Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Disconnects one or more open files
Author: Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 1-Nov-2000 Revision History: Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 1-Nov-2000 : Created It.
******************************************************************************/ //include headers
#include "pch.h"
#include "Disconnect.h"
Routine Description:
Disconnects one or more openfiles Arguments:
[in] pszServer - remote server name [in] pszID - Open file ids [in] pszAccessedby - Name of user name who access the file [in] pszOpenmode - accessed mode [in] pszOpenFile - Open file name
Returned Value:
- TRUE for success exit - FALSE for failure exit -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL DisconnectOpenFile( PTCHAR pszServer, PTCHAR pszID, PTCHAR pszAccessedby, PTCHAR pszOpenmode, PTCHAR pszOpenFile ) { // local variables to this function
BOOL bResult = FALSE;// Stores fuctions return value status.
DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;// Receives the count of elements actually
// enumerated by "NetFileEnum" function
DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;//Receives the total number of entries that could
//have been enumerated from the current
//resume position by "NetFileEnum" function
DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0;//Contains a resume handle which is used to
//continue an existing file search.
//The handle should be zero on the first call and
//left unchanged for subsequent calls.
//If resume_handle is NULL,
//then no resume handle is stored. This variable
// used in calling "NetFileEnum" function.
LPFILE_INFO_3 pFileInfo3_1 = NULL; //LPFILE_INFO_3 structure contains the
//identification number and other
//pertinent information about files,
//devices, and pipes.
DWORD dwError = 0;//Contains return value for "NetFileEnum" function
NET_API_STATUS nStatus = 0;// Stores return value for NetFileClose functin
TCHAR szResult[(MAX_RES_STRING*2) + 1] = NULL_STRING; AFP_FILE_INFO* pFileInfo = NULL; DWORD hEnumHandle = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success; AFP_SERVER_HANDLE ulSFMServerConnection = 0; TCHAR szDllPath[MAX_PATH+1] = NULL_STRING;// buffer for Windows directory
HMODULE hModule = 0; // To store retval for LoadLibrary
DWORD dwConnectionId = 0;
AFPCONNECTIONCLOSEPROC AfpAdminFileClose = NULL; CONNECTPROC AfpAdminConnect = NULL; FILEENUMPROC AfpAdminFileEnum = NULL;// Function Pointer
//varibles to store whether the given credentials are matching with the
//got credentials.
BOOL bId = FALSE; BOOL bAccessedBy = FALSE; BOOL bOpenmode = FALSE; BOOL bOpenfile = FALSE; BOOL bIfatleast = FALSE; do { // Get the block of files
dwError = NetFileEnum( pszServer, NULL, NULL, 3, (LPBYTE *)&pFileInfo3_1, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, (PDWORD_PTR)&dwResumeHandle ); if(dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); return FALSE;
} if( dwError == NERR_Success || dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { for ( DWORD dwFile = 0; dwFile < dwEntriesRead; dwFile++, pFileInfo3_1++ ) { //Check whether the got open file is file or names pipe.
// If named pipe leave it. As this utility do not
// disconnect Named pipe
if ( IsNamedPipePath(pFileInfo3_1->fi3_pathname ) ) { continue; } else//Not a named pipe. is a file
{ bId = IsSpecifiedID(pszID,pFileInfo3_1->fi3_id); bAccessedBy = IsSpecifiedAccessedBy(pszAccessedby, pFileInfo3_1->fi3_username); bOpenmode = IsSpecifiedOpenmode(pszOpenmode, pFileInfo3_1->fi3_permissions); bOpenfile = IsSpecifiedOpenfile(pszOpenFile, pFileInfo3_1->fi3_pathname); // Proceed for dicconecting the open file only if
// all previous fuction returns true. This insures that
// user preference is taken care.
if( bId && bAccessedBy && bOpenmode && bOpenfile) { bIfatleast = TRUE; memset( szResult, 0, (((MAX_RES_STRING*2) + 1) * sizeof( TCHAR )) ); //The NetFileClose function forces a resource to close.
nStatus = NetFileClose(pszServer, pFileInfo3_1->fi3_id); if(nStatus == NERR_Success) { // Create the output message string as File
// is successfully deleted.
// Output string will be :
// SUCCESS: Connection to openfile "filename"
// has been terminated.
bResult = TRUE; FORMAT_STRING(szResult,DISCONNECTED_SUCCESSFULLY,pFileInfo3_1->fi3_pathname); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout, szResult); } else { // As unable to disconnect the openfile make
// output message as
// ERROR: could not dissconnect "filename".
bResult = FALSE; FORMAT_STRING(szResult,DISCONNECT_UNSUCCESSFUL,pFileInfo3_1->fi3_pathname); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr, szResult); } // Display output result as previously constructed.
}//If bId...
}//else part of is named pipe
} } } while ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ); // Free the block
if( pFileInfo3_1 !=NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( pFileInfo3_1 ); pFileInfo3_1 = NULL; }
// Now disconnect files for MAC OS
do { // DLL required is stored always in \windows\system32 directory....
// so get windows directory first.
if(GetSystemDirectory(szDllPath, MAX_PATH)!= 0) { lstrcat(szDllPath,MAC_DLL_FILE_NAME); hModule = ::LoadLibrary (szDllPath);
if(hModule==NULL) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
return FALSE;
} } else { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
return FALSE; } AfpAdminConnect = (CONNECTPROC)::GetProcAddress (hModule,"AfpAdminConnect"); AfpAdminFileClose = (AFPCONNECTIONCLOSEPROC)::GetProcAddress (hModule,"AfpAdminFileClose"); AfpAdminFileEnum = (FILEENUMPROC)::GetProcAddress (hModule,"AfpAdminFileEnum");
// Check if all function pointer successfully taken from DLL
// if not show error message and exit
if((AfpAdminFileClose== NULL)|| (AfpAdminConnect == NULL)|| (AfpAdminFileEnum == NULL))
{ DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
FREE_LIBRARY(hModule); return FALSE; } // Connection ID is requered for AfpAdminFileEnum function so
// connect to server to get connect id...
DWORD retval_connect = AfpAdminConnect(const_cast<LPWSTR>(pszServer), &ulSFMServerConnection ); if(retval_connect!=0) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
FREE_LIBRARY(hModule); return FALSE; }
dwError = AfpAdminFileEnum( ulSFMServerConnection, (PBYTE*)&pFileInfo, (DWORD)-1L, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &hEnumHandle ); if(dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); FREE_LIBRARY(hModule); return FALSE; } if( dwError == NERR_Success || dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { for ( DWORD dwFile = 0; dwFile < dwEntriesRead; dwFile++, pFileInfo++ ) { //Check whether the got open file is file or names pipe.
// If named pipe leave it. As this utility do not
// disconnect Named pipe
if ( IsNamedPipePath(pFileInfo->afpfile_path ) ) { continue; } else//Not a named pipe. is a file
{ bId = IsSpecifiedID(pszID,pFileInfo->afpfile_id ); bAccessedBy = IsSpecifiedAccessedBy(pszAccessedby, pFileInfo->afpfile_username ); bOpenmode = IsSpecifiedOpenmode(pszOpenmode, pFileInfo->afpfile_open_mode); bOpenfile = IsSpecifiedOpenfile(pszOpenFile, pFileInfo->afpfile_path); // Proceed for dicconecting the open file only if
// all previous fuction returns true. This insures that
// user preference is taken care.
if( bId && bAccessedBy && bOpenmode && bOpenfile) { bIfatleast = TRUE; memset( szResult, 0, (((MAX_RES_STRING*2) + 1) * sizeof( TCHAR )) );
nStatus = AfpAdminFileClose(ulSFMServerConnection, pFileInfo->afpfile_id); if(nStatus == NERR_Success) { // Create the output message string as File
// is successfully deleted.
// Output string will be :
// SUCCESS: Connection to openfile "filename"
// has been terminated.
bResult = TRUE; //lstrcpy(szTemp,DISCONNECTED_SUCCESSFULLY);
FORMAT_STRING(szResult,DISCONNECTED_SUCCESSFULLY,pFileInfo->afpfile_path); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout, szResult);
bResult = TRUE; } else { // As unable to disconnect the openfile make
// output message as
// ERROR: could not dissconnect "filename".
bResult = FALSE; FORMAT_STRING(szResult,DISCONNECT_UNSUCCESSFUL,pFileInfo3_1->fi3_pathname); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr, szResult); } }//If bId...
}//else part of is named pipe
} } } while ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA );
if(bIfatleast == FALSE)// As not a single open file disconnected
// show Info. message as
// INFO: No. open files found.
{ ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_NO_D_OPENFILES)); }
// Free the block
if( pFileInfo !=NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( pFileInfo); pFileInfo = NULL; }
FREE_LIBRARY(hModule); return TRUE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description:
Tests whether the given file path is namedpipe path or a file path
[in] pszwFilePath -- Null terminated string specifying the path name
Returned Value:
TRUE - if it is a named pipe path FALSE - if it is a file path -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsNamedPipePath(LPWSTR pszwFilePath) { LPWSTR pwszSubString = NULL; pwszSubString = wcsstr(pszwFilePath, PIPE_STRING);//Search PIPE_STRING
// If PIPE_STRING found then return TRUE else FALSE.
if( pwszSubString == NULL) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }//IsNamedPipePath
Routine Description:
Tests whether the user specified open file id is equivalent to the api returned id.
[in] pszId -Null terminated string specifying the user specified fil ID [in] dwId -current file ID.
Returned Value:
TRUE - if pszId is * or equal to dwId FALSE - otherwise -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsSpecifiedID(LPTSTR pszId, DWORD dwId) { // Check if WILD card is given OR no id is given OR given id and
// id returned by api is similar. In any of the case return TRUE.
if((lstrcmp(pszId, WILD_CARD) == 0) || (lstrlen(pszId) == 0)|| ((DWORD)(_ttol(pszId)) == dwId)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }//IsSpecifiedID
Routine Description:
Tests whether the user specified accessed open file username is equivalent to the api returned username.
[in] pszAccessedby - Null terminated string specifying the accessedby username [in] pszwAccessedby - Null terminated string specifying the api returned username.
Returned Value:
TRUE - if pszAccessedby is * or equal to pszwAccessedby FALSE - Otherwise -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsSpecifiedAccessedBy(LPTSTR pszAccessedby, LPWSTR pszwAccessedby) { // Check if WILD card is given OR non - existance of username OR given
// username and username returned by api is similar. In any of the case
// return TRUE.
if((lstrcmp(pszAccessedby, WILD_CARD) == 0) || (lstrlen(pszAccessedby) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszAccessedby,pszwAccessedby)==0)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }//IsSpecifiedAccessedBy
Routine Description:
Tests whether the user specified open mode is equivalent to the api returned openmode
[in] pszOpenmode - Null terminated string specifying the openmode [in] dwOpenmode - The api returned open mode.
Returned Value:
TRUE - if pszOpenmode is * or equal to dwOpenmode FALSE - otherwise -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsSpecifiedOpenmode(LPTSTR pszOpenmode, DWORD dwOpenmode) { // Check for WILD card if given OR if no open mode given . In both case
// return TRUE.
if((lstrcmp(pszOpenmode, WILD_CARD) == 0) || (lstrlen(pszOpenmode) == 0)) { return TRUE; } // Check if READ mode is given as String .
if(CompareString(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, pszOpenmode, -1, READ_MODE, -1)== CSTR_EQUAL) { // check that only READ mode only with dwOpenmode variable which is
// returned by api.
if((PERM_FILE_READ == (dwOpenmode & PERM_FILE_READ)) && (PERM_FILE_WRITE != (dwOpenmode & PERM_FILE_WRITE))) { return TRUE; } } // Check if write mode is given.
else if(CompareString(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, pszOpenmode,-1,WRITE_MODE,-1) == CSTR_EQUAL) { // check that only WRITE mode only with dwOpenmode variable which is
// returned by api.
if((PERM_FILE_WRITE == (dwOpenmode & PERM_FILE_WRITE)) && (PERM_FILE_READ != (dwOpenmode & PERM_FILE_READ))) { return TRUE; } } else if(CompareString(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, pszOpenmode,-1,READ_WRITE_MODE,-1) == CSTR_EQUAL) { if((PERM_FILE_READ == (dwOpenmode & PERM_FILE_READ)) && (PERM_FILE_WRITE == (dwOpenmode & PERM_FILE_WRITE))) { return TRUE; } } else if(CompareString(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, pszOpenmode,-1,WRITE_READ_MODE,-1) == CSTR_EQUAL) { if((PERM_FILE_WRITE == (dwOpenmode & PERM_FILE_WRITE)) && (PERM_FILE_READ == (dwOpenmode & PERM_FILE_READ))) { return TRUE; } }
// Given string does not matches with predefined Strings..
// return FALSE.
return FALSE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description:
Tests whether the user specified open file is equalant to the api returned open file.
[in] pszOpenfile - Null terminated string specifying the open file [in] pszwOpenfile - Null terminated string specifying the api returned open file.
Returned Value:
TRUE - if pszOpenfile is * or equal to pszwOpenfile FALSE - otherwise -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL IsSpecifiedOpenfile(LPTSTR pszOpenfile, LPWSTR pszwOpenfile) { // Check for WILD card if given OR no open file specified OR
// open file given by user matches with open file returned by api.
// In all cases return TRUE.
if((lstrcmp(pszOpenfile, WILD_CARD) == 0)|| (lstrlen(pszOpenfile) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(pszwOpenfile,pszOpenfile)==0)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }//IsSpecifiedOpenfile