// MAIN.CPP / Tuneup
// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998
// All rights reserved
// Main tuneup application file.
// Original engineer: WillisC
// Updated: Jason Cohen (JCOHEN)
// Internal include file(s).
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "tasks.h"
#include "schedwiz.h"
#include "howtorun.h"
#include "wizard.h"
#include "scm.h"
// Global variable(s).
HWND g_hWnd; HINSTANCE g_hInst; DWORD g_dwFlags; LPTASKDATA g_Tasks; LPTASKDATA g_CurrentTask; INT g_nTimeScheme; TCHAR g_szAppName[64];
// Internal (static) function prototype(s).
static HANDLE GetMutex(VOID); static HWND CheckPrevInst(LPHANDLE);
static BOOL TanslateCommandLine(LPTSTR);
// Main windows function.
INT PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, INT nCmdShow) { HANDLE hMutex; HWND hWnd; LPTSTR *lpArgs = NULL; DWORD dwArgs, dwIndex; BOOL bRunWizard;
// First we will init any global memory we need to.
g_hInst = hInstance; g_nTimeScheme = 0; g_dwFlags = 0; LoadString(hInstance, IDS_TUNEUP, g_szAppName, sizeof(g_szAppName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
// This will setup any command line options first.
dwArgs = GetCommandLineOptions(&lpArgs); for (dwIndex = 1; dwIndex < dwArgs; dwIndex++) TanslateCommandLine((LPTSTR) *(lpArgs + dwIndex)); FREE(lpArgs);
// If we proccessed a command line option that is designed to
// not run tuneup, we should return now.
if ( g_dwFlags & TUNEUP_QUIT ) return TRUE;
// Now check for another instance of Tuneup.
if ( hWnd = CheckPrevInst(&hMutex) ) { SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); return FALSE; }
// We now need to create the job tasks.
g_Tasks = CreateTasks(); InitJobs(g_Tasks);
// Now we should pick up any data from the registry that we need.
if ( RegExists(HKLM, g_szTuneupKey, g_szRegValFirstTime) ) { // Get previous time scheme.
g_nTimeScheme = RegGetDword(HKLM, g_szTuneupKey, g_szRegValTime); // Get previous express or custom.
if ( RegCheck(HKLM, g_szTuneupKey, g_szRegValCustom) ) g_dwFlags |= TUNEUP_CUSTOM; // Display the how to run dialog. If TRUE is
// returned, we should run the wizard. Otherwise
// the user choose cancel or the tasks were all run
// and we should just return.
bRunWizard = HowToRun(); } else { // Set the flag so that tuneup knows this is
// the first time it has been run.
// Set this so that we do run the wizard.
bRunWizard = TRUE; }
// Now set any default values that should be set.
if ( g_nTimeScheme == 0) g_nTimeScheme = DEFAULT_TIMESCHEME;
// Start the wizard if we need to.
if ( bRunWizard ) CreateWizard(hInstance, NULL);
// Free the job tasks we created.
// Release the mutex.
if (hMutex) ReleaseMutex(hMutex);
return TRUE; }
// Internal function(s).
static HANDLE GetMutex() { const TCHAR szTuneupMutex[] = _T("TUNEUP97MUTEX"); HANDLE hMutex;
// Try to open the Tuneup mutex.
if ( hMutex = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, szTuneupMutex) ) { // There is already another mutex, so we can't get one
// and there should be another Tuneup window to find.
CloseHandle(hMutex); hMutex = NULL; } else { // No mutex is present, so we should be able to get one.
hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, szTuneupMutex); }
// Return the mutex, will be NULL if there alread is one.
return hMutex; }
static HWND CheckPrevInst(LPHANDLE hMutex) { HWND hWnd = NULL; BOOL bPrev = FALSE; int nCount;
// Loop until another tuneup window is found or a mutex can
// be created. Max of 10 times (10 seconds).
for (nCount = 0; (nCount < 10) && (!bPrev) && ( (*hMutex = GetMutex()) == NULL ); nCount++) { #if 0
// Check for the background window of the wizard.
if ( bPrev = ( ( hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, g_szAppName) ) != NULL ) ) { // The background window was found, so show the prev one (i.e. Wizard).
hWnd = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDPREV); } else { // Check for the how to run dialog.
bPrev = ( ( hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, g_szAppName) ) != NULL ); } #else
bPrev = ( ( hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, g_szAppName) ) != NULL ); #endif
// If we found no window, sleep for 1 second.
if (!bPrev) Sleep(1000); }
// Return the window handle of any previous instance (will be null if we
// didn't find or we got a mutex).
return hWnd; }
static BOOL TanslateCommandLine(LPTSTR lpArg) { BOOL bTranslated = TRUE;
// Check for the /AUTORUN flag.
if ( _tcsicmp(_T("/AUTORUN"), lpArg) == 0 ) g_dwFlags |= TUNEUP_AUTORUN;
// Check for the /SERVICE: flag.
else if ( _tcsnicmp(_T("/SERVICE:"), lpArg, 9) == 0 ) { ServiceStart(lpArg + 9); g_dwFlags |= TUNEUP_QUIT; }
// Unknown option.
else bTranslated = FALSE;
return bTranslated; }