#include "ulib.hxx"
#include "logrecio.hxx"
#include "attrib.hxx"
#include "mftfile.hxx"
#include "diskedit.h"
extern "C" { #include "lfs.h"
#include "lfsdisk.h"
#include <stdio.h>
const int three = 3;
BOOLEAN LOG_RECORD_IO::Setup( IN PMEM Mem, IN PLOG_IO_DP_DRIVE Drive, IN HANDLE Application, IN HWND WindowHandle, OUT PBOOLEAN Error ) { FARPROC proc; NTFS_SA ntfssa; MESSAGE msg; NTFS_MFT_FILE mft; ULONG PageOffset; LONGLONG FileOffset; BOOLEAN error;
_drive = Drive;
proc = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)ReadLogRecord, Application); if (!DialogBox((HINSTANCE)Application, TEXT("ReadLogRecordBox"), WindowHandle, (DLGPROC) proc)) { *Error = FALSE; return FALSE; } FreeProcInstance(proc);
*Error = TRUE;
if (!_drive || !ntfssa.Initialize(_drive, &msg) || !ntfssa.Read() || !mft.Initialize(_drive, ntfssa.QueryMftStartingLcn(), ntfssa.QueryClusterFactor(), ntfssa.QueryFrsSize(), ntfssa.QueryVolumeSectors(), NULL, NULL) || !mft.Read() || !_frs.Initialize((VCN)LOG_FILE_NUMBER, &mft) || !_frs.Read()) {
return FALSE; }
if (!_frs.QueryAttribute(&_attrib, &error, $DATA, NULL)) { return FALSE; }
LfsTruncateLsnToLogPage(Drive, Lsn, &FileOffset); PageOffset = LfsLsnToPageOffset(Drive, Lsn);
swprintf(_header_text, TEXT("DiskEdit - Log record: page @ %x, offset %x"), (ULONG)FileOffset, PageOffset);
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN LOG_RECORD_IO::Read( OUT PULONG pError ) { LFS_RECORD_HEADER RecordHeader; ULONG PageOffset; LONGLONG FileOffset; ULONG bytes_read; ULONG RemainingLength, CurrentPos, ThisPagePortion;
*pError = 0;
LfsTruncateLsnToLogPage(_drive, Lsn, &FileOffset); PageOffset = LfsLsnToPageOffset(_drive, Lsn);
// Read in the record header to see how big the total record
// is.
if (!_attrib.Read((PVOID)&RecordHeader, ULONG(PageOffset | FileOffset), LFS_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE, &bytes_read) || bytes_read != LFS_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE) { *pError = _drive->QueryLastNtStatus(); return FALSE; }
_length = LFS_RECORD_HEADER_SIZE + RecordHeader.ClientDataLength; if (NULL == (_buffer = MALLOC(_length))) { *pError = (ULONG)STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return FALSE; }
RemainingLength = _length; CurrentPos = 0;
while (RemainingLength > 0) { ThisPagePortion = MIN(GetLogPageSize(_drive) - PageOffset, RemainingLength);
if (!_attrib.Read((PUCHAR)_buffer + CurrentPos, ULONG(FileOffset | PageOffset), ThisPagePortion, &bytes_read) || bytes_read != ThisPagePortion) { *pError = _drive->QueryLastNtStatus(); return FALSE; }
CurrentPos += ThisPagePortion; RemainingLength -= ThisPagePortion; FileOffset += GetLogPageSize(_drive); PageOffset = LFS_PACKED_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER_SIZE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN LOG_RECORD_IO::Write( ) { return FALSE; }
PVOID LOG_RECORD_IO::GetBuf( OUT PULONG Size ) { if (Size) { *Size = _length; }
return _buffer; }
PTCHAR LOG_RECORD_IO::GetHeaderText( ) { return _header_text; }
BOOL ReadLogRecord( IN HWND hDlg, IN UINT message, IN UINT wParam, IN LONG lParam ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam);
TCHAR buf[1024]; PTCHAR pch; INT n;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: swprintf(buf, TEXT("%x:%x"), Lsn.HighPart, Lsn.LowPart); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDTEXT, buf); return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); return TRUE; }
if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) { n = GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDTEXT, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(TCHAR)); buf[n] = 0;
if (NULL == (pch = wcschr(buf, ':'))) { Lsn.HighPart = 0; swscanf(buf, TEXT("%x"), &Lsn.LowPart); } else { *pch = 0; swscanf(buf, TEXT("%x"), &Lsn.HighPart); swscanf(pch + 1, TEXT("%x"), &Lsn.LowPart); *pch = ':'; } EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return TRUE; } break; }
return FALSE; }