// Make sure all dependent defines exist and have a valid value
#ifndef VERS_32BIT
#define VERS_32BIT 1
#ifndef PACK_SIZE
#ifdef _CRTBLD
#define PACK_SIZE 8
#elif !VERS_32BIT
#define PACK_SIZE 2
#elif defined(_X86_)
#define PACK_SIZE 4
#define PACK_SIZE 8
// Check for version inconsistancies, and setup version flags
#ifdef VERS_BSC
#pragma inline_depth ( 3 )
#pragma check_stack ( off )
#pragma inline_depth ( 3 )
#pragma check_stack ( off )
#define PURE =0
#ifndef CC_COR
#define CC_COR 1
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "undname.hxx"
#if !defined(_CRTBLD) && (!VERSP_RELEASE || defined(_DEBUG))
#include <assert.h>
#define DASSERT(x) assert(x)
#define DASSERT(x)
#if (defined(_CRTBLD) && defined(_MT))
#include <mtdll.h>
#pragma warning(disable:4291) // No matching operator delete
static unsigned int __near __pascal und_strlen ( pcchar_t ); static pchar_t __near __pascal und_strncpy ( pchar_t, pcchar_t, unsigned int ); static unsigned int __near __pascal und_strncmp ( pcchar_t, pcchar_t, unsigned int );
class DName; class DNameNode; class Replicator; class HeapManager; class UnDecorator;
// A '512' byte block including the header
const unsigned int memBlockSize = 512 - sizeof(void*);
class HeapManager { private: Alloc_t pOpNew; Free_t pOpDelete;
struct Block { Block * next; char memBlock[ memBlockSize ];
__near Block () { next = 0; }
Block * head; Block * tail; size_t blockLeft;
public: void __near Constructor ( Alloc_t pAlloc, Free_t pFree ) { pOpNew = pAlloc; pOpDelete = pFree; blockLeft = 0; head = 0; tail = 0; }
void __far * __near getMemory ( size_t, int );
void __near Destructor ( void ) { if ( pOpDelete != 0 ) while ( tail = head ) { head = tail->next;
( *pOpDelete )( tail );
} }
#define gnew new(heap,0)
#define rnew new(heap,1)
void * __near __pascal operator new ( size_t, HeapManager &, int = 0 );
static HeapManager heap;
// The MS Token table
enum Tokens { #if !VERS_32BIT
TOK_near, TOK_nearSp, TOK_nearP, TOK_far, TOK_farSp, TOK_farP, TOK_huge, TOK_hugeSp, TOK_hugeP, #endif
TOK_basedLp, TOK_cdecl, TOK_pascal, TOK_stdcall, TOK_thiscall, TOK_fastcall, TOK_cocall, TOK_ptr64, TOK_restrict, TOK_unaligned, #if !VERS_32BIT
TOK_interrupt, TOK_saveregs, TOK_self, TOK_segment, TOK_segnameLpQ, #endif
TOK__last };
static const pcchar_t __near tokenTable[] = { #if !VERS_32BIT
"__near", // TOK_near
"__near ", // TOK_nearSp
"__near*", // TOK_nearP
"__far", // TOK_far
"__far ", // TOK_farSp
"__far*", // TOK_farP
"__huge", // TOK_huge
"__huge ", // TOK_hugeSp
"__huge*", // TOK_hugeP
"__based(", // TOK_basedLp
"__cdecl", // TOK_cdecl
"__pascal", // TOK_pascal
"__stdcall", // TOK_stdcall
"__thiscall", // TOK_thiscall
"__fastcall", // TOK_fastcall
"__clrcall", // TOK_cocall
"__ptr64", // TOK_ptr64
"__restrict", // TOK_restrict
"__unaligned", // TOK_unaligned
#if !VERS_32BIT
"__interrupt", // TOK_interrupt
"__saveregs", // TOK_saveregs
"__self", // TOK_self
"__segment", // TOK_segment
"__segname(\"", // TOK_segnameLpQ
"" };
// The operator mapping table
static const pcchar_t __near nameTable[] = { " new", " delete", "=", ">>", "<<", "!", "==", "!=", "[]", "operator", "->", "*", "++", "--", "-", "+", "&", "->*", "/", "%", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", ",", "()", "~", "^", "|", "&&", "||", "*=", "+=", "-=", "/=", "%=", ">>=", "<<=", "&=", "|=", "^=",
"`vftable'", "`vbtable'", "`vcall'", "`typeof'", "`local static guard'", "`string'", "`vbase destructor'", "`vector deleting destructor'", "`default constructor closure'", "`scalar deleting destructor'", "`vector constructor iterator'", "`vector destructor iterator'", "`vector vbase constructor iterator'", "`virtual displacement map'", "`eh vector constructor iterator'", "`eh vector destructor iterator'", "`eh vector vbase constructor iterator'", "`copy constructor closure'", "`udt returning'", "`EH", //eh initialized struct
"`RTTI", //rtti initialized struct
"`local vftable'", "`local vftable constructor closure'", #endif // !NO_COMPILER_NAMES
" new[]", " delete[]",
"`omni callsig'", "`placement delete closure'", "`placement delete[] closure'", "`managed vector constructor iterator'", "`managed vector destructor iterator'", "`eh vector copy constructor iterator'", "`eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator'", #endif
"" };
static const pcchar_t __near ehTable[] = { " Ptr to Member Data'", " Catchable Type'", " Catchable Type Array'", " ThrowInfo'", };
static const pcchar_t __near rttiTable[] = { " Type Descriptor'", " Base Class Descriptor at (", " Base Class Array'", " Class Hierarchy Descriptor'", " Complete Object Locator'", };
// The following 'enum' should really be nested inside 'class DName', but to
// make the code compile better with Glockenspiel, I have extracted it
enum DNameStatus { DN_valid, DN_invalid, DN_truncated, DN_error };
class DName { public: __near DName (); __near DName ( char );
#if 1
__near DName ( const DName & ); // Shallow copy
__near DName ( DNameNode * ); __near DName ( pcchar_t ); __near DName ( pcchar_t&, char ); __near DName ( DNameStatus ); __near DName ( DName * ); __near DName ( unsigned long ); __near DName ( int );
int __near isValid () const; int __near isEmpty () const; DNameStatus __near status () const; void __near clearStatus ();
DName & __near setPtrRef (); int __near isPtrRef () const; int __near isUDC () const; void __near setIsUDC (); int __near isUDTThunk () const; void __near setIsUDTThunk (); int __near isArray() const; void __near setIsArray(); int isNoTE () const; void setIsNoTE ();
int __near length () const; char __near getLastChar () const; pchar_t __near getString ( pchar_t, int ) const;
DName __near operator + ( pcchar_t ) const; DName __near operator + ( const DName & ) const; DName __near operator + ( char ) const; DName __near operator + ( DName * ) const; DName __near operator + ( DNameStatus ) const;
DName & __near operator += ( char ); DName & __near operator += ( pcchar_t ); DName & __near operator += ( DName * ); DName & __near operator += ( DNameStatus ); DName & __near operator += ( const DName & );
DName & __near operator |= ( const DName & );
DName & __near operator = ( pcchar_t ); DName & __near operator = ( const DName & ); DName & __near operator = ( char ); DName & __near operator = ( DName * ); DName & __near operator = ( DNameStatus );
// Friends :
friend DName __near __pascal operator + ( char, const DName & ); friend DName __near __pascal operator + ( pcchar_t, const DName & ); friend DName __near __pascal operator + ( DNameStatus, const DName & );
private: DNameNode * node;
DNameStatus stat : 4; unsigned int isIndir : 1; unsigned int isAUDC : 1; unsigned int isAUDTThunk : 1; unsigned int isArrayType : 1; unsigned int NoTE : 1;
void __near doPchar ( pcchar_t, int );
class Replicator { private: // Declare, in order to suppress automatic generation
void operator = ( const Replicator& );
int index; DName * dNameBuffer[ 10 ]; const DName ErrorDName; const DName InvalidDName;
public: __near Replicator ();
int __near isFull () const;
Replicator & __near operator += ( const DName & ); const DName & __near operator [] ( int ) const;
class UnDecorator { private: // Declare, in order to suppress automatic generation
void operator = ( const UnDecorator& );
Replicator ArgList; static Replicator * pArgList;
Replicator ZNameList; static Replicator * pZNameList;
static Replicator * pTemplateArgList;
static pcchar_t gName; static pcchar_t name; static pchar_t outputString; static int maxStringLength; static unsigned long disableFlags; static bool fExplicitTemplateParams; static bool fGetTemplateArgumentList;
static DName __near getDecoratedName ( void ); static DName __near getSymbolName ( void ); static DName __near getZName ( bool fUpdateCachedNames ); static DName __near getOperatorName ( void ); static DName __near getScope ( void ); static DName getScopedName ( void ); static DName __near getSignedDimension ( void ); static DName __near getDimension ( bool fSigned = false ); static int __near getNumberOfDimensions ( void ); static DName __near getTemplateName ( void ); static DName __near getTemplateArgumentList( void ); static DName __near getTemplateConstant( void ); static DName __near composeDeclaration ( const DName & ); static int __near getTypeEncoding ( void ); static DName __near getBasedType ( void ); static DName __near getECSUName ( void ); static DName __near getEnumType ( void ); static DName __near getCallingConvention ( void ); static DName __near getReturnType ( DName * = 0 ); static DName __near getDataType ( DName * ); static DName __near getPrimaryDataType ( const DName & ); static DName __near getDataIndirectType ( const DName &, char, const DName &, int = FALSE ); static DName __near getDataIndirectType (); static DName __near getBasicDataType ( const DName & ); static DName __near getECSUDataType ( void ); static DName __near getPtrRefType ( const DName &, const DName &, char ); static DName __near getPtrRefDataType ( const DName &, int ); static DName __near getArrayType ( const DName& ); static DName getFunctionIndirectType( const DName & superType ); static DName __near getArgumentTypes ( void ); static DName __near getArgumentList ( void ); static DName __near getThrowTypes ( void ); static DName __near getLexicalFrame ( void ); static DName __near getStorageConvention ( void ); static DName __near getThisType ( void ); static DName __near getPointerType ( const DName &, const DName & ); static DName __near getPointerTypeArray ( const DName &, const DName & ); static DName __near getReferenceType ( const DName &, const DName & ); static DName __near getExternalDataType ( const DName & ); static DName __near getSegmentName ( void );
static DName __near getDisplacement ( void ); static DName __near getCallIndex ( void ); static DName __near getGuardNumber ( void ); static DName __near getVfTableType ( const DName & ); static DName __near getVbTableType ( const DName & ); static DName __near getVdispMapType ( const DName & ); static DName __near getVCallThunkType ( void ); #endif // !NO_COMPILER_NAMES
static DName getStringEncoding ( char *prefix, int wantBody );
static GetParameter_t m_pGetParameter;
public: __near UnDecorator ( pchar_t, pcchar_t, int, GetParameter_t, unsigned long );
static int __near doUnderScore (); static int __near doMSKeywords (); static int __near doPtr64 (); static int __near doFunctionReturns (); static int __near doAllocationModel (); static int __near doAllocationLanguage ();
#if 0
static int __near doMSThisType (); static int __near doCVThisType (); #endif
static int __near doThisTypes (); static int __near doAccessSpecifiers (); static int __near doThrowTypes (); static int __near doMemberTypes (); static int __near doReturnUDTModel ();
static int __near do32BitNear ();
static int __near doNameOnly (); static int __near doTypeOnly (); static int __near haveTemplateParameters (); static int __near doEcsu (); static int __near doNoIdentCharCheck ();
static pcchar_t __near UScore ( Tokens );
__near operator pchar_t ();
Replicator * UnDecorator::pArgList; Replicator * UnDecorator::pZNameList = 0; Replicator * UnDecorator::pTemplateArgList = 0; pcchar_t UnDecorator::gName = 0; pcchar_t UnDecorator::name = 0; pchar_t UnDecorator::outputString = 0; int UnDecorator::maxStringLength = 0; unsigned long UnDecorator::disableFlags = 0; GetParameter_t UnDecorator::m_pGetParameter = 0; bool UnDecorator::fExplicitTemplateParams = false; bool UnDecorator::fGetTemplateArgumentList = false;
#ifdef _CRTBLD
pchar_t __far _CRTIMP __loadds __unDName ( pchar_t outputString, #else
pchar_t __far __cdecl __loadds unDName ( pchar_t outputString, #endif
pcchar_t name, int maxStringLength, // Note, COMMA is leading following optional arguments
Alloc_t pAlloc, Free_t pFree, unsigned short disableFlags
) /*
* This function will undecorate a name, returning the string corresponding to * the C++ declaration needed to produce the name. Its has a similar interface * to 'strncpy'. * * If the target string 'outputString' is specified to be NULL, a string of * suitable length will be allocated and its address returned. If the returned * string is allocated by 'unDName', then it is the programmers responsibility * to deallocate it. It will have been allocated on the far heap. * * If the target string is not NULL, then the parameter 'maxStringLength' will * specify the maximum number of characters which may be placed in the string. * In this case, the returned value is the same as 'outputString'. * * Both the input parameter 'name' and the returned string are NULL terminated * strings of characters. * * If the returned value is NULL, it indicates that the undecorator ran out of * memory, or an internal error occurred, and was unable to complete its task. */
{ // Must have an allocator and a deallocator (and we MUST trust them)
if ( !( pAlloc )) return 0; pchar_t unDecoratedName;
#if (defined(_CRTBLD) && defined(_MT))
if (!_mtinitlocknum(_UNDNAME_LOCK)) return 0; _mlock(_UNDNAME_LOCK); __try { #endif
heap.Constructor ( pAlloc, pFree );
// Create the undecorator object, and get the result
UnDecorator unDecorate ( outputString, name, maxStringLength, 0, disableFlags ); unDecoratedName = unDecorate;
// Destruct the heap (would use a destructor, but that causes DLL problems)
heap.Destructor ();
#if (defined(_CRTBLD) && defined(_MT))
} __finally { _munlock(_UNDNAME_LOCK); } #endif
// And return the composed name
return unDecoratedName;
} // End of FUNCTION "unDName"
#ifdef _CRTBLD
pchar_t __far _CRTIMP __loadds __unDNameEx ( pchar_t outputString, #else
pchar_t __far __cdecl __loadds unDNameEx ( pchar_t outputString, #endif
pcchar_t name, int maxStringLength, // Note, COMMA is leading following optional arguments
Alloc_t pAlloc, Free_t pFree, GetParameter_t pGetParameter, unsigned long disableFlags
) /*
* This function will undecorate a name, returning the string corresponding to * the C++ declaration needed to produce the name. Its has a similar interface * to 'strncpy'. * * If the target string 'outputString' is specified to be NULL, a string of * suitable length will be allocated and its address returned. If the returned * string is allocated by 'unDName', then it is the programmers responsibility * to deallocate it. It will have been allocated on the far heap. * * If the target string is not NULL, then the parameter 'maxStringLength' will * specify the maximum number of characters which may be placed in the string. * In this case, the returned value is the same as 'outputString'. * * Both the input parameter 'name' and the returned string are NULL terminated * strings of characters. * * If the returned value is NULL, it indicates that the undecorator ran out of * memory, or an internal error occurred, and was unable to complete its task. */
{ // Must have an allocator and a deallocator (and we MUST trust them)
if ( !( pAlloc )) return 0;
pchar_t unDecoratedName;
#if (defined(_CRTBLD) && defined(_MT))
if (!_mtinitlocknum(_UNDNAME_LOCK)) return 0; _mlock(_UNDNAME_LOCK); __try { #endif
heap.Constructor ( pAlloc, pFree );
// Create the undecorator object, and get the result
UnDecorator unDecorate ( outputString, name, maxStringLength, pGetParameter, disableFlags ); unDecoratedName = unDecorate;
// Destruct the heap (would use a destructor, but that causes DLL problems)
heap.Destructor ();
#if (defined(_CRTBLD) && defined(_MT))
} __finally { _munlock(_UNDNAME_LOCK); } #endif
// And return the composed name
return unDecoratedName;
} // End of FUNCTION "unDName"
// The 'UnDecorator' member functions
inline __near UnDecorator::UnDecorator ( pchar_t output, pcchar_t dName, int maxLen, GetParameter_t pGetParameter, unsigned long disable ) { name = dName; gName = name;
if ( output ) { maxStringLength = maxLen - 1; // The algorithm in getString doesn't leave room
// for terminating NULL; be paranoid and leave one
// extra char.
// It's a lot easier to fix this here....
outputString = output; } else { outputString = 0; maxStringLength = 0; }
pZNameList = &ZNameList; pArgList = &ArgList; disableFlags = disable; m_pGetParameter = pGetParameter; fExplicitTemplateParams = false;
} // End of "UnDecorator" CONSTRUCTOR '()'
inline __near UnDecorator::operator pchar_t () { DName result; DName unDName;
// Find out if the name is a decorated name or not. Could be a reserved
// CodeView variant of a decorated name
if ( name ) { if (( *name == '?' ) && ( name[ 1 ] == '@' )) { #if ( !NO_COMPILER_NAMES )
gName += 2; result = "CV: " + getDecoratedName (); #else // } elif NO_COMPILER_NAMES
result = DN_invalid; #endif // NO_COMPILER_NAMES
} // End of IF then
else if (( *name == '?' ) && ( name[1] == '$' )) { result = getTemplateName (); if ( result.status () == DN_invalid ) { //
// What harm could there be to try again ?
// Repro:
// ?$S1@?1??VTFromRegType@CRegParser@ATL@@KAHPBGAAG@Z@4IA
// ---> unsigned int `protected: static int __cdecl ATL::CRegParser::VTFromRegType(unsigned short const *,unsigned short &)'::`2'::$S1
// This is a compiler generated symbol for a local static array init.
gName = name; result.clearStatus(); result = getDecoratedName (); } } else { result = getDecoratedName (); }
} // End of IF then
// If the name was not a valid name, then make the name the same as the original
// It is also invalid if there are any remaining characters in the name (except when
// we're giving the name only)
if ( result.status () == DN_error ) return 0; elif ( (*gName && !doNameOnly ()) || ( result.status () == DN_invalid )) unDName = name; // Return the original name
else unDName = result;
// Construct the return string
if ( !outputString ) { maxStringLength = unDName.length () + 1; outputString = rnew char[ maxStringLength ];
} // End of IF
if ( outputString ) { unDName.getString ( outputString, maxStringLength );
// strip extra whitespace out of name
pchar_t pRead = outputString; pchar_t pWrite = pRead; while (*pRead) { if (*pRead == ' ') { pRead++; *pWrite++ = ' '; while ( *pRead == ' ' ) { pRead++; } } else *pWrite++ = *pRead++; } *pWrite = *pRead; }
// Return the result
return outputString;
} // End of "UnDecorator" OPERATOR 'pchar_t'
DName __near UnDecorator::getDecoratedName ( void ) { // Ensure that it is intended to be a decorated name
if ( doTypeOnly() ) { // Disable the type-only flag, so that if we get here recursively, eg.
// in a template tag, we do full name undecoration.
disableFlags &= ~UNDNAME_TYPE_ONLY;
// If we're decoding just a type, process it as the type for an abstract
// declarator, by giving an empty symbol name.
DName result = getDataType ( NULL ); disableFlags |= UNDNAME_TYPE_ONLY;
return result; } elif ( *gName == '?' ) { // Extract the basic symbol name
gName++; // Advance the original name pointer
DName symbolName = getSymbolName (); int udcSeen = symbolName.isUDC ();
// Abort if the symbol name is invalid
if ( !symbolName.isValid ()) return symbolName;
// Extract, and prefix the scope qualifiers
if ( *gName && ( *gName != '@' )) { DName scope = getScope (); if ( !scope.isEmpty() ) if (fExplicitTemplateParams) { fExplicitTemplateParams = false; symbolName = symbolName + scope; if (*gName != '@') { scope = getScope(); symbolName = scope + "::" + symbolName; } } else { symbolName = scope + "::" + symbolName; } }
if ( udcSeen ) symbolName.setIsUDC ();
// Now compose declaration
if ( symbolName.isEmpty () || symbolName.isNoTE() ) { return symbolName; } elif ( !*gName || ( *gName == '@' ) ) { if ( *gName ) gName++;
if (doNameOnly () && !udcSeen) { // Eat the rest of the dname, in case this is a recursive invocation,
// such as for a template argument.
(void)composeDeclaration( DName() ); return symbolName; } else { return composeDeclaration ( symbolName ); }
} // End of ELIF then
else return DN_invalid;
} // End of IF then
elif ( *gName ) return DN_invalid; else return DN_truncated;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getDecoratedName"
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getSymbolName ( void ) { if ( *gName == '?' ) { gName++;
return getOperatorName ();
} // End of IF then
else return getZName ( true );
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getSymbolName"
DName __near UnDecorator::getZName ( bool fUpdateCachedNames ) { int zNameIndex = *gName - '0';
// Handle 'zname-replicators', otherwise an actual name
if (( zNameIndex >= 0 ) && ( zNameIndex <= 9 )) { gName++; // Skip past the replicator
// And return the indexed name
return ( *pZNameList )[ zNameIndex ];
} // End of IF then
else { DName zName;
if ( *gName == '?' ) { zName = getTemplateName ();
if ( *gName++ != '@' ) zName = *--gName ? DN_invalid : DN_truncated; } else { #define TEMPLATE_PARAMETER "template-parameter-"
#define GENERIC_TYPE "generic-type-"
pchar_t genericType; if (und_strncmp(gName, TEMPLATE_PARAMETER, TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_LEN) == 0) { genericType = TEMPLATE_PARAMETER; gName += TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_LEN; } else if (und_strncmp(gName, GENERIC_TYPE, GENERIC_TYPE_LEN) == 0) { genericType = GENERIC_TYPE; gName += GENERIC_TYPE_LEN; } else { genericType = NULL; }
if (genericType) { DName dimension = getSignedDimension();
if ( haveTemplateParameters()) { char buffer[16];
dimension.getString( buffer, 16 );
char *str = (*m_pGetParameter)(atol(buffer));
if ( str != NULL ) { zName = str; } else { zName = "`"; zName += genericType + dimension + "'"; } } else { zName = "`"; zName += genericType + dimension + "'"; } } else { // Extract the 'zname' to the terminator
zName = DName( gName, '@' ); // This constructor updates 'name'
} }
// Add it to the current list of 'zname's
if ( fUpdateCachedNames && !pZNameList->isFull ()) *pZNameList += zName;
// And return the symbol name
return zName;
} // End of IF else
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getZName"
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getOperatorName ( void ) { DName operatorName; DName tmpName; int udcSeen = FALSE;
// So what type of operator is it ?
switch ( *gName++ ) { case 0: gName--; // End of string, better back-track
return DN_truncated;
case OC_ctor: case OC_dtor: //
// The constructor and destructor are special:
// Their operator name is the name of their first enclosing scope, which
// will always be a tag, which may be a template specialization!
{ // Use a temporary. Don't want to advance the name pointer
pcchar_t pName = gName;
operatorName = getZName ( false );
gName = pName; // Undo our lookahead
if ( !operatorName.isEmpty () && ( gName[ -1 ] == OC_dtor )) operatorName = '~' + operatorName;
return operatorName;
} // End of CASE 'OC_ctor,OC_dtor'
case OC_new: case OC_delete: case OC_assign: case OC_rshift: case OC_lshift: case OC_not: case OC_equal: case OC_unequal: operatorName = nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_new ]; break;
case OC_udc: udcSeen = TRUE;
// No break
case OC_index: case OC_pointer: case OC_star: case OC_incr: case OC_decr: case OC_minus: case OC_plus: case OC_amper: case OC_ptrmem: case OC_divide: case OC_modulo: case OC_less: case OC_leq: case OC_greater: case OC_geq: case OC_comma: case OC_call: case OC_compl: case OC_xor: case OC_or: case OC_land: case OC_lor: case OC_asmul: case OC_asadd: case OC_assub: // Regular operators from the first group
operatorName = nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_index + ( OC_unequal - OC_new + 1 )]; break;
case '_': switch ( *gName++ ) { case 0: gName--; // End of string, better back-track
return DN_truncated;
case OC_asdiv: case OC_asmod: case OC_asrshift: case OC_aslshift: case OC_asand: case OC_asor: case OC_asxor: // Regular operators from the extended group
operatorName = nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_asdiv + ( OC_assub - OC_index + 1 ) + ( OC_unequal - OC_new + 1 )]; break;
case OC_vftable: case OC_vbtable: case OC_vcall: return nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_asdiv + ( OC_assub - OC_index + 1 ) + ( OC_unequal - OC_new + 1 )];
case OC_string: { DName result = getStringEncoding( "`string'", TRUE ); result.setIsNoTE(); return result; }
case OC_metatype: case OC_guard: case OC_vbdtor: case OC_vdeldtor: case OC_defctor: case OC_sdeldtor: case OC_vctor: case OC_vdtor: case OC_vallctor: case OC_vdispmap: case OC_ehvctor: case OC_ehvdtor: case OC_ehvctorvb: case OC_copyctorclosure: case OC_locvfctorclosure: case OC_locvftable: // Special purpose names
case OC_placementDeleteClosure: case OC_placementArrayDeleteClosure: return nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_metatype + ( OC_vcall - OC_asdiv + 1 ) + ( OC_assub - OC_index + 1 ) + ( OC_unequal - OC_new + 1 )];
case OC_udtthunk: operatorName = nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_metatype + ( OC_vcall - OC_asdiv + 1 ) + ( OC_assub - OC_index + 1 ) + ( OC_unequal - OC_new + 1 )]; tmpName = getOperatorName(); if ( !tmpName.isEmpty() && tmpName.isUDTThunk() ) return DN_invalid; return operatorName + tmpName; break; case OC_eh_init: break; case OC_rtti_init: operatorName = nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_metatype + ( OC_vcall - OC_asdiv + 1 ) + ( OC_assub - OC_index + 1 ) + ( OC_unequal - OC_new + 1 )]; tmpName = rttiTable[ gName[0] - OC_rtti_TD ]; switch ( *gName++ ) { case OC_rtti_TD: { DName result = getDataType ( NULL ); return result + ' ' + operatorName + tmpName; } break; case OC_rtti_BCD: { DName result = operatorName + tmpName; result += getSignedDimension() + ','; result += getSignedDimension() + ','; result += getSignedDimension() + ','; result += getDimension() + ')'; return result + '\''; } break; case OC_rtti_BCA: case OC_rtti_CHD: case OC_rtti_COL: return operatorName + tmpName; break; default: gName--; return DN_truncated; break; } break;
case OC_arrayNew: case OC_arrayDelete: operatorName = nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_metatype + ( OC_vcall - OC_asdiv + 1 ) + ( OC_assub - OC_index + 1 ) + ( OC_unequal - OC_new + 1 ) #if NO_COMPILER_NAMES
- ( OC_locvfctorclosure - OC_vftable + 1 ) // discount names not in table
]; break;
// Yet another level of nested encodings....
case '?': switch( *gName++ ) {
case 0: gName--; // End of string, better back-track
return DN_truncated;
case OC_anonymousNamespace: //
// Anonymous namespace (new-style) is a string encoding of the
// machine name and the translation unit name. Since the remainder
// of the name doesn't really fit the dname grammar, skip it.
// There are two '@' markers in the name....
{ DName result = getStringEncoding( "`anonymous namespace'", FALSE ); result.setIsNoTE(); return result; }
default: return DN_invalid; } break;
// A double extended operator
case '_': switch (*gName++) { case OC_man_vec_ctor: case OC_man_vec_dtor: case OC_ehvcctor: case OC_ehvcctorvb: return nameTable[ gName[ -1 ] - OC_man_vec_ctor + ( OC_placementArrayDeleteClosure - OC_metatype + 1) + ( OC_vcall - OC_asdiv + 1 ) + ( OC_assub - OC_index + 1 ) + ( OC_unequal - OC_new + 1 )];
default: return DN_invalid; } break;
default: return DN_invalid;
} // End of SWITCH
default: return DN_invalid;
} // End of SWITCH
// This really is an operator name, so prefix it with 'operator'
if ( udcSeen ) operatorName.setIsUDC (); elif ( !operatorName.isEmpty ()) operatorName = "operator" + operatorName;
return operatorName;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getOperatorName"
DName UnDecorator::getStringEncoding ( char *prefix, int wantBody ) { DName result = prefix;
// First @ comes right after operator code
if ( *gName++ != '@' || *gName++ != '_' ) { return DN_invalid; }
// Skip the string kind
// Get (& discard) the length
// Get (& discart) the checksum
while ( *gName && *gName != '@' ) { // For now, we'll just skip it
gName++; }
if ( !*gName ) { gName--; return DN_truncated; }
// Eat the terminating '@'
return result; }
DName __near UnDecorator::getScope ( void ) { DName scope; bool fNeedBracket = false;
// Get the list of scopes
while (( scope.status () == DN_valid ) && *gName && ( *gName != '@' )) { // Insert the scope operator if not the first scope
if (fExplicitTemplateParams && !fGetTemplateArgumentList) { return scope; } if ( !scope.isEmpty() ) { scope = "::" + scope;
if (fNeedBracket) { scope = '[' + scope; fNeedBracket = false; } }
// Determine what kind of scope it is
if ( *gName == '?' ) switch ( *++gName ) { case '?': if ( gName[1] == '_' && gName[2] == '?' ) { //
// Anonymous namespace name (new style)
gName++; scope = getOperatorName () + scope;
// There should be a zname termination @...
if ( *gName == '@' ) { gName++; } } else scope = '`' + getDecoratedName () + '\'' + scope; break;
case '$': // It's a template name, which is a kind of zname; back up
// and handle like a zname.
gName--; scope = getZName ( true ) + scope; break;
case 'A': //
// This is a new-new encoding for anonymous namespaces
// fall-through
case '%': //
// It an anonymous namespace (old-style);
// skip the (unreadable) name and instead insert
// an appropriate string
while ( *gName != '@' ) { gName++; }
scope = "`anonymous namespace'" + scope; break; case 'I': //
// This is the interface whose method the class is
// implementing
gName++; scope = getZName ( true ) + ']' + scope; fNeedBracket = true; break;
default: scope = getLexicalFrame () + scope; break;
} // End of SWITCH
else scope = getZName ( true ) + scope;
} // End of WHILE
// Catch error conditions
switch ( *gName ) { case 0: if ( scope.isEmpty() ) scope = DN_truncated; else scope = DName ( DN_truncated ) + "::" + scope; break;
case '@': // '@' expected to end the scope list
default: scope = DN_invalid; break;
} // End of SWITCH
// Return the composed scope
return scope;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getScope"
DName __near UnDecorator::getSignedDimension ( void ) { if ( !*gName ) return DN_truncated; elif ( *gName == '?' ) { gName++; // skip the '?'
return '-' + getDimension(); } else return getDimension(); } // End of "Undecorator" FUNCTION "getSignedDimension"
DName __near UnDecorator::getDimension ( bool fSigned ) { char* prefix = 0; if (*gName == TC_nontype_dummy) { prefix = "`non-type-template-parameter"; ++gName; }
if ( !*gName ) return DN_truncated; elif (( *gName >= '0' ) && ( *gName <= '9' )) return prefix ? (prefix + DName ((unsigned long)( *gName++ - '0' + 1 ))) : DName ((unsigned long)( *gName++ - '0' + 1 )); else { unsigned long dim = 0L;
// Don't bother detecting overflow, it's not worth it
while ( *gName != '@' ) { if ( !*gName ) return DN_truncated; elif (( *gName >= 'A' ) && ( *gName <= 'P' )) dim = ( dim << 4 ) + ( *gName - 'A' ); else return DN_invalid;
} // End of WHILE
// Ensure integrity, and return
if ( *gName++ != '@' ) return DN_invalid; // Should never get here
if (fSigned) { return prefix ? (prefix + DName((int)dim)) : DName((int)dim); } else { return prefix ? (prefix + DName(dim)) : dim; }
} // End of ELIF else
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getDimension"
int __near UnDecorator::getNumberOfDimensions ( void ) { if ( !*gName ) return 0; elif (( *gName >= '0' ) && ( *gName <= '9' )) return (( *gName++ - '0' ) + 1 ); else { int dim = 0;
// Don't bother detecting overflow, it's not worth it
while ( *gName != '@' ) { if ( !*gName ) return 0; elif (( *gName >= 'A' ) && ( *gName <= 'P' )) dim = ( dim << 4 ) + ( *gName - 'A' ); else return -1;
} // End of WHILE
// Ensure integrity, and return
if ( *gName++ != '@' ) return -1; // Should never get here
return dim;
} // End of ELIF else
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getNumberOfDimensions"
DName __near UnDecorator::getTemplateName ( void ) { //
// First make sure we're really looking at a template name
if ( gName[0] != '?' || gName[1] != '$' ) return DN_invalid;
gName += 2; // Skip the marker characters
// Stack the replicators, since template names are their own replicator scope:
Replicator * pSaveArgList = pArgList; Replicator * pSaveZNameList = pZNameList; Replicator * pSaveTemplateArgList = pTemplateArgList;
Replicator localArgList, localZNameList, localTemplateArgList;
pArgList = &localArgList; pZNameList = &localZNameList; pTemplateArgList = &localTemplateArgList;
// Crack the template name:
DName templateName = getZName ( true );
if (templateName.isEmpty ()) { fExplicitTemplateParams = true; }
templateName += '<' + getTemplateArgumentList (); if ( templateName.getLastChar () == '>' ) templateName += ' '; templateName += '>';
// Restore the previous replicators:
pArgList = pSaveArgList; pZNameList = pSaveZNameList; pTemplateArgList = pSaveTemplateArgList;
// Return the completed 'template-name'
return templateName;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getTemplateName"
DName __near UnDecorator::getTemplateArgumentList ( void ) { int first = TRUE; DName aList; fGetTemplateArgumentList = true;
while (( aList.status () == DN_valid ) && *gName && ( *gName != AT_endoflist )) { // Insert the argument list separator if not the first argument
if ( first ) first = FALSE; else aList += ',';
// Get the individual argument type
int argIndex = *gName - '0';
// Handle 'template-argument-replicators', otherwise a new argument type
if (( argIndex >= 0 ) && ( argIndex <= 9 )) { gName++; // Skip past the replicator
// Append to the argument list
aList += ( *pTemplateArgList )[ argIndex ];
} // End of IF then
else { pcchar_t oldGName = gName; DName arg;
// Extract the 'argument' type
if ( *gName == DT_void ) { gName++; arg = "void"; } elif ( (*gName == '$') && (gName[1] != '$')) { gName++; arg = getTemplateConstant(); } elif ( *gName == '?' ) { //
// This is a template-parameter, i.e. we have a "specialization" of
// X<T>. so get the template-parameter-index and use a "generic" name
// for this parameter
DName dimension = getSignedDimension();
if ( haveTemplateParameters()) { char buffer[16];
dimension.getString( buffer, 16 );
char *str = (*m_pGetParameter)(atol(buffer));
if ( str != NULL ) { arg = str; } else { arg = "`template-parameter" + dimension + "'"; } } else { arg = "`template-parameter" + dimension + "'"; } } else { arg = getPrimaryDataType ( DName() ); }
// Add it to the current list of 'template-argument's, if it is bigger than a one byte encoding
if ((( gName - oldGName ) > 1 ) && !pTemplateArgList->isFull ()) *pTemplateArgList += arg;
// Append to the argument list
aList += arg;
} // End of IF else
} // End of WHILE
// Return the completed template argument list
fGetTemplateArgumentList = false;
return aList;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getTemplateArgumentList"
DName __near UnDecorator::getTemplateConstant(void) { //
// template-constant ::=
// '0' <template-integral-constant>
// '1' <template-address-constant>
// '2' <template-floating-point-constant>
char type_category = *gName++; switch ( type_category ) { //
// template-integral-constant ::=
// <signed-dimension>
case TC_integral: return getSignedDimension ();
// template-address-constant ::=
// '@' // Null pointer
// <decorated-name>
case TC_address: if ( *gName == TC_nullptr ) { gName++; return "NULL"; } else return DName("&") + getDecoratedName ();
// template-name ::=
// <docorated-name>
case TC_name: return getDecoratedName ();
// template-floating-point-constant ::=
// <normalized-mantissa><exponent>
case TC_fp: { DName mantissa ( getSignedDimension () ); DName exponent ( getSignedDimension () );
if ( mantissa.isValid() && exponent.isValid() ) { //
// Get string representation of mantissa
char buf[100]; // Way overkill for a compiler generated fp constant
if ( !mantissa.getString( &(buf[1]), 100 ) ) return DN_invalid;
// Insert decimal point
buf[0] = buf[1];
if ( buf[0] == '-' ) { buf[1] = buf[2]; buf[2] = '.'; } else buf[1] = '.';
// String it all together
return DName( buf ) + 'e' + exponent;
} // End of IF then
else return DN_truncated;
} // End of BLOCK case TC_fp
case TC_dummy: case TC_nontype_dummy: { //
// This is a template-parameter, i.e. we have a "specialization" of
// X<n>. so get the template-parameter-index and use a "generic" name
// for this parameter
DName dimension = getSignedDimension();
if ( haveTemplateParameters()) { char buffer[16];
dimension.getString( buffer, 16 );
char *str = (*m_pGetParameter)(atol(buffer));
if ( str != NULL ) { return str; } }
if (type_category == TC_dummy) { return "`template-parameter" + dimension + "'"; } else { return "`non-type-template-parameter" + dimension + "'"; } } break;
case TC_vptmd: case TC_gptmd: case TC_mptmf: case TC_vptmf: case TC_gptmf: { DName ptm = '{'; switch (type_category) { case TC_mptmf: case TC_vptmf: case TC_gptmf: ptm += getDecoratedName(); ptm += ','; break; }
switch (type_category) { case TC_gptmf: case TC_gptmd: ptm += getSignedDimension(); ptm += ','; // fallthrough
case TC_vptmd: case TC_vptmf: ptm += getSignedDimension(); ptm += ','; // fallthrough
case TC_mptmf: ptm += getSignedDimension(); }
return ptm + '}'; } break;
case '\0': --gName; return DN_truncated;
default: return DN_invalid;
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getTemplateConstant"
inline DName __near UnDecorator::composeDeclaration ( const DName & symbol ) { DName declaration; unsigned int typeCode = getTypeEncoding (); int symIsUDC = symbol.isUDC ();
// Handle bad typeCode's, or truncation
if ( TE_isbadtype ( typeCode )) return DN_invalid; elif ( TE_istruncated ( typeCode )) return ( DN_truncated + symbol ); elif ( TE_isCident ( typeCode )) return symbol;
// This is a very complex part. The type of the declaration must be
// determined, and the exact composition must be dictated by this type.
// Is it any type of a function ?
// However, for ease of decoding, treat the 'localdtor' thunk as data, since
// its decoration is a function of the variable to which it belongs and not
// a usual function type of decoration.
if ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode )) return DN_invalid;
if ( TE_isfunction ( typeCode )) #else // } elif !NO_COMPILER_NAMES {
if ( TE_isfunction ( typeCode ) && !(( TE_isthunk ( typeCode ) && TE_islocaldtor ( typeCode )) || ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode ) && ( TE_istemplatector ( typeCode ) || TE_istemplatedtor ( typeCode ))))) #endif // !NO_COMPILER_NAMES
{ // If it is based, then compose the 'based' prefix for the name
if ( TE_isbased ( typeCode )) if ( doMSKeywords () && doAllocationModel ()) declaration = ' ' + getBasedType (); else declaration |= getBasedType (); // Just lose the 'based-type'
// Check for some of the specially composed 'thunk's
if ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode ) && TE_isvcall ( typeCode )) { declaration += symbol + '{' + getCallIndex () + ','; declaration += getVCallThunkType () + "}' "; if ( doMSKeywords () && doAllocationLanguage ()) declaration = ' ' + getCallingConvention () + ' ' + declaration; // What calling convention ?
else declaration |= getCallingConvention (); // Just lose the 'calling-convention'
} // End of IF then
else #endif // !NO_COMPILER_NAMES
{ DName vtorDisp; DName adjustment; DName thisType;
if ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode )) { if ( TE_isvtoradj ( typeCode )) vtorDisp = getDisplacement ();
adjustment = getDisplacement ();
} // End of IF else
// Get the 'this-type' for non-static function members
if ( TE_ismember ( typeCode ) && !TE_isstatic ( typeCode )) if ( doThisTypes ()) thisType = getThisType (); else thisType |= getThisType ();
if ( doMSKeywords ()) { // Attach the calling convention
if ( doAllocationLanguage ()) declaration = getCallingConvention () + declaration; // What calling convention ?
else declaration |= getCallingConvention (); // Just lose the 'calling-convention'
// Any model specifiers ?
#if !VERS_32BIT
if ( doAllocationModel ()) if ( TE_isnear ( typeCode )) declaration = UScore ( TOK_nearSp ) + declaration; elif ( TE_isfar ( typeCode )) declaration = UScore ( TOK_farSp ) + declaration; #endif
} // End of IF
else declaration |= getCallingConvention (); // Just lose the 'calling-convention'
// Now put them all together
if ( !symbol.isEmpty ()) if ( !declaration.isEmpty () && !doNameOnly() ) // And the symbol name
declaration += ' ' + symbol; else declaration = symbol;
// Compose the return type, catching the UDC case
DName * pDeclarator = 0; DName returnType;
if ( symIsUDC ) // Is the symbol a UDC operator ?
{ declaration += " " + getReturnType ();
if ( doNameOnly() ) return declaration; } else { pDeclarator = gnew DName; returnType = getReturnType ( pDeclarator );
} // End of IF else
// Add the displacements for virtual function thunks
if ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode )) { if ( TE_isvtoradj ( typeCode )) declaration += "`vtordisp{" + vtorDisp + ','; else declaration += "`adjustor{";
declaration += adjustment + "}' ";
} // End of IF
// Add the function argument prototype
declaration += '(' + getArgumentTypes () + ')';
// If this is a non-static member function, append the 'this' modifiers
if ( TE_ismember ( typeCode ) && !TE_isstatic ( typeCode )) declaration += thisType;
// Add the 'throw' signature
if ( doThrowTypes ()) declaration += getThrowTypes (); else declaration |= getThrowTypes (); // Just lose the 'throw-types'
// If it has a declarator, then insert it into the declaration,
// sensitive to the return type composition
if ( doFunctionReturns () && pDeclarator ) { *pDeclarator = declaration; declaration = returnType;
} // End of IF
} // End of IF else
} // End of IF then
else { declaration += symbol;
// Catch the special handling cases
if ( TE_isvftable ( typeCode )) return getVfTableType ( declaration ); elif ( TE_isvbtable ( typeCode )) return getVbTableType ( declaration ); elif ( TE_isguard ( typeCode )) return ( declaration + '{' + getGuardNumber () + "}'" ); elif ( TE_isvdispmap ( typeCode )) return getVdispMapType ( declaration ); elif ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode ) && TE_islocaldtor ( typeCode )) declaration += "`local static destructor helper'"; elif ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode ) && TE_istemplatector ( typeCode )) declaration += "`template static data member constructor helper'"; elif ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode ) && TE_istemplatedtor ( typeCode )) declaration += "`template static data member destructor helper'"; elif ( TE_ismetaclass ( typeCode )) //
// Meta-class information has its information in its operator id
return declaration; #else // } elif NO_COMPILER_NAMES {
if ( TE_isvftable ( typeCode ) || TE_isvbtable ( typeCode ) || TE_isguard ( typeCode ) || TE_ismetaclass ( typeCode )) return DN_invalid; #endif // NO_COMPILER_NAMES
if ( TE_isthunk( typeCode ) && ( TE_istemplatector( typeCode ) || TE_istemplatedtor( typeCode ))) { //
// Insert a space before the declaration
declaration = " " + declaration; } else { // All others are decorated as data symbols
declaration = getExternalDataType ( declaration ); }
} // End of IF else
// Prepend the 'virtual' and 'static' attributes for members
if ( TE_ismember ( typeCode )) { if ( doMemberTypes ()) { if ( TE_isstatic ( typeCode )) declaration = "static " + declaration;
if ( TE_isvirtual ( typeCode ) || ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode ) && ( TE_isvtoradj ( typeCode ) || TE_isadjustor ( typeCode )))) declaration = "virtual " + declaration;
} // End of IF
// Prepend the access specifiers
if ( doAccessSpecifiers ()) if ( TE_isprivate ( typeCode )) declaration = "private: " + declaration; elif ( TE_isprotected ( typeCode )) declaration = "protected: " + declaration; elif ( TE_ispublic ( typeCode )) declaration = "public: " + declaration;
} // End of IF
// If it is a thunk, mark it appropriately
if ( TE_isthunk ( typeCode )) declaration = "[thunk]:" + declaration; #endif // !NO_COMPILER_NAMES
// Return the composed declaration
return declaration;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "composeDeclaration"
inline int __near UnDecorator::getTypeEncoding ( void ) { unsigned int typeCode = 0u;
// Strip any leading '_' which indicates that it is based
if ( *gName == '_' ) { TE_setisbased ( typeCode );
} // End of IF
// Now handle the code proper :-
if (( *gName >= 'A' ) && ( *gName <= 'Z' )) // Is it some sort of function ?
{ int code = *gName++ - 'A';
// Now determine the function type
TE_setisfunction ( typeCode ); // All of them are functions ?
// Determine the calling model
if ( code & TE_far ) TE_setisfar ( typeCode ); else TE_setisnear ( typeCode );
// Is it a member function or not ?
if ( code < TE_external ) { // Record the fact that it is a member
TE_setismember ( typeCode );
// What access permissions does it have
switch ( code & TE_access ) { case TE_private: TE_setisprivate ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_protect: TE_setisprotected ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_public: TE_setispublic ( typeCode ); break;
default: TE_setisbadtype ( typeCode ); return typeCode;
} // End of SWITCH
// What type of a member function is it ?
switch ( code & TE_adjustor ) { case TE_adjustor: TE_setisadjustor ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_virtual: TE_setisvirtual ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_static: TE_setisstatic ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_member: break;
default: TE_setisbadtype ( typeCode ); return typeCode;
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of IF
} // End of IF then
elif ( *gName == '$' ) // Extended set ? Special handling
{ // What type of symbol is it ?
switch ( *( ++gName )) { case SHF_localdtor: // A destructor helper for a local static ?
TE_setislocaldtor ( typeCode ); break;
case SHF_vcall: // A VCall-thunk ?
TE_setisvcall ( typeCode ); break; case SHF_templateStaticDataMemberCtor: // A constructor helper for template static data members
TE_setistemplatector ( typeCode ); break;
case SHF_templateStaticDataMemberDtor: // A destructor helper for template static data members
TE_setistemplatedtor ( typeCode ); break; case SHF_vdispmap: TE_setvdispmap ( typeCode ); break;
case '$': { if ( * ( gName + 1 ) == SHF_AnyDLLImportMethod ) { gName += 1; }
switch ( *( ++gName )) { case SHF_CPPManagedILFunction: // C++ managed-IL function
case SHF_CPPManagedNativeFunction: // C++ managed-native function
case SHF_CPPManagedILMain: // C++ managed-IL main
case SHF_CPPManagedNativeMain: // C++ managed-native main
case SHF_CPPManagedILDLLImportData: // C++ managed-IL DLL-import function
case SHF_CPPManagedNativeDLLImportData: // C++ managed-native DLL-import function
// Skip the encoding
gName += 1; return getTypeEncoding();
case SHF_CManagedILFunction: // C (or extern "C") managed-IL function
case SHF_CManagedNativeFunction: // C (or extern "C") managed-native function
case SHF_CManagedILDLLImportData: // C (or extern "C") managed-IL DLL-import function
case SHF_CManagedNativeDLLImportData: // C (or extern "C") managed-native DLL-import function
// Skip the encoding
gName += 1;
// The next character should be the number of characters
// in the byte-count
if (( *gName >= '0' ) && ( *gName <= '9' )) { //
// Skip the character count and the byte-count
// itself
gName += (( *gName - '0' ) + 1 );
return getTypeEncoding(); } else { TE_setisbadtype( typeCode ); } break;
default: break; } } break;
case 0: TE_setistruncated ( typeCode ); break;
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': // Construction displacement adjustor thunks
{ int code = *gName - '0';
// Set up the principal type information
TE_setisfunction ( typeCode ); TE_setismember ( typeCode ); TE_setisvtoradj ( typeCode );
// Is it 'near' or 'far' ?
if ( code & TE_far ) TE_setisfar ( typeCode ); else TE_setisnear ( typeCode );
// What type of access protection ?
switch ( code & TE_access_vadj ) { case TE_private_vadj: TE_setisprivate ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_protect_vadj: TE_setisprotected ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_public_vadj: TE_setispublic ( typeCode ); break;
default: TE_setisbadtype ( typeCode ); return typeCode;
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of CASE '0,1,2,3,4,5'
default: TE_setisbadtype ( typeCode ); return typeCode;
} // End of SWITCH
// Advance past the code character
} // End of ELIF then
elif (( *gName >= TE_static_d ) && ( *gName <= TE_metatype )) // Non function decorations ?
{ int code = *gName++;
TE_setisdata ( typeCode );
// What type of symbol is it ?
switch ( code ) { case ( TE_static_d | TE_private_d ): TE_setisstatic ( typeCode ); TE_setisprivate ( typeCode ); break;
case ( TE_static_d | TE_protect_d ): TE_setisstatic ( typeCode ); TE_setisprotected ( typeCode ); break;
case ( TE_static_d | TE_public_d ): TE_setisstatic ( typeCode ); TE_setispublic ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_global: TE_setisglobal ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_guard: TE_setisguard ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_local: TE_setislocal ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_vftable: TE_setisvftable ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_vbtable: TE_setisvbtable ( typeCode ); break;
case TE_metatype: TE_setismetaclass ( typeCode ); break;
default: TE_setisbadtype ( typeCode );
return typeCode;
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of ELIF then
elif ( *gName == '9' ) { gName++;
TE_setisCident ( typeCode ); } elif ( *gName ) TE_setisbadtype ( typeCode ); else TE_setistruncated ( typeCode );
// Return the composed type code
return typeCode;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getTypeEncoding"
DName __near UnDecorator::getBasedType ( void ) { DName basedDecl ( UScore ( TOK_basedLp ));
// What type of 'based' is it ?
if ( *gName ) { switch ( *gName++ ) { #if !VERS_32BIT
case BT_segname: basedDecl += UScore ( TOK_segnameLpQ ) + getSegmentName () + "\")"; break;
case BT_segment: basedDecl += DName ( "NYI:" ) + UScore ( TOK_segment ); break; #endif
case BT_void: basedDecl += "void"; break;
#if !VERS_32BIT
case BT_self: basedDecl += UScore ( TOK_self ); break;
case BT_nearptr: basedDecl += DName ( "NYI:" ) + UScore ( TOK_nearP ); break;
case BT_farptr: basedDecl += DName ( "NYI:" ) + UScore ( TOK_farP ); break;
case BT_hugeptr: basedDecl += DName ( "NYI:" ) + UScore ( TOK_hugeP ); break;
case BT_segaddr: basedDecl += "NYI:<segment-address-of-variable>"; break; #else
case BT_nearptr: basedDecl += getScopedName(); break; #endif
case BT_basedptr: //
// Note: based pointer on based pointer is reserved
return DN_invalid;
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of IF else
else basedDecl += DN_truncated;
// Close the based syntax
basedDecl += ") ";
// Return completed based declaration
return basedDecl;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getBasedType"
DName __near UnDecorator::getScopedName ( void ) { DName name;
// Get the beginning of the name
name = getZName ( true );
// Now the scope (if any)
if (( name.status () == DN_valid ) && *gName && ( *gName != '@' )) name = getScope () + "::" + name;
// Skip the trailing '@'
if ( *gName == '@' ) gName++; elif ( *gName ) name = DN_invalid; elif ( name.isEmpty ()) name = DN_truncated; else name = DName ( DN_truncated ) + "::" + name;
// And return the complete name
return name;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getECSUName"
inline DName UnDecorator::getECSUName ( void ) { return getScopedName(); }
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getEnumType ( void ) { DName ecsuName;
if ( *gName ) { // What type of an 'enum' is it ?
switch ( *gName ) { case ET_schar: case ET_uchar: ecsuName = "char "; break;
case ET_sshort: case ET_ushort: ecsuName = "short "; break;
case ET_sint: break;
case ET_uint: ecsuName = "int "; break;
case ET_slong: case ET_ulong: ecsuName = "long "; break;
default: return DN_invalid;
} // End of SWITCH
// Add the 'unsigned'ness if appropriate
switch ( *gName++ ) { case ET_uchar: case ET_ushort: case ET_uint: case ET_ulong: ecsuName = "unsigned " + ecsuName; break;
} // End of SWITCH
// Now return the composed name
return ecsuName;
} // End of IF then
else return DN_truncated;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getEnumType"
DName __near UnDecorator::getCallingConvention ( void ) { if ( *gName ) { unsigned int callCode = ((unsigned int)*gName++ ) - 'A';
// What is the primary calling convention
DASSERT(CC_cdecl == 0); #if CC_COR
if (/*( callCode >= CC_cdecl ) &&*/( callCode <= CC_cocall )) #else // CC_COR
if (/*( callCode >= CC_cdecl ) &&*/( callCode <= CC_interrupt )) #endif // CC_COR
{ DName callType;
// Now, what type of 'calling-convention' is it, 'interrupt' is special ?
if ( doMSKeywords ()) #if !VERS_32BIT
if ( callCode == CC_interrupt ) callType = UScore ( TOK_interrupt ); else #endif
{ switch ( callCode & ~CC_saveregs ) { case CC_cdecl: callType = UScore ( TOK_cdecl ); break;
case CC_pascal: callType = UScore ( TOK_pascal ); break;
case CC_thiscall: callType = UScore ( TOK_thiscall ); break;
case CC_stdcall: callType = UScore ( TOK_stdcall ); break;
case CC_fastcall: callType = UScore ( TOK_fastcall ); break;
case CC_cocall: callType = UScore ( TOK_cocall ); break;
} // End of SWITCH
// Has it also got 'saveregs' marked ?
#if !VERS_32BIT
if ( callCode & CC_saveregs ) callType += ' ' + UScore ( TOK_saveregs ); #endif
} // End of IF else
// And return
return callType;
} // End of IF then
else return DN_invalid;
} // End of IF then
else return DN_truncated;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getCallingConvention"
DName __near UnDecorator::getReturnType ( DName * pDeclarator ) { if ( *gName == '@' ) // Return type for constructors and destructors ?
{ gName++;
return DName ( pDeclarator );
} // End of IF then
else return getDataType ( pDeclarator );
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getReturnType"
DName __near UnDecorator::getDataType ( DName * pDeclarator ) { DName superType ( pDeclarator );
// What type is it ?
switch ( *gName ) { case 0: return ( DN_truncated + superType );
case DT_void: gName++;
if ( superType.isEmpty ()) return "void"; else return "void " + superType;
case '?': {
gName++; // Skip the '?'
superType = getDataIndirectType ( superType, 0, DName (), 0); return getPrimaryDataType ( superType );
return superType;
} // End of CASE '?'
default: return getPrimaryDataType ( superType );
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getDataType"
DName __near UnDecorator::getPrimaryDataType ( const DName & superType ) { DName cvType;
switch ( *gName ) { case 0: return ( DN_truncated + superType );
case PDT_volatileReference: cvType = "volatile";
if ( !superType.isEmpty ()) cvType += ' ';
// No break
case PDT_reference: { DName superName ( superType );
return getReferenceType ( cvType, superName.setPtrRef ());
} // End of CASE 'PDT_reference'
case PDT_extend: { //
// Extended Primary Data Type (items overlooked in original design):
// prefixed by '$$'.
if ( gName[1] != PDT_extend ) if ( gName[1] == '\0' ) return DN_truncated + superType; else return DN_invalid;
gName += 2;
switch ( *gName ) { case PDT_ex_function: gName++; return getFunctionIndirectType( superType );
case PDT_ex_other: gName++; return getPtrRefDataType( superType, /* isPtr = */ TRUE );
case PDT_ex_qualified: gName++; return(getBasicDataType(getDataIndirectType ( superType, 0, DName (), 0)));
case 0: return ( DN_truncated + superType );
default: return DN_invalid; } }
default: return getBasicDataType ( superType );
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getPrimaryDataType"
DName __near UnDecorator::getArgumentTypes ( void ) { switch ( *gName ) { case AT_ellipsis: return ( gName++, "..." );
case AT_void: return ( gName++, "void" );
default: { DName arguments ( getArgumentList ());
// Now, is it a varargs function or not ?
if ( arguments.status () == DN_valid ) switch ( *gName ) { case 0: return arguments;
case AT_ellipsis: return ( gName++, arguments + ",..." );
case AT_endoflist: return ( gName++, arguments );
default: return DN_invalid;
} // End of SWITCH
else return arguments;
} // End of DEFAULT
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getArgumentTypes"
DName __near UnDecorator::getArgumentList ( void ) { int first = TRUE; DName aList;
while (( aList.status () == DN_valid ) && ( *gName != AT_endoflist ) && ( *gName != AT_ellipsis )) { // Insert the argument list separator if not the first argument
if ( first ) first = FALSE; else aList += ',';
// Get the individual argument type
if ( *gName ) { int argIndex = *gName - '0';
// Handle 'argument-replicators', otherwise a new argument type
if (( argIndex >= 0 ) && ( argIndex <= 9 )) { gName++; // Skip past the replicator
// Append to the argument list
aList += ( *pArgList )[ argIndex ];
} // End of IF then
else { pcchar_t oldGName = gName;
// Extract the 'argument' type
DName arg ( getPrimaryDataType ( DName ()));
// Add it to the current list of 'argument's, if it is bigger than a one byte encoding
if ((( gName - oldGName ) > 1 ) && !pArgList->isFull ()) *pArgList += arg;
// Append to the argument list
aList += arg;
} // End of IF else
} // End of IF then
else { aList += DN_truncated;
} // End of IF else
} // End of WHILE
// Return the completed argument list
return aList;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getArgumentList"
DName __near UnDecorator::getThrowTypes ( void ) { if ( *gName ) if ( *gName == AT_ellipsis ) // Handle ellipsis here to suppress the 'throw' signature
return ( gName++, DName ()); else return ( " throw(" + getArgumentTypes () + ')' ); else return ( DName ( " throw(" ) + DN_truncated + ')' );
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getThrowTypes"
DName __near UnDecorator::getBasicDataType ( const DName & superType ) { if ( *gName ) { unsigned char bdtCode = *gName++; unsigned char extended_bdtCode; int pCvCode = -1; DName basicDataType;
// Extract the principal type information itself, and validate the codes
switch ( bdtCode ) { case BDT_schar: case BDT_char: case ( BDT_char | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "char"; break;
case BDT_short: case ( BDT_short | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "short"; break;
case BDT_int: case ( BDT_int | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "int"; break;
case BDT_long: case ( BDT_long | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "long"; break;
#if !VERS_32BIT
case BDT_segment: basicDataType = UScore ( TOK_segment ); break; #endif
case BDT_float: basicDataType = "float"; break;
case BDT_longdouble: basicDataType = "long ";
// No break
case BDT_double: basicDataType += "double"; break;
case BDT_pointer: case ( BDT_pointer | BDT_const ): case ( BDT_pointer | BDT_volatile ): case ( BDT_pointer | BDT_const | BDT_volatile ): pCvCode = ( bdtCode & ( BDT_const | BDT_volatile )); break; case BDT_extend: switch(extended_bdtCode = *gName++) { case BDT_array: pCvCode = -2; break; case BDT_bool: basicDataType = "bool"; break; case BDT_int8: case ( BDT_int8 | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "__int8"; break; case BDT_int16: case ( BDT_int16 | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "__int16"; break; case BDT_int32: case ( BDT_int32 | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "__int32"; break; case BDT_int64: case ( BDT_int64 | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "__int64"; break; case BDT_int128: case ( BDT_int128 | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "__int128"; break; case BDT_wchar_t: basicDataType = "wchar_t"; break; #if CC_COR
case BDT_coclass: case BDT_cointerface: { gName--; // Backup, since 'ecsu-data-type' does it's own decoding
basicDataType = getECSUDataType();
if ( basicDataType.isEmpty()) { return basicDataType; } } break; #endif // CC_COR
case '$': return "__w64 " + getBasicDataType (superType); default: basicDataType = "UNKNOWN"; break; } break; default: gName--; // Backup, since 'ecsu-data-type' does it's own decoding
basicDataType = getECSUDataType ();
if ( basicDataType.isEmpty ()) return basicDataType; break;
} // End of SWITCH
// What type of basic data type composition is involved ?
if ( pCvCode == -1 ) // Simple ?
{ // Determine the 'signed/unsigned'ness
switch ( bdtCode ) { case ( BDT_char | BDT_unsigned ): case ( BDT_short | BDT_unsigned ): case ( BDT_int | BDT_unsigned ): case ( BDT_long | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "unsigned " + basicDataType; break;
case BDT_schar: basicDataType = "signed " + basicDataType; break; case BDT_extend: switch ( extended_bdtCode ) {
case ( BDT_int8 | BDT_unsigned ): case ( BDT_int16 | BDT_unsigned ): case ( BDT_int32 | BDT_unsigned ): case ( BDT_int64 | BDT_unsigned ): case ( BDT_int128 | BDT_unsigned ): basicDataType = "unsigned " + basicDataType; break;
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of SWITCH
// Add the indirection type to the type
if ( !superType.isEmpty () ) basicDataType += ' ' + superType;
// And return the completed type
return basicDataType;
} // End of IF then
else { DName cvType; DName superName ( superType );
if ( pCvCode == -2 ) { superName.setIsArray(); DName arType = getPointerTypeArray ( cvType, superName ); // if we didn't get back an array, append.
// A multidimensional array sticks the braces in before the
// other dimensions at sets isArray on it's return type.
if (!arType.isArray()) { arType += "[]"; } return arType; }
// Is it 'const/volatile' qualified ?
if ( superType . isEmpty() ) { //
// const/volatile are redundantly encoded, except at the start
// of a "type only" context. In such a context, the super-type
// is empty.
if ( pCvCode & BDT_const ) { cvType = "const";
if ( pCvCode & BDT_volatile ) cvType += " volatile"; } // End of IF then
elif ( pCvCode & BDT_volatile ) cvType = "volatile"; } // End of IF then
// Construct the appropriate pointer type declaration
return getPointerType ( cvType, superName );
} // End of IF else
} // End of IF then
else return ( DN_truncated + superType );
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getBasicDataType"
DName __near UnDecorator::getECSUDataType ( void ) { // Extract the principal type information itself, and validate the codes
int fPrefix = doEcsu() && !doNameOnly();
DName Prefix;
switch ( *gName++ ) { case 0: gName--; // Backup to permit later error recovery to work safely
return "`unknown ecsu'" + DN_truncated;
case BDT_union: Prefix = "union "; break;
case BDT_struct: Prefix = "struct "; break;
case BDT_class: Prefix = "class "; break;
#if CC_COR
case BDT_coclass: Prefix = "coclass "; break;
case BDT_cointerface: Prefix = "cointerface "; break; #endif // CC_COR
case BDT_enum: fPrefix = doEcsu();
Prefix = "enum " + getEnumType (); break;
// default:
// return DN_invalid;
} // End of SWITCH
DName ecsuDataType;
if ( fPrefix ) ecsuDataType = Prefix;
// Get the 'class/struct/union' name
ecsuDataType += getECSUName ();
// And return the formed 'ecsu-data-type'
return ecsuDataType;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getECSUDataType"
// Undecorator::getFunctionIndirectType
// Note: this function gets both the function-indirect-type and the function-type.
DName UnDecorator::getFunctionIndirectType( const DName & superType ) { if ( ! *gName ) return DN_truncated + superType;
if ( ! IT_isfunction( *gName )) return DN_invalid;
int fitCode = *gName++ - '6';
if ( fitCode == ( '_' - '6' )) { if ( *gName ) { fitCode = *gName++ - 'A' + FIT_based;
if (( fitCode < FIT_based ) || ( fitCode > ( FIT_based | FIT_far | FIT_member ))) fitCode = -1;
} // End of IF then
else return ( DN_truncated + superType );
} // End of IF then
elif (( fitCode < FIT_near ) || ( fitCode > ( FIT_far | FIT_member ))) fitCode = -1;
// Return if invalid name
if ( fitCode == -1 ) return DN_invalid;
// Otherwise, what are the function indirect attributes
DName thisType; DName fitType = superType;
// Is it a pointer to member function ?
if ( fitCode & FIT_member ) { fitType = "::" + fitType;
if ( *gName ) fitType = ' ' + getScope () + fitType; else fitType = DN_truncated + fitType;
if ( *gName ) if ( *gName == '@' ) gName++; else return DN_invalid; else return ( DN_truncated + fitType );
if ( doThisTypes ()) thisType = getThisType (); else thisType |= getThisType ();
} // End of IF
// Is it a based allocated function ?
if ( fitCode & FIT_based ) if ( doMSKeywords ()) fitType = ' ' + getBasedType () + fitType; else fitType |= getBasedType (); // Just lose the 'based-type'
// Get the 'calling-convention'
if ( doMSKeywords ()) { fitType = getCallingConvention () + fitType;
// Is it a near or far function pointer
#if !VERS_32BIT
fitType = UScore ((( fitCode & FIT_far ) ? TOK_farSp : TOK_nearSp )) + fitType; #endif
} // End of IF then
else fitType |= getCallingConvention (); // Just lose the 'calling-convention'
// Parenthesise the indirection component, and work on the rest
if ( ! superType . isEmpty() ) { fitType = '(' + fitType + ')'; }
// Get the rest of the 'function-type' pieces
DName * pDeclarator = gnew DName; DName returnType ( getReturnType ( pDeclarator ));
fitType += '(' + getArgumentTypes () + ')';
if ( doThisTypes () && ( fitCode & FIT_member )) fitType += thisType;
if ( doThrowTypes ()) fitType += getThrowTypes (); else fitType |= getThrowTypes (); // Just lose the 'throw-types'
// Now insert the indirected declarator, catch the allocation failure here
if ( pDeclarator ) *pDeclarator = fitType; else return DN_error;
// And return the composed function type (now in 'returnType' )
return returnType; }
DName __near UnDecorator::getPtrRefType ( const DName & cvType, const DName & superType, char ptrChar ) { // Doubles up as 'pointer-type' and 'reference-type'
if ( *gName ) if ( IT_isfunction ( *gName )) // Is it a function or data indirection ?
{ DName fitType = ptrChar;
if ( !cvType.isEmpty () && ( superType.isEmpty () || !superType.isPtrRef ())) fitType += cvType;
if ( !superType.isEmpty ()) fitType += superType;
return getFunctionIndirectType( fitType ); } // End of IF then
else { // Otherwise, it is either a pointer or a reference to some data type
DName innerType ( getDataIndirectType ( superType, ptrChar, cvType ));
return getPtrRefDataType ( innerType, ptrChar == '*' ); } // End of IF else
else { DName trunk ( DN_truncated );
trunk += ptrChar;
if ( !cvType.isEmpty ()) trunk += cvType;
if ( !superType.isEmpty ()) { if ( !cvType.isEmpty ()) trunk += ' ';
trunk += superType;
} // End of IF
return trunk;
} // End of IF else
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getPtrRefType"
DName __near UnDecorator::getDataIndirectType ( const DName & superType, char prType, const DName & cvType, int thisFlag ) { DName szComPlusIndirSpecifier;
if ( *gName ) { if( gName[0] == '$' ) { gName++; // swallow up the dollar
switch( *gName ) { case PDT_GCPointer: szComPlusIndirSpecifier = "__gc "; gName++; break;
case PDT_PinnedPointer: szComPlusIndirSpecifier = "__pin "; gName++; break; default: unsigned int nRank = ((gName[0]-'0') << 4) + (gName[1]-'0'); gName += 2;
DASSERT( nRank < 256 );
szComPlusIndirSpecifier = "__gc[";
for( unsigned int i=1; i<nRank; i++ ) { szComPlusIndirSpecifier = szComPlusIndirSpecifier + ","; }
szComPlusIndirSpecifier = szComPlusIndirSpecifier + "] ";
if ( !superType.isEmpty () ) if ( superType.isArray() ) szComPlusIndirSpecifier = superType + szComPlusIndirSpecifier; else szComPlusIndirSpecifier = '(' + superType + ')' + szComPlusIndirSpecifier;
return szComPlusIndirSpecifier; } }
unsigned int ditCode = ( *gName - (( *gName >= 'A' ) ? (unsigned int)'A': (unsigned int)( '0' - 26 )));
DName msExtension; DName msExtensionPre;
int fContinue = TRUE;
do { switch ( ditCode ) { case DIT_ptr64: if ( doMSKeywords () && doPtr64() ) { if ( !msExtension.isEmpty()) msExtension = msExtension + ' ' + UScore( TOK_ptr64 ); else msExtension = UScore( TOK_ptr64 ); } gName++; ditCode = ( *gName - (( *gName >= 'A' ) ? (unsigned int)'A': (unsigned int)( '0' - 26 ))); break; case DIT_unaligned: if ( doMSKeywords ()) { if ( !msExtensionPre.isEmpty()) msExtensionPre = msExtensionPre + ' ' + UScore( TOK_unaligned ); else msExtensionPre = UScore( TOK_unaligned ); } gName++; ditCode = ( *gName - (( *gName >= 'A' ) ? (unsigned int)'A': (unsigned int)( '0' - 26 ))); break; case DIT_restrict: if ( doMSKeywords ()) { if ( !msExtension.isEmpty()) msExtension = msExtension + ' ' + UScore( TOK_restrict ); else msExtension = UScore( TOK_restrict ); } gName++; ditCode = ( *gName - (( *gName >= 'A' ) ? (unsigned int)'A': (unsigned int)( '0' - 26 ))); break;
fContinue = FALSE; break; } } while (fContinue);
gName++; // Skip to next character in name
// Is it a valid 'data-indirection-type' ?
DASSERT(DIT_near == 0); if (( ditCode <= ( DIT_const | DIT_volatile | DIT_modelmask | DIT_member ))) { DName ditType ( prType );
ditType = szComPlusIndirSpecifier + ditType;
if ( !msExtension.isEmpty()) ditType = ditType + ' ' + msExtension;
if ( !msExtensionPre.isEmpty()) ditType = msExtensionPre + ' ' + ditType;
// If it is a member, then these attributes immediately precede the indirection token
if ( ditCode & DIT_member ) { // If it is really 'this-type', then it cannot be any form of pointer to member
if ( thisFlag ) return DN_invalid;
// Otherwise, extract the scope for the PM
if ( prType != '\0' ) { ditType = "::" + ditType;
if ( *gName ) ditType = getScope () + ditType; else ditType = DN_truncated + ditType; } elif ( *gName ) { //
// The scope is ignored for special uses of data-indirect-type, such
// as storage-convention. I think it's a bug that we ever mark things
// with Member storage convention, as that is already covered in the
// scope of the name. However, we don't want to change the dname scheme,
// so we're stuck with it.
ditType |= getScope (); }
// Now skip the scope terminator
if ( !*gName ) ditType += DN_truncated; elif ( *gName++ != '@' ) return DN_invalid;
} // End of IF
// Add the 'model' attributes (prefixed) as appropriate
if ( doMSKeywords ()) { switch ( ditCode & DIT_modelmask ) { #if !VERS_32BIT
case DIT_near: if ( do32BitNear ()) ditType = UScore ( TOK_near ) + ditType; break;
case DIT_far: ditType = UScore ( TOK_far ) + ditType; break;
case DIT_huge: ditType = UScore ( TOK_huge ) + ditType; break; #endif
case DIT_based: // The 'this-type' can never be 'based'
if ( thisFlag ) return DN_invalid;
ditType = getBasedType () + ditType; break;
} // End of SWITCH
} // End of IF
elif (( ditCode & DIT_modelmask ) == DIT_based ) ditType |= getBasedType (); // Just lose the 'based-type'
// Handle the 'const' and 'volatile' attributes
if ( ditCode & DIT_volatile ) ditType = "volatile " + ditType;
if ( ditCode & DIT_const ) ditType = "const " + ditType;
// Append the supertype, if not 'this-type'
if ( !thisFlag ) if ( !superType.isEmpty ()) { // Is the super context included 'cv' information, ensure that it is added appropriately
if ( superType.isPtrRef () || cvType.isEmpty ()) if (superType.isArray()) ditType = superType; // array type, skip space
else ditType += ' ' + superType; else ditType += ' ' + cvType + ' ' + superType;
} // End of IF then
elif ( !cvType.isEmpty ()) ditType += ' ' + cvType;
// Make sure qualifiers aren't re-applied
ditType.setPtrRef ();
// Finally, return the composed 'data-indirection-type' (with embedded sub-type)
return ditType;
} // End of IF then
else return DN_invalid;
} // End of IF then
elif ( !thisFlag && !superType.isEmpty ()) { // Is the super context included 'cv' information, ensure that it is added appropriately
if ( superType.isPtrRef () || cvType.isEmpty ()) return ( DN_truncated + superType ); else return ( DN_truncated + cvType + ' ' + superType );
} // End of ELIF then
elif ( !thisFlag && !cvType.isEmpty ()) return ( DN_truncated + cvType ); else return DN_truncated;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getDataIndirectType"
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getPtrRefDataType ( const DName & superType, int isPtr ) { // Doubles up as 'pointer-data-type' and 'reference-data-type'
if ( *gName ) { // Is this a 'pointer-data-type' ?
if ( isPtr && ( *gName == PoDT_void )) { gName++; // Skip this character
if ( superType.isEmpty ()) return "void"; else return "void " + superType;
} // End of IF
// Otherwise it may be a 'reference-data-type'
if ( *gName == RDT_array ) // An array ?
{ gName++;
return getArrayType( superType );
} // End of IF
// Otherwise, it is a 'basic-data-type'
if ( *gName == '_' && gName[1] == 'Z' ) // A boxed type ?
{ gName += 2; return "__box " + getBasicDataType ( superType ); }
return getBasicDataType ( superType );
} // End of IF then
else return ( DN_truncated + superType );
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getPtrRefDataType"
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getArrayType ( const DName & superType ) { if ( *gName ) { int noDimensions = getNumberOfDimensions ();
if ( noDimensions < 0 ) noDimensions = 0;
if ( !noDimensions ) return getBasicDataType ( DName ( '[' ) + DN_truncated + ']' ); else { DName arrayType;
if ( superType.isArray() ) { arrayType += "[]"; }
while ( noDimensions-- ) arrayType += '[' + getDimension () + ']';
// If it is indirect, then parenthesise the 'super-type'
if ( !superType.isEmpty () ) if ( superType.isArray() ) arrayType = superType + arrayType; else arrayType = '(' + superType + ')' + arrayType;
// Return the finished array dimension information
DName newType = getPrimaryDataType ( arrayType ); newType.setIsArray(); return newType;
} // End of IF else
} // End of IF
elif ( !superType.isEmpty ()) return getBasicDataType ( '(' + superType + ")[" + DN_truncated + ']' ); else return getBasicDataType ( DName ( '[' ) + DN_truncated + ']' );
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getArrayType"
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getLexicalFrame ( void ) { return '`' + getDimension () + '\''; } inline DName __near UnDecorator::getStorageConvention ( void ) { return getDataIndirectType (); } inline DName __near UnDecorator::getDataIndirectType () { return getDataIndirectType ( DName (), 0, DName ()); } inline DName __near UnDecorator::getThisType ( void ) { return getDataIndirectType ( DName (), 0, DName (), TRUE ); }
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getPointerType ( const DName & cv, const DName & name ) { return getPtrRefType ( cv, name, '*' ); }
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getPointerTypeArray ( const DName & cv, const DName & name ) { return getPtrRefType ( cv, name, '\0' ); }
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getReferenceType ( const DName & cv, const DName & name ) { return getPtrRefType ( cv, name, '&' ); }
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getSegmentName ( void ) { return getZName ( true ); }
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getDisplacement ( void ) { return getDimension ( true ); } inline DName __near UnDecorator::getCallIndex ( void ) { return getDimension (); } inline DName __near UnDecorator::getGuardNumber ( void ) { return getDimension (); }
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getVbTableType ( const DName & superType ) { return getVfTableType ( superType ); }
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getVCallThunkType ( void ) { #if VERS_32BIT
switch (*gName) { case VMT_nTnCnV: ++gName; return DName("{flat}"); case 0: return DN_truncated; default: return DN_invalid; } #else
DName vcallType = '{';
// Get the 'this' model, and validate all values
switch ( *gName ) { case VMT_nTnCnV: case VMT_nTfCnV: case VMT_nTnCfV: case VMT_nTfCfV: case VMT_nTnCbV: case VMT_nTfCbV: vcallType += UScore ( TOK_nearSp ); break;
case VMT_fTnCnV: case VMT_fTfCnV: case VMT_fTnCfV: case VMT_fTfCfV: case VMT_fTnCbV: case VMT_fTfCbV: vcallType += UScore ( TOK_farSp ); break;
case 0: return DN_truncated;
default: return DN_invalid;
} // End of SWITCH
// Always append 'this'
vcallType += "this, ";
// Get the 'call' model
switch ( *gName ) { case VMT_nTnCnV: case VMT_fTnCnV: case VMT_nTnCfV: case VMT_fTnCfV: case VMT_nTnCbV: case VMT_fTnCbV: vcallType += UScore ( TOK_nearSp ); break;
case VMT_nTfCnV: case VMT_fTfCnV: case VMT_nTfCfV: case VMT_fTfCfV: case VMT_nTfCbV: case VMT_fTfCbV: vcallType += UScore ( TOK_farSp ); break;
} // End of SWITCH
// Always append 'call'
vcallType += "call, ";
// Get the 'vfptr' model
switch ( *gName++ ) // Last time, so advance the pointer
{ case VMT_nTnCnV: case VMT_nTfCnV: case VMT_fTnCnV: case VMT_fTfCnV: vcallType += UScore ( TOK_nearSp ); break;
case VMT_nTnCfV: case VMT_nTfCfV: case VMT_fTnCfV: case VMT_fTfCfV: vcallType += UScore ( TOK_farSp ); break;
case VMT_nTfCbV: case VMT_fTnCbV: case VMT_fTfCbV: case VMT_nTnCbV: vcallType += getBasedType (); break;
} // End of SWITCH
// Always append 'vfptr'
vcallType += "vfptr}";
// And return the resultant 'vcall-model-type'
return vcallType; #endif
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getVCallThunk"
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getVfTableType ( const DName & superType ) { DName vxTableName = superType;
if ( vxTableName.isValid () && *gName ) { vxTableName = getStorageConvention () + ' ' + vxTableName;
if ( vxTableName.isValid ()) { if ( *gName != '@' ) { vxTableName += "{for ";
while ( vxTableName.isValid () && *gName && ( *gName != '@' )) { vxTableName += '`' + getScope () + '\'';
// Skip the scope delimiter
if ( *gName == '@' ) gName++;
// Close the current scope, and add a conjunction for the next (if any)
if ( vxTableName.isValid () && ( *gName != '@' )) vxTableName += "s ";
} // End of WHILE
if ( vxTableName.isValid ()) { if ( !*gName ) vxTableName += DN_truncated;
vxTableName += '}';
} // End of IF
} // End of IF
// Skip the 'vpath-name' terminator
if ( *gName == '@' ) gName++;
} // End of IF
} // End of IF then
elif ( vxTableName.isValid ()) vxTableName = DN_truncated + vxTableName;
return vxTableName;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getVfTableType"
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getVdispMapType ( const DName & superType ) { DName vdispMapName = superType; vdispMapName += "{for "; vdispMapName += getScope(); vdispMapName += '}';
if ( *gName == '@' ) gName++; return vdispMapName; } #endif // !NO_COMPILER_NAMES
inline DName __near UnDecorator::getExternalDataType ( const DName & superType ) { // Create an indirect declarator for the the rest
DName * pDeclarator = gnew DName (); DName declaration = getDataType ( pDeclarator );
// Now insert the declarator into the declaration along with its 'storage-convention'
*pDeclarator = getStorageConvention () + ' ' + superType;
return declaration;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "getExternalDataType"
inline int __near UnDecorator::doUnderScore () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_LEADING_UNDERSCORES ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doMSKeywords () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_MS_KEYWORDS ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doPtr64 () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_PTR64 ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doFunctionReturns () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_FUNCTION_RETURNS ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doAllocationModel () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_ALLOCATION_MODEL ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doAllocationLanguage () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_ALLOCATION_LANGUAGE ); }
#if 0
inline int __near UnDecorator::doMSThisType () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_MS_THISTYPE ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doCVThisType () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_CV_THISTYPE ); } #endif
inline int __near UnDecorator::doThisTypes () { return (( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_THISTYPE ) != UNDNAME_NO_THISTYPE ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doAccessSpecifiers () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_ACCESS_SPECIFIERS ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doThrowTypes () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_THROW_SIGNATURES ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doMemberTypes () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_MEMBER_TYPE ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doReturnUDTModel () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_RETURN_UDT_MODEL ); }
inline int __near UnDecorator::do32BitNear () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_32_BIT_DECODE ); }
inline int __near UnDecorator::doNameOnly () { return ( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NAME_ONLY ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doTypeOnly () { return ( disableFlags & UNDNAME_TYPE_ONLY ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::haveTemplateParameters () { return ( disableFlags & UNDNAME_HAVE_PARAMETERS); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doEcsu () { return !( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_ECSU ); } inline int __near UnDecorator::doNoIdentCharCheck () { return ( disableFlags & UNDNAME_NO_IDENT_CHAR_CHECK ); }
pcchar_t __near UnDecorator::UScore ( Tokens tok ) { #if !VERS_32BIT
if ((( tok == TOK_nearSp ) || ( tok == TOK_nearP )) && !do32BitNear ()) return tokenTable[ tok ] + 6; // Skip '__near'
if ( doUnderScore ()) return tokenTable[ tok ]; else return tokenTable[ tok ] + 2 ;
} // End of "UnDecorator" FUNCTION "UScore"
// Include the string composition support classes. Mostly inline stuff, and
// not important to the algorithm.
#include "undname.inl"