// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CClusDBJoin.cpp
// Description:
// Contains the definition of the CClusDBJoin class.
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header.
#include "pch.h"
// The header for this file
#include "CClusDBJoin.h"
// For the CBaseClusterJoin class.
#include "CBaseClusterJoin.h"
// For the CImpersonateUser class.
#include "CImpersonateUser.h"
// For ClRtlGetSuiteType()
#include "clusrtl.h"
// CClusDBJoin::CClusDBJoin()
// Description:
// Constructor of the CClusDBJoin class
// Arguments:
// m_pcjClusterJoinIn
// Pointer to the base cluster action of which this action is a part.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by underlying functions
CClusDBJoin::CClusDBJoin( CBaseClusterJoin * pcjClusterJoinIn ) : BaseClass( pcjClusterJoinIn ) , m_pcjClusterJoin( pcjClusterJoinIn ) , m_fHasNodeBeenAddedToSponsorDB( false ) {
BCATraceScope( "" );
SetRollbackPossible( true );
} //*** CClusDBJoin::CClusDBJoin()
// CClusDBJoin::~CClusDBJoin()
// Description:
// Destructor of the CClusDBJoin class.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by underlying functions
CClusDBJoin::~CClusDBJoin() { BCATraceScope( "" );
} //*** CClusDBJoin::~CClusDBJoin()
// void
// CClusDBJoin::Commit()
// Description:
// Create the cluster database. If anything goes wrong with the creation,
// cleanup the tasks already done.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any that are thrown by the contained actions.
void CClusDBJoin::Commit( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
// Call the base class commit method.
// Perform a ClusDB cleanup just to make sure that we do not use some files left over
// from a previous install, aborted uninstall, etc.
LogMsg( "Cleaning up old cluster database files that may already exist before starting creation." );
{ CStatusReport srCleanDB( PbcaGetParent()->PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() , TASKID_Major_Configure_Cluster_Services , TASKID_Minor_Cleaning_Up_Cluster_Database , 0, 1 , IDS_TASK_CLEANINGUP_CLUSDB );
// Send the next step of this status report.
srCleanDB.SendNextStep( S_OK );
// Send the last step of this status report.
srCleanDB.SendNextStep( S_OK ); }
try { // Create the cluster database
} // try:
catch( ... ) { // If we are here, then something went wrong with the create.
BCATraceMsg( "Caught exception during commit." );
// Cleanup anything that the failed join might have done.
// Catch any exceptions thrown during Cleanup to make sure that there
// is no collided unwind.
try { // Cleanup the database.
Cleanup(); } catch( ... ) { //
// The rollback of the committed action has failed.
// There is nothing that we can do.
// We certainly cannot rethrow this exception, since
// the exception that caused the rollback is more important.
BCATraceMsg( "Caught exception during cleanup." ); LogMsg( "THIS COMPUTER MAY BE IN AN INVALID STATE. An error has occurred during cleanup." );
} // catch: all
// Rethrow the exception thrown by commit.
} // catch: all
// If we are here, then everything went well.
SetCommitCompleted( true );
} //*** CClusDBJoin::Commit()
// void
// CClusDBJoin::Rollback()
// Description:
// Unload the cluster hive and cleanup any associated files.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any that are thrown by the underlying functions.
void CClusDBJoin::Rollback( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
// Call the base class rollback method.
// Undo the actions performed by.
SetCommitCompleted( false );
} //*** CClusDBJoin::Rollback()
// void
// CClusDBJoin::Create()
// Description:
// Create the cluster database.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Any that are thrown by the called functions.
void CClusDBJoin::Create( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" ); LogMsg( "Attempting to create the cluster database required to join a cluster." );
DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; SmartFileHandle sfhClusDBFile;
{ //
// Get the full path and name of the cluster database file.
CStr strClusterHiveFileName( PbcaGetParent()->RStrGetClusterInstallDirectory() ); strClusterHiveFileName += L"\\" CLUSTER_DATABASE_NAME;
BCATraceMsg1( "The cluster hive backing file is '%s'.", strClusterHiveFileName.PszData() );
// Create the cluster database file.
sfhClusDBFile.Assign( CreateFile( strClusterHiveFileName.PszData() , GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE , 0 , NULL , CREATE_ALWAYS , 0 , NULL ) );
if ( sfhClusDBFile.FIsInvalid() ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to create the cluster database file.", dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to create the cluster database file. Throwing exception.", dwError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ), IDS_ERROR_JOIN_SYNC_DB ); } // if: CreateFile() failed
// Store the file handle just obtained in a member variable so that it can be used during Synchronize()
// Note, this file is closed when sfhClusDBFile goes out of scope, so m_hClusDBFile should not be used
// outside this function or any function that this function calls.
m_hClusDBFile = sfhClusDBFile.HHandle(); }
// In the scope below, the cluster service account is impersonated, so that we can communicate with the
// sponsor cluster
{ BCATraceMsg( "Attempting to impersonate the cluster service account." );
// Impersonate the cluster service account, so that we can contact the sponsor cluster.
// The impersonation is automatically ended when this object is destroyed.
CImpersonateUser ciuImpersonateClusterServiceAccount( m_pcjClusterJoin->HGetClusterServiceAccountToken() );
// Add this node to the sponsor cluster database
do { DWORD dwSuiteType = ClRtlGetSuiteType();
m_fHasNodeBeenAddedToSponsorDB = false;
BCATraceMsg2( "Trying to add node '%s' (suite type %d) to the sponsor cluster database.", m_pcjClusterJoin->PszGetNodeName() , dwSuiteType );
dwError = TW32( JoinAddNode3( m_pcjClusterJoin->RbhGetJoinBindingHandle() , m_pcjClusterJoin->PszGetNodeName() , m_pcjClusterJoin->DwGetNodeHighestVersion() , m_pcjClusterJoin->DwGetNodeLowestVersion() , dwSuiteType ) );
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg( "JoinAddNode3 has failed." ); break; } // if: JoinAddNode3() failed
// Set the flag that indicates that the sponsor database has been modified, so that
// we can undo this if we need to rollback or cleanup.
m_fHasNodeBeenAddedToSponsorDB = true; } while( false ); // dummy do while loop to avoid gotos.
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to add this node to the sponsor cluster database.", dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to add this node to the sponsor cluster database. Throwing exception.", dwError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ), IDS_ERROR_JOINING_SPONSOR_DB ); } // if: something has gone wrong
BCATraceMsg( "This node has been successfully added to the sponsor cluster database." );
// Get the node id of the newly formed node.
do { // Smart handle to sponsor cluster
SmartClusterHandle schSponsorCluster;
// Smart handle to this node
SmartNodeHandle snhThisNodeHandle;
// Get a handle to the sponsor cluster.
{ BCATraceMsg( "Trying to open a handle to the sponsor cluster." );
// Open a handle to the sponsor cluster.
HCLUSTER hSponsorCluster = OpenCluster( m_pcjClusterJoin->RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData() );
// Assign it to a smart handle for safe release.
schSponsorCluster.Assign( hSponsorCluster ); }
// Did we succeed in opening a handle to the sponsor cluster?
if ( schSponsorCluster.FIsInvalid() ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg( "An error occurred trying to open a handle to the sponsor cluster." ); break; } // if: OpenCluster() failed
// Get a handle to this node.
{ BCATraceMsg( "Trying to open a handle to this node." );
// Open a handle to this node.
HNODE hThisNode = OpenClusterNode( schSponsorCluster.HHandle(), m_pcjClusterJoin->PszGetNodeName() );
// Assign it to a smart handle for safe release.
snhThisNodeHandle.Assign( hThisNode ); }
// Did we succeed in opening a handle to this node?
if ( snhThisNodeHandle.FIsInvalid() ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg( "An error occurred trying to open a handle to this node." ); break; } // if: OpenClusterNode() failed
// Get the node id string.
{ DWORD cchIdSize = 0; SmartSz sszNodeId;
dwError = GetClusterNodeId( snhThisNodeHandle.HHandle() , NULL , &cchIdSize );
if ( ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( dwError != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) ) { TW32( dwError ); BCATraceMsg( "GetClusterNodeId() could not get the required length of the node id buffer."); break; } // if: GetClusterNodeId() failed
// cchIdSize returned by the above call is the count of characters and does not include the space for
// the terminating NULL.
sszNodeId.Assign( new WCHAR[ cchIdSize ] ); if ( sszNodeId.FIsEmpty() ) { dwError = TW32( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); BCATraceMsg1( "A memory allocation failure occurred trying to allocate %d characters.", cchIdSize ); break; } // if: memory allocation failed
dwError = TW32( GetClusterNodeId( snhThisNodeHandle.HHandle() , sszNodeId.PMem() , &cchIdSize ) );
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg( "GetClusterNodeId() failed to get the node id of this node."); break; } // if: GetClusterNodeId() failed
BCATraceMsg1( "The node id of this node is '%s'.", sszNodeId.PMem() );
// Set the node id for later use.
m_pcjClusterJoin->SetNodeIdString( sszNodeId.PMem() ); }
} while( false ); // dummy do while loop to avoid gotos.
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to get the node id of this node.", dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to get the node id of this node. Throwing exception.", dwError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ), IDS_ERROR_GET_NEW_NODE_ID ); } // if: something has gone wrong
{ CStatusReport srSyncDB( PbcaGetParent()->PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() , TASKID_Major_Configure_Cluster_Services , TASKID_Minor_Join_Sync_Cluster_Database , 0, 1 , IDS_TASK_JOIN_SYNC_CLUSDB );
// Send the next step of this status report.
srSyncDB.SendNextStep( S_OK );
// Synchronize the cluster database.
// Send the last step of this status report.
srSyncDB.SendNextStep( S_OK ); } }
LogMsg( "The cluster database has been successfully created and synchronized with the sponsor cluster." );
} //*** CClusDBJoin::Create()
// void
// CClusDBJoin::Cleanup()
// Description:
// Cleanup the effects of Create()
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Any that are thrown by the called functions.
void CClusDBJoin::Cleanup( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" ); LogMsg( "Attempting to cleanup the cluster database." );
// Check if we added this node to the sponsor cluster database. If so, remove it from there.
if ( m_fHasNodeBeenAddedToSponsorDB ) { BCATraceMsg( "Attempting to impersonate the cluster service account." );
// Impersonate the cluster service account, so that we can contact the sponsor cluster.
// The impersonation is automatically ended when this object is destroyed.
CImpersonateUser ciuImpersonateClusterServiceAccount( m_pcjClusterJoin->HGetClusterServiceAccountToken() );
// Remove this node from the sponsor cluster database
do { // Smart handle to sponsor cluster
SmartClusterHandle schSponsorCluster;
// Smart handle to this node
SmartNodeHandle snhThisNodeHandle;
// Get a handle to the sponsor cluster.
{ BCATraceMsg( "Trying to open a handle to the sponsor cluster." );
// Open a handle to the sponsor cluster.
HCLUSTER hSponsorCluster = OpenCluster( m_pcjClusterJoin->RStrGetClusterBindingString().PszData() );
// Assign it to a smart handle for safe release.
schSponsorCluster.Assign( hSponsorCluster ); }
// Did we succeed in opening a handle to the sponsor cluster?
if ( schSponsorCluster.FIsInvalid() ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg( "An error occurred trying to open a handle to the sponsor cluster." ); break; } // if: OpenCluster() failed
// Get a handle to this node.
{ BCATraceMsg( "Trying to open a handle to this node." );
// Open a handle to this node.
HNODE hThisNode = OpenClusterNode( schSponsorCluster.HHandle(), m_pcjClusterJoin->PszGetNodeName() );
if ( hThisNode == NULL ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg( "An error has occurred trying to open a handle to this node." ); break; } // if: OpenClusterNode() failed.
// Assign it to a smart handle for safe release.
snhThisNodeHandle.Assign( hThisNode ); }
dwError = TW32( EvictClusterNode( snhThisNodeHandle.HHandle() ) ); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg( "An error has occurred trying to evict this node from the sponsor cluster." ); break; } // if: EvictClusterNode() failed
} while( false ); // dummy do while loop to avoid gotos.
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to remove this node from the sponsor cluster database.", dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to remove this node from the sponsor cluster database. Throwing exception.", dwError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ), IDS_ERROR_EVICTING_NODE ); } // if: something has gone wrong
BCATraceMsg( "This node has been successfully removed from the sponsor cluster database." ); } // if: we had added this node to the sponsor cluster database
// Cleanup the cluster hive
} //*** Cleanup()
// void
// CClusDBJoin::Synchronize()
// Description:
// Synchronize the cluster database with the sponsor cluster.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Any that are thrown by the called functions.
void CClusDBJoin::Synchronize( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" ); LogMsg( "Attempting to synchronize the cluster database with the sponsor cluster." );
do { //
// Initialize the byte pipe.
m_bpBytePipe.state = reinterpret_cast< char * >( this ); m_bpBytePipe.alloc = S_BytePipeAlloc; m_bpBytePipe.push = S_BytePipePush; m_bpBytePipe.pull = S_BytePipePull;
// Synchronize the database
dwError = TW32( DmSyncDatabase( m_pcjClusterJoin->RbhGetJoinBindingHandle(), m_bpBytePipe ) ); if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg( "An error occurred trying to suck the database down from the sponsor cluster." ); break; } // if: DmSyncDatabase() failed
} while( false ); // Dummy do-while loop to avoid gotos.
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to synchronize the cluster database with the sponsor cluster.", dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying trying to synchronize the cluster database with the sponsor cluster. Throwing exception.", dwError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ), IDS_ERROR_JOIN_SYNC_DB ); } // if: something has gone wrong
LogMsg( "The cluster database has been synchronized with the sponsor cluster." );
} //*** Synchronize()
// static void
// CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipePush()
// Description:
// Callback function used by RPC to push data.
// Arguments:
// pchStateIn
// State of the byte pipe
// pchBufferIn
// ulBufferSizeIn
// Buffer contained the pushed data and its size.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// RPC Exceptions.
void CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipePush( char * pchStateIn , unsigned char * pchBufferIn , unsigned long ulBufferSizeIn ) { CClusDBJoin * pThis = reinterpret_cast< CClusDBJoin * >( pchStateIn );
if ( ulBufferSizeIn != 0 ) { DWORD dwBytesWritten;
if ( WriteFile( pThis->m_hClusDBFile , pchBufferIn , ulBufferSizeIn , &dwBytesWritten , NULL ) == 0 ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); RpcRaiseException( dwError ); } // if: WriteFile() failed
} // if: the buffer is non-empty
} //*** CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipePush()
// static void
// CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipePull()
// Description:
// Callback function used by RPC to pull data.
// Arguments:
// pchStateIn
// State of the byte pipe
// pchBufferIn
// ulBufferSizeIn
// Buffer contained the pushed data and its size.
// pulWrittenOut
// Pointer to the number of bytes actually filled into the buffer.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// RPC Exceptions.
void CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipePull( char * pchStateIn , unsigned char * pchBufferIn , unsigned long ulBufferSizeIn , unsigned long * pulWrittenOut ) { CClusDBJoin * pThis = reinterpret_cast< CClusDBJoin * >( pchStateIn );
if ( ulBufferSizeIn != 0 ) { if ( ReadFile( pThis->m_hClusDBFile , pchBufferIn , ulBufferSizeIn , pulWrittenOut , NULL ) == 0 ) { DWORD dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); RpcRaiseException( dwError ); } // if: ReadFile() failed
} // if: the buffer is non-empty
} //*** CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipePull()
// static void
// CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipeAlloc()
// Description:
// Callback function used by RPC to allocate a buffer.
// Arguments:
// pchStateIn
// State of the file pipe
// ulRequestedSizeIn
// Requested size of the buffer
// ppchBufferOut
// Pointer to the buffer pointer
// pulActualSizeOut
// Pointer to the actual size of the allocated buffer
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
void CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipeAlloc( char * pchStateIn , unsigned long ulRequestedSizeIn , unsigned char ** ppchBufferOut , unsigned long * pulActualSizeOut ) { CClusDBJoin * pThis = reinterpret_cast< CClusDBJoin * >( pchStateIn );
*ppchBufferOut = reinterpret_cast< unsigned char * >( pThis->m_rgbBytePipeBuffer ); *pulActualSizeOut = ( ulRequestedSizeIn < pThis->ms_nFILE_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ? ulRequestedSizeIn : pThis->ms_nFILE_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE;
} //*** CClusDBJoin::S_BytePipeAlloc()