// File: add.cpp
// Created: March 1997
// By: Martin Holladay (a-martih)
// Purpose: Registry Add (Write) Support for REG.CPP
// Modification History:
// March 1997 (a-martih):
// Copied from Query.cpp and modificd.
// October 1997 (martinho)
// Added additional termination character for MULTI_SZ strings.
// Added \0 delimiter between MULTI_SZ strings items
// April 1999 Zeyong Xu: re-design, revision -> version 2.0
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "reg.h"
// AddRegistry()
LONG AddRegistry(PAPPVARS pAppVars, UINT argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { LONG nResult; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDisposition; BYTE* byteData;
// Parse the cmd-line
nResult = ParseAddCmdLine(pAppVars, argc, argv); if(nResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return nResult; }
// Connect to the Remote Machine - if applicable
nResult = RegConnectMachine(pAppVars); if (nResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return nResult; }
// Create/Open the registry key
nResult = RegCreateKeyEx(pAppVars->hRootKey, pAppVars->szSubKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition);
if( nResult == ERROR_SUCCESS && pAppVars->szValueName ) { // check value if existed
DWORD dwType; DWORD dwLen = 1; nResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, pAppVars->szValueName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwLen); if(nResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // if exist
if(!Prompt(_T("Value %s exists, overwrite(Y/N)? "), pAppVars->szValueName, pAppVars->bForce) ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return nResult; } }
nResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; switch(pAppVars->dwRegDataType) { case REG_DWORD: case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: // case REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN:
// auto convert szValue (hex, octal, decimal format) to dwData
{ TCHAR* szStop = NULL; DWORD dwData = _tcstoul(pAppVars->szValue, &szStop, 0); if(_tcslen(szStop) > 0) // invalid data format
nResult = REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS; else nResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, pAppVars->szValueName, 0, pAppVars->dwRegDataType, (BYTE*) &dwData, sizeof(DWORD)); } break;
case REG_BINARY: {
TCHAR buff[3]; LONG onebyte; LONG count = 0; TCHAR* szStart; TCHAR* szStop;
// Convert szValue (hex data string) to binary
dwLen = _tcslen(pAppVars->szValue); byteData = (BYTE*) calloc(dwLen/2 + dwLen%2, sizeof(BYTE)); if (!byteData) { nResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
buff[2] = _T('\0');
count = 0; szStart = pAppVars->szValue;
while(_tcslen(szStart) > 0) { buff[0] = *szStart; szStart++; if(_tcslen(szStart) > 0) { buff[1] = *szStart; szStart++; } else { buff[1] = _T('0'); // if half byte, append a '0'
// hex format
onebyte = _tcstol(buff, &szStop, 16); if(_tcslen(szStop) > 0) // invalid data format
{ nResult = REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS; break; } else { byteData[count] = (BYTE)(onebyte); }
count++; }
if(nResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { nResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, pAppVars->szValueName, 0, pAppVars->dwRegDataType, byteData, count); }
if(byteData) free(byteData); } break;
case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: case REG_NONE: dwLen = (_tcslen(pAppVars->szValue) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); nResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, pAppVars->szValueName, 0, pAppVars->dwRegDataType, (BYTE*) pAppVars->szValue, dwLen); break;
case REG_MULTI_SZ: { BOOL bErrorString = FALSE; DWORD dwLengthOfSeparator = _tcslen(pAppVars->szSeparator); BOOL bTrailing = FALSE; TCHAR* szData; TCHAR* pStart; TCHAR* pEnd; TCHAR* pString;
// Replace separator("\0") with '\0' for MULTI_SZ,
// "\0" uses to separate string by default,
// if two separators("\0\0"), error
dwLen = _tcslen(pAppVars->szValue); // calloc() initializes all char to 0
szData = (TCHAR*) calloc(dwLen + 2, sizeof(TCHAR)); pStart = pAppVars->szValue; pString = szData;
if (!szData) { nResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
while(_tcslen(pStart) > 0) { pEnd = _tcsstr(pStart, pAppVars->szSeparator); if(pEnd) { /*
//two separators("\0\0") inside string
if( pEnd == pStart || //one separator("\0") in end of string
_tcslen(pEnd) == dwLengthOfSeparator) { bErrorString = TRUE; break; } *pEnd = 0; */
// specifying two seperators in the data is error
bTrailing = FALSE; if ( pEnd == pStart ) { bErrorString = TRUE; break; } else if ( _tcslen( pEnd ) == dwLengthOfSeparator ) { // set the flag
bTrailing = TRUE; } *pEnd = 0; }
// do the concat only if start is having valid buffer
_tcscat(pString, pStart); pString += _tcslen(pString) + 1;
if( pEnd && bTrailing == FALSE ) pStart = pEnd + dwLengthOfSeparator; else break; }
// empty
if(_tcsicmp(pAppVars->szValue, pAppVars->szSeparator) == 0) { pString = szData + 2; bErrorString = FALSE; } else pString += 1; // double null terminated string
if(bErrorString) { nResult = REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS; } else { DWORD dwByteToWrite = (DWORD)((pString - szData) * sizeof(TCHAR));
nResult = RegSetValueEx(hKey, pAppVars->szValueName, 0, pAppVars->dwRegDataType, (BYTE*) szData, dwByteToWrite); }
if(szData) free(szData); } break;
default: nResult = REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS; break; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
Cleanup: return nResult; }
// ParseAddCmdLine()
REG_STATUS ParseAddCmdLine(PAPPVARS pAppVars, UINT argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { REG_STATUS nResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; UINT i; BOOL bHasType = FALSE;
if(argc < 3) { return REG_STATUS_TOFEWPARAMS; }
// Machine Name and Registry key
nResult = BreakDownKeyString(argv[2], pAppVars); if(nResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) return nResult;
// parsing
for(i=3; i<argc; i++) { if(!_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/v"))) { if(pAppVars->szValueName) return REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS;
i++; if(i<argc) { pAppVars->szValueName = (TCHAR*) calloc(_tcslen(argv[i]) + 1, sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pAppVars->szValueName) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } _tcscpy(pAppVars->szValueName, argv[i]); } else return REG_STATUS_TOFEWPARAMS; } else if(!_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/ve"))) { if(pAppVars->szValueName) return REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS;
pAppVars->szValueName = (TCHAR*) calloc(1, sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pAppVars->szValueName) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else if(!_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/t"))) { i++; if(i<argc) { pAppVars->dwRegDataType = IsRegDataType(argv[i]); if(pAppVars->dwRegDataType == (DWORD)-1) { return REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS; }
bHasType = TRUE; } else return REG_STATUS_TOFEWPARAMS; } else if(!_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/s"))) { if(pAppVars->dwRegDataType != REG_MULTI_SZ) return REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS;
i++; if(i<argc) { if(_tcslen(argv[i]) == 1) { _tcscpy(pAppVars->szSeparator, argv[i]); } else return REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS; } else return REG_STATUS_TOFEWPARAMS; } else if(!_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/d"))) { if(pAppVars->szValue) return REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS;
i++; if(i<argc) { pAppVars->szValue = (TCHAR*) calloc(_tcslen(argv[i]) + 1, sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pAppVars->szValue) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } _tcscpy(pAppVars->szValue, argv[i]); } else return REG_STATUS_TOFEWPARAMS; } else if(!_tcsicmp(argv[i], _T("/f"))) { pAppVars->bForce = TRUE; } else return REG_STATUS_TOMANYPARAMS; }
// if no value, set to empty value data
if(pAppVars->szValueName && !pAppVars->szValue) { pAppVars->szValue = (TCHAR*) calloc(1, sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pAppVars->szValue) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } *(pAppVars->szValue) = 0; } else if( !pAppVars->szValueName && (bHasType || pAppVars->szValue) ) { return REG_STATUS_INVALIDPARAMS; }