� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Implements all the context menu interface to the individual nodes, including getting menu resources and turning into MMC menus, and forwarding on command messages.
Rohde Wakefield [rohde] 09-Dec-1996
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CSakData.h"
#include "CSakSnap.h"
// Mask for a long value out of a short value's range
#define SHORT_VALUE_RANGE (MAXULONG ^ ((unsigned short)MAXSHORT))
static HRESULT AddMmcMenuItems ( IN CMenu * pMenu, IN LONG lInsertionPointID, IN ISakNode * pNode, IN IContextMenuCallback * pContextMenuCallback )
Routine Description:
Called for any node clicked on with right mouse. Goes to the node object to construct the MMC menu.
pDataObject - identifies the node to be worked on.
pContextMenuCallback - The MMC menu interface to use.
Return Value:
S_OK - All added fine - continue.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ WsbTraceIn( L"AddMmcMenuItems", L"lInsertionPointID = <0x%p>, pNode = <0x%p>", lInsertionPointID, pNode );
try {
// It is ok to pass a NULL pMenu - means do not add
// any entries
if ( 0 != pMenu ) {
CString menuText; CString statusText; BSTR bstr; CONTEXTMENUITEM menuItem; memset ( (void*)&menuItem, 0, sizeof ( menuItem ) ); menuItem.lInsertionPointID = lInsertionPointID;
UINT menuCount = pMenu->GetMenuItemCount ( );
for ( UINT index = 0; index < menuCount; index++ ) {
// For each menu item, fill out MMC's CONTEXTMENUITEM struct
// appropriately and call AddItem
menuItem.lCommandID = pMenu->GetMenuItemID ( index );
pMenu->GetMenuString ( index, menuText, MF_BYPOSITION ); menuItem.strName = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)menuText;
WsbAffirmHr ( pNode->GetMenuHelp ( menuItem.lCommandID, &bstr ) ); if ( 0 != bstr ) {
statusText = bstr; SysFreeString ( bstr ); menuItem.strStatusBarText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)statusText;
} else {
menuItem.strStatusBarText = 0;
menuItem.fFlags = pMenu->GetMenuState ( index, MF_BYPOSITION ); menuItem.fSpecialFlags = 0;
// Since AppStudio does not make available the MFS_DEFUALT flag,
// we will use the MF_HELP flag for default entry.
if ( 0 != ( menuItem.fFlags & MF_HELP ) ) {
menuItem.fFlags &= ~MF_HELP; menuItem.fSpecialFlags |= CCM_SPECIAL_DEFAULT_ITEM;
pContextMenuCallback->AddItem ( &menuItem );
} } WsbCatch ( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"AddMmcMenuItems", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return ( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CSakData::AddMenuItems ( IN LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, OUT LONG* pInsertionAllowed )
Routine Description:
Called for any node clicked on with right mouse. Goes to the node object to construct the MMC menu.
pDataObject - identifies the node to be worked on.
pContextMenuCallback - The MMC menu interface to use.
Return Value:
S_OK - All added fine - continue.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ WsbTraceIn( L"CSakData::AddMenuItems", L"pDataObject = <0x%p>", pDataObject );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bMultiSelect;
try {
// Note - snap-ins need to look at the data object and determine
// in what context, menu items need to be added.
// We should be expecting either single data object or Multi-Select
// data object. Not Object Types data object.
CComPtr<ISakNode> pNode; CComPtr<IEnumGUID> pEnumObjectId; WsbAffirmHr( GetBaseHsmFromDataObject( pDataObject, &pNode, &pEnumObjectId ) ); bMultiSelect = pEnumObjectId ? TRUE : FALSE;
CMenu menu; HMENU hMenu; WsbAffirmHr( pNode->GetContextMenu ( bMultiSelect, &hMenu ) );
menu.Attach( hMenu );
// Any menu returned by GetContextMenu should have three
// top-level popups for the following portions of the
// MMC context menu:
// 1. Root (Above all other items)
// 2. Create New
// 3. Task
// If any of these should not have any items added for them,
// the top-level item should not be a pop (sans MF_POPUP)
if( *pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP ) {
WsbAffirmHr ( AddMmcMenuItems ( menu.GetSubMenu ( MENU_INDEX_ROOT ), CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, pNode, pContextMenuCallback ) );
if( *pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_NEW ) {
WsbAffirmHr ( AddMmcMenuItems ( menu.GetSubMenu ( MENU_INDEX_NEW ), CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_NEW, pNode, pContextMenuCallback ) );
if( *pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TASK ) {
WsbAffirmHr ( AddMmcMenuItems ( menu.GetSubMenu ( MENU_INDEX_TASK ), CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TASK, pNode, pContextMenuCallback ) );
} } WsbCatch ( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakData::AddMenuItems", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return ( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CSakData::Command ( IN long nCommandID, IN LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject )
Routine Description:
Called for any node receiving a menu command. Goes to the node object to handle the command, and allows general (not node-specific) commands to be handled centrally.
nCommandID - ID of command.
pDataObject - Data object representing the node.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ WsbTraceIn( L"CSakData::Command", L"nCommandID = <%ld>, pDataObject = <0x%p>", nCommandID, pDataObject );
try {
HRESULT resultCommand = S_FALSE;
// All node commands are SHORT values. Check range first.
if ( 0 == ( nCommandID & SHORT_VALUE_RANGE ) ) {
// We start by getting the corresponding ISakNode interface
// to the node
CComPtr<ISakNode> pNode; CComPtr<IEnumGUID> pEnumObjectId; WsbAffirmHr( GetBaseHsmFromDataObject ( pDataObject, &pNode, &pEnumObjectId ) ); //
// Then see if it wants to handle the command
WsbAffirmHr( ( resultCommand = pNode->InvokeCommand ( (SHORT)nCommandID, pDataObject ) ) );
} WsbCatch ( hr )
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakData::Command", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return ( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CSakSnap::AddMenuItems ( IN LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, OUT LONG* pInsertionAllowed ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called for any node clicked on with right mouse in result pane. Delegates to CSakData.
pDataObject - identifies the node to be worked on.
pContextMenuCallback - The MMC menu interface to use.
Return Value:
S_OK - All added fine - continue.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ WsbTraceIn( L"CSakSnap::AddMenuItems", L"pDataObject = <0x%p>", pDataObject ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
WsbAffirmHr( m_pSakData->AddMenuItems( pDataObject, pContextMenuCallback, pInsertionAllowed ) );
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakSnap::AddMenuItems", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CSakSnap::Command ( IN long nCommandID, IN LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject )
Routine Description:
Called for any node receiving a menu command. Delegated to CSakData.
nCommandID - ID of command.
pDataObject - Data object representing the node.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ WsbTraceIn( L"CSakSnap::Command", L"nCommandID = <%ld>, pDataObject = <0x%p>", nCommandID, pDataObject ); HRESULT hr; try {
hr = m_pSakData->Command( nCommandID, pDataObject );
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CSakSnap::Command", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }