// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CClusNet.cpp
// Description:
// Contains the definition of the CClusNet class.
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header.
#include "pch.h"
// The header for this file
#include "CClusNet.h"
extern "C" { // Required by the winsock functions
#include <winsock2.h>
// For the winsock MigrateWinsockConfiguration function.
#include <wsasetup.h>
// For the winsock WSHGetWinsockMapping function.
#include <wsahelp.h>
// For the definition of SOCKADDR_CLUSTER
#include <wsclus.h>
// Macros
// The name of the ClusNet service
// Registry location of the ClusNet winsock entries key
#define CLUSNET_WINSOCK_KEY L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\ClusNet\\Parameters\\Winsock"
// Name of the ClusNet winsock mapping registry value
// Name of the ClusNet winsock minimum socket address length registry value
// Name of the ClusNet winsock maximum socket address length registry value
// Name of the DLL containing the WinSock cluster helper functions
#define WSHCLUS_DLL_NAME L"WSHClus.dll"
// Name of the winsock parameters key.
#define WINSOCK_PARAMS_KEY L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WinSock\\Parameters"
// Name of the winsock transports registry key.
// CClusNet::CClusNet()
// Description:
// Constructor of the CClusNet class
// Arguments:
// pbcaParentActionIn
// Pointer to the base cluster action of which this action is a part.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CAssert
// If the parameters are incorrect.
// Any exceptions thrown by underlying functions
CClusNet::CClusNet( CBaseClusterAction * pbcaParentActionIn ) : m_cservClusNet( CLUSNET_SERVICE_NAME ) , m_pbcaParentAction( pbcaParentActionIn ) {
BCATraceScope( "" );
if ( m_pbcaParentAction == NULL) { BCATraceMsg( "Pointers to the parent action is NULL. Throwing exception." ); THROW_ASSERT( E_INVALIDARG , "CClusNet::CClusNet() => Required input pointer in NULL" ); } // if: the parent action pointer is NULL
} //*** CClusNet::CClusNet()
// CClusNet::~CClusNet( void )
// Description:
// Destructor of the CClusNet class.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by underlying functions
CClusNet::~CClusNet( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
} //*** CClusNet::~CClusNet()
// void
// CClusNet::ConfigureService()
// Description:
// Installs the cluster network transport.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Any that are thrown by the underlying functions.
void CClusNet::ConfigureService( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
DWORD dwMappingSize = 0; DWORD dwSocketAddrLen = sizeof( SOCKADDR_CLUSTER ); DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; WSA_SETUP_DISPOSITION wsdDisposition;
{ CStatusReport srCreatingClusNet( PbcaGetParent()->PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() , TASKID_Major_Configure_Cluster_Services , TASKID_Minor_Creating_ClusNet_Service , 0, 1 , IDS_TASK_CREATING_CLUSNET );
LogMsg( "Creating the Cluster Network Provider." );
// Send the next step of this status report.
srCreatingClusNet.SendNextStep( S_OK );
// Create the clusnet service.
m_cservClusNet.Create( m_pbcaParentAction->HGetMainInfFileHandle() );
LogMsg( "Setting Cluster Network Provider service parameters." );
// Install the cluster network provider. A part of the required registry entries have
// already been made when the service was created.
{ //
// The WSHClus DLL has to be loaded dynamically. Due to the decision to put the
// code for the client side and the server side of ClusCfg in the same DLL, we
// cannot implicitly link to any DLL that is not present on the client side even
// if the functions in the DLL are called only on the server side.
typedef CSmartResource< CHandleTrait< HMODULE , BOOL , FreeLibrary , reinterpret_cast< HMODULE >( NULL ) > > SmartModuleHandle;
// Type of the WSHGetWinsockMapping function.
typedef DWORD ( * WSHGetWinsockMappingFunctionType )( PWINSOCK_MAPPING, DWORD );
// Pointer to the WSHGetWinsockMapping function.
WSHGetWinsockMappingFunctionType pWSHGetWinsockMapping;
// Get the full path the WSHClus DLL.
CStr strWSHClusDllPath( m_pbcaParentAction->RStrGetClusterInstallDirectory() ); strWSHClusDllPath += L"\\" WSHCLUS_DLL_NAME;
// Load the library and store the handle in a smart pointer for safe release.
SmartModuleHandle smhWSHClusDll( LoadLibrary( strWSHClusDllPath.PszData() ) );
if ( smhWSHClusDll.FIsInvalid() ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() );
LogMsg( "LoadLibrary() retured error %#08x trying to load '%s'. Aborting.", dwError, strWSHClusDllPath.PszData() ); BCATraceMsg2( "LoadLibrary() retured error %#08x trying to load '%s'. Throwing an exception.", dwError, strWSHClusDllPath.PszData() ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) , IDS_ERROR_CLUSNET_PROV_INSTALL ); } // if: LoadLibrary failed.
pWSHGetWinsockMapping = reinterpret_cast< WSHGetWinsockMappingFunctionType >( GetProcAddress( smhWSHClusDll.HHandle(), "WSHGetWinsockMapping" ) );
if ( pWSHGetWinsockMapping == NULL ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() );
BCATraceMsg1( "GetProcAddress() retured error %#08x. Throwing an exception.", dwError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) , IDS_ERROR_CLUSNET_PROV_INSTALL ); } // if: GetProcAddress() failed
// Get WinSock mapping data
dwMappingSize = pWSHGetWinsockMapping( NULL, 0 );
CSmartGenericPtr< CPtrTrait< WINSOCK_MAPPING > > swmWinSockMapping( reinterpret_cast< WINSOCK_MAPPING * >( new BYTE[ dwMappingSize ] ) );
if ( swmWinSockMapping.FIsEmpty() ) { LogMsg( "A memory allocation failure occurred while setting Cluster Network Provider service parameters." ); BCATraceMsg1( "Could not allocate %d bytes of memory for WinSock mapping. Throwing exception.", dwMappingSize ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( E_OUTOFMEMORY , IDS_ERROR_CLUSNET_PROV_INSTALL ); } // if: we could not allocate memory for the winsock mapping.
// Get the winsock mapping.
dwMappingSize = pWSHGetWinsockMapping( swmWinSockMapping.PMem(), dwMappingSize );
// Write it to the registry.
BCATraceMsg2( "Writing registry value HKLM\\%s\\%s.", CLUSNET_WINSOCK_KEY, CLUSNET_WINSOCK_MAPPING ); regClusNetWinsockKey.SetValue( CLUSNET_WINSOCK_MAPPING , REG_BINARY , reinterpret_cast< const BYTE *>( swmWinSockMapping.PMem() ) , dwMappingSize ); }
// Write the minimum and maximum socket address length to the registry.
BCATraceMsg2( "Writing registry value HKLM\\%s\\%s.", CLUSNET_WINSOCK_KEY, CLUSNET_WINSOCK_MINSOCKADDRLEN ); regClusNetWinsockKey.SetValue( CLUSNET_WINSOCK_MINSOCKADDRLEN , REG_DWORD , reinterpret_cast< const BYTE *>( &dwSocketAddrLen ) , sizeof( dwSocketAddrLen ) );
BCATraceMsg2( "Writing registry value HKLM\\%s\\%s.", CLUSNET_WINSOCK_KEY, CLUSNET_WINSOCK_MAXSOCKADDRLEN ); regClusNetWinsockKey.SetValue( CLUSNET_WINSOCK_MAXSOCKADDRLEN , REG_DWORD , reinterpret_cast< const BYTE *>( &dwSocketAddrLen ) , sizeof( dwSocketAddrLen ) );
// Poke winsock to update the Winsock2 config
BCATraceMsg( "About to migrate winsock configuration." ); dwError = TW32( MigrateWinsockConfiguration( &wsdDisposition, NULL, NULL ) );
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to migrate the Winsock Configuration.", dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "MigrateWinsockConfiguration has returned error %#08x. Throwing exception.", dwError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) , IDS_ERROR_CLUSNET_PROV_INSTALL ); } // if: an error occurred poking winsock.
// Send the last step of this status report.
srCreatingClusNet.SendNextStep( S_OK ); }
{ UINT cQueryCount = 10;
CStatusReport srStartingClusNet( PbcaGetParent()->PBcaiGetInterfacePointer() , TASKID_Major_Configure_Cluster_Services , TASKID_Minor_Starting_ClusNet_Service , 0, cQueryCount + 2 // we will send at most cQueryCount reports while waiting for the service to start (the two extra sends are below)
// Send the next step of this status report.
srStartingClusNet.SendNextStep( S_OK );
// Start the service.
m_cservClusNet.Start( m_pbcaParentAction->HGetSCMHandle() , true // wait for the service to start
, 500 // wait 500ms between queries for status.
, cQueryCount // query cQueryCount times.
, &srStartingClusNet // status report to be sent while waiting for the service to start
// Send the last step of this status report.
srStartingClusNet.SendLastStep( S_OK ); }
} //*** CClusNet::ConfigureService()
// void
// CClusNet::CleanupService()
// Description:
// Remove ClusNet from the Winsock transports list. Delete the service.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// Any that are thrown by the underlying functions.
void CClusNet::CleanupService( void ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR * pmszTransportList = NULL; DWORD cbBufSize = 0; DWORD cbBufRemaining = 0; UINT uiClusNetNameLenPlusOne = wcslen( CLUSNET_SERVICE_NAME ) + 1; UINT cbClusNetNameSize = uiClusNetNameLenPlusOne * sizeof( WCHAR ); WSA_SETUP_DISPOSITION wsdDisposition;
LogMsg( "Stopping the Cluster Network Provider service." );
// Stop the service.
m_cservClusNet.Stop( m_pbcaParentAction->HGetSCMHandle() , 500 // wait 500ms between queries for status.
, 10 // query 10 times.
LogMsg( "Cleaning up the Cluster Network Provider service." );
// Clean up the ClusNet service.
m_cservClusNet.Cleanup( m_pbcaParentAction->HGetMainInfFileHandle() );
// Open the winsock registry key.
// Remove the cluster network provider from the Winsock transports list.
BCATraceMsg( "Reading the Winsock transport list." );
regWinsockKey.QueryValue( WINSOCK_PARAMS_TRANSPORT_VAL , reinterpret_cast< LPBYTE * >( &pmszTransportList ) , &cbBufSize );
// Assign the pointer to the allocated buffer to a smart pointer for automatic
// release.
SmartSz sszTransports( pmszTransportList );
// Remove the string "ClusNet" from the multisz list.
BCATraceMsg( "Removing ClusNet from the Winsock transport list." );
cbBufRemaining = cbBufSize; while ( *pmszTransportList != L'\0' ) { UINT uiCurStrLenPlusOne = wcslen( pmszTransportList ) + 1;
// If this string is ClusNet
if ( ( uiCurStrLenPlusOne == uiClusNetNameLenPlusOne ) && ( _wcsicmp( pmszTransportList, CLUSNET_SERVICE_NAME ) == 0 ) ) { // Remove this string from the list
cbBufSize -= cbClusNetNameSize;
// Decrement the amount of buffer yet unparsed.
cbBufRemaining -= cbClusNetNameSize;
MoveMemory( pmszTransportList , pmszTransportList + uiClusNetNameLenPlusOne , cbBufRemaining ); } // if: this string is "ClusNet"
else { // Decrement the amount of buffer yet unparsed.
cbBufRemaining -= uiCurStrLenPlusOne * sizeof( *pmszTransportList );
// Move to the next string
pmszTransportList += uiCurStrLenPlusOne; } // else: this string is not "ClusNet"
} // while: the transport list has not been completely parsed.
BCATraceMsg( "Writing the Winsock transport list back to the registry." );
// Write the new list back into the registry.
regWinsockKey.SetValue( WINSOCK_PARAMS_TRANSPORT_VAL , REG_MULTI_SZ , reinterpret_cast< BYTE * >( sszTransports.PMem() ) , cbBufSize );
// Poke winsock to update the Winsock2 config
BCATraceMsg( "About to migrate winsock configuration." ); dwError = TW32( MigrateWinsockConfiguration( &wsdDisposition, NULL, NULL ) );
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to migrate the Winsock Configuration.", dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "MigrateWinsockConfiguration has returned error %#08x. Throwing exception.", dwError ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) , IDS_ERROR_CLUSNET_PROV_INSTALL ); } // if: an error occurred poking winsock.
} //*** CClusNet::CleanupService()