#include "ulib.hxx"
#include "vscroll.hxx"
BOOLEAN VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::Initialize( IN HWND WindowHandle, IN INT NumLines, IN INT ClientHeight, IN INT ClientWidth, IN INT CharHeight, IN INT CharWidth ) { _client_height = ClientHeight; _client_width = ClientWidth; _char_height = CharHeight; _char_width = CharWidth; _scroll_position = 0; return TRUE; }
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::SetRange( IN HWND WindowHandle, IN INT NumLines ) { _num_lines = NumLines - _client_height/_char_height; SetScrollRange(WindowHandle, SB_VERT, 0, _num_lines, FALSE); }
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::ClientSize( IN INT Height, IN INT Width ) { _client_height = Height; _client_width = Width; }
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::ScrollUp( IN HWND WindowHandle ) { _scroll_position--; UpdateScrollPosition(WindowHandle); }
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::ScrollDown( IN HWND WindowHandle ) { _scroll_position++; UpdateScrollPosition(WindowHandle); }
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::PageUp( IN HWND WindowHandle ) { _scroll_position -= _client_height/_char_height; UpdateScrollPosition(WindowHandle); }
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::PageDown( IN HWND WindowHandle ) { _scroll_position += _client_height/_char_height; UpdateScrollPosition(WindowHandle); }
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::ThumbPosition( IN HWND WindowHandle, IN INT NewThumbPosition ) { _scroll_position = NewThumbPosition; UpdateScrollPosition(WindowHandle); }
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::UpdateScrollPosition( IN HWND WindowHandle ) { INT current_pos;
current_pos = GetScrollPos(WindowHandle, SB_VERT); _scroll_position = max(0, min(_scroll_position, _num_lines));
if (_scroll_position != current_pos) { SetScrollPos(WindowHandle, SB_VERT, _scroll_position, TRUE); ScrollWindow(WindowHandle, 0, QueryCharHeight()*(current_pos - _scroll_position), NULL, NULL); UpdateWindow(WindowHandle); } }
STATIC TCHAR buf[1024];
VOID VERTICAL_TEXT_SCROLL::WriteLine( IN HDC DeviceContext, IN INT LineNumber, IN PTCHAR String ) { if( LineNumber >= QueryScrollPosition() && LineNumber <= QueryScrollPosition() + QueryClientHeight()/QueryCharHeight() + 1) {
CONST INT tabstop = 8; INT pos, bufpos; //
// Copy string into buf, expanding tabs into spaces as we go. This
// is because the window to which we are displaying does not do tabs.
for (pos = 0, bufpos = 0; String[pos] != '\0'; ++pos) { if ('\t' == String[pos]) { do { buf[bufpos++] = ' '; } while (0 != bufpos % tabstop); continue; } buf[bufpos++] = String[pos]; } buf[bufpos++] = '\0'; TextOut( DeviceContext, 0, (LineNumber - QueryScrollPosition())*QueryCharHeight(), buf, wcslen( buf ) ); } }