// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CService.cpp
// Description:
// Contains the definition of the CService class.
// Maintained By:
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header.
#include "pch.h"
// The header file for this class.
#include "CService.h"
// For the CStr class.
#include "CStr.h"
// For the CStatusReport class
#include "CStatusReport.h"
// Macros
// String added to end of service name to get INF file section for create
// String added to end of service name to get INF file section for cleanup
// void
// CService::Create()
// Description:
// This function creates an entry for the service with the SCM. It does
// this by using the SetupAPI to process service and registry related
// entries in a section named <ServiceName>_Create in the INF file that
// is passed in.
// For example, if this object represents the ClusSvc service, then,
// when this function is called, the AddService and the AddReg entries
// under the [ClusSvc_Create] section are processed in the INF file
// whose handle is hInfHandleIn.
// Arguments:
// hInfHandleIn
// Handle to the INF file that contains the required sections
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
void CService::Create( HINF hInfHandleIn ) { BCATraceScope1( "Service Name = '%s'", m_strName.PszData() ); LogMsg( "Attempting to create the '%s' service.", m_strName.PszData() );
// Process the service section
if ( SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection( hInfHandleIn , strSectionName.PszData() , 0 ) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection failed
// Process the registry keys.
if ( SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL // optional, handle of a parent window
, hInfHandleIn // handle to the INF file
, strSectionName.PszData() // name of the Install section
, SPINST_REGISTRY // which lines to install from section
, NULL // optional, key for registry installs
, NULL // optional, path for source files
, NULL // optional, specifies copy behavior
, NULL // optional, specifies callback routine
, NULL // optional, callback routine context
, NULL // optional, device information set
, NULL // optional, device info structure
) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: SetupInstallFromInfSection failed
LogMsg( "The '%s' service has been successfully created.", m_strName.PszData() );
Cleanup: if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg1( "Setup API returned error %#08x while trying to create the service. Throwing exception.", dwError ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to create the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() );
} //*** CService::Create()
// void
// CService::Cleanup()
// Description:
// This function cleans up a service by deregistering it with the SCM and by
// deleting any required registry entries. It does this by using the
// SetupAPI to process service and registry related entries in a
// section named <ServiceName>_Cleanup in the INF file that is passed in.
// For example, if this object represents the ClusSvc service, then,
// when this function is called, the DelService and the DelReg entries
// under the [ClusSvc_Cleanup] section are processed in the INF file
// whose handle is hInfHandleIn.
// Arguments:
// hInfHandleIn
// Handle to the INF file that contains the required sections
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
void CService::Cleanup( HINF hInfHandleIn ) { BCATraceScope1( "Service Name = '%s'", m_strName.PszData() ); LogMsg( "Attempting to clean up the '%s' service.", m_strName.PszData() );
// Process the service section
if ( SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection( hInfHandleIn , strSectionName.PszData() , 0 ) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection failed
// Process the registry keys.
if ( SetupInstallFromInfSection( NULL // optional, handle of a parent window
, hInfHandleIn // handle to the INF file
, strSectionName.PszData() // name of the Install section
, SPINST_REGISTRY // which lines to install from section
, NULL // optional, key for registry installs
, NULL // optional, path for source files
, NULL // optional, specifies copy behavior
, NULL // optional, specifies callback routine
, NULL // optional, callback routine context
, NULL // optional, device information set
, NULL // optional, device info structure
) == FALSE ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: SetupInstallFromInfSection failed
LogMsg( "The '%s' service has been successfully cleaned up.", m_strName.PszData() );
Cleanup: if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg1( "Setup API returned error %#08x while trying to clean up the service. Throwing exception.", dwError ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to clean up the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() );
} //*** CService::Cleanup()
// void
// CService::Start()
// Description:
// Instructs the SCM to start the service. If fWaitForServiceStartIn is
// true, this function tests cQueryCountIn times to see if the service has
// started, checking every ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn milliseconds.
// fWaitForServiceStartIn is false, this function returns immediately.
// Arguments:
// hServiceControlManagerIn
// Handle to the service control manager.
// fWaitForServiceStartIn
// If true, this function waits for the service to finish starting
// before returning. The default value is true.
// ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn
// Number of milliseconds between checking to see if the service
// has started. The default value is 500 milliseconds.
// This argument is used only if fWaitForServiceStartIn is true.
// cQueryCountIn
// The number of times this function will query the service to see
// if it has started. An exception is thrown if the service is not
// running even after querying it ulQueryCountIn times. The default
// value is 10 times.
// This argument is used only if fWaitForServiceStartIn is true.
// pStatusReportIn
// A pointer to the status report that should be sent while waiting for
// the service to start. This argument is NULL by default.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// CConfigError
// If the service is not running even after the timeout has expired.
void CService::Start( SC_HANDLE hServiceControlManagerIn , bool fWaitForServiceStartIn , ULONG ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn , UINT cQueryCountIn , CStatusReport * pStatusReportIn ) { BCATraceScope1( "Service Name = '%s'", m_strName.PszData() ); LogMsg( "Attempting to start the '%s' service.", m_strName.PszData() );
DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; bool fStarted = false; // Has the service been started?
UINT cNumberOfQueries; // The number of times we have queried the service.
// Handle to the service.
SmartSCMHandle sscmhServiceHandle( OpenService( hServiceControlManagerIn , m_strName.PszData() , SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS ) );
if ( sscmhServiceHandle.FIsInvalid() ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to open the service. Throwing exception.", dwError ); goto Cleanup; } // if: the handle to the service could not be opened.
// Try and start the service.
if ( StartService( sscmhServiceHandle.HHandle(), 0, NULL ) == 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError();
if ( dwError == ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING ) { BCATraceMsg( "The service is already running." );
// The service is already running. Change the error code to success.
dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // if: the service is already running.
else { TW32( dwError ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to start the service. Throwing exception.", dwError ); }
// There is nothing else to do.
goto Cleanup; } // if: an error occurred trying to start the service.
// If we are here, then the service may not have started yet.
// Has the caller requested that we wait for the service to start?
if ( ! fWaitForServiceStartIn ) { LogMsg( "Not waiting to see if the service has started or not." ); BCATraceMsg( "Not waiting to see if the service has started or not." );
goto Cleanup; } // if: no waiting is required.
// We have to wait for the service to start.
cNumberOfQueries = 0;
do { SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus;
ZeroMemory( &ssStatus, sizeof( ssStatus ) );
// Query the service for its status.
if ( QueryServiceStatus( sscmhServiceHandle.HHandle() , &ssStatus ) == 0 ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); BCATraceMsg1( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to query service status. Throwing exception.", dwError );
break; } // if: we could not query the service for its status.
// Check if the service has posted an error.
if ( ssStatus.dwWin32ExitCode != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwError = TW32( ssStatus.dwWin32ExitCode ); if ( dwError == ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR ) { BCATraceMsg( "This is a service specific error code." ); dwError = TW32( ssStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode ); }
BCATraceMsg1( "The service has returned error %#08x to query service status. Throwing exception.", dwError ); break; } // if: the service itself has posted an error.
if ( ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING ) { fStarted = true; break; } // if: the service is running.
// Send a progress report if the caller had passed in a valid pointer.
if ( pStatusReportIn != NULL ) { pStatusReportIn->SendNextStep( S_OK ); } // if: a status report needs to be sent while we wait
// Wait for the specified time.
Sleep( ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn );
} while ( cNumberOfQueries < cQueryCountIn ); // while: loop for the required number of queries
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: something went wrong.
if ( ! fStarted ) { BCATraceMsg1( "The service could not be started. Throwing exception.", cQueryCountIn ); THROW_CONFIG_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( TW32( ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE ) ), IDS_ERROR_SERVICE_START ); } // if: the maximum number of queries have been made and the service is not running.
Cleanup: if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to start the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() );
THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ), IDS_ERROR_SERVICE_START ); } // if: something has gone wrong
else { LogMsg( "The '%s' service has been successfully started.", m_strName.PszData() ); } // else: nothing went wrong.
} //*** CService::Start()
// void
// CService::Stop()
// Description:
// Instructs the SCM to stop the service. If fWaitForServiceStop is
// true, this function tests cQueryCountIn times to see if the service has
// stopped, checking every ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn milliseconds.
// Arguments:
// hServiceControlManagerIn
// Handle to the service control manager.
// ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn
// Number of milliseconds between checking to see if the service
// has stopped. The default value is 500 milliseconds.
// cQueryCountIn
// The number of times this function will query the service to see
// if it has stopped. An exception is thrown if the service is not
// running even after querying it ulQueryCountIn times. The default
// value is 10 times.
// pStatusReportIn
// A pointer to the status report that should be sent while waiting for
// the service to stop. This argument is NULL by default.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// CConfigError
// If the service has not stopped even after the timeout has expired.
void CService::Stop( SC_HANDLE hServiceControlManagerIn , ULONG ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn , UINT cQueryCountIn , CStatusReport * pStatusReportIn ) { BCATraceScope( "" );
DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus; // The service status structure.
bool fStopped = false; // Has the service been stopped?
UINT cNumberOfQueries = 0; // The number of times we have queried the service
// (not including the initial state query).
LogMsg( "Attempting to stop the '%s' service.", m_strName.PszData() ); BCATraceMsg1( "Attempting to stop the '%s' service.", m_strName.PszData() );
// Smart handle to the service being stopped.
SmartSCMHandle sscmhServiceHandle( OpenService( hServiceControlManagerIn , m_strName.PszData() , SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS ) );
// Check if we could open a handle to the service.
if ( sscmhServiceHandle.FIsInvalid() ) { // We could not get a handle to the service.
dwError = GetLastError();
// Check if the service exists.
if ( dwError == ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ) { // Nothing needs to be done here.
BCATraceMsg1( "The '%s' service does not exist, so it is not running. Nothing needs to be done to stop it.", m_strName.PszData() ); LogMsg( "The '%s' service does not exist, so it is not running. Nothing needs to be done to stop it.", m_strName.PszData() ); dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // if: the service does not exist
else { // Something else has gone wrong.
TW32( dwError ); BCATraceMsg2( "Error %#08x occurred trying to open the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to open the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); } // else: the service exists
goto Cleanup; } // if: the handle to the service could not be opened.
BCATraceMsg( "Querying the service for its initial state." );
// Query the service for its initial state.
ZeroMemory( &ssStatus, sizeof( ssStatus ) ); if ( QueryServiceStatus( sscmhServiceHandle.HHandle(), &ssStatus ) == 0 ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to query the initial state of the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); BCATraceMsg2( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to query the initial state of the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: we could not query the service for its status.
// If the service has stopped, we have nothing more to do.
if ( ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) { // Nothing needs to be done here.
BCATraceMsg1( "The '%s' service is not running. Nothing needs to be done to stop it.", m_strName.PszData() ); LogMsg( "The '%s' service is not running. Nothing needs to be done to stop it.", m_strName.PszData() ); goto Cleanup; } // if: the service has stopped.
// If we are here, the service is running.
BCATraceMsg( "The service is running." );
// Try and stop the service.
// If the service is stopping on its own, no need to send the stop control code.
if ( ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ) { BCATraceMsg( "The service is stopping on its own. The stop control code will not be sent." ); } // if: the service is stopping already
else { BCATraceMsg( "The stop control code will be sent now." );
ZeroMemory( &ssStatus, sizeof( ssStatus ) ); if ( ControlService( sscmhServiceHandle.HHandle(), SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ssStatus ) == 0 ) { dwError = GetLastError(); if ( dwError == ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE ) { LogMsg( "The '%s' service is not running. Nothing more needs to be done here.", m_strName.PszData() ); BCATraceMsg1( "The '%s' service is not running. Nothing more needs to be done here.", m_strName.PszData() );
// The service is not running. Change the error code to success.
dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // if: the service is already running.
else { TW32( dwError ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred trying to stop the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); BCATraceMsg2( "Error %#08x occurred trying to stop the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); }
// There is nothing else to do.
goto Cleanup; } // if: an error occurred trying to stop the service.
} // else: the service has to be instructed to stop
// Query the service for its state now and wait till the timeout expires
cNumberOfQueries = 0; do { // Query the service for its status.
ZeroMemory( &ssStatus, sizeof( ssStatus ) ); if ( QueryServiceStatus( sscmhServiceHandle.HHandle(), &ssStatus ) == 0 ) { dwError = TW32( GetLastError() ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to query the state of the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); BCATraceMsg2( "Error %#08x occurred while trying to query the state of the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); break; } // if: we could not query the service for its status.
// If the service has stopped, we have nothing more to do.
if ( ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED ) { // Nothing needs to be done here.
BCATraceMsg( "The service has been stopped." ); fStopped = true; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } // if: the service has stopped.
// Check if the timeout has expired
if ( cNumberOfQueries >= cQueryCountIn ) { BCATraceMsg( "The service stop wait timeout has expired." ); break; } // if: number of queries has exceeded the maximum specified
BCATraceMsg2( "Waiting for %d milliseconds before querying service status again. %d such queries remaining." , ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn , cQueryCountIn - cNumberOfQueries );
// Send a progress report if the caller had passed in a valid pointer.
if ( pStatusReportIn != NULL ) { pStatusReportIn->SendNextStep( S_OK ); } // if: a status report needs to be sent while we wait
// Wait for the specified time.
Sleep( ulQueryIntervalMilliSecIn );
} while( true ); // while: loop infinitely
if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) goto Cleanup;
if ( ! fStopped ) { dwError = TW32( ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT ); LogMsg( "The '%s' service has not stopped even after %d queries.", m_strName.PszData(), cQueryCountIn ); BCATraceMsg2( "The '%s' service has not stopped even after %d queries.", m_strName.PszData(), cQueryCountIn ); goto Cleanup; } // if: the maximum number of queries have been made and the service is not running.
LogMsg( "The '%s' service was successfully stopped.", m_strName.PszData() ); BCATraceMsg1( "The '%s' service was successfully stopped.", m_strName.PszData() );
Cleanup: if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BCATraceMsg2( "Error %#08x has occurred trying to stop the '%s' service. Throwing exception.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); LogMsg( "Error %#08x has occurred trying to stop the '%s' service.", dwError, m_strName.PszData() ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ), IDS_ERROR_SERVICE_STOP ); } // if: something has gone wrong
} //*** CService::Stop()