// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CBaseClusterJoin.cpp
// Description:
// Contains the definition of the CBaseClusterJoin class.
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header.
#include "pch.h"
// For various RPC functions
#include <Rpcdce.h>
// The header file of this class.
#include "CBaseClusterJoin.h"
// For the CClusNetCreate action
#include "CClusNetCreate.h"
// For the CClusDiskJoin class
#include "CClusDiskJoin.h"
// For the CClusDBJoin action
#include "CClusDBJoin.h"
// For the CClusSvcCreate action
#include "CClusSvcCreate.h"
// For the CNodeConfig action
#include "CNodeConfig.h"
// For the CImpersonateUser class.
#include "CImpersonateUser.h"
// For CsRpcGetJoinVersionData() and constants like JoinVersion_v2_0_c_ifspec
#include <ClusRPC.h>
// For ClRtlIsVersionCheckingDisabled()
#include <ClusRTL.h>
#include <ClusVerp.h>
// CBaseClusterJoin::CBaseClusterJoin
// Description:
// Constructor of the CBaseClusterJoin class.
// This function also stores the parameters that are required to add this
// node to a cluster.
// Arguments:
// pbcaiInterfaceIn
// Pointer to the interface class for this library.
// pcszClusterNameIn
// Name of the cluster to be joined.
// pcszClusterAccountNameIn
// pcszClusterAccountPwdIn
// pcszClusterAccountDomainIn
// Specifies the account to be used as the cluster service account.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CConfigError
// If the OS version is incorrect or if the installation state
// of the cluster binaries is wrong.
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
CBaseClusterJoin::CBaseClusterJoin( CBCAInterface * pbcaiInterfaceIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterNameIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterBindingStringIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountNameIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountPwdIn , const WCHAR * pcszClusterAccountDomainIn ) : BaseClass( pbcaiInterfaceIn , pcszClusterNameIn , pcszClusterBindingStringIn , pcszClusterAccountNameIn , pcszClusterAccountPwdIn , pcszClusterAccountDomainIn ) { BCATraceScope( "" ); LogMsg( "[BC] The current cluster configuration task is: Cluster Join." );
if ( ( pcszClusterBindingStringIn == NULL ) || ( *pcszClusterBindingStringIn == L'\0' ) ) { LogMsg( "[BC] The cluster binding string is empty." ); THROW_CONFIG_ERROR( E_INVALIDARG, IDS_ERROR_INVALID_CLUSTER_BINDINGSTRING ); } // if: the cluster account is empty
CStatusReport srInitJoin( PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() , TASKID_Major_Configure_Cluster_Services , TASKID_Minor_Initializing_Cluster_Join , 0, 1 , IDS_TASK_JOIN_INIT );
// Send the next step of this status report.
srInitJoin.SendNextStep( S_OK );
// Create an object of the CClusSvcAccountConfig class and store a pointer to it.
// This object will be used during Commit() of this action. This object is not
// added to the action list below since the cluster service account has to be
// configured before the sponsor cluster can be contacted.
m_spacAccountConfigAction.Assign( new CClusSvcAccountConfig( this ) ); if ( m_spacAccountConfigAction.FIsEmpty() ) { LogMsg( "[BC] A memory allocation error occurred trying to configure the cluster service account." ); BCATraceMsg1( "A memory allocation error occurred trying to configure the cluster service account (%d bytes). Throwing exception.", sizeof( CClusSvcAccountConfig ) ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( E_OUTOFMEMORY, IDS_ERROR_JOIN_CLUSTER_INIT ); } // if: memory allocation failed
// Create a list of actions to be performed.
// The order of appending actions is significant.
// Add the action to create the ClusNet service.
RalGetActionList().AppendAction( new CClusNetCreate( this ) );
// Add the action to create the ClusDisk service.
RalGetActionList().AppendAction( new CClusDiskJoin( this ) );
// Add the action to create the cluster database.
RalGetActionList().AppendAction( new CClusDBJoin( this ) );
// Add the action to create the ClusSvc service.
RalGetActionList().AppendAction( new CClusSvcCreate( this ) );
// Add the action to perform miscellaneous tasks.
RalGetActionList().AppendAction( new CNodeConfig( this ) );
// Indicate if rollback is possible or not.
SetRollbackPossible( m_spacAccountConfigAction->FIsRollbackPossible() && RalGetActionList().FIsRollbackPossible() );
// Indicate that this node should be added to a cluster during commit.
// Send the last step of a status report.
srInitJoin.SendNextStep( S_OK );
LogMsg( "[BC] Initialization for cluster join complete." );
} //*** CBaseClusterJoin::CBaseClusterJoin()
// CBaseClusterJoin::~CBaseClusterJoin
// Description:
// Destructor of the CBaseClusterJoin class
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CBaseClusterJoin::~CBaseClusterJoin() throw() { BCATraceScope( "" );
} //*** CBaseClusterJoin::~CBaseClusterJoin()
// void
// CBaseClusterJoin::Commit
// Description:
// Join the cluster.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Any exceptions thrown by functions called.
void CBaseClusterJoin::Commit() { BCATraceScope( "" ); LogMsg( "[BC] Initiating cluster join." );
CStatusReport srJoiningCluster( PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() , TASKID_Major_Configure_Cluster_Services , TASKID_Minor_Joining_Node , 0, 1 , IDS_TASK_JOINING_CLUSTER );
// Send the next step of this status report.
srJoiningCluster.SendNextStep( S_OK );
try { // First configure the cluster service account - this is required to get the account token.
// Get the cluster service account token and store it for later use.
{ // Get the account token.
HANDLE hServiceAccountToken = HGetAccountToken( RStrGetServiceAccountName().PszData() , RStrGetServiceAccountPassword().PszData() , RStrGetServiceAccountDomain().PszData() );
// Store it in a member variable. This variable automatically closes the token on destruction.
m_satServiceAccountToken.Assign( hServiceAccountToken );
LogMsg( "[BC] Got the cluster service account token." ); }
// In the scope below, the cluster service account is impersonated, so that we can communicate with the
// sponsor cluster
{ DWORD sc; BOOL fIsVersionCheckingDisabled;
BCATraceMsg( "Impersonating the cluster service account before communicating with the sponsor cluster." );
// Impersonate the cluster service account, so that we can contact the sponsor cluster.
// The impersonation is automatically ended when this object is destroyed.
CImpersonateUser ciuImpersonateClusterServiceAccount( HGetClusterServiceAccountToken() );
// Check if version checking is disabled on the sponsor cluster.
sc = ClRtlIsVersionCheckingDisabled( RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData(), &fIsVersionCheckingDisabled ); if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to determine if version checking is enabled on the node {%ws} with binding string {%ws}." , sc , RStrGetClusterName().PszData() , RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData() );
LogMsg( "[BC] This is not a fatal error. Assuming that version checking is required." );
fIsVersionCheckingDisabled = FALSE; } // if: an error occurred trying to determine if version checking is disabled or not
// Store the result since it will be used later when we try to create the cluster service on this computer.
SetVersionCheckingDisabled( fIsVersionCheckingDisabled != FALSE );
if ( fIsVersionCheckingDisabled != FALSE ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Cluster version checking is disabled on the sponsor node." ); } // if: version checking is disabled
else { // Make sure the this node can interoperate with the sponsor cluster. Note, this call uses
// the cluster service account token got above.
CheckInteroperability(); } // else: version checking is enabled
// Get a binding handle to the extrocluster join interface and store it.
InitializeJoinBinding(); } //
// Call the base class commit routine. This commits the rest of the action list.
} // try:
catch( ... ) { // If we are here, then something went wrong with one of the actions.
LogMsg( "[BC] An error has occurred. The performed actions will be rolled back." );
// Rollback all committed actions in the reverse order.
// Catch any exceptions thrown during rollback to make sure that there
// is no collided unwind.
try { // If we are here, then it means that something has gone wrong in the try block above.
// Of the two actions committed, only m_spacAccountConfigAction needs to be rolled back.
// This is because, if BaseClass::Commit() was successful, we wouldn't be here!
if ( m_spacAccountConfigAction->FIsCommitComplete() ) { if ( m_spacAccountConfigAction->FIsRollbackPossible() ) { m_spacAccountConfigAction->Rollback(); } // if: this action can be rolled back
else { LogMsg( "[BC] THIS COMPUTER MAY BE IN AN INVALID STATE. Rollback was aborted." ); } // else: this action cannot be rolled back
} // if: the cluster service account has been configured
else { BCATraceMsg( "There is no need to cleanup this action since no part of it committed successfully." ); } // else: the cluster service account has not been configured
} catch( ... ) { //
// The rollback of the committed actions has failed.
// There is nothing that we can do, is there?
// We certainly cannot rethrow this exception, since
// the exception that caused the rollback is more important.
LogMsg( "[BC] THIS COMPUTER MAY BE IN AN INVALID STATE. An error has occurred during rollback. Rollback will be aborted." );
} // catch: all
// Rethrow the exception thrown by commit.
} // catch: all
// If we are here, then everything went well.
SetCommitCompleted( true );
// Send the last step of this status report.
srJoiningCluster.SendNextStep( S_OK );
} //*** CBaseClusterJoin::Commit()
// void
// CBaseClusterJoin::Rollback
// Description:
// Performs the rolls back of the action committed by this object.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by functions called.
void CBaseClusterJoin::Rollback() { BCATraceScope( "" );
// Rollback the actions.
// Rollback the configuration of the cluster service account.
SetCommitCompleted( false );
} //*** CBaseClusterJoin::Rollback()
// CBaseClusterJoin::HGetAccountToken
// Description:
// Gets a handle to an account token. This token is an impersonation
// token.
// Arguments:
// pcszAccountNameIn
// pcszAccountPwdIn
// pcszAccountDomainIn
// Specifies the account whose token is to be retrieved.
// Return Value:
// Handle to the desired token. This has to be closed using CloseHandle().
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
HANDLE CBaseClusterJoin::HGetAccountToken( const WCHAR * pcszAccountNameIn , const WCHAR * pcszAccountPwdIn , const WCHAR * pcszAccountDomainIn ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
HANDLE hAccountToken = NULL;
if ( LogonUser( const_cast< LPWSTR >( pcszAccountNameIn ) , const_cast< LPWSTR >( pcszAccountDomainIn ) , const_cast< LPWSTR >( pcszAccountPwdIn ) , LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE , LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT , &hAccountToken ) == FALSE ) { DWORD sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
if ( ( pcszAccountDomainIn != NULL ) && ( pcszAccountNameIn != NULL ) ) { BCATraceMsg3( "Error %#08x occurred trying to get a token for the account '%ws\\%ws'. Throwing exception.", sc, pcszAccountDomainIn, pcszAccountNameIn ); LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get a token for the account '%ws\\%ws'.", sc, pcszAccountDomainIn, pcszAccountNameIn ); } // if: the account and domain strings are not NULL
else { BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to get a token for the account. Throwing exception.", sc ); LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to get a token for the account.", sc ); } // else: either the account or the domain name is NULL
return hAccountToken;
} //*** CBaseClusterJoin::HGetAccountToken()
// void
// CBaseClusterJoin::CheckInteroperability
// Description:
// This functions checks to see if this node can interoperate with the
// sponsor cluster.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// CConfigError
// If this node cannot interoperate with the sponsor.
// Remarks:
// The thread calling this function should be running in the context of an
// account that has access to the sponsor cluster.
void CBaseClusterJoin::CheckInteroperability( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
RPC_STATUS rsError = RPC_S_OK; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE rbhBindingHandle = NULL; SmartRpcBinding srbBindingHandle;
do { LPWSTR pszBindingString = NULL; SmartRpcString srsBindingString( &pszBindingString );
// Create a string binding handle.
LogMsg( L"[BC] Creating a binding string handle for cluster {%ws} with binding string {%ws} to check interoperability." , RStrGetClusterName().PszData() , RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData() );
rsError = TW32( RpcStringBindingComposeW( L"6e17aaa0-1a47-11d1-98bd-0000f875292e" , L"ncadg_ip_udp" , const_cast< LPWSTR >( RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData() ) , NULL , NULL , &pszBindingString ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BC] An error occurred trying to compose an RPC string binding." ); break; } // if: RpcStringBindingComposeW() failed
// No need to free pszBindingString - srsBindingString will automatically free it.
// Get the actual binding handle
rsError = TW32( RpcBindingFromStringBindingW( pszBindingString, &rbhBindingHandle ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BC] An error occurred trying to get an RPC binding handle from a string binding." ); break; } // if: RpcBindingFromStringBindingW() failed
// No need to free rbhBindingHandle - srbBindingHandle will automatically free it.
srbBindingHandle.Assign( rbhBindingHandle ); }
// Resolve the binding handle
{ rsError = TW32( RpcEpResolveBinding( rbhBindingHandle, JoinVersion_v2_0_c_ifspec ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BC] An error occurred trying to resolve the RPC binding handle." ); break; } // if: RpcEpResolveBinding() failed
// Set RPC security
{ rsError = TW32( RpcBindingSetAuthInfoW( rbhBindingHandle , NULL , RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT , RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT , NULL , RPC_C_AUTHZ_NAME ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BC] An error occurred trying to set security on the binding handle." ); break; } // if: RpcBindingSetAuthInfoW() failed
} } while( false ); // dummy do-while loop to avoid gotos.
if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to connect to the sponsor cluster for an interoperability check with binding string {%ws}." , rsError , RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData() ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( rsError ), IDS_ERROR_JOIN_CHECK_INTEROP ); } // if: something has gone wrong
LogMsg( L"[BC] Got RPC binding handle to check interoperability without any problems." );
// Get and verify the sponsor version
{ DWORD dwSponsorNodeId; DWORD dwClusterHighestVersion; DWORD dwClusterLowestVersion; DWORD dwJoinStatus; DWORD sc; DWORD dwNodeHighestVersion = DwGetNodeHighestVersion(); DWORD dwNodeLowestVersion = DwGetNodeLowestVersion(); bool fVersionMismatch = false;
// From Whistler onwards, CsRpcGetJoinVersionData() will return a failure code in its last parameter
// if the version of this node is not compatible with the sponsor version. Prior to this, the last
// parameter always contained a success value and the cluster versions had to be compared subsequent to this
// call. This will, however, still have to be done as long as interoperability with Win2K
// is a requirement, since Win2K sponsors do not return an error in the last parameter.
sc = TW32( CsRpcGetJoinVersionData( rbhBindingHandle , 0 , dwNodeHighestVersion , dwNodeLowestVersion , &dwSponsorNodeId , &dwClusterHighestVersion , &dwClusterLowestVersion , &dwJoinStatus ) );
if ( sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying to verify if this node can interoperate with the sponsor cluster.", sc ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to verify if this node can interoperate with the sponsor cluster. Throwing exception.", sc ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ), IDS_ERROR_JOIN_CHECK_INTEROP ); } // if: CsRpcGetJoinVersionData() failed
BCATraceMsg4( "( Node Highest, Node Lowest ) = ( %#08x, %#08x ), ( Cluster Highest, Cluster Lowest ) = ( %#08x, %#08x )." , dwNodeHighestVersion , dwNodeLowestVersion , dwClusterHighestVersion , dwClusterLowestVersion );
if ( dwJoinStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwClusterMajorVersion = CLUSTER_GET_MAJOR_VERSION( dwClusterHighestVersion );
// Assert( dwClusterMajorVersion > ( CLUSTER_INTERNAL_CURRENT_MAJOR_VERSION - 1 ) );
// Only want to join clusters that are no more than one version back.
if ( dwClusterMajorVersion < ( CLUSTER_INTERNAL_CURRENT_MAJOR_VERSION - 1 ) ) { fVersionMismatch = true; } // if:
} // if: the join status was ok
else { fVersionMismatch = true; } // else: join is not possible
if ( fVersionMismatch ) { LogMsg( "[BC] This node cannot interoperate with the sponsor cluster.", sc ); BCATraceMsg1( "This node cannot interoperate with the sponsor cluster. Throwing exception.", sc ); THROW_CONFIG_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( ERROR_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_INVALID_STATE ) ), IDS_ERROR_JOIN_INCOMPAT_SPONSOR ); } // if: there was a version mismatch
else { LogMsg( "[BC] This node is compatible with the sponsor cluster." ); BCATraceMsg( "This node is compatible with the sponsor cluster." ); } // else: this node can join the cluster
} //*** CBaseClusterJoin::CheckInteroperability()
// void
// CBaseClusterJoin::InitializeJoinBinding
// Description:
// Get a binding handle to the extrocluster join interface and store it.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Remarks:
// The thread calling this function should be running in the context of an
// account that has access to the sponsor cluster.
void CBaseClusterJoin::InitializeJoinBinding( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
do { LPWSTR pszBindingString = NULL; SmartRpcString srsBindingString( &pszBindingString );
// Create a string binding handle.
{ LogMsg( L"[BC] Creating a string binding handle for cluster {%ws} using binding string {%ws} for extro cluster join." , RStrGetClusterName().PszData() , RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData() );
rsError = TW32( RpcStringBindingComposeW( L"ffe561b8-bf15-11cf-8c5e-08002bb49649" , L"ncadg_ip_udp" , const_cast< LPWSTR >( RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData() ) , NULL , NULL , &pszBindingString ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BCAn error occurred trying to compose an RPC string binding." ); break; } // if: RpcStringBindingComposeW() failed
// No need to free pszBindingString - srsBindingString will automatically free it.
// Get the actual binding handle
rsError = TW32( RpcBindingFromStringBindingW( pszBindingString, &rbhBindingHandle ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BC] An error occurred trying to get an RPC binding handle from a string binding." ); break; } // if: RpcBindingFromStringBindingW() failed
// No need to free rbhBindingHandle - m_srbJoinBinding will automatically free it.
m_srbJoinBinding.Assign( rbhBindingHandle ); }
// Resolve the binding handle
{ rsError = TW32( RpcEpResolveBinding( rbhBindingHandle, ExtroCluster_v2_0_c_ifspec ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BC] An error occurred trying to resolve the RPC binding handle." ); break; } // if: RpcEpResolveBinding() failed
// Set RPC security
{ rsError = TW32( RpcBindingSetAuthInfoW( rbhBindingHandle , NULL , RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT , RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT , NULL , RPC_C_AUTHZ_NAME ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BC] An error occurred trying to set security on the binding handle." ); break; } // if: RpcBindingSetAuthInfoW() failed
// Make sure that the server is who it claims to be.
rsError = TW32( TestRPCSecurity( rbhBindingHandle ) ); if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( L"[BC] An error occurred trying to test RPC security." ); break; } // if: TestRPCSecurity() failed
} while( false ); // dummy do-while loop to avoid gotos.
if ( rsError != RPC_S_OK ) { LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#x occurred trying to get a handle to the extrocluster join interface.", rsError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( rsError ), IDS_ERROR_JOIN_CLUSTER_INIT ); } // if: something has gone wrong
LogMsg( L"[BC] Got RPC binding handle for extro cluster join without any problems." );
} //*** CBaseClusterJoin::InitializeJoinBinding()