PAGE ,132 TITLE DXMSG.ASM -- Dos Extender Text Messages
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1989-1991. All Rights Reserved.
;*********************************************************************** ; ; DXMSG.ASM -- Dos Extender Text Messages ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This module contains the text messages displayed by the 80286 DOS ; Extender. The messages are contained in this file to ease their ; conversion to other languages. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 12/06/89 jimmat Update message text as per User Ed ; 08/03/89 jimmat Original version ; ;***********************************************************************
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDE FILE DEFINITIONS ; -------------------------------------------------------
.xlist .sall include segdefs.inc include gendefs.inc .list
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; CODE SEGMENT VARIABLES ; -------------------------------------------------------
DXCODE segment
; Note: these DXCODE segment messages are all linked after the CodeEnd ; variable, so they will be discarded after initialization.
if VCPI public ER_VCPI, ER_QEMM386 endif ;VCPI ; ; Wrong CPU type. ; ER_CPUTYPE db 13,10 db ' Bu 16-bit korumal� kip uygulamas� �al��t�r�lam�yor;',13,10,13,10 db ' DOS uzat�c�s� bir CPU uyu�mazl��� alg�lad�.',13,10 db 13,10,'$' ; ; Can't figure out how to get into protected mode. ; ER_PROTMODE db 13,10 db ' Bu 16-bit korumal� kip uygulamas� �al��t�r�lam�yor;',13,10,13,10 db ' DOS uzat�c�s� di�er korumal� yaz�l�mla ',13,10 db ' bir �ak��ma alg�lad�.',13,10 db 13,10,'$' ; ; Couldn't initialize XMS driver. ; ER_NOHIMEM db 13,10 db ' Bu 16-bit korumal� kip uygulamas� �al��t�r�lam�yor;',13,10,13,10 db ' DOS uzat�c�s� uzat�lm�� bellek y�neticisini ba�lat�rken bir',13,10 db ' hatayla kar��la�t�.',13,10 db 13,10,'$' ; ; Non-specific unable to initialize DOSX error. ; ER_DXINIT db 13,10 db ' Bu 16-bit korumal� kip uygulamas� �al��t�r�lam�yor;',13,10,13,10 db ' DOS uzat�c�s� belirli olmayan bir hatayla kar��la�t�.' db 13,10,'$' ; ; A DOS memory allocation failed. ; ER_REALMEM db 13,10 db ' Bu 16-bit korumal� kip uygulamas� �al��t�r�lam�yor;',13,10,13,10 db ' Yeterli geleneksel bellek yok.',13,10,13,10 db 13,10,'$' ; ; Couldn't get enough extended memory to run. ; ER_EXTMEM db 13,10 db ' Bu 16-bit korumal� kip uygulamas� �al��t�r�lam�yor;',13,10,13,10 db ' Yeterli uzat�lm�� bellek yok.',13,10,13,10 db 13,10,'$' ; ; Where is KRNL[23]86.EXE!!! ; ER_NOEXE db 13,10 db ' Bu 16-bit korumal� kip uygulamas� �al��t�r�lam�yor;',13,10,13,10 db ' DOS uzat�c�s� �al��t�rmak i�in gerekli sistem dosyalar�n� bulamad�.',13,10,13,10 db 13,10,'$'
if VCPI ; ; VCPI initialization failed. ; ER_VCPI db 13,10 db ' Bellek y�neticisi sorunu nedeniyle Standart Kip''te �al��t�r�lam�yor.' db 13,10,'$' endif ;VCPI
if VCPI ; ; This message is displayed if someone fails the Windows INT 2Fh startup ; broadcast. All of the "Windows 3.0 compatible" 3rd party memory managers ; do this. ; ER_QEMM386 db 13,10 db ' Bir ayg�t s�r�c�s� veya TSR �imdi Standart Kipte' db 13,10 db ' Windows y�klenmemesini istedi. Bu program� kald�r�n veya' db 13,10 db ' sa�lay�c�n�zdan Standart Kip Windows ile uyumlu bir' db 13,10 db ' g�ncelle�tirme edinin.' db 13,10 db 13,10 db ' Yine de Standart Kip Windows''u y�klemek i�in "e"ye bas�n.' db 13,10 db 13,10 db ' DOS''a d�nmek i�in herhangi bir tu�a bas�n.' db 13,10,'$' endif ;VCPI
DXPMCODE segment ; ; Both of the next two messages probably mean a serious crash in Windows. ; public szFaultMessage ; ; Displayed if a protected mode fault is caught by DOSX. ; szFaultMessage db 13,10 db ' DOS Uzat�c�s�: Yakalanmam�� korumal� kip �zel durumu.',13,10,'$'
public szRing0FaultMessage ; ; Fault in the DOSX internal fault handler. Not recoverable. ; ; Note: This is for a real bad one. ; szRing0FaultMessage db 13,10 db ' DOS Uzat�c�s�: �� hata.',13,10,'$'