Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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1264 lines
26 KiB

  1. # Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="Rms" - Package Owner=<4>
  2. # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
  3. # ** DO NOT EDIT **
  4. # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101
  5. CFG=Rms - Win32 Debug
  6. !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
  7. !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
  9. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Rms.mak".
  10. !MESSAGE
  11. !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
  12. !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
  13. !MESSAGE
  14. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Rms.mak" CFG="Rms - Win32 Debug"
  15. !MESSAGE
  16. !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
  17. !MESSAGE
  18. !MESSAGE "Rms - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
  19. !MESSAGE
  20. # Begin Project
  21. # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
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  74. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  75. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  76. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  77. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  78. ".\RmsCartg.h"\
  79. ".\RmsCElmt.h"\
  80. ".\RmsChngr.h"\
  81. ".\RmsClien.h"\
  82. ".\RmsDrCls.h"\
  83. ".\RmsDrive.h"\
  84. ".\RmsDvice.h"\
  85. ".\RmsIPort.h"\
  86. ".\RmsLibry.h"\
  87. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  88. ".\RmsMdSet.h"\
  89. ".\RmsNTMS.h"\
  90. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  91. ".\RmsPartn.h"\
  92. ".\RmsReqst.h"\
  93. ".\RmsServr.h"\
  94. ".\RmsSInfo.h"\
  95. ".\RmsSink.h"\
  96. ".\RmsSSlot.h"\
  97. ".\RmsTmplt.h"\
  98. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  100. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  101. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  102. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  103. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  104. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  107. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  108. # End Source File
  109. # Begin Source File
  110. SOURCE=.\RmsCartg.cpp
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  129. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  130. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  131. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  132. ".\RmsCartg.h"\
  133. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  134. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  135. ".\RmsServr.h"\
  136. ".\RmsSInfo.h"\
  137. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  139. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  140. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  141. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  142. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  143. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  144. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  145. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  146. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  147. # End Source File
  148. # Begin Source File
  149. SOURCE=.\RmsCElmt.cpp
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  152. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  153. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  154. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
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  168. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  169. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  170. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  171. ".\RmsCElmt.h"\
  172. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  173. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  174. ".\RmsServr.h"\
  175. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  177. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  178. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  179. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  180. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  181. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  182. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  183. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  184. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  185. # End Source File
  186. # Begin Source File
  187. SOURCE=.\RmsChngr.cpp
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  190. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  191. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
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  202. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  203. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  204. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  205. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  206. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  207. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  208. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  209. ".\RmsCElmt.h"\
  210. ".\RmsChngr.h"\
  211. ".\RmsDvice.h"\
  212. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  213. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  214. ".\RmsServr.h"\
  215. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  217. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  218. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  219. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  220. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  221. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  222. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  223. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  224. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  225. # End Source File
  226. # Begin Source File
  227. SOURCE=.\RmsClien.cpp
  228. DEP_CPP_RMSCL=\
  229. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  230. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  231. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  232. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  233. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  234. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  235. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
  236. "..\..\inc\wsbcltbl.h"\
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  238. "..\..\inc\wsbfirst.h"\
  239. "..\..\inc\wsbgen.h"\
  240. "..\..\inc\wsbport.h"\
  241. "..\..\inc\wsbpstbl.h"\
  242. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  243. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  244. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  245. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  246. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  247. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  248. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  249. ".\RmsClien.h"\
  250. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  251. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  253. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  254. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  255. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  256. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  257. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  258. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  259. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  260. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  261. # End Source File
  262. # Begin Source File
  263. SOURCE=.\RmsDrCls.cpp
  264. DEP_CPP_RMSDR=\
  265. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  266. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  267. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  268. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  269. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  270. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  271. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
  272. "..\..\inc\wsbcltbl.h"\
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  276. "..\..\inc\wsbport.h"\
  277. "..\..\inc\wsbpstbl.h"\
  278. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  279. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  280. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  281. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  282. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  283. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  284. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  285. ".\RmsDrCls.h"\
  286. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  287. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  289. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  290. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  291. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  292. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  293. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  294. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  295. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  296. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  297. # End Source File
  298. # Begin Source File
  299. SOURCE=.\RmsDrive.cpp
  301. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  302. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  303. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  304. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  305. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  306. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  307. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
  308. "..\..\inc\wsbcltbl.h"\
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  312. "..\..\inc\wsbport.h"\
  313. "..\..\inc\wsbpstbl.h"\
  314. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  315. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  316. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  317. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  318. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  319. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  320. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  321. ".\RmsCElmt.h"\
  322. ".\RmsDrive.h"\
  323. ".\RmsDvice.h"\
  324. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  325. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  326. ".\RmsServr.h"\
  327. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  329. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  330. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  331. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  332. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  333. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  334. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  335. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  336. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  337. # End Source File
  338. # Begin Source File
  339. SOURCE=.\RmsDvice.cpp
  340. DEP_CPP_RMSDV=\
  341. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  342. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  343. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  344. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  345. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  346. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  347. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
  348. "..\..\inc\wsbcltbl.h"\
  349. "..\..\inc\wsbfile.h"\
  350. "..\..\inc\wsbfirst.h"\
  351. "..\..\inc\wsbgen.h"\
  352. "..\..\inc\wsbport.h"\
  353. "..\..\inc\wsbpstbl.h"\
  354. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  355. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  356. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  357. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  358. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  359. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  360. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  361. ".\RmsCElmt.h"\
  362. ".\RmsDvice.h"\
  363. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  364. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  365. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  367. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  368. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  369. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  370. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  371. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  372. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  373. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  374. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  375. # End Source File
  376. # Begin Source File
  377. SOURCE=.\RmsIPort.cpp
  378. DEP_CPP_RMSIP=\
  379. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  380. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  381. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  382. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  383. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  384. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  385. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
  386. "..\..\inc\wsbcltbl.h"\
  387. "..\..\inc\wsbfile.h"\
  388. "..\..\inc\wsbfirst.h"\
  389. "..\..\inc\wsbgen.h"\
  390. "..\..\inc\wsbport.h"\
  391. "..\..\inc\wsbpstbl.h"\
  392. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  393. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  394. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  395. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  396. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  397. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  398. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  399. ".\RmsCElmt.h"\
  400. ".\RmsIPort.h"\
  401. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  402. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  403. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  405. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  406. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  407. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  408. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  409. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  410. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  411. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  412. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  413. # End Source File
  414. # Begin Source File
  415. SOURCE=.\RmsLibry.cpp
  416. DEP_CPP_RMSLI=\
  417. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  418. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  419. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  420. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  421. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  422. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  423. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
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  429. "..\..\inc\wsbpstbl.h"\
  430. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  431. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  432. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  433. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  434. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  435. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  436. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  437. ".\RmsLibry.h"\
  438. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  439. ".\RmsServr.h"\
  440. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  442. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  443. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  444. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  445. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  446. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  447. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  448. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  449. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  450. # End Source File
  451. # Begin Source File
  452. SOURCE=.\RmsLocat.cpp
  453. DEP_CPP_RMSLO=\
  454. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  455. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  456. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  457. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  458. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
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  465. "..\..\inc\wsbport.h"\
  466. "..\..\inc\wsbpstbl.h"\
  467. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  468. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  469. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  470. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  471. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  472. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  473. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  474. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  475. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  477. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  478. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  479. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  480. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  481. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  482. "..\..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  483. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  484. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  485. # End Source File
  486. # Begin Source File
  487. SOURCE=.\RmsMdSet.cpp
  488. DEP_CPP_RMSMD=\
  489. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  490. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  491. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  492. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  493. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  494. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  495. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
  496. "..\..\inc\wsbcltbl.h"\
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  500. "..\..\inc\wsbport.h"\
  501. "..\..\inc\wsbpstbl.h"\
  502. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  503. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  504. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  505. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  506. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  507. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  508. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  509. ".\RmsMdSet.h"\
  510. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  511. ".\RmsSInfo.h"\
  512. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  514. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  515. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  516. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  517. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  518. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  520. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
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  522. # End Source File
  523. # Begin Source File
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  527. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  528. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  529. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  530. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  531. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
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  543. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  544. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  545. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  546. ".\RmsNTMS.h"\
  547. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  548. ".\RmsServr.h"\
  549. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  551. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  552. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  553. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  554. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  555. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  557. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  558. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  559. # End Source File
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  564. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  565. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  566. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  567. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  568. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
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  580. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  581. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  582. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  583. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  584. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  586. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  587. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  588. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  589. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  590. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  592. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
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  594. # End Source File
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  599. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  600. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  601. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  602. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  603. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
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  614. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  615. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  616. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  617. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  618. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  619. ".\RmsPartn.h"\
  620. ".\RmsSInfo.h"\
  621. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  623. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  624. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  625. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  626. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  627. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  629. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
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  631. # End Source File
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  636. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  637. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  638. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  639. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  640. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  641. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
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  648. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  649. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
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  651. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  652. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  653. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  654. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  655. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  656. ".\RmsReqst.h"\
  657. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  659. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  660. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  661. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  662. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  663. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  665. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
  666. "..\..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  667. # End Source File
  668. # Begin Source File
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  672. "..\..\inc\fsaint.h"\
  673. "..\..\inc\HsmConn.h"\
  674. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  675. "..\..\inc\jobdef.h"\
  676. "..\..\inc\jobint.h"\
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  678. "..\..\inc\metaint.h"\
  679. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  680. "..\..\inc\MvrInt.h"\
  681. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  682. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  683. "..\..\inc\RmsInt.h"\
  684. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  685. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  686. "..\..\inc\tskdef.h"\
  687. "..\..\inc\tskint.h"\
  688. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  689. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  690. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
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  701. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
  702. "..\..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  703. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  704. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  705. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  706. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  707. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  708. ".\RmsServr.h"\
  709. ".\StdAfx.h"\
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  711. "x:\NT\public\sdk\inc\ntddscsi.h"\
  712. # End Source File
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  717. "..\..\inc\Mover.h"\
  718. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  719. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  720. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  721. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  722. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
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  726. "..\..\inc\wsbgen.h"\
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  729. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
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  731. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
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  733. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  734. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  735. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  736. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  737. ".\RmsSInfo.h"\
  738. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  740. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  741. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  742. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  743. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  744. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  756. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
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  758. "..\..\inc\wsbbstrg.h"\
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  770. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  771. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  772. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  773. ".\RmsSink.h"\
  774. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  776. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
  777. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  778. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  779. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  780. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  782. "..\..\inc\wsbint.h"\
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  790. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  791. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  792. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  793. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
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  801. "..\..\inc\wsbpstrg.h"\
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  803. "..\..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  804. "..\..\inc\wsbserv.h"\
  805. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  806. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  807. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  808. ".\RmsCElmt.h"\
  809. ".\RmsLocat.h"\
  810. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  811. ".\RmsSSlot.h"\
  812. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  814. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
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  816. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  817. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  818. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  828. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  829. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  830. "..\..\inc\wsb.h"\
  831. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
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  843. "..\..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  844. "..\..\inc\wsbtrak.h"\
  845. "..\..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  846. ".\RmsObjct.h"\
  847. ".\RmsTmplt.h"\
  848. ".\StdAfx.h"\
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  851. "..\..\inc\MvrError.h"\
  852. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  853. "..\..\inc\RmsError.h"\
  854. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
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  865. "..\..\inc\hsmeng.h"\
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  872. "..\..\inc\MvrLib.h"\
  873. "..\..\inc\Rms.h"\
  874. "..\..\inc\RmsInt.h"\
  875. "..\..\inc\RmsLib.h"\
  876. "..\..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
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  878. "..\..\inc\tskint.h"\
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  880. "..\..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
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  1107. # End Source File
  1108. # Begin Source File
  1109. SOURCE=..\Help\MakeDocs.mak
  1110. # End Source File
  1111. # Begin Source File
  1112. SOURCE=..\Help\Makefil0
  1113. # End Source File
  1114. # Begin Source File
  1115. SOURCE=..\..\Hlp\RMS.HLP
  1116. # End Source File
  1117. # Begin Source File
  1118. SOURCE=..\Help\toduck.awk
  1119. # End Source File
  1120. # End Group
  1121. # End Target
  1122. # End Project