Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains debugging macros for the Terminal Concentrator server.
Madan Appiah (madana) 10-Sep-1993 Modifications - Sadagopan Rajaram 11th Nov 99
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
// Adds a MEMORYBLOCK to the memory tracking list.
#include <tcsrv.h>
#if DBG==1
HGLOBAL TCReAlloc( HGLOBAL mem, DWORD size, LPCSTR comment ) { HGLOBAL temp; LPMEMORYBLOCK pmbHead; DWORD nBytes=0;
temp = DebugAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, size, comment); if(temp != NULL){ EnterCriticalSection( &g_TraceMemoryCS ); pmbHead = g_TraceMemoryTable;
while ( pmbHead && pmbHead->hglobal != mem ) { pmbHead = pmbHead->pNext; } if(pmbHead){ nBytes = pmbHead->dwBytes; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_TraceMemoryCS); if(nBytes){ memcpy(temp, mem, nBytes); DebugFree(mem); } } return temp; }
HGLOBAL DebugMemoryAdd( HGLOBAL hglobal, DWORD dwBytes, LPCSTR pszComment ) { if ( hglobal ) { LPMEMORYBLOCK pmb = (LPMEMORYBLOCK) GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(MEMORYBLOCK) );
if ( !pmb ) { GlobalFree( hglobal ); return NULL; }
pmb->hglobal = hglobal; pmb->dwBytes = dwBytes; pmb->pszComment = pszComment;
EnterCriticalSection( &g_TraceMemoryCS );
pmb->pNext = g_TraceMemoryTable; g_TraceMemoryTable = pmb;
TCDebugPrint(("DebugAlloc: 0x%08x alloced %d (%s) with 0x%08x\n", hglobal, dwBytes, pmb->pszComment, pmb ));
LeaveCriticalSection( &g_TraceMemoryCS ); }
return hglobal; }
// Removes a MEMORYBLOCK to the memory tracking list.
void DebugMemoryDelete( HGLOBAL hglobal ) { if ( hglobal ) { LPMEMORYBLOCK pmbHead; LPMEMORYBLOCK pmbLast = NULL;
EnterCriticalSection( &g_TraceMemoryCS ); pmbHead = g_TraceMemoryTable;
while ( (pmbHead) && (pmbHead->hglobal != hglobal )) { pmbLast = pmbHead; pmbHead = pmbLast->pNext; } if ( pmbHead ) { HGLOBAL *p; if ( pmbLast ) { pmbLast->pNext = pmbHead->pNext; } else { g_TraceMemoryTable = pmbHead->pNext; }
TCDebugPrint(("DebugFree: 0x%08x freed %d (%s)\n",pmbHead->hglobal,pmbHead->dwBytes, pmbHead->pszComment ));
p = (HGLOBAL)((LPBYTE)hglobal + pmbHead->dwBytes); if ( *p != hglobal ) { TCDebugPrint(("DebugFree: Heap check FAILED for 0x%08x %u bytes (%s).\n", hglobal, pmbHead->dwBytes, pmbHead->pszComment)); }
memset( hglobal, 0xFE, pmbHead->dwBytes + sizeof(HGLOBAL)); memset( pmbHead, 0xFD, sizeof(MEMORYBLOCK) ); pmbHead->pNext = NULL; GlobalFree( pmbHead );
} else { HGLOBAL *p;
TCDebugPrint(("DebugFree: 0x%08x not found in memory table\n", hglobal )); memset( hglobal, 0xFE, (int)GlobalSize( hglobal )); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &g_TraceMemoryCS );
} }
// Allocates memory and adds the MEMORYBLOCK to the memory tracking list.
HGLOBAL DebugAlloc( UINT uFlags, DWORD dwBytes, LPCSTR pszComment ) { HGLOBAL hglobal;
HGLOBAL *p; hglobal = GlobalAlloc( uFlags, dwBytes + sizeof(HGLOBAL)); if (hglobal == NULL) { TCDebugPrint(("No memory %s %d\n", pszComment, GetLastError())); return NULL; } p = (HGLOBAL)((LPBYTE)hglobal + dwBytes); *p = hglobal;
return DebugMemoryAdd( hglobal,dwBytes, pszComment ); }
// Remove the MEMORYBLOCK to the memory tracking list, memsets the
// memory to 0xFE and then frees the memory.
HGLOBAL DebugFree( HGLOBAL hglobal ) { DebugMemoryDelete( hglobal );
return GlobalFree( hglobal ); }
// Checks the memory tracking list. If it is not empty, it will dump the
// list and break.
void DebugMemoryCheck( ) { BOOL fFoundLeak = FALSE; LPMEMORYBLOCK pmb;
EnterCriticalSection( &g_TraceMemoryCS );
pmb = g_TraceMemoryTable; while ( pmb ) { LPMEMORYBLOCK pTemp; if ( fFoundLeak == FALSE ) { TCDebugPrint(("\n***************************** Memory leak detected *****************************\n\n")); TCDebugPrint(("Memory leak at %x, %s", pmb->hglobal, pmb->pszComment)); fFoundLeak = TRUE; } pTemp = pmb; pmb = pmb->pNext; memset( pTemp, 0xFD, sizeof(MEMORYBLOCK) ); GlobalFree( pTemp ); }
if ( fFoundLeak == TRUE ) { TCDebugPrint(("\n***************************** Memory leak detected *****************************\n\n")); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &g_TraceMemoryCS );
//BinlAssert( !fFoundLeak );
#endif // DBG==1