// Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ClusComp.cpp
// Abstract:
// This file implements the Clustering Service Upgrade Compatibility Check DLL.
// The DLL gets executed by winnt32. It's purpose is to alert the user to possible
// incompatibilities that may be encountered after performing an upgrade.
// At this time, 8/4/98, the only known incompatibility that may arise stems
// from upgrading NTSE 4.0 with MSCS installed.
// Author:
// C. Brent Thomas (a-brentt)
// Revision History:
// 8/4/98 - original
// Notes:
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <comp.h>
#include <clusapi.h>
#include <IsClusterServiceRegistered.h>
#include "resource.h"
HMODULE ghInstance;
// DllMain
// Routine Description:
// DLL entry point
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// Note:
// This function was copied from msmqcomp.dll.
BOOL DllMain( IN const HANDLE DllHandle, IN const DWORD Reason, IN const LPVOID Reserved ) { switch ( Reason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
ghInstance = (HINSTANCE)DllHandle;
break; }
return TRUE;
} //DllMain
// ClusterUpgradeCompatibilityCheck
// Routine Description:
// This function is the exported function for cluscomp.dll, the Cluster Upgrade
// Compatibility Check DLL called by winnt32 to handle incompatibilities when
// upgrading the Clustering Service.
// Arguments:
// pfnCompatibilityCallback - points to the callback function used to supply
// compatibility information to winnt32.exe.
// pvContext - points to a context buffer supplied by winnt32.exe.
// Return Value:
// TRUE - either indicates that no incompatibility was detected or that
// *pfnComaptibilityCallback() returned TRUE.
// FALSE - *pfnCompatibilityCallback() returned FALSE
BOOL ClusterUpgradeCompatibilityCheck( PCOMPAIBILITYCALLBACK pfnCompatibilityCallback, LPVOID pvContext ) { BOOL IsCompatibilityWarningRequired( void ); BOOL fReturnValue = (BOOL) TRUE;
// Is the cluster service registered with the Service Control Manager?
// If the cluster service is not registered that means that Clustering Service
// has not been installed. That implies that there can be no incompatibility.
if ( IsClusterServiceRegistered() == (BOOL) TRUE ) { // Get the current operating system version. Note that this cannot call
// VerifyVersionInfo() which requires Windows 2000.
OSVERSIONINFO OsVersionInfo; OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( OsVersionInfo );
GetVersionEx( &OsVersionInfo );
// As per Bohdan R. and David P., 8/6/98, no compatibility warning is
// required if the system being upgraded is already at NT 5 or later.
if ( (OsVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == (DWORD) VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) && (OsVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion < (DWORD) 5) ) { // Determine whether a compatibility warning is necessary.
BOOL fCompatibilityWarningRequired;
fCompatibilityWarningRequired = IsCompatibilityWarningRequired(); // Is it necessary to display a compatibility warning?
if ( fCompatibilityWarningRequired == (BOOL) TRUE ) { // It is necessary to display a compatibility warning.
TCHAR tszDescription[100]; // size is arbitrary
TCHAR tszHtmlName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tszTextName[MAX_PATH]; // Set the Description string.
*tszDescription = TEXT( '\0' );
LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_UPGRADE_OTHER_NODES, tszDescription, 100 );
// Set the HTML file name. Note that following the example of msmqcomp.cpp
// this path is relative to the winnt32 directory.
_tcscpy( tszHtmlName, TEXT( "CompData\\ClusComp.htm" ) );
// Set the TEXT file name. Note that following the example of msmqcomp.cpp
// this path is relative to the winnt32 directory.
_tcscpy( tszTextName, TEXT( "CompData\\ClusComp.txt" ) );
// Build the COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY structure to pass to *pfnCompatibilityCallback().
ZeroMemory( &CompatibilityEntry, sizeof( CompatibilityEntry ) );
CompatibilityEntry.Description = tszDescription; CompatibilityEntry.HtmlName = tszHtmlName; CompatibilityEntry.TextName = tszTextName; CompatibilityEntry.RegKeyName = (LPTSTR) NULL; CompatibilityEntry.RegValName = (LPTSTR) NULL; CompatibilityEntry.RegValDataSize = (DWORD) 0L; CompatibilityEntry.RegValData = (LPVOID) NULL; CompatibilityEntry.SaveValue = (LPVOID) NULL; CompatibilityEntry.Flags = (DWORD) 0L;
// Execute the callback function.
fReturnValue = pfnCompatibilityCallback( (PCOMPATIBILITY_ENTRY) &CompatibilityEntry, pvContext ); } else { // It is not necessary to display a compatibility warning.
fReturnValue = (BOOL) TRUE; } // Is it necessary to display a compatibility warning?
} // Is this system already running NT 5 or later?
} // Is the cluster service registered?
return ( fReturnValue ); }
// IsCompatibilityWarningRequired
// Routine Description:
// This function determines whether it is necessary to display the compatibility
// warning message.
// Arguments:
// none
// Return Value:
// TRUE - indicates that it compatibility warning message should be displayed.
// FALSE - indicates that it is not necessary to display the compatibility
// warning message.
BOOL IsCompatibilityWarningRequired( void ) { BOOL fCompatibilityWarningRequired = (BOOL) FALSE; HCLUSTER hCluster;
// Open a connection to the cluster to which the machine being upgraded belongs.
hCluster = OpenCluster( NULL );
// Was the connection to the cluster opened successfully?
if ( hCluster != (HCLUSTER) NULL ) { // A connection to the cluster was opened.
DWORD dwClusterNameLength; DWORD dwErrorCode; LPWSTR lpwszClusterName; // Allocate a buffer for the cluster name.
lpwszClusterName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, (MAX_CLUSTERNAME_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
// Was the allocation successfull?
if ( lpwszClusterName != (LPWSTR) NULL ) { CLUSTERVERSIONINFO ClusterVersionInfo; ClusterVersionInfo.dwVersionInfoSize = sizeof( CLUSTERVERSIONINFO );
// Query the version information from the cluster.
dwErrorCode = GetClusterInformation( hCluster, lpwszClusterName, &dwClusterNameLength, &ClusterVersionInfo );
// Was the cluster version information obtained?
if ( dwErrorCode == (DWORD) ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { // The call to GetClusterInformation failed because the buffer for the
// cluster name was too small. Get a larger buffer.
LocalFree( lpwszClusterName );
lpwszClusterName = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, (dwClusterNameLength) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
// Was the reallocation successfull?
if ( lpwszClusterName != (LPWSTR) NULL ) { // Try a second time to get the version information.
dwErrorCode = GetClusterInformation( hCluster, lpwszClusterName, &dwClusterNameLength, &ClusterVersionInfo ); } else { // The reallocation failed
fCompatibilityWarningRequired = (BOOL) TRUE; } // Was the reallocation succesfull?
} // Did the initial call to GetClusterInformation succeed?
// Was the cluster version information obtained?
if ( dwErrorCode == (DWORD) ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Examine the cluster version information to determine whether the
// compatibility warning should be displayed.
// Note:
// If this node is an SP3 node, then the ClusterVersionInfo returned by
// GetClusterInformation will be of type CLUSTERVERSIONINFO_NT4.
// If this node is an SP4 node or higher, then the ClusterVersionInfo returned by
// GetClusterInformation will be of type CLUSTERVERSIONINFO.
// ClusterVersionInfo.MajorVersion is being set to NT4_MAJOR_VERSION both on
// SP4 and on SP3, so this field cannot be used to distinguish between the two.
// So, we use the ClusterVersionInfo.szCSDVersion for the test.
if ( ( ClusterVersionInfo.MajorVersion > NT4_MAJOR_VERSION ) || ( _wcsicmp( ClusterVersionInfo.szCSDVersion, L"Service Pack 3" ) != 0 ) ) { // This node is an NT4SP4 or higher.
// It is necessary to examing the dwNodeHighestVersion member of the
if ( CLUSTER_GET_MAJOR_VERSION( ClusterVersionInfo.dwClusterHighestVersion ) >= NT4SP4_MAJOR_VERSION ) { // There are no NT4/SP3 nodes in the cluster.
fCompatibilityWarningRequired = (BOOL) FALSE; } else { // There is at least one NT4/SP3 node in the cluster.
fCompatibilityWarningRequired = (BOOL) TRUE; } } else { // This node is an SP3 node. We cannot find out what the version information of
// the other node in the cluster (if any). So, issue the warning.
fCompatibilityWarningRequired = (BOOL) TRUE; } } else { // The cluster version information was not obtained.
fCompatibilityWarningRequired = (BOOL) TRUE; } // Is the cluster version information available?
LocalFree( lpwszClusterName ); } else { // The buffer for the cluster name could not be allocated.
fCompatibilityWarningRequired = (BOOL) TRUE; } // Close the connection to the cluster.
CloseCluster( hCluster ); // Since there is no recovery possible on error,
// the return value is irrelevant.
} else { // Since a connection to the cluster that this machine belongs to could
// not be opened no information about the OS version and service pack
// level can be inferred. It is safest to display the compatibility warning.
fCompatibilityWarningRequired = (BOOL) TRUE; } // Was the connection to the cluster opened successfully?
return ( fCompatibilityWarningRequired ); }