Copyright (c) 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This component provides the functions to access the HSM IHsmServer interfaces.
Cat Brant [cbrant] 24-Jan-1997
Revision History:
Chris Timmes [ctimmes] 11-Sep-1997
- renamed COM method FindStoragePoolById() to FindHSMStoragePoolByMediaSetId() to better reflect its purpose. Also created new COM method FindHsmStoragePoolById(). Action required since the Engine maintains 2 sets of (original/master) secondary storage media set ids (GUIDs). First, the Engine maintains its own 'media set' id, called a Storage Pool id, which is only maintained by the Engine. Second, the Engine also maintains the NT Media Services (NTMS) id, called the Media Set id, which comes from NTMS and is passed to the Engine by RMS (the Remote Storage Subsystem). (Note that the concept of a Storage Pool encompasses more info than that of a Media Set.) These 2 lookup functions allow for lookup by either id.
Chris Timmes [ctimmes] 22-Sep-1997
- added new COM methods FindMediaIdByDisplayName() and RecreateMaster(). Changes made to enable Copy Set usage. Code written to be both Sakkara and Phoenix compatible.
Chris Timmes [ctimmes] 21-Oct-1997 - added new COM method MarkMediaForRecreation(). Change made to allow RecreateMaster() to be invokable directly from RsLaunch (without going through the UI).
Chris Timmes [ctimmes] 18-Nov-1997 - added new COM method CreateTask(). Change made to move NT Task Scheduler task creation code from the UI to the Engine. Change required to allow Remote Storage system to run under LocalSystem account. CreateTask() is a generic method callable by anyone wanting to create any supported type of Remote Storage task in Task Scheduler.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "HsmServ.h"
#include "HsmConn.h"
#include "metalib.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "wsbdb.h"
#include "rsbuild.h"
#include "wsb.h"
#include "ntverp.h" // for GetNtProductVersion() and GetNtProductBuild()
#include "Rms.h"
#include "rsevents.h"
#include "HsmEng.h"
#define HSM_PERSIST_FILE "\\RsEng.col"
#define RMS_WIN2K_PERSIST_FILE "\\RsSub.col"
BOOL g_HsmSaveInProcess = FALSE;
// Non-member function initially called for autosave thread
static DWORD HsmengStartAutosave( void* pVoid ) { return(((CHsmServer*) pVoid)->Autosave()); }
// Non-member function run in a separate thread to call CheckManagedResources
static DWORD HsmengStartCheckManagedResources( void* pVoid ) { DWORD result;
result = ((CHsmServer*) pVoid)->CheckManagedResources(); return(result); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::Autosave( void )
Routine Description:
Implements an autosave loop.
None. Return Value:
Doesn't matter.
--*/ {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG l_autosaveInterval = m_autosaveInterval; BOOL exitLoop = FALSE;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Autosave"), OLESTR(""));
try {
while (m_autosaveInterval && (! exitLoop)) {
// Wait for termination event, if timeout occurs, check if we can perform Autosave
switch (WaitForSingleObject(m_terminateEvent, l_autosaveInterval)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // Need to terminate
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Autosave: signaled to terminate\n")); exitLoop = TRUE; break;
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // Check if backup need to be performed
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Autosave: Autosave awakened\n"));
// Don't do this if we're suspended
if (!m_Suspended) { // Save data
// NOTE: Because this is a separate thread, there is the possibility
// of a conflict if the main thread is changing some data at the same
// time we're trying to save it.
// If a save is already happening, just skip this one and
// go back to sleep
hr = SaveAll(); // If the save fails, increase the sleep time to avoid filling
// the event log
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ((MAX_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL / 2) < l_autosaveInterval) { l_autosaveInterval = MAX_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL; } else { l_autosaveInterval *= 2; } } else { l_autosaveInterval = m_autosaveInterval; } }
break; // end of timeout case
case WAIT_FAILED: default: WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Autosave: WaitForSingleObject returned error %lu\n"), GetLastError()); exitLoop = TRUE; break;
} // end of switch
} // end of while
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Autosave"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetAutosave( OUT ULONG* pMilliseconds )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetAutosave"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pMilliseconds, E_POINTER); *pMilliseconds = m_autosaveInterval;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetAutosave"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::SetAutosave( IN ULONG milliseconds )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SetAutosave"), OLESTR("milliseconds = <%ls>"), WsbPtrToUlongAsString( &milliseconds ) );
try { // Don't do anything if interval isn't changing
if (milliseconds != m_autosaveInterval) { // Close the current thread
if (m_autosaveThread) { StopAutosaveThread(); } m_autosaveInterval = milliseconds;
// Start/restart the autosave thread
if (m_autosaveInterval) { DWORD threadId;
WsbAffirm((m_autosaveThread = CreateThread(0, 0, HsmengStartAutosave, (void*) this, 0, &threadId)) != 0, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } } } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SetAutosave"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls> m_runInterval = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbPtrToUlongAsString( &m_autosaveInterval ) );
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetID( GUID *phid ) { if( !phid ) return E_INVALIDARG;
*phid = m_hId;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetId( GUID *phid ) { return (GetID(phid)); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::SetId( GUID id ) {
m_hId = id; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetDbPath( OUT OLECHAR** pPath, IN ULONG bufferSize )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pPath, E_POINTER);
WsbAffirmHr(m_dbPath.CopyTo(pPath, bufferSize));
} WsbCatch(hr);
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetDbPathAndName( OUT OLECHAR** pPath, IN ULONG bufferSize )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWsbStringPtr tmpString;
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pPath, E_POINTER);
tmpString = m_dbPath; WsbAffirmHr(tmpString.Append(HSM_PERSIST_FILE)); WsbAffirmHr(tmpString.CopyTo(pPath, bufferSize));
} WsbCatch(hr);
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetIDbPath( OUT OLECHAR** pPath, IN ULONG bufferSize )
Routine Description:
Returns the path (directory) for the Engine IDB files
pPath - address of pointer to buffer
bufferSize - size of buffer (or zero) Return Value:
S_OK - On success
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try { CWsbStringPtr temp;
WsbAssert(0 != pPath, E_POINTER);
temp = m_dbPath;
temp.Append(OLESTR("\\")); temp.Append(ENG_DB_DIRECTORY);
WsbAffirmHr(temp.CopyTo(pPath, bufferSize));
} WsbCatch(hr);
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetName ( OLECHAR **ppName ) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { WsbAssert(0 != ppName, E_POINTER); WsbAffirmHr(m_name.CopyTo(ppName)); } WsbCatch( hr ); return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetRegistryName ( OLECHAR **pName, ULONG bufferSize ) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { CWsbStringPtr tmpString; WsbAssert(0 != pName, E_POINTER); tmpString = HSM_ENGINE_REGISTRY_NAME; WsbAffirmHr(tmpString.CopyTo(pName, bufferSize)); } WsbCatch( hr ); return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetHsmExtVerHi ( SHORT * /*pExtVerHi*/ ) { return( E_NOTIMPL ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetHsmExtVerLo ( SHORT * /*pExtVerLo*/ ) { return( E_NOTIMPL ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetHsmExtRev ( SHORT * /*pExtRev*/ ) { return( E_NOTIMPL ); };
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetManagedResources( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetManagedResources"),OLESTR(""));
// If the resources have been loaded, return the pointer. Otherwise,
// fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); *ppCollection = m_pManagedResources; WsbAffirm(m_pManagedResources != 0, E_FAIL); m_pManagedResources->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetManagedResources"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::SaveMetaData( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SaveMetaData"), OLESTR(""));
// Force a save of all metadata
try {
if (m_pSegmentDatabase != 0) { WsbAffirmHr(StoreSegmentInformation()); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SaveMetaData"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::LoadPersistData( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::LoadPersistData"), OLESTR(""));
// Create persistent collections and attempt to load from file
try { CComPtr<IWsbServer> pWsbServer; CWsbStringPtr tmpString;
// Create the collections
WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbOrderedCollection, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&m_pJobs )); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbOrderedCollection, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&m_pJobDefs )); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbOrderedCollection, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&m_pPolicies )); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CHsmManagedResourceCollection, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&m_pManagedResources )); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbOrderedCollection, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&m_pStoragePools )); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbOrderedCollection, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&m_pMessages ));
// Try to read from the persistence file
// Note: currently Engine doesn't verify the service id in the Registry
// If Engine would ever start without an Fsa in the HSM server process -
// this should be changed
WsbAffirmHr(((IUnknown*) (IHsmServer*) this)->QueryInterface(IID_IWsbServer, (void**) &pWsbServer)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbServiceSafeInitialize(pWsbServer, FALSE, TRUE, &m_persistWasCreated)); } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::LoadPersistData"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::SavePersistData( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SavePersistData"), OLESTR(""));
if (FALSE == g_HsmSaveInProcess) { g_HsmSaveInProcess = TRUE; //
// Force a save of all non-meta persistent data
hr = InternalSavePersistData(); g_HsmSaveInProcess = FALSE; } else { WsbTrace( OLESTR("Save already occurring - so wait")); while (TRUE == g_HsmSaveInProcess) { //
// Sleep a half a second then see if flag
// is cleared. We want to wait until the
// save is done before returning.
Sleep(500); } }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SavePersistData"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::FindHsmStoragePoolById( IN GUID StoragePoolId, OUT IHsmStoragePool** ppStoragePool )
Routine Description:
This routine implements the COM method for looking up an HSM (Engine) Storage Pool object by the HSM Storage Pool id (a GUID). If found, a COM interface pointer to that object is returned.
After using the Engine's stored pointer to an indexed collection of valid storage pools to obtain an iterator (enumerator) to the collection, the code searches the collection. For each record it obtains that Storage Pool's interface pointer, which it uses to get that pool's id. Once it finds the record whose Storage Pool id matches the HSM pool id passed in, it returns the interface pointer .
Note that with Sakkara there is only 1 storage pool, so a match should be found on the first (and only) record. However, the code is written to allow for future enhancements where there may be more than 1 storage pool. Arguments:
StoragePoolId - The HSM id (GUID) - as opposed to the NTMS id - for the Storage Pool whose interface pointer is to be returned by this method.
ppStoragePool - a pointer to the Storage Pool Interface Pointer which will be returned by this method.
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded (the specified storage pool record was found and its interface pointer was returned to the caller.
Any other value - The call failed. Generally this should only happen if a matching storage pool record is not found in the storage pool indexed collection (this error will return HR = 81000001, 'search of a collection failed', aka WSB_E_NOTFOUND). --*/
{ // since this code is currently only used by the CopyMedia routines,
// reset the Tracing bit
HRESULT hr = S_OK; GUID poolId = GUID_NULL; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IHsmStoragePool> pStoragePool;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindHsmStoragePoolById"), OLESTR("StoragePoolId = <%ls>"), WsbGuidAsString(StoragePoolId));
try {
// ensure the OUT parameter pointer is valid
WsbAssert(0 != ppStoragePool, E_POINTER);
// null out the interface pointer so garbage is not returned
*ppStoragePool = 0;
// obtain an iterator (enumerator) to the indexed storage pool collection
// from the engine's stored storage pool pointer.
// get the first record in the collection. Get that storage pool's id (GUID).
WsbAffirmHr(pEnum->First(IID_IHsmStoragePool, (void**) &pStoragePool)); WsbAffirmHr(pStoragePool->GetId(&poolId));
// if the ids (GUIDs) don't match, iterate through the collection until
// a match is found. Note that no match being found will cause an error
// to be thrown when the Next() call is made after reaching the end of the
// collection.
while (poolId != StoragePoolId) { pStoragePool.Release(); WsbAffirmHr(pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmStoragePool, (void**) &pStoragePool)); WsbAffirmHr(pStoragePool->GetId(&poolId)); }
// Match found: return requested interface pointer after increasing COM
// ref count
*ppStoragePool = pStoragePool; if (pStoragePool != 0) { (*ppStoragePool)->AddRef(); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindHsmStoragePoolById"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
// leaving CopyMedia code, so reset Tracing bit to the Hsm Engine
HRESULT CHsmServer::FindHsmStoragePoolByMediaSetId( IN GUID RmsMediaSetId, OUT IHsmStoragePool** ppStoragePool )
Routine Description:
This routine implements the COM method for looking up an HSM (Engine) Storage Pool object by the remote media subsystem Media Set id (a GUID which comes from NTMS in the case where tape is used as secondary storage). If found, a COM interface pointer to that object is returned.
After using the Engine's stored pointer to an indexed collection of valid storage pools to obtain an iterator (enumerator) to the collection, the code searches the collection. For each record it obtains that Storage Pool's interface pointer, which it uses to get that pool's media set id. Once it finds the record whose Media Set (Storage Pool) id matches the media set id passed in, it returns that record's interface pointer.
Note that with Sakkara there is only 1 storage pool, so a match should be found on the first (and only) record. However, the code is written to allow for future enhancements where there may be more than 1 storage pool. Arguments:
MediaSetId - The Remote Storage Subsystem id (GUID) - as opposed to the Engine's local HSM id - for the Storage Pool (referred to by the subsystem as a Media Set) whose interface pointer is to be returned by this method.
ppStoragePool - a pointer to the Storage Pool Interface Pointer which will be returned by this method.
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded (the specified storage pool record was found and its interface pointer was returned to the caller).
Any other value - The call failed. Generally this should only happen if a matching storage pool record is not found in the storage pool indexed collection (this error will return HR = 81000001, 'search of a collection failed', aka WSB_E_NOTFOUND). --*/
{ // since this code is currently only used by the CopyMedia routines,
// reset the Tracing bit
HRESULT hr = S_OK; GUID mediaSetId = GUID_NULL; CWsbBstrPtr mediaSetName; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IHsmStoragePool> pStoragePool;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindHsmStoragePoolByMediaSetId"), OLESTR("RmsMediaSetId = <%ls>"), WsbGuidAsString(RmsMediaSetId));
try {
// ensure OUT parameter is valid
WsbAssert(0 != ppStoragePool, E_POINTER);
// null out the returned interface pointer so garbage is not returned
*ppStoragePool = 0;
// obtain an iterator (enumerator) to the indexed storage pool collection
// Get first record in the collection and its Remote Storage Subsystem
// Media Set GUID using its interface pointer.
WsbAffirmHr(pEnum->First(IID_IHsmStoragePool, (void**) &pStoragePool)); WsbAffirmHr(pStoragePool->GetMediaSet(&mediaSetId, &mediaSetName));
// if the ids (GUIDs) don't match, iterate through the collection until
// a match is found. Note that no match being found will cause an error
// to be thrown when the Next() call is made after reaching the end of the
// collection.
while (mediaSetId != RmsMediaSetId) { pStoragePool.Release(); WsbAffirmHr(pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmStoragePool, (void**) &pStoragePool)); mediaSetName.Free(); WsbAffirmHr(pStoragePool->GetMediaSet(&mediaSetId, &mediaSetName)); }
// Match found: return the requested interface pointer after increasing COM
// ref count.
*ppStoragePool = pStoragePool; if (pStoragePool != 0) { (*ppStoragePool)->AddRef(); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindHsmStoragePoolByMediaSetId"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
// leaving CopyMedia code, so reset Tracing bit to the Hsm Engine
HRESULT CHsmServer::FindMediaIdByDescription( IN OLECHAR* description, OUT GUID* pMediaId )
Routine Description:
This routine implements the COM method for looking up the secondary storage master media's id (a GUID) by its description (display name). Both the id and description are fields stored in the Engine's MediaInfo database. (The MediaInfo database is actually a separate entity stored within the Engine's Segment database.)
After opening the Engine's Segment database and getting the MediaInfo entity, the routine loops through the MediaInfo records to find the one whose Description matches that passed into this method. When it finds the matching record it gets and returns that record's media id. Any error conditions encountered result in the appropriate error HRESULT being thrown and returned to the caller.
description - Originally called the media's 'name', then the 'display name', later clarified to be the media's 'description', this is what is displayed in the UI to identify the Remote Storage secondary storage (master) media.
pMediaId - a pointer to the media's id (a GUID) for that media whose description matches the one passed in as the first argument above.
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded (the specified media record was found and a pointer to its id was returned to the caller.
E_POINTER - Returned if an invalid pointer was passed in as the 'pMediaId' argument.
WSB_E_NOTFOUND - Value 81000001. Returned if no media info record was found whose description matched the one passed in.
Any other value - The call failed because one of the Remote Storage API calls contained internally in this method failed. The error value returned is specific to the API call which failed. --*/
{ // since this code is currently only used by the CopyMedia routines,
// reset the Tracing bit from this source module's default setting
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWsbStringPtr mediaDescription; CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSession; CComPtr<IMediaInfo> pMediaInfo;
WsbTraceIn( OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindMediaIdByDescription"), OLESTR("description = <%ls>"), description );
try {
// ensure OUT parameter is valid
WsbAssert( pMediaId != 0, E_POINTER );
// null out the returned value so garbage is not returned
*pMediaId = GUID_NULL;
// open Engine's Segment database
try {
// get an interface pointer to the MediaInfo entity (records) in the
// Segment database.
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->GetEntity( pDbSession, HSM_MEDIA_INFO_REC_TYPE, IID_IMediaInfo, (void**) &pMediaInfo ));
// Get the first media record and its description
WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->First() ); WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->GetDescription( &mediaDescription, 0 ) );
// Iterate through all media records until a record is found with a matching
// description. Since an architectural feature of HSM is that all
// descriptions (display names) are unique, even across storage pools,
// a match means we found the media record we want. Note that no match
// being found will cause an error to be thrown when the Next() call is
// made after reaching the last media record.
// check for description (display name) match (CASE INSENSITIVE)
while ( _wcsicmp( description, mediaDescription ) != 0 ) { WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->Next() ); WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->GetDescription( &mediaDescription, 0 )); }
// We found the record we want. Get that media's id for return
WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->GetId( pMediaId ));
} WsbCatch (hr); // 'try' to get MediaInfo entity and main processing body
// close the database
WsbAffirmHr( m_pSegmentDatabase->Close( pDbSession ));
} WsbCatch (hr); // 'try' to open the Segment database
// Done. Interface pointers used above are singly assigned smart pointers so
// don't explicitly Release() them. They will do auto-garbage collection.
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindMediaIdByDescription"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, media id = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbGuidAsString(*pMediaId));
// leaving CopyMedia code, reset Tracing bit to Hsm Engine (default for this module)
HRESULT CHsmServer::FindStoragePoolByName( IN OLECHAR* name, OUT IHsmStoragePool** ppStoragePool )
--*/ { // since this code is currently only used by the CopyMedia routines,
// reset the Tracing bit
HRESULT hr = S_OK; GUID id; CWsbStringPtr storagePoolName; CComPtr<IWsbCollection> pCollection; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IHsmStoragePool> pStoragePool;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindStoragePoolByName"), OLESTR("name = <%ls>"), name);
try {
WsbAssert(0 != ppStoragePool, E_POINTER);
*ppStoragePool = 0;
WsbAffirmHr(m_pStoragePools->QueryInterface(IID_IWsbCollection, (void**) &pCollection)); WsbAffirmHr(pCollection->Enum(&pEnum));
WsbAffirmHr(pEnum->First(IID_IHsmStoragePool, (void**) &pStoragePool)); WsbAffirmHr(pStoragePool->GetMediaSet(&id, &storagePoolName));
while (_wcsicmp(name, storagePoolName) != 0) { pStoragePool = 0; WsbAffirmHr(pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmStoragePool, (void**) &pStoragePool)); storagePoolName.Free(); WsbAffirmHr(pStoragePool->GetMediaSet(&id, &storagePoolName)); }
*ppStoragePool = pStoragePool; if (pStoragePool != 0) { (*ppStoragePool)->AddRef(); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindStoragePoolByName"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
// leaving CopyMedia code, so reset Tracing bit to the Hsm Engine
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetStoragePools( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the pools have been loaded, return the pointer. Otherwise,
// fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); *ppCollection = m_pStoragePools; WsbAffirm(m_pStoragePools != 0, E_FAIL); m_pStoragePools->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetOnlineInformation( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the online information has been loaded, return it
// Otherwise, fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); *ppCollection = m_pOnlineInformation; WsbAffirm(m_pOnlineInformation != 0, E_FAIL); m_pOnlineInformation->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetMountingMedias( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); *ppCollection = m_pMountingMedias; WsbAffirm(m_pMountingMedias != 0, E_FAIL); m_pMountingMedias->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetMessages( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If messages have been loaded, return them.
// Otherwise, fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); *ppCollection = m_pMessages; WsbAffirm(m_pMessages != 0, E_FAIL); m_pMessages->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetUsrToNotify( IWsbIndexedCollection** /*ppCollection*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetJobs( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the jobs have been loaded, return the pointer. Otherwise,
// fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); *ppCollection = m_pJobs; WsbAffirm(m_pJobs != 0, E_FAIL); m_pJobs->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::FindJobByName( IN OLECHAR* name, OUT IHsmJob** ppJob )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWsbStringPtr jobName; CComPtr<IWsbCollection> pCollection; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IHsmJob> pJob;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindJobByName"), OLESTR("name = <%ls>"), name);
try {
WsbAssert(0 != ppJob, E_POINTER);
*ppJob = 0;
WsbAffirmHr(m_pJobs->QueryInterface(IID_IWsbCollection, (void**) &pCollection)); WsbAffirmHr(pCollection->Enum(&pEnum));
hr = pEnum->First(IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob); while (S_OK == hr) { WsbAffirmHr(pJob->GetName(&jobName, 0)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindJobByName: name = <%ls>\n"), jobName);
if (_wcsicmp(name, jobName) == 0) break; pJob = 0; hr = pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob); }
if (S_OK == hr) { *ppJob = pJob; if (pJob != 0) { (*ppJob)->AddRef(); } } } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FindJobByName"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetJobDefs( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the job definitions have been loaded, return the pointer. Otherwise,
// fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); *ppCollection = m_pJobDefs; WsbAffirm(m_pJobDefs != 0, E_FAIL); m_pJobDefs->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetMediaRecs( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetMediaRecs"), OLESTR(""));
try { HRESULT hr2; CComPtr<IWsbIndexedCollection> pCol; CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSes; CComPtr<IWsbDbEntity> pRec;
WsbAffirm(m_pSegmentDatabase != 0, E_FAIL); WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbOrderedCollection, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&pCol ));
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->Open(&pDbSes)); WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->GetEntity(pDbSes, HSM_MEDIA_INFO_REC_TYPE, IID_IWsbDbEntity, (void**)&pRec));
// Loop over records in DB and copy to collection
hr2 = pRec->First(); while(S_OK == hr2) { CComPtr<IMediaInfo> pCopy; CComPtr<IMediaInfo> pOrig; GUID MediaId; GUID MediaSubsystemId; GUID StoragePoolId; LONGLONG FreeBytes; LONGLONG Capacity; HRESULT LastError; short NextRemoteDataSet; OLECHAR * pDescription = NULL; HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE Type; OLECHAR * pName = NULL; BOOL ReadOnly; FILETIME Update; LONGLONG LogicalValidBytes; BOOL Recreate;
// Create a copy for the collection
WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CMediaInfo, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMediaInfo, (void**) &pCopy));
// Copy data
WsbAffirmHr(pRec->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaInfo, (void**)&pOrig)); WsbAffirmHr(pOrig->GetMediaInfo(&MediaId, &MediaSubsystemId, &StoragePoolId, &FreeBytes, &Capacity, &LastError, &NextRemoteDataSet, &pDescription, 0, &Type, &pName, 0, &ReadOnly, &Update, &LogicalValidBytes, &Recreate)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetMediaRecs: after GetMediaInfo\n")); WsbAffirmHr(pCopy->SetMediaInfo(MediaId, MediaSubsystemId, StoragePoolId, FreeBytes, Capacity, LastError, NextRemoteDataSet, pDescription, Type, pName, ReadOnly, Update, LogicalValidBytes, Recreate)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetMediaRecs: after SetMediaInfo\n")); if (pDescription) { WsbFree(pDescription); pDescription = NULL; } if (pName) { WsbFree(pName); pName = NULL; }
hr2 = pRec->Next(); } WsbAffirm(WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr2, hr2);
*ppCollection = pCol; pCol->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetMediaRecs"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetPolicies( IWsbIndexedCollection **ppCollection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the policies have been loaded, return the pointer. Otherwise,
// fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppCollection, E_POINTER); *ppCollection = m_pPolicies; WsbAffirm(m_pPolicies != 0, E_FAIL); m_pPolicies->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetActions( IWsbIndexedCollection** /*ppCollection*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetCriteria( IWsbIndexedCollection** /*ppCollection*/ ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetSegmentDb( IWsbDb **ppDb ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the segment table has been created, return the pointer. Otherwise,
// fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppDb, E_POINTER); WsbAffirm(m_pSegmentDatabase != 0, E_FAIL); *ppDb = m_pSegmentDatabase; m_pSegmentDatabase->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetHsmFsaTskMgr( IHsmFsaTskMgr **ppHsmFsaTskMgr ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the Task Manager has been created, return the pointer. Otherwise,
// fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppHsmFsaTskMgr, E_POINTER); *ppHsmFsaTskMgr = m_pHsmFsaTskMgr; WsbAffirm(m_pHsmFsaTskMgr != 0, E_FAIL); m_pHsmFsaTskMgr->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::CreateInstance ( REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = CoCreateInstance( rclsid, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, riid, ppv );
return hr; }
HRESULT CHsmServer::FinalConstruct( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FinalConstruct"), OLESTR(""));
// Initialize member data
m_pRssWriter = NULL; m_savingEvent = NULL; m_terminateEvent = NULL; m_hId = GUID_NULL; m_initializationCompleted = FALSE; m_persistWasCreated = FALSE; m_mediaCount = 0; m_copyfilesUserLimit = DEFAULT_COPYFILES_USER_LIMIT; m_autosaveThread = 0; m_CheckManagedResourcesThread = 0; m_cancelCopyMedia = FALSE; m_inCopyMedia = FALSE; m_Suspended = FALSE; m_JobsEnabled = TRUE;
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&m_JobDisableLock, 1000); InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&m_MountingMediasLock, 1000);
try { WsbAffirmHr(CWsbPersistable::FinalConstruct( )); } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FinalConstruct"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>\n"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return( hr ); }
void CHsmServer::FinalRelease( ) { WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FinalRelease"), OLESTR(""));
if (TRUE == m_initializationCompleted) { HSM_SYSTEM_STATE SysState;
SysState.State = HSM_STATE_SHUTDOWN; ChangeSysState(&SysState); } else { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FinalRelease not saving persistent information.\n")); }
// Let the parent class do his thing.
DeleteCriticalSection(&m_JobDisableLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&m_MountingMediasLock);
// Free String members
// Note: Member objects held in smart-pointers are freed when the
// smart-pointer destructor is being called (as part of this object destruction)
m_name.Free(); m_dir.Free(); m_dbPath.Free();
if (m_terminateEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_terminateEvent); m_terminateEvent = NULL; }
// Cleanup the writer
m_pRssWriter->Terminate(); delete m_pRssWriter; m_pRssWriter = NULL;
// Clean up database system
if (m_savingEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_savingEvent); m_savingEvent = NULL; }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::FinalRelease"), OLESTR("")); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetClassID( OUT CLSID* pClsid )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetClassID"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pClsid, E_POINTER); *pClsid = CLSID_HsmServer;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetClassID"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, CLSID = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbGuidAsString(*pClsid));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::Init( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Init"),OLESTR("")); try { CComPtr<IPersistFile> pPersistFile; DWORD threadId; CWsbStringPtr tmpString; LUID backupValue; HANDLE tokenHandle; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES newState; DWORD lErr; HANDLE pHandle;
// Get our Name
// Set the build and database parameters
WsbAffirmHr(WsbGetMetaDataPath(m_dbPath)); m_databaseVersion = ENGINE_CURRENT_DB_VERSION; m_buildVersion = RS_BUILD_VERSION;
// Set the autosave parameters.
m_autosaveInterval = DEFAULT_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL; m_autosaveThread = 0; // Enable the backup operator privilege. This is required to insure that we
// have full access to all resources on the system.
pHandle = GetCurrentProcess(); WsbAffirmStatus(OpenProcessToken(pHandle, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &tokenHandle));
// adjust backup token privileges
WsbAffirmStatus(LookupPrivilegeValueW(NULL, L"SeBackupPrivilege", &backupValue)); newState.PrivilegeCount = 1; newState.Privileges[0].Luid = backupValue; newState.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; WsbAffirmStatus(AdjustTokenPrivileges(tokenHandle, FALSE, &newState, (DWORD)0, NULL, NULL));
// Note that AdjustTokenPrivileges may return success even if it did not assign all privileges.
// We check last error here to insure everything was set.
if ((lErr = GetLastError()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Not backup user or some other error
// TODO: Should we fail here or just log something?
WsbAffirmStatus(LookupPrivilegeValueW(NULL, L"SeRestorePrivilege", &backupValue)); newState.PrivilegeCount = 1; newState.Privileges[0].Luid = backupValue; newState.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; WsbAffirmStatus(AdjustTokenPrivileges(tokenHandle, FALSE, &newState, (DWORD)0, NULL, NULL));
// Note that AdjustTokenPrivileges may return success even if it did not assign all privileges.
// We check last error here to insure everything was set.
if ((lErr = GetLastError()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Not backup user or some other error
// TODO: Should we fail here or just log something?
// Create the Writer
m_pRssWriter = new CRssJetWriter; WsbAffirm(NULL != m_pRssWriter, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// Create the event that synchronize saving of persistent data with snapshots
WsbAffirmHandle(m_savingEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, TRUE, HSM_ENGINE_STATE_EVENT));
// Create one instance of the Media Server Interface
// (It must be created before the persistent data is loaded.
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Creating Rsm Server member.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CRmsServer, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IRmsServer, (void**)&m_pHsmMediaMgr));
// Load the persistent information
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Persistent Information.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(LoadPersistData());
// Create mounting-medias collection - Note: this collection is not persistent!
WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbOrderedCollection, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&m_pMountingMedias));
// Initialize the Media Server object
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->InitializeInAnotherThread()); // Initialize the IDB system for this process
WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbDbSys, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IWsbDbSys, (void**) &m_pDbSys)); WsbAffirmHr(GetIDbPath(&tmpString, 0)); WsbAffirmHr(m_pDbSys->Init(tmpString, IDB_SYS_INIT_FLAG_FULL_LOGGING));
// Start automatic backup of DBs
WsbAffirmHr(m_pDbSys->Backup(NULL, IDB_BACKUP_FLAG_AUTO)); // Initialize Rss Writer
WsbAffirmHr(m_pRssWriter->Init()); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Segment Information.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(LoadSegmentInformation());
WsbAffirmHr(CreateDefaultJobs()); WsbTrace(OLESTR("CreateDefaultJobs OK\n")); //
// Create one instance of the Hsm Task Manager Interface and one instance
// of the Hsm Fsa Task Manager Interface
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Creating Task Manager.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CHsmTskMgr, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IHsmFsaTskMgr, (void **)&m_pHsmFsaTskMgr )); WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmFsaTskMgr->Init((IUnknown*) (IHsmServer*) this));
// Tell the world that we are here
// Currently, avoid publishing HSM in the AD - if this becomes necessary,
// remove the comments from the following code
/*** WsbAffirmHr(HsmPublish (HSMCONN_TYPE_HSM, m_name, m_hId, m_name, CLSID_HsmServer ));
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Published OK\n")); ***/
// Create termination event for auto-backup thread
WsbAffirmHandle((m_terminateEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)));
// If the autosave interval is non-zero, start the autosave thread
if (m_autosaveInterval) { ULONG interval = m_autosaveInterval;
WsbAffirm(0 == m_autosaveThread, E_FAIL); m_autosaveInterval = 0;
// Trick SetAutosave into starting the thread
WsbAffirmHr(SetAutosave(interval)); }
m_initializationCompleted = TRUE;
// Start a thread that will check on the managed resources. This is done
// as a separate thread because the Resource code can call back into this
// process and hang the FSA and the Engine since the Engine code hasn't
// gotten to it's message loop yet.
WsbAffirm((m_CheckManagedResourcesThread = CreateThread(0, 0, HsmengStartCheckManagedResources, (void*) this, 0, &threadId)) != 0, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Init"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr));
return( hr ); }
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetSizeMax"), OLESTR(""));
try { WsbAssert(0 != pSize, E_POINTER); pSize->QuadPart = 2000000; } WsbCatch( hr ); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetSizeMax"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, size = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbPtrToUliAsString(pSize)); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::Load( IN IStream* pStream )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Load"), OLESTR(""));
try { WsbAssert(0 != pStream, E_POINTER); //
// Make sure these are in the same order as Save
// Make sure this is the right version of the database to load
ULONG tmpDatabaseVersion; WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &tmpDatabaseVersion)); if (tmpDatabaseVersion == ENGINE_WIN2K_DB_VERSION) { // We are upgrading from an older version of the database
WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_DATABASE_VERSION_UPGRADE, 0, NULL, WsbQuickString(WsbPtrToUlongAsString(&m_databaseVersion)), WsbQuickString(WsbPtrToUlongAsString(&tmpDatabaseVersion)), NULL ); } else if (tmpDatabaseVersion != m_databaseVersion) { //
// The database version this server is expecting does not
// match that of the saved database - so error out.
WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_DATABASE_VERSION_MISMATCH, 0, NULL, WsbQuickString(WsbPtrToUlongAsString(&m_databaseVersion)), WsbQuickString(WsbPtrToUlongAsString(&tmpDatabaseVersion)), NULL ); WsbThrow(HSM_E_DATABASE_VERSION_MISMATCH); } //
// Now read in the build version but don't do anything with it. It is in the
// databases for dump programs to display
ULONG tmpBuildVersion; WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &tmpBuildVersion)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &m_hId)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &m_autosaveInterval)); if (tmpDatabaseVersion == ENGINE_WIN2K_DB_VERSION) { LONGLONG mediaCount; WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &mediaCount)); m_mediaCount = (LONG)mediaCount; m_copyfilesUserLimit = DEFAULT_COPYFILES_USER_LIMIT; } else { WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &m_mediaCount)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &m_copyfilesUserLimit)); }
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Jobs.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(LoadJobs(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Job Definitions.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(LoadJobDefs(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Policies.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(LoadPolicies(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Managed Resources.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(LoadManagedResources(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Storage Pools.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(LoadStoragePools(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Messages.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(LoadMessages(pStream));
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Loading Media Manager objects.\n")); if (tmpDatabaseVersion == ENGINE_WIN2K_DB_VERSION) { // Special procedure for upgrading a Win2K media manager data, which is located in a separate file
CComPtr<IHsmUpgradeRmsDb> pUpgrade; CComPtr<IPersistFile> pServerPersist; CWsbStringPtr rmsDbName;
WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CHsmUpgradeRmsDb, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IHsmUpgradeRmsDb, (void**)&pUpgrade)); WsbAffirmHr(pUpgrade->Init(m_pHsmMediaMgr)); WsbAffirmHr(pUpgrade->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void **)&pServerPersist)); rmsDbName = m_dbPath; WsbAffirmHr(rmsDbName.Append(RMS_WIN2K_PERSIST_FILE)); hr = WsbSafeLoad(rmsDbName, pServerPersist, FALSE); if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { // In case of upgrade, the Rms database must be there
hr = WSB_E_SERVICE_MISSING_DATABASES; } WsbAffirmHr(hr); } else { CComPtr<IPersistStream> pIStream; WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStream, (void **)&pIStream)); WsbAffirmHr(pIStream->Load(pStream)); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Load"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::Save( IN IStream* pStream, IN BOOL clearDirty )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Save"), OLESTR("clearDirty = <%ls>"), WsbBoolAsString(clearDirty)); try { WsbAssert(0 != pStream, E_POINTER); // Make sure these are in the same order as Load
WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_databaseVersion)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_buildVersion)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_hId)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_autosaveInterval)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_mediaCount)); WsbAffirmHr(WsbSaveToStream(pStream, m_copyfilesUserLimit));
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Storing Jobs.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(StoreJobs(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Storing Job Definitions.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(StoreJobDefs(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Storing Policies.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(StorePolicies(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Storing Managed Resources.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(StoreManagedResources(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Storing Storage Pools.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(StoreStoragePools(pStream)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Storing Messages.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(StoreMessages(pStream));
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Storing Media Manager objects.\n")); CComPtr<IPersistStream> pIStream; WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStream, (void **)&pIStream)); WsbAffirmHr(pIStream->Save(pStream, clearDirty));
// If we got it saved and we were asked to clear the dirty bit, then
// do so now.
if (clearDirty) { m_isDirty = FALSE; }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Save"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CHsmServer::SaveAll( void )
Return Value: S_OK - Success S_FALSE - Already saving Other - Error
--*/ {
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SaveAll"), OLESTR(""));
try { WsbAffirm(!g_HsmSaveInProcess, S_FALSE); g_HsmSaveInProcess = TRUE; hr = InternalSavePersistData(); g_HsmSaveInProcess = FALSE;
// call Media Server SaveAll
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->SaveAll()); } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SaveAll"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetNextMedia( LONG *pNextMedia )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetNextMedia"), OLESTR("")); try { WsbAssert(0 != pNextMedia, E_POINTER); // Always increment media count
// If prior scratch mount failed, the mounting component should save the id that
// it got on the first call
// NOTE: One possible consequence is that if a job fails mounting scratch (one time
// or more) and gives up, one increment has already done, hence skipping one number.
*pNextMedia = InterlockedIncrement(&m_mediaCount);
// We want to make sure we never reuse this count so
// save it now
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetNextMedia"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, nextMedia = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbPtrToLongAsString(pNextMedia));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::CreateTask( IN const OLECHAR * jobName, IN const OLECHAR * jobParameters, IN const OLECHAR * jobComments, IN const TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE jobTriggerType, IN const WORD jobStartHour, IN const WORD jobStartMinute, IN const BOOL scheduledJob )
Routine Description:
This routine implements the Engine's COM method for creating a task (aka job) in the NT Task Scheduler. If the task is to be run on a scheduled basis, that schedule will be set. If the task is a disabled task (does not run on a scheduled basis), it will be run at the end of this method.
The method creates a Task Scheduler object, which is first used to delete any old task with the same name as the one about to be created, and then to create the new task (aka job). The rest of the method deals with setting the various fields in the NT Task Scheduler needed to run the job. The logic is straight forward, except possibly for the code dealing with the Task Trigger. The Task Trigger is a struct defined in the 'mstask.idl' file (nt\public\sdk\inc) which is used to set the schedule for a scheduled task. (Note it is not used for a disabled, or non-scheduled, job, since that type of job only runs once (at the end of this method).) While a number of scheduling options are defined, this method only supports 5 of the 8 defined. See 'jobTriggerType' in the 'Arguments' section, and 'E_INVALIDARG' in the 'Return Value' section below for a listing of which options are, and are not, supported. Also note that a filled-out Task Trigger structure can not be passed to this method as an argument since a Task Trigger is non-marshallable (by virtue of containing a simple union field). (This is why 3 of the fields contained within the Task Trigger struct are passed as args.)
Note that this method does not create a job object in the HSM Engine. If a job needs to be created, it is the caller's responsibility to do so.
jobName - The fully formatted task name as it will appear in the NT Task Scheduler UI. It is the caller's responsibility to build/format this string prior to calling this method. Can not be NULL.
jobParameters - The fully formatted parameter string for the program the task will invoke. For Sakkara the invoked program is RsLaunch. 'jobParameters' is the string added to the RsLaunch command line which specifies the Remote Storage job to run (e.g., 'run manage'). Can not be NULL.
jobComments - The fully formatted comments string as it will appear in the NT Task Scheduler UI. Can be null.
jobTriggerType - The value which specifies to the Task Scheduler the frequency with which to run a scheduled task. For scheduled tasks, used to build the Task Trigger structure. (Not used for non-scheduled (one time only) tasks.) Supported values are 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE', 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY', 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE', 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_AT_SYSTEMSTART', and 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_AT_LOGON'. See return value 'E_INVALIDARG' below for a list of non-supported options.
jobStartHour - The value which specifies to the Task Scheduler the hour at which to start a scheduled task. For scheduled tasks, used to build the Task Trigger structure. (Not used for non-scheduled (one time only) tasks.)
jobStartMinute - The value which specifies to the Task Scheduler the minutes past the hour at which to start a scheduled task. For scheduled tasks, used to build the Task Trigger structure. (Not used for non-scheduled (one time only) tasks.)
scheduledJob - A Boolean which indicates whether or not the task to be created is to run as a scheduled task, or as a one time only task. One time only tasks are run immediately at the end of this method.
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded (the specified task was created (and run, in the case of one time only tasks) in NT Task Scheduler).
E_INVALIDARG - Either an invalid (not supported by this method) or non-existent 'jobTriggerType' value was passed into this method. Non-supported values are 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY', 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE', and 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW'. Supported values are listed in argument 'jobTriggerType' above.
E_POINTER - Either the 'jobName' or 'jobParameters' argument was passed as NULL.
Any other value - The call failed because one of the Remote Storage API calls contained internally in this method failed. The error value returned is specific to the API call which failed. --*/
{ // The below 'define' statement is used to control conditional compilation of the code
// which sets the account info in NT Task Scheduler. Once Task Scheduler is fixed to
// not need a specific user name and password to run a task, simply remove or comment
// out this statement.
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<ITaskScheduler> pTaskScheduler; CComPtr<ITask> pTask; CComPtr<IPersistFile> pPersist; DWORD TaskFlags;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CreateTask"), OLESTR("jobName = <%ls>, jobParameters = <%ls>, jobComments = <%ls>, " L"jobTriggerType = <%d>, jobStartHour = <%d>, jobStartMinute = <%d>, " L"scheduledJob = <%ls>"), jobName, jobParameters, jobComments, jobTriggerType, jobStartHour, jobStartMinute, WsbBoolAsString( scheduledJob ) );
try {
WsbAffirmPointer( jobName ); WsbAffirmPointer( jobParameters ); // Create a Task Scheduler object, which defaults to pointing to this computer's
// NT Task Scheduler.
WsbAffirmHr( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CTaskScheduler, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ITaskScheduler, (void **) &pTaskScheduler ) );
// Delete any old job with the same name from the scheduler, if it exists.
// Ignore error.
pTaskScheduler->Delete( jobName );
// Create the new job in the scheduler
WsbAffirmHr( pTaskScheduler->NewWorkItem( jobName, CLSID_CTask, IID_ITask, (IUnknown**)&pTask ) );
CWsbStringPtr appName; WsbAffirmHr(appName.LoadFromRsc(_Module.m_hInst, IDS_PRODUCT_NAME));
// Set the Creator field for the task
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetCreator( appName ) );
// Branch on whether or not the task is to run by schedule
if ( scheduledJob ) {
CComPtr<ITaskTrigger> pTrigger; WORD triggerNumber; TASK_TRIGGER taskTrigger; SYSTEMTIME sysTime;
// create Trigger scheduling object for the job
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->CreateTrigger( &triggerNumber, &pTrigger ) ); // Zero out Task Trigger struct contents, then init its structure size field
memset( &taskTrigger, 0, sizeof( taskTrigger ) ); taskTrigger.cbTriggerSize = sizeof( taskTrigger );
// Set up schedule for the job in the Task Trigger struct
GetSystemTime( &sysTime ); taskTrigger.wBeginYear = sysTime.wYear; taskTrigger.wBeginMonth = sysTime.wMonth; taskTrigger.wBeginDay = sysTime.wDay;
taskTrigger.wStartHour = jobStartHour; taskTrigger.wStartMinute = jobStartMinute;
taskTrigger.TriggerType = jobTriggerType;
// Finish setting schedule info based on case, reject non-supported cases
switch ( jobTriggerType ) { case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY: { taskTrigger.Type.Daily.DaysInterval = 1; } break;
// these are supported cases that need no further set up
// non-supported cases
case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY: case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE: case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW: { WsbTrace( OLESTR("(CreateTask) Job Trigger Type passed <%d> is invalid (see mstask.idl)\n"), jobTriggerType ); WsbThrow( E_INVALIDARG ); } break;
default: { WsbTrace( OLESTR("(CreateTask) Nonexistent Job Trigger Type passed <%d> (see mstask.idl)\n"), jobTriggerType ); WsbThrow( E_INVALIDARG ); } }
// Set the job schedule
WsbAffirmHr( pTrigger->SetTrigger( &taskTrigger ) ); }
// Note that for Disabled (non-scheduled) tasks, there is no need to 'SetFlags()'
// on the task (pTask) to 'TASK_FLAG_DISABLED'. In fact, this method will hang
// for an undetermined reason if you do issue that call.
// Below steps finish creating an entry for NT Task Scheduler
// Set the program that the Scheduler is to run (for Sakkara this is RsLaunch)
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetApplicationName( WSB_FACILITY_LAUNCH_NAME ) );
// Put the job name in as the task parameter - for Sakkara this is how RsLaunch
// knows which job to run.
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetParameters( jobParameters ) );
// Set the comments field for the task
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetComment( jobComments ) );
// Set Task Scheduler account info by passing nulls
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetAccountInformation( OLESTR(""), NULL ) );
// Set the SYSTEM_REQUIRED flag to deal with standby/sleep mode
WsbAffirmHr(pTask->GetTaskFlags(&TaskFlags)); TaskFlags |= TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED; WsbAffirmHr(pTask->SetTaskFlags(TaskFlags));
// Save the scheduled task
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistFile, (void**)&pPersist ) ); WsbAffirmHr( pPersist->Save( 0, 0 ) );
// If this is not a scheduled job, run it now
if ( !scheduledJob ) { WsbAffirmHr( pTask->Run() ); }
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CHsmServer::CreateTask", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) );
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::CreateTaskEx( IN const OLECHAR * jobName, IN const OLECHAR * jobParameters, IN const OLECHAR * jobComments, IN const TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE jobTriggerType, IN const SYSTEMTIME runTime, IN const DWORD runOccurrence, IN const BOOL scheduledJob )
Routine Description:
This routine implements the Engine's COM method for creating a task (aka job) in the NT Task Scheduler. If the task is to be run on a scheduled basis, that schedule will be set. If the task is a disabled task (does not run on a scheduled basis), it will be run at the end of this method.
The method creates a Task Scheduler object, which is first used to delete any old task with the same name as the one about to be created, and then to create the new task (aka job). The rest of the method deals with setting the various fields in the NT Task Scheduler needed to run the job. The logic is straight forward, except possibly for the code dealing with the Task Trigger. The Task Trigger is a struct defined in the 'mstask.idl' file (nt\public\sdk\inc) which is used to set the schedule for a scheduled task. (Note it is not used for a disabled, or non-scheduled, job, since that type of job only runs once (at the end of this method).) While a number of scheduling options are defined, this method only supports 5 of the 8 defined. See 'jobTriggerType' in the 'Arguments' section, and 'E_INVALIDARG' in the 'Return Value' section below for a listing of which options are, and are not, supported. Also note that a filled-out Task Trigger structure can not be passed to this method as an argument since a Task Trigger is non-marshallable (by virtue of containing a simple union field). (This is why 3 of the fields contained within the Task Trigger struct are passed as args.)
Note that this method does not create a job object in the HSM Engine. If a job needs to be created, it is the caller's responsibility to do so.
jobName - The fully formatted task name as it will appear in the NT Task Scheduler UI. It is the caller's responsibility to build/format this string prior to calling this method. Can not be NULL.
jobParameters - The fully formatted parameter string for the program the task will invoke. For Sakkara the invoked program is RsLaunch. 'jobParameters' is the string added to the RsLaunch command line which specifies the Remote Storage job to run (e.g., 'run manage'). Can not be NULL.
jobComments - The fully formatted comments string as it will appear in the NT Task Scheduler UI. Can be null.
jobTriggerType - The value which specifies to the Task Scheduler the frequency with which to run a scheduled task. For scheduled tasks, used to build the Task Trigger structure. (Not used for non-scheduled (one time only) tasks.) Supported values are 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE', 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY', TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY , TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE, 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE', 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_AT_SYSTEMSTART', and 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_AT_LOGON'. See return value 'E_INVALIDARG' below for a list of non-supported options.
runTime - Time when the job should be scheduled
runOccurrence - Occurrence for the job should to be scheduled, relevant for several trigger types
scheduledJob - A Boolean which indicates whether or not the task to be created is to run as a scheduled task, or as a one time only task. One time only tasks are run immediately at the end of this method.
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded (the specified task was created (and run, in the case of one time only tasks) in NT Task Scheduler).
E_INVALIDARG - Either an invalid (not supported by this method) or non-existent 'jobTriggerType' value was passed into this method. Non-supported values are 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY', 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE', and 'TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW'. Supported values are listed in argument 'jobTriggerType' above.
E_POINTER - Either the 'jobName' or 'jobParameters' argument was passed as NULL.
Any other value - The call failed because one of the Remote Storage API calls contained internally in this method failed. The error value returned is specific to the API call which failed. --*/
{ // The below 'define' statement is used to control conditional compilation of the code
// which sets the account info in NT Task Scheduler. Once Task Scheduler is fixed to
// not need a specific user name and password to run a task, simply remove or comment
// out this statement.
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<ITaskScheduler> pTaskScheduler; CComPtr<ITask> pTask; CComPtr<IPersistFile> pPersist; DWORD TaskFlags;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CreateTaskEx"), OLESTR("jobName = <%ls>, jobParameters = <%ls>, jobComments = <%ls>, " L"jobTriggerType = <%d>, jobStartHour = <%d>, jobStartMinute = <%d>, " L"scheduledJob = <%ls>"), jobName, jobParameters, jobComments, jobTriggerType, runTime.wHour, runTime.wMinute, WsbBoolAsString( scheduledJob ) );
try {
WsbAffirmPointer( jobName ); WsbAffirmPointer( jobParameters ); // Create a Task Scheduler object, which defaults to pointing to this computer's
// NT Task Scheduler.
WsbAffirmHr( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CTaskScheduler, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_ITaskScheduler, (void **) &pTaskScheduler ) );
// Delete any old job with the same name from the scheduler, if it exists.
// Ignore error.
pTaskScheduler->Delete( jobName );
// Create the new job in the scheduler
WsbAffirmHr( pTaskScheduler->NewWorkItem( jobName, CLSID_CTask, IID_ITask, (IUnknown**)&pTask ) );
CWsbStringPtr appName; WsbAffirmHr(appName.LoadFromRsc(_Module.m_hInst, IDS_PRODUCT_NAME));
// Set the Creator field for the task
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetCreator( appName ) );
// Branch on whether or not the task is to run by schedule
if ( scheduledJob ) {
CComPtr<ITaskTrigger> pTrigger; WORD triggerNumber; TASK_TRIGGER taskTrigger;
// create Trigger scheduling object for the job
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->CreateTrigger( &triggerNumber, &pTrigger ) ); // Zero out Task Trigger struct contents, then init its structure size field
memset( &taskTrigger, 0, sizeof( taskTrigger ) ); taskTrigger.cbTriggerSize = sizeof( taskTrigger );
// Set up schedule for the job in the Task Trigger struct
taskTrigger.wBeginYear = runTime.wYear; taskTrigger.wBeginMonth = runTime.wMonth; taskTrigger.wBeginDay = runTime.wDay;
taskTrigger.wStartHour = runTime.wHour; taskTrigger.wStartMinute = runTime.wMinute;
taskTrigger.TriggerType = jobTriggerType;
// Finish setting schedule info based on case, reject non-supported cases
switch ( jobTriggerType ) { case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY: { taskTrigger.Type.Daily.DaysInterval = (WORD)runOccurrence; } break;
case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY: { taskTrigger.Type.Weekly.WeeksInterval = (WORD)runOccurrence; switch (runTime.wDayOfWeek) { case 0: taskTrigger.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = TASK_SUNDAY; break; case 1: taskTrigger.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = TASK_MONDAY; break; case 2: taskTrigger.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = TASK_TUESDAY; break; case 3: taskTrigger.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = TASK_WEDNESDAY; break; case 4: taskTrigger.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = TASK_THURSDAY; break; case 5: taskTrigger.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = TASK_FRIDAY; break; case 6: taskTrigger.Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = TASK_SATURDAY; break; } } break;
case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE: { WsbAssert(runTime.wDay < 32, E_INVALIDARG); taskTrigger.Type.MonthlyDate.rgfDays = (1 << (runTime.wDay-1)); taskTrigger.Type.MonthlyDate.rgfMonths = (TASK_JANUARY | TASK_FEBRUARY | TASK_MARCH |TASK_APRIL | TASK_MAY | TASK_JUNE |TASK_JULY | TASK_AUGUST | TASK_SEPTEMBER | TASK_OCTOBER | TASK_NOVEMBER | TASK_DECEMBER); } break;
case TASK_EVENT_TRIGGER_ON_IDLE: { WORD wIdle, wTemp; WsbAffirmHr(pTask->GetIdleWait(&wIdle, &wTemp)); wIdle = (WORD)runOccurrence; WsbAffirmHr(pTask->SetIdleWait(wIdle, wTemp)); }
// these are supported cases that need no further set up
// non-supported cases
case TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDOW: { WsbTrace( OLESTR("(CreateTaskEx) Job Trigger Type passed <%d> is invalid (see mstask.idl)\n"), jobTriggerType ); WsbThrow( E_INVALIDARG ); } break;
default: { WsbTrace( OLESTR("(CreateTaskEx) Nonexistent Job Trigger Type passed <%d> (see mstask.idl)\n"), jobTriggerType ); WsbThrow( E_INVALIDARG ); } }
// Set the job schedule
WsbAffirmHr( pTrigger->SetTrigger( &taskTrigger ) ); }
// Note that for Disabled (non-scheduled) tasks, there is no need to 'SetFlags()'
// on the task (pTask) to 'TASK_FLAG_DISABLED'. In fact, this method will hang
// for an undetermined reason if you do issue that call.
// Below steps finish creating an entry for NT Task Scheduler
// Set the program that the Scheduler is to run (for Sakkara this is RsLaunch)
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetApplicationName( WSB_FACILITY_LAUNCH_NAME ) );
// Put the job name in as the task parameter - for Sakkara this is how RsLaunch
// knows which job to run.
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetParameters( jobParameters ) );
// Set the comments field for the task
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetComment( jobComments ) );
// Set Task Scheduler account info by passing nulls
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->SetAccountInformation( OLESTR(""), NULL ) );
// Set the SYSTEM_REQUIRED flag to deal with standby/sleep mode
WsbAffirmHr(pTask->GetTaskFlags(&TaskFlags)); TaskFlags |= TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED; WsbAffirmHr(pTask->SetTaskFlags(TaskFlags));
// Save the scheduled task
WsbAffirmHr( pTask->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistFile, (void**)&pPersist ) ); WsbAffirmHr( pPersist->Save( 0, 0 ) );
// If this is not a scheduled job, run it now
if ( !scheduledJob ) { WsbAffirmHr( pTask->Run() ); }
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CHsmServer::CreateTaskEx", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) );
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::CancelCopyMedia( void )
Routine Description:
Cancel any active media copy operations (synchronize copy or recreate master).
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded.
S_FALSE - No media copy operation is active. --*/
{ // since this code is currently only used by the CopyMedia routines,
// reset the Tracing bit
WsbTraceIn( OLESTR("CHsmServer::CancelCopyMedia"), OLESTR("m_inCopyMedia = %ls, m_cancelCopyMedia = %ls"), WsbQuickString(WsbBoolAsString(m_inCopyMedia)), WsbQuickString(WsbBoolAsString(m_cancelCopyMedia)));
Lock(); if (m_inCopyMedia) { m_cancelCopyMedia = TRUE; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } Unlock(); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CancelCopyMedia"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
// leaving CopyMedia code, so reset Tracing bit to the Hsm Engine
HRESULT CHsmServer::MarkMediaForRecreation( IN REFGUID masterMediaId )
Routine Description:
This routine implements the Engine's COM method for marking a master media for re-creation Should we mark such a media as Recall Only as well ?
masterMediaId - The id (GUID) for the master media to be marked.
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded (the specified master media was marked).
Any other value - The call failed because one of the Remote Storage API calls contained internally in this method failed. The error value returned is specific to the API call which failed. --*/
{ // since this code is currently only used by the CopyMedia routines,
// reset the Tracing bit
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IMediaInfo> pMediaInfo; CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSession;
WsbTraceIn( OLESTR("CHsmServer::MarkMediaForRecreation"), OLESTR("masterMediaId = <%ls>"), WsbGuidAsString(masterMediaId) );
// no event logging since this method is presently for development use only
try {
// open the Engine's Segment database
WsbAffirmHr( m_pSegmentDatabase->Open( &pDbSession ));
try {
// get an interface pointer to the MediaInfo records (entity) in the
// Segment database
WsbAffirmHr( m_pSegmentDatabase->GetEntity( pDbSession, HSM_MEDIA_INFO_REC_TYPE, IID_IMediaInfo, (void**) &pMediaInfo ));
// get the MediaInfo database record for the master media we will mark for
// re-creation
WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->SetId( masterMediaId )); WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->FindEQ());
// mark this media for re-creation and as read only
WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->SetRecreate( TRUE ) ); /*** WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->RecreateMaster() ); TEMPORARY: Call this one instead for marking as Read Only as well ***/
// write updated record into the database
WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->Write());
} WsbCatch(hr); // inner 'try' - get media info entity and process
WsbAffirmHr( m_pSegmentDatabase->Close(pDbSession));
} WsbCatch(hr); // 'try' to open the database
// processing is done. The singly-assigned smart interface pointers will auto-garbage
// collect themselves.
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::MarkMediaForRecreation"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
// leaving CopyMedia code, so reset Tracing bit to the Hsm Engine
HRESULT CHsmServer::RecreateMaster( IN REFGUID masterMediaId, IN USHORT copySet )
Routine Description:
This routine implements the COM method for replacing (re-creating) a secondary storage original (master) media. To replace the master, a duplicate is made of the copy specified. The master record for that media in the Engine's MediaInfo database is then updated to point to the 're-created' master (duplicated media). For safety purposes all re-created masters are marked 'read only' if the copy was not up to date with the original master. Because of the potential for data loss (if the most recent copy is not up to date with the original master which is being re-created), the user (System Administrator) is urged to run a Validate job against the appropriate volume (via the UI) after re-creating any master.
After opening the Segment database (a single database containing all Engine database tables), getting the MediaInfo (remote storage master media) records (entity) and connecting to the RMS subsystem, the method gets the media record corresponding to the master to be re-created. It then checks that the specified copy exists for that master. After ensuring the copy exists, a 're-created master' is made by duplicating the that copy. The database info for the media record is then updated to point to the newly 're-created' master media. The method then cleans up (i.e., closes the database) and returns.
masterMediaId - The id (GUID) for the master media which is to be re-created.
copySet - The copyset number of the copy to use or zero, which means use the most recent copy.
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded (the specified master media was re-created from the specified copy media).
HSM_E_RECREATE_FLAG_WRONGVALUE - Returned if the 'recreate' flag for the master media record whose id was passed in, indicating it is to be recreated, is not set properly. (The UI is supposed to set it to TRUE prior to calling this method via RsLaunch.)
HSM_E_NO_COPIES_CONFIGURED - Returned if no copies have been configured or created for the master which is to be recreated. Without a valid copy we can not recreate a master secondary storage media.
HSM_E_NO_COPIES_EXIST - Returned if copies have been configured but they either haven't been created yet, or had previously been created but the System Administrator deleted them via UI action.
WSB_E_NOTFOUND - Value 81000001. Returned if no storage pool record was found whose id matched the one contained in the media record.
HSM_E_BUSY - Another media copy operation was already in progress.
HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED - Operation was cancelled.
Any other value - The call failed because one of the Remote Storage API calls contained internally in this method failed. The error value returned is specific to the API call which failed. --*/
{ // since this code is currently only used by the CopyMedia routines,
// reset the Tracing bit
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT currentLastError = S_OK; BOOL haveMasterMediaRecord = FALSE; BOOL recreateMaster = FALSE; BOOL currentRecallOnly = FALSE; BOOL newRecallOnly = FALSE; SHORT currentNextRemoteDataSet = 0; SHORT copyNextRemoteDataSet = 0; SHORT lastKnownGoodMasterNextRemoteDataSet = 0; USHORT maxSets = 0; GUID poolId = GUID_NULL; GUID newMasterId = GUID_NULL; GUID mediaSetId = GUID_NULL; GUID currentMediaId = GUID_NULL; GUID currentMediaSubsystemId = GUID_NULL; GUID lastKnownGoodMasterId = GUID_NULL; GUID copyMediaSubsystemId = GUID_NULL; LONGLONG newFreeBytes = 0; LONGLONG currentFreeBytes = 0; LONGLONG currentLogicalValidBytes = 0; LONGLONG newCapacity = 0; LONGLONG currentCapacity = 0; FILETIME copyUpdate; FILETIME currentUpdate; FILETIME lastKnownGoodMasterUpdate; CComPtr<IHsmStoragePool> pPool; CComPtr<IMediaInfo> pMediaInfo; CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pNewMasterMedia; CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pCopyMedia; CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSession; CWsbStringPtr currentName; CWsbStringPtr currentDescription; CWsbStringPtr copyDescription; CWsbBstrPtr copyDescriptionAsBstr; CWsbBstrPtr mediaSetName; CWsbBstrPtr newName; HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE currentType;
WsbTraceIn( OLESTR("CHsmServer::RecreateMaster"), OLESTR("masterMediaId = <%ls>"), WsbGuidAsString(masterMediaId) );
// log 'information' message
// Make sure we're not already busy & haven't been cancelled
Lock(); if (m_inCopyMedia) { okToContinue = FALSE; } else { m_inCopyMedia = TRUE; } Unlock(); WsbAffirm(okToContinue, HSM_E_BUSY); WsbAffirm(!m_cancelCopyMedia, HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED);
// open the Engine's Segment database
WsbAffirmHr( m_pSegmentDatabase->Open( &pDbSession ));
try {
// get an interface pointer to the MediaInfo records (entity) in the
// Segment database
WsbAffirmHr( m_pSegmentDatabase->GetEntity( pDbSession, HSM_MEDIA_INFO_REC_TYPE, IID_IMediaInfo, (void**) &pMediaInfo ));
// get the MediaInfo db record for the master media we want to re-create
WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->SetId( masterMediaId )); WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->FindEQ()); haveMasterMediaRecord = TRUE;
// to check if this master has in fact been marked for re-creation, get
// the re-created flag value
WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->GetRecreate( &recreateMaster ));
// do not proceed if re-created flag is not set
if ( recreateMaster == FALSE ) { // log 'error' message and exit
// recreateMaster flag is TRUE, so proceed to re-create...
// Get the storage pool the master to be re-created belongs to. We'll
// use this pool to determine number of copy sets configured for this
// media, and to specify what storage pool the 'new' (re-created) master
// is to belong to.
WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->GetStoragePoolId( &poolId ));
// Get the storage pool object.
hr = FindHsmStoragePoolById( poolId, &pPool ); if (S_OK != hr) { // log the returned error and throw the error
WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_SEARCH_STGPOOL_BY_HSMID_ERROR, 0, NULL, WsbHrAsString(hr), NULL ); WsbThrow( hr ); }
// get the number of copy sets configured for this pool
WsbAffirmHr( pPool->GetNumMediaCopies( &maxSets )); // if none have been configured by SysAdmin, error out
WsbAffirm( maxSets > 0, HSM_E_NO_COPIES_CONFIGURED );
// If the copySet number was specified, make sure it is valid
WsbAffirm(((copySet == 0) || (copySet <= maxSets)), E_INVALIDARG);
// If the copySet was not specified, determine
// which copy belonging to this master is most recent, otherwise
// get information about specified copy.
if (copySet == 0) { USHORT mostRecentCopy = 0; USHORT mostDataSets = 0; FILETIME mostRecentCopyUpdate = WsbLLtoFT(0);
// set invalid value for validity testing (testing if any media
// copies exist)
mostRecentCopy = (USHORT)( maxSets + 1 );
// loop through the configured copy sets
for (copySet = 1; copySet <= maxSets; copySet++ ) { //
// We use the NextDataSet count to determine most recent copy.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyNextRemoteDataSet(copySet, ©NextRemoteDataSet));
if (copyNextRemoteDataSet > mostDataSets) {
// We need to make sure this copy is available.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyMediaSubsystemId(copySet, ©MediaSubsystemId));
try {
// Check the copy to make sure it exists and is enabled.
WsbAffirm(copyMediaSubsystemId != GUID_NULL, E_FAIL); WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->FindCartridgeById(copyMediaSubsystemId, &pCopyMedia));
CComQIPtr<IRmsComObject, &IID_IRmsComObject> pCartCom = pCopyMedia; WsbAffirmPointer(pCartCom); if( S_OK == pCartCom->IsEnabled( ) ) {
// This copy is more recent, and available, so save info
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyUpdate(copySet, ©Update));
// set the NextRemoteDataSet to this copy's count
mostDataSets = copyNextRemoteDataSet;
// capture copy number, and update time
mostRecentCopy = copySet; mostRecentCopyUpdate = copyUpdate;
} WsbCatchAndDo(hr, hr = S_OK; );
} } // end 'for' loop
// Check to be sure there was a copy. If not, error out.
WsbAffirm( ((maxSets + 1) > mostRecentCopy), HSM_E_NO_COPIES_EXIST );
copySet = mostRecentCopy; copyUpdate = mostRecentCopyUpdate; } else { WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyMediaSubsystemId(copySet, ©MediaSubsystemId)); WsbAffirm(copyMediaSubsystemId != GUID_NULL, HSM_E_NO_COPY_EXISTS); WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyUpdate(copySet, ©Update)); }
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Source for re-creation: copySet number = %d; version: %ls\n"), copySet, WsbFiletimeAsString(FALSE, copyUpdate) );
// Check to see if we are going to loose data because of re-creating
// the master.
// !!! IMPORTANT NOTE - bmd !!!
// We need to handle the case where we are recreating multiple times
// from out of sync copies. The last known good master always holds the info
// of the master in its last known good state. We are looking at the update
// timestamp which represent the version of the master or copy. The dataset
// number may be one more than what is store with the last known good master
// because of the particular logic required to handle partial/incomplete data sets:
// a) either the data set was written, but not committed, or b) the data set was started,
// but data was actually written.
CWsbStringPtr name; CWsbStringPtr description;
GUID unusedGuid1; GUID unusedGuid2; // NOTE: Use multiples so the trace in GetLastKnownGoodMasterInfo works
LONGLONG unusedLL1; LONGLONG unusedLL2; // NOTE: Use multiples so the trace in GetLastKnownGoodMasterInfo works
BOOL lastKnownGoodMasterRecallOnly; HRESULT lastKnownGoodMasterLastError; HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE unusedJMT;
// Get date the original master was last updated, this is stored with
// the last known good master.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetLastKnownGoodMasterInfo( &unusedGuid1, &lastKnownGoodMasterId, &unusedGuid2, &unusedLL1, &unusedLL2, &lastKnownGoodMasterLastError, &description, 0, &unusedJMT, &name, 0, &lastKnownGoodMasterRecallOnly, &lastKnownGoodMasterUpdate, &lastKnownGoodMasterNextRemoteDataSet));
name.Free( ); description.Free( );
// If the original master is newer than the most
// recent copy... (it should not be possible for the master
// to be older than a copy!)
if (CompareFileTime(&lastKnownGoodMasterUpdate, ©Update) != 0) { // ...we may lose data, so log it.
// Set up done. Now get/build necessary parameters for the call
// to actually duplicate the most recent copy onto scratch media.
// This copy will be the re-created master.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyDescription(copySet, ©Description, 0)); copyDescriptionAsBstr = copyDescription; // auto-allocates the BSTR
// Something simple for now.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyMediaSubsystemId(copySet, ©MediaSubsystemId));
// get the media set the storage pool contains so we assign the
// re-created master to the proper media set
WsbAffirmHr( pPool->GetMediaSet( &mediaSetId, &mediaSetName ));
// Parameters built. Call HSM subsystem to copy the most recent copy
// onto scratch media
WsbAffirm(!m_cancelCopyMedia, HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED); GUID firstSideId = GUID_NULL; WsbAffirmHrOk(m_pHsmMediaMgr->DuplicateCartridge(copyMediaSubsystemId, firstSideId, &newMasterId, mediaSetId, copyDescriptionAsBstr, &newFreeBytes, &newCapacity, RMS_DUPLICATE_RECYCLEONERROR));
// now that a replacement master media has been created, prepare
// to update the master media info in the database
// first get an interface pointer to the new re-created master
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->FindCartridgeById(newMasterId, &pNewMasterMedia));
// Get re-created master's label name. Note that if secondary
// storage is tape, this 'name' is the tape's bar code. For
// other media (e.g., optical) this is a name.
// Get Next Remote Data Set value from the copy. Used by the Validate
// job to determine what bags are on a master, it will be carried
// forward to the re-created master.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyNextRemoteDataSet(copySet, ©NextRemoteDataSet));
// get current master media info since some fields will not change
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetMediaInfo( ¤tMediaId, ¤tMediaSubsystemId, &poolId, ¤tFreeBytes, ¤tCapacity, ¤tLastError, ¤tNextRemoteDataSet, ¤tDescription, 0, ¤tType, ¤tName, 0, ¤tRecallOnly, ¤tUpdate, ¤tLogicalValidBytes, &recreateMaster ));
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Original Master next dataset, ver = %d, %ls\n"), currentNextRemoteDataSet, WsbFiletimeAsString(FALSE, currentUpdate)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Copy next dataset, ver = %d, %ls\n"), copyNextRemoteDataSet, WsbFiletimeAsString(FALSE, copyUpdate)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("LastKnownGoodMaster next dataset, ver = %d, %ls\n"), lastKnownGoodMasterNextRemoteDataSet, WsbFiletimeAsString(FALSE, lastKnownGoodMasterUpdate));
// Initialize the state of the recreated master
newRecallOnly = lastKnownGoodMasterRecallOnly;
BOOL inSync = (CompareFileTime(&lastKnownGoodMasterUpdate, ©Update) == 0) && (lastKnownGoodMasterNextRemoteDataSet == copyNextRemoteDataSet);
if (!inSync) {
// If the copy was not up to date, mark the new master as RecallOnly.
// Also clear free bytes since we won't know this value
newRecallOnly = TRUE; newFreeBytes = 0;
} else {
// This is an in-sync copy... check LastKnownGoodMaster RecallOnly and LastError to
// determine how to mark the recreated master RecallOnly status. Since the current,
// maybe recreated from an incomplete copy, we must use information about the
// LastKnownGoodMaster to determine the new RecallOnly status.
if (lastKnownGoodMasterRecallOnly) {
if (S_OK == lastKnownGoodMasterLastError) {
// If media is RecallOnly and there is no error (i.e. the media is full, or
// was marked RecallOnly via tool), we leave the media RecallOnly.
newRecallOnly = TRUE;
} else {
// If the original master was RecallOnly because of an error, reset
// the RecallOnly bit, since we should now have corrected the problem.
newRecallOnly = FALSE;
// Now we need to determine what to do with the old media...
HRESULT hrRecycle;
if (inSync) {
// We recreated an in sync master. The old LastKnownGoodMaster will be
// overwritten with the new recreated master, so we can safely recycle
// the LastKnownGoodMaster media.
// If the cartridge cannot be found we assume it
// was already deallocated through the media manager UI.
hrRecycle = m_pHsmMediaMgr->RecycleCartridge( lastKnownGoodMasterId, 0 ); WsbAffirm( S_OK == hrRecycle || RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_NOT_FOUND == hrRecycle, hrRecycle );
// if the current media is not the same as the LastKnownGoodMaster, we
// can recyle the current media, as well. This happens when the
// current media was recreated from an incomplete (out-of-sync) copy.
if (lastKnownGoodMasterId != currentMediaSubsystemId) {
// If the cartridge cannot be found we assume it
// was already deallocated through the media manager UI.
hrRecycle = m_pHsmMediaMgr->RecycleCartridge( currentMediaSubsystemId, 0 ); WsbAffirm( S_OK == hrRecycle || RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_NOT_FOUND == hrRecycle, hrRecycle ); }
} else {
// We recreated from an out-of-sync copy. If the current media
// and the LastKnownGoodMaster are different, we recycle the current
// media, since this will be overwritten with the new recreated master.
// This handles the case where we recreate from an out of sync copy
// multiple times.
if (lastKnownGoodMasterId != currentMediaSubsystemId) {
// If the cartridge cannot be found we assume it
// was already deallocated through the media manager UI.
hrRecycle = m_pHsmMediaMgr->RecycleCartridge( currentMediaSubsystemId, 0 ); WsbAffirm( S_OK == hrRecycle || RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_NOT_FOUND == hrRecycle, hrRecycle ); }
// Reset master media info - use new values where needed and original
// values where appropriate. The copy's Next Remote
// Data Set value allows the Validate job to handle managed files
// that are 'lost' by re-creating with an out of date copy.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->SetMediaInfo(currentMediaId, newMasterId, poolId, newFreeBytes, newCapacity, S_OK, copyNextRemoteDataSet, currentDescription, currentType, newName, newRecallOnly, copyUpdate, currentLogicalValidBytes, FALSE));
if (inSync) { // we've alread recycled the media, above.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->UpdateLastKnownGoodMaster()); }
// write the updated media record into the database
} WsbCatch(hr); // inner 'try' - get media info entity and process
// if any error was thrown after getting the master media record reset
// the 'recreate master' state to off (FALSE) for safety and so it appears
// correctly in the UI
if (( haveMasterMediaRecord ) && ( hr != S_OK )) { WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->SetRecreate( FALSE ) ); WsbAffirmHr( pMediaInfo->Write() ); }
// close the database
WsbAffirmHr( m_pSegmentDatabase->Close(pDbSession) );
} WsbCatch(hr);
// processing is done. Singly-assigned smart interface pointers will
// auto-garbage collect themselves.
if (S_OK == hr) { WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_RECREATE_MASTER_END, 0, NULL, WsbHrAsString(hr), NULL ); } else { WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_RECREATE_MASTER_ERROR_END, 0, NULL, WsbHrAsString(hr), NULL ); }
// Reset flags
Lock(); if (m_inCopyMedia && HSM_E_BUSY != hr) { m_inCopyMedia = FALSE; m_cancelCopyMedia = FALSE; } Unlock(); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::RecreateMaster"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
// leaving CopyMedia code, reset Tracing bit to the Hsm Engine
HRESULT CHsmServer::SynchronizeMedia( IN GUID poolId, IN USHORT copySet )
Routine Description:
This routine implements the COM method for updating a specified Copy Set. All copy media in the Copy Set either out of date (aka not synchronized with the master) or non-existent (either hasn't been made or has been deleted by the SysAdmin) will be 'synchronized' by this method. Out of date media are copied (from the master) and the MediaInfo database is updated to reflect the new info.
After opening the Segment database (a single database containing all Engine database tables), getting the MediaInfo (secondary storage master media) records (entity) and connecting to the RMS subsystem, the method enters its main loop. The loop iterates through all MediaInfo records. Those that belong to the specified storage pool are processed. First a check is made to ensure that the copy set requested to be updated is valid. If valid, and if that copy set's media is out of sync with the master (meaning it is outdated), the copy media is then duplicated from the master. (The copy media is actually 'updated', meaning only that portion of the master that was not previously written to the copy is copied.) Finally, that master's specified Copy Set media record is updated in the database. The loop then iterates to the next MediaInfo record. After all MediaInfo records have been processed the database is closed and the method returns. Arguments:
poolId - The id (GUID) for the Storage Pool whose copy set specified in the following parameter is to synchronized (aka updated). (Sakkara only has one storage pool.)
copySet - the number of the copy set that is to be updated. (Sakkara allows anywhere from 1 to 3 copy sets of secondary storage media, as configured by the System Administrator.)
Return Value:
S_OK - The call succeeded (the specified copy set in the specified storage pool was updated).
HSM_E_BUSY - Another media copy operation was already in progress.
HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED - Operation was cancelled.
Any other value - The call failed in either opening the Engine's Segment database, in getting the MediaInfo database entity, or in connecting to the RMS subsystem. NOTE that any error thrown during this routine's main loop will be logged to the Event Log, but will then be over-written to S_OK. That record is skipped and the next record in the loop is processed. Due to this it is possible that an out of sync copy set media will not be updated.
{ // since this code is currently only used by the CopyMedia routines,
// reset the Tracing bit
HRESULT hr = S_OK; USHORT maxSets = 0; FILETIME mediaTime; GUID mediaId = GUID_NULL; GUID mediaSetId = GUID_NULL; GUID copyPoolId = GUID_NULL; HRESULT hrDup = S_OK; BOOL atLeastOneCopyError = FALSE; SHORT masterNextRemoteDataSet; CComPtr<IHsmStoragePool> pPool; CComPtr<IMediaInfo> pMediaInfo; CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pCopyMedia; CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSession; CWsbStringPtr mediaDescription;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SynchronizeMedia"), OLESTR("poolId = <%ls>, copySet = <%d>"), WsbGuidAsString(poolId), copySet);
// log 'information' message
WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_SYNCHRONIZE_MEDIA_START, 0, NULL, NULL ); try { wchar_t copySetAsString[20]; BOOLEAN done = FALSE; BOOLEAN firstPass = TRUE; BOOL okToContinue = TRUE;
// Make sure we're not already busy & haven't been cancelled
Lock(); if (m_inCopyMedia) { okToContinue = FALSE; } else { m_inCopyMedia = TRUE; } Unlock(); WsbAffirm(okToContinue, HSM_E_BUSY); WsbAffirm(!m_cancelCopyMedia, HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED);
// open the Engine's Segment database
// get interface pointer to the MediaInfo records (entity) in the
// Segment database
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->GetEntity(pDbSession, HSM_MEDIA_INFO_REC_TYPE, IID_IMediaInfo, (void**) &pMediaInfo));
WsbAffirm(!m_cancelCopyMedia, HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED);
// Convert copySet number to a sting for use later
_itow( copySet, copySetAsString, 10 );
// Main processing loop -- loop through all media at least once to
// check for out-of-date copies. Keep looping if any copies were
// skipped because the mount request timed out.
while (!done) { LONG nTimedOut = 0;
// Iterate through the (master secondary storage) media looking for
// duplicate (copy) media in this copy set that either haven't been made
// or haven't been synchronized since the last time the master was updated.
for (hr = pMediaInfo->First(); SUCCEEDED(hr); hr = pMediaInfo->Next()) { CWsbStringPtr copyDescription; HRESULT copyError = S_OK; GUID copyMediaId = GUID_NULL; SHORT copyNextRemoteDataSet = 0; CWsbStringPtr copyName; FILETIME copyTime = WsbLLtoFT(0); BOOL gotCopyInfo = FALSE; BOOL updateMediaInfo = FALSE; BOOLEAN mountingScratch = FALSE;
try { WsbAffirm(!m_cancelCopyMedia, HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED);
// get the storage pool GUID of this master media (& its copies)
// If the media is from the desired pool (or any pool) then check it.
// (Passing in a poolId of NULL has the effect of indicating the
// SysAdmin wants copy set 'x' in all storage pools updated in one
// operation. Note that Sakkara currently uses this technique
// when the 'Update Copyset x' command is issued via the UI
// (it launches RsLaunch with no pool id specified).)
if ((poolId == GUID_NULL) || (poolId == copyPoolId)) {
// Ensure the copy set requested for update is valid:
// Get the storage pool using the pool's HSM (not remote media
// subsystem) id (GUID).
hr = FindHsmStoragePoolById(copyPoolId, &pPool); if (S_OK != hr) { // log and throw the returned error (this media will be
// skipped)
WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_SEARCH_STGPOOL_BY_HSMID_ERROR, 0, NULL, WsbHrAsString(hr), NULL ); WsbThrow( hr ); }
// get the number of copy sets configured for this pool
// ensure requested copy set is valid
WsbAffirm(copySet <= maxSets, E_INVALIDARG); // to determine if the copy set media needs to be updated
// get the date the master media was last updated,
// and the last dataset written to the media...
// This is the current time and data set count. If a migrate
// is in progress this is NOT the final update time.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetUpdate(&mediaTime)); WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetNextRemoteDataSet(&masterNextRemoteDataSet));
// ...and get the date the copy media was last updated -
// for efficiency get all copy media info in 1 call
// (copyMediaId is used later).
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetCopyInfo(copySet, ©MediaId, ©Description, 0, ©Name, 0, ©Time, ©Error, ©NextRemoteDataSet)); gotCopyInfo = TRUE; // If the copy media is out of date (copy's date last
// updated < master media's date last updated OR nextDataSet don't
// match), synchronize it.
// If this is not the first pass through the media records, we only
// want to retry copies that timed out.
if ((CompareFileTime( ©Time, &mediaTime ) < 0 || copyNextRemoteDataSet != masterNextRemoteDataSet) && (firstPass || (RMS_E_TIMEOUT == copyError) || (RMS_E_SCRATCH_NOT_FOUND == copyError) || (RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_UNAVAILABLE == copyError))) { CWsbBstrPtr mediaDescriptionAsBstr; CWsbBstrPtr mediaSetName; GUID copySecondSideId = GUID_NULL; DWORD nofDrives = 0;
mountingScratch = FALSE;
// get media set id the storage pool contains so we assign
// the synchronized copy media to the proper media set
WsbAffirmHr(pPool->GetMediaSet( &mediaSetId, &mediaSetName ));
// since the duplication itself will be done by the remote
// media subsystem, get the subsystem GUID of the master
// build the description (display name) for the copy set
// media as a BSTR (required format for duplicate call)
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetDescription(&mediaDescription, 0));
// check if we have at least 2 enabled drives for synchronizing the media
// if not - abort
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->GetNofAvailableDrives(mediaSetId, &nofDrives)); WsbAffirm(nofDrives > 1, HSM_E_NO_TWO_DRIVES);
// If no media has been allocated for this copy, we need
// to construct a media description string
if (GUID_NULL == copyMediaId) { mountingScratch = TRUE;
mediaDescriptionAsBstr = mediaDescription; mediaDescriptionAsBstr.Append(" (Copy "); mediaDescriptionAsBstr.Append(copySetAsString); mediaDescriptionAsBstr.Append(")"); WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SynchronizeMedia: scratch desc = %ls\n"), mediaDescriptionAsBstr);
// In case of two-sided medias, we need to check whether the
// original has a second side which has an existing copy
// If so, we want to allocate the second side of this existing copy
if (S_OK == m_pHsmMediaMgr->IsMultipleSidedMedia(mediaSetId)) { GUID secondSideId; BOOL bValid;
// Get second side of original
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->CheckSecondSide(mediaId, &bValid, &secondSideId)); if (bValid && (GUID_NULL != secondSideId)) { CComPtr<IMediaInfo> pSecondSideInfo; GUID idFromDb;
// Get second side record (if second side exists and allocated - it must be allocated by us!)
// Since the subsystem-id is not a key, we must traverse the table
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->GetEntity(pDbSession, HSM_MEDIA_INFO_REC_TYPE, IID_IMediaInfo, (void**) &pSecondSideInfo)); for (hr = pSecondSideInfo->First(); SUCCEEDED(hr); hr = pSecondSideInfo->Next()) { WsbAffirmHr(pSecondSideInfo->GetMediaSubsystemId(&idFromDb)); if (idFromDb == secondSideId) { // Just set second side copy for allocation the other side of the as existing copy.cartridge
WsbAffirmHr(pSecondSideInfo->GetCopyMediaSubsystemId(copySet, ©SecondSideId));
break; } } } } } else { mediaDescriptionAsBstr = copyDescription; }
// call remote media subsystem to copy the master
// onto the copy set media indicated
WsbAffirm(!m_cancelCopyMedia, HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED);
// These two LONGLONGs are not used, but simply placeholders for the DuplicateCartridge
// function call (avoids passing null reference pointer errors).
LONGLONG FreeSpace = 0; LONGLONG Capacity = 0; hrDup = m_pHsmMediaMgr->DuplicateCartridge(mediaId, copySecondSideId, ©MediaId, mediaSetId, mediaDescriptionAsBstr, &FreeSpace, &Capacity, 0);
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SynchronizeMedia: DuplicateCartridge = <%ls>\n"), WsbHrAsString(hrDup));
// Make sure the status get saved in DB
copyError = hrDup; updateMediaInfo = TRUE;
// We need to refresh the mediaTime and next data set. This
// handles case were DuplicateCartridge was waiting on migrate to finish.
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetUpdate(&mediaTime)); WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->GetNextRemoteDataSet(&masterNextRemoteDataSet));
// If we got a new piece of media, save the info about
// it in the DB.
// The DuplicateCartridge operation may fail after the media was
// allocated, so we need to record the copy media id in our databases
// no matter what. If copyMediaId is still GUID_NULL we know the
// failure occurred while allocating the media and skip this step.
if (mountingScratch && copyMediaId != GUID_NULL) { CWsbBstrPtr mediaNameAsBstr;
// get the copy media
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->FindCartridgeById(copyMediaId, &pCopyMedia));
// Get the label name of the copy media that was just
// created. Note that if secondary storage is tape,
// this 'name' is the tape's bar code. For other media
// (e.g., optical) this is a name.
copyName.Free(); WsbAffirmHr(pCopyMedia->GetName(&mediaNameAsBstr)); copyName = mediaNameAsBstr;
// Save the description string
copyDescription = mediaDescriptionAsBstr; }
// If the duplication succeeded, update the MediaInfo
// data
if (S_OK == hrDup) { copyTime = mediaTime; copyNextRemoteDataSet = masterNextRemoteDataSet;
// If the duplication failed because of a mount timeout,
// count it and we'll try again on the next pass
} else if ((RMS_E_TIMEOUT == hrDup) || (RMS_E_SCRATCH_NOT_FOUND == hrDup) || (RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_UNAVAILABLE == hrDup)) { nTimedOut++; } else { WsbThrow(hrDup); }
} // end 'if copy set media is out of date'
} // end 'if poolId is valid'
} WsbCatchAndDo(hr, // 'try' in the for loop
// If user cancelled, don't count it as an error, just exit
if (HSM_E_WORK_SKIPPED_CANCELLED == hr) { WsbThrow(hr); }
// If there are no 2 enabled drives, log a message but don't count it as a media error
if (HSM_E_NO_TWO_DRIVES == hr) { WsbLogEvent(HSM_MESSAGE_SYNCHRONIZE_MEDIA_ABORT, 0, NULL, copySetAsString, WsbHrAsString(hr), NULL); WsbThrow(hr); }
// If a piece of media fails during the 'for' loop log the error in
// the Event Log, then continue through loop to try the others.
atLeastOneCopyError = TRUE;
// Update the media info with the error
copyError = hr; if (gotCopyInfo) { updateMediaInfo = TRUE; }
pMediaInfo->GetDescription( &mediaDescription, 0 ); WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_SYNCHRONIZE_MEDIA_ERROR, 0, NULL, copySetAsString, (OLECHAR*)mediaDescription, WsbHrAsString( hr ), NULL );
// Update the MediaInfo record if anything changed
if (updateMediaInfo) {
// It may have been a while since we got the the media info
// record and some of the data could have changed (e.g. if a
// synchronize media job on a different copy set completed) so
// we re-read the record before the update and we do it inside
// a transaction to make sure it can't get changed while we're
// doing this
hr = S_OK; WsbAffirmHr(pDbSession->TransactionBegin()); try { // This FindEQ call will synchronize the data in our local
// MediaInfo record with what is in the DB
// Update the copy media info - specifically the media id
// (if the copy media was just created), description,
// name (bar code for tape), date last updated (which
// is set to the master's date last updated) and the
// next remote dataset (conceptually same as next bag).
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->SetCopyInfo(copySet, copyMediaId, copyDescription, copyName, copyTime, copyError, copyNextRemoteDataSet)); // write the changes into the database
WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->Write()); } WsbCatch(hr);
if (S_OK == hr) { WsbAffirmHr(pDbSession->TransactionEnd()); } else { WsbAffirmHr(pDbSession->TransactionCancel());
atLeastOneCopyError = TRUE;
// If the copy info could not be updated in the database and this is a new copy,
// we need to recycle the copy, otherwise, the RSS database is inconsistent
if (mountingScratch && copyMediaId != GUID_NULL) { HRESULT hrRecycle = m_pHsmMediaMgr->RecycleCartridge( copyMediaId, 0 ); WsbTraceAlways(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SynchronizeMedia: Recycling copy cartridge after DB_update failure, hrRecycle = <%ls>\n"), WsbHrAsString(hrRecycle)); }
// Log a message on the error
mediaDescription = L""; pMediaInfo->GetDescription( &mediaDescription, 0 ); WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_SYNCHRONIZE_MEDIA_ERROR, 0, NULL, copySetAsString, (OLECHAR*)mediaDescription, WsbHrAsString( hr ), NULL );
// Make sure we don't continue the job if an unexpected database-update error occurs
WsbThrow(hr); } }
// Release the interface pointers that will be reassigned during the
// next iteration of the 'for' loop.
pPool = 0; pCopyMedia = 0;
} // end 'for' loop
// We will fall out of the 'for' loop after processing all MediaInfo
// records. This is indicated by the Next() call returning WSB_E_NOTFOUND.
// Since this is normal, reset hr to indicate so.
if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { hr = S_OK; }
if (0 == nTimedOut) { done = TRUE; } firstPass = FALSE;
} // End of while loop
} WsbCatch(hr);
// Close the database (if it was opened)
if (pDbSession) { m_pSegmentDatabase->Close(pDbSession); }
// Report an error if any copy failed
if (S_OK == hr && atLeastOneCopyError) { hr = HSM_E_MEDIA_COPY_FAILED; } WsbLogEvent( HSM_MESSAGE_SYNCHRONIZE_MEDIA_END, 0, NULL, WsbHrAsString(hr), NULL );
// Reset flags
Lock(); if (m_inCopyMedia && HSM_E_BUSY != hr) { m_inCopyMedia = FALSE; m_cancelCopyMedia = FALSE; } Unlock(); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SynchronizeMedia"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
// leaving CopyMedia code, reset Tracing bit to the Hsm Engine
HRESULT CHsmServer::CloseOutDb( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CloseOutDb"), OLESTR("")); try { if (m_pDbSys != 0) { WsbAffirmHr(m_pDbSys->Backup(NULL, 0)); } } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CloseOutDb"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::BackupSegmentDb( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::BackupSegmentDb"), OLESTR("")); try { if (m_pDbSys != 0) { WsbAffirmHr(m_pDbSys->Backup(NULL, 0)); } } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::BackupSegmentDb"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::ChangeSysState( IN OUT HSM_SYSTEM_STATE* pSysState )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::ChangeSysState"), OLESTR("State = %lx"), pSysState->State); try {
if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_SUSPEND) { if (!m_Suspended) { m_Suspended = TRUE;
// Pause the jobs
// Save data
SavePersistData(); SaveMetaData(); } } else if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_RESUME) { m_Suspended = FALSE;
// Resume the jobs
NotifyAllJobs(HSM_JOB_STATE_RESUMING); } else if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_SHUTDOWN) {
// Kill the CheckManagedResources thread
if (m_CheckManagedResourcesThread) { // Could this cause a problem if the thread is in the middle
// of something?
TerminateThread(m_CheckManagedResourcesThread, 0); CloseHandle(m_CheckManagedResourcesThread); m_CheckManagedResourcesThread = 0; }
// Close the autosave thread
// Since MediaCopy operations do not run as standard jobs,
// the only way to cancel these is to suspend or shutdown RMS
// directly.
try { CComPtr<IHsmSystemState> pISysState; HSM_SYSTEM_STATE SysState;
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->QueryInterface(IID_IHsmSystemState, (void**) &pISysState)); WsbAffirmPointer(pISysState);
SysState.State = HSM_STATE_SUSPEND; WsbAffirmHr(pISysState->ChangeSysState(&SysState));
SysState.State = HSM_STATE_RESUME; WsbAffirmHr(pISysState->ChangeSysState(&SysState));
} WsbCatch(hr);
// Cancel jobs
// Save data
SavePersistData(); SaveMetaData(); }
// Notify the task manager
if (m_pHsmFsaTskMgr) { m_pHsmFsaTskMgr->ChangeSysState(pSysState); }
// Notify the Media Server
try { CComPtr<IHsmSystemState> pISysState;
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->QueryInterface(IID_IHsmSystemState, (void**) &pISysState)); WsbAffirmPointer(pISysState);
} WsbCatch(hr);
if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_SHUTDOWN) { CloseOutDb();
// Release collections
if (m_pMountingMedias) { m_pMountingMedias->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } // Release collections
if (m_pJobs) { m_pJobs->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pJobDefs) { m_pJobDefs->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pPolicies) { m_pPolicies->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pManagedResources) { ULONG count; CComPtr<IHsmManagedResourceCollection> pIMRC;
// We can't use RemoveAllAndRelease because the Remove function for
// this non-standard collection tells the FSA to unmanage the resource.
// Then when the FSA shuts down, the list of managed resources is empty.
// The next time the FSA starts up, it loads an empty list of managed
// resources, which is wrong. The method DeleteAllAndRelesae avoids
// this problem.
WsbAffirmHr(m_pManagedResources->QueryInterface(IID_IHsmManagedResourceCollection, (void**) &pIMRC)); pIMRC->DeleteAllAndRelease(); pIMRC = 0; WsbAffirmHr(m_pManagedResources->GetEntries(&count)); } if (m_pStoragePools) { m_pStoragePools->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pMessages) { m_pMessages->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pOnlineInformation) { m_pOnlineInformation->RemoveAllAndRelease(); }
// Dump object table info
m_initializationCompleted = FALSE; } } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::ChangeSysState"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CHsmServer::Unload( void )
Return Value: S_OK - Success Other - Error
--*/ {
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Unload"), OLESTR(""));
try {
// We only need to release what may have gotten set/created by
// a failed Load attempt.
if (m_pJobs) { m_pJobs->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pJobDefs) { m_pJobDefs->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pPolicies) { m_pPolicies->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pManagedResources) { CComPtr<IHsmManagedResourceCollection> pIMRC;
// We can't use RemoveAllAndRelease because the Remove function for
// this non-standard collection tells the FSA to unmanage the resource.
// Then when the FSA shuts down, the list of managed resources is empty.
// The next time the FSA starts up, it loads an empty list of managed
// resources, which is wrong. The method DeleteAllAndRelesae avoids
// this problem.
WsbAffirmHr(m_pManagedResources->QueryInterface(IID_IHsmManagedResourceCollection, (void**) &pIMRC)); pIMRC->DeleteAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pStoragePools) { m_pStoragePools->RemoveAllAndRelease(); } if (m_pMessages) { m_pMessages->RemoveAllAndRelease(); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::Unload"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
STDMETHODIMP CHsmServer::DestroyObject( void ) /*++
Return Value: S_OK - Success
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::DestroyObject"), OLESTR(""));
CComObject<CHsmServer> *pEngDelete = (CComObject<CHsmServer> *)this; delete pEngDelete;
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::DestroyObject"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::CancelAllJobs( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2 = S_OK; BOOL foundRunningJob = FALSE; CComPtr<IWsbCollection> pCollection; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IHsmJob> pJob;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CancelAllJobs"), OLESTR("")); try { //
// Set up for the loops
WsbAffirmHr(m_pJobs->QueryInterface(IID_IWsbCollection, (void**) &pCollection)); WsbAffirmHr(pCollection->Enum(&pEnum)); //
// Loop through all jobs and cancel any currently running jobs
pJob = 0; for (hr = pEnum->First(IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob); SUCCEEDED(hr); pJob = 0, hr = pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob)) { try { WsbAffirmHrOk(pJob->IsActive()); foundRunningJob = TRUE; WsbAffirmHr(pJob->Cancel(HSM_JOB_PHASE_ALL)); } WsbCatchAndDo(hr2, hr = S_OK;); } //
// Clean up end of scan return
if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { hr = S_OK; }
// Cancel all mounting medias so all jobs can finish
CancelMountingMedias(); //
// Make sure all jobs are done
if (TRUE == foundRunningJob) { pJob = 0; for (hr = pEnum->First(IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob); SUCCEEDED(hr); pJob = 0, hr = pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob)) { try { WsbAffirmHrOk(pJob->IsActive()); WsbAffirmHr(pJob->WaitUntilDone()); } WsbCatchAndDo(hr2, hr = S_OK;); } } //
// Clean up end of scan return
if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { hr = S_OK; } } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CancelAllJobs"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::CheckManagedResources( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IHsmManagedResource> pMngdRes; CComPtr<IUnknown> pFsaResUnknown; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pFsaRes; WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CheckManagedResources"), OLESTR("")); try { //
// Get an enumerator for the managed resource collection
WsbAffirmHr(m_pManagedResources->Enum(&pEnum)); //
// Scan through all managed resources and start the validation
// job for each
pMngdRes = 0; for (hr = pEnum->First(IID_IHsmManagedResource,(void **)&pMngdRes ); SUCCEEDED(hr); pMngdRes = 0, hr = pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmManagedResource, (void **)&pMngdRes)) {
try {
pFsaResUnknown = 0; pFsaRes = 0; WsbAffirmHr(pMngdRes->GetFsaResource((IUnknown **)&pFsaResUnknown)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaResUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IFsaResource, (void**) &pFsaRes)); if ((pFsaRes->IsActive() == S_OK) && (pFsaRes->IsAvailable() == S_OK)) { WsbAffirmHr(pFsaRes->CheckForValidate(FALSE)); }
} WsbCatchAndDo(hr, hr = S_OK; ); } if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { hr = S_OK; } } WsbCatch(hr);
// Release the thread (the thread should terminate on exit
// from the routine that called this routine)
CloseHandle(m_CheckManagedResourcesThread); m_CheckManagedResourcesThread = 0;
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CheckManagedResources"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetBuildVersion( ULONG *pBuildVersion )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetBuildVersion"), OLESTR("")); try { WsbAssertPointer(pBuildVersion);
*pBuildVersion = m_buildVersion;
} WsbCatch(hr); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetBuildVersion"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, Version = <%ls)"), WsbHrAsString(hr), RsBuildVersionAsString(m_buildVersion)); return ( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetDatabaseVersion( ULONG *pDatabaseVersion )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetDatabaseVersion"), OLESTR("")); *pDatabaseVersion = m_databaseVersion; WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetDatabaseVersion"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, Version = <%ls)"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbPtrToUlongAsString(pDatabaseVersion)); return ( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetNtProductVersion ( OLECHAR **pNtProductVersion, ULONG bufferSize ) /*++
HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { CWsbStringPtr tmpString; WsbAssert(0 != pNtProductVersion, E_POINTER); tmpString = VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING; WsbAffirmHr(tmpString.CopyTo(pNtProductVersion, bufferSize)); } WsbCatch( hr ); return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetNtProductBuild( ULONG *pNtProductBuild )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetNtProductBuild"), OLESTR("")); *pNtProductBuild = VER_PRODUCTBUILD; WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetNtProductBuild"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, Version = <%ls)"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbLongAsString(VER_PRODUCTBUILD)); return ( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::CheckAccess( WSB_ACCESS_TYPE AccessType ) /*++
--*/ { WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CheckAccess"), OLESTR("")); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
// Do the impersonation
WsbAffirmHr( CoImpersonateClient() );
hr = WsbCheckAccess( AccessType ); CoRevertToSelf(); } WsbCatchAndDo( hr,
// Handle case where there is no COM context to check against
// in which case we are the service so any security is allowed.
if( ( hr == RPC_E_NO_CONTEXT ) || ( hr != RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE ) ) { hr = S_OK; }
); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CheckAccess"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetTrace( OUT IWsbTrace ** ppTrace ) /*++
--*/ { WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetTrace"), OLESTR("ppTrace = <0x%p>"), ppTrace); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
WsbAffirmPointer(ppTrace); *ppTrace = 0;
WsbAffirmPointer(m_pTrace); *ppTrace = m_pTrace; (*ppTrace)->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetTrace"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::SetTrace( OUT IWsbTrace * pTrace ) /*++
--*/ { WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SetTrace"), OLESTR("pTrace = <0x%p>"), pTrace); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
m_pTrace = pTrace;
} WsbCatch(hr); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SetTrace"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::NotifyAllJobs( HSM_JOB_STATE jobState )
Routine Description:
Notify all jobs of a change in status.
jobState - New job state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Success --*/
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2 = S_OK; CComPtr<IWsbCollection> pCollection; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IHsmJob> pJob;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::NotifyAllJobs"), OLESTR("")); try { //
// Set up for the loops
WsbAffirmHr(m_pJobs->QueryInterface(IID_IWsbCollection, (void**) &pCollection)); WsbAffirmHr(pCollection->Enum(&pEnum)); //
// Loop through all jobs and notify any currently running jobs
pJob = 0; for (hr = pEnum->First(IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob); SUCCEEDED(hr); pJob = 0, hr = pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob)) { try { if (S_OK == pJob->IsActive()) { if (HSM_JOB_STATE_PAUSING == jobState) { WsbAffirmHr(pJob->Pause(HSM_JOB_PHASE_ALL)); } else { WsbAffirmHr(pJob->Resume(HSM_JOB_PHASE_ALL)); } } } WsbCatchAndDo(hr2, hr = S_OK;); } //
// Clean up end of scan return
if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { hr = S_OK; } } WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::NotifyAllJobs"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
// Retrieves the Media Manager object
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetHsmMediaMgr( IRmsServer **ppHsmMediaMgr ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the Media Manager has been created, return the pointer. Otherwise, fail.
try { WsbAssert(0 != ppHsmMediaMgr, E_POINTER); *ppHsmMediaMgr = m_pHsmMediaMgr; WsbAffirm(m_pHsmMediaMgr != 0, E_FAIL); m_pHsmMediaMgr->AddRef(); } WsbCatch(hr);
return (hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetCopyFilesUserLimit( OUT ULONG* pLimit )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetCopyFilesUserLimit"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pLimit, E_POINTER); *pLimit = m_copyfilesUserLimit;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetCopyFilesUserLimit"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::SetCopyFilesUserLimit( IN ULONG limit )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SetCopyFilesUserLimit"), OLESTR(""));
m_copyfilesUserLimit= limit;
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::SetCopyFilesUserLimit"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetCopyFilesLimit( OUT ULONG* pLimit )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetCopyFilesLimit"), OLESTR(""));
try { CComPtr<IHsmStoragePool> pStoragePool; ULONG count; GUID mediaSetId; CWsbBstrPtr dummy; DWORD dwNofDrives;
WsbAssert(0 != pLimit, E_POINTER);
// Get relevant media set - assume only one pool !!
WsbAffirmHr(m_pStoragePools->GetEntries(&count)); WsbAffirm(1 == count, E_FAIL); WsbAffirmHr(m_pStoragePools->At(0, IID_IHsmStoragePool, (void **)&pStoragePool)); WsbAffirmHr(pStoragePool->GetMediaSet(&mediaSetId, &dummy));
// Get number of available drives in the system
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmMediaMgr->GetNofAvailableDrives(mediaSetId, &dwNofDrives));
// Deteremine actual limit
*pLimit = max(1, min(m_copyfilesUserLimit, dwNofDrives)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetCopyFilesLimit: Limit is %lu\n"), *pLimit);
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetCopyFilesLimit"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::AreJobsEnabled( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::AreJobsEnabled"), OLESTR(""));
hr = (m_JobsEnabled ? S_OK : S_FALSE);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::AreJobsEnabled"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::EnableAllJobs( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::EnableAllJobs"), OLESTR(""));
try {
m_JobsEnabled = TRUE; WsbAffirmHr(RestartSuspendedJobs());
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::EnableAllJobs"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::DisableAllJobs( void )
The medthod tries to disable all jobs. If any job is active or starting, it fails with HSM_E_DISABLE_RUNNING_JOBS and calls RestartSuspendedJobs to restart any job that alreay became suspended beacuse of this unsuccessful disabling attempt.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::DisableAllJobs"), OLESTR(""));
try { ULONG nJobs;
m_JobsEnabled = FALSE;
// Loop over jobs
WsbAffirmHr(m_pJobs->GetEntries(&nJobs)); for (ULONG i = 0; i < nJobs; i++) { CComPtr<IHsmJob> pJob; HSM_JOB_STATE state;
WsbAffirmHr(m_pJobs->At(i, IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob));
// Check if this job is suspended
WsbAffirmHr(pJob->GetState(&state)); if ((HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE == state) || (HSM_JOB_STATE_STARTING == state)) { // Cannot disable jobs
m_JobsEnabled = TRUE; hr = HSM_E_DISABLE_RUNNING_JOBS; RestartSuspendedJobs(); break; } }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::DisableAllJobs"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::RestartSuspendedJobs( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::RestartSuspendedJobs"), OLESTR("")); try { ULONG nJobs;
// Loop over jobs
// Note: this algorithm is unfair because jobs at the end of the
// list could "starve" because jobs at the beginning are more likely
// to get started. The assumption is that there should be very few
// jobs waiting to run. If this assumption proves to be false, some
WsbAffirmHr(m_pJobs->GetEntries(&nJobs)); // sort of priority scheme will be needed.
for (ULONG i = 0; i < nJobs; i++) { CComPtr<IHsmJob> pJob; HSM_JOB_STATE state;
WsbAffirmHr(m_pJobs->At(i, IID_IHsmJob, (void**) &pJob));
// Check if this job is suspended
WsbAffirmHr(pJob->GetState(&state)); if (HSM_JOB_STATE_SUSPENDED == state) { // This may fail, but we don't care
pJob->Restart(); } }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::RestartSuspendedJobs"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::LockMountingMedias( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::UnlockMountingMedias( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::ResetSegmentValidMark( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
BOOL bOpenDb = FALSE; CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSession;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::ResetSegmentValidMark"), OLESTR(""));
try { CComPtr<ISegRec> pSegRec; USHORT uSegFlags;
// open Engine's Segment database
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->Open(&pDbSession)); bOpenDb = TRUE;
// Traverse segment records
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->GetEntity(pDbSession, HSM_SEG_REC_TYPE, IID_ISegRec, (void**)&pSegRec));
for (hr = pSegRec->First(); S_OK == hr; hr = pSegRec->Next()) { WsbAffirmHr(pSegRec->GetSegmentFlags(&uSegFlags)); if (uSegFlags & SEG_REC_MARKED_AS_VALID) { // Need to reset this bit
uSegFlags &= ~SEG_REC_MARKED_AS_VALID; WsbAffirmHr(pSegRec->SetSegmentFlags(uSegFlags)); WsbAffirmHr(pSegRec->Write()); } }
// If we fell out of the loop because we ran out of segments, reset the HRESULT
if (hr == WSB_E_NOTFOUND) { hr = S_OK; } else { WsbAffirmHr(hr); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
if (bOpenDb) { hr = m_pSegmentDatabase->Close(pDbSession); }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::ResetSegmentValidMark"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::ResetMediaValidBytes( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
BOOL bOpenDb = FALSE; CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSession;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::ResetMediaValidBytes"), OLESTR(""));
try { CComPtr<IMediaInfo> pMediaInfo;
// open Engine's Segment database
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->Open(&pDbSession)); bOpenDb = TRUE;
// Traverse segment records
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->GetEntity(pDbSession, HSM_MEDIA_INFO_REC_TYPE, IID_IMediaInfo, (void**)&pMediaInfo));
for (hr = pMediaInfo->First(); S_OK == hr; hr = pMediaInfo->Next()) { WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->SetLogicalValidBytes(0)); WsbAffirmHr(pMediaInfo->Write()); }
// If we fell out of the loop because we ran out of segments, reset the HRESULT
if (hr == WSB_E_NOTFOUND) { hr = S_OK; } else { WsbAffirmHr(hr); }
} WsbCatch(hr);
if (bOpenDb) { hr = m_pSegmentDatabase->Close(pDbSession); }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::ResetMediaValidBytes"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::GetSegmentPosition( IN REFGUID bagId, IN LONGLONG fileStart, IN LONGLONG fileSize, OUT GUID* pPosMedia, OUT LONGLONG* pPosOffset)
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
BOOL bOpenDb = FALSE; CComPtr<IWsbDbSession> pDbSession; CComPtr<ISegDb> pSegDb;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetSegmentPosition"), OLESTR(""));
try { CComPtr<ISegRec> pSegRec;
// open Engine's Segment database
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->Open(&pDbSession)); bOpenDb = TRUE;
// Find segemnt
WsbAffirmHr(m_pSegmentDatabase->QueryInterface(IID_ISegDb, (void**) &pSegDb)); WsbAffirmHr(pSegDb->SegFind(pDbSession, bagId, fileStart, fileSize, &pSegRec));
// Extract output
WsbAffirmHr(pSegRec->GetPrimPos(pPosMedia)); WsbAffirmHr(pSegRec->GetSecPos(pPosOffset));
} WsbCatch(hr);
if (bOpenDb) { hr = m_pSegmentDatabase->Close(pDbSession); }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::GetSegmentPosition"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
void CHsmServer::StopAutosaveThread( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Stop the Autosave thread: First try gracefully, using the termination event If doesn't work, just terminate the thread
None. Return Value:
S_OK - Success.
--*/ {
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::StopAutosaveThread"), OLESTR(""));
try { // Terminate the autosave thread
if (m_autosaveThread) { // Signal thread to terminate
// Wait for the thread, if it doesn't terminate gracefully - kill it
switch (WaitForSingleObject(m_autosaveThread, 20000)) { case WAIT_FAILED: { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::StopAutosaveThread: WaitForSingleObject returned error %lu\n"), GetLastError()); } // fall through...
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::StopAutosaveThread: force terminating of autosave thread.\n"));
DWORD dwExitCode; if (GetExitCodeThread( m_autosaveThread, &dwExitCode)) { if (dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { // thread still active
if (!TerminateThread (m_autosaveThread, 0)) { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::StopAutosaveThread: TerminateThread returned error %lu\n"), GetLastError()); } } } else { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::StopAutosaveThread: GetExitCodeThread returned error %lu\n"), GetLastError()); }
break; }
default: // Thread terminated gracefully
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmServer::StopAutosaveThread: Autosave thread terminated gracefully\n")); break; }
// Best effort done for terminating auto-backup thread
CloseHandle(m_autosaveThread); m_autosaveThread = 0; }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::StopAutosaveThread"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::InternalSavePersistData( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::InternalSavePersistData"), OLESTR(""));
try { DWORD status, errWait; CComPtr<IPersistFile> pPersistFile; // Synchronize saving of persistent data with snapshot signaling event
status = WaitForSingleObject(m_savingEvent, EVENT_WAIT_TIMEOUT); // Save anyway, then report if the Wait function returned an unexpected error
errWait = GetLastError(); // Note: Don't throw exception here because even if saving fails, we still need
// to set the saving event.
hr = (((IUnknown*) (IHsmServer*) this)->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void**) &pPersistFile)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = WsbSafeSave(pPersistFile); }
// Check Wait status... Note that hr remains OK because the saving itself completed fine
switch (status) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // The expected case
SetEvent(m_savingEvent); break;
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // Don't log anything for now: This might happen if snapshot process takes
// too long for some reason, but logging seems to just confuse the user -
// he really can not (and should not) do anything...
WsbTraceAlways(OLESTR("CHsmServer::InternalSavePersistData: Wait for Single Object timed out after %lu ms\n"), EVENT_WAIT_TIMEOUT); break;
case WAIT_FAILED: WsbTraceAlways(OLESTR("CHsmServer::InternalSavePersistData: Wait for Single Object returned error %lu\n"), errWait); break;
default: WsbTraceAlways(OLESTR("CHsmServer::InternalSavePersistData: Wait for Single Object returned unexpected status %lu\n"), status); break; }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::InternalSavePersistData"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmServer::CancelMountingMedias( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IMountingMedia> pMountingMedia;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CancelMountingMedias"), OLESTR("")); try {
// Loop through all mounting media and release waiting mounting clients
for (hr = pEnum->First(IID_IMountingMedia, (void**) &pMountingMedia); SUCCEEDED(hr); hr = pEnum->Next(IID_IMountingMedia, (void**) &pMountingMedia)) {
pMountingMedia->MountDone(); pMountingMedia = 0; }
if (hr == WSB_E_NOTFOUND) { hr = S_OK; }
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmServer::CancelMountingMedias"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
// Methods of the class which uses to upgrade a Win2K rms to current rms
HRESULT CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::FinalConstruct( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::FinalConstruct"), OLESTR("") );
try { WsbAffirmHr(CWsbPersistable::FinalConstruct());
m_pServer = NULL;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::FinalConstruct"), OLESTR("hr =<%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
void CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::FinalRelease( void ) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::FinalRelease"), OLESTR(""));
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::FinalRelease"), OLESTR("hr =<%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); }
HRESULT CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::GetClassID( OUT CLSID* pClsid) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::GetClassID"), OLESTR(""));
try {
WsbAssert(0 != pClsid, E_POINTER);
// Return Rms class id since this is what the old col file represents
*pClsid = CLSID_CRmsServer;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::GetClassID"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, CLSID = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbGuidAsString(*pClsid));
return hr; }
HRESULT CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::Save( IN IStream* /*pStream*/, IN BOOL /*clearDirty*/ )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = E_NOTIMPL;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::Save"), OLESTR("")); // Not implemented - this class should be used only for load
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::Save"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::Load( IN IStream* pStream )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::Load"), OLESTR(""));
try { ULONG buildVersion; ULONG databaseVersion; ULONG expectedVersion = RMS_WIN2K_DB_VERSION; WsbAssert(0 != pStream, E_POINTER);
// Make sure this is the right version of the Rms database to load
WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &databaseVersion)); if (databaseVersion != expectedVersion) { WsbLogEvent( RMS_MESSAGE_DATABASE_VERSION_MISMATCH, 0, NULL, WsbQuickString(WsbPtrToUlongAsString(&expectedVersion)), WsbQuickString(WsbPtrToUlongAsString(&databaseVersion)), NULL ); WsbThrow(RMS_E_DATABASE_VERSION_MISMATCH); }
// Read in the build version but don't do anything with it.
WsbAffirmHr(WsbLoadFromStream(pStream, &buildVersion)); // Let Rms manager to this its load
CComPtr<IPersistStream> pIStream; WsbAffirmHr(m_pServer->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStream, (void **)&pIStream)); WsbAffirmHr(pIStream->Load(pStream));
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::Load"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::Init( IN IRmsServer *pHsmMediaMgr ) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try { WsbAssert(0 != pHsmMediaMgr, E_POINTER);
m_pServer = pHsmMediaMgr;
} WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmUpgradeRmsDb::Init"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return hr; }