* Module Name: mci.c * * Media Control Architecture Driver Interface * * Contents: MCI external message API's mciSendString and mciSendCommand * Author: DLL (DavidLe) * Created: 2/13/90 * * Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation * \******************************************************************************/ #ifdef DEBUG
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MMNOSEQ
#define MMNOJOY
#define MMNOWAVE
#define MMNOMIDI
#include "mmsystem.h"
#define NOJOYDEV
#define NOSEQDEV
#include "mmddk.h"
#include "mmsysi.h"
#include "thunks.h"
#ifndef STATICFN
#define STATICFN
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Thunking stuff ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ LPMCIMESSAGE PASCAL mci32Message; DWORD WINAPI mciSendCommand16( UINT wDeviceID, UINT wMessage, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2 );
// Define the init code for this file.
#pragma alloc_text( INIT, MCITerminate )
int DebugmciSendCommand; #endif
#ifdef DEBUG
void PASCAL NEAR mciCheckLocks(void); #endif
STATICFN UINT PASCAL NEAR mciConvertReturnValue( UINT wType, UINT wErr, UINT wDeviceID, LPDWORD dwParams, LPSTR lpstrReturnString, UINT wReturnLength );
STATICFN DWORD NEAR PASCAL mciSendStringInternal( LPCSTR lpstrCommand, LPSTR lpstrReturnString, UINT wReturnLength, HWND hwndCallback, LPMCI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE lpMessage );
STATICFN DWORD NEAR PASCAL mciSendSystemString( LPCSTR lpstrCommand, LPSTR lpstrReturnString, UINT wReturnLength );
extern int FAR PASCAL mciBreakKeyYieldProc( UINT wDeviceID, DWORD dwYieldData );
// From dosa.asm
extern int FAR PASCAL DosChangeDir(LPCSTR lpszPath); extern WORD FAR PASCAL DosGetCurrentDrive(void); extern BOOL FAR PASCAL DosSetCurrentDrive(WORD wDrive); extern WORD FAR PASCAL DosGetCurrentDir(WORD wCurdrive, LPSTR lpszBuf);
#define MAX_PATHNAME 144
// This macro defines the list of messages for which mciSendString
// will not try to auto-open
#define MCI_CANNOT_AUTO_OPEN(wMessage) \
(wMessage == MCI_OPEN || wMessage == MCI_SYSINFO \ || wMessage == MCI_SOUND || wMessage == MCI_CLOSE \ || wMessage == MCI_BREAK)
// This macro devices the list of message which do not require an open
// device. It is a subset of MCI_CANNOT_AUTO_OPEN
#define MCI_DO_NOT_NEED_OPEN(wMessage) \
(wMessage == MCI_OPEN || wMessage == MCI_SOUND || wMessage == MCI_SYSINFO)
// Strings used in mciAutoOpenDevice
SZCODE szOpen[] = "open"; static SZCODE szClose[] = "close"; static SZCODE szNotify[] = "notify"; static SZCODE szWait[] = "wait"; static SZCODE szCmdFormat[] = "%ls %ls"; static SZCODE szLongFormat[] = "%ld"; static SZCODE szRectFormat[] = "%d %d %d %d"; extern char far szSystemDefault[];
// Special device name
static SZCODE szNew[] = "new";
* mciAppExit * * Notify the 32 bit code that a 16 bit app has died. * * History: * dd-mm-94 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ DWORD mciAppExit( HTASK hTask ) { return mciMessage( THUNK_APP_EXIT, (DWORD)hTask, 0L, 0L, 0L ); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api void | MciNotify | called by mmWndProc when it recives a * MM_MCINOTIFY message * @rdesc None. * ****************************************************************************/
void FAR PASCAL MciNotify( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { //
// wParam is the notify status
// lParam is the MCI device id
if (MCI_VALID_DEVICE_ID(LOWORD(lParam)) && !(MCI_lpDeviceList[LOWORD(lParam)]->dwMCIFlags & MCINODE_ISCLOSING)) { MCI_lpDeviceList[LOWORD(lParam)]->dwMCIFlags |= MCINODE_ISAUTOCLOSING; mciCloseDevice (LOWORD(lParam), 0L, NULL, TRUE); } }
STATICFN void NEAR PASCAL HandleNotify( UINT wErr, UINT wDeviceID, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwParam2 ) { LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS lpGeneric = (LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS)dwParam2; HWND hwndCallback; if (wErr == 0 && dwFlags & MCI_NOTIFY && lpGeneric != NULL && (hwndCallback = (HWND)(UINT)lpGeneric->dwCallback) != NULL)
mciDriverNotify (hwndCallback, wDeviceID, MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL); }
// Dump the string form of an MCI command
UINT PASCAL NEAR mciDebugOut( UINT wDeviceID, UINT wMessage, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwParam2, LPMCI_DEVICE_NODE nodeWorking ) { LPSTR lpCommand, lpFirstParameter, lpPrevious, lszDebugOut; char strTemp[256]; UINT wID, wOffset, wOffsetFirstParameter, wReturnType; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwMask; UINT wTable;
// Find the command table for the given command message ID
lpCommand = FindCommandItem( wDeviceID, NULL, (LPSTR)MAKELONG (wMessage, 0), NULL, &wTable);
if (lpCommand == NULL) { if (wMessage != MCI_OPEN_DRIVER && wMessage != MCI_CLOSE_DRIVER) ROUT ("MMSYSTEM: mciDebugOut: Command table not found"); return 0; }
lszDebugOut = mciAlloc(512); if (!lszDebugOut) { ROUT("MMSYSTEM: Not enough memory to display command"); return 0; }
// Dump the command name
wsprintf(lszDebugOut, "MMSYSTEM: MCI command: \"%ls", lpCommand);
// Dump the device name
if (wDeviceID == MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID) { lstrcat(lszDebugOut, " all"); } else if (nodeWorking != NULL) { if (nodeWorking->dwMCIOpenFlags & MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT_ID) { wsprintf(lszDebugOut + lstrlen(lszDebugOut), " Element ID:0x%lx", nodeWorking->dwElementID); } else if (nodeWorking->lpstrName != NULL) { wsprintf(lszDebugOut + lstrlen(lszDebugOut), " %ls", nodeWorking->lpstrName); } }
// Skip past command entry
lpCommand += mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommand, NULL, NULL);
// Get the next entry
lpFirstParameter = lpCommand;
// Skip past the DWORD return value
wOffsetFirstParameter = 4;
lpCommand += mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommand, &dwValue, &wID);
// If it is a return value, skip it
if (wID == MCI_RETURN) { wReturnType = (UINT)dwValue; lpFirstParameter = lpCommand; wOffsetFirstParameter += mciGetParamSize (dwValue, wID); lpCommand += mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommand, &dwValue, &wID); } else { wReturnType = (UINT)0; }
// Dump device name parameter to OPEN
if (wMessage == MCI_OPEN) { LPCSTR lpstrDeviceType = ((LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)dwParam2)->lpstrDeviceType; LPCSTR lpstrElementName = ((LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)dwParam2)->lpstrElementName;
// Tack on device type
if (dwFlags & MCI_OPEN_TYPE_ID) { LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS lpOpen = (LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)dwParam2; DWORD dwOld = (DWORD)lpOpen->lpstrDeviceType; if (mciExtractTypeFromID ((LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)dwParam2) != 0) strTemp[0] = '\0'; lstrcpy (strTemp, lpOpen->lpstrDeviceType); mciFree ((LPSTR)lpOpen->lpstrDeviceType); lpOpen->lpstrDeviceType = (LPSTR)dwOld; } else if (lpstrDeviceType != NULL) lstrcpy (strTemp, lpstrDeviceType); else strTemp[0] = '\0';
if (dwFlags & MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT_ID) { // Tack on element ID
lstrcat (strTemp, " Element ID:"); wsprintf (strTemp + lstrlen (strTemp), szLongFormat, LOWORD ((DWORD)lpstrDeviceType)); } else { // Add separator if both type name and element name are present
if (lpstrDeviceType != 0 && lpstrElementName != 0) lstrcat (strTemp, "!"); if (lpstrElementName != 0 && dwFlags & MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT) lstrcat (strTemp, lpstrElementName); } wsprintf(lszDebugOut + lstrlen(lszDebugOut), " %ls", (LPSTR)strTemp); }
// Walk through each flag
for (dwMask = 1; dwMask;) { // Is this bit set?
if ((dwFlags & dwMask) != 0 && ! // The MCI_OPEN_TYPE and MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT flags are taken care of
// above
(wMessage == MCI_OPEN && (dwMask == MCI_OPEN_TYPE || dwMask == MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT))) { lpPrevious = lpCommand = lpFirstParameter; wOffset = 0; lpCommand += mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommand, &dwValue, &wID);
// What parameter uses this bit?
while (wID != MCI_END_COMMAND && dwValue != dwMask) { wOffset += mciGetParamSize (dwValue, wID);
if (wID == MCI_CONSTANT) while (wID != MCI_END_CONSTANT) lpCommand += mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommand, NULL, &wID);
lpPrevious = lpCommand; lpCommand += mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommand, &dwValue, &wID); }
if (wID != MCI_END_COMMAND) { // Found the parameter which matches this flag bit
// Print the parameter name
if (*lpPrevious) wsprintf(lszDebugOut + lstrlen(lszDebugOut), " %ls", lpPrevious);
// Print any argument
switch (wID) { case MCI_STRING: wsprintf(lszDebugOut + lstrlen(lszDebugOut), " %ls", *(LPSTR FAR *)((LPSTR)dwParam2 + wOffset + wOffsetFirstParameter)); break; case MCI_CONSTANT: { DWORD dwConst = *(LPDWORD)((LPSTR)dwParam2 + wOffset + wOffsetFirstParameter); UINT wLen; BOOL bFound;
for (bFound = FALSE; wID != MCI_END_CONSTANT;) { wLen = mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommand, &dwValue, &wID);
if (dwValue == dwConst) { bFound = TRUE; wsprintf(lszDebugOut + lstrlen(lszDebugOut), " %ls", lpCommand); }
lpCommand += wLen; } if (bFound) break; // FALL THROUGH
} case MCI_INTEGER: wsprintf ((LPSTR)strTemp, szLongFormat, *(LPDWORD)((LPSTR)dwParam2 + wOffset + wOffsetFirstParameter)); wsprintf(lszDebugOut + lstrlen(lszDebugOut), " %ls", (LPSTR)strTemp); break; } } } // Go the the next flag
dwMask <<= 1; } mciUnlockCommandTable (wTable); lstrcat(lszDebugOut, "\""); ROUTS(lszDebugOut); mciFree(lszDebugOut); return wReturnType; } #endif
if (dwFlags & MCI_BREAK_HWND) hwnd = lpBreakon->hwndBreak; else hwnd = 0;
return mciSetBreakKey (wDeviceID, lpBreakon->nVirtKey, hwnd) ? 0 : MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM;
} else if (dwFlags & MCI_BREAK_OFF) {
mciSetYieldProc(wDeviceID, NULL, 0); return 0;
// Close the indicated device by sending a message inter-task
STATICFN DWORD PASCAL NEAR mciAutoCloseDevice( LPCSTR lpstrDevice ) { LPSTR lpstrCommand; DWORD dwRet;
if ((lpstrCommand = mciAlloc (sizeof (szClose) + 1 + lstrlen (lpstrDevice))) == NULL) return MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
wsprintf(lpstrCommand, szCmdFormat, (LPCSTR)szClose, lpstrDevice);
dwRet = mciSendSystemString (lpstrCommand, NULL, 0);
mciFree (lpstrCommand);
return dwRet; }
// Process a single MCI command
// Called by mciSendCommandInternal
STATICFN DWORD PASCAL NEAR mciSendSingleCommand( UINT wDeviceID, UINT wMessage, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2, LPMCI_DEVICE_NODE nodeWorking, BOOL bTaskSwitch, LPMCI_INTERNAL_OPEN_INFO lpOpenInfo ) { DWORD dwRet; #ifdef DEBUG_RETAIL
UINT wReturnType; DWORD dwTime; #endif
if (DebugmciSendCommand) wReturnType = mciDebugOut (wDeviceID, wMessage, dwParam1, dwParam2, nodeWorking); #endif
switch (wMessage) { case MCI_OPEN: dwRet = mciOpenDevice (dwParam1, (LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)dwParam2, lpOpenInfo); break;
case MCI_CLOSE: // If this device was auto opened send the command via a task switch
if (bTaskSwitch) { if (dwParam1 & MCI_NOTIFY) return MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN;
dwRet = mciAutoCloseDevice (nodeWorking->lpstrName); } else dwRet = mciCloseDevice (wDeviceID, dwParam1, (LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS)dwParam2, TRUE); break;
case MCI_SYSINFO: dwRet = mciSysinfo (wDeviceID, dwParam1, (LPMCI_SYSINFO_PARMS)dwParam2); HandleNotify ((UINT)dwRet, 0, dwParam1, dwParam2); break;
case MCI_BREAK: dwRet = mciBreak (wDeviceID, dwParam1, (LPMCI_BREAK_PARMS)dwParam2); HandleNotify ((UINT)dwRet, wDeviceID, dwParam1, dwParam2); break;
case MCI_SOUND: { dwRet = sndPlaySound (MCI_SOUND_NAME & dwParam1 ? ((LPMCI_SOUND_PARMS)dwParam2)->lpstrSoundName : szSystemDefault, dwParam1 & MCI_WAIT ? SND_SYNC : SND_ASYNC) ? 0 : MCIERR_HARDWARE; HandleNotify ((UINT)dwRet, wDeviceID, dwParam1, dwParam2); break; } default: #ifdef DEBUG_RETAIL
if (DebugmciSendCommand) { dwTime = timeGetTime(); } #endif
// Initialize GetAsyncKeyState for break key
if (dwParam1 & MCI_WAIT && nodeWorking->fpYieldProc == mciBreakKeyYieldProc) GetAsyncKeyState (LOWORD(nodeWorking->dwYieldData));
dwRet = (DWORD)SendDriverMessage(nodeWorking->hDrvDriver, wMessage, (LPARAM)dwParam1, (LPARAM)dwParam2); #ifdef DEBUG_RETAIL
if (DebugmciSendCommand) { dwTime = timeGetTime() - dwTime; } #endif
break; } // switch
if (DebugmciSendCommand) { if (dwRet & MCI_INTEGER_RETURNED) { wReturnType = MCI_INTEGER; }
switch (wReturnType) { case MCI_INTEGER: { char strTemp[50];
if (wMessage == MCI_OPEN) {
mciConvertReturnValue( wReturnType, HIWORD(dwRet), wDeviceID, (LPDWORD)dwParam2, strTemp, sizeof(strTemp)); } else { mciConvertReturnValue( wReturnType, HIWORD(dwRet), wDeviceID, (LPDWORD)dwParam2, strTemp, sizeof(strTemp)); }
RPRINTF2( "MMSYSTEM: time: %lums returns: \"%ls\"", dwTime, (LPSTR)strTemp); break; } case MCI_STRING: RPRINTF2( "MMSYSTEM: time: %lums returns: \"%ls\"", dwTime, (LPSTR)*(((LPDWORD)dwParam2) + 1)); break; } } #endif
return dwRet; }
// Internal version of mciSendCommand. Differs ONLY in that the return
// value is a DWORD where the high word has meaning only for mciSendString
STATICFN DWORD NEAR PASCAL mciSendCommandInternal( UINT wDeviceID, UINT wMessage, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2, LPMCI_INTERNAL_OPEN_INFO lpOpenInfo ) { DWORD dwRetVal; LPMCI_DEVICE_NODE nodeWorking = NULL; BOOL bWalkAll; BOOL bTaskSwitch; DWORD dwAllError = 0; HTASK hCurrentTask;
hCurrentTask = GetCurrentTask();
// If the device is "all" and the message is *not*
// "sysinfo" then we must walk all devices
if (wDeviceID == MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID && wMessage != MCI_SYSINFO && wMessage != MCI_SOUND) { if (wMessage == MCI_OPEN) { dwRetVal = MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL; goto exitfn; }
bWalkAll = TRUE;
// Start at device #1
wDeviceID = 1; } else bWalkAll = FALSE;
// Walk through all devices if bWalkAll or just one device if !bWalkAll
do { // Initialize
dwRetVal = 0; bTaskSwitch = FALSE;
// Validate the device ID if single device
if (!bWalkAll) { if (!MCI_DO_NOT_NEED_OPEN(wMessage)) { if (!MCI_VALID_DEVICE_ID(wDeviceID)) { dwRetVal = MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID; goto exitfn; } nodeWorking = MCI_lpDeviceList[wDeviceID]; } } else if (wMessage != MCI_SYSINFO) nodeWorking = MCI_lpDeviceList[wDeviceID];
// Skip if walking the device list and the
// device is not part of the current task
if (bWalkAll) { if (nodeWorking == NULL || nodeWorking->hOpeningTask != hCurrentTask) goto no_send; } // If the device is in the process of closing and the message
// is not MCI_CLOSE_DRIVER then return an error
if (nodeWorking != NULL && (nodeWorking->dwMCIFlags & MCINODE_ISCLOSING) && wMessage != MCI_CLOSE_DRIVER) { dwRetVal = MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED; goto exitfn; }
// If this message is being sent from the wrong task (the device was auto-
// opened) fail all but the MCI_CLOSE message which gets sent inter-task
if (nodeWorking != NULL && nodeWorking->hCreatorTask != hCurrentTask) if (wMessage != MCI_CLOSE) return MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN; else { // Don't even allow close from mciSendCommand if auto-open device has a
// pending close
if (nodeWorking->dwMCIFlags & MCINODE_ISAUTOCLOSING) { // But at least give the close a chance to take place
//!! Yield();
return MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED; } else bTaskSwitch = TRUE; }
dwRetVal = mciSendSingleCommand (wDeviceID, wMessage, dwParam1, dwParam2, nodeWorking, bTaskSwitch, lpOpenInfo); no_send:
// If we are processing multiple devices
if (bWalkAll) { // If there was an error for this device
if (dwRetVal != 0) // If this is not the first error
if (dwAllError != 0) dwAllError = MCIERR_MULTIPLE; // Just one error so far
else dwAllError = dwRetVal; } } while (bWalkAll && ++wDeviceID < MCI_wNextDeviceID);
exitfn: // Return the accumulated error if multiple devices or just the single error
return bWalkAll ? dwAllError : dwRetVal; }
* @doc EXTERNAL MCI * * @api DWORD | mciSendCommand | This function sends a command message to * the specified MCI device. * * @parm UINT | wDeviceID | Specifies the device ID of the MCI device to * receive the command. This parameter is * not used with the <m MCI_OPEN> command. * * @parm UINT | wMessage | Specifies the command message. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Specifies flags for the command. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Specifies a pointer to a parameter block * for the command. * * @rdesc Returns zero if the function was successful. Otherwise, it returns * error information. The low-order word * of the returned DWORD is the error return value. If the error is * device-specific, the high-order word contains the driver ID; otherwise * the high-order word is zero. * * To get a textual description of <f mciSendCommand> return values, * pass the return value to <f mciGetErrorString>. * * Error values that are returned when a device is being opened * are listed with the MCI_OPEN message. In addition to the * MCI_OPEN error returns, this function can * return the following values: * * @flag MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT | Illegal value for time format. * * @flag MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL | The device name "all" is not allowed * for this command. * * @flag MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW | Could not create or use window. * * @flag MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED | The device is locked until it is * closed automatically. * * @flag MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY | Device not ready. * * @flag MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED | The device name must be a valid * device type. * * @flag MCIERR_DRIVER | Unspecified device error. * * @flag MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL | Internal driver error. * * @flag MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | Requested file not found. * * @flag MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED | The file was not saved. * * @flag MCIERR_FILE_READ | A read from the file failed. * * @flag MCIERR_FILE_WRITE | A write to the file failed. * * @flag MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE | Incompatible parameters * were specified. * * @flag MCIERR_HARDWARE | Hardware error on media device. * * @flag MCIERR_INTERNAL | mmsystem startup error. * * @flag MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID | Invalid device ID. * * @flag MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME | The device is not open * or is not known. * * @flag MCIERR_INVALID_FILE | Invalid file format. * * @flag MCIERR_MULTIPLE | Errors occurred in more than one device. * * @flag MCIERR_NO_WINDOW | There is no display window. * * @flag MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK | Parameter block pointer was NULL. * * @flag MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY | Not enough memory for requested operation. * * @flag MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE | Parameter value out of range. * * @flag MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE | Attempt to save unnamed file. * * @flag MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND | Unknown command. * * @flag MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION | Action not available for this * device. * * The following additional return values are defined for MCI sequencers: * * @flag MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE | Set Song Pointer incompatible * with SMPTE files. * * @flag MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE | Specified port is in use. * * @flag MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE | Current map uses non-existent * device. * * @flag MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR | Miscellaneous error with * specified port. * * @flag MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT | Specified port does not exist. * * @flag MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED | No current MIDI port. * * @flag MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT | No MIDI ports present. * * @flag MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER | Timer error. * * The following additional return values are defined for MCI waveform * audio devices: * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE | No compatible waveform recording * device is free. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE | No compatible waveform * recording devices. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED | Any compatible waveform * recording device may be used. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE | No compatible waveform playback * device is free. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE | No compatible waveform * playback devices. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED | Any compatible waveform * playback device may be used. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE | Set waveform recording device * is in use. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE | Set waveform recording * device is incompatible with set format. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE | Set waveform playback device * is in use. * * @flag MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE | Set waveform playback * device is incompatible with set format. * * @comm Use the <m MCI_OPEN> command to obtain the device ID * specified by <p wDeviceID>. * * @xref mciGetErrorString mciSendString */
* @doc internal * * @api DWORD | mciDriverEntry | Actually a callback. The entry point for MCI drivers. * * @parm UINT | wMessage | Identifies the requested action to be performed. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam1 | Specifies data for this message. Defined separately * for each message. * * @parm DWORD | dwParam2 | Specifies data for this message. Defined separately * for each message. * * @rdesc The return value is defined separately for each message. */ DWORD WINAPI mciSendCommand( UINT wDeviceID, UINT wMessage, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2 ) { // Initialize the 16-bit device list if needed.
if (!MCI_bDeviceListInitialized && !mciInitDeviceList()) return MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
// MCI_OPEN_DRIVER & MCI_CLOSE_DRIVER only supported on 16-bit drivers
if ( (wMessage == MCI_OPEN_DRIVER) || (wMessage == MCI_CLOSE_DRIVER) ) { return mciSendCommand16( wDeviceID, wMessage, dwParam1, dwParam2 ); }
** If we are opening the device try the 32 bit side first. If this ** worked (hopefully this is the usual case) we return the given ** device ID. Otherwise, we try for a 16 bit device. */ if ( wMessage == MCI_OPEN ) {
DWORD dwErr;
DPRINTF(("mciSendCommand: Got an MCI_OPEN command... " "trying 32 bits\r\n" ));
dwErr = mciMessage( THUNK_MCI_SENDCOMMAND, (DWORD)wDeviceID, (DWORD)wMessage, dwParam1, dwParam2 );
if ( dwErr == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
DPRINTF(("mciSendCommand: We have a 32 bit driver," " devID = 0x%X\r\n", lpOpenParms->wDeviceID ));
return dwErr;
} else {
** We could open the device on the 32 bit side so let ** the 16 bit code have a go (ie. just fall thru to the code below). */ DPRINTF(("mciSendCommand: Could not find a 32 bit driver, " "trying for a 16 bit driver\r\n" ));
dwErr = mciSendCommand16( wDeviceID, wMessage, dwParam1, dwParam2 );
if ( dwErr == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
DPRINTF(("mciSendCommand: We have a 16 bit driver," " devID = 0x%X\r\n", lpOpenParms->wDeviceID )); }
return dwErr; } } else {
DWORD dwErr16; DWORD dwErr32;
** If we have been given the MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID then we have to ** send the command to both the 32 and 16 bit side. ** ** Special care needs to be taken with the MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID. ** The message must be passed on to both 32 and 16 bit devices. */
if (CouldBe16bitDrv(wDeviceID)) { dwErr16 = mciSendCommand16( wDeviceID, wMessage, dwParam1, dwParam2 );
if ( wDeviceID != MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID ) { return dwErr16; } }
dwErr32 = mciMessage( THUNK_MCI_SENDCOMMAND, (DWORD)wDeviceID, (DWORD)wMessage, dwParam1, dwParam2 );
** If we have the MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID device ID we only return ** an error if both the 16 and 32 bit calls failed. In which ** case we return the 32 bit error code. */ if ( wDeviceID == MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID ) {
if ( (dwErr16 != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) && (dwErr32 != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) ) {
return dwErr32; } else { return MMSYSERR_NOERROR; } }
return dwErr32; } }
* mciSendCommand16 * * Here is where we execute the real 16 bit mciSendCommand. Hoefully this * will not get called to often. * * History: * dd-mm-94 - StephenE - Created * \**************************************************************************/ DWORD WINAPI mciSendCommand16( UINT wDeviceID, UINT wMessage, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2 ) { DWORD dwErr; MCI_INTERNAL_OPEN_INFO OpenInfo;
// Send the command. This shell is responsible for adding the device ID
// to the error code if necessary
OpenInfo.hCallingTask = GetCurrentTask(); OpenInfo.lpstrParams = NULL; OpenInfo.lpstrPointerList = NULL; OpenInfo.wParsingError = 0; dwErr = mciSendCommandInternal (wDeviceID, wMessage, dwParam1, dwParam2, &OpenInfo); //
// If the return value contains a resource ID then clear
// it from clear the high word
if (dwErr & MCI_RESOURCE_RETURNED) ((LPDWORD)dwParam2)[1] &= 0xFFFF; dwErr &= 0xFFFF;
// If the error message is in a driver, store the driver ID in the high
// word of the error code
if ((UINT)dwErr >= MCIERR_CUSTOM_DRIVER_BASE) dwErr |= ((DWORD)wDeviceID << 16);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Dump the error text if any to the debug terminal
if (dwErr != 0) { char strTemp[MAXERRORLENGTH];
if (!mciGetErrorString (dwErr, strTemp, sizeof(strTemp))) LoadString(ghInst, STR_MCISCERRTXT, strTemp, sizeof(strTemp)); else DPRINTF(("mciSendCommand: %ls\r\n",(LPSTR)strTemp)); } #endif
return dwErr; }
// Grab colonized digit
// Return is number of bytes written to output (NOT including NULL)
// or 0 if out of room in output buffer (but is terminated anyway)
// If there is room then at least two digits are written, padded with '0'
// if necessary. The function assumes that the buffer size is non-zero length,
// as this is checked in the calling function.
STATICFN UINT PASCAL NEAR mciColonizeDigit( LPSTR lpstrOutput, unsigned char cDigit, UINT wSize ) { UINT wCount;
wCount = 2;
// If there is room for at least two digits
if (wSize >= 3) { if (cDigit >= 100) { wCount = 3; if (wSize < 4) goto terminate; *lpstrOutput++ = (char)((cDigit / 100) % 10 + '0'); cDigit = (char)(cDigit % 100); } *lpstrOutput++ = (char)(cDigit / 10 + '0'); *lpstrOutput++ = (char)(cDigit % 10 + '0'); }
terminate: *lpstrOutput++ = '\0';
// If we ran out of room then return an error
return (wCount >= wSize) ? 0 : wCount; }
* @doc INTERNAL MCI * @func BOOL | mciColonize | Convert a colonized dword into a string * representation * * @parm LPSTR | lpstrOutput | Output buffer * * @parm UINT | wLength | Size of output buffer * * @parm DWORD | dwData | Value to convert * * @parm UINT | wType | Either MCI_COLONIZED3_RETURN or * MCI_COLONIZED4_RETURN is set (HIWORD portion only!) * * @comm Example: For C4, 0x01020304 is converted to "04:03:02:01" * For C3, 0x01020304 is converted to "04:03:02" * * @rdesc FALSE if there is not enough room in the output buffer * */ STATICFN BOOL PASCAL NEAR mciColonize( LPSTR lpstrOutput, UINT wLength, DWORD dwData, UINT wType ) { LPSTR lpstrInput = (LPSTR)&dwData; UINT wSize; int i;
for (i = 1; i <= (wType & HIWORD(MCI_COLONIZED3_RETURN) ? 3 : 4); ++i) { wSize = mciColonizeDigit (lpstrOutput, *lpstrInput++, wLength); if (wSize == 0) return FALSE; lpstrOutput += wSize; wLength -= wSize; if (i < 3 || i < 4 && wType & HIWORD(MCI_COLONIZED4_RETURN)) { --wLength; if (wLength == 0) return FALSE; else *lpstrOutput++ = ':'; } } return TRUE; }
// Convert the return value to a return string
STATICFN UINT PASCAL NEAR mciConvertReturnValue( UINT wType, UINT wErrCode, UINT wDeviceID, LPDWORD dwParams, LPSTR lpstrReturnString, UINT wReturnLength ) { UINT wExternalTable;
if (lpstrReturnString == NULL || wReturnLength == 0) return 0;
switch (wType) { case MCI_INTEGER: // Convert integer or resource return value to string
if (wErrCode & HIWORD(MCI_RESOURCE_RETURNED)) { int nResId = HIWORD(dwParams[1]); LPMCI_DEVICE_NODE nodeWorking; HINSTANCE hInstance;
if ((nodeWorking = MCI_lpDeviceList[wDeviceID]) == NULL) { // Return blank string on memory error
DOUT ("mciConvertReturnValue Warning:NULL device node\r\n"); break; }
// Return value is a resource
if (wErrCode & HIWORD(MCI_RESOURCE_DRIVER)) { // Return string ID belongs to driver
hInstance = nodeWorking->hDriver;
wExternalTable = nodeWorking->wCustomCommandTable; } else { wExternalTable = nodeWorking->wCommandTable; hInstance = ghInst; }
// Try to get string from custom or device specific external table
if (wExternalTable == -1 || command_tables[wExternalTable].hModule == NULL || LoadString (command_tables[wExternalTable].hModule, nResId, lpstrReturnString, wReturnLength) == 0) { // Try to get string from CORE.MCI if it's not from the driver
if (hInstance != ghInst || command_tables[0].hModule == NULL || LoadString (command_tables[0].hModule, nResId, lpstrReturnString, wReturnLength) == 0) // Get string from custom module or MMSYSTEM.DLL
LoadString (hInstance, nResId, lpstrReturnString, wReturnLength); }
} else if (wErrCode & HIWORD(MCI_COLONIZED3_RETURN) || wErrCode & HIWORD(MCI_COLONIZED4_RETURN)) { if (!mciColonize (lpstrReturnString, wReturnLength, dwParams[1], wErrCode)) return MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW; } else // Convert integer return value to string
{ DWORD dwTemp;
// Need room for a sign, up to ten digits and a NULL
if (wReturnLength < 12) return MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW;
if (wType == MCI_STRING || wErrCode == HIWORD(MCI_INTEGER_RETURNED)) dwTemp = *(LPDWORD)dwParams[1]; else dwTemp = dwParams[1]; wsprintf(lpstrReturnString, szLongFormat, dwTemp); } break; case MCI_RECT: // Need from for 4 times (a sign plus 5 digits) plus three spaces and a NULL
if (wReturnLength < 4 * 6 + 4) return MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW;
wsprintf (lpstrReturnString, szRectFormat, ((LPWORD)dwParams)[2], ((LPWORD)dwParams)[3], ((LPWORD)dwParams)[4], ((LPWORD)dwParams)[5]); break; default: // Only support INTEGERs & MIXED
DOUT ("mciConvertReturnValue Warning: Unknown return type\r\n"); return MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL; } return 0; }
// Pull off the command name and device name from the command string,
// leaving *lplpstrCommand pointing past the device name
// Returns 0 or an error code on failure. If successful, the caller must
// free the pstrCommandName and pstrDeviceName
// If bCompound then check for a '!' separator in the extracted device name
// and return only the element part. This is done so that inter-task
// commands to auto-opened devices will include the correct device name
STATICFN DWORD PASCAL NEAR mciSeparateCommandParts( LPSTR FAR *lplpstrCommand, BOOL bCompound, LPSTR FAR *lplpstrCommandName, LPSTR FAR *lplpstrDeviceName ) { LPSTR lpstrCommand; UINT wErr;
// Localize the input
lpstrCommand = *lplpstrCommand;
// Remove leading spaces
while (*lpstrCommand == ' ') ++lpstrCommand;
if (*lpstrCommand == '\0') return MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING;
// Pull the command name off of the command string
if ((wErr = mciEatToken (&lpstrCommand, ' ', lplpstrCommandName, FALSE)) != 0) return wErr;
// Skip past spaces
while (*lpstrCommand == ' ') ++lpstrCommand;
// If we're looking for compound elements then yank off any leading
// device type if it is not the open command
if (bCompound && lstrcmpi (szOpen, *lplpstrCommandName) != 0) { LPSTR lpstrTemp = lpstrCommand; while (*lpstrTemp != '\0') { if (*lpstrTemp == '!') { // A ! was found so skip past it
lpstrCommand = lpstrTemp + 1; break; } else ++lpstrTemp; } }
// Pull the device name off of the command string
if ((wErr = mciEatToken (&lpstrCommand, ' ', lplpstrDeviceName, FALSE)) != 0) { mciFree (*lplpstrCommandName); return wErr;
// Fix up the results
*lplpstrCommand = lpstrCommand;
return 0; }
STATICFN DWORD NEAR PASCAL mciSendSystemString( LPCSTR lpstrCommand, LPSTR lpstrReturnString, UINT wReturnLength ) { DWORD dwRet; LPMCI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE lpMessage;
if (!hwndNotify) return MCIERR_INTERNAL; if (lpMessage = mciAlloc (sizeof (MCI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE))) { LPSTR lpstrPath;
if (lpstrPath = mciAlloc(MAX_PATHNAME)) { if (!(DosGetCurrentDir(0, lpstrPath))) { lpMessage->lpstrCommand = (LPSTR)lpstrCommand; lpMessage->lpstrReturnString = lpstrReturnString; lpMessage->wReturnLength = wReturnLength; lpMessage->hCallingTask = GetCurrentTask(); lpMessage->lpstrNewDirectory = lpstrPath; lpMessage->nNewDrive = DosGetCurrentDrive(); dwRet = (DWORD)SendMessage(hwndNotify, MM_MCISYSTEM_STRING, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)lpMessage); } else { DOUT("mciSendSystemString: cannot get current directory\r\n"); dwRet = MCIERR_GET_CD; } mciFree(lpstrPath); } else { DOUT("mciSendSystemString: cannot allocate new path\r\n"); dwRet = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } mciFree(lpMessage); } else { DOUT("mciSendSystemString: cannot allocate message block\r\n"); dwRet = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return dwRet; }
DWORD FAR PASCAL mciRelaySystemString( LPMCI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE lpMessage ) { DWORD dwRet; LPSTR lpstrOldPath;
if (lpstrOldPath = mciAlloc(MAX_PATHNAME)) { if (!(DosGetCurrentDir(0, lpstrOldPath))) { int nOldDrive;
nOldDrive = DosGetCurrentDrive(); if (DosSetCurrentDrive(lpMessage->nNewDrive)) { if (DosChangeDir(lpMessage->lpstrNewDirectory) == 1) { dwRet = mciSendStringInternal (NULL, NULL, 0, 0, lpMessage); if (!DosSetCurrentDrive(nOldDrive)) DOUT("mciRelaySystemString: WARNING, cannot restore drive\r\n"); if (DosChangeDir(lpstrOldPath) != 1) DOUT("mciRelaySystemString: WARNING, cannot restore directory\r\n"); } else { DosSetCurrentDrive(nOldDrive); DOUT("mciRelaySystemString: cannot change to new directory\r\n"); dwRet = MCIERR_SET_CD; } } else { DOUT("mciRelaySystemString: cannot change to new drive\r\n"); dwRet = MCIERR_SET_DRIVE; } } else { DOUT("mciRelaySystemString: cannot get old directory\r\n"); dwRet = MCIERR_GET_CD; } mciFree(lpstrOldPath); } else { DOUT("mciRelaySystemString: cannot allocate old path\r\n"); dwRet = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return dwRet; }
// Returns TRUE if "notify" is contained in string with leading blank
// and trailing blank or '\0'
STATICFN BOOL PASCAL NEAR mciFindNotify( LPSTR lpString ) { while (*lpString != '\0') { // "notify" must be preceded by a blank
if (*lpString++ == ' ') { LPSTR lpTemp;
lpTemp = szNotify; while (*lpTemp != '\0' && *lpString != '\0' && *lpTemp == MCI_TOLOWER(*lpString)) { ++lpTemp; ++lpString; } // "notify" must be followed by a blank or a null
if (*lpTemp == '\0' && (*lpString == '\0' || *lpString == ' ')) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
* @doc INTERNAL MCI * * @func UINT | mciAutoOpenDevice | Try to auto-open the given device and * then send the given command with notification sent to the system task * window proc which sends a close command to the device on receipt * * @parm LPSTR | lpstrDeviceName | The device name to open * * @parm LPSTR | lpstrCommand | The full command to send including the * device name which must be the same as lpstrDeviceName * * @parm LPSTR | lpstrReturnString | The caller's return string buffer * * @parm UINT | wReturnLength | Size of the caller's return string buffer * * @rdesc The errorcode to return to the user */ STATICFN UINT PASCAL NEAR mciAutoOpenDevice( LPSTR lpstrDeviceName, LPSTR lpstrCommand, LPSTR lpstrReturnString, UINT wReturnLength ) { LPSTR lpstrTempCommand, lpstrTempReturn = NULL; UINT wErr;
// "notify" not allowed. This will be found by the parser but the wrong
// error message will be returned.
if (mciFindNotify (lpstrCommand)) return MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN;
// Build the command string "open <device name>"
// Must be GMEM_SHARE for system task
// device name + blank + "open"
if ((lpstrTempCommand = mciAlloc (lstrlen (lpstrDeviceName) + 1 + sizeof (szOpen))) == NULL) return MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
wsprintf(lpstrTempCommand, szCmdFormat, (LPSTR)szOpen, lpstrDeviceName); // Get the open string into the system task via a SendMessage() to mmWndProc
wErr = (UINT)mciSendSystemString (lpstrTempCommand, NULL, NULL);
mciFree (lpstrTempCommand);
if (wErr != 0) return wErr;
lpstrTempCommand = NULL; // Must make a GMEM_SHARE copy of the return string for system task
if (lpstrReturnString == NULL || (lpstrTempReturn = mciAlloc (wReturnLength + 1)) != NULL) { // Build a GMEM_SHARE command string "<user command> <notify>
// command + blank + "notify"
if ((lpstrTempCommand = mciAlloc (lstrlen (lpstrCommand) + 1 + sizeof(szNotify))) == NULL) mciFree (lpstrTempReturn); }
if (lpstrTempCommand == NULL) { // Close the device
mciDriverNotify (hwndNotify, mciGetDeviceID (lpstrDeviceName), 0); return MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
wsprintf(lpstrTempCommand, szCmdFormat, lpstrCommand, (LPSTR)szNotify);
// Get the user command string into the system task via a SendMessage()
// to mmWndProc
// The notification handle is also mmWndProc
wErr = (UINT)mciSendSystemString (lpstrTempCommand, lpstrTempReturn, wReturnLength);
// Copy the return string into the user's buffer
if (lpstrReturnString != NULL) { lstrcpy (lpstrReturnString, lpstrTempReturn); mciFree (lpstrTempReturn); }
mciFree (lpstrTempCommand);
// If there was an error we must close the device
if (wErr != 0) mciAutoCloseDevice (lpstrDeviceName);
return wErr; }
// Identical to mciSendString() but the lpMessage parameter is tacked on
// lpMessage comes from inter-task mciSendString and includes an
// hCallingTask item which is sent down the the OPEN command
STATICFN DWORD NEAR PASCAL mciSendStringInternal( LPCSTR lpstrCommand, LPSTR lpstrReturnString, UINT wReturnLength, HWND hwndCallback, LPMCI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE lpMessage ) { UINT wID, wConvertReturnValue, wErr, wMessage; UINT wLen; UINT wDeviceID; LPDWORD lpdwParams = NULL; DWORD dwReturn, dwFlags = 0; LPSTR lpCommandItem; DWORD dwErr, dwRetType; UINT wTable = (UINT)-1; LPSTR lpstrDeviceName = NULL, lpstrCommandName = NULL; LPSTR FAR *lpstrPointerList = NULL; LPSTR lpstrCommandStart; HTASK hCallingTask; UINT wParsingError; BOOL bNewDevice; LPSTR lpstrInputCopy;
// Did this call come in from another task
if (lpMessage != NULL) { // Yes so restore info
lpstrCommand = lpMessage->lpstrCommand; lpstrReturnString = lpMessage->lpstrReturnString; wReturnLength = lpMessage->wReturnLength; hwndCallback = hwndNotify; hCallingTask = lpMessage->hCallingTask; lpstrInputCopy = NULL;
} else { BOOL bInQuotes = FALSE;
// No so set hCallingTask to current
hCallingTask = GetCurrentTask();
if (lpstrCommand == NULL) return MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING;
// Make a copy of the input string and convert tabs to
// spaces except those inside quotes
if ((lpstrInputCopy = mciAlloc (lstrlen (lpstrCommand) + 1)) == NULL) return MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; lstrcpy (lpstrInputCopy, lpstrCommand); lpstrCommand = lpstrInputCopy; lpstrCommandStart = (LPSTR)lpstrCommand; while (*lpstrCommandStart != '\0') { if (*lpstrCommandStart == '"') bInQuotes = !bInQuotes; else if (!bInQuotes && *lpstrCommandStart == '\t') *lpstrCommandStart = ' '; ++lpstrCommandStart; } } lpstrCommandStart = (LPSTR)lpstrCommand;
if (lpstrReturnString == NULL) { //
// As an additional safeguard against the driver writing into the
// output buffer when the return string pointer is NULL, set its
// length to 0
wReturnLength = 0; } else { //
// Set return to empty string so that it won't print out garbage if not
// touched again
*lpstrReturnString = '\0'; }
// Pull the command name and device name off the command string
if ((dwReturn = mciSeparateCommandParts (&lpstrCommand, lpMessage != NULL, &lpstrCommandName, &lpstrDeviceName)) != 0) goto exitfn;
// Get the device id (if any) of the given device name
wDeviceID = mciGetDeviceIDInternal(lpstrDeviceName, hCallingTask);
// Allow "new" for an empty device name
if (wDeviceID == 0 && lstrcmpi (lpstrDeviceName, szNew) == 0) { bNewDevice = TRUE; *lpstrDeviceName = '\0'; } else { bNewDevice = FALSE; }
// Look up the command name
wMessage = mciParseCommand (wDeviceID, lpstrCommandName, lpstrDeviceName, &lpCommandItem, &wTable);
// If the device has a pending auto-close
if (MCI_VALID_DEVICE_ID(wDeviceID)) { LPMCI_DEVICE_NODE nodeWorking = MCI_lpDeviceList[wDeviceID];
// Is there a pending auto-close message?
if (nodeWorking->dwMCIFlags & MCINODE_ISAUTOCLOSING) { // Let the device close
//!! Yield();
// Did the device close?
//!! wDeviceID = mciGetDeviceIDInternal (lpstrDeviceName, hCallingTask);
// If not then fail this command
//!! if (wDeviceID == 0)
//!! {
wErr = MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED; goto cleanup;
//!! }
// If the call does not come from another task and is not owned by this task
// and is not the SYSINFO command
} else if (lpMessage == NULL && nodeWorking->hOpeningTask != nodeWorking->hCreatorTask && wMessage != MCI_SYSINFO) // Send the string inter-task
{ if (mciFindNotify (lpstrCommandStart)) { wErr = MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN; goto cleanup; } else { LPSTR lpstrReturnStringCopy;
mciFree(lpstrCommandName); mciFree(lpstrDeviceName); mciUnlockCommandTable (wTable);
if ((lpstrReturnStringCopy = mciAlloc (wReturnLength + 1)) != NULL) { dwReturn = mciSendSystemString (lpstrCommandStart, lpstrReturnStringCopy, wReturnLength); lstrcpy (lpstrReturnString, lpstrReturnStringCopy); mciFree (lpstrReturnStringCopy); } else dwReturn = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto exitfn; } } }
// There must be a device name (except for the MCI_SOUND message)
if (*lpstrDeviceName == '\0' && wMessage != MCI_SOUND && !bNewDevice) { wErr = MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME; goto cleanup; }
// The command must appear in the parser tables
if (wMessage == 0) { wErr = MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND; goto cleanup; }
// The "new" device name is only legal for the open message
if (bNewDevice) { if (wMessage != MCI_OPEN) { wErr = MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME; goto cleanup; } }
// If there was no device ID
if (wDeviceID == 0) // If auto open is not legal (usually internal commands)
if (MCI_CANNOT_AUTO_OPEN (wMessage)) { // If the command needs an open device
if (!MCI_DO_NOT_NEED_OPEN (wMessage)) { wErr = MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME; goto cleanup; } } else
// If auto open is legal try to open the device automatically
{ wErr = mciAutoOpenDevice (lpstrDeviceName, lpstrCommandStart, lpstrReturnString, wReturnLength); goto cleanup; }
// Parse the command parameters
// Allocate command parameter block
if ((lpdwParams = (LPDWORD)mciAlloc (sizeof(DWORD) * MCI_MAX_PARAM_SLOTS)) == NULL) { wErr = MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
wErr = mciParseParams (lpstrCommand, lpCommandItem, &dwFlags, (LPSTR)lpdwParams, MCI_MAX_PARAM_SLOTS * sizeof(DWORD), &lpstrPointerList, &wParsingError); if (wErr != 0) goto cleanup;
// The 'new' device keyword requires an alias
if (bNewDevice && !(dwFlags & MCI_OPEN_ALIAS)) { wErr = MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS; goto cleanup; }
// Parsed OK so execute command
// Special processing for the MCI_OPEN message's parameters
if (wMessage == MCI_OPEN) { // Manually reference the device type and device element
if (dwFlags & MCI_OPEN_TYPE) { // The type name was specified explicitly as a parameter
// so the given device name is the element name
((LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)lpdwParams)->lpstrElementName = (LPSTR)lpstrDeviceName; dwFlags |= MCI_OPEN_ELEMENT; } else { // A type must be explicitly specified when "new" is used
if (bNewDevice) { wErr = MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME; goto cleanup; } // The device type is the given device name.
// There is no element name
((LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)lpdwParams)->lpstrDeviceType = (LPSTR)lpstrDeviceName; ((LPMCI_OPEN_PARMS)lpdwParams)->lpstrElementName = NULL; dwFlags |= MCI_OPEN_TYPE; } }
else if (wMessage == MCI_SOUND && *lpstrDeviceName != '\0') { // Kludge the sound name for SOUND
//!! mciToLower (lpstrDeviceName);
if (lstrcmpi (lpstrDeviceName, szNotify) == 0) dwFlags |= MCI_NOTIFY; else if (lstrcmpi (lpstrDeviceName, szWait) == 0) dwFlags |= MCI_WAIT; else { ((LPMCI_SOUND_PARMS)lpdwParams)->lpstrSoundName = lpstrDeviceName; dwFlags |= MCI_SOUND_NAME; } }
// Figure out what kind of return value to expect
// Initialize flag
wConvertReturnValue = 0;
// Skip past header
wLen = mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommandItem, NULL, NULL);
// Get return value (if any)
mciEatCommandEntry (lpCommandItem + wLen, &dwRetType, &wID); if (wID == MCI_RETURN) { // There is a return value
if (wDeviceID == MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID && wMessage != MCI_SYSINFO) { wErr = MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL; goto cleanup; } switch ((UINT)dwRetType) { case MCI_STRING: // The return value is a string, point output
// buffer to user's buffer
lpdwParams[1] = (DWORD)lpstrReturnString; lpdwParams[2] = (DWORD)wReturnLength; break;
case MCI_INTEGER: // The return value is an integer, flag to convert it
// to a string later
wConvertReturnValue = MCI_INTEGER; break;
case MCI_RECT: // The return value is an rect, flag to
// convert it to a string later
wConvertReturnValue = MCI_RECT; break; #ifdef DEBUG
default: DOUT ("mciSendStringInternal: Unknown return type\r\n"); break; #endif
} }
// We don't need this around anymore
mciUnlockCommandTable (wTable); wTable = (UINT)-1;
/* Fill the callback entry */ lpdwParams[0] = (DWORD)(UINT)hwndCallback;
// Kludge the type number for SYSINFO
if (wMessage == MCI_SYSINFO) ((LPMCI_SYSINFO_PARMS)lpdwParams)->wDeviceType = mciLookUpType(lpstrDeviceName);
// Now we actually send the command further into the bowels of MCI!
// The INTERNAL version of mciSendCommand is used in order to get
// special return description information encoded in the high word
// of the return value and to get back the list of pointers allocated
// by any parsing done in the open command
{ MCI_INTERNAL_OPEN_INFO OpenInfo; OpenInfo.lpstrParams = (LPSTR)lpstrCommand; OpenInfo.lpstrPointerList = lpstrPointerList; OpenInfo.hCallingTask = hCallingTask; OpenInfo.wParsingError = wParsingError; dwErr = mciSendCommandInternal (wDeviceID, wMessage, dwFlags, (DWORD)(LPDWORD)lpdwParams, &OpenInfo); // If the command was reparsed there may be a new pointer list
// and the old one was free'd
lpstrPointerList = OpenInfo.lpstrPointerList; }
wErr = (UINT)dwErr;
if (wErr != 0) // If command execution error
goto cleanup;
// Command executed OK
// See if a string return came back with an integer instead
if (dwErr & MCI_INTEGER_RETURNED) wConvertReturnValue = MCI_INTEGER;
// If the return value must be converted
if (wConvertReturnValue != 0 && wReturnLength != 0) wErr = mciConvertReturnValue (wConvertReturnValue, HIWORD(dwErr), wDeviceID, lpdwParams, lpstrReturnString, wReturnLength);
cleanup: if (wTable != -1) mciUnlockCommandTable (wTable);
mciFree(lpstrCommandName); mciFree(lpstrDeviceName); if (lpdwParams != NULL) mciFree (lpdwParams);
// Free any memory used by string parameters
mciParserFree (lpstrPointerList);
dwReturn = (wErr >= MCIERR_CUSTOM_DRIVER_BASE ? (DWORD)wErr | (DWORD)wDeviceID << 16 : (DWORD)wErr);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (dwReturn != 0) { char strTemp[MAXERRORLENGTH];
if (!mciGetErrorString (dwReturn, strTemp, sizeof(strTemp))) LoadString(ghInst, STR_MCISSERRTXT, strTemp, sizeof(strTemp)); else DPRINTF(("mciSendString: %ls\r\n",(LPSTR)strTemp)); } #endif
exitfn: if (lpstrInputCopy != NULL) mciFree (lpstrInputCopy);
#ifdef DEBUG
mciCheckLocks(); #endif
return dwReturn; }
* @doc EXTERNAL MCI * * @api DWORD | mciSendString | This function sends a command string to an * MCI device. The device that the command is sent to is specified in the * command string. * * @parm LPCSTR | lpstrCommand | Specifies an MCI command string. * * @parm LPSTR | lpstrReturnString | Specifies a buffer for return * information. If no return information is needed, you can specify * NUL for this parameter. * * @parm UINT | wReturnLength | Specifies the size of the return buffer * specified by <p lpstrReturnString>. * * @parm HWND | hwndCallback | Specifies a handle to a window to call back * if "notify" was specified in the command string. * * @rdesc Returns zero if the function was successful. Otherwise, it returns * error information. The low-order word * of the returned DWORD contains the error return value. * * To get a textual description of <f mciSendString> return values, * pass the return value to <f mciGetErrorString>. * * The error returns listed for <f mciSendCommand> also apply to * <f mciSendString>. The following error returns are unique to * <f mciSendString>: * * @flag MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT | Unknown value for parameter. * * @flag MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER | Invalid or missing integer in command. * * @flag MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS | A flag or value was specified twice. * * @flag MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING | No command was specified. * * @flag MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME | No device name was specified. * * @flag MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT | A string value was * missing from the command. * * @flag MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS | An alias must be used * with the "new" device name. * * @flag MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE | A closing quotation mark is missing. * * @flag MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN | The "notify" flag is illegal * with auto-open. * * @flag MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW | The output string was not long enough. * * @flag MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL | Internal parser error. * * @flag MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD | Unknown command parameter. * * @xref mciGetErrorString mciSendCommand */ DWORD WINAPI mciSendString( LPCSTR lpstrCommand, LPSTR lpstrReturnString, UINT wReturnLength, HWND hwndCallback ) { DWORD dwErr32; DWORD dwErr16 = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; LPSTR lpstr; BOOL fHaveAll = FALSE;
// Initialize the 16-bit device list
if (!MCI_bDeviceListInitialized && !mciInitDeviceList()) { return MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
dwErr32 = mciMessage( THUNK_MCI_SENDSTRING, (DWORD)lpstrCommand, (DWORD)lpstrReturnString, (DWORD)wReturnLength, (DWORD)hwndCallback );
** Even if the string was processed correctly by the 32 bit side ** we might still have to pass it through to the 16 bit side if it ** contains the string " all\0" or " all ". */ lpstr = _fstrstr( lpstrCommand, " all" ); if ( lpstr ) {
lpstr += 4;
if ( *lpstr == ' ' || *lpstr == '\0' ) { fHaveAll = TRUE; } }
** If we have the all device or an error from the 32 bit side ** we have to try the 16 bit side. */
if ( !fHaveAll && dwErr32 == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { return dwErr32; } else {
dwErr16 = mciSendStringInternal( lpstrCommand, lpstrReturnString, wReturnLength, hwndCallback, NULL ); }
** Special processing of the return code is required if the ** MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID was specified. */ if ( fHaveAll ) { if ( (dwErr16 != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) && (dwErr32 != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) ) {
return dwErr32; } else { return MMSYSERR_NOERROR; } }
return dwErr32; }
return dwErr16; }
* @doc INTERNAL MCI * * @api BOOL | mciExecute | This function is a simplified version of the * <f mciSendString> function. It does not take a buffer for * return information, and it displays a message box when errors occur. * * @parm LPCSTR | lpstrCommand | Specifies an MCI command string. * * @rdesc TRUE if successful, FALSE if unsuccessful. * * @comm This function provides a simple interface to MCI from scripting * languages. * * @xref mciSendString */ BOOL WINAPI mciExecute( LPCSTR lpstrCommand ) { char aszError[MAXERRORLENGTH]; DWORD dwErr; LPSTR lpstrName;
if (LOWORD(dwErr = mciSendString (lpstrCommand, NULL, 0, NULL)) == 0) return TRUE;
if (!mciGetErrorString (dwErr, aszError, sizeof(aszError))) LoadString(ghInst, STR_MCIUNKNOWN, aszError, sizeof(aszError)); else
if (lpstrCommand != NULL) { // Skip initial blanks
while (*lpstrCommand == ' ') ++lpstrCommand; // Then skip the command
while (*lpstrCommand != ' ' && *lpstrCommand != '\0') ++lpstrCommand; // Then blanks before the device name
while (*lpstrCommand == ' ') ++lpstrCommand;
// Now, get the device name
if (lpstrCommand != '\0' && mciEatToken (&lpstrCommand, ' ', &lpstrName, FALSE) != 0) DOUT ("Could not allocate device name text for error box\r\n"); } else lpstrName = NULL;
MessageBox (NULL, aszError, lpstrName, MB_ICONHAND | MB_OK);
if (lpstrName != NULL) mciFree(lpstrName);
return FALSE; }
* @doc EXTERNAL MCI * * @api BOOL | mciGetErrorString | This function returns a * textual description of the specified MCI error. * * @parm DWORD | dwError | Specifies the error code returned by * <f mciSendCommand> or <f mciSendString>. * * @parm LPSTR | lpstrBuffer | Specifies a pointer to a buffer that is * filled with a textual description of the specified error. * * @parm UINT | wLength | Specifies the length of the buffer pointed to by * <p lpstrBuffer>. * * @rdesc Returns TRUE if successful. Otherwise, the given error code * was not known. */ BOOL WINAPI mciGetErrorString ( DWORD dwError, LPSTR lpstrBuffer, UINT wLength ) { HINSTANCE hInst;
if (lpstrBuffer == NULL) return FALSE;
if ( mciMessage( THUNK_MCI_GETERRORSTRING, (DWORD)dwError, (DWORD)lpstrBuffer, (DWORD)wLength, 0L ) ) { return TRUE; }
// If the high bit is set then get the error string from the driver
// else get it from mmsystem.dll
if (HIWORD(dwError) != 0) { if (!MCI_VALID_DEVICE_ID (HIWORD (dwError)) || !(hInst = MCI_lpDeviceList[HIWORD (dwError)]->hDriver)) { hInst = ghInst; dwError = MCIERR_DRIVER; } } else hInst = ghInst;
if (LoadString (hInst, LOWORD(dwError), lpstrBuffer, wLength) == 0) { // If the string load failed then at least terminate the string
if (wLength > 0) *lpstrBuffer = '\0'; return FALSE; } else return TRUE; }
#if 0
/* Return non-zero if load successful */ BOOL NEAR PASCAL MCIInit(void) { mci32Message = (LPMCIMESSAGE)GetProcAddress32W( mmwow32Lib, "mci32Message" ); return TRUE; } #endif
void NEAR PASCAL MCITerminate( void ) { /*
We would like to close all open devices here but cannot because of unknown WEP order */ if (hMciHeap != NULL) HeapDestroy(hMciHeap);
hMciHeap = NULL; }