// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ClusterUtils.h
// Description:
// This file contains the declaration of the ClusterUtils
// functions.
// Documentation:
// Implementation Files:
// ClusterUtils.cpp
// Maintained By:
#pragma once
// Cluster API Functions.
HRESULT HrIsCoreResource( HRESOURCE hResIn ); HRESULT HrIsResourceOfType( HRESOURCE hResIn, const WCHAR * pszResourceTypeIn ); HRESULT HrGetIPAddressInfo( HRESOURCE hResIn, ULONG * pulIPAddress, ULONG * pulSubnetMask ); HRESULT HrLoadCredentials( BSTR bstrMachine, IClusCfgSetCredentials * piCCSC ); HRESULT HrGetNodeNameHostingResource( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, HRESOURCE hResIn, BSTR * pbstrNameOut ); HRESULT HrGetNodeNameHostingCluster( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, BSTR * pbstrNodeName ); HRESULT HrGetIPAddressOfCluster( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, ULONG * pulIPAddress, ULONG * pulSubnetMask, BSTR * pbstrNetworkName ); HRESULT HrGetDependentIPAddressInfo( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, HRESOURCE hResIn, ULONG * pulIPAddress, ULONG * pulNetworkMask, BSTR * pbstrNetworkName ); HRESULT HrGetNetworkOfCluster( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, BSTR * pbstrNetworkName ); HRESULT HrGetSCSIInfo( HRESOURCE hResIn, CLUS_SCSI_ADDRESS * pCSAOut, DWORD * pdwSignatureOut, DWORD * pdwDiskNumberOut ); HRESULT HrGetClusterInformation( HCLUSTER hClusterIn, BSTR * pbstrClusterNameOut, CLUSTERVERSIONINFO * pcviOut );
HRESULT HrGetClusterResourceState( HRESOURCE hResourceIn , BSTR * pbstrNodeNameOut , BSTR * pbstrGroupNameOut , CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE * pcrsStateOut );
HRESULT HrGetClusterQuorumResource( HCLUSTER hClusterIn , BSTR * pbstrResourceNameOut , BSTR * pbstrDeviceNameOut , DWORD * pdwMaxQuorumLogSizeOut );
// String manipulation functions.
HRESULT HrSeparateDomainAndName( BSTR bstrNameIn, BSTR * pbstrDomainOut, BSTR * pbstrNameOut ); HRESULT HrAppendDomainToName( BSTR bstrNameIn, BSTR bstrDomainIn, BSTR * pbstrDomainNameOut );