Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of cluster test points
John Vert (jvert) 11/25/1996
Revision History:
--*/ #define CLUSTER_TESTPOINT 1
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "tstpoint.h"
VOID Usage( VOID ) { fprintf(stderr,"tstpoint [dump|N] [TRIGGER [ACTION]]\n"); fprintf(stderr," dump - dumps all the testpoints\n"); fprintf(stderr," N - testpoint number\n"); fprintf(stderr," TRIGGER - 'never' disable testpoint\n"); fprintf(stderr," 'always' enable testpoint\n"); fprintf(stderr," 'once' enable testpoint for single shot\n"); fprintf(stderr," 'target X' enable testpoint once every X calls\n"); fprintf(stderr," ACTION - 'true' return TRUE\n"); fprintf(stderr," 'exit' terminate process\n"); fprintf(stderr," 'break' break to debugger\n"); exit(0); }
FileMapping = OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, FALSE, L"Cluster_Testpoints"); if (FileMapping == NULL) { Status = GetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "Testpoint filemapping could not be opened, error %d\n",Status); if (Status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { fprintf(stderr, "Make sure the testpoint-enabled cluster service is running\n"); } exit(Status); }
TestArray = MapViewOfFile(FileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0,0, 0); if (TestArray == NULL) { Status = GetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "Testpoint filemapping could not be mapped, error %d\n", Status); exit(Status); } CloseHandle(FileMapping);
return(TestArray); }
VOID DumpTestpoint( IN PTESTPOINT_ENTRY Entry ) { PCHAR Trigger;
printf("%ws ", Entry->TestPointName); switch (Entry->Trigger) { case TestTriggerNever: printf("disabled "); break; case TestTriggerAlways: printf("enabled permanently "); break; case TestTriggerOnce: printf("enabled once "); break; case TestTriggerTargetCount: printf("enabled on hit %d (currently %d) ", Entry->TargetCount, Entry->HitCount); break; default: printf("unknown trigger %d ", Entry->Trigger); break; }
switch (Entry->Action) { case TestActionTrue: printf("default action "); break; case TestActionExit: printf("exit process "); break; case TestActionDebugBreak: printf("break to debugger "); break; default: printf("unknown action %d ", Entry->Trigger); break; } printf("\n"); }
int _cdecl main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { DWORD Number; PTESTPOINT_ENTRY EntryArray; TESTPOINT_ACTION Action; TESTPOINT_TRIGGER Trigger; PCHAR *Arg; DWORD ArgsLeft; int i;
ArgsLeft = argc-1; if (ArgsLeft == 0) { Usage(); }
// Open the file mapping to get at the testpoint entries
EntryArray = GetTestpoints();
if (!lstrcmpi(argv[1], "dump")) { for (i=0; i<TestpointMax; i++) { printf("Testpoint %d ",i); DumpTestpoint(&EntryArray[i]); } return(0); } //
// First argument is the testpoint number, make sure it is in range.
Number = atoi(argv[1]); if (Number >= TestpointMax) { fprintf(stderr, "testpoint %d is beyond maximum %d\n", Number, TestpointMax-1); exit(1); } --ArgsLeft;
// Just print out the current state of the testpoint
printf("Testpoint %d\n",Number); printf(" Current state: "); DumpTestpoint(&EntryArray[Number]); if (ArgsLeft == 0) { //
// No change in the testpoint state, just exit.
exit(0); }
Action = TestActionTrue; Arg = &argv[2]; --ArgsLeft; if (_stricmp(*Arg, "never") == 0) { Trigger = TestTriggerNever; } else if (_stricmp(*Arg, "always") == 0) { Trigger = TestTriggerAlways; } else if (_stricmp(*Arg, "once") == 0) { Trigger = TestTriggerOnce; } else if (_stricmp(*Arg, "target") == 0) { if (ArgsLeft == 0) { Usage(); } Trigger = TestTriggerTargetCount; EntryArray[Number].TargetCount = atoi(*(++Arg)); --ArgsLeft; } else { Usage(); } ++Arg;
if (ArgsLeft > 0) { if (_stricmp(*Arg, "exit") == 0) { Action = TestActionExit; } else if (_stricmp(*Arg, "break") == 0) { Action = TestActionDebugBreak; } else if (_stricmp(*Arg, "true") == 0) { Action = TestActionTrue; } else { Usage(); } --ArgsLeft; ++Arg; } EntryArray[Number].Action = Action; EntryArray[Number].Trigger = Trigger;
printf(" New state: "); DumpTestpoint(&EntryArray[Number]); return(0); }