*crt0msg.c - startup error messages * * Copyright (c) 1989-2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * Prints out banner for runtime error messages. * *Revision History: * 06-27-89 PHG Module created, based on asm version * 04-09-90 GJF Added #include <cruntime.h>. Made calling type * _CALLTYPE1. Also, fixed the copyright. * 04-10-90 GJF Fixed compiler warnings (-W3). * 06-04-90 GJF Revised to be more compatible with old scheme. * nmsghdr.c merged in. * 10-08-90 GJF New-style function declarators. * 10-11-90 GJF Added _RT_ABORT, _RT_FLOAT, _RT_HEAP. * 12-04-90 SRW Changed to include <oscalls.h> instead of <doscalls.h> * 12-06-90 SRW Added _CRUISER_ and _WIN32 conditionals. * 02-04-91 SRW Changed to call WriteFile (_WIN32_) * 02-25-91 MHL Adapt to ReadFile/WriteFile changes (_WIN32_) * 04-10-91 PNT Added _MAC_ conditional * 09-09-91 GJF Added _RT_ONEXIT error. * 09-18-91 GJF Added 3 math errors, also corrected comments for * errors that were changed in rterr.h, cmsgs.h. * 03-31-92 DJM POSIX support. * 10-23-92 GJF Added _RT_PUREVIRT. * 04-05-93 JWM Added _GET_RTERRMSG(). * 04-06-93 SKS Replace _CRTAPI* with __cdecl * 04-29-93 GJF Removed rterrs[] entries for _RT_STACK, _RT_INTDIV, * _RT_NONCONT and _RT_INVALDISP. * 09-06-94 CFW Remove Cruiser support. * 09-06-94 GJF Revised to use MessageBox for GUI apps. * 01-10-95 JCF Remove __app_type and __error_mode check for _MAC_. * 02-14-95 CFW write -> _write, error messages to debug reporting. * 02-15-95 CFW Make all CRT message boxes look alike. * 02-24-95 CFW Use __crtMessageBoxA. * 02-27-95 CFW Change __crtMessageBoxA params. * 03-07-95 GJF Added _RT_STDIOINIT. * 03-21-95 CFW Add _CRT_ASSERT report type. * 06-06-95 CFW Remove _MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION. * 06-19-95 CFW Avoid STDIO calls. * 06-20-95 GJF Added _RT_LOWIOINIT. * 04-23-96 GJF Added _RT_HEAPINIT. Also, revised _NMSG_WRITE to * allow for ioinit() having not been invoked. * 05-05-97 GJF Changed call to WriteFile, in _NMSG_WRITE, so that * it does not reference _pioinfo. Also, a few cosmetic * changes. * 01-04-99 GJF Changes for 64-bit size_t. * 05-17-99 PML Remove all Macintosh support. * 01-24-99 PML Fix buffer overrun in _NMSG_WRITE. * 05-10-00 GB Fix call of _CrtDbgReport for _RT_BANNER in _NMSG_WRITE * 03-28-01 PML Protect against GetModuleFileName overflow (vs7#231284) * *******************************************************************************/
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <internal.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <rterr.h>
#include <cmsgs.h>
#include <awint.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <dbgint.h>
#ifdef _POSIX_
#include <posix\sys\types.h>
#include <posix\unistd.h>
/* struct used to lookup and access runtime error messages */
struct rterrmsgs { int rterrno; /* error number */ char *rterrtxt; /* text of error message */ };
/* runtime error messages */
static struct rterrmsgs rterrs[] = {
/* 2 */ { _RT_FLOAT, _RT_FLOAT_TXT },
/* 10 */ { _RT_ABORT, _RT_ABORT_TXT },
/* 16 */ { _RT_THREAD, _RT_THREAD_TXT },
/* 17 */ { _RT_LOCK, _RT_LOCK_TXT },
/* 18 */ { _RT_HEAP, _RT_HEAP_TXT },
/* 19 */ { _RT_OPENCON, _RT_OPENCON_TXT },
/* 22 */ /* { _RT_NONCONT, _RT_NONCONT_TXT }, */
/* 23 */ /* { _RT_INVALDISP, _RT_INVALDISP_TXT }, */
/* 24 */ { _RT_ONEXIT, _RT_ONEXIT_TXT },
/* 120 */ { _RT_DOMAIN, _RT_DOMAIN_TXT },
/* 121 */ { _RT_SING, _RT_SING_TXT },
/* 122 */ { _RT_TLOSS, _RT_TLOSS_TXT },
/* 252 */ { _RT_CRNL, _RT_CRNL_TXT },
/* 255 */ { _RT_BANNER, _RT_BANNER_TXT }
/* number of elements in rterrs[] */
#define _RTERRCNT ( sizeof(rterrs) / sizeof(struct rterrmsgs) )
/* For C, _FF_DBGMSG is inactive, so _adbgmsg is
set to null For FORTRAN, _adbgmsg is set to point to _FF_DBGMSG in dbginit initializer in dbgmsg.asm */
void (*_adbgmsg)(void) = NULL;
*_FF_MSGBANNER - writes out first part of run-time error messages * *Purpose: * This routine writes "\r\nrun-time error " to standard error. * * For FORTRAN $DEBUG error messages, it also uses the _FF_DBGMSG * routine whose address is stored in the _adbgmsg variable to print out * file and line number information associated with the run-time error. * If the value of _adbgmsg is found to be null, then the _FF_DBGMSG * routine won't be called from here (the case for C-only programs). * *Entry: * No arguments. * *Exit: * Nothing returned. * *Exceptions: * None handled. * *******************************************************************************/
void __cdecl _FF_MSGBANNER ( void ) {
if ( (__error_mode == _OUT_TO_STDERR) || ((__error_mode == _OUT_TO_DEFAULT) && (__app_type == _CONSOLE_APP)) ) { _NMSG_WRITE(_RT_CRNL); /* new line to begin error message */ if (_adbgmsg != 0) _adbgmsg(); /* call __FF_DBGMSG for FORTRAN */ _NMSG_WRITE(_RT_BANNER); /* run-time error message banner */ } }
*__NMSGWRITE(message) - write a given message to handle 2 (stderr) * *Purpose: * This routine writes the message associated with rterrnum * to stderr. * *Entry: * int rterrnum - runtime error number * *Exit: * no return value * *Exceptions: * none * *******************************************************************************/
void __cdecl _NMSG_WRITE ( int rterrnum ) { int tblindx; #if !defined(_POSIX_)
DWORD bytes_written; /* bytes written */ #endif
for ( tblindx = 0 ; tblindx < _RTERRCNT ; tblindx++ ) if ( rterrnum == rterrs[tblindx].rterrno ) break;
if ( rterrnum == rterrs[tblindx].rterrno ) { #ifdef _DEBUG
* Report error. * * If _CRT_ERROR has _CRTDBG_REPORT_WNDW on, and user chooses * "Retry", call the debugger. * * Otherwise, continue execution. * */
if (rterrnum != _RT_CRNL && rterrnum != _RT_BANNER) { if (1 == _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_ERROR, NULL, 0, NULL, rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt)) _CrtDbgBreak(); } #endif
#if !defined(_POSIX_)
if ( (__error_mode == _OUT_TO_STDERR) || ((__error_mode == _OUT_TO_DEFAULT) && (__app_type == _CONSOLE_APP)) ) { WriteFile( GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt, (unsigned long)strlen(rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt), &bytes_written, NULL ); } else if (rterrnum != _RT_CRNL) { #define MAXLINELEN 60
char * pch; char progname[MAX_PATH + 1]; char * outmsg;
progname[MAX_PATH] = '\0'; if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, progname, MAX_PATH)) strcpy(progname, "<program name unknown>");
pch = (char *)progname;
if (strlen(pch) + 1 > MAXLINELEN) { pch += strlen(progname) + 1 - MAXLINELEN; strncpy(pch, "...", 3); }
#define MSGTEXTPREFIX "Runtime Error!\n\nProgram: "
outmsg = (char *)_alloca(sizeof(MSGTEXTPREFIX) + strlen(pch) + 2 + strlen(rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt));
strcpy(outmsg, MSGTEXTPREFIX); strcat(outmsg, pch); strcat(outmsg, "\n\n"); strcat(outmsg, rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt);
__crtMessageBoxA(outmsg, "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library", MB_OK|MB_ICONHAND|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TASKMODAL); }
#else /* !_POSIX_ */
write(STDERR_FILENO,rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt, strlen(rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt));
#endif /* !_POSIX_ */
} }
*_GET_RTERRMSG(message) - returns ptr to error text for given runtime error * *Purpose: * This routine returns the message associated with rterrnum * *Entry: * int rterrnum - runtime error number * *Exit: * no return value * *Exceptions: * none * *******************************************************************************/
char * __cdecl _GET_RTERRMSG ( int rterrnum ) { int tblindx;
for ( tblindx = 0 ; tblindx < _RTERRCNT ; tblindx++ ) if ( rterrnum == rterrs[tblindx].rterrno ) break;
if ( rterrnum == rterrs[tblindx].rterrno ) return rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt; else return NULL; }