* excptn.c - Exception functions of DBG DLL. * */ #include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
BOOL DbgGPFault2( PFFRAME16 pFFrame ) /*
2nd chance GPFault handler (called via BOP) */ { BOOL fResult;
fResult = FALSE; // Default to Event not handled
vcContext.SegEs = (ULONG)pFFrame->wES; vcContext.SegDs = (ULONG)pFFrame->wDS; vcContext.SegCs = (ULONG)pFFrame->wCS; vcContext.SegSs = (ULONG)pFFrame->wSS;
#ifdef i386
// On x86 systems, we really might have some data in the high words
// of these registers. Hopefully DOSX.EXE and KRNL286.EXE don't
// blow them away. Here is where we attempt to recover them.
vcContext.Edi = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wDI, HIWORD(px86->Edi )); vcContext.Esi = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wSI, HIWORD(px86->Esi )); vcContext.Ebx = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wBX, HIWORD(px86->Ebx )); vcContext.Edx = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wDX, HIWORD(px86->Edx )); vcContext.Ecx = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wCX, HIWORD(px86->Ecx )); vcContext.Eax = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wAX, HIWORD(px86->Eax ));
vcContext.Ebp = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wBP, HIWORD(px86->Ebp )); vcContext.Eip = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wIP, HIWORD(px86->Eip )); vcContext.Esp = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wSP, HIWORD(px86->Esp )); vcContext.EFlags = MAKELONG(pFFrame->wFlags,HIWORD(px86->EFlags)); #else
vcContext.Edi = (ULONG)pFFrame->wDI; vcContext.Esi = (ULONG)pFFrame->wSI; vcContext.Ebx = (ULONG)pFFrame->wBX; vcContext.Edx = (ULONG)pFFrame->wDX; vcContext.Ecx = (ULONG)pFFrame->wCX; vcContext.Eax = (ULONG)pFFrame->wAX;
vcContext.Ebp = (ULONG)pFFrame->wBP; vcContext.Eip = (ULONG)pFFrame->wIP; vcContext.Esp = (ULONG)pFFrame->wSP; vcContext.EFlags = (ULONG)pFFrame->wFlags;
if ( fDebugged ) { fResult = SendVDMEvent(DBG_GPFAULT2);
if ( !fResult ) { DWORD dw;
dw = SetErrorMode(0); try { RaiseException((DWORD)DBG_CONTROL_BREAK, 0, 0, (LPDWORD)0); fResult = TRUE; } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { fResult = FALSE; } SetErrorMode(dw); }
} else { char text[100];
// Dump a simulated context
OutputDebugString("NTVDM:GP Fault detected, register dump follows:\n");
wsprintf(text,"eax=%08lx ebx=%08lx ecx=%08lx edx=%08lx esi=%08lx edi=%08lx\n", vcContext.Eax, vcContext.Ebx, vcContext.Ecx, vcContext.Edx, vcContext.Esi, vcContext.Edi ); OutputDebugString(text);
wsprintf(text,"eip=%08lx esp=%08lx ebp=%08lx iopl=%d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", vcContext.Eip, vcContext.Esp, vcContext.Ebp, (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_IOPL) >> V86FLAGS_IOPL_BITS, (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_OVERFLOW ) ? "ov" : "nv", (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_DIRECTION) ? "dn" : "up", (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_INTERRUPT) ? "ei" : "di", (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_SIGN ) ? "ng" : "pl", (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_ZERO ) ? "zr" : "nz", (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_AUXCARRY ) ? "ac" : "na", (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_PARITY ) ? "po" : "pe", (vcContext.EFlags & V86FLAGS_CARRY ) ? "cy" : "nc" ); OutputDebugString(text);
wsprintf(text,"cs=%04x ss=%04x ds=%04x es=%04x fs=%04x gs=%04x efl=%08lx\n", (WORD)vcContext.SegCs, (WORD)vcContext.SegSs, (WORD)vcContext.SegDs, (WORD)vcContext.SegEs, (WORD)vcContext.SegFs, (WORD)vcContext.SegGs, vcContext.EFlags ); OutputDebugString(text); }
#ifdef i386
// On x86 systems, we really might have some data in the FS and GS
// registers. Hopefully DOSX.EXE and KRNL286.EXE don't
// blow them away. Here is where we attempt to restore them.
px86->SegGs = (WORD)vcContext.SegGs; px86->SegFs = (WORD)vcContext.SegFs; #else
// No need to set FS,GS, they don't exist
pFFrame->wES = (WORD)vcContext.SegEs; pFFrame->wDS = (WORD)vcContext.SegDs; pFFrame->wCS = (WORD)vcContext.SegCs; pFFrame->wSS = (WORD)vcContext.SegSs;
#ifdef i386
// On x86 systems, we really might have some data in the high words
// of these registers. Hopefully DOSX.EXE and KRNL286.EXE don't
// blow them away. Here is where we attempt to restore them.
pFFrame->wDI = LOWORD(vcContext.Edi); px86->Edi = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Edi),HIWORD(vcContext.Edi));
pFFrame->wSI = LOWORD(vcContext.Esi); px86->Esi = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Esi),HIWORD(vcContext.Esi));
pFFrame->wBX = LOWORD(vcContext.Ebx); px86->Ebx = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Ebx),HIWORD(vcContext.Ebx));
pFFrame->wDX = LOWORD(vcContext.Edx); px86->Edx = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Edx),HIWORD(vcContext.Edx));
pFFrame->wCX = LOWORD(vcContext.Ecx); px86->Ecx = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Ecx),HIWORD(vcContext.Ecx));
pFFrame->wAX = LOWORD(vcContext.Eax); px86->Eax = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Eax),HIWORD(vcContext.Eax));
pFFrame->wBP = LOWORD(vcContext.Ebp); px86->Ebp = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Ebp),HIWORD(vcContext.Ebp));
pFFrame->wIP = LOWORD(vcContext.Eip); px86->Eip = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Eip),HIWORD(vcContext.Eip));
pFFrame->wFlags = LOWORD(vcContext.EFlags); px86->EFlags = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->EFlags),HIWORD(vcContext.EFlags));
pFFrame->wSP = LOWORD(vcContext.Esp); px86->Esp = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Esp),HIWORD(vcContext.Esp)); #else
pFFrame->wDI = (WORD)vcContext.Edi; pFFrame->wSI = (WORD)vcContext.Esi; pFFrame->wBX = (WORD)vcContext.Ebx; pFFrame->wDX = (WORD)vcContext.Edx; pFFrame->wCX = (WORD)vcContext.Ecx; pFFrame->wAX = (WORD)vcContext.Eax;
pFFrame->wBP = (WORD)vcContext.Ebp; pFFrame->wIP = (WORD)vcContext.Eip; pFFrame->wFlags = (WORD)vcContext.EFlags; pFFrame->wSP = (WORD)vcContext.Esp; #endif
return( fResult ); }
BOOL DbgDivOverflow2( PTFRAME16 pTFrame ) /*
2nd chance divide exception handler */ { BOOL fResult;
fResult = FALSE; // Default to Event not handled
if ( fDebugged ) {
vcContext.SegDs = (ULONG)pTFrame->wDS; vcContext.SegCs = (ULONG)pTFrame->wCS; vcContext.SegSs = (ULONG)pTFrame->wSS;
#ifdef i386
// On x86 systems, we really might have some data in the high words
// of these registers. Hopefully DOSX.EXE and KRNL286.EXE don't
// blow them away. Here is where we attempt to recover them.
vcContext.Eax = MAKELONG(pTFrame->wAX, HIWORD(px86->Eax )); vcContext.Eip = MAKELONG(pTFrame->wIP, HIWORD(px86->Eip )); vcContext.Esp = MAKELONG(pTFrame->wSP, HIWORD(px86->Esp )); vcContext.EFlags = MAKELONG(pTFrame->wFlags,HIWORD(px86->EFlags)); #else
vcContext.Eax = (ULONG)pTFrame->wAX;
vcContext.Eip = (ULONG)pTFrame->wIP; vcContext.Esp = (ULONG)pTFrame->wSP; vcContext.EFlags = (ULONG)pTFrame->wFlags;
fResult = SendVDMEvent(DBG_DIVOVERFLOW);
#ifdef i386
// On x86 systems, we really might have some data in the FS and GS
// registers. Hopefully DOSX.EXE and KRNL286.EXE don't
// blow them away. Here is where we attempt to restore them.
px86->SegGs = vcContext.SegGs; px86->SegFs = vcContext.SegFs; #else
// No need to set FS,GS, they don't exist
setES( (WORD)vcContext.SegEs ); pTFrame->wDS = (WORD)vcContext.SegDs; pTFrame->wCS = (WORD)vcContext.SegCs; pTFrame->wSS = (WORD)vcContext.SegSs;
#ifdef i386
// On x86 systems, we really might have some data in the high words
// of these registers. Hopefully DOSX.EXE and KRNL286.EXE don't
// blow them away. Here is where we attempt to restore them.
setEDI( vcContext.Edi ); setESI( vcContext.Esi ); setEBX( vcContext.Ebx ); setEDX( vcContext.Edx ); setECX( vcContext.Ecx );
pTFrame->wAX = LOWORD(vcContext.Eax); px86->Eax = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Eax),HIWORD(vcContext.Eax));
setEBP( vcContext.Ebp );
pTFrame->wIP = LOWORD(vcContext.Eip); px86->Eip = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Eip),HIWORD(vcContext.Eip));
pTFrame->wFlags = LOWORD(vcContext.EFlags); px86->EFlags = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->EFlags),HIWORD(vcContext.EFlags));
pTFrame->wSP = LOWORD(vcContext.Esp); px86->Esp = MAKELONG(LOWORD(px86->Esp),HIWORD(vcContext.Esp)); #else
setDI( (WORD)vcContext.Edi ); setSI( (WORD)vcContext.Esi ); setBX( (WORD)vcContext.Ebx ); setDX( (WORD)vcContext.Edx ); setCX( (WORD)vcContext.Ecx ); pTFrame->wAX = (WORD)vcContext.Eax;
setBP( (WORD)vcContext.Ebp ); pTFrame->wIP = (WORD)vcContext.Eip; pTFrame->wFlags = (WORD)vcContext.EFlags; pTFrame->wSP = (WORD)vcContext.Esp; #endif
return( fResult ); }
BOOL xxxDbgFault( ULONG IntNumber ) /*
This is the first chance exception handler. It is called by dpmi32 */
{ ULONG vdmEip; int i; PBYTE lpInst; BOOL fResult = FALSE;
if ( fDebugged ) {
switch(IntNumber) { case 6: //BUGBUG: We *could* handle these, but people might be confused by
// the fact that krnl386 does an intentional opcode exception.
// GetNormalContext( &vcContext, &viInfo, EventParams, DBG_INSTRFAULT, PX86 );
case 12: if (*(ULONG *)(IntelMemoryBase+FIXED_NTVDMSTATE_LINEAR) & VDM_BREAK_EXCEPTIONS) { DbgGetContext(); fResult = SendVDMEvent(DBG_STACKFAULT); } break;
case 13: if (*(ULONG *)(IntelMemoryBase+FIXED_NTVDMSTATE_LINEAR) & VDM_BREAK_EXCEPTIONS) { DbgGetContext(); fResult = SendVDMEvent(DBG_GPFAULT); } break;
default: return FALSE; } }
return fResult;