Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains support for loading resource strings.
David J. Gilman (davegi) 11-Sep-1992 Gregg R. Acheson (GreggA) 28-Feb-1994
User Mode
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include "wintools.h"
#include <search.h>
#include <string.h>
INT StricmpW( IN LPCWSTR String1, IN LPCWSTR String2 )
Routine Description:
StricmpW performs a case insesitive string compare returning a result that is acceptable for WM_COMPAREITEM messages.
String1 - Supplies the first string to compare. String2 - Supplies the second string to compare.
Return Value:
INT - Returns: -1 String1 precedes String2 in the sorted order. 0 String1 and String2 are equivalent in the sorted order. 1 String1 follows String2 in the sorted order.
{ INT Compare;
Compare = _wcsicmp( String1, String2 );
if ( Compare < 0 ) { return -1; } else if ( Compare > 0 ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }
LPCSTR GetStringA( IN UINT StringId )
Routine Description:
GetStringA returns a pointer to the ANSI string corresponding to the supplied resource id.
StringId - Supplies a string resource id.
Return Value:
LPCWSTR - Returns a pointer to a static buffer that contains the ANSI string.
{ int Length;
static CHAR Buffer[ MAX_CHARS ];
// Load the requested string making sure that it succesfully loaded
// and fit in the buffer.
Length = LoadStringA( NULL, StringId, Buffer, sizeof( Buffer ) ); DbgAssert( Length != 0 ); DbgAssert( Length < sizeof( Buffer )); if (( Length == 0 ) || ( Length >= NumberOfCharacters( Buffer ))) { return NULL; }
return Buffer; }
LPCWSTR GetStringW( IN UINT StringId )
Routine Description:
GetStringW returns a pointer to the Unicode string corresponding to the supplied resource id.
StringId - Supplies a string resource id.
Return Value:
LPCWSTR - Returns a pointer to a static buffer that contains the Unicode string.
{ int Length;
static WCHAR Buffer[ MAX_CHARS ];
// Load the requested string making sure that it succesfully loaded
// and fit in the buffer.
Length = LoadStringW( NULL, StringId, Buffer, sizeof( Buffer ) ); DbgAssert( Length != 0 ); DbgAssert( Length < sizeof( Buffer )); if (( Length == 0 ) || ( Length >= NumberOfCharacters( Buffer ))) { return NULL; }
return Buffer; }
LPWSTR FormatLargeIntegerW( IN PLARGE_INTEGER Value, IN BOOL Signed )
Routine Description:
Converts a large integer to a string inserting thousands separators as appropriate.
LargeInteger - Supplies the number to be formatted. Signed - Supplies a flag which if TRUE indicates that the supplied value is a signed number.
Return Value:
LPWSTR - Returns a pointer to the formatted string.
{ static CHAR pIntegerChars[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'};
static WCHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ];
WCHAR SThousand[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD SThousandChars; int Index; DWORD Count; WCHAR wString[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR aString[ MAX_PATH ]; LONG OutputLength = 95;
CHAR Result[ 100 ], *s; ULONG Shift, Digit; LONG_PTR Length; LARGE_INTEGER TempValue=*Value;
// Convert the Large Integer to a UNICODE string
Shift = 0; s = &Result[ 99 ]; *s = '\0';
do {
TempValue = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide(TempValue,10L,&Digit); *--s = pIntegerChars[ Digit ];
} while (TempValue.HighPart != 0 || TempValue.LowPart != 0);
Length = &Result[ 99 ] - s;
if (OutputLength < 0) {
OutputLength = -OutputLength; while ((LONG)Length < OutputLength) {
*--s = '0'; Length++;
} }
if ((LONG)Length > OutputLength) {
return NULL;
} else {
RtlMoveMemory( aString, s, Length );
if ((LONG)Length < OutputLength) {
aString[ Length ] = '\0';
} }
// Convert to UNICODE
Length = wsprintf( wString, L"%S", aString );
// Get the thousand separator for this locale.
SThousandChars = GetLocaleInfoW( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, SThousand, NumberOfCharacters( SThousand ) );
DbgAssert( SThousandChars != 0 ); if ( SThousandChars == 0 ) { return NULL; }
DbgAssert( Length < NumberOfCharacters( Buffer ));
Index = NumberOfCharacters( Buffer ) - 1; Count = 0;
// Copy the NUL character.
Buffer[ Index-- ] = wString[ Length-- ];
// Copy the string in reverse order, inserting the thousands separator
// every three characters.
while ( Length >= 0L ) {
Buffer[ Index-- ] = wString[ Length-- ];
// Protect against leading separators by making sure that the last
// digit wasn't just copied.
if (( Count == 3 ) && ( Length >= 0L )) {
// Adjust the index by the length of the thousands separator less 2
// - one for the NUL and one because the index was already backed
// up by one above.
Index -= SThousandChars - 2;
wcsncpy( &Buffer[ Index ], SThousand, SThousandChars - 1 ); Index--; Count = 0; } }
// Move the string to the beginning of the buffer (use MoveMemory to
// handle overlaps).
MoveMemory( Buffer, &Buffer[ Index + 1 ], ( wcslen( &Buffer[ Index + 1 ]) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
return Buffer; }
LPWSTR FormatBigIntegerW( IN DWORD BigInteger, IN BOOL Signed )
Routine Description:
Converts an integer to a string inserting thousands separators as appropriate.
BigInteger - Supplies the number to be formatted. Signed - Supplies a flag which if TRUE indicates that the supplied value is a signed number.
Return Value:
LPWSTR - Returns a pointer to the formatted string.
{ WCHAR Buffer1[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR SThousand[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD SThousandChars; int Index1; int Index; DWORD Count;
static WCHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ];
// Get the thousand separator for this locale.
SThousandChars = GetLocaleInfoW( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, SThousand, NumberOfCharacters( SThousand ) ); DbgAssert( SThousandChars != 0 ); if ( SThousandChars == 0 ) { return NULL; }
// Convert the number to a string.
Index1 = wsprintf( Buffer1, ( Signed ) ? L"%d" : L"%u", BigInteger ); DbgAssert( Index1 < NumberOfCharacters( Buffer ));
Index = NumberOfCharacters( Buffer ) - 1; Count = 0;
// Copy the NUL character.
Buffer[ Index-- ] = Buffer1[ Index1-- ];
// Copy the string in reverse order, inserting the thousands separator
// every three characters.
while ( Index1 >= 0 ) {
Buffer[ Index-- ] = Buffer1[ Index1-- ];
// Protect against leading separators by making sure that the last
// digit wasn't just copied.
if (( Count == 3 ) && ( Index1 >= 0 )) {
// Adjust the index by the length of the thousands separator less 2
// - one for the NUL and one because the index was already backed
// up by one above.
Index -= SThousandChars - 2; wcsncpy( &Buffer[ Index ], SThousand, SThousandChars - 1 ); Index--; Count = 0; } }
// Move the string to the beginning of the buffer (use MoveMemory to
// handle overlaps).
MoveMemory( Buffer, &Buffer[ Index + 1 ], ( wcslen( &Buffer[ Index + 1 ]) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
return Buffer; }
DWORD WFormatMessageA( IN LPSTR Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSize, IN UINT FormatId, IN ... )
Routine Description:
Format a printf style string and place it the supplied ANSI buffer.
Buffer - Supplies a pointer to a buffer where the formatted string will be stored. BufferSize - Supplies the number of bytes in the supplied buffer. FormatId - Supplies a resource id for a printf style format string. ... - Supplies zero or more values based on the format descpritors supplied in Format.
Return Value:
DWORD _ Returns the number of bytes stored in the supplied buffer.
{ DWORD Count; va_list Args;
DbgPointerAssert( Buffer );
// Retrieve the values and format the string.
va_start( Args, FormatId );
Count = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, FormatId, 0, Buffer, BufferSize, &Args ); DbgAssert( Count != 0 );
va_end( Args );
return Count; }
DWORD WFormatMessageW( IN LPWSTR Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSize, IN UINT FormatId, IN ... )
Routine Description:
Format a printf style string and place it the supplied Unicode buffer.
Buffer - Supplies a pointer to a buffer where the formatted string will be stored. BufferSize - Supplies the number of bytes in the supplied buffer. FormatId - Supplies a resource id for a printf style format string. ... - Supplies zero or more values based on the format descpritors supplied in Format.
Return Value:
DWORD _ Returns the number of bytes stored in the supplied buffer.
{ DWORD Count; va_list Args;
DbgPointerAssert( Buffer );
// Retrieve the values and format the string.
va_start( Args, FormatId );
Count = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, FormatId, 0, Buffer, BufferSize, &Args ); DbgAssert( Count != 0 );
va_end( Args );
return Count; }
int __cdecl CompareTableEntries( IN const void* TableEntry1, IN const void* TableEntry2 )
Routine Description:
Compare the key portion of two STRING_TABLE_ENTRY objects in order to determine if a match was found. This routine is used as a callback function for the CRT lfind() function.
TableEntry1 - Supplies a pointer to the first STRING_TABLE_ENTRY object whose Key is use in the comparison. TableEntry1 - Supplies a pointer to the second STRING_TABLE_ENTRY object whose Key is use in the comparison.
Return Value:
int - Returns:
< 0 TableEntry1 less than TableEntry2 = 0 TableEntry1 identical to TableEntry2 > 0 TableEntry1 greater than TableEntry2
{ return( ((( LPSTRING_TABLE_ENTRY ) TableEntry1 )->Key.LowPart ^ (( LPSTRING_TABLE_ENTRY ) TableEntry2 )->Key.LowPart ) | ((( LPSTRING_TABLE_ENTRY ) TableEntry1 )->Key.HighPart ^ (( LPSTRING_TABLE_ENTRY ) TableEntry2 )->Key.HighPart )); }
Routine Description:
SearchStringTable searches the supplied table of STRING_TABLE_ENTRY objects looking for a match based on the supplied Class and Value.
StringTable - Supplies a table of STRING_TABLE_ENTRY objects that should be searched. Count - Supplies the number of entries in the StringTable. Class - Supplies the class to be looked up. Value - Supplies the value within the class to be looked up.
Return Value:
LPSTRING_TABLE_ENTRY - Returns a pointer to the STRING_TABLE_ENTRY if found, NULL otherwise.
DbgPointerAssert( StringTable );
// Assume that entry will not be found.
Id = NULL;
// Set up the search criteria.
TableEntry.Key.LowPart = Value; TableEntry.Key.HighPart = Class;
// Do the search.
Id = _lfind( &TableEntry, StringTable, &Count, sizeof( STRING_TABLE_ENTRY ), CompareTableEntries );
// Return a pointer to the found entry.
return Id; }
UINT GetStringId( IN LPSTRING_TABLE_ENTRY StringTable, IN DWORD Count, IN int Class, IN DWORD Value )
Routine Description:
GetStringId returns the string resource id for the requested STRING_TABLE_ENTRY object.
StringTable - Supplies a table of STRING_TABLE_ENTRY objects that should be searched. Count - Supplies the number of entries in the StringTable. Class - Supplies the class to be looked up. Value - Supplies the value within the class to be looked up.
Return Value:
UINT - Returns the string resource id for the entry that matches the supplied Class and value.
DbgPointerAssert( StringTable );
Id = SearchStringTable( StringTable, Count, Class, Value );
if (Id) {
return( Id->Id);
return 0;