// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CEnableThreadPrivilege.cpp
// Description:
// Contains the definition of the CEnableThreadPrivilege class.
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header.
#include "pch.h"
// The header for this file
#include "CEnableThreadPrivilege.h"
// CEnableThreadPrivilege::CEnableThreadPrivilege
// Description:
// Constructor of the CEnableThreadPrivilege class. Enables the specified
// privilege.
// Arguments:
// pcszPrivilegeNameIn
// Name of the privilege to be enabled.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
CEnableThreadPrivilege::CEnableThreadPrivilege( const WCHAR * pcszPrivilegeNameIn ) : m_hThreadToken( NULL ) , m_fPrivilegeEnabled( false ) { BCATraceScope1( "pcszPrivilegeNameIn = '%ws'", pcszPrivilegeNameIn );
do { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpPrivilege; DWORD dwReturnLength = sizeof( m_tpPreviousState ); DWORD dwBufferLength = sizeof( tpPrivilege );
// Open the current thread token.
if ( OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread() , TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY , TRUE , &m_hThreadToken ) == FALSE ) { dwError = GetLastError();
// If the thread has no token, then default to the process token.
if ( dwError == ERROR_NO_TOKEN ) { BCATraceMsg( "The thread has no token. Trying to open the process token." );
if ( OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess() , TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY , &m_hThreadToken ) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to open the process token.", dwError ); break; } // if: OpenProcessToken() failed.
// The process token was opened. All is well.
} // if: the thread has no token
else { TW32( dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to open the thread token.", dwError ); break; } // if: some other error occurred
} // if: OpenThreadToken() failed
// Initialize the TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure.
tpPrivilege.PrivilegeCount = 1;
if ( LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, pcszPrivilegeNameIn, &tpPrivilege.Privileges[0].Luid ) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to lookup privilege value.", dwError ); break; } // if: LookupPrivilegeValue() failed
tpPrivilege.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
// Enable the desired privilege.
if ( AdjustTokenPrivileges( m_hThreadToken , FALSE , &tpPrivilege , dwBufferLength , &m_tpPreviousState , &dwReturnLength ) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to enable the privilege.", dwError ); break; } // if: AdjustTokenPrivileges() failed
LogMsg( "Privilege '%ws' enabled for the current thread.", pcszPrivilegeNameIn );
// Set a flag if the privilege was not already enabled.
m_fPrivilegeEnabled = ( m_tpPreviousState.Privileges[0].Attributes != SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ); } while( false ); // dummy do-while loop to avoid gotos
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to enable privilege '%ws'.", dwError, pcszPrivilegeNameIn ); BCATraceMsg2( "Error %#08x occurred trying to enable privilege '%ws'. Throwing exception.", dwError, pcszPrivilegeNameIn ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ), IDS_ERROR_ENABLE_THREAD_PRIVILEGE ); } // if:something went wrong
} //*** CEnableThreadPrivilege::CEnableThreadPrivilege()
// CEnableThreadPrivilege::~CEnableThreadPrivilege
// Description:
// Destructor of the CEnableThreadPrivilege class. Restores the specified
// privilege to its original state.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CEnableThreadPrivilege::~CEnableThreadPrivilege( void ) throw() { BCATraceScope( "" );
if ( m_fPrivilegeEnabled ) { if ( AdjustTokenPrivileges( m_hThreadToken , FALSE , &m_tpPreviousState , sizeof( m_tpPreviousState ) , NULL , NULL ) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to restore privilege.", dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred trying to restore privilege.", dwError ); } // if: AdjustTokenPrivileges() failed
else { LogMsg( "Privilege restored.", dwError ); } // else: no errors
} // if: the privilege was successfully enabled in the constructor
else { LogMsg( "Privilege was enabled to begin with. Doing nothing.", dwError ); }
if ( m_hThreadToken != NULL ) { CloseHandle( m_hThreadToken ); } // if: the thread handle was opened
} //*** CEnableThreadPrivilege::~CEnableThreadPrivilege()