// WatcherTelnetClient.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "WATCHER.h"
#include "WatcherTelnetClient.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#include "WATCHERView.h"
// WatcherTelnetClient
WatcherTelnetClient::WatcherTelnetClient(LPBYTE cmd, int cmdLen, LPBYTE lgn, int lgnLen) :CommandSequence(NO_COMMAND), lenLogin(lgnLen), Login(lgn), OptionIndex(0), PacketNumber(3), SentTermType(FALSE) { Command = cmd; DocView = NULL; lenCommand = cmdLen; }
WatcherTelnetClient::~WatcherTelnetClient() { if (Login){ delete [] Login; Login = NULL; } if (Command){ delete [] Command; Command = NULL; } WatcherSocket::~WatcherSocket();
// Do not edit the following lines, which are needed by ClassWizard.
#if 0
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WatcherTelnetClient, WatcherSocket) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(WatcherTelnetClient)
END_MESSAGE_MAP() #endif // 0
// WatcherTelnetClient member functions
void WatcherTelnetClient::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) { BYTE Buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int i,nRet,ret;
if (nErrorCode != 0) { DocView->GetParent()->PostMessage(WM_CLOSE, 0,0); return; } nRet = Receive(Buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); if(nRet <= 0) return; for(i=0;i<nRet;i++){ ret = ProcessByte(Buffer[i]); } if (PacketNumber == 0){ WatcherSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode); return; } if(PacketNumber == 3){ if(Login){ Send(Login, lenLogin, 0); } PacketNumber --; WatcherSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode); return; } if (SentTermType){ if(PacketNumber == 1){ if(Command){ int ret = Send(Command, lenCommand, 0); } } PacketNumber --; } WatcherSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode); return; }
int WatcherTelnetClient::ProcessByte(BYTE byte) { // Watch in general for Telnet Sequences and
// generate appropriate responses.
// Otherwise pass on the character to the View
// which will be configured for a particular console.
if ((byte == 255)&&(CommandSequence == NO_COMMAND)){ CommandSequence = IAC; return 0; } switch (CommandSequence){ case NO_COMMAND: // Send the character to the document view
((CWatcherView *)DocView)->ProcessByte(byte); break; case IAC: // A Command Sequence is beginning
CommandSequence = byte; break; case DO: // Options are here
// Only one byte options allowed
// So fall through
case DONT: // Same as above;
case WILL: // same
case WONT: Options[OptionIndex] = byte; ProcessCommand(CommandSequence); CommandSequence=NO_COMMAND; OptionIndex = 0; break; case SB: // Might be a long list, so just go on
// until a SE is encountered
Options[OptionIndex]=byte; if (byte == SE){ ProcessSBCommand(CommandSequence); OptionIndex = 0; CommandSequence = NO_COMMAND; } else{ OptionIndex++; if (OptionIndex == MAX_BUFFER_SIZE){ // Cant have such a long command, can we??
OptionIndex = 0; CommandSequence = NO_COMMAND; } } break; default: // Cant recognize the command
OptionIndex = 0; CommandSequence = NO_COMMAND; break; } return 0;
void WatcherTelnetClient::ProcessCommand(BYTE cmd) { BYTE sbuf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
switch(cmd){ case DO: sbuf[0] = IAC; sbuf[1] = WONT; switch(Options[0]){ case TO_NAWS: // terminal size is sent here.
sbuf[1] = WILL; sbuf[2] = TO_NAWS; sbuf[3] = IAC; sbuf[4] = SB; sbuf[5] = TO_NAWS; sbuf[6] = 0; sbuf[7] = MAX_TERMINAL_WIDTH; sbuf[8] = 0; sbuf[9] = MAX_TERMINAL_HEIGHT; sbuf[10] = IAC; sbuf[11] = SE; Send(sbuf, 12, 0); break; case TO_TERM_TYPE: // will then subnegotiate the parameters.
sbuf[1]=WILL; default: // just negate everything you dont understand :-)
sbuf[2] = Options[0]; Send(sbuf,3,0); break; } default: break; }
void WatcherTelnetClient::ProcessSBCommand(BYTE cmd) { BYTE sbuf[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; switch(Options[0]){ case TO_TERM_TYPE: sbuf[0] = IAC; sbuf[1] = SB; sbuf[2] = TO_TERM_TYPE; sbuf[3] = TT_IS; sbuf[4] = 'A'; sbuf[5] = 'N'; sbuf[6] = 'S'; sbuf[7] = 'I'; sbuf[8] = IAC; sbuf[9] = SE; Send(sbuf,10,0); // May have to renegotiate the terminal type.
// If we connect to a real Terminal concentrator
// do we have to do all this ??
SentTermType = TRUE; break; default: break; } return; }
void WatcherTelnetClient::OnClose(int nErrorCode) { // this was just for debug purposes.
// If the error code is not zero, ie we
// had fatal errors on send and receive.
BOOL ret = (DocView->GetParent())->PostMessage(WM_CLOSE,0,0); WatcherSocket::OnClose(nErrorCode); return; }