Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
routines for backing computer object support
Charlie Wickham (charlwi) 14-Dec-2000
User Mode
Revision History:
#define UNICODE 1
#define _UNICODE 1
#define LDAP_UNICODE 1
extern "C" { #include "clusres.h"
#include "clusrtl.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include <ntldap.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <dsgetdcp.h>
#include <ntdsapi.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <iads.h>
#include <adshlp.h>
#include <adserr.h>
#include "netname.h"
#include "nameutil.h"
// Constants
/* External */ extern PLOG_EVENT_ROUTINE NetNameLogEvent;
extern "C" { DWORD EncryptNetNameData( RESOURCE_HANDLE ResourceHandle, LPWSTR MachinePwd, PBYTE * EncryptedData, PDWORD EncryptedDataLength, HKEY Key );
DWORD DecryptNetNameData( RESOURCE_HANDLE ResourceHandle, PBYTE EncryptedData, DWORD EncryptedDataLength, LPWSTR MachinePwd ); }
// static data
static WCHAR LdapHeader[] = L"LDAP://";
// forward references
HRESULT GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( IN LPWSTR DistinguishedName, IN LPWSTR DCName OPTIONAL, IN OUT IDirectoryObject ** ComputerObject );
// private routines
DWORD GenerateRandomBytes( PWSTR Buffer, DWORD BufferLength )
Routine Description:
Generate random bytes for a password. Length is specified in characters and allows room for the trailing null.
Buffer - pointer to area to receive random data
BufferLength - size of Buffer in characters
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS otherwise GetLastError()
{ HCRYPTPROV cryptProvider; DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD charLength = BufferLength - 1; DWORD byteLength = charLength * sizeof( WCHAR ); BOOL success;
if ( !CryptAcquireContext(&cryptProvider, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT )) { return GetLastError(); }
// leave room for the terminating null
if (CryptGenRandom( cryptProvider, byteLength, (BYTE *)Buffer )) {
// run down the array as WCHARs to make sure there is no premature
// terminating NULL
PWCHAR pw = Buffer;
while ( charLength-- ) { if ( *pw == UNICODE_NULL ) { *pw = 0xA3F5; } ++pw; }
*pw = UNICODE_NULL; } else { status = GetLastError(); }
success = CryptReleaseContext( cryptProvider, 0 ); ASSERT( success );
return status; } // GenerateRandomBytes
Routine Description:
get the name of a DC for our node
ServerName - pointer to string containing server (i.e., node) name
DCInfo - address of a pointer that receives a pointer to DC information
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error. If successful, caller must free DCInfo buffer.
// MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH is defined to be 15 but I could create computer
// objects with name lengths of up to 20 chars. Not sure why the
// discrepenacy but we'll leave ourselves extra room by using the DNS
// constants
wcsncpy( localServerName, Server, DNS_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH - 1 ); wcscat( localServerName, L"$" );
// specifying that a writable DS is required makes us home in on a W2K DC
// (as opposed to an NT4 PDC). Writable is needed since we always reset
// the password to what is stored in the cluster registry.
status = DsGetDcNameWithAccountW(NULL, localServerName, UF_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_MASK, L"", NULL, NULL, dsFlags, &dcInfo );
if ( status == ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN ) { //
// try again with rediscovery
status = DsGetDcNameWithAccountW(NULL, localServerName, UF_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_MASK, L"", NULL, NULL, dsFlags, &dcInfo ); }
if ( status == DS_S_SUCCESS ) { *DCInfo = dcInfo; }
return status; } // FindDomainForServer
AddDnsHostNameAttribute( RESOURCE_HANDLE ResourceHandle, IDirectoryObject * CompObj, PWCHAR VirtualName, PWCHAR DnsDomain )
Routine Description:
add the DnsHostName attribute to the computer object for the specified virtual name.
ResourceHandle - used to log in cluster log
CompObj - IDirObj COM pointer to object
VirtualName - network name
DnsDomain - DNS suffix for this name
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
{ HRESULT hr; DWORD numberModified;
// build the FQ Dns name for this host
_snwprintf( FQDnsName, COUNT_OF( FQDnsName ) - 1, L"%ws.%ws", VirtualName, DnsDomain );
attrValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; attrValue.CaseIgnoreString = FQDnsName;
attrInfo.pszAttrName = L"DnsHostName"; attrInfo.dwControlCode = ADS_ATTR_UPDATE; attrInfo.dwADsType = ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING; attrInfo.pADsValues = &attrValue; attrInfo.dwNumValues = 1;
hr = CompObj->SetObjectAttributes( &attrInfo, 1, &numberModified ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && numberModified != 1 ) { //
// don't know why this scenario would happen but we'd better log
// it since it is unusual
(NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"SetObjectAttributes succeeded but NumberModified is zero!\n");
return hr; } // AddDnsHostNameAttribute
DWORD AddServicePrincipalNames( HANDLE DsHandle, PWCHAR VirtualFQDN, PWCHAR VirtualName, PWCHAR DnsDomain )
Routine Description:
add the DNS and Netbios host service principal names to the specified virtual name
DsHandle - handle obtained from DsBind
VirtualFQDN - distinguished name of computer object for the virtual netname
VirtualName - the network name to be added
DnsDomain - the DNS domain used to construct the DNS SPN
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
{ WCHAR netbiosSpn[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; WCHAR dnsSpn[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD status; PWSTR spnArray[2] = { netbiosSpn, dnsSpn }; DWORD spnCount = COUNT_OF( spnArray );
// build the Host SPNs for netbios and DNS name variants
_snwprintf( netbiosSpn, COUNT_OF( netbiosSpn ) - 1, L"HOST/%ws", VirtualName ); _snwprintf( dnsSpn, COUNT_OF( dnsSpn ) - 1, L"HOST/%ws.%ws", VirtualName, DnsDomain );
// write the SPNs to the DS
status = DsWriteAccountSpnW(DsHandle, DS_SPN_ADD_SPN_OP, VirtualFQDN, spnCount, (LPCWSTR *)spnArray);
return status; } // AddServicePrincipalNames
DWORD SetACLOnParametersKey( HKEY ParametersKey )
Routine Description:
Set the ACL on the params key to allow only admin group and creator/owner to have access to the data
ParametersKey - cluster HKEY to the netname's params key
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
{ DWORD status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL success;
// build an SD the quick way. This gives builtin admins (local admins's
// group), creator/owner and the service SID full access to the
// key. Inheritance is prevented in both directions, i.e., doesn't inherit
// from its parent nor passes the settings onto its children (of which the
// node parameters keys are the only children).
success = ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor( L"D:P(A;;KA;;;BA)(A;;KA;;;CO)(A;;KA;;;SU)", SDDL_REVISION_1, &secDesc, NULL);
if ( success && (secDesc != NULL) ) { status = ClusterRegSetKeySecurity(ParametersKey, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, secDesc); LocalFree( secDesc ); } else { if ( secDesc != NULL ) { LocalFree( secDesc ); status = GetLastError(); } }
return status; } // SetACLOnParametersKey
Routine Description:
for the given DNS name, find the DS distinguished name, dup it and return the dup'ed string in FQDistinguishedName
Return Value:
{ PWCHAR dot; WCHAR flatName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR flat = flatName; HANDLE dsHandle = NULL; DWORD status; LPWSTR ntDomainName; BOOL firstTime = TRUE;
// if no DS handle was specified, go get one now
if ( DsHandle == NULL ) {
// get the name of a DC
status = FindDomainForServer( NodeName, &dcInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to get domain information for node %1!ws!: %2!u!.\n", NodeName, status); return status; }
(NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"GetFQDN: Binding to domain controller %1!ws!.\n", dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
status = DsBindW( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, NULL, &dsHandle ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(ResourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to bind to a DC in domain %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", dcInfo->DomainName, status );
NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); return status; }
ntDomainName = dcInfo->DomainName; } else { dsHandle = DsHandle; ntDomainName = NTDomainName; }
// build a SAM style name (domain\node$) in flatName and "crack" it for
// its FQDN (LDAP distinguished name)
wcsncpy( flatName, ntDomainName, DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ); flatName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH - 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; dot = wcschr( flatName, L'.' ); if ( dot ) { *dot = UNICODE_NULL; }
wcscat( flatName, L"\\" ); wcscat( flatName, VirtualName ); wcscat( flatName, L"$" );
retry: status = DsCrackNamesW(dsHandle, dsFlags, DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME, DS_FQDN_1779_NAME, 1, &flat, &nameResult );
// CrackNames must succeed, there should only be one name, and the status
// associated with the name result should be ok. If it doesn't work the
// first time, force a trip to the DC to find the object's DN.
if ( status != DS_NAME_NO_ERROR ) { if ( firstTime ) { firstTime = FALSE; dsFlags = DS_NAME_FLAG_EVAL_AT_DC;
if ( nameResult != NULL ) { DsFreeNameResult( nameResult ); } goto retry; } else { goto cleanup; } }
if ( nameResult->cItems != 1 ) { status = DS_NAME_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE; goto cleanup; }
if ( nameResult->rItems[0].status != DS_NAME_NO_ERROR ) { if ( firstTime ) { firstTime = FALSE; dsFlags = DS_NAME_FLAG_EVAL_AT_DC;
if ( nameResult != NULL ) { DsFreeNameResult( nameResult ); } goto retry; } else { status = nameResult->rItems[0].status; goto cleanup; } }
if ( status == DS_NAME_NO_ERROR ) { *FQDistinguishedName = ResUtilDupString( nameResult->rItems[0].pName ); if ( *FQDistinguishedName == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); } }
if ( DsHandle == NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); DsUnBind( &dsHandle ); }
if ( nameResult != NULL ) { DsFreeNameResult( nameResult ); }
return status; } // GetFQDN
HRESULT GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( IN LPWSTR DistinguishedName, IN LPWSTR DCName OPTIONAL, IN OUT IDirectoryObject ** ComputerObject )
Routine Description:
for the specified distinguished name, get an IDirectoryObject pointer to it
DistinguishedName - FQDN of object in DS to find
DCName - optional pointer to name of DC (not domain) that we should bind to
ComputerObject - address of pointer that receives pointer to computer object
Return Value:
success if everything worked, otherwise....
{ WCHAR buffer[ 256 ]; PWCHAR bindingString = buffer; LONG charCount; HRESULT hr; DWORD dnLength;
// format an LDAP binding string for our distingiushed name. If DCName is
// specified, we need to add a trailing "/".
dnLength = (DWORD)( COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) + wcslen( DistinguishedName )); if ( DCName != NULL ) { dnLength += wcslen( DCName ); }
if ( dnLength > COUNT_OF( buffer )) { bindingString = (PWCHAR)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dnLength * sizeof( WCHAR )); if ( bindingString == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
wcscpy( bindingString, LdapHeader ); if ( DCName != NULL ) { wcscat( bindingString, DCName ); wcscat( bindingString, L"/" ); } wcscat( bindingString, DistinguishedName );
*ComputerObject = NULL; hr = ADsGetObject( bindingString, IID_IDirectoryObject, (VOID **)ComputerObject );
if ( bindingString != buffer ) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, bindingString ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) && *ComputerObject != NULL ) { (*ComputerObject)->Release(); }
return hr; } // GetComputerObjectViaFQDN
HRESULT GetComputerObjectViaGUID( IN LPWSTR ObjectGUID, IN LPWSTR DCName OPTIONAL, IN OUT IDirectoryObject ** ComputerObject )
Routine Description:
for the specified object GUID, get an IDirectoryObject pointer to it
ObjectGUID - GUID of object in DS to find
DCName - optional pointer to name of DC (not domain) that we should bind to
ComputerObject - address of pointer that receives pointer to computer object
Return Value:
success if everything worked, otherwise....
{ WCHAR ldapGuidHeader[] = L"LDAP://<GUID="; WCHAR ldapTrailer[] = L">"; LONG charCount; HRESULT hr; DWORD dnLength;
// 37 = guid length
WCHAR buffer[ COUNT_OF( ldapGuidHeader) + DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + 37 + COUNT_OF( ldapTrailer) ]; PWCHAR bindingString = buffer;
// format an LDAP binding string for the object GUID. If DCName is
// specified, we need to add a trailing / plus the trailing null.
ASSERT( ObjectGUID != NULL ); dnLength = (DWORD)( COUNT_OF( ldapGuidHeader ) + COUNT_OF( ldapTrailer ) + wcslen( ObjectGUID )); if ( DCName != NULL ) { dnLength += wcslen( DCName ); }
if ( dnLength > COUNT_OF( buffer )) { bindingString = (PWCHAR)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, dnLength * sizeof( WCHAR )); if ( bindingString == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
wcscpy( bindingString, ldapGuidHeader ); if ( DCName != NULL ) { wcscat( bindingString, DCName ); wcscat( bindingString, L"/" ); } wcscat( bindingString, ObjectGUID ); wcscat( bindingString, ldapTrailer );
*ComputerObject = NULL; hr = ADsGetObject( bindingString, IID_IDirectoryObject, (VOID **)ComputerObject );
if ( bindingString != buffer ) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, bindingString ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) && *ComputerObject != NULL ) { (*ComputerObject)->Release(); }
return hr; } // GetComputerObjectViaGUID
// exported routines
DWORD NetNameDeleteComputerObject( IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource )
Routine Description:
delete the computer object in the DS for this name.
Not called right now since we don't have the virtual netname at this point in time. The name must be kept around and cleaned during close processing instead of offline where it is done now. This means dealing with renaming issues while it is offline but not getting deleted.
ResourceHandle - for logging cluster log events
VirtualName - pointer to buffer holding virtual name to be deleted
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked
{ DWORD status; WCHAR virtualDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; HKEY resourceKey = Resource->ResKey; PWSTR virtualName = Resource->Params.NetworkName;
RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle;
// get the name of a DC
status = FindDomainForServer( Resource->NodeName, &dcInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to get domain information: %1!u!.\n", status); return status; }
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Using domain controller %1!ws! to delete computer account.\n", dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
// add a $ to the end of the name
_snwprintf( virtualDollarName, COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", virtualName );
status = NetUserDel( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName ); if ( status == NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Deleted computer account %1!ws! in domain %2!ws!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainName);
ClusResLogSystemEventByKey1(resourceKey, LOG_NOISE, RES_NETNAME_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_DELETED, dcInfo->DomainName);
LocalFree( Resource->ObjectGUID ); Resource->ObjectGUID = NULL; } else { LPWSTR msgBuff; DWORD msgBytes;
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Unable to delete computer account for %1!ws! in domain %2!ws!, status %3!u!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainName, status);
if ( msgBytes > 0 ) {
ClusResLogSystemEventByKey2(resourceKey, LOG_UNUSUAL, RES_NETNAME_DELETE_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED, dcInfo->DomainName, msgBuff);
LocalFree( msgBuff ); } else { ClusResLogSystemEventByKeyData1(resourceKey, LOG_UNUSUAL, RES_NETNAME_DELETE_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED_STATUS, sizeof( status ), &status, dcInfo->DomainName); } }
NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo );
return status; } // NetNameDeleteComputerObject
DWORD NetNameAddComputerObject( IN PCLUS_WORKER Worker, IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource, OUT PWCHAR * MachinePwd )
Routine Description:
Create a computer object in the DS that is primarily used for kerb authentication.
Out of the box ACL on the computer container seems to let any authenticated user create a computer object; they can't delete it though. Also, authenticated users might have the "right to create computer objects" granted to them. This seems to allow the delete rights on the objects they create.
Worker - cluster worker thread so we can abort early if asked to do so
Resource - pointer to netname resource context block
MachinePwd - address of pointer to receive pointer to machine account PWD
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
{ DWORD status; PWSTR virtualName = Resource->Params.NetworkName; DWORD virtualNameSize = wcslen( virtualName ); PWSTR virtualFQDN = NULL; HANDLE dsHandle = NULL; WCHAR virtualDollarName[ DNS_MAX_LABEL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; PWCHAR machinePwd = NULL; DWORD pwdBufferByteLength = ((LM20_PWLEN + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR )); DWORD pwdBufferCharLength = LM20_PWLEN + 1; DWORD paramInError = 0; BOOL deleteObjectOnFailure = FALSE; // only delete the CO if we create it
WCHAR dnsSuffix[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD dnsSuffixSize; BOOL success; DWORD setValueStatus;
HINSTANCE hClusres; USER_INFO_1 netUI1; USER_INFO_1003 netUI1003; ULARGE_INTEGER updateTime;
RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle; IDirectoryObject * compObj = NULL;
*MachinePwd = NULL;
// get DC related info
status = FindDomainForServer( Resource->NodeName, &dcInfo );
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to get domain information to create computer account: %1!u!.\n", status); return status; }
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Using domain controller %1!ws! to add or update computer account.\n", dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
// add a $ to the end of the name. I don't know why we need to do this;
// computer accounts have always had a $ at the end.
_snwprintf( virtualDollarName, COUNT_OF( virtualDollarName ) - 1, L"%ws$", virtualName );
// get a buffer to hold the machine Pwd
machinePwd = (PWCHAR)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pwdBufferByteLength ); if ( machinePwd == NULL ) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory for computer account data. status %1!u!.\n", status);
goto cleanup; }
// see if this object was created at some time in the past; if so, its
// random property will be non-null
if ( Resource->Params.NetworkRandom == NULL ) {
// generate a random stream of bytes for the password
status = GenerateRandomBytes( machinePwd, pwdBufferCharLength ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to generate computer account data. status %1!u!.\n", status);
goto cleanup; }
// set the ACL on the parameters key to contain just the cluster
// service account since we're about to store sensitive info in there.
status = SetACLOnParametersKey( Resource->ParametersKey ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set ACL on parameters key. status %1!u!\n", status ); goto cleanup; }
// take our new password, encrypt it and store it in the cluster
// registry
status = EncryptNetNameData(resourceHandle, machinePwd, &Resource->Params.NetworkRandom, &Resource->RandomSize, Resource->ParametersKey);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to store computer account data. status %1!u!\n", status );
goto cleanup; }
// record when it is time to rotate the pwd; per MSDN, convert to
// ULARGE Int and add in the update interval.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &Resource->Params.NextUpdate ); updateTime.LowPart = Resource->Params.NextUpdate.dwLowDateTime; updateTime.HighPart = Resource->Params.NextUpdate.dwHighDateTime; updateTime.QuadPart += ( Resource->Params.UpdateInterval * 60 * 1000 * 100 ); Resource->Params.NextUpdate.dwLowDateTime = updateTime.LowPart; Resource->Params.NextUpdate.dwHighDateTime = updateTime.HighPart;
setValueStatus = ResUtilSetBinaryValue(Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__NEXT_UPDATE, (const LPBYTE)&updateTime, sizeof( updateTime ), NULL, NULL); ASSERT( setValueStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ); } else { //
// we have an encrypted blob which means that the object was created
// at some point in time. Extract the password from the blob.
status = DecryptNetNameData(resourceHandle, Resource->Params.NetworkRandom, Resource->RandomSize, machinePwd);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to decrypt computer account password. status %1!u!\n", status );
goto cleanup; } }
// update/create the computer object (machine account). Even though the
// object might have been created by us in the past, it could have been
// deleted and recreated at the DC or mangled in some other way. We'll
// optimize for the case where it is left alone. If the object does exist,
// our password on the SRV transport name and the object's password have
// to be the same. We'll try NetUserSetInfo first to update the password
// and test to see if the object exists. If we see that the object doesn't
// exist, then we'll call NetUserAdd to create it.
// For some reason, Info level 1 fails with access denied when trying to
// just update the password; possibly because it tries to set more than
// just the password. 1003 works reliably when we create the computer
// object.
netUI1003.usri1003_password = (PWCHAR)machinePwd; status = NetUserSetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 1003, (PBYTE)&netUI1003, ¶mInError );
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
if ( status != NERR_Success ) {
if ( status == NERR_UserNotFound ) {
RtlZeroMemory( &netUI1, sizeof( netUI1 ) ); netUI1.usri1_password = (PWCHAR)machinePwd; netUI1.usri1_priv = USER_PRIV_USER; netUI1.usri1_name = virtualDollarName; netUI1.usri1_flags = UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT | UF_SCRIPT; netUI1.usri1_comment = NetNameCompObjAccountDesc;
status = NetUserAdd( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, 1, (PBYTE)&netUI1, ¶mInError );
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Created computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws!.\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName);
deleteObjectOnFailure = TRUE; } // if NetUserAdd was successful
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to create computer account %1!ws! on DC %2!ws!, " L"status %3!u! (paramInfo: %4!u!)\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, status, paramInError);
goto cleanup; }
} // if NetUserSetInfo didn't find the specified user
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to update password for computer account on DC %1!ws!, " L"status %2!u!.\n", dcInfo->DomainControllerName, status);
goto cleanup; } } // if NetUserSetInfo failed
else { PUSER_INFO_20 netUI20;
// check if the account is disabled
status = NetUserGetInfo(dcInfo->DomainControllerName, virtualDollarName, 20, (LPBYTE *)&netUI20);
if ( status == NERR_Success ) { if ( netUI20->usri20_flags & UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Computer account for %1!ws! is disabled.\n", virtualName);
NetApiBufferFree( netUI20 );
if ( status != NERR_Success ) { goto cleanup; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"Failed to determine if computer account for %1!ws! is disabled. status %2!u!\n", virtualName, status); } }
// bind to the DS so we can write the DnsHostName and SPNs. We always
// rewrite these since the things may have changed since the name was last
// brought online.
status = DsBindW( dcInfo->DomainControllerName, NULL, &dsHandle ); if ( status != NO_ERROR ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to bind to DC %1!ws! in domain %2!ws!, status %3!u!\n", dcInfo->DomainControllerName, dcInfo->DomainName, status );
goto cleanup; }
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
// get the LDAP distinguished name for this object; used temporarily to
// set the DNS host attribute and SPNs on the account
status = GetFQDN(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, virtualName, dsHandle, dcInfo->DomainName, &virtualFQDN );
if ( status != DS_NAME_NO_ERROR ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to find distinguished name for %1!ws! on DC %2!ws!, " L"status %3!u!\n", virtualName, dcInfo->DomainControllerName, status );
goto cleanup; }
// use the Object GUID for binding during CheckComputerObjectAttributes so
// we don't have to track changes to the DN. If the object moved in the
// DS, its DN will change but not its GUID. We use this code instead of
// GetComputerObjectGuid because we want to target a specific DC.
{ PWCHAR dcName = dcInfo->DomainControllerName; IADs * pADs = NULL; HRESULT hr;
if ( *dcName == L'\\' && *(dcName+1) == L'\\' ) { //
// skip over double backslashes
dcName += 2; }
hr = GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( virtualFQDN, dcName, &compObj ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { hr = compObj->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**) &pADs); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { BSTR guidStr = NULL;
hr = pADs->get_GUID( &guidStr ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( Resource->ObjectGUID != NULL ) { LocalFree( Resource->ObjectGUID ); }
Resource->ObjectGUID = ResUtilDupString( guidStr ); } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to get computer object GUID for %1!ws!, status %2!08X!\n", virtualFQDN, hr ); status = hr; }
if ( guidStr ) { SysFreeString( guidStr ); } }
if ( pADs != NULL ) { pADs->Release(); }
if ( FAILED( hr )) { status = hr; goto cleanup; }
if ( Resource->ObjectGUID == NULL ) { status = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Failed to get pointer to Computer Object for %1!ws!, status %2!08X!\n", virtualFQDN, hr );
status = hr; goto cleanup; } }
// add the DnsHostName and ServicePrincipalName attributes
dnsSuffixSize = COUNT_OF( dnsSuffix ); success = GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsDomain, dnsSuffix, &dnsSuffixSize);
if ( success ) { status = AddDnsHostNameAttribute(resourceHandle, compObj, virtualName, dnsSuffix);
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set DnsHostName attribute in the DS for %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", virtualName, status);
goto cleanup; } } else { status = GetLastError(); (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to get primary DNS domain for this node, status %1!u!.\n", status);
goto cleanup; }
if ( ClusWorkerCheckTerminate( Worker )) { status = ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED; goto cleanup; }
status = AddServicePrincipalNames( dsHandle, virtualFQDN, virtualName, dcInfo->DomainName ); if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to set ServicePrincipalName attribute in the DS for %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", virtualName, status); }
cleanup: //
// always free these
if ( dsHandle != NULL ) { DsUnBind( &dsHandle ); }
if ( compObj != NULL ) { compObj->Release(); }
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *MachinePwd = machinePwd; } else { if ( status != ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED ) { LPWSTR msgBuff; DWORD msgBytes;
if ( msgBytes > 0 ) { ClusResLogSystemEventByKey2(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_ADD_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED, dcInfo->DomainName, msgBuff);
LocalFree( msgBuff ); } else { ClusResLogSystemEventByKeyData1(Resource->ResKey, LOG_CRITICAL, RES_NETNAME_ADD_COMPUTER_ACCOUNT_FAILED_STATUS, sizeof( status ), &status, dcInfo->DomainName); } }
if ( machinePwd != NULL ) { //
// don't zero out the string since we don't know if it was
// properly constructed, i.e., decryption might have failed.
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, machinePwd ); }
if ( deleteObjectOnFailure ) { //
// only delete the object if we created it. It is possible that
// the name was online at one time and the object was properly
// created allowing additional information/SPNs to be registered
// with the CO. For this reason, we shouldn't undo the work done
// by other applications.
NetNameDeleteComputerObject( Resource ); } }
NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo );
return status; } // NetNameAddComputerObject
HRESULT GetComputerObjectGuid( IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource )
Routine Description:
For the given resource, find its computer object's GUID in the DS
Resource - pointer to netname resource context block
ResourceHandle - used to log in cluster log
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS, otherwise appropriate Win32 error
// get the FQ Distinguished Name of the object
hr = GetFQDN(Resource->ResourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, Resource->Params.NetworkName, NULL, /* DsHandle */ NULL, /* NTDomainName */ &virtualFQDN);
if ( hr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { IDirectoryObject * compObj = NULL;
// get a COM pointer to the computer object
hr = GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( virtualFQDN, NULL, &compObj ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { IADs * pADs = NULL;
// get a pointer to the generic IADs interface so we can get the
hr = compObj->QueryInterface(IID_IADs, (void**) &pADs); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { BSTR guidStr = NULL;
hr = pADs->get_GUID( &guidStr ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { if ( Resource->ObjectGUID != NULL ) { LocalFree( Resource->ObjectGUID ); }
Resource->ObjectGUID = ResUtilDupString( guidStr ); }
if ( guidStr ) { SysFreeString( guidStr ); } }
if ( pADs != NULL ) { pADs->Release(); } }
if ( compObj != NULL ) { compObj->Release(); }
LocalFree( virtualFQDN ); }
return hr; } // GetComputerObjectGuid
HRESULT CheckComputerObjectAttributes( IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource )
Routine Description:
LooksAlive routine for computer object. Using an IDirectoryObject pointer to the virtual CO, check its DnsHostName and SPN attributes
Return Value:
ADS_ATTR_INFO * attributeInfo = NULL; RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle;
IDirectoryObject * compObj = NULL;
// get a pointer to our CO
hr = GetComputerObjectViaGUID( Resource->ObjectGUID, NULL, &compObj );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { LPWSTR attributeNames[2] = { L"DnsHostName", L"ServicePrincipalName" }; DWORD numAttributes = COUNT_OF( attributeNames ); DWORD countOfAttrs;;
hr = compObj->GetObjectAttributes(attributeNames, numAttributes, &attributeInfo, &countOfAttrs );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { DWORD i; WCHAR fqDnsName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH ]; DWORD nodeCharCount; DWORD fqDnsSize; BOOL setUnexpected = FALSE; BOOL success;
ADS_ATTR_INFO * attrInfo;
// check that we got our attributes
if ( countOfAttrs != numAttributes ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"DnsHostName and/or ServicePrincipalName attributes are " L"missing from computer account in DS.\n");
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto cleanup; }
// build our FQDnsName using the primary DNS domain for this
// node. Add 1 for the dot.
nodeCharCount = wcslen( Resource->Params.NetworkName ) + 1; wcscpy( fqDnsName, Resource->Params.NetworkName ); wcscat( fqDnsName, L"." ); fqDnsSize = COUNT_OF( fqDnsName ) - nodeCharCount;
success = GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNameDnsDomain, &fqDnsName[ nodeCharCount ], &fqDnsSize );
ASSERT( success );
attrInfo = attributeInfo; for( i = 0; i < countOfAttrs; i++, attrInfo++ ) { if ( _wcsicmp( attrInfo->pszAttrName, L"DnsHostName" ) == 0 ) { //
// should only be one entry and it should match our constructed FQDN
if ( attrInfo->dwNumValues == 1 ) { if ( _wcsicmp( attrInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString, fqDnsName ) != 0 ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"DnsHostName attribute in DS doesn't match. " L"Expected: %1!ws! Actual: %2!ws!\n", fqDnsName, attrInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString); setUnexpected = TRUE; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Found more than one string for DnsHostName attribute in DS.\n"); setUnexpected = TRUE; } } else { //
// SPNs require more work since we publish two and other
// services may have added their SPNs.
if ( attrInfo->dwNumValues >= 2 ) { DWORD countOfOurSPNs = 0; DWORD value;
for ( value = 0; value < attrInfo->dwNumValues; value++, attrInfo->pADsValues++) { if ( _wcsnicmp( attrInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString, L"HOST/", 5 ) == 0 ) { PWCHAR hostName = attrInfo->pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString + 5;
if ( _wcsicmp( hostName, fqDnsName ) == 0 ) { ++countOfOurSPNs; } else { PWCHAR dot = wcschr( fqDnsName, L'.' );
// try again, this time with our Netbios variant
if ( dot ) { *dot = UNICODE_NULL; }
if ( _wcsicmp( hostName, fqDnsName ) == 0 ) { ++countOfOurSPNs; }
if ( !dot ) { *dot = L'.'; } } } // if we found a HOST SPN
} // end of for each SPN value
if ( countOfOurSPNs != 2 ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"There are missing HOST entries for ServicePrincipalName " L"attribute in DS.\n"); setUnexpected = TRUE; } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Found less than two entries for ServicePrincipalName " L"attribute in DS.\n"); setUnexpected = TRUE; } } } // for each attribute info entry
if ( setUnexpected ) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } // if GetObjectAttributes succeeded
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable find attributes for computer object in DS. status %1!08X!.\n", hr); } } // if GetComputerObjectViaFQDN succeeded
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable find computer object in DS. status %1!08X!.\n", hr); }
cleanup: if ( attributeInfo != NULL ) { FreeADsMem( attributeInfo ); }
if ( compObj != NULL ) { compObj->Release(); }
return hr; } // CheckComputerObjectAttributes
DWORD IsComputerObjectInDS( IN LPWSTR NodeName, IN LPWSTR NewObjectName, OUT PBOOL ObjectExists )
Routine Description:
See if the specified name has a computer object in the DS. We do this by:
1) binding to a domain controller in the domain and QI'ing for an IDirectorySearch object 2) specifying (&(objectCategory=computer)(cn=<new name>)) as the search string 3) examining result count of search; 1 means it exists.
NewObjectName - requested new name of object
ObjectExists - TRUE if object already exists; only valid if function status is success
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if everything worked
{ BOOL objectExists; HRESULT hr; DWORD charsFormatted; LPWSTR commonName = L"cn"; WCHAR bindingString[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + COUNT_OF( LdapHeader ) ];
WCHAR searchLeader[] = L"(&(objectCategory=computer)(cn="; WCHAR searchTrailer[] = L"))"; WCHAR searchFilter[ COUNT_OF( searchLeader ) + MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + COUNT_OF( searchTrailer )];
ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO searchPrefs[2]; IDirectorySearch * pDSSearch = NULL; ADS_SEARCH_HANDLE searchHandle;
// get DC related info
hr = FindDomainForServer( NodeName, &dcInfo );
if ( hr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return hr; }
// format an LDAP binding string for DNS suffix of the domain.
_snwprintf( bindingString, COUNT_OF( bindingString ) - 1, L"%ws%ws", LdapHeader, dcInfo->DomainName );
hr = ADsGetObject( bindingString, IID_IDirectorySearch, (VOID **)&pDSSearch ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// build search preference array. we limit the size to one and we want to
// scope the search to check all subtrees.
searchPrefs[0].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SIZE_LIMIT; searchPrefs[0].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; searchPrefs[0].vValue.Integer = 1;
searchPrefs[1].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SEARCH_SCOPE; searchPrefs[1].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; searchPrefs[0].vValue.Integer = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE;
hr = pDSSearch->SetSearchPreference( searchPrefs, COUNT_OF( searchPrefs )); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// build the search filter and execute the search; constrain the
// attributes to just the common name. This is just an existance test.
charsFormatted = _snwprintf(searchFilter, COUNT_OF( searchFilter ) - 1, L"%ws%ws%ws", searchLeader, NewObjectName, searchTrailer); ASSERT( charsFormatted > COUNT_OF( searchLeader ));
hr = pDSSearch->ExecuteSearch(searchFilter, &commonName, 1, &searchHandle); if ( FAILED( hr )) { goto cleanup; }
// try to get the first row. Anything but S_OK returns FALSE
hr = pDSSearch->GetFirstRow( searchHandle ); *ObjectExists = (hr == S_OK); if ( hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS ) { hr = S_OK; }
pDSSearch->CloseSearchHandle( searchHandle );
cleanup: if ( pDSSearch != NULL ) { pDSSearch->Release(); }
if ( dcInfo != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( dcInfo ); }
return hr; } // IsComputerObjectInDS
Routine Description:
Rename the computer object at the DS. Do this by:
1) using the supplied name or calling NetnameGetParams to get new name from the name property from the registry 2) get the FQDN of the computer object 3) get the parent FQDN by calling GetObjectInfomation 4) get an IADsContainer pointer to the parent object 5) call MoveHere with an updated FQDN to change the name
Current status of renaming computer objects as of 4/5/01 - charlwi
While this routine will rename the computer object (if the user account of the calling thread has the proper permissions), MoveHere does not fix any other properties that allow the renamed object to be useful. At a minimum, SamAccountName needs to be updated with the new name. When the name goes back online, netname will fix the DnsHostName and SPN attributes to be correct. The workaround is to use adsiedit.msc (from the resource kit) to rename the object and change SamAccountName under the mandatory property list.
The good news is that MoveHere is not affected by child objects, such as MSMQ configuration objects. The bad news is that the creator of the object does not have permission to rename it. By running the cluster service in the domain admin's account, COs can be renamed. By default, the creating account does not have permission to rename the object nor can it modify the permissions on the object to grant itself that permission. It is not clear which permission allows renaming to occur.
What I think this means is that the cluster team needs to work with the DS team to integrate virtual COs into the DS in a more cluster adminitrator friendly way.
Resource - pointer to the netname context block
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if it worked...
RESOURCE_HANDLE resourceHandle = Resource->ResourceHandle;
IDirectoryObject * oldCompObj = NULL;
// we shouldn't be here if the name specified in the resource's param
// block is null.
if ( Resource->Params.NetworkName == NULL ) { ASSERT( Resource->Params.NetworkName != NULL ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if ( NewName == NULL ) { //
// get the name parameter out of the registry.
newName = ResUtilGetSzValue( Resource->ParametersKey, PARAM_NAME__NAME );
if (newName == NULL) { hr = GetLastError(); (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to read NetworkName parameter to rename computer account, status %1!u!\n", hr); return hr; } } else { newName = NewName; }
// make sure the name in the registry is different than the current name.
if ( _wcsicmp( newName, Resource->Params.NetworkName ) == 0 ) { hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; }
// get the FQDN of the computer object for the current name. If one
// doesn't exist then there is nothing to rename.
hr = GetFQDN(resourceHandle, Resource->NodeName, Resource->Params.NetworkName, NULL, NULL, &oldNameFQDN);
if ( hr == DS_NAME_ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_WARNING, L"No computer account was found to rename %1!ws! to %2!ws!.\n", Resource->Params.NetworkName, newName);
hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } else if ( hr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to get distinguished name to rename computer account, status 0x%1!08X!\n", hr); goto cleanup; }
// get a pointer to our CO
hr = GetComputerObjectViaFQDN( oldNameFQDN, NULL, &oldCompObj );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { PADS_OBJECT_INFO objInfo;
// get the parent's FQDN string; it comes with the LDAP header already
// on it
hr = oldCompObj->GetObjectInformation( &objInfo ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { IADsContainer * parentContainer = NULL;
// get a pointer to the parent container object
hr = ADsGetObject( objInfo->pszParentDN, IID_IADsContainer, (void **)&parentContainer ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { WCHAR cnHeader[] = L"cn="; WCHAR newNameRDN[ COUNT_OF( cnHeader ) + MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH ]; LPWSTR oldNamePath = NULL; DWORD oldNamePathByteLength;
IDispatch * newNameDispatch = NULL;
// construct the relative distinguished name for the new name
_snwprintf( newNameRDN, COUNT_OF( newNameRDN ) - 1, L"%ws%ws", cnHeader, newName );
// argh. MoveHere needs BSTRs and the source DN needs the LDAP
// header. sheesh!
oldNamePathByteLength = ( wcslen( oldNameFQDN ) + COUNT_OF( LdapHeader )) * sizeof( WCHAR ); oldNamePath = (LPWSTR)HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, oldNamePathByteLength );
if ( oldNamePath != NULL ) { BSTR bstrOldNamePath; BSTR bstrNewNameRDN;
wcscpy( oldNamePath, LdapHeader ); wcscat( oldNamePath, oldNameFQDN );
bstrOldNamePath = SysAllocString( oldNamePath ); bstrNewNameRDN = SysAllocString( newNameRDN );
if ( bstrOldNamePath != NULL && bstrNewNameRDN != NULL ) { hr = parentContainer->MoveHere( bstrOldNamePath, bstrNewNameRDN, &newNameDispatch );
SysFreeString( bstrOldNamePath ); SysFreeString( bstrNewNameRDN );
if ( newNameDispatch != NULL ) { newNameDispatch->Release(); }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_INFORMATION, L"Renamed computer account for %1!ws! to %2!ws!.\n", Resource->Params.NetworkName, newName); } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to rename computer account for %1!ws! to %2!ws!. " L"status 0x%3!08X!.\n", Resource->Params.NetworkName, newName, hr); } } else { if ( bstrOldNamePath != NULL ) { SysFreeString( bstrOldNamePath ); }
if ( bstrNewNameRDN != NULL ) { SysFreeString( bstrNewNameRDN ); }
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory to rename %1!ws! to %2!ws!.\n", Resource->Params.NetworkName, newName); }
HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, oldNamePath ); } else { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
(NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to allocate memory to rename %1!ws! to %2!ws!.\n", Resource->Params.NetworkName, newName); } } else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to bind to parent container for computer account rename. " L"status 0x%1!08X!.\n", hr); }
if ( parentContainer != NULL ) { parentContainer->Release(); }
FreeADsMem( objInfo ); } // if GetObjectInformation succeeded
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable to get computer object information in DS. status 0x%1!08X!.\n", hr); }
} // if GetComputerObjectViaFQDN succeeded
else { (NetNameLogEvent)(resourceHandle, LOG_ERROR, L"Unable find computer object in DS. status 0x%1!08X!.\n", hr); }
cleanup: if ( newName != NULL && newName != NewName ) { LocalFree( newName ); }
if ( oldNameFQDN != NULL ) { LocalFree( oldNameFQDN ); }
if ( oldCompObj != NULL ) { oldCompObj->Release(); }
return hr; } // RenameComputerObject
DWORD UpdateCompObjPassword( IN PNETNAME_RESOURCE Resource )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // UpdateCompObjPassword