;*************************************************************************** ; * ; Copyright (C) 1985-1989 by Microsoft Inc. * ; * ;***************************************************************************
title Hardware Dependent Parameters %out config
page ,132
RGB macro R, G, B db R,G,B,0 endm
OEM segment public
; Machine dependent parameters
dw 14 ;Height of vertical thumb dw 18 ;Width of horizontal thumb dw 2 ;Icon horiz compression factor dw 2 ;Icon vert compression factor dw 1 ;Cursor horz compression factor dw 1 ;Cursor vert compression factor dw 0 ;Kanji window height dw 1 ;cxBorder (thickness of vertical lines) dw 1 ;cyBorder (thickness of horizontal lines)
; Default system color values
RGB 129,129,129 ;clrScrollbar RGB 192,192,192 ;clrDesktop RGB 000,000,128 ;clrActiveCaption RGB 255,255,255 ;clrInactiveCaption RGB 255,255,255 ;clrMenu RGB 255,255,255 ;clrWindow RGB 000,000,000 ;clrWindowFrame RGB 000,000,000 ;clrMenuText RGB 000,000,000 ;clrWindowText RGB 255,255,255 ;clrCaptionText RGB 128,128,128 ;clrActiveBorder RGB 255,255,255 ;clrInactiveBorder RGB 255,255,255 ;clrAppWorkspace RGB 000,000,128 ;clrHiliteBk RGB 255,255,255 ;clrHiliteText RGB 255,255,255 ;clrBtnFace RGB 128,128,128 ;clrBtnShadow RGB 128,128,128 ;clrGrayText RGB 000,000,000 ;clrBtnText
; dw 0 ;Unused words ; dw 0 ; dw 0 ; dw 0 ; dw 0 ; dw 0 dw 0 dw 0
OEM ends end