Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This function contains the 16-bit symbol support for VDMDBG
Bob Day (bobday) 29-Feb-1992 Grabbed standard header
Revision History:
Neil Sandlin (NeilSa) 15-Jan-1996 Merged with vdmexts Neil Sandlin (NeilSa) 01-Mar-1997 Moved it to VDMDBG, Rewrote it
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#define PRINTF(x) TRUE
#define MAX_MODULE_LIST 200
char ModuleList[MAX_MODULE_LIST][9]; int ModuleListCount = 0;
typedef struct _SYM_MAP { WORD map_ptr; WORD map_lsa; WORD pgm_ent; WORD abs_cnt; WORD abs_ptr; WORD seg_cnt; WORD seg_ptr; BYTE sym_nam_max; BYTE map_nam_len; char map_name[20]; } SYM_MAP;
typedef struct _SYM_SEG { WORD nxt_seg; WORD sym_cnt; WORD sym_ptr; WORD seg_lsa; WORD seg_in[4]; WORD seg_lin; BYTE seg_ldd; char seg_cin; BYTE seg_nam_len; char seg_name[20]; } SYM_SEG;
typedef struct _SYM_ITEM { WORD sym_val; BYTE sym_nam_len; char sym_name[256]; } SYM_ITEM;
BOOL FindExport( LPSTR filename, WORD segment, WORD offset, LPSTR sym_text, BOOL next, LONG *dist ) { int iFile; OFSTRUCT ofs; int rc; IMAGE_DOS_HEADER doshdr; IMAGE_OS2_HEADER winhdr; BYTE Table[65536]; BYTE bBundles; BYTE bFlags; BYTE *ptr; WORD wIndex = 1; int i; int this_dist; int wIndexBest = -1; char myfilename[256]; #pragma pack(1)
typedef struct { BYTE bFlags; UNALIGNED WORD wSegOffset; } FENTRY, *PFENTRY;
typedef struct { BYTE bFlags; UNALIGNED WORD wINT3F; BYTE bSegNumber; UNALIGNED WORD wSegOffset; } MENTRY, *PMENTRY; #pragma pack()
strcpy(myfilename, filename); if (-1 == (iFile=OpenFile(myfilename, &ofs, MYOF_FLAGS))) {
//PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error reading file %s\n", filename);
strcpy(myfilename, filename); strcat(myfilename, ".exe");
if (-1 == (iFile=OpenFile(myfilename, &ofs, MYOF_FLAGS))) {
//PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error reading file %s\n", myfilename);
strcpy(myfilename, filename); strcat(myfilename, ".dll");
if (-1 == (iFile=OpenFile(myfilename, &ofs, MYOF_FLAGS))) { //PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error reading file %s\n", myfilename);
PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error reading file\n"); return FALSE; } } }
rc = _lread(iFile, &doshdr, sizeof(doshdr)); if (rc != sizeof(doshdr)) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error reading DOS header\n"); goto Error; } if (doshdr.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - no DOS EXE signature"); goto Error; } rc = _llseek(iFile, doshdr.e_lfanew, FILE_BEGIN); if (rc == -1) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - could not seek - probably not Win3.1 exe\n"); goto Error; } rc = _lread(iFile, &winhdr, sizeof(winhdr)); if (rc != sizeof(winhdr)) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - could not read WIN header - probably not Win3.1 exe\n"); goto Error; } if (winhdr.ne_magic != IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - not WIN EXE signature\n"); goto Error; } rc = _llseek(iFile, doshdr.e_lfanew+winhdr.ne_enttab, FILE_BEGIN); if (rc == -1) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - could not seek to entry table\n"); goto Error; } rc = _lread(iFile, Table, winhdr.ne_cbenttab); if (rc != winhdr.ne_cbenttab) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - could not read entry table\n"); goto Error; } ptr = Table; while (TRUE) { bBundles = *ptr++; if (bBundles == 0) break;
bFlags = *ptr++; switch (bFlags) { case 0: // Placeholders
wIndex += bBundles; break;
case 0xff: // movable segments
for (i=0; i<(int)bBundles; ++i) { PMENTRY pe = (PMENTRY )ptr; if (pe->bSegNumber == segment) { this_dist = (!next) ? offset - pe->wSegOffset : pe->wSegOffset - offset; if ( this_dist >= 0 && (this_dist < *dist || *dist == -1) ) { // mark this as the best match so far
*dist = this_dist; wIndexBest = wIndex; } } ptr += sizeof(MENTRY); wIndex++; } break;
default: // fixed segments
if ((int)bFlags != segment) { ptr += (int)bBundles * sizeof(FENTRY); wIndex += (int)bBundles; } else { for (i=0; i<(int)bBundles; ++i) { PFENTRY pe = (PFENTRY)ptr; this_dist = (!next) ? offset - pe->wSegOffset : pe->wSegOffset - offset; if ( this_dist >= 0 && (this_dist < *dist || *dist == -1) ) { // mark this as the best match so far
*dist = this_dist; wIndexBest = wIndex; } ptr += sizeof(FENTRY); wIndex++; } } break; } } if (wIndexBest == -1) { // no match found - error out
Error: _lclose(iFile); return FALSE; }
// Success: match found
// wIndexBest = ordinal of the function
// segment:offset = address to look up
// *dist = distance from segment:offset to the symbol
// filename = name of .exe/.dll
// Look for the ordinal in the resident name table
rc = _llseek(iFile, doshdr.e_lfanew+winhdr.ne_restab, FILE_BEGIN); if (rc == -1) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - unable to seek to residentname table\n"); goto Error; } rc = _lread(iFile, Table, winhdr.ne_modtab-winhdr.ne_restab); if (rc != winhdr.ne_modtab-winhdr.ne_restab) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - unable to read entire resident name table\n"); goto Error; } ptr = Table; while (*ptr) { if ( *(UNALIGNED USHORT *)(ptr+1+*ptr) == (USHORT)wIndexBest) { // found the matching name
*(ptr+1+*ptr) = '\0'; // null-terminate the function name
strcpy(sym_text, ptr+1); goto Finished; } ptr += *ptr + 3; }
// Look for the ordinal in the non-resident name table
rc = _llseek(iFile, doshdr.e_lfanew+winhdr.ne_nrestab, FILE_BEGIN); if (rc == -1) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - unable to seek to non-residentname table\n"); goto Error; } rc = _lread(iFile, Table, winhdr.ne_cbnrestab); if (rc != winhdr.ne_cbnrestab) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: Error - unable to read entire non-resident name table\n"); goto Error; } ptr = Table; while (*ptr) { if ( *(UNALIGNED USHORT *)(ptr+1+*ptr) == (USHORT)wIndexBest) { // found the matching name
*(ptr+1+*ptr) = '\0'; // null-terminate the function name
strcpy(sym_text, ptr+1); goto Finished; } ptr += *ptr + 3; } // fall into error path - no match found
goto Error;
Finished: _lclose(iFile); return TRUE; }
BOOL ExtractSymbol( int iFile, DWORD ulSegPos, DWORD ulSymPos, WORD csym, WORD seglsa, WORD segment, DWORD offset, BOOL next, LPSTR sym_text, PLONG pdist ) { WORD uLastSymdefPos=0; /* ulWrap allows for wrapping around with more than 64K of symbols */ DWORD ulWrap=0; LONG SymOffset; LONG this_dist; BOOL fResult = FALSE; char name_text[256];
for (; csym--; ulSymPos+=sizeof(WORD)) { WORD uSymdefPos; SYM_ITEM sym;
if (_llseek(iFile, ulSymPos, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) return FALSE; if (_lread(iFile, (LPSTR)&uSymdefPos, sizeof(uSymdefPos)) != sizeof(uSymdefPos)) return FALSE; if (uSymdefPos < uLastSymdefPos) ulWrap += 0x10000L; _llseek(iFile, ulSegPos + uSymdefPos + ulWrap, FILE_BEGIN); _lread(iFile, (LPSTR)&sym, sizeof(sym));
if (segment == 0) { SymOffset = (LONG)seglsa*16 + sym.sym_val; } else { SymOffset = (LONG)sym.sym_val; }
// Depending on whether the caller wants the closest symbol
// from below or above, compute the distance from the current
// symbol to the target offset.
switch( next ) { case FALSE: this_dist = offset - SymOffset; break; case TRUE: this_dist = SymOffset - offset; break; }
// Since we don't really know if the current symbol is actually
// the nearest symbol, just remember it if it qualifies. Keep
// the best distance so far in 'dist'.
if ((this_dist >= 0) && ((this_dist < *pdist) || (*pdist == -1))) { *pdist = this_dist; strncpy(name_text, sym.sym_name, sym.sym_nam_len); name_text[sym.sym_nam_len] = 0; fResult = TRUE; }
uLastSymdefPos = uSymdefPos; }
if (fResult) { //
// The scan of the symbols in this segment produced a winner.
// Copy the name and displacement back up to the caller.
strcpy(sym_text, name_text); } return fResult; }
BOOL WalkSegmentsForSymbol( int iFile, SYM_MAP *pMap, ULONG ulMapPos, WORD segment, DWORD offset, BOOL next, LPSTR sym_text, PDWORD pDisplacement ) {
DWORD ulSegPos; LONG dist = -1; BOOL fResult = FALSE; WORD this_seg;
#if 0
/* first, walk absolute segment */ if (fAbsolute && map.abs_cnt != 0) {
/* the thing with seg_ptr below is to allow for an absolute
* segment with more than 64K of symbols: if the segment * pointer of the next symbol is more than 64K away, then * add 64K to the beginning of the table of symbol pointers. */ if (ExtractSymbol(iFile, ulMapPos, ulMapPos + pMap->abs_ptr + (pMap->seg_ptr&0xF000)*0x10L, pMap->abs_cnt, 0, segment, offset, next, sym_text, pDisplacement)) { return TRUE; } } #endif
/* now walk other segments */ ulSegPos = (DWORD)pMap->seg_ptr * 16; for (this_seg = 0; this_seg < pMap->seg_cnt; this_seg++) { SYM_SEG seg;
if (_llseek(iFile, ulSegPos, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) return FALSE; if (_lread(iFile, (LPSTR)&seg, sizeof(seg)) != sizeof(seg)) return FALSE;
if ((segment == 0) || (segment == this_seg+1)) { if (ExtractSymbol(iFile, ulSegPos, ulSegPos + seg.sym_ptr, seg.sym_cnt, seg.seg_lsa, segment, offset, next, sym_text, &dist)) { fResult = TRUE; if (segment != 0) { // only looking in one segment
break; } } } ulSegPos = (DWORD)seg.nxt_seg * 16; }
if (fResult) { *pDisplacement = dist; } return fResult; }
BOOL WINAPI VDMGetSymbol( LPSTR fn, WORD segment, DWORD offset, BOOL bProtectMode, BOOL next, LPSTR sym_text, PDWORD pDisplacement ) { int iFile; char filename[256]; OFSTRUCT ofs; SYM_MAP map; SYM_SEG seg; SYM_ITEM item; ULONG ulMapPos = 0;
strcpy(filename, fn); strcat(filename,".sym");
iFile = OpenFile( filename, &ofs, MYOF_FLAGS );
if ( iFile == -1 ) { // Open the .EXE/.DLL file and see if the address corresponds
// to an exported function.
return(FindExport(fn,segment,(WORD)offset,sym_text,next,pDisplacement)); }
do {
if (_llseek( iFile, ulMapPos, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: GetSymbol failed to seek to map\n"); break; }
if (_lread( iFile, (LPSTR)&map, sizeof(map)) != sizeof(map)) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: GetSymbol failed to read map\n"); break; }
if (WalkSegmentsForSymbol(iFile, &map, ulMapPos, segment, offset, next, sym_text, pDisplacement)) { _lclose( iFile ); return TRUE; }
} while(ulMapPos);
_lclose( iFile ); return FALSE; }
BOOL ExtractValue( int iFile, DWORD ulSegPos, DWORD ulSymPos, WORD csym, LPSTR szSymbol, PWORD pValue ) { WORD uLastSymdefPos=0; /* ulWrap allows for wrapping around with more than 64K of symbols */ DWORD ulWrap=0; LONG SymOffset; char name_text[256];
for (; csym--; ulSymPos+=sizeof(WORD)) { WORD uSymdefPos; SYM_ITEM sym;
if (_llseek(iFile, ulSymPos, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) return FALSE; if (_lread(iFile, (LPSTR)&uSymdefPos, sizeof(uSymdefPos)) != sizeof(uSymdefPos)) return FALSE; if (uSymdefPos < uLastSymdefPos) ulWrap += 0x10000L; _llseek(iFile, ulSegPos + uSymdefPos + ulWrap, FILE_BEGIN); _lread(iFile, (LPSTR)&sym, sizeof(sym));
strncpy(name_text, sym.sym_name, sym.sym_nam_len); name_text[sym.sym_nam_len] = 0;
if (_stricmp(szSymbol, name_text) == 0) { *pValue = sym.sym_val; return TRUE; }
uLastSymdefPos = uSymdefPos; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL WalkSegmentsForValue( int iFile, SYM_MAP *pMap, ULONG ulMapPos, LPSTR szSymbol, PWORD pSegmentBase, PWORD pSegmentNumber, PWORD pValue ) {
DWORD ulSegPos; WORD this_seg;
#if 0
/* first, walk absolute segment */ if (fAbsolute && pMap->abs_cnt != 0) {
/* the thing with seg_ptr below is to allow for an absolute
* segment with more than 64K of symbols: if the segment * pointer of the next symbol is more than 64K away, then * add 64K to the beginning of the table of symbol pointers. */ if (ExtractValue(iFile, ulMapPos, ulMapPos + pMap->abs_ptr + (pMap->seg_ptr&0xF000)*0x10L, pMap->abs_cnt, szSymbol, pValue)) { return TRUE; } } #endif
/* now walk other segments */ ulSegPos = (DWORD)pMap->seg_ptr * 16; for (this_seg = 0; this_seg < pMap->seg_cnt; this_seg++) { SYM_SEG seg;
if (_llseek(iFile, ulSegPos, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) return FALSE; if (_lread(iFile, (LPSTR)&seg, sizeof(seg)) != sizeof(seg)) return FALSE;
if (ExtractValue(iFile, ulSegPos, ulSegPos + seg.sym_ptr, seg.sym_cnt, szSymbol, pValue)) { *pSegmentBase = seg.seg_lsa; *pSegmentNumber = this_seg+1; return TRUE; } ulSegPos = (DWORD)seg.nxt_seg * 16; } return FALSE; }
BOOL WalkMapForValue( LPSTR fn, LPSTR szSymbol, PWORD pSelector, PDWORD pOffset, PWORD pType ) { int iFile; char filename[256]; OFSTRUCT ofs; SYM_MAP map; SYM_SEG seg; SYM_ITEM item; ULONG ulMapPos = 0; WORD SegmentNumber; WORD SegmentBase; WORD Value;
strcpy(filename, fn); strcat(filename,".sym");
iFile = OpenFile( filename, &ofs, MYOF_FLAGS );
if ( iFile == -1 ) { return FALSE; }
do {
if (_llseek( iFile, ulMapPos, FILE_BEGIN) == -1) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: failed to seek to map\n"); break; }
if (_lread( iFile, (LPSTR)&map, sizeof(map)) != sizeof(map)) { PRINTF("VDMDBG: failed to read map\n"); break; }
if (WalkSegmentsForValue(iFile, &map, ulMapPos, szSymbol, &SegmentBase, &SegmentNumber, &Value)) {
if (GetInfoBySegmentNumber(fn, SegmentNumber, &si)) {
*pSelector = si.Selector; if (!si.Type) { *pType = VDMADDR_V86;
if (!si.SegNumber) { // This is a "combined" map of all the segments,
// so we need to calculate the offset
*pOffset = (DWORD)SegmentBase*16 + Value; } else { // This is a "split" v86 map
*pOffset = (DWORD) Value; } } else { *pType = VDMADDR_PM16; *pOffset = (DWORD)Value; }
_lclose( iFile ); return TRUE; } }
} while(ulMapPos);
_lclose( iFile ); return FALSE; }
BOOL WINAPI VDMGetAddrExpression( LPSTR szModule, LPSTR szSymbol, PWORD pSelector, PDWORD pOffset, PWORD pType ) { int iFile; char filename[256]; OFSTRUCT ofs; SYM_MAP map; SYM_SEG seg; SYM_ITEM item; ULONG ulMapPos = 0;
if (szModule) { return(WalkMapForValue(szModule, szSymbol, pSelector, pOffset, pType)); }
return (EnumerateModulesForValue(VDMGetAddrExpression, szSymbol, pSelector, pOffset, pType));