Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Compares the contents of two files or sets of files.
COMP [data1] [data2] [/D] [/A] [/L] [/N=number] [/C]
data1 Specifies location and name(s) of first file(s) to compare. data2 Specifies location and name(s) of second files to compare. /D Displays differences in decimal format. This is the default setting. /A Displays differences in ASCII characters. /L Displays line numbers for differences. /N=number Compares only the first specified number of lines in each file. /C Disregards case of ASCII letters when comparing files. /OFFLINE Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
To compare sets of files, use wildcards in data1 and data2 parameters.
Barry J. Gilhuly *** W-Barry *** Jun 91
ULIB, User Mode
#include "ulib.hxx"
#include "ulibcl.hxx"
#include "arg.hxx"
#include "array.hxx"
#include "bytestrm.hxx"
#include "dir.hxx"
#include "file.hxx"
#include "filestrm.hxx"
#include "filter.hxx"
#include "iterator.hxx"
#include "path.hxx"
#include "rtmsg.h"
#include "system.hxx"
#include "smsg.hxx"
#include "comp.hxx"
extern "C" { #include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
STREAM_MESSAGE *psmsg = NULL; // Create a pointer to the stream message
// class for program output.
ULONG Errlev; // The current program error level
ULONG CompResult;
// Define a macro to deal with case insensitive comparisons
#define CASE_SENSITIVE( x ) ( ( _CaseInsensitive ) ? towupper( x ) : x )
VOID StripQuotesFromString( IN PWSTRING String ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine removes leading and trailing quote marks (if present) from a quoted string. If the string is not a quoted string, it is left unchanged.
--*/ { if( String->QueryChCount() >= 2 && String->QueryChAt( 0 ) == '\"' && String->QueryChAt( String->QueryChCount() - 1 ) == '\"' ) {
String->DeleteChAt( String->QueryChCount() - 1 ); String->DeleteChAt( 0 ); } }
VOID COMP::Construct( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes the object.
Return Value:
{ _InputPath1 = NULL; _InputPath2 = NULL;
return; }
VOID COMP::Destruct( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleans up after finishing with an FC object.
Return Value:
{ DELETE( psmsg ); if( _InputPath1 != NULL ) { DELETE( _InputPath1 ); } if( _InputPath2 != NULL ) { DELETE( _InputPath2 ); }
return; }
BOOLEAN COMP::Initialize( )
Routine Description:
Initializes an FC object.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - Indicates if the initialization succeeded.
{ ARGUMENT_LEXEMIZER ArgLex; ARRAY LexArray; ARRAY ArrayOfArg; PATH_ARGUMENT ProgramName; FLAG_ARGUMENT FlagDecimalFormat; FLAG_ARGUMENT FlagAsciiFormat; FLAG_ARGUMENT FlagLineNumbers; FLAG_ARGUMENT FlagCaseInsensitive; FLAG_ARGUMENT FlagRequestHelp; FLAG_ARGUMENT FlagWrongNumber; FLAG_ARGUMENT FlagIncludeOffline; FLAG_ARGUMENT FlagIncludeOffline2; LONG_ARGUMENT LongMatchLines; PATH_ARGUMENT InFile1; PATH_ARGUMENT InFile2; STRING_ARGUMENT StringInvalidSwitch; WCHAR WChar; DSTRING InvalidString;
_Numbered = FALSE; _Limited = FALSE; _InputPath1 = NULL; _InputPath2 = NULL; if( !LexArray.Initialize() ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "LexArray.Initialize() Failed!\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return( FALSE ); } if( !ArgLex.Initialize(&LexArray) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "ArgLex.Initialize() Failed!\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return( FALSE ); }
ArgLex.PutSwitches("/"); ArgLex.SetCaseSensitive( FALSE ); ArgLex.PutMultipleSwitch( "acdl" ); ArgLex.PutSeparators( " /\t" ); ArgLex.PutStartQuotes( "\"" ); ArgLex.PutEndQuotes( "\"" );
if( !ArgLex.PrepareToParse() ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "ArgLex.PrepareToParse() Failed!\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return( FALSE ); }
if( !ProgramName.Initialize("*") || !FlagDecimalFormat.Initialize("/D") || !FlagAsciiFormat.Initialize("/A") || !FlagLineNumbers.Initialize("/L") || !FlagCaseInsensitive.Initialize("/C") || !FlagIncludeOffline.Initialize("/OFFLINE") || !FlagIncludeOffline2.Initialize("/OFF") || !FlagWrongNumber.Initialize("/N") || !LongMatchLines.Initialize("/N=*") || !FlagRequestHelp.Initialize("/?") || !StringInvalidSwitch.Initialize("/*") || !InFile1.Initialize("*") || !InFile2.Initialize("*") ) {
DebugPrintTrace(( "Unable to Initialize some or all of the Arguments!\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return( FALSE ); }
if( !ArrayOfArg.Initialize() ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "ArrayOfArg.Initialize() Failed\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return( FALSE ); }
if( !ArrayOfArg.Put(&ProgramName) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&FlagDecimalFormat) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&FlagAsciiFormat) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&FlagLineNumbers) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&FlagCaseInsensitive) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&FlagIncludeOffline) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&FlagIncludeOffline2) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&FlagWrongNumber) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&LongMatchLines) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&FlagRequestHelp) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&StringInvalidSwitch) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&InFile1) || !ArrayOfArg.Put(&InFile2) ) {
DebugPrintTrace(( "ArrayOfArg.Put() Failed!\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return( FALSE );
if( !ArgLex.DoParsing( &ArrayOfArg ) || StringInvalidSwitch.IsValueSet() ) {
if( StringInvalidSwitch.IsValueSet() ) { //
// An invalid switch was found...
// InvalidString.Initialize( "/" );
// InvalidString.Strcat( StringInvalidSwitch.GetString() );
InvalidString.Initialize( "" ); InvalidString.Strcat( StringInvalidSwitch.GetLexeme() ); Errlev = INV_SWITCH; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_INVALID_SWITCH ); psmsg->Display( "%W", &InvalidString ); } else { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_BAD_COMMAND_LINE ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = SYNT_ERR; } return( FALSE ); }
if( FlagWrongNumber.IsValueSet() ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_NUMERIC_FORMAT ); psmsg->Display( "" ); }
// It should now be safe to test the arguments for their values...
if( FlagRequestHelp.QueryFlag() ) {
// Send help message
psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_HELP_MESSAGE ); psmsg->Display( "" ); return( FALSE ); }
if( InFile1.IsValueSet() ) { StripQuotesFromString( (PWSTRING)InFile1.GetPath()->GetPathString() ); if( ( _InputPath1 = NEW PATH ) == NULL ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_NO_MEMORY ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = NO_MEM_AVAIL; return( FALSE ); } if( !_InputPath1->Initialize( InFile1.GetPath(), FALSE ) ) { DebugAbort( "Failed to initialize canonicolized version of the path 1\n" ); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return( FALSE ); } } else { _InputPath1 = NULL; }
if( InFile2.IsValueSet() ) { StripQuotesFromString( (PWSTRING)InFile2.GetPath()->GetPathString() ); if( ( _InputPath2 = NEW PATH ) == NULL ) { Errlev = NO_MEM_AVAIL; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_NO_MEMORY ); psmsg->Display( "" ); return( FALSE ); } if( !_InputPath2->Initialize( InFile2.GetPath(), FALSE ) ) { DebugAbort( "Failed to initialize canonicolized version of the path 2\n" ); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return( FALSE ); } } else { _InputPath2 = NULL; }
// Set the output mode...
if( FlagAsciiFormat.QueryFlag() ) { _Mode = OUTPUT_ASCII; } else if( FlagDecimalFormat.QueryFlag() ) { _Mode = OUTPUT_DECIMAL; } else { _Mode = OUTPUT_HEX; }
// Set the remaining flags...
if( LongMatchLines.IsValueSet() ) { if( ( ( WChar = ( LongMatchLines.GetLexeme()->QueryChAt( 3 ) ) ) == '+' ) || WChar == '-' || ( _NumberOfLines = LongMatchLines.QueryLong() ) < 0 ) { Errlev = INV_SWITCH; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_BAD_NUMERIC_ARG ); psmsg->Display( "%W", LongMatchLines.GetLexeme() ); return( FALSE ); }
if ( _NumberOfLines != 0 ) { _Numbered = TRUE; _Limited = TRUE; }
} else { _Numbered = FlagLineNumbers.QueryFlag(); _Limited = FALSE; } _CaseInsensitive = FlagCaseInsensitive.QueryFlag();
_SkipOffline = ( !FlagIncludeOffline.QueryFlag() ) && ( !FlagIncludeOffline2.QueryFlag() );
if( FlagDecimalFormat.IsValueSet() || FlagAsciiFormat.IsValueSet() || FlagLineNumbers.IsValueSet() || FlagCaseInsensitive.IsValueSet() || FlagIncludeOffline.IsValueSet() || FlagIncludeOffline2.IsValueSet() || LongMatchLines.IsValueSet() || ( InFile1.IsValueSet() && InFile2.IsValueSet() ) ) { _OptionsFound = TRUE; } else { _OptionsFound = FALSE; }
return( TRUE ); }
VOID COMP::Start( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Query missing information from the user and start the comparison
Return Value:
{ DSTRING UserInput; PWSTRING InvalidSwitch; USHORT OptionCount; LONG Number;
for( ;; ) {
if( _InputPath1 == NULL ) {
// Query a path for file 1...
psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_QUERY_FILE1, ERROR_MESSAGE ); psmsg->Display( "" ); if( !psmsg->QueryStringInput( &UserInput ) ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNEXPECTED_END ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = UNEXP_EOF; return; } if( ( _InputPath1 = NEW PATH ) == NULL ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_NO_MEMORY ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = NO_MEM_AVAIL; return; } if( !_InputPath1->Initialize( &UserInput, FALSE ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "Unable to initialize the path for file 1\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } } if( _InputPath2 == NULL ) {
// Query a path for file 2...
psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_QUERY_FILE2, ERROR_MESSAGE ); psmsg->Display( "" ); if( !psmsg->QueryStringInput( &UserInput ) ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNEXPECTED_END ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = UNEXP_EOF; return; } if( ( _InputPath2 = NEW PATH ) == NULL ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_NO_MEMORY ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = NO_MEM_AVAIL; return; } if( !_InputPath2->Initialize( &UserInput, FALSE ) ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "Unable to initialize the path for file 2\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } } if( !_OptionsFound ) {
// Query Options from the user...
DSTRING Options; DSTRING Delim; CHNUM CurSwitchStart, NextSwitchStart, Len;
Delim.Initialize( "/-" ); // Query a new list of options from the user
for( OptionCount = 0; OptionCount < 5; OptionCount++ ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_OPTION, ERROR_MESSAGE ); psmsg->Display( "" ); if( !psmsg->QueryStringInput( &Options ) ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNEXPECTED_END ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = UNEXP_EOF; return; } if( Options.QueryChCount() == 0 ) { break; }
CurSwitchStart = Options.Strcspn( &Delim ); if( CurSwitchStart != 0 ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_BAD_COMMAND_LINE ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = SYNT_ERR; return; } for( ;; ) {
Len = 0; CurSwitchStart++; NextSwitchStart = Options.Strcspn( &Delim, CurSwitchStart );
switch( towupper( Options.QueryChAt( CurSwitchStart ) ) ) { case 'A': _Mode = OUTPUT_ASCII; CurSwitchStart++; break; case 'D': _Mode = OUTPUT_DECIMAL; CurSwitchStart++; break; case 'C': _CaseInsensitive = TRUE; CurSwitchStart++; break; case 'L': _Numbered = TRUE; CurSwitchStart++; break; case 'O': PWSTRING pArg; if( NextSwitchStart == INVALID_CHNUM ) { pArg = Options.QueryString(CurSwitchStart); } else { pArg = Options.QueryString(CurSwitchStart, NextSwitchStart-CurSwitchStart); } if (pArg && (0 == _wcsicmp(pArg->GetWSTR(), L"OFFLINE")) ) { _SkipOffline = FALSE; CurSwitchStart += wcslen( L"OFFLINE" ); DELETE( pArg ); } else if (pArg && (0 == _wcsicmp(pArg->GetWSTR(), L"OFF")) ) { _SkipOffline = FALSE; CurSwitchStart += wcslen( L"OFF" ); DELETE( pArg ); } else { InvalidSwitch = Options.QueryString( CurSwitchStart ); psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_INVALID_SWITCH ); psmsg->Display( "%W", InvalidSwitch ); Errlev = INV_SWITCH; DELETE( InvalidSwitch ); DELETE( pArg );
return; } break; case 'N': ++CurSwitchStart; if( Options.QueryChAt( CurSwitchStart ) != '=' ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_NUMERIC_FORMAT ); psmsg->Display( "" ); break; } ++CurSwitchStart; if( CurSwitchStart == NextSwitchStart ) { break; } if( NextSwitchStart == INVALID_CHNUM ) { Len = INVALID_CHNUM; } else { Len = NextSwitchStart - CurSwitchStart; } if( !Options.QueryNumber( &Number, CurSwitchStart, Len ) ) { InvalidSwitch = Options.QueryString( CurSwitchStart ); psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_BAD_NUMERIC_ARG ); psmsg->Display( "%W", InvalidSwitch ); Errlev = BAD_NUMERIC_ARG; DELETE( InvalidSwitch );
return; } if (Options.QueryNumber( &_NumberOfLines, CurSwitchStart, Len ) ) { _Numbered = TRUE; _Limited = TRUE; } CurSwitchStart += Len; break; default: InvalidSwitch = Options.QueryString( CurSwitchStart - 1 ); psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_INVALID_SWITCH ); psmsg->Display( "%W", InvalidSwitch ); Errlev = INV_SWITCH; DELETE( InvalidSwitch );
return; } if( ( CurSwitchStart != NextSwitchStart ) || ( Len == INVALID_CHNUM ) ) { break; } } } }
// Check if there are more files to be compared...
psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_MORE, ERROR_MESSAGE ); psmsg->Display( "" ); if( !psmsg->IsYesResponse() ) { break; } DELETE( _InputPath1 ); DELETE( _InputPath2 ); _InputPath1 = NULL; _InputPath2 = NULL; _OptionsFound = NULL; }
return; }
VOID COMP::DoCompare( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Perform the comparison of the files.
Return Value:
{ FSN_FILTER Filter; PARRAY pNodeArray; PITERATOR pIterator; PWSTRING pTmp; PATH File1Path; PFSN_DIRECTORY pDirectory = NULL; PATH CanonPath1; // Canonicolized versions of the user paths
PATH CanonPath2; DSTRING WildCardString; BOOLEAN PrintSkipWarning = FALSE; BOOLEAN OfflineSkipped;
// Initialize the wildcard string..
WildCardString.Initialize( "" ); SYSTEM::QueryResourceString( &WildCardString, MSG_COMP_WILDCARD_STRING, "" );
// Check to see if the input paths are empty.
if (_InputPath1->GetPathString()->QueryChCount() == 0) { Errlev = CANT_OPEN_FILE; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_OPEN ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _InputPath1->GetPathString() ); return; }
if (_InputPath2->GetPathString()->QueryChCount() == 0) { Errlev = CANT_OPEN_FILE; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_OPEN ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _InputPath2->GetPathString() ); return; }
// Test if the input paths contain only a directory name. If it
// does, append '*.*' to the path so all files in that directory
// may be compared.
if( _InputPath1->IsDrive() || ( !_InputPath1->HasWildCard() && ( pDirectory = SYSTEM::QueryDirectory( _InputPath1 ) ) != NULL ) ) {
// The input path corresponds to a directory...
_InputPath1->AppendBase( &WildCardString );
} DELETE( pDirectory ); if( _InputPath2->IsDrive() || ( !_InputPath2->HasWildCard() && ( pDirectory = SYSTEM::QueryDirectory( _InputPath2 ) ) != NULL ) ) {
// The input path corresponds to a directory...
_InputPath2->AppendBase( &WildCardString );
} DELETE( pDirectory );
// Canonicolize the input paths...
CanonPath1.Initialize( _InputPath1, TRUE ); CanonPath2.Initialize( _InputPath2, TRUE );
// Test if the first path name contains any wildcards. If it does,
// the program must initialize an array of FSN_NODES (for multiple
// files...
if( CanonPath1.HasWildCard() ) { PPATH pTmpPath; //
// Get a directory based on what the user specified for File 1
if( ( pTmpPath = CanonPath1.QueryFullPath() ) == NULL ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "Unable to grab the Prefix from the input path...\n" )); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } pTmpPath->TruncateBase(); if( ( pDirectory = SYSTEM::QueryDirectory( pTmpPath, FALSE ) ) != NULL ) { //
// Create an FSN_FILTER so we can use the directory to create an
// array of FSN_NODES
pTmp = CanonPath1.QueryName(); Filter.SetFileName( pTmp ); DELETE( pTmp ); Filter.SetAttributes( (FSN_ATTRIBUTE)0, // ALL
pNodeArray = pDirectory->QueryFsnodeArray( &Filter ); pIterator = pNodeArray->QueryIterator(); DELETE( pDirectory );
_File1 = (FSN_FILE *)pIterator->GetNext(); } else { _File1 = NULL; } DELETE( pTmpPath ); } else { _File1 = SYSTEM::QueryFile( &CanonPath1 ); }
if( _File1 == NULL ) { Errlev = CANT_OPEN_FILE; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_OPEN ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _InputPath1->GetPathString() ); return; }
do {
// Explicitly find if File1 has offline attributes set (This is required
// because SYSTEM::QueryFile is not used for getting the FSN_FILE object)
if (_SkipOffline && IsOffline(_File1)) { PrintSkipWarning = TRUE; Errlev = FILES_SKIPPED; DELETE( _File1 ); if( !CanonPath1.HasWildCard() ) { break; } continue; }
// Replace the input path filename with what is to be opened...
pTmp = _File1->GetPath()->QueryName(); _InputPath1->SetName( pTmp ); DELETE( pTmp );
// Determine if filename 2 contains any wildcards...
if( CanonPath2.HasWildCard() ) { // ...if it does, expand them...
PPATH pExpanded;
pExpanded = CanonPath2.QueryWCExpansion( (PATH *)_File1->GetPath() ); if( pExpanded == NULL ) { Errlev = COULD_NOT_EXP; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_EXPAND ); psmsg->Display( "%W%W", _InputPath1->GetPathString(), _InputPath2->GetPathString() ); DELETE( _File1 ); break; }
// Place the expanded name in the input path...
pTmp = pExpanded->QueryName(); _InputPath2->SetName( pTmp ); DELETE( pTmp );
psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_COMPARE_FILES ); psmsg->Display( "%W%W", _InputPath1->GetPathString(), _InputPath2->GetPathString() ); _File2 = SYSTEM::QueryFile( pExpanded, _SkipOffline, &OfflineSkipped ); DELETE( pExpanded );
} else {
psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_COMPARE_FILES ); psmsg->Display( "%W%W", _InputPath1->GetPathString(), _InputPath2->GetPathString() ); _File2 = SYSTEM::QueryFile( &CanonPath2, _SkipOffline, &OfflineSkipped );
if( _File2 == NULL ) { if (OfflineSkipped) { // Skipping offline files is not an error, just track this happened
PrintSkipWarning = TRUE; Errlev = FILES_SKIPPED; } else { // Display error message
psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_OPEN ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _InputPath2->GetPathString() ); Errlev = CANT_OPEN_FILE; } DELETE( _File1 ); if( !CanonPath1.HasWildCard() ) { break; } continue; }
// Open the streams...
// Initialize _ByteStream1 and _ByteStream2 with BufferSize = 1024, to
// improve performance
if( (( _FileStream1 = (FILE_STREAM *)_File1->QueryStream( READ_ACCESS, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL ) ) == NULL) || !_ByteStream1.Initialize( _FileStream1, 1024 ) ) { Errlev = CANT_READ_FILE; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_READ ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _File1->GetPath()->GetPathString() ); DELETE( _File1 ); DELETE( _File2 ); if( !CanonPath1.HasWildCard() ) { break; } continue; } if( (( _FileStream2 = (FILE_STREAM *)_File2->QueryStream( READ_ACCESS, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL ) ) == NULL ) || !_ByteStream2.Initialize( _FileStream2, 1024 ) ) { Errlev = CANT_READ_FILE; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_READ ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _File2->GetPath()->GetPathString() ); DELETE( _FileStream1 ); DELETE( _File1 ); DELETE( _File2 ); if( !CanonPath1.HasWildCard() ) { break; } continue; }
// Close both streams now, since we are done with them...
DELETE( _FileStream1 ); DELETE( _FileStream2 ); DELETE( _File1 ); DELETE( _File2 );
if( !CanonPath1.HasWildCard() ) { break; }
} while( ( _File1 = (FSN_FILE *)pIterator->GetNext() ) != NULL );
// Print warning message if offline files were skipped
if(PrintSkipWarning) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_OFFLINE_FILES_SKIPPED ); psmsg->Display( "" ); }
return; }
BOOLEAN COMP::IsOffline( PFSN_FILE pFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks if a file object represents an offline file
pFile - The file to check
Return Value:
TRUE - if offline
This routine assumes a valid object that represnts a valid file On error, it returns FALSE since a none offline file is the default.
--*/ { PWSTRING FullPath = NULL; BOOLEAN fRet = FALSE; PCWSTR FileName; DWORD dwAttributes;
DebugAssert( pFile );
if ( pFile && ((FullPath = pFile->GetPath()->QueryFullPathString()) != NULL ) && ((FileName = FullPath->GetWSTR()) != NULL ) && ( FileName[0] != (WCHAR)'\0' ) && ((dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes( FileName )) != -1) ) {
if (dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE) { fRet = TRUE; } }
DELETE( FullPath );
return fRet; }
#ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 08/30/93
BOOLEAN COMP::CharEqual( PUCHAR c1, PUCHAR c2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks to see if a PCHAR DBCS or SBCS char is equal or not. For SBCS chars, if the CaseInsensitive flag is set, the characters are converted to uppercase and checked for equality.
c1 - NULL terminating DBCS/SBCS char *. c2 - NULL terminating DBCS/SBCS char *.
Return Value:
TRUE - if equal.
The char string sequence is:
SBCS: c1[0] - char code. c1[1] - 0. DBCS: c1[0] - leadbyte. c1[1] - tailbyte. c1[2] - 0.
--*/ { if ( (*(c1+1) == 0) && (*(c2+1) == 0 ) ) return( CASE_SENSITIVE( *c1 ) == CASE_SENSITIVE( *c2 ) ); else return( (*c1 == *c2) && (*(c1+1) == *(c2+1)) ); }
VOID COMP::BinaryCompare( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Does the actual binary compare between the two streams
Return Value:
The binary compare simply does a byte by byte comparison of the two files and reports all differences, as well as the offset into the file... ...no line buffer is required for this comparision...
--*/ { ULONG FileOffset = 0; ULONG LineCount = 1; // Start the line count at 1...
USHORT Differences = 0; BYTE Byte1, Byte2; #ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 08/30/93
BOOLEAN Lead = 0; // Set when leadbyte is read.
UCHAR Byte1W[3], Byte2W[3]; // PCHAR to contain DBCS/SBCS char.
ULONG DBCSFileOffset = 0; // When ASCII output and DBCS char,
// the offset is where the lead
// byte is, not the tail byte.
STR Message[ 9 ]; DSTRING ErrType;
// Set up the message string...
Message[ 0 ] = '%'; Message[ 1 ] = 'W'; if( !_Numbered ) { if (!SYSTEM::QueryResourceString(&ErrType, MSG_COMP_OFFSET_STRING, "")) { DebugPrintTrace(("COMP: Unable to read resource string %d\n", MSG_COMP_OFFSET_STRING)); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } Message[ 2 ] = '%'; Message[ 3 ] = 'X'; } else { if (!SYSTEM::QueryResourceString(&ErrType, MSG_COMP_LINE_STRING, "")) { DebugPrintTrace(("COMP: Unable to read resource string %d\n", MSG_COMP_LINE_STRING)); Errlev = INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } Message[ 2 ] = '%'; Message[ 3 ] = 'd'; } if( _Mode == OUTPUT_HEX ) { Message[ 4 ] = '%'; Message[ 5 ] = 'X'; Message[ 6 ] = '%'; Message[ 7 ] = 'X'; } else if( _Mode == OUTPUT_DECIMAL ) { Message[ 4 ] = '%'; Message[ 5 ] = 'd'; Message[ 6 ] = '%'; Message[ 7 ] = 'd'; } else { #ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 08/30/93
// This is needed to display DBCS chars. DBCS chars will be handed over
// as a pointer of chars. In which turns out to go to a call to swprintf in
// basesys.cxx. You may wonder why a DBCS char is stored as a string, but
// it works because before the call to swprintf is made, a 'h' is placed before
// the '%s' and makes a conversion to unicode.
Message[ 4 ] = '%'; Message[ 5 ] = 's'; Message[ 6 ] = '%'; Message[ 7 ] = 's'; #else // FE_SB
Message[ 4 ] = '%'; Message[ 5 ] = 'c'; Message[ 6 ] = '%'; Message[ 7 ] = 'c'; #endif // FE_SB
} Message[ 8 ] = 0;
// Compare the lengths of the files - if they aren't the same and
// the number of lines to match hasn't been specified, then return
// 'Files are different sizes'.
if( !_Limited ) { if( _File1->QuerySize() != _File2->QuerySize() ) { Errlev = DIFFERENT_SIZES; CompResult = FILES_ARE_DIFFERENT; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_DIFFERENT_SIZES ); psmsg->Display( "" ); return; } }
for( ;; FileOffset++ ) { //if( !_FileStream1->ReadByte( &Byte1 ) ) {
if( !_ByteStream1.ReadByte( &Byte1 ) ) { if( !_ByteStream1.IsAtEnd() ) { Errlev = CANT_READ_FILE; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_READ ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _File1->GetPath()->GetPathString() ); return; } //if( !_FileStream2->ReadByte( &Byte2 ) ) {
if( !_ByteStream2.ReadByte( &Byte2 ) ) { if( !_ByteStream2.IsAtEnd() ) { Errlev = CANT_READ_FILE; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_READ ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _File2->GetPath()->GetPathString() ); return; } break; } else { Errlev = FILE1_LINES; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_FILE1_TOO_SHORT ); psmsg->Display( "%d", LineCount-1 ); return; } } else { //if( !_FileStream2->ReadByte( &Byte2 ) ) {
if( !_ByteStream2.ReadByte( &Byte2 ) ) { if( !_ByteStream2.IsAtEnd() ) { Errlev = CANT_READ_FILE; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_UNABLE_TO_READ ); psmsg->Display( "%W", _File2->GetPath()->GetPathString() ); return; } Errlev = FILE2_LINES; psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_FILE2_TOO_SHORT ); psmsg->Display( "%d", LineCount-1 ); return; } }
#ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 08/30/93
// For hex and decimal display, we don't want to worry about DBCS chars. This
// is a different spec than DOS/V (Japanese DOS), but it's much cleaner this
// way. So, we will only worry about DBCS chars when the user asks us to
// display the difference in characters (/A option). The file offset displayed
// for DBCS characters is always where the leadbyte is in the file even though
// only the tailbyte is different.
DBCSFileOffset = FileOffset;
// Only going to worry about DBCS when user is comparing with
// ASCII output.
//if ( _Mode == OUTPUT_ASCII ) {
//kksuzuka: #133
//We have to worry about DBCS with 'c' option also.
if ( (_Mode==OUTPUT_ASCII) || ( _CaseInsensitive ) ) {
if ( Lead ) {
// DBCS leadbyte already found. Setup variables and
// fill in tailbyte and null.
DBCSFileOffset--; Lead = FALSE; *(Byte1W+1) = Byte1; *(Byte2W+1) = Byte2; *(Byte1W+2) = *(Byte2W+2) = 0;
} else if ( IsDBCSLeadByte( Byte1 ) || IsDBCSLeadByte( Byte2 ) ) {
// Found leadbyte. Set lead flag telling the next time
// around that the character is a tailbyte.
// Save the leadbyte. Tailbyte will be filled next time
// around(above).
*Byte1W = Byte1; *Byte2W = Byte2; Lead = TRUE; continue;
} else {
// SBCS char.
*Byte1W = Byte1; *Byte2W = Byte2; *(Byte1W+1) = *(Byte2W+1) = 0; Lead = FALSE; } } else {
// Not ASCII output (/a option). Perform original routines.
*Byte1W = Byte1; *Byte2W = Byte2; *(Byte1W+1) = *(Byte2W+1) = 0; }
// Check to see if chars are equal. If not, display difference.
if ( CharEqual( Byte1W, Byte2W ) == FALSE ) {
if ( _Mode == OUTPUT_ASCII ) {
if ( _Numbered ) psmsg->Display( Message, &ErrType, LineCount, Byte1W, Byte2W ); else psmsg->Display( Message, &ErrType, DBCSFileOffset, Byte1W, Byte2W );
} else { if ( _Numbered ) psmsg->Display( Message, &ErrType, LineCount, *Byte1W, *Byte2W ); //kksuzuka: #133
//We have to worry about DBCS with c option also.
else { if( *Byte1W != *Byte2W ) { psmsg->Display( Message, &ErrType, FileOffset, *Byte1W, *Byte2W ); } else { psmsg->Display( Message, &ErrType, FileOffset, *(Byte1W+1), *(Byte2W+1) ); } } } #else // FE_SB
// Now compare the bytes...if they are different, report the
// difference...
if( CASE_SENSITIVE( Byte1 ) != CASE_SENSITIVE( Byte2 ) ) { if( _Numbered ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_COMPARE_ERROR ); psmsg->Display( Message, &ErrType, LineCount, Byte1, Byte2 ); } else { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_COMPARE_ERROR ); psmsg->Display( Message, &ErrType, FileOffset, Byte1, Byte2 ); }
#endif // FE_SB
if( ++Differences == MAX_DIFF ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_TOO_MANY_ERRORS ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Errlev = TEN_MISM; CompResult = FILES_ARE_DIFFERENT; return; } } //
// Use <CR>'s imbedded in File1 to determine the line count. This is
// an inexact method (the differing byte may be '/r') but it is good
// enough for the purposes of this program.
#ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 08/30/93
if( *Byte1W == '\r' ) { #else // FE_SB
if( Byte1 == '\r' ) { #endif // FE_SB
LineCount++; } if( _Limited ) { if( LineCount > (ULONG)_NumberOfLines ) { break; } } }
#ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 08/30/93
// There may be a leadbyte without a tailbyte at the end of the file. Check
// for it, and process accordingly.
if ( _Mode == OUTPUT_ASCII && Lead ) {
// There is a leadbyte left. Check to see if they are equal and
// print difference if not.
if ( *Byte2W != *Byte1W ) {
*(Byte1W+1) = *(Byte2W+1) = 0; Differences++;
psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_COMPARE_ERROR ); if ( _Numbered ) psmsg->Display(Message, &ErrType, LineCount, Byte1W, Byte2W); else psmsg->Display(Message, &ErrType, FileOffset-1, Byte1W, Byte2W); } }
#endif // FE_SB
// Check if any differences were found in the files
if( !Differences ) { psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_FILES_OK ); psmsg->Display( " " ); } else { CompResult = FILES_ARE_DIFFERENT; }
return; }
int __cdecl main( ) {
__try {
COMP Comp;
if (psmsg == NULL) { DebugPrint("COMP: Out of memory\n"); Errlev = NO_MEM_AVAIL; return( CANNOT_COMPARE_FILES ); } // Initialize the stream message for standard input, stdout
if (!Get_Standard_Output_Stream() || !Get_Standard_Input_Stream() || !psmsg->Initialize( Get_Standard_Output_Stream(), Get_Standard_Input_Stream(), Get_Standard_Error_Stream() )) {
if (!Get_Standard_Output_Stream()) { DebugPrintTrace(("COMP: Output stream is NULL\n")); } else if (!Get_Standard_Input_Stream()) { DebugPrintTrace(("COMP: Input stream is NULL\n")); } else { DebugPrintTrace(("COMP: Unable to initialize message stream\n")); }
Comp.Destruct(); return( CANNOT_COMPARE_FILES ); }
if( !SYSTEM::IsCorrectVersion() ) { DebugPrintTrace(( "COMP: Incorrect Version Number...\n" )); psmsg->Set( MSG_COMP_INCORRECT_VERSION ); psmsg->Display( "" ); Comp.Destruct(); return( CANNOT_COMPARE_FILES ); // return( INCORRECT_DOS_VER );
// Set the Error level to Zero - No error...
Errlev = NO_ERRORS; CompResult = FILES_ARE_EQUAL;
if( !( Comp.Initialize() ) ) { //
// The Command line didn't initialize properly, die nicely
// without printing any error messages - Main doesn't know
// why the Initialization failed...
// What has to be deleted by hand, or can everything be removed
// by the destructor for the FC class?
Comp.Destruct(); return( CANNOT_COMPARE_FILES ); // return( Errlev );
// Do file comparison stuff...
Comp.Start(); Comp.Destruct(); // return( Errlev );
if( ( Errlev == NO_ERRORS ) || ( Errlev == TEN_MISM ) || ( Errlev == DIFFERENT_SIZES ) ) { return( CompResult ); } else { return( CANNOT_COMPARE_FILES ); }
// may not be able to display anything if initialization failed
// in additional to out of stack space
// so just send a message to the debug port
DebugPrint("COMP: Out of stack space\n"); Errlev = NO_MEM_AVAIL; return CANNOT_COMPARE_FILES; } }