Copyright (c) 1988-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Output routines for DIR
#include "cmd.h"
extern TCHAR ThousandSeparator[];
// Entry is displayed.
// If not /b,
// Cursor is left at end of entry on screen.
// FileCnt, FileCntTotal, FileSiz, FileSizTotal are updated.
// If /b,
// Cursor is left at beginning of next line.
// Cnt's and Siz's aren't updated.
// Create a manager for these totals
// New format:
// 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
// 02/23/2001 05:12p 14,611 build.log
// 02/23/2001 05:12p 14,611 ... build.log
// 02/26/2001 04:58p 13 VERYLO~1 verylongfilename
// 02/26/2001 04:58p 13 VERYLO~1 ... verylongfilename
// <date><space><space><time><space><space><18-char-size><space><15-char-short-name><space><22-char-ownername><space><longfilename>
// Old format:
// build log 14,611 02/23/2001 05:12p
// <8.3-name><space><18-char-size><space><date><space><space><time>
// Since the size of dates and times is *VARIABLE*, we presize these on each DIR call
ULONG WidthOfTimeDate = 19; ULONG WidthOfFileSize = 17; ULONG WidthOfShortName = 12; ULONG WidthOfOwnerName = 22;
#define DIR_NEW_PAST_OWNER (WidthOfTimeDate + SPACES_AFTERDATETIME + WidthOfFileSize + SPACES_AFTER_SIZE + WidthOfOwnerName + 1)
#define DIR_NEW_PAST_SHORTNAME (WidthOfTimeDate + SPACES_AFTERDATETIME + WidthOfFileSize + SPACES_AFTER_SIZE + WidthOfShortName + 1)
#define DIR_NEW_PAST_SHORTNAME_OWNER (WidthOfTimeDate + SPACES_AFTERDATETIME + WidthOfFileSize + SPACES_AFTER_SIZE + WidthOfShortName + 1 + WidthOfOwnerName + 1)
#define DIR_OLD_PAST_SHORTNAME (WidthOfShortName + 2)
#define DIR_OLD_PAST_SIZE (WidthOfShortName + 2 + WidthOfFileSize + SPACES_AFTER_SIZE)
extern TCHAR Fmt09[], Fmt26[] ; extern BOOL CtrlCSeen; extern ULONG YearWidth; BOOLEAN GetDrive( PTCHAR , PTCHAR ); VOID SortFileList( PFS, PSORTDESC, ULONG);
STATUS NewDisplayFileListHeader( IN PFS FileSpec, IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PVOID Data ) /*++
Routine Description:
Display the header for a complete file list. This will include the current directory.
FileSpec - PFS for directory being enumerated
pscr - screen handle
data - PVOID to pdpr
Return Value:
SUCCESS if everything was correctly displayed
--*/ { PDRP pdrp = (PDRP) Data;
pdrp->rgfSwitches &= ~HEADERDISPLAYED;
// We suppress the header:
// For bare format
// Recursing (we display the header after we've actually found something)
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & (BAREFORMATSWITCH | RECURSESWITCH)) != 0) { return( SUCCESS ); }
CHECKSTATUS ( WriteEol( pscr ));
return( WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_DIR_OF, ONEARG, FileSpec->pszDir) ); }
STATUS NewDisplayFile( IN PFS FileSpec, IN PFF CurrentFF, IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PVOID Data ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays a single file in 1 of several formats.
FileSpec - PFS of directory being enumerated
CurrentFF - PFF to current file
pscr - screen handle for output
Data - PVOID to pdpr with switches
Return Value:
pdata = &(CurrentFF->data);
cbFile.LowPart = pdata->nFileSizeLow; cbFile.HighPart = pdata->nFileSizeHigh; FileSpec->cbFileTotal.QuadPart += cbFile.QuadPart;
// If we're in a recursive display, there might not be a header
// displayed. Check the state and print out one if needed.
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & RECURSESWITCH) != 0) {
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & HEADERDISPLAYED) == 0) { pdrp->rgfSwitches &= ~RECURSESWITCH; rc = NewDisplayFileListHeader( FileSpec, pscr, Data ); pdrp->rgfSwitches |= RECURSESWITCH; if (rc != SUCCESS) { return rc; } pdrp->rgfSwitches |= HEADERDISPLAYED; } }
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & BAREFORMATSWITCH) != 0) {
rc = DisplayBare( pscr, pdrp->rgfSwitches, FileSpec->pszDir, pdata);
} else if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & WIDEFORMATSWITCH) != 0) {
rc = DisplayWide( pscr, pdrp->rgfSwitches, pdata );
} else if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & (NEWFORMATSWITCH | SHORTFORMATSWITCH)) != 0) {
rc = DisplayNewRest(pscr, pdrp->dwTimeType, pdrp->rgfSwitches, pdata);
if (rc == SUCCESS) {
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & SHORTFORMATSWITCH) != 0) {
if (CurrentFF->obAlternate != 0) {
FillToCol( pscr, DIR_NEW_PAST_SIZE ); rc = DisplayDotForm( pscr, pdrp->rgfSwitches, &(pdata->cFileName[CurrentFF->obAlternate]), pdata );
FillToCol( pscr, DIR_NEW_PAST_SHORTNAME ); } else { FillToCol( pscr, DIR_NEW_PAST_SIZE ); }
#ifndef WIN95_CMD
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & DISPLAYOWNER) != 0) { TCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH]; BYTE SecurityDescriptor[ 65536 ]; TCHAR Name[MAX_PATH]; ULONG NameSize = sizeof( Name ); TCHAR Domain[MAX_PATH]; ULONG DomainSize = sizeof( Name ); DWORD dwNeeded; PSID SID = NULL; BOOL OwnerDefaulted; SID_NAME_USE snu;
if (AppendPath( FullPath, MAX_PATH, FileSpec->pszDir, pdata->cFileName ) != SUCCESS) { WriteString( pscr, TEXT( "..." )); } else if (!GetFileSecurity( FullPath, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, SecurityDescriptor, sizeof( SecurityDescriptor ), &dwNeeded )) { WriteString( pscr, TEXT( "..." )); } else if (!GetSecurityDescriptorOwner( SecurityDescriptor, &SID, &OwnerDefaulted)) { WriteString( pscr, TEXT( "..." )); } else if (!LookupAccountSid( NULL, SID, Name, &NameSize, Domain, &DomainSize, &snu)) { WriteString( pscr, TEXT( "..." )); SID = FreeSid( SID ); } else { WriteString( pscr, Domain ); WriteString( pscr, TEXT( "\\" )); WriteString( pscr, Name ); SID = FreeSid( SID ); } FillToCol( pscr, (pdrp->rgfSwitches & SHORTFORMATSWITCH) != 0 ? DIR_NEW_PAST_SHORTNAME_OWNER : DIR_NEW_PAST_OWNER ); } #endif
rc = DisplayDotForm( pscr, pdrp->rgfSwitches, pdata->cFileName, pdata ); }
CHECKSTATUS( WriteFlushAndEol( pscr ) );
} else { rc = DisplaySpacedForm( pscr, pdrp->rgfSwitches, CurrentFF->obAlternate ? &(pdata->cFileName[CurrentFF->obAlternate]) : pdata->cFileName, pdata ); if (rc == SUCCESS) { FillToCol( pscr, DIR_OLD_PAST_SHORTNAME ); rc = DisplayOldRest( pscr, pdrp->dwTimeType, pdrp->rgfSwitches, pdata ); } CHECKSTATUS( WriteFlushAndEol( pscr ) ); }
return( rc ); }
STATUS NewDisplayFileList( IN PFS FileSpec, IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PVOID Data )
Routine Description:
Displays a list of files and directories in the specified format. The files have been buffered in the PFS structure.
FileSpec - PFS containing set of files to display
pscr - PSCREEN for display
Data - PVOID pointer to DRP
Return Value:
{ ULONG irgpff; ULONG cffColMax; ULONG crowMax; ULONG crow, cffCol;
STATUS rc = SUCCESS; PDRP pdrp = (PDRP) Data; BOOL PrintedEarly = (pdrp->rgfSwitches & (WIDEFORMATSWITCH | SORTSWITCH)) == 0; ULONG cff = FileSpec->cff;
pdrp->FileCount += FileSpec->FileCount; pdrp->DirectoryCount += FileSpec->DirectoryCount; pdrp->TotalBytes.QuadPart += FileSpec->cbFileTotal.QuadPart;
if (!PrintedEarly && cff != 0) {
// Sort the data if needed
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & SORTSWITCH) != 0) { SortFileList( FileSpec, pdrp->rgsrtdsc, pdrp->dwTimeType ); }
// Compute the tab spacing on the line from the size of the file names.
// add 3 spaces to seperate each field
// If multiple files per line then base tabs on the max file/dir size
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & WIDEFORMATSWITCH) != 0) { SetTab( pscr, (USHORT)(GetMaxCbFileSize( FileSpec ) + 3) ); } else { SetTab( pscr, 0 ); }
DEBUG((ICGRP, DISLVL, "\t count of files %d",cff));
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & SORTDOWNFORMATSWITCH) != 0) {
// no. of files on a line.
cffColMax = (pscr->ccolMax / pscr->ccolTab);
// number of row required for entire list
if (cffColMax == 0) // wider than a line
goto abort_wide; // abort wide format for this list
else crowMax = (cff + cffColMax) / cffColMax;
// move down each rown picking the elements cffCols aport down the list.
for (crow = 0; crow < crowMax; crow++) { for (cffCol = 0, irgpff = crow; cffCol < cffColMax; cffCol++, irgpff += crowMax) {
if (CtrlCSeen) { return FAILURE; }
if (irgpff < cff) {
cbFile.LowPart = FileSpec->prgpff[irgpff]->data.nFileSizeLow; cbFile.HighPart = FileSpec->prgpff[irgpff]->data.nFileSizeHigh; pdrp->TotalBytes.QuadPart += cbFile.QuadPart;
rc = NewDisplayFile( FileSpec, FileSpec->prgpff[irgpff], pscr, Data );
if (rc != SUCCESS) { return rc; }
} else {
// If we have run past the end of the file list terminate
// line and start over back inside the line
CHECKSTATUS( WriteEol(pscr) ); break; }
} }
} else if (!PrintedEarly) { abort_wide: if (CtrlCSeen) { return FAILURE; }
for (irgpff = 0; irgpff < cff; irgpff++) {
if (CtrlCSeen) { return FAILURE; }
cbFile.LowPart = FileSpec->prgpff[irgpff]->data.nFileSizeLow; cbFile.HighPart = FileSpec->prgpff[irgpff]->data.nFileSizeHigh; pdrp->TotalBytes.QuadPart += cbFile.QuadPart;
rc = NewDisplayFile( FileSpec, FileSpec->prgpff[irgpff], pscr, Data ); if (rc != SUCCESS) { return rc; } } }
// Before writing the tailer make sure buffer is
// empty. (Could have something from doing WIDEFORMATSWITCH
CHECKSTATUS( WriteFlushAndEol( pscr ) );
if ((pdrp->rgfSwitches & BAREFORMATSWITCH) == 0) { if (FileSpec->FileCount + FileSpec->DirectoryCount != 0) { CHECKSTATUS( DisplayFileSizes( pscr, &FileSpec->cbFileTotal, FileSpec->FileCount, pdrp->rgfSwitches )); } }
return SUCCESS; }
STATUS DisplayBare (
IN PSCREEN pscr, IN ULONG rgfSwitches, IN PTCHAR pszDir, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA pdata ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays a single file in bare format. This is with no header, tail and no file information other then it's name. If it is a recursive catalog then the full file path is displayed. This mode is used to feed other utitilies such as grep.
pscr - screen handle rgfSwitches - command line switch (controls formating) pszDir - current directory (used for full path information) pdata - data gotten back from FindNext API
Return Value:
TCHAR szDirString[MAX_PATH + 2]; STATUS rc;
DEBUG((ICGRP, DISLVL, "DisplayBare `%ws'", pdata->cFileName));
// Do not display '.' and '..' in a bare listing
if ((_tcscmp(pdata->cFileName, TEXT(".")) == 0) || (_tcscmp(pdata->cFileName, TEXT("..")) == 0)) {
return( SUCCESS );
// If we are recursing down then display full name else just the
// name in the find buffer
if (rgfSwitches & RECURSESWITCH) {
mystrcpy(szDirString, pszDir); if (rgfSwitches & LOWERCASEFORMATSWITCH) {
_tcslwr(szDirString); }
CHECKSTATUS( WriteString(pscr, szDirString) );
if (*lastc(szDirString) != BSLASH) { CHECKSTATUS( WriteString(pscr, TEXT("\\"))); }
if ((rc = DisplayDotForm(pscr, rgfSwitches, pdata->cFileName, pdata)) == SUCCESS) {
return( WriteEol(pscr));
} else {
return( rc );
VOID SetDotForm ( IN PTCHAR pszFileName, IN ULONG rgfSwitches ) /*++
Routine Description:
If FATFORMAT and there is a '.' with a blank extension, the '.' is removed so it does not get displayed. This is by convension and is very strange but that's life. Also a lower case mapping is done.
pszFileName - file to remove '.' from. rgfSwitches - command line switches (tell wither in FATFORMAT or not)
Return Value:
{ PTCHAR pszT;
if (rgfSwitches & FATFORMAT) {
// Under DOS if there is a . with a blank extension
// then do not display '.'.
if (pszT = mystrrchr(pszFileName, DOT)) { //
// FAT will not allow foo. ba as a valid name so
// see of any blanks in extensions and if so then assume
// the entire extension is blank
if (mystrchr(pszT, SPACE)) { *pszT = NULLC; } }
STATUS DisplayDotForm (
IN PSCREEN pscr, IN ULONG rgfSwitches, IN PTCHAR pszFileName, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA pdata ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays a single file in DOT form (see SetDotForm).
pscr - screen handle rgfSwitches - command line switch (tell wither to lowercase or not) pdata - data gotten back from FindNext API
Return Value:
TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH + 2];
mystrcpy(szFileName, pszFileName); SetDotForm(szFileName, rgfSwitches); if (rgfSwitches & LOWERCASEFORMATSWITCH) { _tcslwr(szFileName); }
if (WriteString( pscr, szFileName ) ) return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS; }
STATUS DisplaySpacedForm(
IN PSCREEN pscr, IN ULONG rgfSwitches, IN PTCHAR pszName, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA pdata ) /*++
Routine Description:
Display name in expanded format. name <spaces> ext. This is ONLY called for a FAT partition. This is controled by the NEWFORMATSWITCH. This is set for any file system other then FAT. There is no OLDFORMATSWITCH so we can never be called on an HPFS or NTFS volume. If this is changed then the entire spacing of the display will be blown due to non-fixed max file names. (i.e. 8.3).
pscr - screen handle rgfSwitches - command line switch (tell wither to lowercase or not) pszname - name string to use (short name format only) pdata - data gotten back from FindNext API
Return Value:
TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH + 2]; PTCHAR pszExt; USHORT cbName; STATUS rc; #ifdef FE_SB
int i; int l; #endif
mytcsnset(szFileName, SPACE, MAX_PATH + 2);
cbName = 0; if ((_tcscmp(pszName, TEXT(".")) == 0) || (_tcscmp(pszName, TEXT("..")) == 0)) {
// If it is either of these then do not get it
// confused with extensions
pszExt = NULL;
} else {
pszExt = mystrrchr(pszName, (int)DOT); cbName = (USHORT)(pszExt - pszName)*sizeof(WCHAR); }
// if no extension or name is extension only
if ((pszExt == NULL) || (cbName == 0)) {
cbName = (USHORT)_tcslen(pszName)*sizeof(TCHAR);
memcpy(szFileName, pszName, cbName );
#if defined(FE_SB)
// If we had an extension then print it after
// all the spaces
i = 9; if (IsDBCSCodePage()) { for (l=0 ; l<8 ; l++) { if (IsFullWidth(szFileName[l])) i--; } }
if (pszExt) {
mystrcpy(szFileName + i, pszExt + 1); }
// terminate at max end for a FAT name
szFileName[i+3] = NULLC; if (pszExt && IsDBCSCodePage()) { //
// Only 1 of three can be full width, since 3/2=1.
// If the first isn't, only the second could be.
if (IsFullWidth(*(pszExt+1)) || IsFullWidth(*(pszExt+2))) szFileName[i+2] = NULLC; } #else
if (pszExt) {
// move pszExt past dot. use 9 not 8 to pass
// over 1 space between name and extension
mystrcpy(szFileName + 9, pszExt + 1);
// terminate at max end for a FAT name
szFileName[12] = NULLC; #endif
if (rgfSwitches & LOWERCASEFORMATSWITCH) { _tcslwr(szFileName); }
rc = WriteString( pscr, szFileName ); return rc; }
STATUS DisplayOldRest(
IN PSCREEN pscr, IN ULONG dwTimeType, IN ULONG rgfSwitches, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA pdata ) /*++
Routine Description:
Used with DisplaySpacedForm to write out file information such as size and last write time.
pscr - screen handle pdata - data gotten back from FindNext API
Return Value:
{ TCHAR szSize [ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD Length; LARGE_INTEGER FileSize;
// If directory put <DIR> after name instead of file size
if (pdata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
CHECKSTATUS( WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_DIR,0) );
} else {
FileSize.LowPart = pdata->nFileSizeLow; FileSize.HighPart = pdata->nFileSizeHigh; Length = FormatFileSize( rgfSwitches, &FileSize, 0, szSize ); FillToCol(pscr, DIR_OLD_PAST_SIZE - SPACES_AFTER_SIZE - Length); WriteFmtString(pscr, TEXT( "%s" ), (PVOID)szSize);
FillToCol(pscr, DIR_OLD_PAST_SIZE); return( DisplayTimeDate( pscr, dwTimeType, rgfSwitches, pdata) );
STATUS DisplayTimeDate (
IN PSCREEN pscr, IN ULONG dwTimeType, IN ULONG rgfSwitches, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA pdata ) /*++
Routine Description:
Display time/data information for a file
pscr - screen handle pdata - data gotten back from FindNext API
Return Value:
struct tm FileTime; TCHAR szT[ MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR szD[ MAX_PATH + 1]; FILETIME ft;
switch (dwTimeType) {
ft = pdata->ftLastAccessTime; break;
ft = pdata->ftLastWriteTime; break;
ft = pdata->ftCreationTime; break;
ConvertFILETIMETotm( &ft, &FileTime ); //
// Display four digit year iff the year width is specified
// in the locale or if it was requested on the command line
PrintDate( &FileTime, (YearWidth == 4 || (rgfSwitches & YEAR2000) != 0) ? PD_DIR2000 : PD_DIR, szD, MAX_PATH ); CHECKSTATUS( WriteFmtString( pscr, TEXT("%s "), szD )); PrintTime( &FileTime, PT_DIR, szT, MAX_PATH ) ; CHECKSTATUS( WriteFmtString(pscr, TEXT("%s"), szT) );
WidthOfTimeDate = SizeOfHalfWidthString( szD ) + 2 + SizeOfHalfWidthString( szT ); return( SUCCESS ); }
STATUS DisplayNewRest( IN PSCREEN pscr, IN ULONG dwTimeType, IN ULONG rgfSwitches, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA pdata )
Routine Description:
Display file information for new format (comes before file name). This is used with NEWFORMATSWITCH which is active on any non-FAT partition.
pscr - screen handle pdata - data gotten back from FindNext API
Return Value:
rc = DisplayTimeDate( pscr, dwTimeType, rgfSwitches, pdata);
if (rc == SUCCESS) {
// If reparse point, special formatting.
// If it's an NSS reparse tag, we want to end up in the
// normal file path below.
if ((pdata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) && (pdata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) == 0 && IsReparseTagNameSurrogate( pdata->dwReserved0 )) {
FillToCol( pscr, DIR_NEW_PAST_DATETIME_SPECIAL ); MsgNo = MSG_DIR_MOUNT_POINT; rc = WriteMsgString(pscr, MsgNo, 0);
} else
// If directory put <DIR> after name instead of file size
if (pdata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
FillToCol( pscr, DIR_NEW_PAST_DATETIME_SPECIAL ); rc = WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_DIR, 0);
} else { TCHAR szSize [ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD Length;
FileSize.LowPart = pdata->nFileSizeLow; FileSize.HighPart = pdata->nFileSizeHigh; Length = FormatFileSize( rgfSwitches, &FileSize, 0, szSize );
// Show file sizes of high latency reparse points in parens to
// tell user it will be slow to retreive.
if ((pdata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) != 0) { Length += 2; FillToCol(pscr, DIR_NEW_PAST_SIZE - SPACES_AFTER_SIZE - Length); rc = WriteFmtString(pscr, TEXT("(%s)"), (PVOID)szSize); } else { FillToCol(pscr, DIR_NEW_PAST_SIZE - SPACES_AFTER_SIZE - Length); rc = WriteFmtString(pscr, TEXT( "%s" ), (PVOID)szSize); } }
return( rc );
STATUS DisplayWide (
IN PSCREEN pscr, IN ULONG rgfSwitches, IN PWIN32_FIND_DATA pdata ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays a single file used in the /w or /d Switches. That is with a multiple file column display.
pscr - screen handle rgfSwitches - command line Switches (controls formating) pdata - data gotten back from FindNext API
Return Value:
TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH + 2]; PTCHAR pszFmt; STATUS rc;
pszFmt = TEXT( "%s" ); // assume non-dir format
// Provides [] around directories
if (pdata->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
pszFmt = Fmt09;
mystrcpy(szFileName, pdata->cFileName); SetDotForm(szFileName, rgfSwitches); if (rgfSwitches & LOWERCASEFORMATSWITCH) { _tcslwr(szFileName); } rc = WriteFmtString(pscr, pszFmt, szFileName);
if (rc == SUCCESS) {
rc = WriteTab(pscr);
} return( rc );
USHORT GetMaxCbFileSize( IN PFS pfsFiles )
Routine Description:
Determines the longest string size in a file list. Used in computing the number of possible columns in a catalog listing.
pfsFiles - file list.
Return Value:
return # of characters in largest file name
ULONG cff; ULONG irgff; USHORT cb; PFF pffCur;
cb = 0; for(irgff = 0, cff = pfsFiles->cff, pffCur = pfsFiles->prgpff[irgff]; irgff < cff; irgff++) {
#if defined(FE_SB)
if (IsDBCSCodePage()) cb = max(cb, (USHORT)SizeOfHalfWidthString(((pfsFiles->prgpff[irgff])->data).cFileName)); else cb = max(cb, (USHORT)mystrlen( ((pfsFiles->prgpff[irgff])->data).cFileName )); #else
cb = max(cb, (USHORT)mystrlen( ((pfsFiles->prgpff[irgff])->data).cFileName )); #endif
return( cb );
STATUS DisplayFileSizes( IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PLARGE_INTEGER cbFileTotal, IN ULONG cffTotal, IN ULONG rgfSwitches )
Routine Description:
Does tailer display of # of files displayed and # of bytes in all files displayed.
pscr - screen handle cbFileTotal - bytes in all files displayed cffTotal - number of files displayed.
Return Value:
{ TCHAR szSize [ MAX_PATH];
FillToCol(pscr, 6);
FormatFileSize( rgfSwitches, cbFileTotal, 14, szSize ); return( WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_FILES_COUNT_FREE, TWOARGS, (UINT_PTR)argstr1(TEXT("%5lu"), cffTotal ), szSize ) ); }
STATUS DisplayTotals( IN PSCREEN pscr, IN ULONG cffTotal, IN PLARGE_INTEGER cbFileTotal, IN ULONG rgfSwitches ) /*++
Routine Description:
Does tailer display of # of files displayed and # of bytes in all files displayed.
pscr - screen handle cbFileTotal - bytes in all files displayed cffTotal - number of files displayed.
Return Value:
if ((rc = WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_FILE_TOTAL, 0) ) == SUCCESS ) {
if ((rc = DisplayFileSizes( pscr, cbFileTotal, cffTotal, rgfSwitches )) == SUCCESS) {
rc = WriteFlush(pscr) ;
} return ( rc );
STATUS DisplayDiskFreeSpace( IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PTCHAR pszDrive, IN ULONG rgfSwitches, IN ULONG DirectoryCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays total free space on volume.
pscr - screen handle pszDrive - volume drive letter
Return Value:
--*/ { TCHAR szPath [ MAX_PATH + 2]; ULARGE_INTEGER cbFree;
CheckPause( pscr );
#ifdef WIN95_CMD
if (!GetDrive( pszDrive, szPath )) { return SUCCESS; } mystrcat( szPath, TEXT( "\\" )); #else
mystrcpy( szPath, pszDrive );
if (IsDrive( szPath )) { mystrcat( szPath, TEXT("\\") ); } #endif
cbFree.LowPart = cbFree.HighPart = 0;
#ifdef WIN95_CMD
{ DWORD dwSectorsPerCluster; DWORD dwBytesPerSector; DWORD dwNumberOfFreeClusters; DWORD dwTotalNumberOfClusters; if (GetDiskFreeSpace( szPath,&dwSectorsPerCluster, &dwBytesPerSector, &dwNumberOfFreeClusters, &dwTotalNumberOfClusters)) {
cbFree.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64(dwSectorsPerCluster, dwNumberOfFreeClusters); cbFree.QuadPart = cbFree.QuadPart * dwBytesPerSector; } } #else
{ ULARGE_INTEGER lpTotalNumberOfBytes; ULARGE_INTEGER lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes; GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( szPath, &cbFree, &lpTotalNumberOfBytes, &lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes); }
FillToCol(pscr, 6);
FormatFileSize( rgfSwitches, (PLARGE_INTEGER) &cbFree, 14, szPath );
return( WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_FILES_TOTAL_FREE, TWOARGS, (UINT_PTR)argstr1(TEXT("%5lu"), DirectoryCount ), szPath ));
STATUS DisplayVolInfo( IN PSCREEN pscr, IN PTCHAR pszDrive )
Routine Description:
Displays the volume trailer information. Used before switching to a catalog of another drive (dir a:* b:*)
pscr - screen handle pszDrive - volume drive letter
Return Value:
DWORD Vsn[2]; TCHAR szVolName[MAX_PATH + 2]; TCHAR szVolRoot[MAX_PATH + 2]; TCHAR szT[256]; STATUS rc = SUCCESS;
if (!GetDrive(pszDrive, szVolRoot)) { return SUCCESS; }
mystrcat(szVolRoot, TEXT("\\"));
if (!GetVolumeInformation(szVolRoot,szVolName,MAX_PATH,Vsn,NULL,NULL,NULL,0)) {
DEBUG((ICGRP, DISLVL, "DisplayVolInfo: GetVolumeInformation ret'd %d", GetLastError())) ; // don't fail if we're a substed drive
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT) { return SUCCESS; } PutStdErr(GetLastError(), NOARGS); return( FAILURE ) ;
} else {
if (szVolRoot[0] == BSLASH) { *lastc(szVolRoot) = NULLC; } else {
szVolRoot[1] = NULLC; }
if (szVolName[0]) {
rc = WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_DR_VOL_LABEL, TWOARGS, szVolRoot, szVolName ) ; } else {
rc = WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_HAS_NO_LABEL, ONEARG, szVolRoot ) ;
if ((rc == SUCCESS) && (Vsn)) {
_sntprintf(szT,256,Fmt26,(Vsn[0] & 0xffff0000)>>16, (Vsn[0] & 0xffff) ); rc = WriteMsgString(pscr, MSG_DR_VOL_SERIAL, ONEARG, szT); } }
return( rc ); }
ULONG FormatFileSize( IN DWORD rgfSwitches, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileSize, IN DWORD Width, OUT PTCHAR FormattedSize ) { TCHAR Buffer[ 100 ]; PTCHAR s, s1; ULONG DigitIndex; ULONGLONG Digit; ULONG nThousandSeparator; ULONGLONG Size;
nThousandSeparator = _tcslen(ThousandSeparator); s = &Buffer[ 99 ]; *s = TEXT('\0'); DigitIndex = 0; Size = FileSize->QuadPart; while (Size != 0) { Digit = (Size % 10); Size = Size / 10; *--s = (TCHAR)(TEXT('0') + Digit); if ((++DigitIndex % 3) == 0 && (rgfSwitches & THOUSANDSEPSWITCH)) { // If non-null Thousand separator, insert it.
if (nThousandSeparator) { s -= nThousandSeparator; _tcsncpy(s, ThousandSeparator, nThousandSeparator); } } }
if (DigitIndex == 0) { *--s = TEXT('0'); } else if ((rgfSwitches & THOUSANDSEPSWITCH) && !_tcsncmp(s, ThousandSeparator, nThousandSeparator)) { s += nThousandSeparator; }
Size = _tcslen( s ); if (Width != 0 && Size < Width) { s1 = FormattedSize; while (Width > Size) { Width -= 1; *s1++ = SPACE; } _tcscpy( s1, s ); } else { _tcscpy( FormattedSize, s ); }
return _tcslen( FormattedSize ); }