Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Test program for the eventlog service. This program calls the Win APIs to test out the operation of the service.
Rajen Shah (rajens) 05-Aug-1991
Revision History:
--*/ /*----------------------*/ /* INCLUDES */ /*----------------------*/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <string.h> // stricmp
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <netevent.h>
//#include <elfcommn.h>
#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 1024*2 // Use 2K buffer
#define SIZE_DATA_ARRAY 65
// Global buffer used to emulate "binary data" when writing an event
// record.
DWORD Data[SIZE_DATA_ARRAY]; BOOL bHackTestBackup = FALSE; PCHAR pServerName = NULL;
VOID Initialize ( VOID ) { DWORD i;
// Initialize the values in the data buffer.
for (i=0; i< SIZE_DATA_ARRAY; i++) Data[i] = i;
BOOL Usage ( VOID ) { printf( "usage: \n" ); printf( "-c Tests ClearEventLog API\n"); printf( "-b filename Tests BackupEventLog API\n"); printf( "-rsb Reads event log sequentially backwards\n"); printf( "-rsf Reads event log sequentially forwards\n"); printf( "-rrb <record> Reads event log from <record> backwards\n"); printf( "-rrf <record> Reads event log from <record> forwards\n"); printf( "-w <count> Tests ReportEvent API <count> times\n"); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
} // Usage
BOOL WriteLogEntry ( HANDLE LogHandle, DWORD EventID )
{ #define NUM_STRINGS 2
#define MAX_STRING_SIZE 32767 // Max size is FFFF/2 for ANSI strings
BOOL Status; WORD EventType; DWORD i; DWORD DataSize; PSID pUserSid; PCHAR BigString;
// PSTR Strings[NUM_STRINGS] = {"StringAOne","StringATwo" };
Strings[0] = "StringAOne";
BigString = malloc(MAX_STRING_SIZE);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_STRING_SIZE; i++) { BigString[i] = 'A'; }
BigString[MAX_STRING_SIZE-1] = '\0'; Strings[1] = BigString;
for (i=0; i< SIZE_DATA_ARRAY; i++) Data[i] += i;
Status = ReportEventA ( LogHandle, EventType, 0, // event category
EventID, pUserSid, (WORD) NUM_STRINGS, DataSize, Strings, (PVOID)Data );
free(BigString); return (Status); }
BOOL WriteLogEntryMsg ( HANDLE LogHandle, DWORD EventID ) /*
This function requires a registry entry in the Applications section of the Eventlog for TESTWINAAPP, it will use the netevent.dll message file. */ { #define NUM_STRINGS 2
BOOL Status; WORD EventType; DWORD DataSize; PSID pUserSid; PCHAR BigString;
Strings[0] = "This is a BOGUS message for TEST purposes Ignore this substitution text"; Strings[1] = "GHOST SERVICE in the long string format - I wanted a long string to pass into this function";
Status = ReportEventA ( LogHandle, EventType, 0, // event category
Strings, (PVOID)NULL // Data
free(BigString); return (Status); }
VOID DisplayEventRecords( PVOID Buffer, DWORD BufSize, ULONG *NumRecords)
{ PEVENTLOGRECORD pLogRecord; PSTR pString; DWORD Count = 0; DWORD Offset = 0; DWORD i;
pLogRecord = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) Buffer;
while ((DWORD)Offset < BufSize) {
printf("\n\nRecord # %lu\n", pLogRecord->RecordNumber);
printf("Length: 0x%lx TimeGenerated: 0x%lx EventID: 0x%lx EventType: 0x%x\n", pLogRecord->Length, pLogRecord->TimeGenerated, pLogRecord->EventID, pLogRecord->EventType);
printf("NumStrings: 0x%x StringOffset: 0x%lx UserSidLength: 0x%lx TimeWritten: 0x%lx\n", pLogRecord->NumStrings, pLogRecord->StringOffset, pLogRecord->UserSidLength, pLogRecord->TimeWritten);
printf("UserSidOffset: 0x%lx DataLength: 0x%lx DataOffset: 0x%lx \n", pLogRecord->UserSidOffset, pLogRecord->DataLength, pLogRecord->DataOffset);
// Print out module name
pString = (PSTR)((DWORD)pLogRecord + sizeof(EVENTLOGRECORD)); printf("ModuleName: %s ", pString);
// Display ComputerName
pString = (PSTR)((DWORD)pString + strlen(pString) + 1); printf("ComputerName: %s\n",pString);
// Display strings
pString = (PSTR)((DWORD)Buffer + pLogRecord->StringOffset);
printf("Strings: "); for (i=0; i<pLogRecord->NumStrings; i++) {
printf(" %s ", pString); pString = (PSTR)((DWORD)pString + strlen(pString) + 1); }
// Get next record
Offset += pLogRecord->Length;
pLogRecord = (PEVENTLOGRECORD)((DWORD)Buffer + Offset);
} *NumRecords = Count;
BOOL ReadFromLog ( HANDLE LogHandle, PVOID Buffer, ULONG *pBytesRead, DWORD ReadFlag, DWORD Record ) { BOOL Status; DWORD MinBytesNeeded; DWORD ErrorCode;
Status = ReadEventLogA ( LogHandle, ReadFlag, Record, Buffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, pBytesRead, &MinBytesNeeded );
if (!Status) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); printf("Error from ReadEventLog %d \n", ErrorCode); if (ErrorCode == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) printf("Buffer too small. Need %lu bytes min\n", MinBytesNeeded);
return (Status); }
BOOL TestReadEventLog (DWORD Count, DWORD ReadFlag, DWORD Record)
{ BOOL Status, IStatus;
HANDLE LogHandle; LPSTR ModuleName; DWORD NumRecords, BytesReturned; PVOID Buffer; DWORD RecordOffset; DWORD NumberOfRecords; DWORD OldestRecord;
printf("Testing ReadEventLog API to read %lu entries\n",Count);
Buffer = malloc (READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
// Initialize the strings
NumRecords = Count; ModuleName = "TESTWINAAPP";
// Open the log handle
// This is just a quick and dirty way to test the api to read a backup
// log, until I can fix test.c to be more general purpose.
if (bHackTestBackup) { printf("OpenBackupEventLog = "); LogHandle = OpenBackupEventLog( NULL, "\\\\danhi386\\roote\\view.log" ); } else { printf("OpenEventLog - "); LogHandle = OpenEventLog ( pServerName, ModuleName ); }
if (LogHandle == NULL) { printf("Error - %d\n", GetLastError());
} else { printf("SUCCESS\n");
// Get and print record information
Status = GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(LogHandle, & NumberOfRecords); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = GetOldestEventLogRecord(LogHandle, & OldestRecord); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Get of record information failed with %X", Status); return(Status); }
printf("\nThere are %d records in the file, %d is the oldest" " record number\n", NumberOfRecords, OldestRecord);
RecordOffset = Record;
while (Count && (BytesReturned != 0)) {
printf("Read %u records\n", NumRecords); //
// Read from the log
Status = ReadFromLog ( LogHandle, Buffer, &BytesReturned, ReadFlag, RecordOffset ); if (Status) { printf("Bytes read = 0x%lx\n", BytesReturned); DisplayEventRecords(Buffer, BytesReturned, &NumRecords); Count -= NumRecords; RecordOffset += NumRecords; } else { break; }
} printf("\n");
if (!Status) { printf ("Error - %d. Remaining count %lu\n", GetLastError(), Count); } else { printf ("SUCCESS\n"); }
printf("Calling CloseEventLog\n"); IStatus = CloseEventLog (LogHandle); } free(Buffer); return (Status); }
BOOL TestWriteEventLog (DWORD Count)
{ BOOL Status, IStatus; HANDLE LogHandle=NULL; LPSTR ModuleName; DWORD EventID = 99; DWORD WriteCount;
printf("Testing ReportEvent API\n");
// Initialize the strings
ModuleName = "TESTWINAAPP";
// Open the log handle
while (Count && NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //printf("Calling RegisterEventSource for WRITE %lu times - ", Count);
LogHandle = RegisterEventSourceA ( pServerName, ModuleName ); if (LogHandle == NULL) { printf("Error - %d\n", GetLastError()); } else { printf("Registered - "); WriteCount = 5; printf("Record # %u ", Count);
while (WriteCount && NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// Write an entry into the log
Data[0] = Count; // Make data "unique"
EventID = (EventID + Count) % 100; // Vary the eventids
Status = WriteLogEntryMsg ( LogHandle, EventID ); Count--; WriteCount--; if (!Status) { printf ("Error - %d. Remaining count %lu\n", GetLastError(), Count); } else { printf ("%d,",WriteCount); } } IStatus = DeregisterEventSource (LogHandle); printf(" - Deregistered\n"); } }
return (Status); }
BOOL TestClearLogFile ()
{ BOOL Status, IStatus; HANDLE LogHandle; LPSTR ModuleName, BackupName;
printf("Testing ClearLogFile API\n"); //
// Initialize the strings
ModuleName = "TESTWINAAPP";
// Open the log handle
printf("Calling OpenEventLog for CLEAR - "); LogHandle = OpenEventLogA ( pServerName, ModuleName );
if (!Status) { printf("Error - %d\n", GetLastError());
} else { printf("SUCCESS\n");
// Clear the log file and back it up to "view.log"
printf("Calling ClearEventLog backing up to view.log "); BackupName = "view.log";
Status = ClearEventLogA ( LogHandle, BackupName );
if (!Status) { printf ("Error - %d\n", GetLastError()); } else { printf ("SUCCESS\n"); }
// Now just clear the file without backing it up
printf("Calling ClearEventLog with no backup "); Status = ClearEventLogA ( LogHandle, NULL );
if (!Status) { printf ("Error - %d\n", GetLastError()); } else { printf ("SUCCESS\n"); }
printf("Calling CloseEventLog\n"); IStatus = CloseEventLog (LogHandle); }
return(Status); }
BOOL TestBackupLogFile( LPSTR FileName )
{ HANDLE LogHandle;
printf("Testing BackupEventLog API\n");
// Open the log handle
printf("Calling ElfOpenEventLog for BACKUP - "); LogHandle = OpenEventLogA ( NULL, "Application" );
if (!LogHandle) { printf("Error - %d\n", GetLastError());
} else { printf("SUCCESS\n");
// Backup the log file
printf("Calling BackupEventLogFile backing up to %s\n", FileName);
if (!BackupEventLogA ( LogHandle, FileName )) { printf ("Error - %d\n", GetLastError()); } else { printf ("SUCCESS\n"); }
printf("Calling CloseEventLog - "); if (CloseEventLog (LogHandle)) { printf("Success\n"); } else { printf("Failed with code %d\n", GetLastError()); } }
return(TRUE); }
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL main ( IN SHORT argc, IN PSZ argv[], ) /*++
* * Routine Description: * * * * Arguments: * * * * * Return Value: * * * --*/ /****************************************************************************/ {
DWORD ReadFlags;
Initialize(); // Init any data
// Just till I can replace this horrid parm parsing with my own
if (getenv("REMOTE")) { pServerName = "\\\\danhi20"; }
if ( argc < 2 ) { printf( "Not enough parameters\n" ); return Usage( ); }
if ( stricmp( argv[1], "-c" ) == 0 ) {
if ( argc < 3 ) { return TestClearLogFile(); }
} else if (stricmp ( argv[1], "-b" ) == 0 ) {
if ( argc < 3 ) { return Usage(); } else { return TestBackupLogFile(argv[2]); }
} else if (stricmp ( argv[1], "-rsf" ) == 0 ) {
ReadFlags = EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ | EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ; if ( argc < 3 ) { return TestReadEventLog(1,ReadFlags,0 ); } else { return Usage(); } } else if (stricmp ( argv[1], "-xsf" ) == 0 ) {
ReadFlags = EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ | EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ; bHackTestBackup = TRUE; if ( argc < 3 ) { return TestReadEventLog(1,ReadFlags,0 ); } else { return Usage(); } } else if (stricmp ( argv[1], "-rsb" ) == 0 ) {
ReadFlags = EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ | EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ; if ( argc < 3 ) { return TestReadEventLog(1,ReadFlags,0 ); } else { return Usage(); } } else if (stricmp ( argv[1], "-rrf" ) == 0 ) {
ReadFlags = EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ | EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ; if ( argc < 3 ) { return TestReadEventLog(1,ReadFlags ,1); } else if (argc == 3) { return (TestReadEventLog (1, ReadFlags, atoi(argv[2]))); } } else if (stricmp ( argv[1], "-rrb" ) == 0 ) {
ReadFlags = EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ | EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ; if ( argc < 3 ) { return TestReadEventLog(1,ReadFlags, 1); } else if (argc == 3) { return (TestReadEventLog (1, ReadFlags, atoi(argv[2]))); } } else if (stricmp ( argv[1], "-w" ) == 0 ) {
if ( argc < 3 ) { return TestWriteEventLog(1); } else if (argc == 3) { return (TestWriteEventLog (atoi(argv[2]))); }
} else {
return Usage(); }