Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the routine to rename or copy a file. This routine is used by the routines SrvSmbRenameFile, SrvSmbRenameFileExtended, and SrvSmbCopyFile.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 22-Jan-1990
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "move.tmh"
#pragma hdrstop
#define BugCheckFileId SRV_FILE_MOVE
NTSTATUS DoRename ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING Source, IN HANDLE SourceHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING Target, IN PSHARE TargetShare, IN USHORT SmbOpenFunction, IN PUSHORT SmbFlags, IN BOOLEAN FailIfTargetIsDirectory, IN USHORT InformationLevel, IN ULONG ClusterCount );
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvMoveFile )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, DoCopy )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, DoRename )
NTSTATUS SrvMoveFile( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN PSHARE TargetShare, IN USHORT SmbOpenFunction, IN OUT PUSHORT SmbFlags, IN USHORT SmbSearchAttributes, IN BOOLEAN FailIfTargetIsDirectory, IN USHORT InformationLevel, IN ULONG ClusterCount, IN PUNICODE_STRING Source, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING Target )
Routine Description:
This routine moves a file, which may be a copy or a rename.
WorkContext - a pointer to the work context block for the operation. The Session, TreeConnect, and RequestHeader fields are used.
TargetShare - a pointer to the share on which the target should be. The RootDirectoryHandle field is used to do relative opens.
SmbOpenFunction - the "OpenFunction" field of the request SMB. This parameter is used to determine what should be done if the target file does or does not exist.
SmbFlags - a pointer to the "Flags" field of the request SMB. This parameter is used to determine whether we know that the target is supposed to be a file or directory. In addition, if this has no information about the target, it is set to reflect whether the target was a directory or file. This is useful when doing multiple renames or copies as a result of wildcards--move a*.* b might call this routine many times, and if b is a directory, this routine will set this parameter appropiately such that if does not have to reopen the directory for each move.
SmbSearchAttributes - the search attributes specified in the request SMB. The attributes on the source file are checked against these to make sure that the move can be done.
FailIfTargetIsDirectory - if TRUE and the target already exists as a directory, fail the operation. Otherwise, rename the file into the directory.
InformationLevel - Move/Rename/CopyOnWrite/Link/MoveCluster
ClusterCount - MoveCluster count
Source - a pointer to a string describing the name of the source file relative to the share directory in which it is located.
Target - a pathname to the target file. This may contain directory information--it should be the raw information from the SMB, unadulterated by the SMB processing routine except for canonicalization. This name may end in a directory name, in which case the source name is used as the filename.
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS status; HANDLE sourceHandle; BOOLEAN isCompatibilityOpen; PMFCB mfcb; PNONPAGED_MFCB nonpagedMfcb; PLFCB lfcb;
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES sourceObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; ULONG sourceAccess = 0; BOOLEAN isNtRename; ULONG hashValue;
PSESSION session; PSHARE sourceShare;
PSRV_LOCK mfcbLock;
IF_SMB_DEBUG(FILE_CONTROL2) SrvPrint0( "SrvMoveFile entered.\n" );
// Set handles and pointers to NULL so we know how to clean up on
// exit.
sourceHandle = NULL; isCompatibilityOpen = FALSE; lfcb = NULL; //mfcb = NULL; // not really necessary--SrvFindMfcb sets it correctly
// Set up the block pointers that will be needed.
session = WorkContext->Session; sourceShare = WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share;
isNtRename = (BOOLEAN)(WorkContext->RequestHeader->Command == SMB_COM_NT_RENAME);
// See if we already have this file open in compatibility mode. If
// we do, and this session owns it, then we must use that open
// handle and, if this is a rename, close all the handles when we
// are done.
// *** SrvFindMfcb references the MFCB--remember to dereference it.
if ( (WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags & SMB_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE) || WorkContext->Session->UsingUppercasePaths ) { mfcb = SrvFindMfcb( Source, TRUE, &mfcbLock, &hashValue, WorkContext ); } else { mfcb = SrvFindMfcb( Source, FALSE, &mfcbLock, &hashValue, WorkContext ); }
if ( mfcb != NULL ) { nonpagedMfcb = mfcb->NonpagedMfcb; ACQUIRE_LOCK( &nonpagedMfcb->Lock ); }
if( mfcbLock ) { RELEASE_LOCK( mfcbLock ); }
if ( mfcb == NULL || !mfcb->CompatibilityOpen ) {
// Either the file wasn't opened by the server or it was not
// a compatibility/FCB open, so open it here.
// Release the open lock--we don't need it any more.
if ( mfcb != NULL ) { RELEASE_LOCK( &nonpagedMfcb->Lock ); }
// Use DELETE access for a rename, and the appropriate copy access
// for Copy/Link/Move/MoveCluster.
switch (InformationLevel) { case SMB_NT_RENAME_RENAME_FILE: sourceAccess = DELETE; break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); }
SrvInitializeObjectAttributes_U( &sourceObjectAttributes, Source, (WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags & SMB_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE || session->UsingUppercasePaths) ? OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0L, NULL, NULL );
IF_SMB_DEBUG(FILE_CONTROL2) { SrvPrint1( "Opening source: %wZ\n", sourceObjectAttributes.ObjectName ); }
// Open the source file. We allow read access for other processes.
INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.TotalOpenAttempts ); INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.TotalOpensForPathOperations );
#ifdef SLMDBG
if ( SrvIsSlmStatus( Target ) ) { sourceAccess |= GENERIC_READ; } #endif
// !!! Currently we can't specify complete if oplocked, because
// this won't break a batch oplock. Unfortunately this also
// means that we can't timeout the open (if the oplock break
// takes too long) and fail this SMB gracefully.
status = SrvIoCreateFile( WorkContext, &sourceHandle, sourceAccess | SYNCHRONIZE, // DesiredAccess
&sourceObjectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0, // FileAttributes
FILE_SHARE_READ, // ShareAccess
FILE_OPEN, // Disposition
0, // EaLength
CreateFileTypeNone, // File type
NULL, // ExtraCreateParameters
WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share );
if( status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { status = SrvIoCreateFile( WorkContext, &sourceHandle, sourceAccess | SYNCHRONIZE, // DesiredAccess
&sourceObjectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0, // FileAttributes
FILE_SHARE_READ, // ShareAccess
FILE_OPEN, // Disposition
NULL, // EaBuffer
0, // EaLength
CreateFileTypeNone, // File type
NULL, // ExtraCreateParameters
WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share ); }
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
SRVDBG_CLAIM_HANDLE( sourceHandle, "MOV", 4, 0 );
} else if ( status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ) {
// If the user didn't have this permission, update the statistics
// database.
SrvStatistics.AccessPermissionErrors++; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvMoveFile: SrvIoCreateFile failed (source): %X\n", status ); }
goto exit; }
IF_SMB_DEBUG(FILE_CONTROL2) { SrvPrint1( "SrvIoCreateFile succeeded (source), handle = 0x%p\n", sourceHandle ); }
} else {
// The file was opened by the server in compatibility mode or as
// an FCB open.
lfcb = CONTAINING_RECORD( mfcb->LfcbList.Blink, LFCB, MfcbListEntry );
// Make sure that the session which sent this request is the
// same as the one which has the file open.
if ( lfcb->Session != session ) {
// A different session has the file open in compatibility
// mode, so reject the request.
status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; RELEASE_LOCK( &nonpagedMfcb->Lock );
goto exit; }
// Set isCompatibilityOpen so that we'll know on exit to close
// all the open instances of this file.
isCompatibilityOpen = TRUE;
sourceHandle = lfcb->FileHandle; sourceAccess = lfcb->GrantedAccess;
// Make sure that the search attributes jive with the attributes
// on the file.
status = SrvCheckSearchAttributesForHandle( sourceHandle, SmbSearchAttributes );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto exit; }
// If the target has length 0, then it is the share root, which must
// be a directory. If the target is supposed to be a file, fail,
// otherwise indicate that the target is a directory.
if ( Target->Length == 0 ) {
if ( *SmbFlags & SMB_TARGET_IS_FILE ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; }
// We now have the source file open. Call the appropriate routine
// to rename or copy the file.
if (InformationLevel != SMB_NT_RENAME_MOVE_FILE) {
#ifdef SLMDBG
if (InformationLevel == SMB_NT_RENAME_RENAME_FILE && SrvIsSlmStatus( Source ) || SrvIsSlmStatus( Target ) ) {
ULONG offset;
status = SrvValidateSlmStatus( sourceHandle, WorkContext, &offset );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { SrvReportCorruptSlmStatus( Source, status, offset, SLMDBG_RENAME, WorkContext->Session ); SrvDisallowSlmAccess( Source, WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share->RootDirectoryHandle ); status = STATUS_DISK_CORRUPT_ERROR; goto exit; }
} #endif
status = DoRename( WorkContext, Source, sourceHandle, Target, TargetShare, SmbOpenFunction, SmbFlags, FailIfTargetIsDirectory, InformationLevel, ClusterCount );
} else {
FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION fileBasicInformation;
// Check whether this is a tree copy request. If so, allow it only if
// this is a single file copy operation.
if ( (*SmbFlags & SMB_COPY_TREE) != 0 ) {
// Get the attributes on the file.
status = SrvQueryBasicAndStandardInformation( sourceHandle, NULL, &fileBasicInformation, NULL );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvMoveFile: NtQueryInformationFile (basic " "information) returned %X", NULL, NULL );
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_QUERY_INFO_FILE, status ); goto exit; }
if ( ( fileBasicInformation.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) != 0 ) {
// Fail this copy.
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "Tree copy not implemented.", NULL, NULL ); status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; goto exit; }
status = DoCopy( WorkContext, Source, sourceHandle, Target, TargetShare, SmbOpenFunction, SmbFlags ); }
if ( sourceHandle != NULL && !isCompatibilityOpen ) { SRVDBG_RELEASE_HANDLE( sourceHandle, "MOV", 9, 0 ); SrvNtClose( sourceHandle, TRUE ); } else if (isCompatibilityOpen && InformationLevel == SMB_NT_RENAME_RENAME_FILE) { SrvCloseRfcbsOnLfcb( lfcb ); }
// If the file is open in compatibility mode, then we have held the
// MFCB lock all along. Release it now.
if ( isCompatibilityOpen ) { RELEASE_LOCK( &nonpagedMfcb->Lock ); }
if ( mfcb != NULL ) { SrvDereferenceMfcb( mfcb ); }
return status;
} // SrvMoveFile
Routine Description:
This routine sets up for a call to SrvCopyFile. It opens the target, determining, if necessary, whether the target is a file or directory. If this information is unknown, it writes it into the SmbFlags location.
WorkContext - a pointer to the work context block for the operation. The session pointer is used, and the block itself is used for an impersonation.
Source - the name of the source file relative to its share.
SourceHandle - the handle to the source file.
Target - the name of the target file relative to its share.
TargetShare - the share of the target file. The RootDirectoryHandle field is used for a relative rename.
SmbOpenFunction - describes whether we are allowed to overwrite an existing file, or we should append to existing files.
SmbFlags - can tell if the target is a file, directory, or unknown. This routine writes the true information into the location if it is unknown.
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; ULONG createDisposition; UNICODE_STRING sourceBaseName; BOOLEAN create;
HANDLE targetHandle = NULL; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES targetObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING targetName;
// Set the buffer field of targetName to NULL so that we'll know
// if we have to deallocate it at the end.
targetName.Buffer = NULL;
// Open the target file. If we know that it is a directory, generate
// the full file name. Otherwise, open the target as a file.
SrvInitializeObjectAttributes_U( &targetObjectAttributes, Target, (WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags & SMB_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE || WorkContext->Session->UsingUppercasePaths) ? OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0L, NULL, NULL );
// Determine the create disposition from the open function.
create = SmbOfunCreate( SmbOpenFunction );
if ( SmbOfunTruncate( SmbOpenFunction ) ) { createDisposition = create ? FILE_OVERWRITE_IF : FILE_OVERWRITE; } else if ( SmbOfunAppend( SmbOpenFunction ) ) { createDisposition = create ? FILE_OPEN_IF : FILE_OPEN; } else { createDisposition = FILE_CREATE; }
// If we know that the target is a directory, generate the real target
// name.
if ( *SmbFlags & SMB_TARGET_IS_DIRECTORY ) {
SrvGetBaseFileName( Source, &sourceBaseName );
SrvAllocateAndBuildPathName( Target, &sourceBaseName, NULL, &targetName );
if ( targetName.Buffer == NULL ) { status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; goto copy_done; }
targetObjectAttributes.ObjectName = &targetName; }
IF_SMB_DEBUG(FILE_CONTROL2) { SrvPrint1( "Opening target: %wZ\n", targetObjectAttributes.ObjectName ); }
INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.TotalOpenAttempts ); INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.TotalOpensForPathOperations );
// !!! Currently we can't specify complete if oplocked, because
// this won't break a batch oplock. Unfortunately this also
// means that we can't timeout the open (if the oplock break
// takes too long) and fail this SMB gracefully.
status = SrvIoCreateFile( WorkContext, &targetHandle, SRV_COPY_TARGET_ACCESS | SYNCHRONIZE, // DesiredAccess
&targetObjectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0, // FileAttributes
FILE_SHARE_READ, // ShareAccess
createDisposition, FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | // CreateOptions
NULL, // EaBuffer
0, // EaLength
CreateFileTypeNone, // File type
NULL, // ExtraCreateParameters
TargetShare );
if( status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { status = SrvIoCreateFile( WorkContext, &targetHandle, SRV_COPY_TARGET_ACCESS | SYNCHRONIZE, // DesiredAccess
&targetObjectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0, // FileAttributes
FILE_SHARE_READ, // ShareAccess
createDisposition, FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | // CreateOptions
NULL, // EaBuffer
0, // EaLength
CreateFileTypeNone, // File type
NULL, // ExtraCreateParameters
TargetShare ); }
// If the open failed because the target is a directory, and we didn't
// know that it was supposed to be a file, then concatenate the
// source base name to the target and retry the open.
// !!! NOT THE CORRECT STATUS CODE. It should be something like
if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER && !( *SmbFlags & SMB_TARGET_IS_FILE ) && !( *SmbFlags & SMB_TARGET_IS_DIRECTORY ) ) {
// Set the flags so that future calls to this routine will do
// the right thing first time around.
SrvGetBaseFileName( Source, &sourceBaseName );
SrvAllocateAndBuildPathName( Target, &sourceBaseName, NULL, &targetName );
if ( targetName.Buffer == NULL ) { status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; goto copy_done; }
targetObjectAttributes.ObjectName = &targetName;
IF_SMB_DEBUG(FILE_CONTROL2) { SrvPrint1( "Opening target: %wZ\n", targetObjectAttributes.ObjectName ); }
INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.TotalOpenAttempts ); INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.TotalOpensForPathOperations );
// !!! Currently we can't specify complete if oplocked, because
// this won't break a batch oplock. Unfortunately this also
// means that we can't timeout the open (if the oplock break
// takes too long) and fail this SMB gracefully.
status = SrvIoCreateFile( WorkContext, &targetHandle, SRV_COPY_TARGET_ACCESS | SYNCHRONIZE, // DesiredAccess
&targetObjectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0, // FileAttributes
FILE_SHARE_READ, // ShareAccess
createDisposition, FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | // CreateOptions
0, // EaLength
CreateFileTypeNone, // File Type
NULL, // ExtraCreateParameters
TargetShare );
if( status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { status = SrvIoCreateFile( WorkContext, &targetHandle, SRV_COPY_TARGET_ACCESS | SYNCHRONIZE, // DesiredAccess
&targetObjectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, // AllocationSize
0, // FileAttributes
FILE_SHARE_READ, // ShareAccess
createDisposition, FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | // CreateOptions
0, // EaLength
CreateFileTypeNone, // File Type
NULL, // ExtraCreateParameters
TargetShare ); }
if ( targetHandle != NULL ) { SRVDBG_CLAIM_HANDLE( targetHandle, "CPY", 5, 0 ); }
// Is the target is a directory, and the copy move is append if exists,
// create if the file does not exist, fail the request. We must do
// this, because we have no way of knowing whether the original request
// expects us append to the file, or truncate it.
status = STATUS_OS2_CANNOT_COPY; goto copy_done;
// If the user didn't have this permission, update the statistics
// database.
if ( status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ) { SrvStatistics.AccessPermissionErrors++; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "Unable to open target: %X\n", status ); }
goto copy_done; }
// Copy the source to the target handle just opened.
status = SrvCopyFile( SourceHandle, targetHandle, SmbOpenFunction, *SmbFlags, (ULONG)ioStatusBlock.Information // TargetOpenAction
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvCopyFile failed, status = %X\n", status ); } }
if ( targetName.Buffer != NULL ) { FREE_HEAP( targetName.Buffer ); }
if ( targetHandle != NULL ) { SRVDBG_RELEASE_HANDLE( targetHandle, "CPY", 10, 0 ); SrvNtClose( targetHandle, TRUE ); }
return status;
} // DoCopy
NTSTATUS DoRename ( IN PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING Source, IN HANDLE SourceHandle, IN PUNICODE_STRING Target, IN PSHARE TargetShare, IN USHORT SmbOpenFunction, IN OUT PUSHORT SmbFlags, IN BOOLEAN FailIfTargetIsDirectory, IN USHORT InformationLevel, IN ULONG ClusterCount )
Routine Description:
This routine does the actual rename of an open file. The target may be a file or directory, but is bound by the constraints of SmbFlags. If SmbFlags does not indicate what the target is, then it is first assumed to be a file; if this fails, then the rename if performed again with the target as the original target string plus the source base name.
*** If the source and target are on different volumes, then this routine will fail. We could make this work by doing a copy then delete, but this seems to be of limited usefulness and possibly incorrect due to the fact that a big file would take a long time, something the user would not expect.
WorkContext - a pointer to the work context block for this operation used for an impersonation.
Source - the name of the source file relative to its share.
SourceHandle - the handle to the source file.
Target - the name of the target file relative to its share.
TargetShare - the share of the target file. The RootDirectoryHandle field is used for a relative rename.
SmbOpenFunction - describes whether we are allowed to overwrite an existing file.
SmbFlags - can tell if the target is a file, directory, or unknown. This routine writes the true information into the location if it is unknown.
FailIfTargetIsDirectory - if TRUE and the target already exists as a directory, fail the operation. Otherwise, rename the file into the directory.
InformationLevel - Rename/CopyOnWrite/Link/MoveCluster
ClusterCount - MoveCluster count
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; PFILE_RENAME_INFORMATION fileRenameInformation; ULONG renameBlockSize; USHORT NtInformationLevel; UNICODE_STRING sourceBaseName; UNICODE_STRING targetBaseName; PWCH s, es;
// Allocate enough heap to hold a FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION block and
// the target file name. Allocate enough extra to hold the source
// name in case the target turns out to be a directory and we have
// to concatenate the source and target.
renameBlockSize = sizeof(FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION) + Target->Length + Source->Length;
fileRenameInformation = ALLOCATE_HEAP_COLD( renameBlockSize, BlockTypeDataBuffer );
if ( fileRenameInformation == NULL ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint0( "SrvMoveFile: Unable to allocate heap.\n" ); }
// Get the Share root handle.
status = SrvGetShareRootHandle( TargetShare );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "DoRename: SrvGetShareRootHandle failed. %X\n", status ); }
FREE_HEAP( fileRenameInformation ); return(status); }
// Set up the rename block.
if (InformationLevel == SMB_NT_RENAME_MOVE_CLUSTER_INFO) { ((FILE_MOVE_CLUSTER_INFORMATION *)fileRenameInformation)->ClusterCount = ClusterCount; } else { fileRenameInformation->ReplaceIfExists = SmbOfunTruncate( SmbOpenFunction ); }
fileRenameInformation->RootDirectory = TargetShare->RootDirectoryHandle;
// If the target file has wildcards, expand name.
if ( FsRtlDoesNameContainWildCards( Target ) ) {
ULONG tempUlong; UNICODE_STRING newTargetBaseName;
// Get source and target filenames. The target filename is to be
// used as a template for wildcard expansion.
SrvGetBaseFileName( Source, &sourceBaseName ); SrvGetBaseFileName( Target, &targetBaseName );
tempUlong = sourceBaseName.Length + targetBaseName.Length; newTargetBaseName.Length = (USHORT)tempUlong; newTargetBaseName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)tempUlong; newTargetBaseName.Buffer = ALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( tempUlong, BlockTypeDataBuffer );
if ( newTargetBaseName.Buffer == NULL ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "DoRename: Unable to allocate %d bytes from nonpaged pool.\n", tempUlong, NULL );
// Release the share root handle if device is removable
SrvReleaseShareRootHandle( TargetShare );
FREE_HEAP( fileRenameInformation ); return STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES;
// Get expanded filename
status = SrvWildcardRename( &targetBaseName, &sourceBaseName, &newTargetBaseName );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
// Release the share root handle if device is removable
SrvReleaseShareRootHandle( TargetShare );
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( newTargetBaseName.Buffer ); FREE_HEAP( fileRenameInformation ); return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID;
// tempUlong is equal to the directory path without this filename
// but including the last delimeter.
tempUlong = Target->Length - targetBaseName.Length;
// Copy the directory path (including the delimeter.
RtlCopyMemory( fileRenameInformation->FileName, Target->Buffer, tempUlong );
s = (PWCH) ((PCHAR)fileRenameInformation->FileName + tempUlong);
// Copy the expanded file name
RtlCopyMemory( s, newTargetBaseName.Buffer, newTargetBaseName.Length );
fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength = tempUlong + newTargetBaseName.Length;
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( newTargetBaseName.Buffer );
} else {
fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength = Target->Length;
RtlCopyMemory( fileRenameInformation->FileName, Target->Buffer, Target->Length );
// Check if we can do a fast rename if they are in the same path (which is usually the case)
SrvGetBaseFileName( Source, &sourceBaseName ); SrvGetBaseFileName( Target, &targetBaseName );
if ((Source->Length - sourceBaseName.Length) == (Target->Length - targetBaseName.Length)) { ULONG i; PWCH sptr,tptr;
i = Source->Length - sourceBaseName.Length; i=i>>1;
sptr = &Source->Buffer[i-1]; tptr = &Target->Buffer[i-1];
while ( i > 0) { if (*sptr-- != *tptr--) { goto no_match; } i--; }
// If the names matched, we're set for a quick rename (where the directory is not needed,
// since they are in the same path)
fileRenameInformation->RootDirectory = NULL;
fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength = targetBaseName.Length;
RtlCopyMemory( fileRenameInformation->FileName, targetBaseName.Buffer, targetBaseName.Length ); } }
// If we know that the target is a directory, then concatenate the
// source base name to the end of the target name.
if ( *SmbFlags & SMB_TARGET_IS_DIRECTORY ) {
SrvGetBaseFileName( Source, &sourceBaseName );
s = (PWCH)((PCHAR)fileRenameInformation->FileName + fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength);
// Only add in a directory separator if the target had some path
// information. This avoids having a new name like "\NAME", which
// is illegal with a relative rename (there should be no
// leading backslash).
if ( Target->Length > 0 ) { *s++ = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR_CHAR; }
RtlCopyMemory( s, sourceBaseName.Buffer, sourceBaseName.Length );
fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength += sizeof(WCHAR) + sourceBaseName.Length; }
// Call NtSetInformationFile to actually rename the file.
IF_SMB_DEBUG(FILE_CONTROL2) { UNICODE_STRING name; name.Length = (USHORT)fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength; name.Buffer = fileRenameInformation->FileName; SrvPrint2( "Renaming %wZ to %wZ\n", Source, &name ); } switch (InformationLevel) { case SMB_NT_RENAME_RENAME_FILE: NtInformationLevel = FileRenameInformation;
// If we are renaming a substream, we do not supply
// fileRenameInformation->RootDirectory
es = fileRenameInformation->FileName + fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength / sizeof( WCHAR );
for( s = fileRenameInformation->FileName; s < es; s++ ) { if( *s == L':' ) { fileRenameInformation->RootDirectory = 0; break; } } break;
case SMB_NT_RENAME_MOVE_CLUSTER_INFO: NtInformationLevel = FileMoveClusterInformation; break;
case SMB_NT_RENAME_SET_LINK_INFO: NtInformationLevel = FileLinkInformation; break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); }
status = IMPERSONATE( WorkContext );
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { status = NtSetInformationFile( SourceHandle, &ioStatusBlock, fileRenameInformation, renameBlockSize, NtInformationLevel );
// If the media was changed and we can come up with a new share root handle,
// then we should retry the operation
if( SrvRetryDueToDismount( TargetShare, status ) ) {
fileRenameInformation->RootDirectory = TargetShare->RootDirectoryHandle;
status = NtSetInformationFile( SourceHandle, &ioStatusBlock, fileRenameInformation, renameBlockSize, NtInformationLevel ); }
REVERT( ); }
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; SrvRemoveCachedDirectoryName( WorkContext, Source ); }
// If the status was STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION then the target
// already existed as a directory. Unless the target name was
// supposed to indicate a file or we have already tried used the
// source name, retry by concatenating the source base name to the
// target.
if ( status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION && !FailIfTargetIsDirectory && !( *SmbFlags & SMB_TARGET_IS_FILE ) && !( *SmbFlags & SMB_TARGET_IS_DIRECTORY ) ) {
IF_SMB_DEBUG(FILE_CONTROL2) { SrvPrint0( "Retrying rename with source name.\n" ); }
// Set the flags so that future calls to this routine will do
// the right thing first time around.
// Generate the new target name.
SrvGetBaseFileName( Source, &sourceBaseName );
s = (PWCH)((PCHAR)fileRenameInformation->FileName + fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength);
RtlCopyMemory( s, sourceBaseName.Buffer, sourceBaseName.Length );
fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength += sizeof(WCHAR) + sourceBaseName.Length;
// Do the rename again. If it fails this time, too bad.
// *** Note that it may fail because the source and target
// exist on different volumes. This could potentially
// cause confusion for DOS clients in the presence of
// links.
IF_SMB_DEBUG(FILE_CONTROL2) { UNICODE_STRING name; name.Length = (USHORT)fileRenameInformation->FileNameLength; name.Buffer = fileRenameInformation->FileName; SrvPrint2( "Renaming %wZ to %wZ\n", Source, &name ); }
status = IMPERSONATE( WorkContext );
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { status = NtSetInformationFile( SourceHandle, &ioStatusBlock, fileRenameInformation, renameBlockSize, NtInformationLevel );
// If the media was changed and we can come up with a new share root handle,
// then we should retry the operation
if( SrvRetryDueToDismount( TargetShare, status ) ) {
fileRenameInformation->RootDirectory = TargetShare->RootDirectoryHandle;
status = NtSetInformationFile( SourceHandle, &ioStatusBlock, fileRenameInformation, renameBlockSize, NtInformationLevel ); }
REVERT( ); }
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; } }
// Release the share root handle if device is removable
SrvReleaseShareRootHandle( TargetShare );
FREE_HEAP( fileRenameInformation );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "DoRename: NtSetInformationFile failed, status = %X\n", status ); } }
return status;
} // DoRename