } else { m_bstrResourceName = bstrResourceName; _hr= S_OK; } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::Create()
// CClusResource::Open
// Description:
// Open a handle to the resource object on the cluster.
// Arguments:
// pClusRefObject [IN] - Wraps the cluster handle.
// bstrResourceName [IN] - Name of the resource to open.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
HRESULT CClusResource::Open( IN ISClusRefObject * pClusRefObject, IN BSTR bstrResourceName ) { ASSERT( pClusRefObject != NULL ); ASSERT( bstrResourceName != NULL );
if ( ( pClusRefObject != NULL ) && ( bstrResourceName != NULL ) ) { m_pClusRefObject = pClusRefObject; m_pClusRefObject->AddRef();
HCLUSTER hCluster;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { m_hResource = OpenClusterResource( hCluster, bstrResourceName ); if ( m_hResource == NULL ) { DWORD _sc = GetLastError();
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } else { m_bstrResourceName = bstrResourceName; _hr = S_OK; } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::Open()
// CClusResource::GetProperties
// Description:
// Creates a property collection for this object type (Resource).
// Arguments:
// ppProperties [OUT] - Catches the newly created collection.
// bPrivate [IN] - Are these private properties? Or Common?
// bReadOnly [IN] - Are these read only properties?
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CClusResource::GetProperties( ISClusProperties ** ppProperties, BOOL bPrivate, BOOL bReadOnly ) { //ASSERT( ppProperties != NULL );
if ( ppProperties != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusProperties > * pProperties = NULL;
*ppProperties = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusProperties >::CreateInstance( &pProperties ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusProperties > > ptrProperties( pProperties );
_hr = ptrProperties->Create( this, bPrivate, bReadOnly ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrProperties->Refresh(); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrProperties->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusProperties, (void **) ppProperties ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ptrProperties->AddRef();
if ( bPrivate ) { if ( bReadOnly ) { m_pPrivateROProperties = ptrProperties; } else { m_pPrivateProperties = ptrProperties; } } else { if ( bReadOnly ) { m_pCommonROProperties = ptrProperties; } else { m_pCommonProperties = ptrProperties; } } } } } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::GetProperties()
// CClusResource::get_Handle
// Description:
// Return the handle to this object (Resource).
// Arguments:
// phandle [OUT] - Catches the handle.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER if not.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_Handle( OUT ULONG_PTR * phandle ) { //ASSERT( phandle != NULL );
if ( phandle != NULL ) { *phandle = (ULONG_PTR) m_hResource; _hr = S_OK; }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_Handle()
// CClusResource::Close
// Description:
// Close the handle to the cluster object (Resource).
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::Close( void ) { HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER;
if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { if ( CloseClusterResource( m_hResource ) ) { m_hResource = NULL; _hr = S_OK; } else { DWORD _sc = GetLastError();
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::Close()
// CClusResource::put_Name
// Description:
// Change the name of this object (Resource).
// Arguments:
// bstrResourceName [IN] - The new name.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::put_Name( IN BSTR bstrResourceName ) { //ASSERT( bstrResourceName != NULL );
if ( bstrResourceName != NULL ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; _sc = ::SetClusterResourceName( m_hResource, bstrResourceName ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { m_bstrResourceName = bstrResourceName; }
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::put_Name()
// CClusResource::get_Name
// Description:
// Return the name of this object (Resource).
// Arguments:
// pbstrResourceName [OUT] - Catches the name of this object.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_Name( OUT BSTR * pbstrResourceName ) { //ASSERT( pbstrResourceName != NULL );
if ( pbstrResourceName != NULL ) { *pbstrResourceName = m_bstrResourceName.Copy(); _hr = S_OK; }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_Name()
// CClusResource::get_State
// Description:
// Returs the current state of this object (Resource).
// Arguments:
// pcrsState [OUT] - Catches the resource's state.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_State( OUT CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE * pcrsState ) { //ASSERT( pcrsState != NULL );
if ( pcrsState != NULL ) { CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE crsState = ::WrapGetClusterResourceState( m_hResource, NULL, NULL );
if ( crsState == ClusterResourceStateUnknown ) { DWORD _sc = GetLastError();
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } else { *pcrsState = crsState; _hr = S_OK; } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_State()
// CClusResource::get_CoreFlag
// Description:
// Returns this object's (Resource) core flags.
// Arguments:
// pFlags [OUT] - Catches the flags.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_CoreFlag( OUT CLUS_FLAGS * pFlags ) { //ASSERT( pFlags != NULL );
if ( pFlags != NULL ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwData; DWORD cbData;
_sc = ::ClusterResourceControl( m_hResource, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_FLAGS, NULL, 0, &dwData, sizeof( dwData ), &cbData ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } else { *pFlags = (CLUS_FLAGS) dwData; _hr = S_OK; } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_CoreFlag()
// CClusResource::BecomeQuorumResource
// Description:
// Make this resource (Physical Disk) the quorum resource.
// Arguments:
// bstrDevicePath [IN] - Path to the quorum device.
// lMaxLogSize [IN] - Maximun quorum log file size.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::BecomeQuorumResource( IN BSTR bstrDevicePath, IN long lMaxLogSize ) { //ASSERT( bstrDevicePath != NULL );
if ( bstrDevicePath != NULL ) { if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
_sc = ::SetClusterQuorumResource( m_hResource, bstrDevicePath, lMaxLogSize );
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::BecomeQuorumResource()
// CClusResource::Delete
// Description:
// Removes this object (Resource) from the cluster.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::Delete( void ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE;
if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { _sc = ::DeleteClusterResource( m_hResource ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { m_hResource = NULL; } }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc );
} //*** CClusResource::Delete()
// CClusResource::Fail
// Description:
// Initiate a failure in this resource.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::Fail( void ) { HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER;
if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
_sc = ::FailClusterResource( m_hResource );
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::Fail()
// CClusResource::Online
// Description:
// Bring this resource online.
// Arguments:
// nTimeut [IN] - How long in seconds to wait for the resource
// to come online.
// pvarPending [OUT] - Catches the pending state. True if the
// resource was not online when the timeout
// expired.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::Online( IN long nTimeout, OUT VARIANT * pvarPending ) { //ASSERT( pvarPending != NULL );
if ( pvarPending != NULL ) { pvarPending->vt = VT_BOOL; pvarPending->boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE;
if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { BOOL bPending = FALSE;
_hr = ::HrWrapOnlineClusterResource( hCluster, m_hResource, nTimeout, (long *) &bPending ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { if ( bPending ) { pvarPending->boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; } // if: pending?
} // if: online resource succeeded
} // if: do we have a cluster handle?
} // if: do we have an open resource?
} // if: args not NULL
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::Online()
// CClusResource::Offline
// Description:
// Take this resource offline.
// Arguments:
// nTimeut [IN] - How long in seconds to wait for the resource
// to go offline.
// pvarPending [OUT] - Catches the pending state. True if the
// resource was not offline when the timeout
// expired.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::Offline( IN long nTimeout, OUT VARIANT * pvarPending ) { //ASSERT( pvarPending != NULL );
if ( pvarPending != NULL ) { pvarPending->vt = VT_BOOL; pvarPending->boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE;
if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { BOOL bPending = FALSE;
_hr = ::HrWrapOfflineClusterResource( hCluster, m_hResource, nTimeout, (long *) &bPending ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { if ( bPending ) { pvarPending->boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; } // if: pending?
} // if: offline resource succeeded
} // if: do we have a cluster handle?
} // if: do we have an open resource?
} // if: args not NULL
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::Offline()
// CClusResource::ChangeResourceGroup
// Description:
// Move this resource into the passed in group.
// Arguments:
// pResourceGroup [IN] - the group to move to.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::ChangeResourceGroup( IN ISClusResGroup * pResourceGroup ) { //ASSERT( pResourceGroup != NULL );
if ( pResourceGroup != NULL ) { HGROUP hGroup = 0;
_hr = pResourceGroup->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hGroup ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { DWORD _sc = ::ChangeClusterResourceGroup( m_hResource, hGroup );
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::ChangeResourceGroup()
// CClusResource::AddResourceNode
// Description:
// Add the passed in node to this resources list of possible owners.
// Arguments:
// pNode [IN] - the node to add to the possible owners.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::AddResourceNode( IN ISClusNode * pNode ) { //ASSERT( pNode != NULL );
if ( pNode != NULL ) { HNODE hNode = 0;
_hr = pNode->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hNode ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { DWORD _sc = ::AddClusterResourceNode( m_hResource, hNode );
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::AddResourceNode()
// CClusResource::RemoveResourceNode
// Description:
// remove the passed in node from this resources list of possible owners.
// Arguments:
// pNode [IN] - the node to remove from the possible owners.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::RemoveResourceNode( IN ISClusNode * pNode ) { //ASSERT( pNode != NULL );
if ( pNode != NULL ) { HNODE hNode = 0;
_hr = pNode->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hNode ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { DWORD _sc = ::RemoveClusterResourceNode( m_hResource, hNode );
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::RemoveResourceNode()
// CClusResource::CanResourceBeDependent
// Description:
// Determines if this resource can be dependent upon the passed in
// resource.
// Arguments:
// pResource [in] - The resource upon which this resource may
// depend.
// pvarDependent [OUT] - catches whether or not this resource can become
// dependent.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::CanResourceBeDependent( IN ISClusResource * pResource, OUT VARIANT * pvarDependent ) { //ASSERT( pResource != NULL );
//ASSERT( pvarDependent != NULL );
if ( ( pvarDependent != NULL ) && ( pResource != NULL ) ) { HRESOURCE hResourceDep = NULL;
_hr = pResource->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hResourceDep ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { BOOL bDependent = FALSE;
bDependent = ::CanResourceBeDependent( m_hResource, hResourceDep );
pvarDependent->vt = VT_BOOL;
if ( bDependent ) { pvarDependent->boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; } // if: can the passed in resource be dependent?
else { pvarDependent->boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE; } // else: no it cannot...
} }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::CanResourceBeDependent()
// CClusResource::get_PossibleOwnerNodes
// Description:
// Returns the possible owner nodes collection for this resource.
// Arguments:
// ppOwnerNodes [OUT] - Catches the collection.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_PossibleOwnerNodes( OUT ISClusResPossibleOwnerNodes ** ppOwnerNodes ) { //ASSERT( ppOwnerNodes != NULL );
if ( ppOwnerNodes != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusResPossibleOwnerNodes > * pClusterNodes = NULL;
*ppOwnerNodes = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusResPossibleOwnerNodes >::CreateInstance( &pClusterNodes ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResPossibleOwnerNodes > > ptrClusterNodes( pClusterNodes );
_hr = ptrClusterNodes->Create( ptrRefObject, m_hResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrClusterNodes->Refresh(); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrClusterNodes->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResPossibleOwnerNodes, (void **) ppOwnerNodes ); } } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_PossibleOwnerNodes()
// CClusResource::get_Dependencies
// Description:
// Get the collection of this resources dependency resources.
// Arguments:
// ppResources [OUT] - Catches the collection of dependencies.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_Dependencies( OUT ISClusResDependencies ** ppResources ) { //ASSERT( ppResources != NULL );
if ( ppResources != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusResDependencies > * pResources = NULL;
*ppResources = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusResDependencies >::CreateInstance( &pResources ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResDependencies > > ptrResources( pResources );
_hr = ptrResources->Create( ptrRefObject, m_hResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResources->Refresh(); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResources->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResDependencies, (void **) ppResources ); } } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_Dependencies()
// CClusResource::get_Dependents
// Description:
// Get the collection of this resources dependent resources.
// Arguments:
// ppResources [OUT] - Catches the collection of dependents.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_Dependents( OUT ISClusResDependents ** ppResources ) { //ASSERT( ppResources != NULL );
if ( ppResources != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusResDependents > * pResources = NULL;
*ppResources = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusResDependents >::CreateInstance( &pResources ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResDependents > > ptrResources( pResources );
_hr = ptrResources->Create( ptrRefObject, m_hResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResources->Refresh(); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResources->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResDependents, (void **) ppResources ); } } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_Dependents()
// CClusResource::get_CommonProperties
// Description:
// Get this object's (Resource) common properties collection.
// Arguments:
// ppProperties [OUT] - Catches the properties collection.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_CommonProperties( OUT ISClusProperties ** ppProperties ) { //ASSERT( ppProperties != NULL );
if ( ppProperties != NULL ) { if ( m_pCommonProperties ) { _hr = m_pCommonProperties->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusProperties, (void **) ppProperties ); } else { _hr = GetProperties( ppProperties, FALSE, FALSE ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_CommonProperties()
// CClusResource::get_PrivateProperties
// Description:
// Get this object's (Resource) private properties collection.
// Arguments:
// ppProperties [OUT] - Catches the properties collection.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_PrivateProperties( OUT ISClusProperties ** ppProperties ) { //ASSERT( ppProperties != NULL );
if ( ppProperties != NULL ) { if ( m_pPrivateProperties ) { _hr = m_pPrivateProperties->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusProperties, (void **) ppProperties ); } else { _hr = GetProperties( ppProperties, TRUE, FALSE ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_PrivateProperties()
// CClusResource::get_CommonROProperties
// Description:
// Get this object's (Resource) common read only properties collection.
// Arguments:
// ppProperties [OUT] - Catches the properties collection.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_CommonROProperties( OUT ISClusProperties ** ppProperties ) { //ASSERT( ppProperties != NULL );
if ( ppProperties != NULL ) { if ( m_pCommonROProperties ) { _hr = m_pCommonROProperties->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusProperties, (void **) ppProperties ); } else { _hr = GetProperties( ppProperties, FALSE, TRUE ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_CommonROProperties()
// CClusResource::get_PrivateROProperties
// Description:
// Get this object's (Resource) private read only properties collection.
// Arguments:
// ppProperties [OUT] - Catches the properties collection.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_PrivateROProperties( OUT ISClusProperties ** ppProperties ) { //ASSERT( ppProperties != NULL );
if ( ppProperties != NULL ) { if ( m_pPrivateROProperties ) { _hr = m_pPrivateROProperties->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusProperties, (void **) ppProperties ); } else { _hr = GetProperties( ppProperties, TRUE, TRUE ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_PrivateROProperties()
// CClusResource::get_Group
// Description:
// Get this resource's owning group.
// Arguments:
// ppGroup [OUT] - Catches the owning group.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_Group( OUT ISClusResGroup ** ppGroup ) { //ASSERT( ppGroup != NULL );
if ( ppGroup != NULL ) { LPWSTR pwszGroupName = NULL; CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE cState = ClusterResourceStateUnknown;
cState = ::WrapGetClusterResourceState( m_hResource, NULL, &pwszGroupName ); if ( cState != ClusterResourceStateUnknown ) { CComObject< CClusResGroup > * pGroup = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusResGroup >::CreateInstance( &pGroup ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResGroup > > ptrGroup( pGroup );
_hr = ptrGroup->Open( ptrRefObject, pwszGroupName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrGroup->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResGroup, (void **) ppGroup); } }
::LocalFree( pwszGroupName ); pwszGroupName = NULL; } else { DWORD _sc = GetLastError();
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_Group()
// CClusResource::get_OwnerNode
// Description:
// Returns this resource's owning node.
// Arguments:
// ppNode [OUT] - Catches the owning node.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_OwnerNode( OUT ISClusNode ** ppNode ) { //ASSERT( ppNode != NULL );
if ( ppNode != NULL ) { LPWSTR pwszNodeName = NULL; CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE cState = ClusterResourceStateUnknown;
cState = ::WrapGetClusterResourceState( m_hResource, &pwszNodeName, NULL ); if ( cState != ClusterResourceStateUnknown ) { CComObject< CClusNode > * pNode = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusNode >::CreateInstance( &pNode ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusNode > > ptrNode( pNode );
_hr = ptrNode->Open( ptrRefObject, pwszNodeName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrNode->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusNode, (void **) ppNode); } }
::LocalFree( pwszNodeName ); pwszNodeName = NULL; } else { DWORD _sc = GetLastError();
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_OwnerNode()
// CClusResource::get_Cluster
// Description:
// Returns the cluster where this resource resides.
// Arguments:
// ppCluster [OUT] - Catches the cluster.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_Cluster( OUT ISCluster ** ppCluster ) { return ::HrGetCluster( ppCluster, m_pClusRefObject );
} //*** CClusResource::get_Cluster()
// CClusResource::HrLoadProperties
// Description:
// This virtual function does the actual load of the property list from
// the cluster.
// Arguments:
// rcplPropList [IN OUT] - The property list to load.
// bReadOnly [IN] - Load the read only properties?
// bPrivate [IN] - Load the common or the private properties?
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
HRESULT CClusResource::HrLoadProperties( IN OUT CClusPropList & rcplPropList, IN BOOL bReadOnly, IN BOOL bPrivate ) { HRESULT _hr = S_FALSE; DWORD _dwControlCode = 0; DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
_sc = rcplPropList.ScGetResourceProperties( m_hResource, _dwControlCode );
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc );
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::HrLoadProperties()
// CClusResource::ScWriteProperties
// Description:
// This virtual function does the actual saving of the property list to
// the cluster.
// Arguments:
// rcplPropList [IN] - The property list to save.
// bPrivate [IN] - Save the common or the private properties?
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or other Win32 error if not.
DWORD CClusResource::ScWriteProperties( const CClusPropList & rcplPropList, BOOL bPrivate ) { DWORD dwControlCode = bPrivate ? CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_SET_PRIVATE_PROPERTIES : CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_SET_COMMON_PROPERTIES; DWORD nBytesReturned = 0; DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
_sc = ClusterResourceControl( m_hResource, NULL, dwControlCode, rcplPropList, rcplPropList.CbBufferSize(), 0, 0, &nBytesReturned );
return _sc;
} //*** CClusResource::ScWriteProperties()
// CClusResource::get_ClassInfo
// Description:
// Returns the class info for this resource.
// Arguments:
// prcClassInfo [OUT] - Catches the class info.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_ClassInfo( OUT CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS * prcClassInfo ) { ASSERT( prcClassInfo != NULL );
if ( prcClassInfo != NULL ) { if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO ClassInfo; DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD cbData;
_sc = ::ClusterResourceControl( m_hResource, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_CLASS_INFO, NULL, 0, &ClassInfo, sizeof( CLUS_RESOURCE_CLASS_INFO ), &cbData ); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { *prcClassInfo = ClassInfo.rc; } // if:
} // if:
} // if:
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_ClassInfo
// CClusResource::get_Disk
// Description:
// Request the disk information for this physical disk resource.
// Arguments:
// ppDisk [OUT] - catches the disk information.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_Disk( OUT ISClusDisk ** ppDisk ) { // ASSERT( ppDisk != NULL );
if ( ppDisk != NULL ) { if ( m_hResource != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusDisk > * pDisk = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusDisk >::CreateInstance( &pDisk ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusDisk > > ptrDisk( pDisk );
_hr = ptrDisk->Create( m_hResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrDisk->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusDisk, (void **) ppDisk); } // if:
} // if:
} // if:
} // if:
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_Disk
// CClusResource::get_RegistryKeys
// Description:
// Get the collection of registry keys.
// Arguments:
// ppRegistryKeys [OUT] - catches the registry keys collection.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_RegistryKeys( OUT ISClusRegistryKeys ** ppRegistryKeys ) { return ::HrCreateResourceCollection< CClusResourceRegistryKeys, ISClusRegistryKeys, HRESOURCE >( m_hResource, ppRegistryKeys, IID_ISClusRegistryKeys );
} //*** CClusResource::get_RegistryKeys()
// CClusResource::get_CryptoKeys
// Description:
// Get the collection of crypto keys.
// Arguments:
// ppCryptoKeys [OUT] - catches the crypto keys collection.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_CryptoKeys( OUT ISClusCryptoKeys ** ppCryptoKeys ) { #if CLUSAPI_VERSION >= 0x0500
return ::HrCreateResourceCollection< CClusResourceCryptoKeys, ISClusCryptoKeys, HRESOURCE >( m_hResource, ppCryptoKeys, IID_ISClusCryptoKeys );
return E_NOTIMPL;
#endif // CLUSAPI_VERSION >= 0x0500
} //*** CClusResource::get_CryptoKeys()
// CClusResource::get_TypeName
// Description:
// Get the resource type name of this resource.
// Arguments:
// pbstrTypeName [OUT] - Catches the resource type name.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_TypeName( OUT BSTR * pbstrTypeName ) { //ASSERT( pbstrTypeName != NULL );
if ( pbstrTypeName != NULL ) { LPWSTR _psz; DWORD _sc;
_sc = ScGetResourceTypeName( &_psz ); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { *pbstrTypeName = ::SysAllocString( _psz ); if ( *pbstrTypeName == NULL ) { _hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } ::LocalFree( _psz ); } // if:
} // if: arg is not NULL
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_TypeName()
// CClusResource::get_Type
// Description:
// Get the resource type object for this resource.
// Arguments:
// ppResourceType [OUT] - Catches the resource type object.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResource::get_Type( OUT ISClusResType ** ppResourceType ) { //ASSERT( ppResourceType != NULL );
if ( ppResourceType != NULL ) { LPWSTR _psz; DWORD _sc;
_sc = ScGetResourceTypeName( &_psz ); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CComObject< CClusResType > * pResourceType = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusResType >::CreateInstance( &pResourceType ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResType > > ptrResourceType( pResourceType );
_hr = ptrResourceType->Open( ptrRefObject, _psz ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResourceType->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResType, (void **) ppResourceType ); } // if: the resource type could be opened
} // if: CreateInstance OK
::LocalFree( _psz ); } // if: we got the resource type name for this resource
} // if: arg is not NULL
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResource::get_Type()
// CClusResource::ScGetResourceTypeName
// Description:
// Get the resource type name for this resource.
// Arguments:
// ppwszResourceTypeName [OUT] - Catches the resource type name.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or other Win32 error.
DWORD CClusResource::ScGetResourceTypeName( OUT LPWSTR * ppwszResourceTypeName ) { ASSERT( ppwszResourceTypeName != NULL );
_psz = (LPWSTR) ::LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, _cb ); if ( _psz != NULL ) { DWORD _cbData = 0;
_sc = ::ClusterResourceControl( m_hResource, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_RESOURCE_TYPE, NULL, 0, _psz, _cb, &_cbData );
if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { ::LocalFree( _psz ); _psz = NULL; _cb = _cbData;
_psz = (LPWSTR) ::LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, _cb ); if ( _psz != NULL ) { DWORD _cbData = 0;
_sc = ::ClusterResourceControl( m_hResource, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_RESOURCE_TYPE, NULL, 0, _psz, _cb, &_cbData ); } // if: alloc ok
else { _sc = ::GetLastError(); } // else: if alloc failed
} // if: buffer not big enough...
if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *ppwszResourceTypeName = _psz; } // if:
} // if: alloc ok
else { _sc = ::GetLastError(); } // else: if alloc failed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusResource::ScGetResourceTypeName()
// CResources class
// CResources::CResources
// Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CResources::CResources( void ) { m_pClusRefObject = NULL;
} //*** CResources::CResources()
// CResources::~CResources
// Description:
// Destructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CResources::~CResources( void ) { Clear();
if ( m_pClusRefObject != NULL ) { m_pClusRefObject->Release(); m_pClusRefObject = NULL; } // if:
} //*** CResources::~CResources()
// CResources::Create
// Description:
// Finish creating the object by doing things that cannot be done in
// a light weight constructor.
// Arguments:
// pClusRefObject [IN] - Wraps the cluster handle.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful or E_POINTER if not.
HRESULT CResources::Create( IN ISClusRefObject * pClusRefObject ) { ASSERT( pClusRefObject != NULL );
if ( pClusRefObject != NULL ) { m_pClusRefObject = pClusRefObject; m_pClusRefObject->AddRef(); _hr = S_OK; }
return _hr;
} //*** CResources::Create()
// CResources::Clear
// Description:
// Release the objects in the vector and clean up the vector.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CResources::Clear( void ) { ::ReleaseAndEmptyCollection< ResourceList, CComObject< CClusResource > >( m_Resources );
} //*** CResources::Clear()
// CResources::FindItem
// Description:
// Find the passed in resource in the vector and return its index.
// Arguments:
// pszResourceName [IN] - The item to find.
// pnIndex [OUT] - Catches the node's index.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG.
HRESULT CResources::FindItem( IN LPWSTR pszResourceName, OUT UINT * pnIndex ) { //ASSERT( pnIndex != NULL );
if ( pnIndex != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusResource > * _pResource = NULL; size_t _cMax = m_Resources.size(); size_t _index;
for( _index = 0; _index < _cMax; _index++ ) { _pResource = m_Resources[ _index ];
if ( ( _pResource != NULL ) && ( lstrcmpi( pszResourceName, _pResource->Name() ) == 0 ) ) { *pnIndex = _index; _hr = S_OK; break; } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CResources::FindItem( pszResourceName )
// CResources::FindItem
// Description:
// Find the passed in resource in the vector and return its index.
// Arguments:
// pResource [IN] - The item to find.
// pnIndex [OUT] - Catches the node's index.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG.
HRESULT CResources::FindItem( IN ISClusResource * pResource, OUT UINT * pnIndex ) { //ASSERT( pResource != NULL );
//ASSERT( pnIndex != NULL );
if ( ( pResource != NULL ) && ( pnIndex != NULL ) ) { CComBSTR bstrName;
_hr = pResource->get_Name( &bstrName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = FindItem( bstrName, pnIndex ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CResources::FindItem( pResource )
// CResources::GetIndex
// Description:
// Convert the passed in variant index into the real index in the
// collection.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - The index to convert.
// pnIndex [OUT] - Catches the index.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG.
HRESULT CResources::GetIndex( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT UINT * pnIndex ) { //ASSERT( pnIndex != NULL );
if ( pnIndex != NULL ) { CComVariant v; UINT nIndex = 0;
*pnIndex = 0;
v.Copy( &varIndex );
// Check to see if the index is a number.
_hr = v.ChangeType( VT_I4 ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { nIndex = v.lVal; nIndex--; // Adjust index to be 0 relative instead of 1 relative
} else { //
// Check to see if the index is a string.
_hr = v.ChangeType( VT_BSTR ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = FindItem( v.bstrVal, &nIndex ); } }
if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { if ( nIndex < m_Resources.size() ) { *pnIndex = nIndex; } else { _hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CResources::GetIndex()
// CResources::GetResourceItem
// Description:
// Return the object (Resource) at the passed in index.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index requested.
// ppResource [OUT] - Catches the item.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG.
HRESULT CResources::GetResourceItem( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT ISClusResource ** ppResource ) { //ASSERT( ppResource != NULL );
if ( ppResource != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusResource > * pResource = NULL; UINT nIndex = 0;
*ppResource = NULL ;
_hr = GetIndex( varIndex, &nIndex ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { pResource = m_Resources[ nIndex ]; _hr = pResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppResource ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CResources::GetResourceItem()
// CResources::RemoveAt
// Description:
// Remove the item at the passed in index from the collection.
// Arguments:
// pos [IN] - Index to remove.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or E_INVALIDARG.
HRESULT CResources::RemoveAt( IN size_t pos ) { CComObject<CClusResource> * pResource = NULL; ResourceList::iterator first = m_Resources.begin(); ResourceList::iterator last = m_Resources.end(); HRESULT _hr = E_INVALIDARG;
for ( size_t t = 0; ( t < pos ) && ( first != last ); t++, first++ );
if ( first != last ) { pResource = *first; if ( pResource ) { pResource->Release(); }
m_Resources.erase( first ); _hr = S_OK; }
return _hr;
} //*** CResources::RemoveAt()
// CResources::DeleteItem
// Description:
// Delete the resource at the passed in index from the collection and
// the cluster.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index of the resource to delete.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
HRESULT CResources::DeleteItem( IN VARIANT varIndex ) { HRESULT _hr = S_FALSE; UINT nIndex = 0;
_hr = GetIndex( varIndex, &nIndex ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ISClusResource * pClusterResource = (ISClusResource *) m_Resources[ nIndex ];
_hr = pClusterResource->Delete(); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = RemoveAt( nIndex ); } }
return _hr;
} //*** CResources::DeleteItem()
// CClusResources class
// CClusResources::CClusResources
// Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResources::CClusResources( void ) { m_piids = (const IID *) iidCClusResources; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCClusResources );
} //*** CClusResources::CClusResources()
// CClusResources::~CClusResources
// Description:
// Destructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResources::~CClusResources( void ) { CResources::Clear();
} //*** CClusResources::~CClusResources()
// CClusResources::get_Count
// Description:
// Return the count of objects (Resource) in the collection.
// Arguments:
// plCount [OUT] - Catches the count.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResources::get_Count( OUT long * plCount ) { //ASSERT( plCount != NULL );
if ( plCount != NULL ) { *plCount = m_Resources.size(); _hr = S_OK; }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResources::get_Count()
// CClusResources::get__NewEnum
// Description:
// Create and return a new enumeration for this collection.
// Arguments:
// ppunk [OUT] - Catches the new enumeration.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResources::get__NewEnum( OUT IUnknown ** ppunk ) { return ::HrNewIDispatchEnum< ResourceList, CComObject< CClusResource > >( ppunk, m_Resources );
} //*** CClusResources::get__NewEnum()
// CClusResources::CreateItem
// Description:
// Create a new item and add it to the collection.
// Arguments:
// bstrResourceName [IN] - The name of the resource to create.
// bstrResourceType [IN] - The type of the resource to create.
// bstrGroupName [IN] - The group to create it in.
// dwFlags [IN] - Resource monitor flag.
// ppClusterResource [OUT] - Catches the new resource.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResources::CreateItem( IN BSTR bstrResourceName, IN BSTR bstrResourceType, IN BSTR bstrGroupName, IN CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS dwFlags, IN ISClusResource ** ppClusterResource ) { //ASSERT( bstrResourceName != NULL );
//ASSERT( bstrResourceType != NULL );
//ASSERT( bstrGroupName != NULL );
//ASSERT( ppClusterResource != NULL );
if ( ( ppClusterResource != NULL ) && ( bstrResourceName != NULL ) && ( bstrResourceType != NULL ) && ( bstrGroupName != NULL ) ) { *ppClusterResource = NULL;
// Fail if no valid cluster handle.
if ( m_pClusRefObject != NULL ) { UINT nIndex;
_hr = FindItem( bstrResourceName, &nIndex ); if ( FAILED( _hr ) ) // don't allow duplicates
{ HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; HGROUP hGroup = NULL;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { hGroup = OpenClusterGroup( hCluster, bstrGroupName ); if ( hGroup != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusResource >::CreateInstance( &pClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResource > > ptrResource( pClusterResource );
_hr = ptrResource->Create( ptrRefObject, hGroup, bstrResourceName, bstrResourceType, dwFlags ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ptrResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), ptrResource ); } } }
::CloseClusterGroup( hGroup ); } else { DWORD _sc = 0;
_sc = GetLastError(); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } } } else { CComObject<CClusResource> * pClusterResource = NULL;
pClusterResource = m_Resources[ nIndex ]; _hr = pClusterResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppClusterResource ); } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResources::CreateItem()
// CClusResources::DeleteItem
// Description:
// Delete the resource at the passed in index from the collection and
// the cluster.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index of the resource to delete.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResources::DeleteItem( IN VARIANT varIndex ) { return CResources::DeleteItem( varIndex );
} //*** CClusResources::DeleteItem()
// CClusResources::Refresh
// Description:
// Load the collection from the cluster database.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 error as HRESULT.
if ( m_pClusRefObject != NULL ) { HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hEnum = ::ClusterOpenEnum( hCluster, CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE ); if ( _hEnum != NULL ) { int _nIndex = 0; DWORD dwType; LPWSTR pszName = NULL; CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
for( _nIndex = 0, _hr = S_OK; SUCCEEDED( _hr ); _nIndex++ ) { _sc = ::WrapClusterEnum( _hEnum, _nIndex, &dwType, &pszName ); if ( _sc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { _hr = S_OK; break; } else if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = CComObject< CClusResource >::CreateInstance( &pClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResource > > ptrResource( pClusterResource );
_hr = ptrResource->Open( ptrRefObject, pszName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ptrResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), ptrResource ); } }
::LocalFree( pszName ); pszName = NULL; } else { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
::ClusterCloseEnum( _hEnum ); } else { _sc = GetLastError(); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResources::Refresh()
// CClusResources::get_Item
// Description:
// Return the object (Resource) at the passed in index.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index requested.
// ppResource [OUT] - Catches the item.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG.
HRESULT CClusResources::get_Item( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT ISClusResource ** ppResource ) { return GetResourceItem( varIndex, ppResource );
} //*** CClusResources::get_Item()
// CClusResDepends class
// CClusResDepends::CClusResDepends
// Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResDepends::CClusResDepends( void ) { m_hResource = NULL;
} //*** CClusResDepends::CClusResDepends()
// CClusResDepends::~CClusResDepends
// Description:
// Destructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResDepends::~CClusResDepends( void ) { Clear();
} //*** CClusResDepends::~CClusResDepends()
// CClusResDepends::get_Count
// Description:
// Return the count of objects (Resource) in the collection.
// Arguments:
// plCount [OUT] - Catches the count.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResDepends::get_Count( OUT long * plCount ) { //ASSERT( plCount != NULL );
if ( plCount != NULL ) { *plCount = m_Resources.size(); _hr = S_OK; }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResDepends::get_Count()
// CClusResDepends::Create
// Description:
// Finish creating the object by doing things that cannot be done in
// a light weight constructor.
// Arguments:
// pClusRefObject [IN] - Wraps the cluster handle.
// hResource [IN] - The resource this collection belongs to.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful or E_POINTER if not.
HRESULT CClusResDepends::Create( IN ISClusRefObject * pClusRefObject, IN HRESOURCE hResource ) { HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER;
_hr = CResources::Create( pClusRefObject ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { m_hResource = hResource; } // if:
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResDepends::Create()
// CClusResDepends::get__NewEnum
// Description:
// Create and return a new enumeration for this collection.
// Arguments:
// ppunk [OUT] - Catches the new enumeration.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResDepends::get__NewEnum( OUT IUnknown ** ppunk ) { return ::HrNewIDispatchEnum< ResourceList, CComObject< CClusResource > >( ppunk, m_Resources );
} //*** CClusResDepends::get__NewEnum()
// CClusResDepends::DeleteItem
// Description:
// Delete the resource at the passed in index from the collection and
// the cluster.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index of the resource to delete.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResDepends::DeleteItem( IN VARIANT varIndex ) { return CResources::DeleteItem( varIndex );
} //*** CClusResDepends::DeleteItem()
// CClusResDepends::get_Item
// Description:
// Return the object (Resource) at the passed in index.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index requested.
// ppResource [OUT] - Catches the item.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResDepends::get_Item( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT ISClusResource ** ppResource ) { return GetResourceItem( varIndex, ppResource );
} //*** CClusResDepends::get_Item()
// CClusResDepends::HrRefresh
// Description:
// Load the collection from the cluster database.
// Arguments:
// cre [IN] - Type of enumeration to perform.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 error as HRESULT.
_hEnum = ::ClusterResourceOpenEnum( m_hResource, cre ); if ( _hEnum != NULL ) { int _nIndex = 0; DWORD dwType; LPWSTR pszName = NULL; CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
for( _nIndex = 0, _hr = S_OK; SUCCEEDED( _hr ); _nIndex++ ) { _sc = ::WrapClusterResourceEnum( _hEnum, _nIndex, &dwType, &pszName ); if ( _sc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { _hr = S_OK; break; } else if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = CComObject< CClusResource >::CreateInstance( &pClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResource > > ptrResource( pClusterResource );
_hr = ptrResource->Open( ptrRefObject, pszName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ptrResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), ptrResource ); } }
::LocalFree( pszName ); pszName = NULL; } else { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
::ClusterResourceCloseEnum( _hEnum ); } else { _sc = GetLastError(); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResDepends::HrRefresh()
// CClusResDepends::CreateItem
// Description:
// Create a new item and add it to the collection.
// Arguments:
// bstrResourceName [IN] - The name of the resource to create.
// bstrResourceType [IN] - The type of the resource to create.
// dwFlags [IN] - Resource monitor flag.
// ppClusterResource [OUT] - Catches the new resource.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResDepends::CreateItem( IN BSTR bstrResourceName, IN BSTR bstrResourceType, IN CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS dwFlags, OUT ISClusResource ** ppClusterResource ) { //ASSERT( bstrResourceName != NULL );
//ASSERT( bstrResourceType != NULL );
//ASSERT( ppClusterResource != NULL );
ASSERT( m_pClusRefObject != NULL );
if ( ( ppClusterResource != NULL ) && ( bstrResourceName != NULL ) && ( bstrResourceType != NULL ) ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
*ppClusterResource = NULL;
if ( m_pClusRefObject != NULL ) { UINT _nIndex;
_hr = FindItem( bstrResourceName, &_nIndex ); if ( FAILED( _hr ) ) { HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; HGROUP hGroup = NULL;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { LPWSTR pwszGroupName = NULL; CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE cState = ClusterResourceStateUnknown;
cState = WrapGetClusterResourceState( m_hResource, NULL, &pwszGroupName ); if ( cState != ClusterResourceStateUnknown ) { hGroup = ::OpenClusterGroup( hCluster, pwszGroupName ); if ( hGroup != NULL ) { CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
_hr = CComObject< CClusResource >::CreateInstance( &pClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResource > > ptrResource( pClusterResource );
_hr = ptrResource->Create( ptrRefObject, hGroup, bstrResourceName, bstrResourceType, dwFlags ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { HRESOURCE hDependsRes = NULL;
_hr = ptrResource->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hDependsRes ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _sc = ScAddDependency( m_hResource, hDependsRes ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = ptrResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ptrResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), ptrResource ); } } else { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } } } }
::CloseClusterGroup( hGroup ); } else { _sc = GetLastError(); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); }
::LocalFree( pwszGroupName ); pwszGroupName = NULL; } // if: WrapGetClusterResourceState
else { DWORD _sc = GetLastError();
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } } } else { CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
pClusterResource = m_Resources[ _nIndex ]; _hr = pClusterResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppClusterResource ); } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResDepends::CreateItem()
// CClusResDepends::AddItem
// Description:
// Make this resource dependent upon the passed in resource.
// Arguments:
// pResouce [IN] - Resource to add to the dependencies list.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResDepends::AddItem( IN ISClusResource * pResource ) { //ASSERT( pResource != NULL );
if ( pResource != NULL ) { // Fail if duplicate
UINT _nIndex = 0;
_hr = FindItem( pResource, &_nIndex ); if ( FAILED( _hr ) ) { HRESOURCE hResourceDep = NULL; CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
_hr = pResource->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hResourceDep ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { DWORD _sc = ScAddDependency( m_hResource, hResourceDep );
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CComObject< CClusResource > * _pResource = NULL;
_hr = pResource->QueryInterface( IID_CClusResource, (void **) &_pResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _pResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), _pResource );
pResource->Release(); } // if:
} } } else { _hr = E_INVALIDARG; } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResDepends::AddItem()
// CClusResDepends::RemoveItem
// Description:
// Remove the dependency on the resource at the passed in index.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - The index of the item whose dependency should
// be removed.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or other Win32 error as HRESULT if not.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResDepends::RemoveItem( IN VARIANT varIndex ) { HRESULT _hr = S_OK; UINT _nIndex = 0;
_hr = GetIndex( varIndex, &_nIndex ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ISClusResource * pClusterResource = (ISClusResource *) m_Resources[ _nIndex ]; HRESOURCE hResourceDep = NULL;
_hr = pClusterResource->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hResourceDep ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { DWORD _sc = ScRemoveDependency( m_hResource, hResourceDep );
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = RemoveAt( _nIndex ); } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResDepends::RemoveItem()
// CClusResDependencies class
// CClusResDependencies::CClusResDependencies
// Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResDependencies::CClusResDependencies( void ) { m_piids = (const IID *) iidCClusResDependencies; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCClusResDependencies );
} //*** CClusResDependencies::CClusResDependencies()
// CClusResDependents class
// CClusResDependents::CClusResDependents
// Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResDependents::CClusResDependents( void ) { m_piids = (const IID *) iidCClusResDependents; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCClusResDependents );
} //*** CClusResDependents::CClusResDependents()
// CClusResGroupResources class
// CClusResGroupResources::CClusResGroupResources
// Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResGroupResources::CClusResGroupResources( void ) { m_piids = (const IID *) iidCClusResGroupResources; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCClusResGroupResources );
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::CClusResGroupResources()
// CClusResGroupResources::~CClusResGroupResources
// Description:
// Destructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResGroupResources::~CClusResGroupResources( void ) { Clear();
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::~CClusResGroupResources()
// CClusResGroupResources::get_Count
// Description:
// Return the count of objects (Resource) in the collection.
// Arguments:
// plCount [OUT] - Catches the count.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResGroupResources::get_Count( OUT long * plCount ) { //ASSERT( plCount != NULL );
if ( plCount != NULL ) { *plCount = m_Resources.size(); _hr = S_OK; }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::get_Count()
// CClusResGroupResources::Create
// Description:
// Finish creating the object by doing things that cannot be done in
// a light weight constructor.
// Arguments:
// pClusRefObject [IN] - Wraps the cluster handle.
// hGroup [IN] - The group this collection belongs to.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful or E_POINTER if not.
HRESULT CClusResGroupResources::Create( IN ISClusRefObject * pClusRefObject, IN HGROUP hGroup ) { HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER;
_hr = CResources::Create( pClusRefObject ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { m_hGroup = hGroup; } // if:
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::Create()
// CClusResGroupResources::get__NewEnum
// Description:
// Create and return a new enumeration for this collection.
// Arguments:
// ppunk [OUT] - Catches the new enumeration.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResGroupResources::get__NewEnum( OUT IUnknown ** ppunk ) { return ::HrNewIDispatchEnum< ResourceList, CComObject< CClusResource > >( ppunk, m_Resources );
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::get__NewEnum()
// CClusResGroupResources::CreateItem
// Description:
// Create a new item and add it to the collection.
// Arguments:
// bstrResourceName [IN] - The name of the resource to create.
// bstrResourceType [IN] - The type of the resource to create.
// dwFlags [IN] - Resource monitor flag.
// ppClusterResource [OUT] - Catches the new resource.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResGroupResources::CreateItem( IN BSTR bstrResourceName, IN BSTR bstrResourceType, IN CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS dwFlags, OUT ISClusResource ** ppClusterResource ) { //ASSERT( bstrResourceName != NULL );
//ASSERT( bstrResourceType != NULL );
//ASSERT( ppClusterResource != NULL );
if ( ( bstrResourceName != NULL ) && ( bstrResourceType != NULL ) && ( ppClusterResource != NULL ) ) { *ppClusterResource = NULL;
if ( m_pClusRefObject != NULL ) { UINT _nIndex = 0;
_hr = FindItem( bstrResourceName, &_nIndex ); if ( FAILED( _hr ) ) { HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = CComObject< CClusResource >::CreateInstance( &pClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResource > > ptrResource( pClusterResource );
_hr = ptrResource->Create( ptrRefObject, m_hGroup, bstrResourceName, bstrResourceType, dwFlags ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ptrResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), ptrResource ); } } } } } else { CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
pClusterResource = m_Resources[ _nIndex ]; _hr = pClusterResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppClusterResource ); } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::CreateItem()
// CClusResGroupResources::DeleteItem
// Description:
// Delete the resource at the passed in index from the collection and
// the cluster.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index of the resource to delete.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResGroupResources::DeleteItem( VARIANT varIndex ) { return CResources::DeleteItem( varIndex );
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::DeleteItem()
// CClusResGroupResources::Refresh
// Description:
// Load the collection from the cluster database.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResGroupResources::Refresh( void ) { HGROUPENUM hEnum = NULL; DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT _hr = S_OK;
hEnum = ::ClusterGroupOpenEnum( m_hGroup, CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM_CONTAINS ); if ( hEnum != NULL ) { int _nIndex = 0; DWORD dwType; LPWSTR pszName = NULL; CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
for( _nIndex = 0, _hr = S_OK; SUCCEEDED( _hr ); _nIndex++ ) { _sc = ::WrapClusterGroupEnum( hEnum, _nIndex, &dwType, &pszName ); if ( _sc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { _hr = S_OK; break; } else if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = CComObject< CClusResource >::CreateInstance( &pClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResource > > ptrResource( pClusterResource );
_hr = ptrResource->Open( ptrRefObject, pszName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ptrResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), ptrResource ); } }
::LocalFree( pszName ); pszName = NULL; } else { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
::ClusterGroupCloseEnum( hEnum ); } else { _sc = GetLastError(); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::Refresh()
// CClusResGroupResources::get_Item
// Description:
// Return the object (Resource) at the passed in index.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index requested.
// ppResource [OUT] - Catches the item.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResGroupResources::get_Item( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT ISClusResource ** ppResource ) { return GetResourceItem( varIndex, ppResource );
} //*** CClusResGroupResources::get_Item()
// CClusResTypeResources class
// CClusResTypeResources::CClusResTypeResources
// Description:
// Constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResTypeResources::CClusResTypeResources( void ) { m_piids = (const IID *) iidCClusResTypeResources; m_piidsSize = ARRAYSIZE( iidCClusResTypeResources );
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::CClusResTypeResources()
// CClusResTypeResources::~CClusResTypeResources
// Description:
// Destructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CClusResTypeResources::~CClusResTypeResources( void ) { Clear();
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::~CClusResTypeResources()
// CClusResTypeResources::get_Count
// Description:
// Return the count of objects (Resource) in the collection.
// Arguments:
// plCount [OUT] - Catches the count.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, or E_POINTER.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResTypeResources::get_Count( OUT long * plCount ) { //ASSERT( plCount != NULL );
if ( plCount != NULL ) { *plCount = m_Resources.size(); _hr = S_OK; }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::get_Count()
// CClusResTypeResources::Create
// Description:
// Finish creating the object by doing things that cannot be done in
// a light weight constructor.
// Arguments:
// pClusRefObject [IN] - Wraps the cluster handle.
// bstrResTypeName [IN] - The name of the resource type this collection
// belongs to.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful or E_POINTER if not.
HRESULT CClusResTypeResources::Create( IN ISClusRefObject * pClusRefObject, IN BSTR bstrResTypeName ) { HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER;
_hr = CResources::Create( pClusRefObject ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { m_bstrResourceTypeName = bstrResTypeName; } // if:
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::Create()
// CClusResTypeResources::get__NewEnum
// Description:
// Create and return a new enumeration for this collection.
// Arguments:
// ppunk [OUT] - Catches the new enumeration.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or other HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResTypeResources::get__NewEnum( OUT IUnknown ** ppunk ) { return ::HrNewIDispatchEnum< ResourceList, CComObject< CClusResource > >( ppunk, m_Resources );
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::get__NewEnum()
// CClusResTypeResources::CreateItem
// Description:
// Create a new item and add it to the collection.
// Arguments:
// bstrResourceName [IN] - The name of the resource to create.
// bstrGroupName [IN] - The group to create it in.
// dwFlags [IN] - Resource monitor flag.
// ppClusterResource [OUT] - Catches the new resource.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResTypeResources::CreateItem( IN BSTR bstrResourceName, IN BSTR bstrGroupName, IN CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS dwFlags, OUT ISClusResource ** ppClusterResource ) { //ASSERT( bstrResourceName != NULL );
//ASSERT( bstrGroupName != NULL );
//ASSERT( ppClusterResource != NULL );
if ( ( bstrResourceName != NULL ) && ( bstrGroupName != NULL ) && ( ppClusterResource != NULL ) ) { *ppClusterResource = NULL;
// Fail if no valid cluster handle.
if ( m_pClusRefObject != NULL ) { UINT _nIndex;
_hr = FindItem( bstrResourceName, &_nIndex ); if ( FAILED( _hr ) ) // duplicates are not allowed
{ HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL; HGROUP hGroup = NULL; CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { hGroup = OpenClusterGroup( hCluster, bstrGroupName ); if ( hGroup != NULL ) { _hr = CComObject< CClusResource >::CreateInstance( &pClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResource > > ptrResource( pClusterResource );
_hr = ptrResource->Create( ptrRefObject, hGroup, bstrResourceName, m_bstrResourceTypeName, dwFlags ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { ptrResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), ptrResource ); } // if: QI ok
} // if: Create ok
} // if: CreateInstance ok
CloseClusterGroup( hGroup ); } // if: OpenClusterGroup ok
else { DWORD _sc = GetLastError();
_hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } } // if: get_Handle ok
} // if: FindIndex failed. No duplicate entries
else { CComObject<CClusResource> * pClusterResource = NULL;
pClusterResource = m_Resources[ _nIndex ]; _hr = pClusterResource->QueryInterface( IID_ISClusResource, (void **) ppClusterResource ); } // else: found a duplicate
} // if: m_pClusRefObject is not NULL
} // if: any NULL argument pointers
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::CreateItem()
// CClusResTypeResources::DeleteItem
// Description:
// Delete the resource at the passed in index from the collection and
// the cluster.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index of the resource to delete.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 as HRESULT error.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResTypeResources::DeleteItem( IN VARIANT varIndex ) { return CResources::DeleteItem( varIndex );
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::DeleteItem()
// CClusResTypeResources::Refresh
// Description:
// Load the collection from the cluster database.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or Win32 error as HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResTypeResources::Refresh( void ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT _hr = E_POINTER; HCLUSTER hCluster = NULL;
if ( m_pClusRefObject != NULL ) { HCLUSENUM hEnum = NULL;
_hr = m_pClusRefObject->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hCluster ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { hEnum = ::ClusterOpenEnum( hCluster, CLUSTER_ENUM_RESOURCE ); if ( hEnum != NULL ) { int _nIndex = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; LPWSTR pszName = NULL; HRESOURCE hResource = NULL; WCHAR strResType[1024]; DWORD dwData = 0; CComObject< CClusResource > * pClusterResource = NULL;
for( _nIndex = 0, _hr = S_OK; SUCCEEDED( _hr ); _nIndex++ ) { _sc = ::WrapClusterEnum( hEnum, _nIndex, &dwType, &pszName ); if ( _sc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { _hr = S_OK; break; } else if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _hr = CComObject< CClusResource >::CreateInstance( &pClusterResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { CSmartPtr< ISClusRefObject > ptrRefObject( m_pClusRefObject ); CSmartPtr< CComObject< CClusResource > > ptrResource( pClusterResource );
_hr = ptrResource->Open( ptrRefObject, pszName ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _hr = ptrResource->get_Handle( (ULONG_PTR *) &hResource ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { _sc = ClusterResourceControl( hResource, NULL, CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_RESOURCE_TYPE, NULL, 0, strResType, sizeof( strResType ), &dwData ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( lstrcmpi( strResType, m_bstrResourceTypeName ) == 0 ) { ptrResource->AddRef(); m_Resources.insert( m_Resources.end(), ptrResource ); } } else { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } } } }
::LocalFree( pszName ); pszName = NULL; } else { _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } }
::ClusterCloseEnum( hEnum ); } else { _sc = GetLastError(); _hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( _sc ); } } }
return _hr;
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::Refresh()
// CClusResTypeResources::get_Item
// Description:
// Return the object (Resource) at the passed in index.
// Arguments:
// varIndex [IN] - Contains the index requested.
// ppResource [OUT] - Catches the item.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful, E_POINTER, or E_INVALIDARG.
STDMETHODIMP CClusResTypeResources::get_Item( IN VARIANT varIndex, OUT ISClusResource ** ppResource ) { return GetResourceItem( varIndex, ppResource );
} //*** CClusResTypeResources::get_Item()