// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Debug.h
// Description:
// Debugging utilities header.
// Maintained By:
// Geoffrey Pease (GPease) 22-NOV-1999
#pragma once
// Turn this on if you are going to use the OLE automation
// functions: SysAllocString, SysFreeString, etc..
// WMI tracing needs these defined
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
// Trace Flags
typedef enum _TRACEFLAGS { mtfALWAYS = 0xFFFFFFFF, mtfNEVER = 0x00000000, // function entry/exits, call, scoping
mtfCALLS = 0x00000001, // Function calls that use the TraceMsgDo macro
mtfFUNC = 0x00000002, // Functions entrances w/parameters
mtfQUERYINTERFACE = 0x00000004, // Query Interface details
mtfSTACKSCOPE = 0x00000008, // if set, debug spew will generate bar/space for level each of the call stack
// other
mtfWM = 0x00000010, // Window Messages
mtfDLL = 0x00000020, // DLL specific
mtfASSERT_HR = 0x00000040, // Assert if HRESULT is an error
// memory
mtfMEMORYLEAKS = 0x01000000, // Halts when a memory leak is detected on thread exit.
mtfMEMORYINIT = 0x02000000, // Initializes new memory allocations
mtfMEMORYALLOCS = 0x04000000, // Turns on spew to display each de/allocation.
// citracker spew
mtfCITRACKERS = 0x08000000, // CITrackers will spew entrances and exits
// output prefixes
mtfADDTIMEDATE = 0x10000000, // Replaces Filepath(Line) with Date/Time
mtfBYMODULENAME = 0x20000000, // Puts the module name at the beginning of the line
// per thread
mtfPERTHREADTRACE = 0x40000000, // Enables per thread tracing
// ouput to disk
mtfOUTPUTTODISK = 0x80000000, // Logs output to disk
#ifdef DEBUG
#pragma message( "BUILD: DEBUG macros being built" )
// Globals
extern DWORD g_TraceMemoryIndex; // TLS index for the memory tracking link list
extern DWORD g_dwCounter; // Stack depth counter
extern TRACEFLAG g_tfModule; // Global tracing flags
extern const LPCTSTR g_pszModuleIn; // Local module name - use DEFINE_MODULE
extern const TCHAR g_szTrue[]; // Array "TRUE"
extern const TCHAR g_szFalse[]; // Array "FALSE"
// Definition Macros
#define DEFINE_MODULE( _module ) const LPCTSTR g_pszModuleIn = TEXT(_module);
#define __MODULE__ g_pszModuleIn
#define DEFINE_THISCLASS( _class ) static const TCHAR g_szClass[] = TEXT(_class);
#define __THISCLASS__ g_szClass
#define DEFINE_BASECLASS( _class ) static const TCHAR g_szBaseClass[] = TEXT(_class);
#define __BASECLASS__ g_szBaseClass
// ImageHlp Stuff - not ready for prime time yet.
#if defined( IMAGEHLP_ENABLED )
#include <imagehlp.h>
extern HINSTANCE g_hImageHlp; // IMAGEHLP.DLL instance handle
extern PFNSYMGETSYMFROMADDR g_pfnSymGetSymFromAddr; extern PFNSYMGETLINEFROMADDR g_pfnSymGetLineFromAddr; extern PFNSYMGETMODULEINFO g_pfnSymGetModuleInfo; #endif // IMAGEHLP_ENABLED
void DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( void );
void DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( void );
// TraceInitializeProcess(
// _rgControl,
// _sizeofControl
// )
// Description:
// Should be called in the DLL main on process attach or in the entry
// routine of an EXE. Initializes debugging globals and TLS. Registers
// the WMI tracing facilities.
// Arguments:
// _rgControl WMI control block (see DEBUG_WMI_CONTROL_GUIDS)
// _sizeofControl The sizeof( _rgControl )
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceInitializeProcess( _rgControl, _sizeofControl ) \
{ \ DebugInitializeTraceFlags( ); \ WMIInitializeTracing( _rgControl, _sizeofControl ); \ }
// TraceInitializeThread(
// _name
// )
// Description:
// Should be called in the DLL thread attach or when a new thread is
// created. Sets up the memory tracing for that thread as well as
// establishing the tfThread for each thread (if mtfPERTHREADTRACE
// is set in g_tfModule).
// Arguments:
// _name NULL or the name of the thread.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceInitializeThread( _name ) \
do \ { \ TlsSetValue( g_TraceMemoryIndex, NULL); \ DebugInitializeThreadTraceFlags( _name ); \ } while ( 0 )
// TraceRundownThread( void )
// Description:
// Should be called before a thread terminates. It will check to make
// sure all memory allocated by the thread was released properly. It
// will also cleanup any per thread structures.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceRundownThread( ) \
do \ { \ DebugMemoryCheck( NULL, NULL ); \ DebugTerminiateThreadTraceFlags( ); \ } while ( 0 )
// TraceCreateMemoryList(
// _pmbIn
// )
// Description:
// Creates a thread independent list to track objects.
// _pmbIn should be an LPVOID.
// Arguments:
// _pmbIn - Pointer to store the head of the list.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceCreateMemoryList( _pmbIn ) \
DebugCreateMemoryList( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, &_pmbIn, TEXT(#_pmbIn) );
// TraceTerminateMemoryList(
// _pmbIn
// )
// Description:
// Checks to make sure the list is empty before destroying the list.
// _pmbIn should be an LPVOID.
// Arguments:
// _pmbIn - Pointer to store the head of the list.
// Return Values:
// None.
// BUGBUG: DavidP 09-DEC-1999
// _pmbIn is evaluated multiple times but the name of the
// macro is mixed case.
#define TraceTerminateMemoryList( _pmbIn ) \
do \ { \ DebugMemoryCheck( _pmbIn, TEXT(#_pmbIn) ); \ DebugFree( _pmbIn, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__ ); \ } while ( 0 )
// TraceMoveToMemoryList(
// _addr
// _pmbIn
// )
// Description:
// Moves and object from the thread tracking list to a thread independent
// memory list (_pmbIn).
// _pmbIn should be an LPVOID.
// Arguments:
// _addr - Address of object to move.
// _pmbIn - Pointer to store the head of the list.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceMoveToMemoryList( _addr, _pmbIn ) \
DebugMoveToMemoryList( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, _addr, _pmbIn, TEXT(#_pmbIn) );
// TraceMemoryListDelete(
// _addr
// _pmbIn
// )
// Description:
// Moves and object from the thread tracking list to a thread independent
// memory list (_pmbIn).
// _pmbIn should be an LPVOID.
// Arguments:
// _addr - Address of object to delete.
// _pmbIn - Pointer to store the head of the list.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceMemoryListDelete( _addr, _pmbIn, _fClobberIn ) \
DebugMemoryListDelete( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, _addr, _pmbIn, TEXT(#_pmbIn), _fClobberIn );
// TraceTerminateProcess
// Description:
// Should be called before a process terminates. It cleans up anything
// that the Debug APIs created. It will check to make sure all memory
// allocated by the main thread was released properly. It will also
// terminate WMI tracing. It also closes the logging handle.
// Arguments:
// _rgControl - WMI control block (see DEBUG_WMI_CONTROL_GUIDS)
// _sizeofControl - the sizeof( _rgControl )
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceTerminateProcess( _rgControl, _sizeofControl ) \
do \ { \ LogTerminateProcess( ); \ WMITerminateTracing( _rgControl, _sizeofControl ); \ DebugMemoryCheck( NULL, NULL ); \ DebugTerminateProcess( ); \ } while ( 0 )
// Debug initialization routines
// Uses should use the TraceInitializeXXX and TraceTerminateXXX macros, not
// these routines.
void DebugInitializeTraceFlags( void );
void DebugInitializeThreadTraceFlags( LPCTSTR pszThreadNameIn );
void DebugTerminateProcess( void );
void DebugTerminiateThreadTraceFlags( void );
void DebugCreateMemoryList( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, LPVOID * ppvListOut, LPCTSTR pszListNameIn );
void DebugMemoryListDelete( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, HGLOBAL hGlobalIn, LPVOID pvListIn, LPCTSTR pszListNameIn, BOOL fClobberIn );
void DebugMoveToMemoryList( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, HGLOBAL hGlobal, LPVOID pmbListIn, LPCTSTR pszListNameIn );
// Memmory Allocation Subsitution Macros
// Replaces LocalAlloc/LocalFree and GlobalAlloc/GlobalFree
#define TraceAlloc( _flags, _size ) DebugAlloc( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, _flags, _size, TEXT(#_size) )
#define TraceReAlloc( _hmem, _size, _flags ) DebugReAlloc( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, _hmem, _flags, _size, TEXT(#_size) )
#define TraceFree( _hmem ) DebugFree( _hmem, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__ )
// TraceAllocString(
// _flags,
// _size
// )
// Description:
// Quick way to allocation a string that is the proper size and that will
// be tracked by memory tracking.
// Arguments:
// _flags - Allocation attributes.
// _size - Number of characters in the string to be allocated.
// Return Values:
// Handle/pointer to memory to be used as a string.
#define TraceAllocString( _flags, _size ) \
(LPTSTR) DebugAlloc( TEXT(__FILE__), \ __LINE__, \ __MODULE__, \ _flags, \ (_size) * sizeof( TCHAR ), \ TEXT(#_size) \ )
// Code Tracing Macros
// TraceFunc(
// _pszfn
// )
// Description:
// Displays file, line number, module and "_pszfn" only if the mtfFUNC is
// set in g_tfModule. "_pszfn" is the name of the function just
// entered. It also increments the stack counter.
// Arguments:
// _pszfn - Name of the function just entered.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceFunc( _pszfn ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(_pszfn) ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// These next macros are just like TraceFunc except they take additional
// arguments to display the values passed into the function call. "_pszfn"
// should contain a printf string on how to display the arguments.
#define TraceFunc1( _pszfn, _arg1 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(_pszfn), _arg1 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceFunc2( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(_pszfn), _arg1, _arg2 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceFunc3( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(_pszfn), _arg1, _arg2, _arg3 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceFunc4( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(_pszfn), _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceFunc5( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(_pszfn), _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, arg5 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceFunc6( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(_pszfn), _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, arg5, arg6 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// TraceClsFunc(
// _pszfn
// )
// Description:
// Displays file, line number, module, class name and "_msg" only if the
// mtfFUNC is set in g_tfModule. It also increments the stack counter
// Arguments:
// _pszfn - Name of the method just entered.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceClsFunc( _pszfn ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ %s::") TEXT(_pszfn), g_szClass ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// These next macros are just like TraceClsFunc except they take additional
// arguments to display the values passed into the function call. "_pszfn"
// should contain a printf string on how to display the arguments.
#define TraceClsFunc1( _pszfn, _arg1 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ %s::") TEXT(_pszfn), g_szClass, _arg1 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceClsFunc2( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ %s::") TEXT(_pszfn), g_szClass, _arg1, _arg2 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceClsFunc3( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ %s::") TEXT(_pszfn), g_szClass, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceClsFunc4( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ %s::") TEXT(_pszfn), g_szClass, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceClsFunc5( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ %s::") TEXT(_pszfn), g_szClass, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
#define TraceClsFunc6( _pszfn, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("+ %s::") TEXT(_pszfn), g_szClass, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6 ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// TraceFuncExit( void )
// Description:
// Return macro for TraceFunc() and TraceClsFunc() if the return type is
// void. It also decrements the stack counter.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define TraceFuncExit( ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("V\n") ); \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ return; \ } while ( 0 )
// _rval
// )
// Description:
// Return macro for TraceFunc() and TraceClsFunc(). The _rval will be
// returned as the result of the function. It also decrements the stack
// counter.
// Arguments:
// _rval - Result of the function.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define RETURN( _rval ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("V\n") ); \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ return _rval; \ } while ( 0 )
// _rval
// )
// Description:
// This is a fake version of the return macro for TraceFunc() and
// TraceClsFunc(). *** This doesn't return. *** It also decrements
// the stack counter.
// Arguments:
// _rval - Result of the function.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define FRETURN( _rval ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("V\n") ); \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// _hr
// )
// Description:
// Return macro for TraceFunc() and TraceClsFunc(). The _hr will be
// returned as the result of the function. If the value is not S_OK, it
// will be displayed in the debugger. It also decrements the stack
// counter.
// Arguments:
// _hr - Result of the function.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define HRETURN( _hr ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ if ( _hr != S_OK ) \ { \ DebugReturnMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT( "V hr = 0x%08x (%s)\n"), _hr ); \ } \ else \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("V\n") ); \ } \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ return _hr; \ } while ( 0 )
// These next macros are just like HRETURN except they allow other
// exceptable values to be passed.back without causing extra spew.
#define HRETURN1( _hr, _arg1 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ if ( ( _hr != S_OK ) && ( _hr != _arg1 ) ) \ { \ DebugReturnMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT( "V hr = 0x%08x (%s)\n"), _hr ); \ } \ else \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("V\n") ); \ } \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ return _hr; \ } while ( 0 )
#define HRETURN2( _hr, _arg1, _arg2 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ if ( ( _hr != S_OK ) && ( _hr != _arg1 ) && ( _hr != _arg2 ) ) \ { \ DebugReturnMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT( "V hr = 0x%08x (%s)\n"), _hr ); \ } \ else \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("V\n") ); \ } \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ return _hr; \ } while ( 0 )
#define HRETURN3( _hr, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3 ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ if ( ( _hr != S_OK ) && ( _hr != _arg1 ) && ( _hr != _arg2 ) && ( _hr != _arg3 ) ) \ { \ DebugReturnMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT( "V hr = 0x%08x (%s)\n"), _hr ); \ } \ else \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("V\n") ); \ } \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ return _hr; \ } while ( 0 )
// TraceDo(
// _szExp
// )
// Description:
// Displays the file, line number, module and function call and return
// from the function call (no return value displayed) for "_szExp" only
// if the mtfCALLS is set in g_tfModule. Note return value is not
// displayed. _szExp will be in RETAIL version of the product.
// Arguments:
// _szExp
// The expression to be traced including assigment to the return
// variable.
// Return Values:
// None. The return value should be defined within _szExp.
#define TraceDo( _szExp ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfCALLS, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(#_szExp ) TEXT("\n") ); \ _szExp; \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfCALLS, TEXT("V\n") ); \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ else \ { \ _szExp; \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// TraceMsgDo(
// _szExp,
// _szMsg
// )
// Description:
// Displays the file, line number, module and function call and return
// value which is formatted in "_szMsg" for "_szExp" only if the mtfCALLS
// is set in g_tfModule. _szExp will be in the RETAIL version of the
// product.
// Arguments:
// _szExp
// The expression to be traced including assigment to the return
// variable.
// _szMsg
// A format string on how the return value should be displayed in the
// debugger.
// Return Values:
// None. The return value should be defined within _szExp.
#define TraceMsgDo( _szExp, _szMsg ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfCALLS, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(#_szExp) TEXT("\n") ); \ TraceMessageDo( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfCALLS, TEXT(_szMsg), TEXT(#_szExp), _szExp ); \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ else \ { \ _szExp; \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// TraceMsgGUID(
// _flags,
// _msg
// _guid
// )
// Description:
// Dumps a GUID to the debugger only if one of the flags in _flags is
// set in g_tfModule.
// Arguments:
// _flags - Flags to check
// _msg - msg to print before GUID
// _guid - GUID to dump
// Return Values:
// None.
// BUGBUG: DavidP 09-DEC-1999
// _guid is evaluated multiple times but the name of the
// macro is mixed case.
#define TraceMsgGUID( _flags, _msg, _guid ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), \ __LINE__, \ __MODULE__, \ _flags, \ TEXT("%s {%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}\n"), \ _msg, \ _guid.Data1, _guid.Data2, _guid.Data3, \ _guid.Data4[ 0 ], _guid.Data4[ 1 ], _guid.Data4[ 2 ], _guid.Data4[ 3 ], \ _guid.Data4[ 4 ], _guid.Data4[ 5 ], _guid.Data4[ 6 ], _guid.Data4[ 7 ] ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// ErrorMsg(
// _szMsg,
// _err
// )
// Description:
// Print an error out. Can be used to log errors to a log file. Note that
// it will also print the source filename, line number and module name.
// Arguments:
// _szMsg - Format string to be displayed.
// _err - Error code of the error.
// Return Values:
// None.
#define ErrorMsg( _szMsg, _err ) \
TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfALWAYS, TEXT(_szMsg), _err );
// WndMsg(
// _hwnd,
// _umsg,
// _wparam,
// _lparam
// )
// Description:
// Prints out a message to trace windows messages.
// Arguments:
// _hwnd - The HWND
// _umsg - The uMsg
// _wparam - The WPARAM
// _lparam _ The LPARAM
// Return Values:
// None.
// BUGBUG: DavidP 09-DEC-1999
// _wparam and _lparam are evaluated multiple times but the name
// of the macro is mixed case.
#define WndMsg( _hwnd, _umsg, _wparam, _lparam ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule & mtfWM ) \ { \ DebugMsg( TEXT("%s: WM : hWnd = 0x%08x, uMsg = %u, wParam = 0x%08x (%u), lParam = 0x%08x (%u)\n"), __MODULE__, _hwnd, _umsg, _wparam, _wparam, _lparam, _lparam ); \ } \ } while ( 0 )
// Debug Macros
// These calls are only compiled in DEBUG. They are a NOP in RETAIL
// (not even compiled in).
// Same as TraceDo() but only compiled in DEBUG.
#define DebugDo( _fn ) \
do \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ DebugMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(#_fn ) TEXT("\n") ); \ _fn; \ DebugMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT("V\n") ); \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } while ( 0 )
// Same as TraceMsgDo() but only compiled in DEBUG.
#define DebugMsgDo( _fn, _msg ) \
do \ { \ DebugIncrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ DebugMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT("+ ") TEXT(#_fn) TEXT("\n") ); \ DebugMessageDo( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT(_msg), TEXT(#_fn), _fn ); \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } while ( 0 )
// HRESULT testing macros
// These functions check HRESULT return values and display UI if conditions
// warrant only in DEBUG.
// IsTraceFlagSet(
// _flag
// )
// Description:
// Checks to see of the flag is set in the global flags or in the per
// thread flags. If you specify more than one flag and if any of them are
// set, it will return TRUE.
// In RETAIL this always return FALSE thereby effectively deleting the
// block of the if statement. Example:
// if ( IsTraceFlagSet( mtfPERTHREADTRACE ) )
// {
// //
// // This code only exists in DEBUG.
// .
// .
// .
// }
// Arguments:
// _flags - Flag to check for.
// Return Values:
// TRUE - If DEBUG and flag set.
// FLASE - If RETAIL or flag not set.
#define IsTraceFlagSet( _flag ) ( g_tfModule && IsDebugFlagSet( _flag ) )
// THR(
// _hr
// )
// Description:
// Warning is display if HRESULT is anything but S_OK (0). This can be
// use in an expression. Example:
// hr = THR( pSomething->DoSomething( arg ) );
// Arguments:
// _hr - Function expression to check.
// Return Values:
// Result of the "_hr" expression.
#define THR( _hr ) \
TraceHR( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT(#_hr), _hr, FALSE )
// STHR(
// _hr
// )
// Description:
// Warning is display if FAILED( _hr ) is TRUE. This can be use in an
// expression. Example:
// hr = STHR( pSomething->DoSomething( arg ) );
// Arguments:
// _hr - Function expression to check.
// Return Values:
// Result of the "_hr" expression.
#define STHR( _hr ) \
TraceHR( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT(#_hr), _hr, TRUE )
// TW32(
// _fn
// )
// Description:
// Warning is display if result is anything but ERROR_SUCCESS (0). This
// can be use in an expression. Example:
// dwErr = TW32( RegOpenKey( HKLM, "foobar", &hkey ) );
// Arguments:
// _fn - Function expression to check.
// Return Values:
// Result of the "_fn" expression.
#define TW32( _fn ) \
TraceWin32( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT(#_fn), _fn )
// _fn
// )
// Description:
// Warning is display if return value is anything but ERROR_SUCCESS (0).
// Argument:
// _fn - Value to return.
// Return Values:
// _fn always.
#define RRETURN( _fn ) \
do \ { \ if ( g_tfModule != 0 ) \ { \ if ( _fn != ERROR_SUCCESS ) \ { \ DebugReturnMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT( "V ") TEXT(#_fn) TEXT(" = 0x%08x (%s)\n"), _fn ); \ } \ else \ { \ TraceMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, mtfFUNC, TEXT("V\n") ); \ } \ DebugDecrementStackDepthCounter( ); \ } \ return _fn; \ } while ( 0 )
// _hr,
// _riid
// )
// Description:
// Warning is display if HRESULT is anything but S_OK (0) only if
// mtfQUERYINTERFACE is set in g_tfModule, otherwise only a debug
// message will be printed. Note that TraceFunc or TraceClsFunc must
// have been called on the call stack counter must be incremented
// prior to using.
// Arguments:
// _hr - Result of the query interface call.
// _riid - The reference ID of the interfaced queried for.
// Return Values:
// None - calls RETURN macro.
#define QIRETURN( _hr, _riid ) \
do \ { \ if ( _hr ) \ { \ TCHAR szGuid[ 40 ]; \ TCHAR szSymbolicName[ 64 ]; \ DWORD cchSymbolicName = 64; \ DebugFindWinerrorSymbolicName( _hr, szSymbolicName, &cchSymbolicName ); \ Assert( cchSymbolicName != 64 ); \ DebugMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), \ __LINE__, \ __MODULE__, \ TEXT("*HRESULT* QueryInterface( %s, ppv ) failed(), hr = 0x%08x (%s)\n"), \ PszDebugFindInterface( _riid, szGuid ), \ _hr, \ szSymbolicName \ ); \ } \ if ( g_tfModule & mtfQUERYINTERFACE ) \ { \ TraceHR( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT(#_hr), _hr, FALSE ); \ } \ HRETURN( _hr ); \ } while ( 0 )
// _fBool
// )
// Desfription:
// If _fBool is true, returns address of "TRUE" else returns address of
// "FALSE".
// Argument:
// _fBool - Expression to evaluate.
// Return Values:
// address of "TRUE" if _fBool is true.
// address of "FALSE" if _fBool is false.
#define BOOLTOSTRING( _fBool ) ( (_fBool) ? g_szTrue : g_szFalse )
// Trace/Debug Functions - these do not exist in RETAIL.
BOOL IsDebugFlagSet( TRACEFLAG tfIn );
void TraceMsg( TRACEFLAG tfIn, LPCSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void TraceMsg( TRACEFLAG tfIn, LPCWSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void DebugMsg( LPCSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void DebugMsg( LPCWSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void TraceMessage( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, TRACEFLAG tfIn, LPCTSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void TraceMessageDo( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, TRACEFLAG tfIn, LPCTSTR pszFormatIn, LPCTSTR pszFuncIn, ... );
void DebugMessage( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, LPCTSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void DebugMessageDo( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, LPCTSTR pszFormatIn, LPCTSTR pszFuncIn, ... );
BOOL AssertMessage( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, LPCTSTR pszfnIn, BOOL fTrueIn );
HRESULT TraceHR( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, LPCTSTR pszfnIn, HRESULT hrIn, BOOL fSuccessIn );
ULONG TraceWin32( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, LPCTSTR pszfnIn, ULONG ulErrIn );
#if 0
// Trying to get the NTSTATUS stuff to play in "user world"
// is just about impossible. This is here in case it is needed
// and one could find the right combination of headers to
// make it work. Inflicting such pain on others is the reason
// why this function is #ifdef'fed.
void DebugFindNTStatusSymbolicName( NTSTATUS dwStatusIn, LPTSTR pszNameOut, LPDWORD pcchNameInout ); #endif
void DebugFindWinerrorSymbolicName( DWORD dwErrIn, LPTSTR pszNameOut, LPDWORD pcchNameInout );
void DebugReturnMessage( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, LPCTSTR pszMessageIn, DWORD dwErrIn );
// Use the TraceMemoryXXX wrappers, not the DebugMemoryXXX functions.
// The memory tracking functions do not exist in RETAIL (converted to NOP).
typedef enum EMEMORYBLOCKTYPE { mmbtUNKNOWN = 0, // Never used
mmbtMEMORYALLOCATION, // Global/LocalAlloc
mmbtOBJECT, // Object pointer
mmbtHANDLE, // Object handle
mmbtPUNK, // IUnknown pointer
mmbtSYSALLOCSTRING // SysAllocString
#define TraceMemoryAdd( _mbtType, _hGlobalIn, _pszFileIn, _nLineIn, _pszModuleIn, _uFlagsIn, _dwBytesIn, _pszCommentIn ) \
DebugMemoryAdd( _mbtType, _hGlobalIn, _pszFileIn, _nLineIn, _pszModuleIn, _uFlagsIn, _dwBytesIn, _pszCommentIn ) #define TraceMemoryAddAddress( _pv ) \
DebugMemoryAdd( mmbtMEMORYALLOCATION, _pv, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, GMEM_FIXED, 0, TEXT(#_pv) )
#define TraceMemoryAddHandle( _handle ) \
DebugMemoryAdd( mmbtHANDLE, _handle, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, GMEM_MOVEABLE, 0, TEXT(#_handle) )
#define TraceMemoryAddObject( _pv ) \
DebugMemoryAdd( mmbtOBJECT, _pv, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, TEXT(#_pv) )
#define TraceMemoryAddPunk( _punk ) \
DebugMemoryAdd( mmbtPUNK, _punk, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, GMEM_INVALID_HANDLE, 0, TEXT(#_punk) )
#define TraceMemoryDelete( _hGlobalIn, _fClobberIn ) \
DebugMemoryDelete( mmbtUNKNOWN, _hGlobalIn, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, _fClobberIn )
#define TraceStrDup( _sz ) \
(LPTSTR) DebugMemoryAdd( mmbtMEMORYALLOCATION, StrDup( _sz ), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, GMEM_FIXED, 0, TEXT("StrDup( ") TEXT(#_sz) TEXT(" )") )
// BUGBUG: DavidP 09-DEC-1999
// _sz is evaluated multiple times but the name of the
// macro is mixed case.
#define TraceSysAllocString( _sz ) \
(BSTR) DebugMemoryAdd( mmbtSYSALLOCSTRING, SysAllocString( _sz ), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, 0, wcslen( _sz ) + 1, TEXT("SysAllocString( ") TEXT(#_sz) TEXT(")") )
// BUGBUG: DavidP 09-DEC-1999
// _sz and _len are evaluated multiple times but the name of the
// macro is mixed case.
#define TraceSysAllocStringByteLen( _sz, _len ) \
(BSTR) DebugMemoryAdd( mmbtSYSALLOCSTRING, SysAllocStringByteLen( _sz, _len ), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, 0, _len, TEXT("SysAllocStringByteLen( ") TEXT(#_sz) TEXT(")") )
// BUGBUG: DavidP 09-DEC-1999
// _sz and _len are evaluated multiple times but the name of the
// macro is mixed case.
#define TraceSysAllocStringLen( _sz, _len ) \
(BSTR) DebugMemoryAdd( mmbtSYSALLOCSTRING, SysAllocStringLen( _sz, _len ), TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, 0, _len + 1, TEXT("SysAllocStringLen( ") TEXT(#_sz) TEXT(")") )
#define TraceSysReAllocString( _bstrOrg, _bstrNew ) \
DebugSysReAllocString( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, _bstrOrg, _bstrNew, TEXT("TraceSysReAllocString(") TEXT(#_bstrOrg) TEXT(", ") TEXT(#_bstrNew) TEXT(" )") )
#define TraceSysReAllocStringLen( _bstrOrg, _bstrNew, _cch ) \
DebugSysReAllocStringLen( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, _bstrOrg, _bstrNew, _cch, TEXT("TraceSysReAllocString(") TEXT(#_bstrOrg) TEXT(", ") TEXT(#_bstrNew) TEXT(", ") TEXT(#_cch) TEXT(" )") )
#define TraceSysFreeString( _bstr ) \
DebugMemoryDelete( mmbtSYSALLOCSTRING, _bstr, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TRUE ); \ SysFreeString( _bstr ) #endif // USES_SYSALLOCSTRING
// Memory tracing functions - these are remapped to the GlobalAlloc/GlobalFree
// heap functions when in RETAIL. Use the TraceMemoryXXX wrappers, not the
// DebugMemoryXXX functions.
HGLOBAL DebugAlloc( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, UINT uFlagsIn, DWORD dwBytesIn, LPCTSTR pszCommentIn );
HGLOBAL DebugReAlloc( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, HGLOBAL hMemIn, UINT uFlagsIn, DWORD dwBytesIn, LPCTSTR pszCommentIn );
HGLOBAL DebugFree( HGLOBAL hMemIn, LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn );
HGLOBAL DebugMemoryAdd( EMEMORYBLOCKTYPE mbtType, HGLOBAL hGlobalIn, LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, UINT uFlagsIn, DWORD dwBytesIn, LPCTSTR pszCommentIn );
void DebugMemoryDelete( EMEMORYBLOCKTYPE mbtTypeIn, HGLOBAL hGlobalIn, LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, BOOL fClobberIn );
INT DebugSysReAllocString( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, BSTR * pbstrIn, const OLECHAR * pszIn, LPCTSTR pszCommentIn );
INT DebugSysReAllocStringLen( LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn, BSTR * pbstrIn, const OLECHAR * pszIn, unsigned int ucchIn, LPCTSTR pszCommentIn );
void DebugMemoryCheck( LPVOID pvListIn, LPCTSTR pszListNameIn );
// operator new( ) for C++
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern void * __cdecl operator new( size_t nSizeIn, LPCTSTR pszFileIn, const int nLineIn, LPCTSTR pszModuleIn );
// Remap "new" to our macro so "we" don't have to type anything extra and
// so it magically dissappears in RETAIL.
#define new new( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__ )
#else // it's RETAIL ******************************************************
#pragma message("BUILD: RETAIL macros being built")
// Debugging -> NOPs
#define DEFINE_MODULE( _module )
#define __MODULE__ NULL
#define DEFINE_THISCLASS( _class )
#define __THISCLASS__ NULL
#define DEFINE_SUPER( _super )
#define BOOLTOSTRING( _fBool ) NULL
#define DebugDo( _fn )
#define DebugMsgDo( _fn, _msg )
#define TraceMsgGUID( _f, _m, _g )
#define AssertMessage( _f, _l, _m, _e, _msg ) TRUE
// TODO: gpease 08-NOV-1999
// We probably want to do something special for ErrorMsg( )
#define ErrorMsg 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceMsg 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define WndMsg 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define DebugMsg 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceMessage 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define DebugMessage 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceHR 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceFunc 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceFunc1 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceFunc2 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceFunc3 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceFunc4 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceFunc5 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceFunc6 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceClsFunc 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceClsFunc1 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceClsFunc2 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceClsFunc3 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceClsFunc4 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceClsFunc5 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceClsFunc6 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define TraceFuncExit() return
#define TraceInitializeThread( _name )
#define TraceRundownThread( )
#define TraceMemoryAdd( _mbtType, _hGlobalIn, _pszFileIn, _nLineIn, _pszModuleIn, _uFlagsIn, _dwBytesIn, _pszCommentIn ) _hGlobalIn
#define TraceMemoryAddHandle( _handle ) _handle
#define TraceMemoryAddAddress( _pv ) _pv
#define TraceMemoryAddHandle( _obj ) _obj
#define TraceMemoryAddPunk( _punk ) _punk
#define TraceMemoryDelete( _h, _b ) _h
#define TraceMemoryAddObject( _pv ) _pv
#define IsTraceFlagSet( _flag ) FALSE
// Enable WMI
#define TraceInitializeProcess( _rg, _sizeof ) \
WMIInitializeTracing( _rg, _sizeof ); #define TraceTerminateProcess( _rg, _sizeof ) \
WMITerminateTracing( _rg, _sizeof );
// Tracing -> just do operation
#define TraceDo( _fn ) _fn
#define TraceMsgDo( _fn, _msg ) _fn
#define TraceAssertIfZero( _fn ) _fn
// RETURN testing -> do retail
#define THR
#define STHR
#define TW32
#define RETURN( _fn ) return _fn
#define FRETURN( _fn )
#define RRETURN( _fn ) return _fn
#define HRETURN( _hr ) return _hr
#define QIRETURN( _qi, _riid ) return _qi
// Memory Functions -> do retail
#define TraceAlloc( _flags, _size ) GlobalAlloc( _flags, _size )
#define TraceAllocString( _flags, _size ) (LPTSTR) GlobalAlloc( _flags, (_size) * sizeof( TCHAR ) )
#define TraceReAlloc( _hGlobal, _uBytes, _uFlags ) GlobalReAlloc( _hGlobal, _uBytes, _uFlags )
#define TraceFree( _pv ) GlobalFree( _pv )
#define TraceStrDup( _sz ) StrDup( _sz )
#define TraceSysAllocString( _sz ) SysAllocString( _sz )
#define TraceSysAllocStringByteLen( _sz, _len ) SysAllocStringByteLen( _sz, _len )
#define TraceSysAllocStringLen( _sz, _len ) SysAllocStringLen( _sz, _len )
#define TraceSysReAllocString( _bstrOrg, _bstrNew ) SysReAllocString( _bstrOrg, _bstrNew )
#define TraceSysReAllocStringLen( _bstrOrg, _bstrNew, _cch ) SysReAllocStringLen( _bstrOrg, _bstrNew, _cch )
#define TraceSysFreeString( _bstr ) SysFreeString( _bstr )
#define TraceCreateMemoryList( _pvIn )
#define TraceMoveToMemoryList( _addr, _pvIn )
#define TraceMemoryListDelete( _addr, _pvIn, _fClobber )
#define TraceTerminateMemoryList( _pvIn )
#endif // DEBUG
#if DBG==1 || defined( _DEBUG )
// Description:
// Because the system expection handler can hick-up over INT 3s and
// DebugBreak()s, This x86 only macro causes the program to break in the
// right spot.
#if defined( _X86_ )
#define DEBUG_BREAK do { _try { _asm int 3 } _except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {;} } while (0)
#define DEBUG_BREAK DebugBreak( )
// Assert(
// _fn
// )
// Description:
// Checks to see if the Expression is TRUE. If not, a message will be
// displayed to the user on wether the program should break or continue.
// Arguments:
// _fn - Expression being asserted.
// Return Values:
// None.
#ifdef Assert
#undef Assert
// BUGBUG: DavidP 09-DEC-1999
// __fn is evaluated multiple times but the name of the
// macro is mixed case.
#define Assert( _fn ) \
do \ { \ if ( !(_fn) && AssertMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT(#_fn), !!(_fn) ) ) \ DEBUG_BREAK; \ } while ( 0 )
// AssertMsg(
// _fn,
// _msg
// )
// Descrption:
// Just like an Assert but has an (hopefully) informative message
// associated with it.
// Arguments:
// _fn - Expression to be evaluated.
// _msg - Message to be display if assertion fails.
// Return Values:
// None.
#ifdef AssertMsg
#undef AssertMsg
// BUGBUG: DavidP 09-DEC-1999
// _fn is evaluated multiple times but the name of the
// macro is mixed case.
#define AssertMsg( _fn, _msg ) \
do \ { \ if ( !(_fn) && AssertMessage( TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, __MODULE__, TEXT(_msg), !!(_fn) ) ) \ DEBUG_BREAK; \ } while ( 0 ) #else // DBG!=1 && !_DEBUG
#define DEBUG_BREAK DebugBreak( );
#ifndef Assert
#define Assert( _e )
#ifndef AssertMsg
#define AssertMsg( _e, _m )
#endif // DBG==1 || _DEBUG
// WMI Tracing stuctures and prototypes
typedef struct { DWORD dwFlags; // Flags to be set
LPCTSTR pszName; // Usefull description of the level
typedef struct { LPCTSTR pszName; // Usefull description of the flag
typedef struct { LPCGUID guidControl; // Control guid to register
LPCTSTR pszName; // Internal associative name
DWORD dwSizeOfTraceList; // Count of the guids in pTraceList
const TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION * pTraceList; // List of the of Tracing guids to register
BYTE bSizeOfLevelList; // Count of the level<->flags
const DEBUG_MAP_LEVEL_TO_FLAGS * pMapLevelToFlags; // List of level->flags mapping. NULL if no mapping.
const DEBUG_MAP_FLAGS_TO_COMMENTS * pMapFlagsToComments; // List of descriptions describing the flag bits. NULL if no mapping.
// Controlled by WMI tracing - these should be NULL/ZERO to start.
DWORD dwFlags; // Log flags
BYTE bLevel; // Log level
TRACEHANDLE hTrace; // Active logger handle
// From here down is initialized by InitializeWMITracing
TRACEHANDLE hRegistration; // Return control handle
void WMIInitializeTracing( DEBUG_WMI_CONTROL_GUIDS dwcgControlListIn[], int nCountOfControlGuidsIn );
void WMITerminateTracing( DEBUG_WMI_CONTROL_GUIDS dwcgControlListIn[], int nCountOfControlGuidsIn );
void WMIMessageByFlags( DEBUG_WMI_CONTROL_GUIDS * pEntryIn, const DWORD dwFlagsIn, LPCWSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void WMIMessageByLevel( DEBUG_WMI_CONTROL_GUIDS * pEntryIn, const BYTE bLogLevelIn, LPCWSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void WMIMessageByFlagsAndLevel( DEBUG_WMI_CONTROL_GUIDS * pEntryIn, const DWORD dwFlagsIn, const BYTE bLogLevelIn, LPCWSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
// Sample WMI message macros
// Typically you will want a particular level to map to a set of flags. This
// way as you increase the level, you activate more and more messages.
// To be versatile, there there types of filtering. Choose the one that suits
// the situation that you supports your logging needs. Remember that depending
// on the use, you might need to specify additional parameters.
// These macros on x86 turn into 2 ops ( cmp and jnz ) in the regular code path
// thereby lessening the impact of keeping the macros enabled in RETAIL. Since
// other platforms were not available while developing these macros, you should
// wrap the definitions in protecting against other architectures.
// #if defined( _X86_ )
// #define WMIMsg ( g_pTraceGuidControl[0].dwFlags == 0 ) ? (void)0 : WMIMessageByFlags
// #define WMIMsg ( g_pTraceGuidControl[0].dwFlags == 0 ) ? (void)0 : WMIMessageByLevel
// #define WMIMsg ( g_pTraceGuidControl[0].dwFlags == 0 ) ? (void)0 : WMIMessageByFlagsAndLevel
// #else // not X86
// #define WMIMsg 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
// #endif // defined( _X86_ )
// Logging Functions
void LogMsg( LPCSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void LogMsg( LPCWSTR pszFormatIn, ... );
void LogTerminateProcess( void );