* * dsp.c * * Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * This code provides VDD support for SB 2.0 sound output, specifically: * DSP 2.01+ (excluding SB-MIDI port) * ***************************************************************************/
* * #includes * *****************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h> // The VDD is a win32 DLL
#include <mmsystem.h> // Multi-media APIs
#include <vddsvc.h> // Definition of VDD calls
#include <vsb.h>
#include <dsp.h>
* * Globals * *****************************************************************************/
// Definitions for MM api entry points. The functions will be linked
// dynamically to avoid bringing winmm.dll in before wow32.
extern SETVOLUMEPROC SetVolumeProc; extern GETNUMDEVSPROC GetNumDevsProc; extern GETDEVCAPSPROC GetDevCapsProc; extern OPENPROC OpenProc; extern RESETPROC ResetProc; extern CLOSEPROC CloseProc; extern GETPOSITIONPROC GetPositionProc; extern WRITEPROC WriteProc; extern PREPAREHEADERPROC PrepareHeaderProc; extern UNPREPAREHEADERPROC UnprepareHeaderProc;
* General globals */
extern HINSTANCE GlobalHInstance; // handle passed to dll entry point
BYTE IdentByte; // used with DSP_CARD_IDENTIFY
BOOL SpeakerOn = FALSE; // TRUE when speaker is on
BYTE ReservedRegister; // used with DSP_LOAD_RES_REG and DSP_READ_RES_REG
ULONG PageSize; // size of pages for VirtualAlloc
ULONG iHdr; // used to index wavehdr array
* Event Globals */ HANDLE SingleWaveSem; // used by app to indicate data to write
HANDLE PauseEvent; // used to restart paused single
HANDLE ThreadStarted; // signalled when thread starts running
HANDLE ThreadFinished; // signalled when thread exits
* Wave globals */
UINT WaveOutDevice; // device identifier
HWAVEOUT HWaveOut = NULL; // the current open wave output device
PCMWAVEFORMAT WaveFormat = { { WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, 8}; DWORD TimeConstant = (256 - 1000000/11025); // one byte format
DWORD SBBlockSize = 0x800; // Block size set by apps, always size of transfer-1
VDD_DMA_INFO dMAInfo; DWORD dMAPhysicalStart; // the starting address for this transfer
DWORD dMACurrentPosition; // where we are currently reading from
DWORD dMAVirtualStart; // what the app thinks the addr is for this transfer
ULONG dMASize; // the size of the DMA memory-1
WAVEHDR * WaveHdrs; // pointer to allocated wave headers
BYTE * WaveData; // pointer to allocated wave buffer
ULONG TotalNumberOfBursts; ULONG BurstsPerBlock; ULONG DesiredBytesOutstanding; ULONG BytesOutstanding = 0; ULONG PhysicalBytesPlayed = 0; ULONG LastBytesPlayedValue;
BOOL bDspActive = FALSE; // dsp thread currently active, changed with interlocked
BOOL bDspPause = FALSE; // dsp paused, changed with interlocked
BOOL bDspReset = FALSE; // dsp stopped, changed with interlocked
enum { Auto, Single } DspMode;
* * State Machines * *****************************************************************************/
* DSP Reset State Machine */
enum { ResetNotStarted = 1, Reset1Written } ResetState = ResetNotStarted; // state of current reset
* DSP Write State Machine */
enum { WriteCommand = 1, // Initial state and after reset
CardIdent, TableMunge, LoadResReg, SetTimeConstant, BlockSizeFirstByte, BlockSizeSecondByte, BlockSizeFirstByteWrite, BlockSizeSecondByteWrite, BlockSizeFirstByteRead, BlockSizeSecondByteRead } DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; // state of current command/data being written
* DSP Read State Machine */
enum { NothingToRead = 1, // initial state and after reset
Reset, FirstVersionByte, SecondVersionByte, ReadIdent, ReadResReg } DSPReadState = NothingToRead; // state of current command/data being read
* * General Functions * *****************************************************************************/
BOOL DspProcessAttach( VOID ) { HKEY hKey; ULONG dwType; ULONG cbData; SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo;
// create synchronization events
PauseEvent=CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); SingleWaveSem=CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 100, NULL); ThreadStarted=CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); ThreadFinished=CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (!RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VSBD_PATH, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, // Requesting read access.
&hKey)) {
cbData = sizeof(ULONG); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, LOOKAHEAD_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, (LPSTR)&LookAheadFactor, &cbData);
// Allocate memory for wave buffer
WaveData = (BYTE *) VirtualAlloc(NULL, 64*1024, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
if(WaveData == NULL ) { dprintf1(("Unable to allocate memory")); return(FALSE); }
GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo); PageSize = SystemInfo.dwPageSize; return TRUE; }
VOID DspProcessDetach( VOID ) { // stop any active threads
StopAutoWave(FALSE); StopSingleWave(FALSE); // close synchronization events
CloseHandle(PauseEvent); CloseHandle(SingleWaveSem); CloseHandle(ThreadStarted); CloseHandle(ThreadFinished); VirtualFree(WaveData, 0, MEM_RELEASE); }
* Gets called when the application reads from port. * Returns results to application in data. */ VOID DspReadStatus( BYTE * data ) { // See if we think there is something to read
*data = DSPReadState != NothingToRead ? 0xFF : 0x7F; }
VOID DspReadData( BYTE * data ) { switch (DSPReadState) { case NothingToRead: *data = 0xFF; break;
case Reset: *data = 0xAA; DSPReadState = NothingToRead; break;
case FirstVersionByte: *data = (BYTE)(SB_VERSION / 256); DSPReadState = SecondVersionByte; break;
case SecondVersionByte: *data = (BYTE)(SB_VERSION % 256); DSPReadState = NothingToRead; break;
case ReadIdent: *data = ~IdentByte; DSPReadState = NothingToRead; break;
case ReadResReg: *data = ReservedRegister; DSPReadState = NothingToRead; break;
default: dprintf1(("Unrecognized read state")); }
* Gets called when an application writes data to port. */
VOID DspResetWrite( BYTE data ) { if (data == 1) { ResetState = Reset1Written; } else { if (ResetState == Reset1Written && data == 0) { ResetState = ResetNotStarted; ResetAll(); // OK - reset everything
} } }
VOID DspWrite( BYTE data ) { DWORD ddata;
switch (DSPWriteState) { case WriteCommand: WriteCommandByte(data); break;
case CardIdent: IdentByte = data; DSPReadState = ReadIdent; DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; break;
case TableMunge: TableMunger(data); DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; break;
case LoadResReg: ReservedRegister = data; DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; break;
case SetTimeConstant: TimeConstant = (DWORD)data; dprintf3(("Time constant is %X", TimeConstant)); dprintf3(("Set sampling rate %d", GetSamplingRate())); DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; break;
case BlockSizeFirstByte: SBBlockSize = (DWORD)data; DSPWriteState = BlockSizeSecondByte; break;
case BlockSizeSecondByte: ddata = data; SBBlockSize = SBBlockSize + (ddata << 8); DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; dprintf2(("Block size set to 0x%x", SBBlockSize)); break;
case BlockSizeFirstByteWrite: SBBlockSize = (DWORD)data; DSPWriteState = BlockSizeSecondByteWrite; break;
case BlockSizeSecondByteWrite: ddata = data; SBBlockSize = SBBlockSize + (ddata << 8); DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; dprintf3(("Block size set to 0x%x", SBBlockSize)); // this is a hack to convince some apps a sb exists
if(SBBlockSize==0) { VDM_TRACE(0x6a0,0,0); GenerateInterrupt(); } StartSingleWave(); break;
case BlockSizeFirstByteRead: SBBlockSize = (DWORD)data; DSPWriteState = BlockSizeSecondByteRead; break;
case BlockSizeSecondByteRead: ddata = data; SBBlockSize = SBBlockSize + (ddata << 8); DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; dprintf3(("Block size set to 0x%x", SBBlockSize)); // this is a hack to convince some apps a sb exists
if(SBBlockSize==0) { ULONG dMAPhysicalAddress; if((dMAPhysicalAddress=GetDMATransferAddress()) != -1L) { *(PUCHAR)dMAPhysicalAddress = 0x80; } VDM_TRACE(0x6a0,0,0); GenerateInterrupt(); } break; } }
* Handles commands sent to the DSP. */
VOID WriteCommandByte( BYTE command ) { switch (command) { case DSP_GET_VERSION: dprintf2(("Command - Get Version")); DSPReadState = FirstVersionByte; break;
case DSP_CARD_IDENTIFY: dprintf2(("Command - Identify")); DSPWriteState = CardIdent; break;
case DSP_TABLE_MUNGE: dprintf2(("Command - DSP Table Munge")); DSPWriteState = TableMunge; break;
case DSP_LOAD_RES_REG: dprintf2(("Command - Load Res Reg")); DSPWriteState = LoadResReg; break;
case DSP_READ_RES_REG: dprintf2(("Command - Read Res Reg")); DSPReadState = ReadResReg; break;
case DSP_GENERATE_INT: dprintf2(("Command - Generate interrupt DMA")); GenerateInterrupt(); break;
case DSP_SPEAKER_ON: dprintf2(("Command - Speaker ON")); SetSpeaker(TRUE); break;
case DSP_SPEAKER_OFF: dprintf2(("Command - Speaker OFF")); SetSpeaker(FALSE); break;
case DSP_SET_SAMPLE_RATE: dprintf3(("Command - Set Sample Rate")); DSPWriteState = SetTimeConstant; break;
case DSP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE: dprintf2(("Command - Set Block Size")); DSPWriteState = BlockSizeFirstByte; break;
case DSP_PAUSE_DMA: dprintf2(("Command - Pause DMA")); PauseDMA(); break;
case DSP_CONTINUE_DMA: dprintf2(("Command - Continue DMA")); ContinueDMA(); break;
case DSP_STOP_AUTO: dprintf2(("Command - Stop DMA")); StopAutoWave(TRUE); break;
case DSP_WRITE: case DSP_WRITE_HS: dprintf3(("Command - Write - non Auto")); DSPWriteState = BlockSizeFirstByteWrite; break;
case DSP_WRITE_AUTO: case DSP_WRITE_HS_AUTO: dprintf2(("Command - Write - Auto")); StartAutoWave(); break;
case DSP_READ: dprintf3(("Command - Read - non Auto")); DSPWriteState = BlockSizeFirstByteRead; break;
default: dprintf1(("Unrecognized DSP command %2X", command)); } }
* * Device manipulation and control routines * *****************************************************************************/
* Reset threads/globals/events/state-machines to initial state. */
// Stop any active DMA threads
StopAutoWave(TRUE); StopSingleWave(TRUE);
// Set events and globals to initial state
ResetEvent(PauseEvent); CloseHandle(SingleWaveSem); SingleWaveSem=CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 100, NULL); ResetEvent(ThreadStarted); ResetEvent(ThreadFinished);
SetSpeaker(FALSE); SpeakerOn = FALSE;
HWaveOut = NULL; TimeConstant = (256 - 1000000/11025); WaveFormat.wf.nSamplesPerSec = 0; WaveFormat.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = 0; SBBlockSize = 0x800;
bDspActive = FALSE; bDspReset = FALSE; bDspPause = FALSE;
// Reset state machines
DSPReadState = Reset; DSPWriteState = WriteCommand; }
* Munges (changes) a jump table in apps code, * Algorithm from sbvirt.asm in MMSNDSYS. */
VOID TableMunger( BYTE data ) { static BYTE TableMungeData; static BOOL TableMungeFirstByte = TRUE; // munging first or second byte
BYTE comp, dataCopy; VDD_DMA_INFO dMAInfo; ULONG dMAPhysicalAddress;
if(TableMungeFirstByte) { dprintf2(("Munging first byte")); dataCopy = data; dataCopy = dataCopy & 0x06; dataCopy = dataCopy << 1; if(data & 0x10) { comp = 0x40; } else { comp = 0x20; } comp = comp - dataCopy; data = data + comp; TableMungeData = data;
// Update memory (code table) with munged data
dprintf2(("Writing first byte")); if((dMAPhysicalAddress=GetDMATransferAddress()) == -1L) { dprintf1(("Unable to get dma address")); return; } CopyMemory((PVOID)dMAPhysicalAddress, &data, 1);
// Update virtual DMA status
VDDQueryDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, &dMAInfo); dprintf4(("DMA Info : addr %4X, count %4X, page %4X, status %2X, mode %2X, mask %2X", dMAInfo.addr, dMAInfo.count, dMAInfo.page, dMAInfo.status, dMAInfo.mode, dMAInfo.mask)); dMAInfo.count = dMAInfo.count - 1; dMAInfo.addr = dMAInfo.addr + 1; VDDSetDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, VDD_DMA_COUNT|VDD_DMA_ADDR, &dMAInfo); TableMungeFirstByte = FALSE; } else { dprintf2(("Munging second byte")); data = data ^ 0xA5; data = data + TableMungeData; TableMungeData = data;
// Update memory (code table) with munged data
dprintf2(("Writing second byte")); if((dMAPhysicalAddress=GetDMATransferAddress()) == -1L) { dprintf1(("Unable to get dma address")); return; } CopyMemory((PVOID)dMAPhysicalAddress, &data, 1);
// Update virtual DMA status
VDDQueryDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, &dMAInfo); dMAInfo.count = dMAInfo.count - 1; dMAInfo.addr = dMAInfo.addr + 1; VDDSetDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, VDD_DMA_COUNT|VDD_DMA_ADDR, &dMAInfo); if(dMAInfo.count==0xFFFF) { SetDMAStatus(FALSE, TRUE); } TableMungeFirstByte = TRUE; } }
* Get sampling rate from time constant. * Returns sampling rate. */
DWORD GetSamplingRate( VOID ) { // Sampling rate = 1000000 / (256 - Time constant)
return(1000000 / (256 - TimeConstant)); }
* Generate device interrupt on dma channel SM_INTERRUPT on ICA_MASTER device. */
VOID GenerateInterrupt( VOID ) { // Generate an interrupt on the master controller
dprintf3(("Generating interrupt")); VDM_TRACE(0x6a1,0,0); VDDSimulateInterrupt(ICA_MASTER, SB_INTERRUPT, 1); }
* Sets the speaker on or off. */
VOID SetSpeaker( BOOL On ) { if (HWaveOut) { if(On) { SetVolumeProc(HWaveOut, (DWORD)0x77777777UL); SpeakerOn = TRUE; } else { SetVolumeProc(HWaveOut, (DWORD)0x00000000UL); SpeakerOn = FALSE; } }
return; }
* * Wave device routines * ****************************************************************************/
* Find a suitable wave output device. * Returns device or NO_DEVICE_FOUND if none found. */
UINT FindWaveDevice( VOID ) { UINT numDev; UINT device; WAVEOUTCAPS wc;
numDev = GetNumDevsProc();
for (device = 0; device < numDev; device++) { if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR == GetDevCapsProc(device, &wc, sizeof(wc))) { // Need 11025 and 44100 for device
if ((wc.dwFormats & (WAVE_FORMAT_1M08 | WAVE_FORMAT_4M08)) == (WAVE_FORMAT_1M08 | WAVE_FORMAT_4M08)) { WaveOutDevice = device; return TRUE; } } }
dprintf1(("Wave device not found")); return FALSE; }
* Open wave device and start synchronization thread. * Returns TRUE on success. */
BOOL OpenWaveDevice( VOID ) { UINT rc; HANDLE tHandle;
rc = OpenProc(&HWaveOut, (UINT)WaveOutDevice, (LPWAVEFORMATEX) &WaveFormat, 0, 0, CALLBACK_NULL);
if (rc != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { dprintf1(("Failed to open wave device - code %d", rc)); return FALSE; }
BytesOutstanding = 0; PhysicalBytesPlayed = 0; return TRUE; }
* Reset wave device. */
VOID ResetWaveDevice( VOID ) { // No synchronization required
dprintf2(("Resetting wave device")); if (HWaveOut) { if(MMSYSERR_NOERROR != ResetProc(HWaveOut)) { dprintf1(("Unable to reset wave out device")); } } }
* Shut down and close wave device. */
VOID CloseWaveDevice( VOID ) {
dprintf2(("Closing wave device"));
if (HWaveOut) { if(MMSYSERR_NOERROR != CloseProc(HWaveOut)) { dprintf1(("Unable to close wave out device")); } else { HWaveOut = NULL; dprintf2(("Wave out device closed")); } } }
* Returns TRUE if current wave device supports sample rate. */
BOOL TestWaveFormat( DWORD sampleRate ) { PCMWAVEFORMAT format;
format = WaveFormat; format.wf.nSamplesPerSec = sampleRate; format.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = sampleRate;
return(MMSYSERR_NOERROR == OpenProc(NULL, (UINT)WaveOutDevice, (LPWAVEFORMATEX) &format, 0, 0, WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY)); }
* Make sure we've got a device that matches the current sampling rate. * Returns TRUE if device does NOT support current sampling rate and * wave format has changed, otherwise returns FALSE */
BOOL SetWaveFormat( VOID ) { DWORD sampleRate; DWORD testValue; UINT i = 0;
if (TimeConstant != 0xFFFF) { // time constant has been reset since last checked
sampleRate = GetSamplingRate(); dprintf3(("Requested sample rate is %d", sampleRate));
if (sampleRate != WaveFormat.wf.nSamplesPerSec) { // format has changed
if (!TestWaveFormat(sampleRate)) { dprintf3(("Finding closest wave format")); // find some format that works and is close to requested
for(i=0; i<50000; i++) { testValue = sampleRate-i; if(TestWaveFormat(testValue)) { sampleRate = testValue; break; } testValue = sampleRate+i; if(TestWaveFormat(testValue)) { sampleRate = testValue; break; } } if(sampleRate!=testValue) { dprintf1(("Unable to find suitable wave format")); return FALSE; } }
// Set the new format if it's changed
if (sampleRate != WaveFormat.wf.nSamplesPerSec) { dprintf2(("Setting %d samples per second", sampleRate)); WaveFormat.wf.nSamplesPerSec = sampleRate; WaveFormat.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = sampleRate; TimeConstant = 0xFFFF; return TRUE; } } }
TimeConstant = 0xFFFF; return FALSE; }
* Stops auto init DMA, or pauses single cycle DMA. */
VOID PauseDMA( VOID ) { DWORD position = 0; MMTIME mmTime;
dprintf2(("Pausing DMA"));
switch(DspMode) { case Auto: StopAutoWave(TRUE); // simply stop auto dma
case Single: ResetEvent(PauseEvent); InterlockedExchange(&bDspPause, 1); } }
* Start auto init DMA, or continues single cycle DMA. */
VOID ContinueDMA( VOID ) {
switch(DspMode) { case Auto: StartAutoWave(); break;
case Single: SetEvent(PauseEvent); } }
* Get DMA transfer address. * Returns transfer address or -1 on failure. */
ULONG GetDMATransferAddress( VOID ) { ULONG address; VDD_DMA_INFO dMAInfo;
if (VDDQueryDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, &dMAInfo)) { dprintf4(("DMA Info : addr %4X, count %4X, page %4X, status %2X, mode %2X, mask %2X", dMAInfo.addr, dMAInfo.count, dMAInfo.page, dMAInfo.status, dMAInfo.mode, dMAInfo.mask));
// convert from 20 bit address to 32 bit address
address = (((DWORD)dMAInfo.page) << (12 + 16)) + dMAInfo.addr; // get VDM pointer
address = (ULONG)GetVDMPointer(address, ((DWORD)dMAInfo.count) + 1, 0);
dprintf3(("Transfer address = %8X", (DWORD)address));
return(address); } else { dprintf1(("Could not retrieve DMA Info")); return(ULONG)(-1L); } }
* Update the virtual DMA terminal count and request status. * Terminal count (tc) is set when DMA count loops to 0xFFFF. * Request status is set when DMA has data to transfer * (ignored in auto-init DMA). */
VOID SetDMAStatus( BOOL requesting, BOOL tc ) { VDD_DMA_INFO dMAInfo;
if (VDDQueryDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, &dMAInfo)) { dprintf4(("DMA Info : addr %4X, count %4X, page %4X, status %2X, mode %2X, mask %2X", dMAInfo.addr, dMAInfo.count, dMAInfo.page, dMAInfo.status, dMAInfo.mode, dMAInfo.mask));
if (requesting) { dMAInfo.status |= (0x10 << SB_DMA_CHANNEL); // Requesting
dprintf3(("DMA set as requesting")); } else { dMAInfo.status &= ~(0x10 << SB_DMA_CHANNEL); // Not Requesting
dprintf3(("DMA set as not requesting")); }
if (tc) { dMAInfo.status |= (1 << SB_DMA_CHANNEL); // tc reached
dprintf3(("DMA set as terminal count reached")); } else { dMAInfo.status &= ~(1 << SB_DMA_CHANNEL); // tc not reached
dprintf3(("DMA set as terminal count not reached")); } VDDSetDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, VDD_DMA_STATUS, &dMAInfo); } else { dprintf1(("Could not retrieve DMA Info")); } }
* Start an auto wave. * Returns TRUE on success. */
BOOL StartAutoWave( VOID ) { HANDLE tHandle; // handle to auto thread
dprintf2(("Starting auto wave")); StopSingleWave(TRUE);
DspMode = Auto;
// Open device
SetWaveFormat(); if (!OpenWaveDevice()) { dprintf1(("Can't open wave device", GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
if(!(tHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, AutoThreadEntry, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &id))) { dprintf1(("Create auto thread failed code %d", GetLastError())); return FALSE; } else { if(!SetThreadPriority(tHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)) { dprintf1(("Unable to set auto thread priority")); } }
ResumeThread(tHandle); CloseHandle(tHandle); WaitForSingleObject(ThreadStarted, INFINITE);
return TRUE; }
* Stop Auto thread, * Should always be called with TRUE, * except if process exiting as wait causes deadlock */
VOID StopAutoWave( BOOL wait ) { if(bDspActive && (DspMode == Auto)) { dprintf2(("Stopping auto init")); InterlockedExchange(&bDspReset, TRUE); if(wait) { dprintf2(("Waiting for auto thread to exit")); WaitForSingleObject(ThreadFinished, INFINITE); dprintf2(("Auto thread has exited")); } } }
* Start a single cycle wave. * Returns TRUE on success. */
BOOL StartSingleWave( VOID ) { HANDLE tHandle; // handle to single thread
DspMode = Single;
if(!bDspActive) { dprintf2(("Starting single cycle wave")); if(!(tHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SingleThreadEntry, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &id))) {
dprintf1(("Create single cycle thread failed code %d", GetLastError())); return FALSE;
} else { // set synchronization events to a known state
InterlockedExchange(&bDspActive, TRUE); InterlockedExchange(&bDspPause, FALSE); InterlockedExchange(&bDspReset, FALSE);
CloseHandle(SingleWaveSem); SingleWaveSem=CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 100, NULL);
if(!SetThreadPriority(tHandle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST)) { dprintf1(("Unable to set thread priority")); } ResumeThread(tHandle); CloseHandle(tHandle);
WaitForSingleObject(ThreadStarted, INFINITE); return TRUE; } } else { ContinueDMA(); // if app has paused dma
ReleaseSemaphore(SingleWaveSem, 1, NULL); // new buffer to be written
return TRUE; } Sleep(500); }
* Stop single cycle thread, * Should always be called with TRUE, * except if process exiting as wait causes deadlock. */
VOID StopSingleWave( BOOL wait ) {
if(bDspActive && (DspMode == Single)) { dprintf2(("Stopping single wave")); InterlockedExchange(&bDspReset, TRUE);
ContinueDMA(); // if app has paused DMA
ReleaseSemaphore(SingleWaveSem, 1, NULL);
if(wait) { dprintf2(("Waiting for single thread to exit")); WaitForSingleObject(ThreadFinished, INFINITE); dprintf2(("Single thread has exited")); } } }
* GetWaveOutPosition */
BOOL GetWaveOutPosition( PULONG pPos ) { MMTIME mmTime;
mmTime.wType = TIME_BYTES;
if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR == GetPositionProc(HWaveOut, &mmTime, sizeof(MMTIME))) { VDM_TRACE(0x640, 0x640, mmTime.u.cb); *pPos = mmTime.u.cb; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
VOID WaitOnWaveOutIdle( VOID ) { ULONG LastBytesPlayedValue = 0; ULONG PhysicalBytesPlayed; //
// Allow the device to finish playing current sounds before nuking buffers
while(GetWaveOutPosition(&PhysicalBytesPlayed)) { if (LastBytesPlayedValue == PhysicalBytesPlayed) { break; // no sounds are playing
} LastBytesPlayedValue = PhysicalBytesPlayed; Sleep(1); } }
* WriteBurst */
BOOL WriteBurst( WAVEHDR * WaveHdr ) { MMRESULT mmResult;
// Copy data to current buffer
dprintf3(("Copying data to buffer %8X from %4X", WaveHdr->lpData, dMACurrentPosition));
RtlCopyMemory(WaveHdr->lpData, (CONST VOID *)dMACurrentPosition, WaveHdr->dwBufferLength);
dMACurrentPosition += WaveHdr->dwBufferLength;
// Update virtual DMA status
dMAInfo.count = (WORD)(dMASize - (dMACurrentPosition-dMAPhysicalStart)); dMAInfo.addr = (WORD)(dMAVirtualStart + (dMACurrentPosition-dMAPhysicalStart)); dprintf3(("Updated Dma Position = %4X, count = %4X", dMAInfo.addr, dMAInfo.count));
if(dMACurrentPosition >= dMAPhysicalStart+dMASize) { // looped in DMA buffer
dMACurrentPosition = dMAPhysicalStart; }
// Actually write the data
VDM_TRACE(0x603, (USHORT)WaveHdr->dwBufferLength, (ULONG)WaveHdr);
mmResult = WriteProc(HWaveOut, WaveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
return (mmResult == MMSYSERR_NOERROR); }
* GenerateHdrs * Build an array of MM wavehdrs and corresponding buffers */
#define AUTO TRUE
BOOL GenerateHdrs( BOOL bAuto ) { static ULONG committedMemorySize = 0; ULONG DesiredCommit; ULONG BurstBufferSize; ULONG BlocksPerGroup = 1; ULONG NumberOfGroups = 1; ULONG BurstSize; // minimum(AUTO_BLOCK_SIZE, SBBLockSize+1)
ULONG lastBurst = 0; // the size of the last buffer
BYTE *pDataInit; ULONG i;
if(AUTO_BLOCK_SIZE > SBBlockSize+1) { // block size is no > than SBBlockSize+1
BurstSize = SBBlockSize+1; } else { BurstSize = AUTO_BLOCK_SIZE; }
DesiredBytesOutstanding = LookAheadFactor;
BurstsPerBlock = (SBBlockSize+1)/BurstSize; BurstBufferSize = BurstsPerBlock*BurstSize;
if((lastBurst = (SBBlockSize+1)%BurstSize) > 0 ) { BurstsPerBlock++; BurstBufferSize+=lastBurst; }
BlocksPerGroup = (dMASize+1)/(SBBlockSize+1); if ((dMASize+1)%(SBBlockSize+1)) { dprintf2(("Error: SB block size not an integral factor of DMA size")); return FALSE; }
NumberOfGroups = MAX_WAVE_BYTES / (dMASize+1); if (!NumberOfGroups) { NumberOfGroups = 1; }
TotalNumberOfBursts = NumberOfGroups * BlocksPerGroup * BurstsPerBlock;
// Make sure the # of wavehdrs doesn't get out of hand
while((TotalNumberOfBursts > 256) && (NumberOfGroups > 1)) {
NumberOfGroups /= 2; TotalNumberOfBursts = NumberOfGroups * BlocksPerGroup * BurstsPerBlock;
BurstBufferSize *= NumberOfGroups * BlocksPerGroup;
dprintf2(("%d groups of %d blocks of %d bursts of size %X, remainder burst=%X", NumberOfGroups, BlocksPerGroup, BurstsPerBlock, BurstSize, lastBurst));
DesiredCommit = ((BurstBufferSize+PageSize-1)/PageSize)*PageSize; dprintf2(("Total burst buffer size is %X bytes, rounding to %X", BurstBufferSize, DesiredCommit));
if (DesiredCommit > committedMemorySize) {
if (!VirtualAlloc(WaveData+committedMemorySize, DesiredCommit-committedMemorySize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)) { dprintf1(("Unable to commit memory")); return(FALSE); }
committedMemorySize = DesiredCommit;
} else if (DesiredCommit < committedMemorySize) {
if (VirtualFree(WaveData+DesiredCommit, committedMemorySize-DesiredCommit, MEM_DECOMMIT)) { committedMemorySize = DesiredCommit; } else { dprintf1(("Unable to decommit memory")); }
// malloc autoWaveHdrs
WaveHdrs = (WAVEHDR *) VirtualAlloc(NULL, TotalNumberOfBursts*sizeof(WAVEHDR), MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if(WaveHdrs == NULL) { dprintf1(("Unable to allocate memory")); return(FALSE); }
// Prepare autoWaveHdrs
pDataInit = WaveData; for (i=0; i<TotalNumberOfBursts; i++) { if ((!lastBurst) || ((i+1) % BurstsPerBlock)) { WaveHdrs[i].dwBufferLength = BurstSize; } else { WaveHdrs[i].dwBufferLength = lastBurst; } WaveHdrs[i].lpData = pDataInit; WaveHdrs[i].dwFlags = 0; PrepareHeaderProc(HWaveOut, &WaveHdrs[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); pDataInit = (BYTE *) ((ULONG)pDataInit + WaveHdrs[i].dwBufferLength); BurstBufferSize += WaveHdrs[i].dwBufferLength; }
// Initialize iHdr for DspProcessBlock
iHdr = TotalNumberOfBursts-1; return TRUE; }
* ProcessBlock * Process a single block of data as defined by the SB block transfer size */
VOID DspProcessBlock( VOID ) { ULONG i;
// Write the data, keeping DMA status current
for (i=0; i<BurstsPerBlock; i++) {
// Make sure we aren't getting too far ahead
if (BytesOutstanding > (PhysicalBytesPlayed + DesiredBytesOutstanding)) {
LastBytesPlayedValue = 0; while(1) { if (!GetWaveOutPosition(&PhysicalBytesPlayed)) { break; // ERROR
} if (BytesOutstanding <= (PhysicalBytesPlayed + DesiredBytesOutstanding)) { break; } if (LastBytesPlayedValue == PhysicalBytesPlayed) { break; // no sounds are playing
} LastBytesPlayedValue = PhysicalBytesPlayed; Sleep(1); } }
// Queue next buffer
iHdr = (iHdr+1)%TotalNumberOfBursts;
VDM_TRACE(0x601, (USHORT)iHdr, TotalNumberOfBursts); VDM_TRACE(0x602, (USHORT)iHdr, dMACurrentPosition);
if (WriteBurst(&WaveHdrs[iHdr])) { BytesOutstanding += WaveHdrs[iHdr].dwBufferLength; VDM_TRACE(0x604, (USHORT)iHdr, BytesOutstanding); } else { VDM_TRACE(0x684, (USHORT)iHdr, BytesOutstanding); }
// Check if we should pause
if(bDspPause) { dprintf3(("Waiting for paused event")); WaitForSingleObject(PauseEvent, INFINITE); dprintf3(("Paused event received")); InterlockedExchange(&bDspPause, 0); }
// Check if we should keep going
if(bDspReset) { return; } }
// Check if we should keep going
if(bDspReset) { return; }
// Generate interrupt
if(dMAInfo.count==0xFFFF) { // end of DMA buffer
SetDMAStatus(FALSE, TRUE); }
VDM_TRACE(0x6a3,0,0); GenerateInterrupt();
// This sleep gives the app thread some time to catch up with the interrupt.
// Granted this is an inexact method for doing this, but it empirically
// seems to be good enough for most apps.
Sleep(1); if(dMAInfo.count==0xFFFF) { // end of DMA buffer
SetDMAStatus(FALSE, FALSE); } }
* Auto-init DMA thread. */
DWORD WINAPI AutoThreadEntry( LPVOID context ) { ULONG i;
dprintf2(("Auto thread starting")); VDM_TRACE(0x600, 0, 0);
bDspActive = TRUE; SetEvent(ThreadStarted);
// Initialize DMA information
VDDQueryDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, &dMAInfo); dMAVirtualStart = dMAInfo.addr; dMASize = dMAInfo.count; if((dMAPhysicalStart=GetDMATransferAddress()) == -1L) { dprintf1(("Unable to get dma address")); return(FALSE); }
dprintf2(("DMA Physical Start is %4X, DMA size is %4X", dMAPhysicalStart, dMASize)); dMACurrentPosition = dMAPhysicalStart; SetDMAStatus(FALSE, FALSE);
// Calculate NumberOfBursts in the current run
if (!GenerateHdrs(AUTO)) { return FALSE; }
// Start looping on the buffer
while(!bDspReset) { DspProcessBlock(); }
WaitOnWaveOutIdle(); //
// Reset and close the device
// Clean up hdrs and events
for(i=0; (ULONG)i<TotalNumberOfBursts; i++) { UnprepareHeaderProc(HWaveOut, &WaveHdrs[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); }
// Clean up memory
VirtualFree(WaveHdrs, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
bDspActive = FALSE; SetEvent(ThreadFinished); dprintf2(("Auto thread exiting")); return(0); }
* Single cycle DMA thread. */
DWORD WINAPI SingleThreadEntry( LPVOID context ) { ULONG LastSBBlockSize = 0; BOOL BlockSizeChanged; // set to TRUE if Size has changed
BOOL WaveFormatChanged; BOOL HdrsInvalid = TRUE; ULONG i;
dprintf2(("Single cycle thread starting")); bDspActive = TRUE; SetEvent(ThreadStarted);
while (!bDspReset) { // Wait until app wants to transfer more data
dprintf3(("Waiting for single wave semaphore")); WaitForSingleObject(SingleWaveSem, INFINITE); dprintf3(("Single wave semaphore received"));
// Check if we should pause
if(bDspPause) { dprintf3(("Waiting for paused event")); WaitForSingleObject(PauseEvent, INFINITE); dprintf3(("Paused event received")); InterlockedExchange(&bDspPause, 0); }
// Check if we should keep going
if(bDspReset) { break; // break out of loop
// Initialize for this run
VDDQueryDMA((HANDLE)GlobalHInstance, SB_DMA_CHANNEL, &dMAInfo); dprintf4(("DMA Info : addr %4X, count %4X, page %4X, status %2X, mode %2X, mask %2X", dMAInfo.addr, dMAInfo.count, dMAInfo.page, dMAInfo.status, dMAInfo.mode, dMAInfo.mask)); dMAVirtualStart = dMAInfo.addr; dMASize = dMAInfo.count;
if(dMAInfo.count == 0xFFFF || dMAInfo.count == 0) { continue; // next iteration of loop, app doesn't have data to transfer
if ((dMAPhysicalStart = GetDMATransferAddress()) == -1L) { dprintf1(("Unable to get transfer address")); continue; // next iteration of loop
dprintf3(("DMA Physical Start is %4X, DMA size is %4X", dMAPhysicalStart, dMASize)); dMACurrentPosition = dMAPhysicalStart;
if(LastSBBlockSize != SBBlockSize) { LastSBBlockSize = SBBlockSize; BlockSizeChanged = TRUE; } else { BlockSizeChanged = FALSE; }
WaveFormatChanged = SetWaveFormat();
// If we're changing our device
if ((WaveFormatChanged || BlockSizeChanged) && (HWaveOut != NULL)) { dprintf3(("Single-Cycle Parameters changed"));
HdrsInvalid = TRUE; for(i=0; (ULONG)i<TotalNumberOfBursts; i++) { UnprepareHeaderProc(HWaveOut, &WaveHdrs[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } VirtualFree(WaveHdrs, 0, MEM_RELEASE); if (WaveFormatChanged) { CloseWaveDevice(); } }
if (HWaveOut == NULL) { OpenWaveDevice(); }
if (HdrsInvalid) { if (GenerateHdrs(SINGLE)) { HdrsInvalid = FALSE; } else { return FALSE; } }
// show dma as requesting
// Reset and close the device
// Clean up hdrs and events
for(i=0; (ULONG)i<TotalNumberOfBursts; i++) { UnprepareHeaderProc(HWaveOut, &WaveHdrs[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); }
// Clean up memory
VirtualFree(WaveHdrs, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
bDspActive = FALSE; SetEvent(ThreadFinished); dprintf2(("Single cycle wave is exiting")); return(0); }