� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Implementation of IDataObject interface, which is supported by the CBaseHsm COM object.
Rohde Wakefield [rohde] 19-Aug-1997
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
// Declare Snap-in NodeType formats:
// - GUID format
// - string GUID format
// - display name format.
// - internal format.
UINT CSakNode::m_cfNodeType = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_NODETYPE); UINT CSakNode::m_cfNodeTypeString = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SZNODETYPE); UINT CSakNode::m_cfDisplayName = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_DISPLAY_NAME); UINT CSakNode::m_cfInternal = RegisterClipboardFormat(SAKSNAP_INTERNAL); UINT CSakNode::m_cfClassId = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SNAPIN_CLASSID); UINT CSakNode::m_cfComputerName = RegisterClipboardFormat(MMC_SNAPIN_MACHINE_NAME); UINT CSakNode::m_cfEventLogViews = RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_EV_VIEWS);
HRESULT CSakNode::GetDataGeneric( IN LPFORMATETC lpFormatetcIn, IN OUT LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium, IN BOOL DoAlloc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieve information FROM the dataobject and put INTO lpMedium.
lpFormatetc - Format to retreive.
lpMedium - Storage to put information into.
Return Value:
S_OK - Storage filled in.
E_xxxxxxxxxxx - Failure occurred.
--*/ { WsbTraceIn( L"CSakNode::GetDataGeneric", L"lpFormatetc->cfFormat = <%ls>", RsClipFormatAsString( lpFormatetcIn->cfFormat ), WsbBoolAsString( DoAlloc ) ); HRESULT hr = DV_E_CLIPFORMAT;
try {
WsbAffirmPointer( lpMedium );
if( DoAlloc ) {
lpMedium->hGlobal = 0; lpMedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
} else {
WsbAffirm( TYMED_HGLOBAL == lpMedium->tymed, DV_E_TYMED ); WsbAffirmPointer( lpMedium->hGlobal );
// Based on the CLIPFORMAT write data to "lpMediam" in the correct format.
const CLIPFORMAT cf = lpFormatetcIn->cfFormat;
// clip format is the GUID node type
if(cf == m_cfNodeType) { hr = RetrieveNodeTypeData(lpMedium);
// clip format is the string "spelling" of the GUID node type
} else if(cf == m_cfNodeTypeString) { hr = RetrieveNodeTypeStringData(lpMedium);
// clip format is the computer represented
} else if (cf == m_cfComputerName) { hr = RetrieveComputerName(lpMedium);
// clip format is the event viewer setup
} else if (cf == m_cfEventLogViews) { hr = RetrieveEventLogViews(lpMedium);
// clip format is the display name of the node
} else if (cf == m_cfDisplayName) { hr = RetrieveDisplayName(lpMedium);
// clip format is the ClassId
} else if( cf == m_cfClassId ) { hr = RetrieveClsid( lpMedium );
// clip format is an INTERNAL format
} else if (cf == m_cfInternal) { hr = RetrieveInternal(lpMedium);
} else { hr = DV_E_CLIPFORMAT; }
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakNode::GetDataGeneric", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
Routine Description:
Retrieve information FROM the dataobject and put INTO lpMedium. Storage allocated and returned.
lpFormatetc - Format to retreive.
lpMedium - Storage to put information into.
Return Value:
S_OK - Storage filled in.
E_xxxxxxxxxxx - Failure occurred.
--*/ { WsbTraceIn( L"CSakNode::GetData", L"lpFormatetc->cfFormat = <%ls>", RsClipFormatAsString( lpFormatetcIn->cfFormat ) );
hr = GetDataGeneric( lpFormatetcIn, lpMedium, TRUE );
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakNode::GetData", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CSakNode::GetDataHere( IN LPFORMATETC lpFormatetc, IN OUT LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieve information FROM the dataobject and put INTO lpMedium.
lpFormatetc - Format to retreive.
lpMedium - Storage to put information into.
Return Value:
S_OK - Storage filled in.
E_xxxxxxxxxxx - Failure occurred.
--*/ { WsbTraceIn( L"CSakNode::GetDataHere", L"lpFormatetc->cfFormat = <%ls>", RsClipFormatAsString( lpFormatetc->cfFormat ) ); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = GetDataGeneric( lpFormatetc, lpMedium, FALSE );
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakNode::GetDataHere", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CSakNode::SetData( LPFORMATETC lpFormatetc, LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium, BOOL /*fRelease*/ ) /*++
Routine Description:
Put data INTO a dataobject FROM the information in the lpMedium. We do not allow any data to be set.
lpFormatetc - Format to set.
lpMedium - Storage to get information from.
fRelease - Indicates who owns storage after call.
Return Value:
S_OK - Storage retreived.
E_xxxxxxxxxxx - Failure occurred.
--*/ { WsbTraceIn( L"CSakNode::SetData", L"lpFormatetc->cfFormat = <%ls>", RsClipFormatAsString( lpFormatetc->cfFormat ) ); HRESULT hr = DV_E_CLIPFORMAT;
// Based on the CLIPFORMAT write data to "lpMediam" in the correct format.
const CLIPFORMAT cf = lpFormatetc->cfFormat;
//clip format is an INTERNAL format
if( cf == m_cfInternal ) {
hr = StoreInternal( lpMedium );
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakNode::SetData", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
// Note - CSakNode does not implement these
STDMETHODIMP CSakNode::EnumFormatEtc(DWORD /*dwDirection*/, LPENUMFORMATETC* /*ppEnumFormatEtc*/) { WsbTraceIn( L"CSakNode::EnumFormatEtc", L"" );
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakNode::EnumFormatEtc", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
// Retrieve from a dataobject with the NodeType (GUID) data in it.
HRESULT CSakNode::RetrieveNodeTypeData(LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { return Retrieve((const void*)(m_rTypeGuid), sizeof(GUID), lpMedium); }
// Retrieve from a dataobject with the node type object in GUID string format
HRESULT CSakNode::RetrieveNodeTypeStringData(LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { CWsbStringPtr guidString = *m_rTypeGuid; return Retrieve(guidString, ((wcslen(guidString)+1) * sizeof(wchar_t)), lpMedium); }
// Retrieve from a dataobject with the display named used in the scope pane
HRESULT CSakNode::RetrieveDisplayName(LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { // Load the name the data object
return Retrieve(m_szName, ((wcslen(m_szName)+1) * sizeof(wchar_t)), lpMedium); }
// Retrieve from a dataobject with the CLSID data in it.
HRESULT CSakNode::RetrieveClsid(LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { // zzzz
return Retrieve( (const void*)(&CLSID_HsmAdminDataSnapin), sizeof(CLSID), lpMedium ); }
// Retrieve INTERNAL data from the dataobject's m_internal member INTO the lpMedium
HRESULT CSakNode::RetrieveInternal(LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { return Retrieve(&m_internal, sizeof(INTERNAL), lpMedium); }
// Retrieve data from the dataobject's hsm name
HRESULT CSakNode::RetrieveComputerName(LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try {
CWsbStringPtr computerName; HRESULT hrTemp = m_pSakSnapAsk->GetHsmName( &computerName ); WsbAffirmHr( hrTemp );
if( S_FALSE == hrTemp ) {
computerName = L"";
WsbAffirmHr( Retrieve( (WCHAR*)computerName, ( wcslen( computerName ) + 1 ) * sizeof(WCHAR), lpMedium ) );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
// Retrieve event setup info
HRESULT CSakNode::RetrieveEventLogViews(LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try {
BYTE buf[1024]; BYTE *pPos = buf; size_t strLength;
CWsbStringPtr hsmName; CString appName, sysName; CString nullString; CString appPath, sysPath;
appName.LoadString( IDS_EVENT_LOG_APP_TITLE ); sysName.LoadString( IDS_EVENT_LOG_SYS_TITLE ); nullString = L"";
HRESULT hrTemp = m_pSakSnapAsk->GetHsmName( &hsmName ); WsbAffirmHr( hrTemp ); if( S_FALSE == hrTemp ) {
hsmName = L""; appPath = L""; sysPath = L"";
} else {
CString configPath = L"\\\\"; configPath += hsmName; configPath += L"\\Admin$\\System32\\config\\"; appPath = configPath; sysPath = configPath; appPath += L"AppEvent.Evt"; sysPath += L"SysEvent.Evt";
} // Make sure that the data is processor word size aligned
#if defined(_X86_)
#define _RNDUP(p,m) (p)
#define _RNDUP(p,m) (BYTE *)(((ULONG_PTR)(p) + (m) - 1) & ~((ULONG_PTR)(m) - 1))
#define ADD_TYPE(data, type) \
pPos = _RNDUP(pPos, __alignof(type)); \ *((type*)pPos) = (type)(data); \ pPos += sizeof(type)
#define ADD_BOOL(b) ADD_TYPE(b, BOOL)
#define ADD_ULONG(ul) ADD_TYPE(ul, ULONG)
#define ADD_STRING(str) \
strLength = wcslen((LPCWSTR)(str)) + 1; \ ADD_USHORT(strLength); \ wcsncpy((LPWSTR)pPos, (LPCWSTR)(str), strLength); \ pPos += strLength * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Add header info
ADD_BOOL( TRUE ); // fOnlyTheseViews
ADD_USHORT( 2 ); // cViews
// Add application log filtered for our services
ADD_STRING( hsmName ); // ServerName
ADD_STRING( L"Application" ); // SourceName
ADD_STRING( appPath ); // FileName
ADD_STRING( appName ); // DisplayName
ADD_ULONG( EVENTLOG_ALL_EVENTS ); // flRecType (could filter warning, error, etc.)
ADD_USHORT( 0 ); // usCategory
ADD_BOOL( FALSE ); // fEventID
ADD_ULONG( 0 ); // ulEventID
ADD_STRING( nullString ); // szUser
ADD_STRING( hsmName ); // szComputer
ADD_ULONG( 0 ); // ulFrom
ADD_ULONG( 0 ); // ulTo
// Add system log filtered for our device
ADD_STRING( hsmName ); // ServerName
ADD_STRING( L"System" ); // SourceName
ADD_STRING( sysPath ); // FileName
ADD_STRING( sysName ); // DisplayName
ADD_ULONG( EVENTLOG_ALL_EVENTS ); // flRecType (could filter warning, error, etc.)
ADD_USHORT( 0 ); // usCategory
ADD_BOOL( FALSE ); // fEventID
ADD_ULONG( 0 ); // ulEventID
ADD_STRING( nullString ); // szUser
ADD_STRING( hsmName ); // szComputer
ADD_ULONG( 0 ); // ulFrom
ADD_ULONG( 0 ); // ulTo
WsbAffirmHr( Retrieve( buf, (ULONG)(pPos - buf), lpMedium ) );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
// Store the INTERNAL data FROM the lpMedium->hGlobal INTO the dataobject's m_internal member
HRESULT CSakNode::StoreInternal(LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { return Store(&m_internal, sizeof(INTERNAL), lpMedium); }
// Retrieve FROM a dataobject INTO a lpMedium. The data object can be one of
// several types of data in it (nodetype, nodetype string, display name, or
// INTERNAL data).
// This function moves data from pBuffer to the lpMedium->hGlobal
HRESULT CSakNode::Retrieve(const void* pBuffer, DWORD len, LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try {
WsbAffirmPointer( pBuffer ); WsbAffirmPointer( lpMedium ); WsbAffirm( TYMED_HGLOBAL == lpMedium->tymed, DV_E_TYMED );
// Check to see if we need to allocate the global memory here
if( 0 == lpMedium->hGlobal ) {
lpMedium->hGlobal = ::GlobalAlloc( GPTR, len );
} else {
WsbAffirm( GlobalSize( lpMedium->hGlobal ) >= (DWORD)len, STG_E_MEDIUMFULL );
WsbAffirmPointer( lpMedium->hGlobal );
// Create the stream on the hGlobal passed in. When we write to the stream,
// it simultaneously writes to the hGlobal the same information.
LPSTREAM lpStream; WsbAffirmHr( CreateStreamOnHGlobal(lpMedium->hGlobal, FALSE, &lpStream ));
// Write 'len' number of bytes from pBuffer into the stream. When we write
// to the stream, it simultaneously writes to the global memory we
// associated it with above.
ULONG numBytesWritten; WsbAffirmHr( lpStream->Write(pBuffer, len, &numBytesWritten ));
// Because we told CreateStreamOnHGlobal with 'FALSE', only the stream is released here.
// Note - the caller (i.e. snap-in, object) will free the HGLOBAL
// at the correct time. This is according to the IDataObject specification.
} WsbCatch( hr );
return hr; }
// Store INTO a dataobject FROM an lpMedium. The data object can be one of
// several types of data in it (nodetype, nodetype string, display name, or
// INTERNAL data).
// This function moves data INTO pBuffer FROM the lpMedium->hGlobal
HRESULT CSakNode::Store( void* pBuffer, DWORD len, LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try { WsbAffirmPointer( pBuffer ); WsbAffirmPointer( lpMedium ); WsbAffirm( lpMedium->tymed == TYMED_HGLOBAL, E_INVALIDARG );
// Use memcpy, because the lpStream->Read is failing to read any bytes.
memcpy(pBuffer, &(lpMedium->hGlobal), len);
} WsbCatch( hr );
return hr; }