contains MMSYSTEMs DriverProc
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1990. All rights reserved
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsysver.h>
#include "mmsystem.h"
#include "mmsysi.h"
#include "drvr.h"
#include "mmioi.h"
extern IOProcMapEntry NEAR * gIOProcMapHead; // in MMIO.C
internal prototypes
static void FAR PASCAL SetPrivateProfileInt(LPSTR szSection, LPSTR szKey, int i, LPSTR szIniFile);
static BYTE fFirstTime=TRUE; // First enable
extern BOOL FAR PASCAL DrvLoad(void); // in init.c
extern BOOL FAR PASCAL DrvFree(void); extern char far szStartupSound[]; // in mmwnd.c
static SZCODE szExitSound[] = "SystemExit";
extern char far szMMSystem[]; extern char far szSystemIni[]; extern char far szDebugOutput[]; extern char far szMci[];
// extern WORD fDebugOutput;
extern int DebugmciSendCommand; // in MCI.C
#ifdef DEBUG
extern char far szDebug[]; extern WORD fDebug; #endif
void NEAR PASCAL AppExit(HTASK hTask, BOOL fNormalExit);
* * @doc INTERNAL * * @api LRESULT | DriverProc | This is the standard DLL entry point. It is * called from user (3.1) or mmsound.drv (3.0) when MMSYSTEM.DLL is * loaded, enabled, or disabled. * ****************************************************************************/ LRESULT CALLBACK DriverProc( DWORD dwDriver, HDRVR hDriver, UINT wMessage, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2 ) { switch (wMessage) { case DRV_LOAD: //
// first load message, initialize mmsystem.
// sent from USER when loading drivers from drivers= line
if (fFirstTime) return (LRESULT)(LONG)DrvLoad();
// a normal load message, a app is trying to open us
// with OpenDriver()
break; // return success all other times (1L)
case DRV_FREE: //
// a free message, this is send just before the DLL is unloaded
// by the driver interface.
// sent by user just before system exit, after sending
// the DRV_DISABLE message.
DrvFree(); break; // return success (1L)
case DRV_CLOSE: break; // return success (1L)
case DRV_ENABLE: DOUT("MMSYSTEM: Enable\r\n"); fFirstTime = FALSE; break; // return success (1L)
case DRV_DISABLE: DOUT("MMSYSTEM: Disable\r\n"); break; // return success (1L)
// sent when a application is terminating
// lParam1:
case DRV_EXITAPPLICATION: AppExit(GetCurrentTask(), (BOOL)lParam1 == DRVEA_NORMALEXIT); break;
case DRV_EXITSESSION: sndPlaySound(szExitSound, SND_SYNC | SND_NODEFAULT); break;
case MM_GET_DEBUG: break;
case MM_GET_DEBUGOUT: return (LRESULT)(LONG)fDebugOutput;
case MM_SET_DEBUGOUT: fDebugOutput = (BYTE)(LONG)lParam1; SetPrivateProfileInt(szMMSystem,szDebugOutput,fDebugOutput,szSystemIni); break;
case MM_GET_MCI_DEBUG: return (LRESULT)(LONG)DebugmciSendCommand;
case MM_SET_MCI_DEBUG: DebugmciSendCommand = (WORD)(LONG)lParam1; SetPrivateProfileInt(szMMSystem,szMci,DebugmciSendCommand,szSystemIni); break;
#ifdef DEBUG
case MM_GET_MM_DEBUG: return (LRESULT)(LONG)fDebug;
case MM_SET_MM_DEBUG: fDebug = (BYTE)(LONG)lParam1; SetPrivateProfileInt(szMMSystem,szDebug,fDebug,szSystemIni); break;
#ifdef DEBUG
case MM_DRV_RESTART: break; #endif
case MM_HINFO_MCI: if ((HLOCAL)(LONG)lParam2 == (HLOCAL)NULL) return (LRESULT)(LONG)MCI_wNextDeviceID; if (MCI_VALID_DEVICE_ID((UINT)(LONG)lParam1)) { *(LPMCI_DEVICE_NODE)lParam2 = *MCI_lpDeviceList[(UINT)(LONG)lParam1]; break; } return (LRESULT)FALSE;
case MM_HINFO_NEXT: if ((HLOCAL)(LONG)lParam1 == (HLOCAL)NULL) return (LRESULT)(LONG)(UINT)GetHandleFirst(); else return (LRESULT)(LONG)(UINT)GetHandleNext((HLOCAL)(LONG)lParam1);
case MM_HINFO_TASK: return (LRESULT)(LONG)(UINT)GetHandleOwner((HLOCAL)(LONG)lParam1);
case MM_HINFO_TYPE: return GetHandleType((HLOCAL)(LONG)lParam1);
#endif // ifdef DEBUG
#endif // ifdef DEBUG_RETAIL
default: return DefDriverProc(dwDriver, hDriver, wMessage, lParam1, lParam2); } return (LRESULT)1L; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | AppExit | * a application is exiting, free any MMSYS resources it may own * ****************************************************************************/
void NEAR PASCAL AppExit(HTASK hTask, BOOL fNormalExit) { HLOCAL h; HLOCAL hNext; WORD wDebugFlags; UINT wDeviceID; UINT cFree; UINT cHeap; UINT err;
if (hdrvDestroy != (HLOCAL)-1) { DOUT("MMSYSTEM: Hey! AppExit has been re-entered!\r\n"); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!fNormalExit) ROUT("MMSYSTEM: Abnormal app termination"); #endif
// either log a error or a warning depending on wether it was
// a normal exit or not.
if (fNormalExit) wDebugFlags = DBF_MMSYSTEM | DBF_ERROR; else wDebugFlags = DBF_MMSYSTEM | DBF_WARNING; // DBF_TRACE?
// now free MCI devices.
for (wDeviceID=1; wDeviceID<MCI_wNextDeviceID; wDeviceID++) { if (MCI_VALID_DEVICE_ID(wDeviceID) && MCI_lpDeviceList[wDeviceID]->hCreatorTask == hTask) { DebugErr2(wDebugFlags, "MCI device %ls (%d) not released.", MCI_lpDeviceList[wDeviceID]->lpstrInstallName, wDeviceID);
// clear these to force MCI to close the device
MCI_lpDeviceList[wDeviceID]->dwMCIFlags &= ~MCINODE_ISCLOSING; MCI_lpDeviceList[wDeviceID]->dwMCIFlags &= ~MCINODE_ISAUTOCLOSING;
err = (UINT)mciSendCommand(wDeviceID, MCI_CLOSE, NULL, NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (err != 0) DebugErr1(DBF_WARNING, "Unable to close MCI device (err = %04X).", err); #endif
} }
// free all WAVE/MIDI/MMIO handles
start_over: for (h=GetHandleFirst(); h; h=hNext) { hNext = GetHandleNext(h);
if (GetHandleOwner(h) == hTask) { //
// hack for the wave/midi mapper, always free handle's backward.
if (hNext && GetHandleOwner(hNext) == hTask) continue;
// do this so even if the close fails we will not
// find it again.
SetHandleOwner(h, NULL);
// set the hdrvDestroy global so DriverCallback will not
// do anything for this device
hdrvDestroy = h;
switch(GetHandleType(h)) { case TYPE_WAVEOUT: DebugErr1(wDebugFlags, "WaveOut handle (%04X) was not released.", h); waveOutReset((HWAVEOUT)h); err = waveOutClose((HWAVEOUT)h); break;
case TYPE_WAVEIN: DebugErr1(wDebugFlags, "WaveIn handle (%04X) was not released.", h); waveInStop((HWAVEIN)h); waveInReset((HWAVEIN)h); err = waveInClose((HWAVEIN)h); break;
case TYPE_MIDIOUT: DebugErr1(wDebugFlags, "MidiOut handle (%04X) was not released.", h); midiOutReset((HMIDIOUT)h); err = midiOutClose((HMIDIOUT)h); break;
case TYPE_MIDIIN: DebugErr1(wDebugFlags, "MidiIn handle (%04X) was not released.", h); midiInStop((HMIDIIN)h); midiInReset((HMIDIIN)h); err = midiInClose((HMIDIIN)h); break;
case TYPE_MMIO: DebugErr1(wDebugFlags, "MMIO handle (%04X) was not released.", h); err = mmioClose((HMMIO)h, 0); break;
case TYPE_IOPROC: DebugErr1(wDebugFlags, "MMIO handler '%4.4ls' not removed.", (LPSTR)&((IOProcMapEntry*)h)->fccIOProc); err = !mmioInstallIOProc(((IOProcMapEntry*)h)->fccIOProc, NULL, MMIO_REMOVEPROC); break;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (err != 0) DebugErr1(DBF_WARNING, "Unable to close handle (err = %04X).", err); #endif
// unset hdrvDestroy so DriverCallback will work.
// some hosebag drivers (like the TIMER driver)
// may pass NULL as their driver handle.
// so dont set it to NULL.
hdrvDestroy = (HLOCAL)-1;
// the reason we start over is because a single free may cause
// multiple free's (ie MIDIMAPPER has another HMIDI open, ...)
goto start_over; } }
// what about timeSetEvent()!!!???
// any outstanding timer events till be killed by the timer driver
// it self.
mciAppExit( hTask );
// shrink our heap, down to minimal size.
if ((cFree = LocalCountFree()) > 1024) { cHeap = LocalHeapSize() - (cFree - 512); LocalShrink(NULL, cHeap); DPRINTF(("MMSYSTEM: Shrinking the heap (%d)\r\n", cHeap)); } }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @func void | SetPrivateProfileInt | windows should have this function * * @comm used by DriverProc to set debug state in SYSTEM.INI * ****************************************************************************/
static void FAR PASCAL SetPrivateProfileInt(LPSTR szSection, LPSTR szKey, int i, LPSTR szIniFile) { char ach[32] ;
if (i != (int)GetPrivateProfileInt(szSection, szKey, ~i, szIniFile)) { wsprintf(ach, "%d", i); WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, ach, szIniFile); } } #endif //ifdef DEBUG_RETAIL