* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name : * utils.c * * Some utility functions used by the service. * * Sadagopan Rajaram -- Oct 18, 1999 * */ #include "tcsrv.h"
#include <ntddser.h>
#include "tcsrvc.h"
#include "proto.h"
PCOM_PORT_INFO FindDevice( LPTSTR device, int *pIndex ) /*++
Searches through the global list and returns the COM port with the correct name Remember that the shared global variables are not locked during this function call --*/ {
int i=ComPorts-1;
pTemp = ComPortInfo; while(pTemp){ if(!((_tcscmp(pTemp->Device.Buffer,device)) && (_tcscmp(pTemp->Name.Buffer, device)))) break; pTemp = pTemp->Next; i--; } *pIndex = i; return pTemp; }
LONG GetNextParameter( HKEY hKey, DWORD dwIndex, PHKEY pChild, LPTSTR *Name ) /*++
Gets the name of the Com Port. It is a user defined name and has nothing to do with the device name in NT. Return - A filled in Com port info, else NULL if end of Parameters is reached. --*/ {
LONG RetVal; // Registry names cannot be longer than 256 characters.
RetVal = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, dwIndex, lpName, &lpcName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &lpftLastWriteTime ); if(RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS){ RegCloseKey(hKey); return RetVal; }
*Name = (LPTSTR) TCAllocate(sizeof(TCHAR)*(lpcName+1),"Registry key"); if((*Name) == NULL){ RegCloseKey(hKey); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } _tcscpy((*Name),lpName); RetVal= RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, lpName, // subkey name
0, // reserved
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // security access mask
pChild ); if(RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS){ RegCloseKey(hKey); } return RetVal; }
LONG GetNameOfDeviceFromRegistry( HKEY hKey, LPTSTR *device ) /*++
Gets the NT device Name. If there is no device name, it is an error. Return- Device Name like L"\\device\\serial0" --*/ { LONG RetVal; DWORD lpType=0; LPTSTR lpData = NULL; DWORD lpcbData=0;
RetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Device"), NULL, &lpType, (LPBYTE)lpData, &lpcbData ); if((RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) &&(RetVal != ERROR_MORE_DATA)){ RegCloseKey(hKey); return RetVal; } lpData = (LPTSTR) TCAllocate(lpcbData, "Device Name"); if(lpData == NULL){ RegCloseKey(hKey); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } RetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Device"), NULL, &lpType, (LPBYTE)lpData, &lpcbData ); if(RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS){ RegCloseKey(hKey); TCFree(lpData); return RetVal; } *device = lpData; return ERROR_SUCCESS;
PCOM_PORT_INFO GetComPortParameters( HKEY hKey ) { PCOM_PORT_INFO pComPortInfo; DWORD dwordsize; ULONG RetVal; DWORD data; dwordsize = sizeof(DWORD);
pComPortInfo = (PCOM_PORT_INFO)TCAllocate(sizeof(COM_PORT_INFO),"Com Port Data"); if(pComPortInfo== NULL){ RegCloseKey(hKey); return NULL; } data = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE; RetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Baud Rate"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &data, &(dwordsize) ); pComPortInfo->BaudRate = (ULONG) data; data = STOP_BIT_1; RetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Stop Bits"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &data, &(dwordsize) ); pComPortInfo->StopBits = (UCHAR) data;
data = NO_PARITY; RetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Stop Bits"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &data, &(dwordsize) ); pComPortInfo->Parity = (UCHAR) data;
data = SERIAL_DATABITS_8; RetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Word Length"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &data, &(dwordsize) ); pComPortInfo->WordLength = (UCHAR) data;
return pComPortInfo; }
VOID FreeComPortInfo( PCOM_PORT_INFO pTemp ) {
if(pTemp == NULL) return; if (pTemp->Device.Buffer) { TCFree(pTemp->Device.Buffer); } if(pTemp->Name.Buffer){ TCFree(pTemp->Name.Buffer); } NtClose(pTemp->Events[1]); NtClose(pTemp->Events[2]); NtClose(pTemp->Events[3]); NtClose(pTemp->TerminateEvent); NtClose(pTemp->WriteOverlapped.hEvent); DeleteCriticalSection(&(pTemp->Mutex)); TCFree(pTemp); return; }
VOID Enqueue( PCOM_PORT_INFO pComPortInfo ) { int i,size,j,k; size = (int) pComPortInfo->Overlapped.InternalHigh; j = pComPortInfo->Tail; k = pComPortInfo->Head; for(i=0;i<size;i++){ (pComPortInfo->Queue)[j] = (pComPortInfo->Buffer)[i]; j = (j+1)% MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; if(k==j){ k = (k+1)%MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; } } pComPortInfo->Head = k; pComPortInfo->Tail =j;
return; }
int GetBufferInfo( PCONNECTION_INFO pConnection, PCOM_PORT_INFO pComPortInfo ) { int i,size; int Status; size = 0;
for(i=pComPortInfo->Head; (i != pComPortInfo->Tail ); i=(i+1)%(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE)){ (pConnection->buffer)[size] = (pComPortInfo->Queue)[i]; size++; if(size == MAX_BUFFER_SIZE){ Status=send(pConnection->Socket, pConnection->buffer, size, 0); if(Status == SOCKET_ERROR){ return Status; } size = 0; } } if(size){ Status = send(pConnection->Socket, pConnection->buffer, size, 0); if(Status == SOCKET_ERROR){ return Status; } }
return 0; }
LONG TCLock( PHANDLE lock ) { LONG RetVal;
(*lock) = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, TCSERV_MUTEX_NAME ); if ((*lock)) { RetVal = WaitForSingleObject(*lock,INFINITE); if (RetVal == WAIT_FAILED) { return GetLastError(); } else{ return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else{ return GetLastError(); } }
VOID TCUnlock( HANDLE lock ) { if (lock) { ReleaseMutex(lock); CloseHandle(lock); } return; }