Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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2300 lines
38 KiB

  1. # Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="Wsb" - Package Owner=<4>
  2. # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
  3. # ** DO NOT EDIT **
  4. # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102
  5. CFG=Wsb - Win32 Debug
  6. !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
  7. !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
  9. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Wsb.mak".
  10. !MESSAGE
  11. !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
  12. !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
  13. !MESSAGE
  14. !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Wsb.mak" CFG="Wsb - Win32 Debug"
  15. !MESSAGE
  16. !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
  17. !MESSAGE
  18. !MESSAGE "Wsb - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
  19. !MESSAGE
  20. # Begin Project
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  220. "..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
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  263. ".\tpoapi.h"\
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  272. # End Source File
  273. # Begin Source File
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  277. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  278. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
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  286. "..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  287. "..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
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  328. ".\tpoapi.h"\
  329. ".\tppc.h"\
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  335. ".\turtl.h"\
  336. ".\txcapi.h"\
  337. # End Source File
  338. # Begin Source File
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  342. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  343. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
  344. "..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  345. "..\inc\wsbfile.h"\
  346. "..\inc\wsbfirst.h"\
  347. "..\inc\wsbgen.h"\
  348. "..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  349. "..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  350. "..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  351. "..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  352. "..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  353. ".\StdAfx.h"\
  355. ".\a64inst.h"\
  356. ".\asetsd.h"\
  357. ".\evioctl.h"\
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  359. ".\ipsinst.h"\
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  364. ".\sbint.h"\
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  366. ".\sbpstbl.h"\
  367. ".\sbpstrg.h"\
  368. ".\sbserv.h"\
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  392. ".\tpoapi.h"\
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  394. ".\tpsapi.h"\
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  400. ".\txcapi.h"\
  401. # End Source File
  402. # Begin Source File
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  406. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  407. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
  408. "..\inc\wsberror.h"\
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  410. "..\inc\wsbfirst.h"\
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  413. "..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  414. "..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  415. "..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  416. "..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
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  456. ".\tpoapi.h"\
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  463. ".\turtl.h"\
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  465. # End Source File
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  478. "..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  479. "..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  480. "..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  481. ".\StdAfx.h"\
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  505. ".\texapi.h"\
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  510. ".\tiolog.h"\
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  520. ".\tpnpapi.h"\
  521. ".\tpoapi.h"\
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  528. ".\turtl.h"\
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  530. # End Source File
  531. # Begin Source File
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  534. "..\inc\rsbuild.h"\
  535. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  536. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
  537. "..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  538. "..\inc\wsbfile.h"\
  539. "..\inc\wsbfirst.h"\
  540. "..\inc\wsbgen.h"\
  541. "..\inc\wsblib.h"\
  542. "..\inc\wsbregty.h"\
  543. "..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
  544. "..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  545. "..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  546. ".\StdAfx.h"\
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  561. ".\sbpstrg.h"\
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  595. # End Source File
  596. # Begin Source File
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  600. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  601. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
  602. "..\inc\wsberror.h"\
  603. "..\inc\wsbfile.h"\
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  609. "..\inc\WsbTrace.h"\
  610. "..\inc\WsbVar.h"\
  611. ".\StdAfx.h"\
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  660. # End Source File
  661. # Begin Source File
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  665. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  666. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
  667. "..\inc\wsberror.h"\
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  673. "..\inc\wsbrgs.h"\
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  724. # End Source File
  725. # Begin Source File
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  729. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  730. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
  731. "..\inc\wsberror.h"\
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  789. # End Source File
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  794. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  795. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
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  853. # End Source File
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  858. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  859. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
  860. "..\inc\wsberror.h"\
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  918. # End Source File
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  923. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  924. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
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  983. # End Source File
  984. # Begin Source File
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  988. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  989. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
  990. "..\inc\wsberror.h"\
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  1175. # End Source File
  1176. # Begin Source File
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  1180. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
  1181. "..\inc\wsbdef.h"\
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  1242. # PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
  1243. # End Source File
  1244. # Begin Source File
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  1248. "..\inc\wsbassrt.h"\
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