Copyright (c) 1998 Intel Corporation
Module Name:
cp.c Abstract:
Shell app "cp"
Revision History
#include "shell.h"
#define COPY_SIZE (64*1024)
VOID *CpBuffer;
* */
EFI_STATUS InitializeCP ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable );
* */
EFI_STATUS InitializeCP ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { CHAR16 **Argv; UINTN Argc; UINTN Index; CHAR16 *Dest; LIST_ENTRY SrcList; LIST_ENTRY DstList; LIST_ENTRY *Link; SHELL_FILE_ARG *SrcArg, *DstArg; UINTN Len1, Len2; BOOLEAN CreateSubDir;
* Check to see if the app is to install as a "internal command" * to the shell */
InstallInternalShellCommand ( ImageHandle, SystemTable, InitializeCP, L"cp", /* command */ L"cp file [file] ... [dest]", /* command syntax */ L"Copy files/dirs", /* 1 line descriptor */ NULL /* command help page */ );
* We are no being installed as an internal command driver, initialize * as an nshell app and run */
InitializeShellApplication (ImageHandle, SystemTable); InitializeListHead (&SrcList); InitializeListHead (&DstList); CpBuffer = NULL; CreateSubDir = FALSE;
Argv = SI->Argv; Argc = SI->Argc;
if (Argc < 2) { Print (L"cp: no files specified\n"); goto Done; }
* If there's only 1 argument, then assume the destionation is * the current directory */
if (Argc == 2) { Dest = L"."; } else { Argc -= 1; Dest = Argv[Argc]; }
* Expand the source file list */
for (Index = 1; Index < Argc; Index += 1) { ShellFileMetaArg (Argv[Index], &SrcList); }
* Expand the desctionation (had better be only one entry) */
ShellFileMetaArg (Dest, &DstList); if (IsListEmpty(&DstList)) { Print (L"cp: no destionation\n"); goto Done; }
DstArg = CR(DstList.Flink, SHELL_FILE_ARG, Link, SHELL_FILE_ARG_SIGNATURE); if (DstArg->Link.Flink != &DstList) { Print (L"cp: destionation must be 1 location\n"); goto Done; }
* Verify no unexpected error on the destionation file */
if (EFI_ERROR(DstArg->Status) && DstArg->Status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) { Print (L"cp: could not open/create destionation %hs - %r\n", DstArg->FullName, DstArg->Status); goto Done; }
* Is there's more then one source file? */
if (SrcList.Flink->Flink != &SrcList) { CreateSubDir = TRUE; if (DstArg->Info && !(DstArg->Info->Attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY)) { Print(L"cp: can not copy > 1 source file into single destionation file\n"); goto Done; } }
CpBuffer = AllocatePool (COPY_SIZE); if (!CpBuffer) { Print(L"cp: out of memory\n"); goto Done; }
* Copy each file in the SrcList */
for (Link=SrcList.Flink; Link!=&SrcList; Link=Link->Flink) { SrcArg = CR(Link, SHELL_FILE_ARG, Link, SHELL_FILE_ARG_SIGNATURE);
if (StriCmp(SrcArg->FileName, DstArg->FileName) == 0) {
Len1 = DevicePathSize(SrcArg->ParentDevicePath); Len2 = DevicePathSize(DstArg->ParentDevicePath); if (Len1 == Len2 && CompareMem(SrcArg->ParentDevicePath, DstArg->ParentDevicePath, Len1) == 0) {
Print(L"cp: can not copy. src = dest (%hs)\n", SrcArg->FullName); continue; } }
if (EFI_ERROR(SrcArg->Status)) { Print(L"cp: can not open %hs - %r\n", SrcArg->FullName, SrcArg->Status); continue; }
CopyCP (SrcArg, DstArg, CreateSubDir); }
Done: if (CpBuffer) { FreePool (CpBuffer); CpBuffer = NULL; }
ShellFreeFileList (&SrcList); ShellFreeFileList (&DstList); return EFI_SUCCESS; }
Arg = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof(SHELL_FILE_ARG)); if (!Arg) { return NULL; }
Arg->Signature = SHELL_FILE_ARG_SIGNATURE; Parent->Parent->Open (Parent->Handle, &Arg->Parent, L".", EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE, 0); Arg->ParentName = StrDuplicate(Parent->FullName); Arg->FileName = StrDuplicate(FileName);
/* append filename to parent's name to get the file's full name */ Len = StrLen(Arg->ParentName); if (Len && Arg->ParentName[Len-1] == '\\') { Len -= 1; }
Arg->FullName = PoolPrint(L"%.*s\\%s", Len, Arg->ParentName, FileName);
InsertTailList (ListHead, &Arg->Link); return Arg; }
VOID CopyCP ( IN SHELL_FILE_ARG *Src, IN SHELL_FILE_ARG *Dst, IN BOOLEAN CreateSubDir ) { EFI_FILE_INFO *Info; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Size, WriteSize; LIST_ENTRY Cleanup; UINT64 SrcAttr, DstAttr; SHELL_FILE_ARG *NewSrc; SHELL_FILE_ARG *NewDst; if (!Src || !Dst) { Print(L"cp: out of memory\n"); return ; }
* N.B. we alloc our own shell_file_arg's to recurs, but we only * fill in some of the fields */
Info = (EFI_FILE_INFO *) CpBuffer; InitializeListHead (&Cleanup);
* If the src file is not open, open it */
if (!Src->Handle) { Status = Src->Parent->Open ( Src->Parent, &Src->Handle, Src->FileName, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE, 0 );
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"cp: could not open/create %hs\n", Src->FullName); goto Done; } }
Size = COPY_SIZE; Status = Src->Handle->GetInfo(Src->Handle, &GenericFileInfo, &Size, Info); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"cp: can not get info of %hs\n", Src->FullName); goto Done; } SrcAttr = Info->Attribute;
* If the dest file is not open, open/create it */
if (!Dst->Handle) { if (SrcAttr & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) { CreateSubDir = TRUE; }
Status = Dst->Parent->Open ( Dst->Parent, &Dst->Handle, Dst->FileName, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, CreateSubDir ? EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY : 0 );
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"cp: could not open/create %hs: %r\n", Dst->FullName, Status); goto Done; }
if (CreateSubDir) { Print(L"mkdir %s\n", Dst->FullName); } }
Size = COPY_SIZE; Status = Dst->Handle->GetInfo(Dst->Handle, &GenericFileInfo, &Size, Info); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"cp: can not get info of %hs\n", Dst->FullName); goto Done; } DstAttr = Info->Attribute; /*
* If the source is a file, but the dest is a directory we need to create a sub-file */
if (!(SrcAttr & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) && (DstAttr & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY)) { Dst = CpCreateChild (Dst, Src->FileName, &Cleanup); CopyCP (Src, Dst, FALSE); goto Done; }
* Copy the source */
if (!(SrcAttr & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY)) {
* Copy the file's contents */
Print(L"%s -> %s ", Src->FullName, Dst->FullName); Src->Handle->SetPosition (Src->Handle, 0); Dst->Handle->SetPosition (Dst->Handle, 0);
* Set the size of the destination file to 0. */
Status = Dst->Handle->GetInfo(Dst->Handle, &GenericFileInfo, &Size, Info); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Info->FileSize = 0; Status = Dst->Handle->SetInfo( Dst->Handle, &GenericFileInfo, (UINTN) Info->Size, Info ); }
for (; ;) { Size = COPY_SIZE; Status = Src->Handle->Read (Src->Handle, &Size, CpBuffer); if (!Size) { break; }
if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"- read error: %r\n", Status); break; }
WriteSize = Size; Status = Dst->Handle->Write (Dst->Handle, &WriteSize, CpBuffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"- write error: %r\n", Status); break; }
if (WriteSize != Size) { Print(L"- short write\n"); break; } }
if (Size) { Dst->Handle->Delete (Dst->Handle); Dst->Handle = NULL; goto Done; }
} else {
* Copy all the sub-entries */
Src->Handle->SetPosition (Src->Handle, 0);
for (; ;) { Size = COPY_SIZE; Status = Src->Handle->Read (Src->Handle, &Size, CpBuffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status) || Size == 0) { break; }
* Skip "." and ".." */
if (StriCmp(Info->FileName, L".") == 0 || StriCmp(Info->FileName, L"..") == 0) { continue; }
* Copy the sub file */
NewSrc = CpCreateChild (Src, Info->FileName, &Cleanup); NewDst = CpCreateChild (Dst, Info->FileName, &Cleanup); CopyCP (NewSrc, NewDst, FALSE);
* Close the handles */
ShellFreeFileList (&Cleanup);
/* next... */ } }
Done: ShellFreeFileList (&Cleanup); }