Copyright (c) 1999 Intel Corporation
Module Name:
if.c Abstract:
Internal Shell cmd "if" & "endif"
Revision History
#include "shelle.h"
* Internal prototypes */
EFI_STATUS CheckIfFileExists( IN CHAR16 *FileName, OUT BOOLEAN *FileExists );
Function Name: SEnvCmdIf
Description: Builtin shell command "if" for conditional execution in script files. */ EFI_STATUS SEnvCmdIf ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { CHAR16 **Argv; UINTN Argc = 0; UINTN Index = 0; UINTN NNots = 0; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; CHAR16 *FileName = NULL; BOOLEAN FileExists = FALSE; CHAR16 *String1 = NULL; CHAR16 *String2 = NULL;
InitializeShellApplication (ImageHandle, SystemTable); Argv = SI->Argv; Argc = SI->Argc;
if ( !SEnvBatchIsActive() ) { Print( L"Error: IF command only supported in script files\n" ); Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; goto Done; }
* Two forms of the if command: * if [not] exist file then * if [not] string1 == string2 * * First, parse it */
if ( Argc < 4 ) { Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
if ( StriCmp( Argv[1], L"not" ) == 0 ) { NNots = 1; } else { NNots = 0; }
if ( StriCmp( Argv[NNots+1], L"exist" ) == 0 ) { /*
* first form of the command, test for file existence */ if ( (Argc != NNots + 4) || (StriCmp( Argv[NNots+3], L"then" ) != 0) ) { Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
FileName = Argv[NNots+2];
* Test for existence */
Status = CheckIfFileExists( FileName, &FileExists ); if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) ) { goto Done; } SEnvBatchSetCondition( (BOOLEAN) ((NNots == 0 && FileExists) || (NNots == 1 && !FileExists)) );
} else { /*
* second form of the command, compare two strings */ if ( (Argc != NNots + 5) || (StriCmp( Argv[NNots+2], L"==" ) != 0) || (StriCmp( Argv[NNots+4], L"then" ) != 0) ) { Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; }
String1 = Argv[NNots+1]; String2 = Argv[NNots+3];
SEnvBatchSetCondition( (BOOLEAN)((NNots == 0 && StriCmp( String1, String2 ) == 0) || (NNots == 1 && StriCmp( String1, String2 ) != 0)) ); }
Done: return Status; }
Function Name: CheckIfFileExists
Description: Check file parameter to see if file exists. Wildcards are supported, but if the argument expands to more than one file name an invalid parameter error is returned and "not found" is assumed. */ EFI_STATUS CheckIfFileExists( IN CHAR16 *FileName, OUT BOOLEAN *FileExists ) { LIST_ENTRY FileList; LIST_ENTRY *Link; SHELL_FILE_ARG *Arg; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; UINTN NFiles = 0;
*FileExists = FALSE; InitializeListHead (&FileList);
* Attempt to open the file, expanding any wildcards. */ Status = ShellFileMetaArg( FileName, &FileList); if ( EFI_ERROR( Status ) ) { if ( Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND ) { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; goto Done; } } /*
* Make sure there is one and only one valid file in the file list */ NFiles = 0; for (Link=FileList.Flink; Link!=&FileList; Link=Link->Flink) { Arg = CR(Link, SHELL_FILE_ARG, Link, SHELL_FILE_ARG_SIGNATURE); if ( Arg->Handle ) { /*
* Non-NULL handle means file was there and open-able */ NFiles += 1; } }
if ( NFiles > 0 ) { /*
* Found one or more files, so set the flag */ *FileExists = TRUE; }
Done: ShellFreeFileList (&FileList); return Status; }
Function Name: SEnvCmdEndif
Description: Builtin shell command "endif". */ EFI_STATUS SEnvCmdEndif ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { InitializeShellApplication (ImageHandle, SystemTable);
* Just reset the condition flag to resume normal execution. */
SEnvBatchSetCondition( TRUE );
return EFI_SUCCESS; }