Module Name:
This class represents the HSM Demand Recall Queue manager It handles recalls initiated by users accessing HSM managed files. Based on the regular HSM queue manager (CHsmWorkQueue)
Ravisankar Pudipeddi [ravisp] 1 Oct. 1999
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
static USHORT iCount = 0;
#include "fsa.h"
#include "rms.h"
#include "metadef.h"
#include "jobint.h"
#include "hsmconn.h"
#include "wsb.h"
#include "hsmeng.h"
#include "mover.h"
#include "hsmreclq.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "tskmgr.h"
#include "segdb.h"
#define STRINGIZE(_str) (OLESTR( #_str ))
case _case: \ return ( STRINGIZE( _case ) );
// Local prototypes
DWORD HsmRecallQueueThread(void *pVoid); static const OLECHAR * JobStateAsString (HSM_JOB_STATE state);
static const OLECHAR * JobStateAsString ( IN HSM_JOB_STATE state ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gives back a static string representing the connection state.
state - the state to return a string for.
Return Value:
NULL - invalid state passed in.
Otherwise, a valid char *.
--*/ { //
// Do the Switch
switch (state) {
return( OLESTR("Invalid Value") );
} }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::FinalConstruct( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method does some initialization of the object that is necessary after construction.
Return Value:
S_OK Anything returned by CWsbCollectable::FinalConstruct().
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::FinalConstruct"),OLESTR("")); try {
// Initialize the member data
m_pServer = 0; m_pHsmServerCreate = 0; m_pTskMgr = 0;
m_pRmsServer = 0; m_pRmsCartridge = 0; m_pDataMover = 0;
m_pWorkToDo = 0;
m_HsmId = GUID_NULL; m_RmsMediaSetId = GUID_NULL; m_RmsMediaSetName = OLESTR(""); m_QueueType = HSM_WORK_TYPE_FSA_DEMAND_RECALL;
m_WorkerThread = 0; m_CurrentPath = OLESTR("");
// Job abort on errors parameters
m_JobAbortMaxConsecutiveErrors = 5; m_JobAbortMaxTotalErrors = 25; m_JobConsecutiveErrors = 0; m_JobTotalErrors = 0; m_JobAbortSysDiskSpace = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
m_CurrentSeekOffset = 0;
WSB_OBJECT_ADD(CLSID_CHsmRecallQueue, this);
iCount++; WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::FinalConstruct"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, Count is <%d>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), iCount); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::FinalRelease( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method does some initialization of the object that is necessary before destruction.
Return Value:
S_OK Anything returned by CWsbCollection::FinalDestruct().
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HSM_SYSTEM_STATE SysState;
SysState.State = HSM_STATE_SHUTDOWN; ChangeSysState(&SysState);
WSB_OBJECT_SUB(CLSID_CHsmRecallQueue, this); CComObjectRoot::FinalRelease();
// Free String members
// Note: Member objects held in smart-pointers are freed when the
// smart-pointer destructor is being called (as part of this object destruction)
m_MediaName.Free(); m_MediaBarCode.Free(); m_RmsMediaSetName.Free(); m_CurrentPath.Free();
iCount--; WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::FinalRelease"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, Count is <%d>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), iCount); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::Init( IUnknown *pServer, IHsmFsaTskMgr *pTskMgr ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method does some initialization of the object that is necessary after construction.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG rmsCartridgeType; CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pMedia;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Init"),OLESTR("")); try { //
// Establish contact with the server and get the
// databases
WsbAffirmHr(pServer->QueryInterface(IID_IHsmServer, (void **)&m_pServer)); //We want a weak link to the server so decrement the reference count
m_pTskMgr = pTskMgr; m_pTskMgr->AddRef(); m_QueueType = HSM_WORK_TYPE_FSA_DEMAND_RECALL;
WsbAffirmHr(m_pServer->QueryInterface(IID_IWsbCreateLocalObject, (void **)&m_pHsmServerCreate)); // We want a weak link to the server so decrement the reference count
m_pHsmServerCreate->Release(); WsbAffirmHr(m_pServer->GetID(&m_HsmId)); //
// Make sure our connection to RMS is current
// Get the media type. We assume mediaId is set before this
// is called. Imperative!
WsbAffirmHr(m_pRmsServer->FindCartridgeById(m_MediaId, &pMedia)); WsbAffirmHr(pMedia->GetType( &rmsCartridgeType )); WsbAffirmHr(ConvertRmsCartridgeType(rmsCartridgeType, &m_MediaType));
// Make a collection for the work items
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmServerCreate->CreateInstance(CLSID_CWsbOrderedCollection, IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **)&m_pWorkToDo ));
// Check the registry to see if there are changes to default settings
CheckRegistry(); }WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Init"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::ContactOk( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
This allows the caller to see if the RPC connection to the task manager is OK
Return Value:
S_OK --*/ {
return( S_OK );
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::ProcessSessionEvent( IHsmSession *pSession, HSM_JOB_PHASE phase, HSM_JOB_EVENT event ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ProcessSessionEvent"),OLESTR("")); try {
WsbAssert(0 != pSession, E_POINTER);
// If the phase applies to us (MOVER or ALL), then do any work required by the
// event.
if ((HSM_JOB_PHASE_ALL == phase) || (HSM_JOB_PHASE_MOVE_ACTION == phase)) {
switch (event) { case HSM_JOB_EVENT_SUSPEND: case HSM_JOB_EVENT_CANCEL: case HSM_JOB_EVENT_FAIL: WsbAffirmHr(Cancel(phase, pSession)); break;
case HSM_JOB_EVENT_RAISE_PRIORITY: WsbAffirmHr(RaisePriority(phase, pSession)); break;
case HSM_JOB_EVENT_LOWER_PRIORITY: WsbAffirmHr(LowerPriority(phase, pSession)); break;
default: case HSM_JOB_EVENT_START: WsbAssert(FALSE, E_UNEXPECTED); break; } } }WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ProcessSessionEvent"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return( S_OK ); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::ProcessSessionState( IHsmSession* /*pSession*/, IHsmPhase* pPhase, OLECHAR* /*currentPath*/ ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HSM_JOB_PHASE phase; HSM_JOB_STATE state;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ProcessSessionState"),OLESTR("")); try {
WsbAffirmHr(pPhase->GetState(&state)); WsbAffirmHr(pPhase->GetPhase(&phase)); WsbTrace( OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ProcessSessionState - State = <%d>, phase = <%d>\n"), state, phase );
if (HSM_JOB_PHASE_SCAN == phase) {
// If the session has finished, then we have some cleanup to do so that it can go
// away.
if ((state == HSM_JOB_STATE_DONE) || (state == HSM_JOB_STATE_FAILED) || (state == HSM_JOB_STATE_SUSPENDED)) { WsbTrace( OLESTR("Job is done, failed, or suspended\n") ); //
// Do nothing: when one recall item is done, we don't need to wait
// for the FSA in order to perform cleanup code
/*** WsbAffirmHr(MarkWorkItemAsDone(pSession, phase)); ***/ } }
}WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ProcessSessionState"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return( S_OK );
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::Add( IFsaPostIt *pFsaWorkItem, GUID *pBagId, LONGLONG dataSetStart ) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; CComPtr<IWsbEnum> pEnum; CComPtr<IHsmRecallItem> pWorkItem, pWorkItem2; LONGLONG seekOffset, currentSeekOffset, prevSeekOffset; LARGE_INTEGER remoteFileStart, remoteDataStart; LONGLONG readOffset; FSA_PLACEHOLDER placeholder; HSM_WORK_ITEM_TYPE workType; BOOL workItemAllocated=FALSE, insert; CComPtr<IFsaFilterRecall> pRecall; DWORD index = 0; BOOL qLocked = FALSE;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Add"),OLESTR("")); try { //
// Make sure there is a work allocater for this session
WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pSession)); //
// Create a work item, load it up and add it to this
// Queue's collection
CComPtr<IHsmRecallItem> pWorkItem; WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmServerCreate->CreateInstance(CLSID_CHsmRecallItem, IID_IHsmRecallItem, (void **)&pWorkItem)); workItemAllocated = TRUE; WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetWorkType(HSM_WORK_ITEM_FSA_WORK)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetFsaPostIt(pFsaWorkItem)); WsbAffirmHr(CheckSession(pSession, pWorkItem));
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetBagId(pBagId)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetDataSetStart(dataSetStart));
if (m_MediaType == HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_TAPE) { //
// For sequential media we order the requests to achieve
// optimal perf.
WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetPlaceholder(&placeholder)); remoteFileStart.QuadPart = placeholder.fileStart; remoteDataStart.QuadPart = placeholder.dataStart; WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetFilterRecall(&pRecall)); WsbAffirmHr(pRecall->GetOffset( &readOffset ));
// Calculate the offset in the media that needs to be seeked to
// for the recall. This will be only used for ordering the queue
// performance reasons.
seekOffset = dataSetStart + remoteFileStart.QuadPart + remoteDataStart.QuadPart + readOffset;
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetSeekOffset(seekOffset)); index = 0; //
// Find a position in the queue to insert it
// First, we lock the queue while we search for the position
// & insert the item into the queue. We make the assumption
// the lock protecting the queue is recursively acquirable.
// If this is not true, the code that adds to the queue will
// deadlock because it tries to lock the queue too!
m_pWorkToDo->Lock(); qLocked = TRUE;
WsbAffirmHr(m_pWorkToDo->Enum(&pEnum)); //
// If the seek offset of the item we wish to insert is
// > the current seek offset of the item that is in progress,
// we just insert it in the first monotonic ascending sequence.
// If not, we insert in the *second* monotonic ascending sequence,
// to prevent the head from seeking back prematurely
hr = pEnum->First(IID_IHsmRecallItem, (void **)&pWorkItem2); if (seekOffset > m_CurrentSeekOffset) { //
// Insert in the first ascending sequence
insert = TRUE; } else { //
// Skip the first ascending sequence
insert = FALSE; }
prevSeekOffset = 0; while (hr != WSB_E_NOTFOUND) { WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem2->GetWorkType(&workType));
if (workType != HSM_WORK_ITEM_FSA_WORK) { //
// Not interested in this. Release it before getting the next
pWorkItem2 = 0; hr = pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmRecallItem, (void **)&pWorkItem2); index++; continue; }
if (insert && (currentSeekOffset > seekOffset)) { //
// place to insert the item..
break; }
if (!insert && (currentSeekOffset < prevSeekOffset)) { //
// Start of second monotone sequence. We wish to insert
// the item in this sequence
insert = TRUE; //
// Check if pWorkItem is eligible to be inserted at this
// index position
if (currentSeekOffset > seekOffset) { //
// place to insert the item..
break; } } else { prevSeekOffset = currentSeekOffset; } //
// Move on to the next. Release the current item first
pWorkItem2 = 0; hr = pEnum->Next(IID_IHsmRecallItem, (void **)&pWorkItem2); index++;
} if (hr == WSB_E_NOTFOUND) { WsbAffirmHr(m_pWorkToDo->Append(pWorkItem)); } else { WsbAffirmHr(m_pWorkToDo->AddAt(pWorkItem, index)); } //
// Safe to unlock the queue
m_pWorkToDo->Unlock(); qLocked = FALSE;
} else { //
// For non-sequential media, we just add it to the queue ...
// No ordering is done, we let the file system do the optimizations
WsbAffirmHr(m_pWorkToDo->Append(pWorkItem)); } hr = S_OK; }WsbCatchAndDo(hr, //
// Add code to release queue lock if acquired
if (qLocked) { m_pWorkToDo->Unlock(); } );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Add"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::Start( void ) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD tid;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Start"),OLESTR("")); try { //
// If the worker thread is already started, just return
WsbAffirm(m_WorkerThread == 0, S_OK); // Launch a thread to do work that is queued
WsbAffirm((m_WorkerThread = CreateThread(0, 0, HsmRecallQueueThread, (void*) this, 0, &tid)) != 0, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()));
if (m_WorkerThread == NULL) { WsbAssertHr(E_FAIL); // TBD What error to return here??
}WsbCatch (hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Start"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::Stop( void ) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Stop the thread
if (m_WorkerThread) { TerminateThread(m_WorkerThread, 0); }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Stop"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::RecallIt( IHsmRecallItem * pWorkItem ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IFsaScanItem> pScanItem; CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem; LONGLONG readOffset; FSA_REQUEST_ACTION requestAction; ULARGE_INTEGER remoteDataSetStart; GUID bagId;
CComPtr<IWsbIndexedCollection> pMountingCollection; CComPtr<IMountingMedia> pMountingMedia; CComPtr<IMountingMedia> pMediaToFind; BOOL bMediaMounting = FALSE; BOOL bMediaMountingAdded = FALSE;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::RecallIt"),OLESTR("")); try {
WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetRequestAction(&requestAction)); GetScanItem(pFsaWorkItem, &pScanItem);
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetBagId(&bagId)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetDataSetStart((LONGLONG *) &remoteDataSetStart.QuadPart));
// Check if we are mounting a new media: recall-queue is created on a per-media basis, therefore,
// media cannot change. The only test is whether the media for this queue is already mounted
if (m_MountedMedia == GUID_NULL) {
// Check if the media is already in the process of mounting
try { // Check if the media to mount is already mounting
WsbAffirmHr(m_pServer->GetMountingMedias(&pMountingCollection)); WsbAffirmHr(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CMountingMedia, 0, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IMountingMedia, (void**)&pMediaToFind)); WsbAffirmHr(pMediaToFind->SetMediaId(m_MediaId)); hr = pMountingCollection->Find(pMediaToFind, IID_IMountingMedia, (void **)&pMountingMedia);
if (hr == S_OK) { // Media is already mounting...
bMediaMounting = TRUE;
} else if (hr == WSB_E_NOTFOUND) { // New media to mount - add to the mounting list
hr = S_OK; WsbAffirmHr(pMediaToFind->Init(m_MediaId, TRUE)); WsbAffirmHr(pMountingCollection->Add(pMediaToFind)); bMediaMountingAdded = TRUE;
} else { WsbAffirmHr(hr); } } WsbCatchAndDo(hr, // Unlock mounting media
WsbTraceAlways(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::RecallIt: error while trying to find/add mounting media. hr=<%ls>\n"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
// Bale out
WsbThrow(hr); );
// Release the lock
WsbAffirmHr(m_pServer->UnlockMountingMedias()); }
// If the media is already mounting - wait for the mount event
if (bMediaMounting) { WsbAffirmHr(pMountingMedia->WaitForMount(INFINITE)); pMountingMedia = 0; }
// Get the media mounted (hr is checked only after removing from the mounting-media list)
hr = MountMedia(pWorkItem, m_MediaId);
// If added to the mounting list - remove
if (bMediaMountingAdded) { HRESULT hrRemove = S_OK;
// No matter how the Mount finished - free waiting clients and remove from the list
hrRemove = m_pServer->LockMountingMedias(); WsbAffirmHr(hrRemove);
try { WsbAffirmHr(pMediaToFind->MountDone()); WsbAffirmHr(pMountingCollection->RemoveAndRelease(pMediaToFind)); pMediaToFind = 0;
} WsbCatch(hrRemove);
// We don't expect any errors while removing the mounting media -
// The thread that added to the collection is always the one that removes
if (! SUCCEEDED(hrRemove)) { WsbTraceAlways(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::RecallIt: error while trying to remove a mounting media. hr=<%ls>\n"), WsbHrAsString(hrRemove));
WsbThrow(hrRemove); } }
// Check the Mount result
// Copy the data
// Build the source path
CWsbStringPtr tmpString; WsbAffirmHr(GetSource(pFsaWorkItem, &tmpString)); CWsbBstrPtr localName = tmpString; // Ask the Data mover to store the data
LONGLONG requestSize; LONGLONG requestStart; ULARGE_INTEGER localDataStart; ULARGE_INTEGER localDataSize; ULARGE_INTEGER remoteFileStart; ULARGE_INTEGER remoteFileSize; ULARGE_INTEGER remoteDataStart; ULARGE_INTEGER remoteDataSize; ULARGE_INTEGER remoteVerificationData; ULONG remoteVerificationType;
FSA_PLACEHOLDER placeholder; WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetPlaceholder(&placeholder)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetRequestSize(&requestSize)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetRequestOffset(&requestStart));
// Build strings
CWsbBstrPtr sessionName = HSM_BAG_NAME; CWsbBstrPtr sessionDescription = HSM_ENGINE_ID; sessionName.Append(WsbGuidAsString(bagId)); sessionDescription.Append(WsbGuidAsString(m_HsmId));
localDataStart.QuadPart = requestStart; localDataSize.QuadPart = requestSize; remoteFileStart.QuadPart = placeholder.fileStart; remoteFileSize.QuadPart = placeholder.fileSize; remoteDataStart.QuadPart = placeholder.dataStart; remoteDataSize.QuadPart = placeholder.dataSize; remoteVerificationData.QuadPart = placeholder.verificationData; remoteVerificationType = placeholder.verificationType;
CComPtr<IStream> pLocalStream; CComPtr<IStream> pRemoteStream; ULARGE_INTEGER offset, read, written; DWORD verifyType;
// We are doing a demand recall, so get the
// recall object's data mover
CComPtr<IFsaFilterRecall> pRecall; WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetFilterRecall(&pRecall)); WsbAffirmHr(pRecall->CreateLocalStream( &pLocalStream)); WsbAffirmHr(pRecall->GetSize( (LONGLONG *) &remoteDataSize.QuadPart )); WsbAffirmHr(pRecall->GetOffset( &readOffset )); if (readOffset == 0) { verifyType = MVR_VERIFICATION_TYPE_HEADER_CRC; } else { verifyType = MVR_VERIFICATION_TYPE_NONE; }
// Set the current seek offset used for ordering items in the queue
m_CurrentSeekOffset = remoteDataSetStart.QuadPart + remoteFileStart.QuadPart+remoteDataStart.QuadPart+requestStart;
// Create remote data mover stream
// TEMPORARY: Consider removing the NO_CACHING flag for a NO_RECALL recall
WsbAssert(0 != remoteDataSetStart.QuadPart, HSM_E_BAD_SEGMENT_INFORMATION); WsbAffirmHr( m_pDataMover->CreateRemoteStream( CWsbBstrPtr(L""), MVR_MODE_READ | MVR_FLAG_HSM_SEMANTICS | MVR_FLAG_NO_CACHING, sessionName, sessionDescription, remoteDataSetStart, remoteFileStart, remoteFileSize, remoteDataStart, remoteDataSize, verifyType, remoteVerificationData, &pRemoteStream ) );
// The offset given here is the offset into the stream itself (readOffset).
// The actual position on remote media will be the bag start plus the file start
// plus the file-data start (all given in CreateRemoteStream) plus this offset.
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Setting offset to %I64d reading %I64u\n"), readOffset, remoteDataSize.QuadPart);
offset.QuadPart = readOffset; WsbAffirmHr( m_pDataMover->SetInitialOffset( offset ) );
// Once the remote stream has been created we must make sure we detach it
try {
WsbAffirmHr( pRemoteStream->CopyTo( pLocalStream, remoteDataSize, &read, &written ) ); WsbAffirmHr( pLocalStream->Commit( STGC_DEFAULT ) );
// The CopyTo succeeded... make sure we got all the bytes
// we asked for.
// If we attempt to read from a incomplete Master that
// does not contain the migrated data we'll fail here with
WsbAffirm( written.QuadPart == remoteDataSize.QuadPart, HSM_E_VALIDATE_DATA_NOT_ON_MEDIA );
WsbAffirmHr( m_pDataMover->CloseStream() ); }WsbCatchAndDo(hr, WsbAffirmHr( m_pDataMover->CloseStream() ); );
ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_TRANSFERRED, hr); WsbTrace(OLESTR("RecallData returned hr = <%ls>\n"),WsbHrAsString(hr));
}WsbCatch( hr );
// Tell the session whether or not the work was done.
// We don't really care about the return code, there is nothing
// we can do if it fails.
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Tried HSM work, calling Session to Process Item\n")); if (pScanItem) { CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase;
pSession->ProcessItem(jobPhase, HSM_JOB_ACTION_RECALL , pScanItem, hr); }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::RecallIt"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::RaisePriority( IN HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase, IN IHsmSession *pSession )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::RaisePriority"),OLESTR("")); try {
WsbAssert(0 != m_WorkerThread, E_UNEXPECTED); WsbAssert(pSession != 0, E_UNEXPECTED);
switch (m_JobPriority) { case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_IDLE: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOWEST; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOWEST: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOW; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOW: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGH; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGH: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGHEST; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGHEST: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_CRITICAL; break;
default: case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_CRITICAL: WsbAffirm(FALSE, E_UNEXPECTED); break; }
WsbAffirmHr(pSession->ProcessPriority(jobPhase, m_JobPriority));
}WsbCatch(hr); WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::RaisePriority"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::LowerPriority( IN HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase, IN IHsmSession *pSession )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::LowerPriority"),OLESTR("")); try {
WsbAssert(0 != m_WorkerThread, E_UNEXPECTED); WsbAssert(pSession != 0, E_UNEXPECTED);
switch (m_JobPriority) { case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_IDLE: WsbAffirm(FALSE, E_UNEXPECTED); break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOWEST: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_IDLE; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOW: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOWEST; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_LOW; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGH: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL; break;
case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGHEST: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGH; break;
default: case HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_CRITICAL: WsbAffirmStatus(SetThreadPriority(m_WorkerThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)); m_JobPriority = HSM_JOB_PRIORITY_HIGHEST; break; }
WsbAffirmHr(pSession->ProcessPriority(jobPhase, m_JobPriority));
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::LowerPriority"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::CheckRms( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::CheckRms"),OLESTR("")); try { //
// Make sure we can still talk to the RMS
if (m_pRmsServer != 0) { CWsbBstrPtr name; hr = m_pRmsServer->GetServerName( &name ); if (hr != S_OK) { m_pRmsServer = 0; hr = S_OK; } } //
// Get RMS that runs on this machine
if (m_pRmsServer == 0) { WsbAffirmHr(m_pServer->GetHsmMediaMgr(&m_pRmsServer));
// wait for RMS to come ready
// (this may not be needed anymore - if Rms initialization is
// synced with Engine initialization)
CComObject<CRmsSink> *pSink = new CComObject<CRmsSink>; CComPtr<IUnknown> pSinkUnk = pSink; // holds refcount for use here
WsbAffirmHr( pSink->Construct( m_pRmsServer ) ); WsbAffirmHr( pSink->WaitForReady( ) ); WsbAffirmHr( pSink->DoUnadvise( ) ); } }WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::CheckRms"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr);
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::CheckSession( IHsmSession *pSession, IHsmRecallItem *pWorkItem )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bLog = TRUE;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::CheckSession"),OLESTR("")); try {
// Check to see if we have dealt with this or any other session before.
WsbTrace(OLESTR("New session.\n"));
// We have no on going session so we need to establish communication
// with this session.
CComPtr<IHsmSessionSinkEveryState> pSinkState; CComPtr<IHsmSessionSinkEveryEvent> pSinkEvent; CComPtr<IConnectionPointContainer> pCPC; CComPtr<IConnectionPoint> pCP; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pFsaResource; HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase; DWORD stateCookie, eventCookie; ULONG refCount;
// Tell the session we are starting up.
pWorkItem->SetJobState(HSM_JOB_STATE_STARTING); pWorkItem->GetJobPhase(&jobPhase); WsbTrace(OLESTR("Before Process State.\n")); refCount = (((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *) this)->AddRef()) - 1; ((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *)this)->Release(); WsbTrace(OLESTR("REFCOUNT for CHsmRecallQueue before 1st process state: %ls \n"), WsbLongAsString((LONG) refCount)); WsbAffirmHr(pSession->ProcessState(jobPhase, HSM_JOB_STATE_STARTING, m_CurrentPath, bLog)); refCount = (((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *) this)->AddRef()) - 1; ((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *)this)->Release(); WsbTrace(OLESTR("REFCOUNT for CHsmRecallQueue after 1st process state: %ls \n"), WsbLongAsString((LONG) refCount)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("After Process State.\n"));
// Get the interface to the callback that the sessions should use.
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Before QI's for sinks.\n")); WsbAffirmHr(((IUnknown*) (IHsmFsaTskMgr*) this)->QueryInterface(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryState, (void**) &pSinkState)); WsbAffirmHr(((IUnknown*) (IHsmFsaTskMgr*) this)->QueryInterface(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryEvent, (void**) &pSinkEvent)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("After QI's for sinks.\n")); // Ask the session to advise of every state changes.
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Before QI for connection point containers.\n"));
WsbAffirmHr(pSession->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**) &pCPC)); WsbAffirmHr(pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryState, &pCP)); WsbAffirmHr(pCP->Advise(pSinkState, &stateCookie));
pWorkItem->SetStateCookie(stateCookie); pCP = 0;
WsbAffirmHr(pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryEvent, &pCP)); WsbAffirmHr(pCP->Advise(pSinkEvent, &eventCookie)); pWorkItem->SetEventCookie(eventCookie);
pCP = 0; WsbTrace(OLESTR("After Advises.\n")); //
// Get the resource for this work from the session
WsbAffirmHr(pSession->GetResource(&pFsaResource)); pWorkItem->SetJobState(HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE);
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Before Process State.\n"));
refCount = (((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *) this)->AddRef()) - 1; ((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *)this)->Release(); WsbTrace(OLESTR("REFCOUNT for CHsmRecallQueue before 2nd process state: %ls \n"), WsbLongAsString((LONG) refCount));
WsbAffirmHr(pSession->ProcessState(jobPhase, HSM_JOB_STATE_ACTIVE, m_CurrentPath, bLog));
refCount = (((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *) this)->AddRef()) - 1; ((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *)this)->Release(); WsbTrace(OLESTR("REFCOUNT for CHsmRecallQueue after 2nd process state: %ls \n"), WsbLongAsString((LONG) refCount));
WsbTrace(OLESTR("After Process State.\n"));
}WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::CheckSession"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr);
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::DoWork( void ) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWsbStringPtr path; CComPtr<IHsmRecallItem> pWorkItem; HSM_WORK_ITEM_TYPE workType; BOOLEAN done = FALSE; HRESULT skipWork = S_FALSE;
// Make sure this object isn't released (and our thread killed
// before finishing up in this routine
try { while (!done) { //
// Get the next work to do from the queue
hr = m_pWorkToDo->First(IID_IHsmRecallItem, (void **)&pWorkItem);
if (WSB_E_NOTFOUND == hr) { //
// We might be done with this queue.
// Attempt to destroy it: if we cannot it means there are more items
// that were being added so we continue looping
hr = m_pTskMgr->WorkQueueDone(NULL, HSM_WORK_TYPE_FSA_DEMAND_RECALL, &m_MediaId); if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Queue is really done - break out of the while loop
done = TRUE; break; } else if (hr == S_FALSE) { //
// More items in the queue
continue; } else { //
// Some sort of error happened, bale out
WsbTraceAlways(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::DoWork: WorkQueueDone failed with <%ls> - terminating queue thread\n"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); WsbAffirmHr(hr); } } else { WsbAffirmHr(hr); //
// Remove it from the queue
switch (workType) { case HSM_WORK_ITEM_FSA_DONE: { //
// TBD:Code path should not be reached
WsbTraceAlways(OLESTR("Unexpected: CHsmRecallQueue::DoWork - FSA WORK DONE item\n"));
break; }
case HSM_WORK_ITEM_FSA_WORK: { if (S_FALSE == skipWork) { //
// Get the FSA Work Item and do the work
hr = DoFsaWork(pWorkItem); } else { //
// Skip the work
try { CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem; CComPtr<IFsaScanItem> pScanItem; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pFsaResource; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase;
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetFsaPostIt(&pFsaWorkItem)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetJobPhase(&jobPhase)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pSession)); WsbAffirmHr(pSession->GetResource(&pFsaResource)); WsbAffirmHr(GetScanItem(pFsaWorkItem, &pScanItem));
hr = pFsaWorkItem->SetResult(skipWork);
if (S_OK == hr) { WsbTrace(OLESTR("HSM recall (filter, read or recall) complete, calling FSA\n")); hr = pFsaResource->ProcessResult(pFsaWorkItem); WsbTrace(OLESTR("FSA ProcessResult returned <%ls>\n"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); } (void)pSession->ProcessHr(jobPhase, 0, 0, hr); WsbAffirmHr(pSession->ProcessItem(jobPhase, HSM_JOB_ACTION_RECALL, pScanItem, skipWork)); }WsbCatch( hr ); } EndRecallSession(pWorkItem, FALSE);
break; }
case HSM_WORK_ITEM_MOVER_CANCELLED: { CComPtr<IHsmRecallItem> pWorkItemToCancel;
WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::DoWork - Mover Cancelled\n")); try { //
// Get hold of the work item that needs to be cancelled.
// This is indicated by the session pointer in the cancel work item
hr = FindRecallItemToCancel(pWorkItem, &pWorkItemToCancel); if (hr == S_OK) { EndRecallSession(pWorkItemToCancel, TRUE); //
// Remove the *cancelled* work item
Remove(pWorkItemToCancel); }
// Remove the cancel work item
hr = S_OK; }WsbCatch( hr ); //
// We are done completely with one more work item
break; }
default: { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break; } } pWorkItem = 0; } }WsbCatch( hr );
// Dismount the media..
// Pretend everything is OK
hr = S_OK;
// Release the thread (the thread should terminate on exit
// from the routine that called this routine)
CloseHandle(m_WorkerThread); m_WorkerThread = 0;
// Allow this object to be released
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::DoWork"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::DoFsaWork( IHsmRecallItem *pWorkItem ) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hr2 = S_OK; HRESULT workHr = S_OK; HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase;
CWsbStringPtr path; CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pFsaResource;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::DoFsaWork"),OLESTR("")); try { //
// Do the work.
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetFsaPostIt(&pFsaWorkItem)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetJobPhase(&jobPhase)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetPath(&path, 0)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pSession)); WsbAffirmHr(pSession->GetResource(&pFsaResource));
WsbTrace(OLESTR("Handling file <%s>.\n"), WsbAbbreviatePath(path, 120)); workHr = RecallIt(pWorkItem); //
// Tell the recaller right away about the success or failure
// of the recall, we do this here so the recall filter can
// release the open as soon as possible
hr = pFsaWorkItem->SetResult(workHr); if (S_OK == hr) { WsbTrace(OLESTR("HSM recall (filter, read or recall) complete, calling FSA\n")); hr = pFsaResource->ProcessResult(pFsaWorkItem); WsbTrace(OLESTR("FSA ProcessResult returned <%ls>\n"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); }
// Note: In case that the recall item is/was canceling at any time, we don't want
// to report on errors. If the cancel occurred while the recall item was queued,
// we won't get here at all, but if it was cancelled while being executed, we
// might end up here with some bad workHr returned by the Mover code
if ((S_OK != workHr) && (S_OK != pSession->IsCanceling())) { // Tell the session how things went if they didn't go well.
(void) pSession->ProcessHr(jobPhase, 0, 0, workHr); } }WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::DoFsaWork"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr);
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::MountMedia( IHsmRecallItem *pWorkItem, GUID mediaToMount, BOOL bShortWait )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; GUID l_MediaToMount = mediaToMount; CComPtr<IRmsDrive> pDrive; CWsbBstrPtr pMediaName; DWORD dwOptions = RMS_NONE; DWORD threadId; CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::MountMedia"),OLESTR("Display Name = <%ls>"), (WCHAR *)m_MediaName); try { WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetFsaPostIt(&pFsaWorkItem)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetThreadId(&threadId));
// If we're switching tapes, dismount the current one
if ((m_MountedMedia != l_MediaToMount) && (m_MountedMedia != GUID_NULL)) { WsbAffirmHr(DismountMedia()); } // Ask RMS for short timeout, both for Mount and Allocate
if (bShortWait) { dwOptions |= RMS_SHORT_TIMEOUT; } dwOptions |= RMS_USE_MOUNT_NO_DEADLOCK;
if (m_MountedMedia != l_MediaToMount) { ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_MOUNTING, hr); hr = m_pRmsServer->MountCartridge( l_MediaToMount, &pDrive, &m_pRmsCartridge, &m_pDataMover, dwOptions, threadId); hr = TranslateRmsMountHr(hr); //
// If failure is because cartridge is disabled, need to get media label to put in error.
// Since this is just to get label, if any of these functions fail,
// don't throw, error will simply have blank label.
CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pMedia; HRESULT hrName;
hrName = m_pRmsServer->FindCartridgeById(l_MediaToMount , &pMedia); if (hrName == S_OK) { pMedia->GetName(&pMediaName); } if ((hrName != S_OK) || ((WCHAR *)pMediaName == NULL)) { // Cannot get media name - set to blanks
pMediaName = L""; }
WsbThrow(hr); }
WsbAffirmHr(hr); m_MountedMedia = l_MediaToMount; WsbTrace( OLESTR("Mount completed.\n") );
} }WsbCatchAndDo(hr, switch (hr){case HSM_E_STG_PL_NOT_CFGD:case HSM_E_STG_PL_INVALID: FailJob(pWorkItem); break;case RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_DISABLED: WsbLogEvent(HSM_MESSAGE_MEDIA_DISABLED, 0, NULL, pMediaName, NULL); break; default: break;} );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::MountMedia"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::GetSource( IFsaPostIt *pFsaWorkItem, OLECHAR **pSourceString ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function builds the Source file name
pFsaWorkItem - the item to be migrated pSourceString - the Source file name.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CComPtr<IFsaResource> pResource; CWsbStringPtr tmpString; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; CWsbStringPtr path;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::GetSource"),OLESTR("")); try { //
// Get the real session pointer from the IUnknown
WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pSession)); WsbAffirm(pSession != 0, E_POINTER);
// First get the name of the resource from the session
WsbAffirmHr(pSession->GetResource(&pResource)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetPath(&path, 0));
tmpString.Alloc(1000); WsbAffirmHr(pResource->GetPath(&tmpString, 0)); tmpString.Append(&(path[1])); // tmpString.Prepend(OLESTR("\\\\?\\"));
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::GetSource"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::GetScanItem( IFsaPostIt *pFsaWorkItem, IFsaScanItem ** ppIFsaScanItem ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWsbStringPtr path; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; CComPtr<IFsaResource> pFsaResource;
try { WsbAffirmPointer(ppIFsaScanItem); WsbAffirm(!*ppIFsaScanItem, E_INVALIDARG); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pSession)); WsbAffirmHr(pSession->GetResource(&pFsaResource)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetPath(&path, 0)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaResource->FindFirst(path, pSession, ppIFsaScanItem));
}WsbCatch (hr)
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::GetScanItem"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return( hr ); }
DWORD HsmRecallQueueThread( void *pVoid )
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); hr = ((CHsmRecallQueue*) pVoid)->DoWork();
CoUninitialize(); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::SetState( IN HSM_JOB_STATE state, IN HSM_JOB_PHASE phase, IN IHsmSession * pSession )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bLog = TRUE;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue:SetState"), OLESTR("state = <%ls>"), JobStateAsString( state ) );
try { //
// Change the state and report the change to the session. Unless the current state is
// failed then leave it failed. Is is necessary because when this guy fails, it will
// cancel all sessions so that no more work is sent in and so we will skip any queued work.
// If the current state is failed, we don't need to spit out the failed message every time,
// so we send ProcessState a false fullmessage unless the state is cancelled.
WsbAffirmHr(pSession->ProcessState(phase, state, m_CurrentPath, TRUE));
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::SetState"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls> "), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::Cancel( IN HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase, IN IHsmSession *pSession )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Cancel"), OLESTR(""));
(void)SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_CANCELLING, jobPhase, pSession);
try { //
// This needs to be prepended and the queue emptied out!
CComPtr<IHsmRecallItem> pWorkItem; CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem; WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmServerCreate->CreateInstance(CLSID_CHsmRecallItem, IID_IHsmRecallItem, (void **)&pWorkItem)); //
// Create the minimal postit needed to contain the session so that DoWork
// can retrieve it from the work item.
// TBD: make pSession a member of CHsmRecallItem, so that we don't need
// to keep obtaining it via the IFsaPostIt. Also it saves us the trouble
// of creating a dummy FsaPostIt here.
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmServerCreate->CreateInstance(CLSID_CFsaPostIt, IID_IFsaPostIt, (void **)&pFsaWorkItem));
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetWorkType(HSM_WORK_ITEM_MOVER_CANCELLED)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetJobPhase(jobPhase)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetFsaPostIt(pFsaWorkItem)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->SetSession(pSession)); //
// Our work item is ready now, ship it
WsbAffirmHr(m_pWorkToDo->Prepend(pWorkItem)); }WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Cancel"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::FailJob( IHsmRecallItem *pWorkItem )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem; HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::FailJob"), OLESTR("")); try { //
// Set our state to failed and then cancel all work
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetFsaPostIt(&pFsaWorkItem)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pSession)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetJobPhase(&jobPhase));
WsbAffirmHr(SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_FAILED, jobPhase, pSession)); if (pSession != 0) { WsbAffirmHr(pSession->Cancel( HSM_JOB_PHASE_ALL )); }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::FailJob"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr) ); return(hr); }
void CHsmRecallQueue::ReportMediaProgress( HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE state, HRESULT /*status*/ )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWsbStringPtr mediaName; HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE mediaType = HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ReportMediaProgress"), OLESTR(""));
// TBD : we have to figure out a way to report media progress!
// Without the session pointer this is tough..
// Report Progress but we don't really care if it succeeds.
// hr = m_pSession->ProcessMediaState(m_JobPhase, state, m_MediaName, m_MediaType, 0);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ReportMediaProgress"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr) ); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::GetMediaParameters( void )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG rmsCartridgeType; CWsbBstrPtr barCode;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::GetMediaParameters"), OLESTR("")); try { //
// Get some information about the media
WsbAffirmHr(m_pDataMover->GetLargestFreeSpace( &m_MediaFreeSpace, &m_MediaCapacity )); WsbAffirmHr(m_pRmsCartridge->GetType( &rmsCartridgeType )); WsbAffirmHr(ConvertRmsCartridgeType(rmsCartridgeType, &m_MediaType)); WsbAffirmHr(m_pRmsCartridge->GetName(&barCode)); WsbAffirmHr(CoFileTimeNow(&m_MediaUpdate)); m_MediaBarCode = barCode; }WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::GetMediaParameters"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::DismountMedia( BOOL bNoDelay)
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::DismountMedia"), OLESTR("")); try { if ((m_pRmsCartridge != 0) && (m_MountedMedia != GUID_NULL)) { //
// End the session with the data mover. If this doesn't work, report
// the problem but continue with the dismount.
// Tell the session that we are dismounting media. Ignore any problems
// with the reporting
(void )ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_DISMOUNTING, S_OK);
// Dismount the cartridge and report progress
// Must free Rms resources used before dismounting...
m_pRmsCartridge = 0; m_pDataMover = 0;
DWORD dwOptions = RMS_NONE; if (bNoDelay) { dwOptions |= RMS_DISMOUNT_DEFERRED_ONLY; } hr = m_pRmsServer->DismountCartridge(m_MountedMedia, dwOptions); (void) ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_DISMOUNTED, hr);
// Clear out the knowledge of media that was just dismounted
WsbAffirmHr(hr); WsbTrace( OLESTR("Dismount completed OK.\n") ); } else { WsbTrace( OLESTR("There is no media to dismount.\n") ); } }WsbCatch(hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::DismountMedia"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::ConvertRmsCartridgeType( LONG rmsCartridgeType, HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ConvertRmsCartridgeType"), OLESTR("")); try {
WsbAssert(0 != pMediaType, E_POINTER);
switch (rmsCartridgeType) { case RmsMedia8mm: case RmsMedia4mm: case RmsMediaDLT: case RmsMediaTape: *pMediaType = HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_TAPE; break; case RmsMediaOptical: case RmsMediaMO35: case RmsMediaWORM: case RmsMediaCDR: case RmsMediaDVD: *pMediaType = HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_OPTICAL; break; case RmsMediaDisk: *pMediaType = HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_REMOVABLE_MAG; break; case RmsMediaFixed: *pMediaType = HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_FIXED_MAG; break; case RmsMediaUnknown:default: *pMediaType = HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN; break; } }WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ConvertRmsCartridgeType"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::MarkWorkItemAsDone(IN IHsmSession *pSession, IN HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase)
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::MarkWorkItemAsDone"), OLESTR("")); try { // Create a work item and append it to the work queue to
// indicate that the job is done
CComPtr<IHsmRecallItem> pWorkItem; CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem; WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmServerCreate->CreateInstance(CLSID_CHsmRecallItem, IID_IHsmRecallItem, (void **)&pWorkItem));
// Create the minimal postit needed to contain the session so that DoWork
// can retrieve it from the work item.
// TBD: make pSession a member of CHsmRecallItem, so that we don't need
// to keep obtaining it via the IFsaPostIt. Also it saves us the trouble
// of creating a dummy FsaPostIt here.
WsbAffirmHr(m_pHsmServerCreate->CreateInstance(CLSID_CFsaPostIt, IID_IFsaPostIt, (void **)&pFsaWorkItem));
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetWorkType(HSM_WORK_ITEM_FSA_DONE)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetJobPhase(jobPhase)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->SetFsaPostIt(pFsaWorkItem)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->SetSession(pSession)); //
// Our work item is ready now, ship it
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::MarkWorkItemAsDone"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::CheckRegistry(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::CheckRegistry"), OLESTR(""));
try { // Check for change to number of errors to allow before cancelling
// a job
WsbAffirmHr(WsbRegistryValueUlongAsString(NULL, HSM_ENGINE_REGISTRY_STRING, HSM_JOB_ABORT_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS, &m_JobAbortMaxConsecutiveErrors)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::CheckRegistry: m_JobAbortMaxConsecutiveErrors = %lu\n"), m_JobAbortMaxConsecutiveErrors); WsbAffirmHr(WsbRegistryValueUlongAsString(NULL, HSM_ENGINE_REGISTRY_STRING, HSM_JOB_ABORT_TOTAL_ERRORS, &m_JobAbortMaxTotalErrors)); WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::CheckRegistry: m_JobAbortMaxTotalErrors = %lu\n"), m_JobAbortMaxTotalErrors);
}WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::CheckRegistry"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::TranslateRmsMountHr( HRESULT rmsMountHr )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::TranslateRmsMountHr"),OLESTR("rms hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(rmsMountHr)); try { switch (rmsMountHr) { case S_OK: hr = S_OK; ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_MOUNTED, hr); break; case RMS_E_MEDIASET_NOT_FOUND: if (m_RmsMediaSetId == GUID_NULL) { hr = HSM_E_STG_PL_NOT_CFGD; } else { hr = HSM_E_STG_PL_INVALID; } ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_UNAVAILABLE, hr); break; case RMS_E_SCRATCH_NOT_FOUND: hr = HSM_E_NO_MORE_MEDIA; ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_UNAVAILABLE, hr); break; case RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_UNAVAILABLE: case RMS_E_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE: case RMS_E_DRIVE_UNAVAILABLE: case RMS_E_LIBRARY_UNAVAILABLE: hr = HSM_E_MEDIA_NOT_AVAILABLE; ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_UNAVAILABLE, hr); break; case RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_BUSY: case RMS_E_RESOURCE_BUSY: case RMS_E_DRIVE_BUSY: hr = HSM_E_MEDIA_BUSY; ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_BUSY, hr); break; case RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_NOT_FOUND: case RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_DISABLED: case RMS_E_TIMEOUT: hr = rmsMountHr; ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_UNAVAILABLE, hr); break; default: hr = rmsMountHr; ReportMediaProgress(HSM_JOB_MEDIA_STATE_UNAVAILABLE, hr); break; } }WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::TranslateRmsMountHr"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr);
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::Remove( IHsmRecallItem *pWorkItem ) /*++
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Remove"),OLESTR("")); try { //
// Remove the item from the queue
(void)m_pWorkToDo->RemoveAndRelease(pWorkItem); }WsbCatch (hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::Remove"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::ChangeSysState( IN OUT HSM_SYSTEM_STATE* pSysState )
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ChangeSysState"), OLESTR(""));
try {
if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_SUSPEND) { // Should have already been paused via the job}else if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_RESUME){
// Should have already been resumed via the job}else if (pSysState->State & HSM_STATE_SHUTDOWN){
// Release the thread (we assume it has been stopped already)
if (m_WorkerThread) { CloseHandle(m_WorkerThread); m_WorkerThread = 0; }
if (m_pDataMover) { //
// Cancel any active I/O
(void) m_pDataMover->Cancel(); } /* TBD
// If Session is valid - unadvise and free session, otherwise, just try to
// dismount media if it is mounted (which we don't know at this point)
// Best effort dismount, no error checking so following resources will get released.
if (m_pSession != 0) { EndSessions(FALSE, TRUE); } else { (void) DismountMedia(TRUE); } */ (void) DismountMedia(TRUE); }
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::ChangeSysState"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr));
return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::EndRecallSession( IN IHsmRecallItem *pWorkItem, IN BOOL cancelled ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem; DWORD stateCookie; DWORD eventCookie;
ULONG refCount;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::EndRecallSession"),OLESTR("")); try { HRESULT dismountHr = S_OK;
CComPtr<IConnectionPointContainer> pCPC; CComPtr<IConnectionPoint> pCP; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; HSM_JOB_PHASE jobPhase; //
// Get the session
WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetFsaPostIt(&pFsaWorkItem)); WsbAffirmHr(pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pSession)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetStateCookie(&stateCookie)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetEventCookie(&eventCookie)); WsbAffirmHr(pWorkItem->GetJobPhase(&jobPhase)); //
// Tell the session that we don't want to be advised anymore.
try { WsbAffirmHr(pSession->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**) &pCPC)); WsbAffirmHr(pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryState, &pCP));
refCount = (((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *) this)->AddRef()) - 1; ((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *)this)->Release(); WsbTrace(OLESTR("REFCOUNT for CHsmRecallQueue before stateCookie UnAdvise: %ls \n"), WsbLongAsString((LONG) refCount));
WsbAffirmHr(pCP->Unadvise(stateCookie)); }WsbCatch( hr );
refCount = (((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *) this)->AddRef()) - 1; ((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *)this)->Release(); WsbTrace(OLESTR("REFCOUNT for CHsmRecallQueue after stateCookie UnAdvise: %ls \n"), WsbLongAsString((LONG) refCount));
pCPC = 0; pCP = 0;
refCount = (((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *) this)->AddRef()) - 1; ((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *)this)->Release(); WsbTrace(OLESTR("REFCOUNT for CHsmRecallQueue before eventCookie UnAdvise: %ls \n"), WsbLongAsString((LONG) refCount));
try { WsbAffirmHr(pSession->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**) &pCPC)); WsbAffirmHr(pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IHsmSessionSinkEveryEvent, &pCP)); WsbAffirmHr(pCP->Unadvise(eventCookie)); }WsbCatch( hr );
refCount = (((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *) this)->AddRef()) - 1; ((IUnknown *) (IHsmFsaTskMgr *)this)->Release(); WsbTrace(OLESTR("REFCOUNT for CHsmRecallQueue after eventCookie UnAdvise: %ls \n"), WsbLongAsString((LONG) refCount));
pCPC = 0; pCP = 0;
WsbTrace( OLESTR("Telling Session Data mover is done\n") ); if (cancelled) { (void)SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_DONE, jobPhase, pSession); } else { (void)SetState(HSM_JOB_STATE_CANCELLED, jobPhase, pSession); } pSession = 0; WsbAffirmHr(hr); }WsbCatch (hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::EndRecallSession"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::UnsetMediaInfo( void )
Routine Description:
Sets the media data members back to their default (unset) values.
Return Value:
S_OK: Ok.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::UnsetMediaInfo"), OLESTR(""));
m_MediaId = GUID_NULL; m_MountedMedia = GUID_NULL; m_MediaType = HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_UNKNOWN; m_MediaName = OLESTR(""); m_MediaBarCode = OLESTR(""); m_MediaFreeSpace = 0; m_MediaCapacity = 0; m_MediaReadOnly = FALSE; m_MediaUpdate = WsbLLtoFT(0);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::UnsetMediaInfo"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::GetMediaId (OUT GUID *mediaId) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the media id for the queue
Return Value:
S_OK: Ok.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::GetMediaId"), OLESTR("")); *mediaId = m_MediaId; WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::GetMediaId"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, Id = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbPtrToGuidAsString(mediaId)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::SetMediaId (IN GUID *mediaId) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the media id for the queue
Return Value:
S_OK: Ok.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::SetMediaId"), OLESTR("")); m_MediaId = *mediaId; WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::SetMediaId"),OLESTR("hr = <%ls>, Id = <%ls>"), WsbHrAsString(hr), WsbPtrToGuidAsString(mediaId)); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::IsEmpty ( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks if the queue is empty
Return Value:
S_OK: Queue is empty S_FALSE: Queue is non-empty
--*/ { HRESULT hr; hr = m_pWorkToDo->IsEmpty(); return(hr); }
HRESULT CHsmRecallQueue::FindRecallItemToCancel( IHsmRecallItem *pWorkItem, IHsmRecallItem **pWorkItemToCancel ) /*++
Routine Description:
Pulls the work item that needs to be cancelled indicated by pWorkItem and returns it (by matching the pSession pointer)
Return Value:
--*/ { CComPtr<IFsaPostIt> pFsaWorkItem; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pSession; CComPtr<IHsmSession> pWorkSession; HRESULT hr; ULONG index = 0;
WsbTraceIn(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::FindRecallItemToCancel"), OLESTR(""));
pWorkItem->GetFsaPostIt(&pFsaWorkItem); pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pSession); pFsaWorkItem = 0; do { hr = m_pWorkToDo->At(index, IID_IHsmRecallItem, (void **)pWorkItemToCancel); if (S_OK == hr) { (*pWorkItemToCancel)->GetFsaPostIt(&pFsaWorkItem); pFsaWorkItem->GetSession(&pWorkSession); if ((pWorkItem != (*pWorkItemToCancel)) && (pSession == pWorkSession)) { WsbTrace(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::FindRecallItemToCancel: Found item to cancel, pSession = %p\n"), pSession); break; } (*pWorkItemToCancel)->Release(); (*pWorkItemToCancel) = 0; pWorkSession = 0; pFsaWorkItem = 0; } index++; } while (S_OK == hr);
WsbTraceOut(OLESTR("CHsmRecallQueue::FindRecallItemToCancel"), OLESTR("hr = <%ls>"),WsbHrAsString(hr));
return hr; }