/************************************************************/ /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /************************************************************/
#define NOICON
//#define NOATOM
//#define NOMEMMGR
#define NOPEN
#define NOREGION
#define NOMB
#define NOWH
#define NOSOUND
#define NOCOMM
#include <windows.h>
#include "mw.h"
#define NOUAC
#include "cmddefs.h"
#include "dispdefs.h"
#include "wwdefs.h"
#include "menudefs.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "fontdefs.h"
#include "printdef.h"
#if defined(OLE)
#include "obj.h"
#include <commdlg.h>
#ifdef DEBUG
#define STATIC
#define STATIC static
/* static string arrays found in mglobals.c */ extern CHAR szMw_acctb[]; extern CHAR szNullPort[]; extern CHAR szNone[15]; extern CHAR szMwlores[]; extern CHAR szMwhires[]; extern CHAR szMw_icon[]; extern CHAR szMw_menu[]; extern CHAR szScrollBar[]; extern CHAR szIntl[]; extern CHAR szsDecimal[]; extern CHAR szsDecimalDefault[];
#ifdef INTL /* International version */
extern CHAR sziCountry[]; extern CHAR sziCountryDefault[5]; #endif /* International version */
extern CHAR vchDecimal; /* decimal point character */ extern int viDigits; /* digits after decimal point */ extern BOOL vbLZero; /* leading zero before decimal */
extern struct WWD rgwwd[]; extern CHAR stBuf[256]; extern int vifceMac; extern union FCID vfcidScreen; extern union FCID vfcidPrint; extern struct FCE rgfce[ifceMax]; extern struct FCE *vpfceMru; extern HCURSOR vhcHourGlass;
#ifdef PENWIN // for PenWindows (5/21/91) patlam
#include <penwin.h>
extern HCURSOR vhcPen;
extern int (FAR PASCAL *lpfnProcessWriting)(HWND, LPRC); extern VOID (FAR PASCAL *lpfnPostVirtualKeyEvent)(WORD, BOOL); extern VOID (FAR PASCAL *lpfnTPtoDP)(LPPOINT, int); extern BOOL (FAR PASCAL *lpfnCorrectWriting)(HWND, LPSTR, int, LPRC, DWORD, DWORD); extern BOOL (FAR PASCAL *lpfnSymbolToCharacter)(LPSYV, int, LPSTR, LPINT); #endif
extern WORD fPrintOnly; extern HCURSOR vhcIBeam; extern HCURSOR vhcArrow; extern HCURSOR vhcBarCur; extern HANDLE hMmwModInstance; extern HWND hParentWw; extern HWND vhWndSizeBox; extern HWND vhWndPageInfo; extern HWND vhWnd; extern HMENU vhMenu; extern HANDLE vhAccel; extern long rgbBkgrnd; extern long rgbText; extern HBRUSH hbrBkgrnd; extern HDC vhMDC; extern int vfInitializing; extern int vfMouseExist; extern int ferror; extern CHAR szWindows[]; extern CHAR szNul[]; extern CHAR szWriteProduct[]; extern CHAR szBackup[]; extern int vfBackupSave;
#if defined(JAPAN) || defined(KOREA) //Win3.1J
extern CHAR szWordWrap[]; extern int vfWordWrap; /*t-Yoshio WordWrap flag*/ #endif
#if defined(JAPAN) & defined(IME_HIDDEN) //IME3.1J
extern CHAR szImeHidden[]; extern int vfImeHidden; /*T-HIROYN ImeHidden Mode flag*/ #endif
#ifdef JAPAN //01/21/93
extern HANDLE hszNoMemorySel; #endif
extern HANDLE hszNoMemory; extern HANDLE hszDirtyDoc; extern HANDLE hszCantPrint; extern HANDLE hszPRFAIL; extern HANDLE hszCantRunM; extern HANDLE hszCantRunF; extern HANDLE hszWinFailure; extern HDC vhDCPrinter;
int vkMinus;
extern int utCur;
/* Regrettably, we are not permitted to signal in WM_CREATE message
handlers that we have failed -- instead, we resort to ugly global communication via this variable */ #ifdef WIN30
/* Note that we now CAN return a -1L from MmwCreate and cause the
CreateWindow to fail, but changing this now wouldn't accomplish us very much (besides saving a bunch of checks of a global) ..pault */ #endif
STATIC int fMessageInzFailed = FALSE;
STATIC int NEAR FInitFarprocs( HANDLE ); #endif
STATIC HANDLE NEAR HszCreateIdpmt( int );
BOOL InitIntlStrings( HANDLE );
#define cchCmdLineMax 64 /* Longest command line accepted */
/* FInitWinInfo */ /* Main MS-WINDOWS initialization entry point for write */ /* Actions:
Loads all mouse cursors & sets global handles to cursors (vhc's) Loads the menu key accelerator table vhAccel Registers all of WRITE's myriad window classes Sets up global hMmwModInstance, our instance handle Puts "DOC = WRITE.EXE ^.DOC" into WIN.INI if not already there Generates thunks for all exported procedures Creates a parent window for this instance (the menu window, NOT the document window) Sets the right colors for the window */ /* Returns FALSE if the initailization failed, TRUE if it succeeded */
int FInitWinInfo( hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpszCmdLine, cmdShow ) HANDLE hInstance, hPrevInstance; LPSTR lpszCmdLine; int cmdShow; { extern VOID (FAR PASCAL *lpfnRegisterPenApp)(WORD, BOOL); extern CHAR szParentClass[]; extern int vfDiskError, vfDiskFull, vfSysFull; extern PRINTDLG PD;
CHAR rgchCmdLine[ cchCmdLineMax ]; CHAR bufT[3]; /* to hold decimal point string */ CHAR *pch = bufT; BOOL fRetVal;
#if defined(OLE)
The only place I'm worrying about this is when we open a file which contains objects. Probably thats not enough, but its something. Alas for users of real mode. */ fOleEnabled = GetWinFlags() & WF_PMODE; /* Are we in real mode today? */ #endif
/* Save the command line in a DS variable so we can pass a NEAR pointer */ bltszx( lpszCmdLine, (LPSTR)rgchCmdLine );
/* First thing, put up the hourglass cursor. */ if ((vhcHourGlass = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_WAIT )) == NULL) { /* We don't even have enough memory to tell the user we don't have
enough memory. */ return (FALSE); }
vfMouseExist = GetSystemMetrics(SM_MOUSEPRESENT);
/* Next, save the out of memory messages. */ hMmwModInstance = hInstance; if ((hszCantRunM = HszCreateIdpmt( IDPMTCantRunM )) == NULL || (hszCantRunF = HszCreateIdpmt( IDPMTCantRunF )) == NULL || (hszWinFailure = HszCreateIdpmt( IDPMTWinFailure )) == NULL || #ifdef JAPAN //01/21/93
(hszNoMemorySel = HszCreateIdpmt( IDPMTNoMemorySel )) == NULL || #endif
(hszNoMemory = HszCreateIdpmt( IDPMTNoMemory )) == NULL || (hszDirtyDoc = HszCreateIdpmt( IDPMTDirtyDoc )) == NULL || (hszCantPrint = HszCreateIdpmt( IDPMTCantPrint )) == NULL || (hszPRFAIL = HszCreateIdpmt( IDPMTPRFAIL )) == NULL) { goto InzFailed; }
#if defined(INTL) && defined(WIN30)
/* Initializaton of multi/intl strings. This is done before anything
else because many are defaults used for GetProfileString, etc. */
if (!FInitIntlStrings(hInstance)) goto InzFailed; #endif
/* Set up the standard cursors. */ if ( ((vhcIBeam = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_IBEAM )) == NULL) || ((vhcArrow = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW )) == NULL)) goto InzFailed;
#ifdef PENWIN // for PenWindows (5/21/91) patlam
vhcPen =vhcIBeam; #endif
/* Set up the menu accelerator key table. */ if ((vhAccel = LoadAccelerators( hMmwModInstance, (LPSTR)szMw_acctb )) == NULL) goto InzFailed;
/* Get whether to make backups during save from the user profile. */ vfBackupSave = GetProfileInt((LPSTR)szWriteProduct, (LPSTR)szBackup, 0) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE;
/* Get the name of the null port from the user profile. */
GetProfileString((LPSTR)szWindows, (LPSTR)szNullPort, (LPSTR)szNone, (LPSTR)szNul, cchMaxIDSTR);
#ifdef INTL /* International version */
/* Get the country code. If US or UK, set utCur to be inches, else set
to cm */ { #if 0
/* codes from MSDOS country codes */ #define USA (1)
#define UK (44)
int iCountry;
GetProfileString((LPSTR)szIntl, (LPSTR)sziCountry, (LPSTR)sziCountryDefault, (LPSTR)bufT, 4); iCountry = WFromSzNumber (&pch); if ((iCountry == USA) || (iCountry == UK)) utCur = utInch; #else
if (GetProfileInt((LPSTR)szIntl, (LPSTR)"iMeasure", 1) == 1) utCur = utInch; else utCur = utCm; #endif
#endif /* International version */
/* Get the decimal point character from the user profile. */ GetProfileString((LPSTR)szIntl, (LPSTR)szsDecimal, (LPSTR)szsDecimalDefault, (LPSTR)bufT, 2); vchDecimal = *bufT;
viDigits = GetProfileInt((LPSTR)szIntl, (LPSTR)"iDigits", 2); vbLZero = GetProfileInt((LPSTR)szIntl, (LPSTR)"iLZero", 0);
MergeInit(); /* get message merge characters from resource file */ #if defined(JAPAN) || defined(KOREA) /*t-Yoshio*/
* Get WordWrap switch * case 1 WordWrap ON(default) * case 0 WordWrap OFF */ vfWordWrap = GetProfileInt((LPSTR)szWriteProduct, (LPSTR)szWordWrap, 1); #endif
#if defined(JAPAN) & defined(IME_HIDDEN) //IME3.1J
* Get ImeHidden switch * case 1 Ime Conversion Window MCW_HIDDEN SET * case 0 Ime Conversion Window MCW_WINDOW SET (default) */
if (3 == (vfImeHidden = GetProfileInt((LPSTR)szWriteProduct, (LPSTR)szImeHidden, 3))) { // insert machine power get routine someday
vfImeHidden = 0; }
AddFontResource( (LPSTR)"helv.fon" ); #endif /* FONT_KLUDGE */
if (!hPrevInstance) { /* First time loaded; register the Write Windows. */ if (!FRegisterWnd( hMmwModInstance )) { return ( FALSE ); }
/* Get the Memo specific cursor. */ if ((vhcBarCur = LoadCursor( hMmwModInstance, (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXICON ) < 32) || (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYICON ) < 32) ? (LPSTR) szMwlores : (LPSTR) szMwhires )) == NULL) goto InzFailed; } else /* not first time loaded; get data from previous instance */ { if (!GetInstanceData( hPrevInstance, (PSTR)&vhcBarCur, sizeof( vhcBarCur ) )) goto InzFailed; }
/* Now initialize the pointers to far procedures (thunks). */ if (!FInitFarprocs( hMmwModInstance )) goto InzFailed; #endif
/* Create our parent (tiled) window */ /* CreateWindow call generates a call to MmwCreate via message */ { int cxFrame = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFRAME ); int cxBorder = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXBORDER ); int cyBorder = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYBORDER ); int x = ((cxFrame + 7) & 0xfff8) - cxFrame;
if ( CreateWindow( (LPSTR)szParentClass, (LPSTR)rgchCmdLine, /* don't pass lpszCmdLine; it will change! ..pault 2/22/90 */ WS_TILEDWINDOW, #ifdef WIN30
/* This makes for nicer cascading of Write.exe invocations ..pault */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* x */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* y */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* dx */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* dy */ #else
x, /* x */ x * cyBorder / cxBorder, /* y */ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* dx */ NULL, /* dy */ #endif
(HWND)NULL, /* no parent */ (HMENU)NULL, /* use class menu */ (HANDLE)hInstance, /* handle to window instance */ (LPSTR)NULL /* no params to pass on */ ) == NULL) /* Could not create window */ goto InzFailed; } if (fMessageInzFailed) /* The create itself did not fail, but something in MmwCreate did
and it signals us via this global */ goto InzFailed;
Assert( hParentWw != NULL ); /* MmwCreate should have assured this */
#if WINVER >= 0x300
vkMinus = VkKeyScan('-'); #endif
/* Record the window foreground and background colors. */
#ifdef DEBUG
{ int f = #endif
#ifdef DEBUG
Assert (f); } #endif
/* Select the background brush into the parent window. */
SelectObject( GetDC( hParentWw ), hbrBkgrnd );
/* Commdlg stuff (3.7.91) D. Kent */ if (InitCommDlg(0)) goto InzFailed;
#ifdef PENWIN
if (lpfnRegisterPenApp = GetProcAddress(GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS), "RegisterPenApp")) { (*lpfnRegisterPenApp)((WORD)1, fTrue); // be Pen-Enhanced
{ // This assumes no edit controls created in FInitWinInfo
if (lpfnProcessWriting = GetProcAddress(hLib = GetSystemMetrics(SM_PENWINDOWS), "ProcessWriting")) { lpfnPostVirtualKeyEvent = GetProcAddress(hLib, "PostVirtualKeyEvent"); lpfnTPtoDP = GetProcAddress(hLib, "TPtoDP"); lpfnCorrectWriting = GetProcAddress(hLib, "CorrectWriting"); lpfnSymbolToCharacter = GetProcAddress(hLib, "SymbolToCharacter");
if ((vhcPen = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_PEN )) == NULL) goto InzFailed; } }
/* init fields of the PRINTDLG structure (not used yet) */ PD.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG); PD.hwndOwner = hParentWw; // PD.hDevMode is already initialized
PD.hDevNames = NULL; PD.hDC = NULL; PD.Flags = PD_ALLPAGES; /* disable "pages" and "Selection" radiobuttons */ PD.nFromPage = 1; PD.nToPage = 1; PD.nMinPage = pgnMin; /* constant 1 */ PD.nMaxPage = pgnMax; /* largest integer */ PD.nCopies = 1;
/* initialize OLE stuff (1-23-91 dougk) */ if (!ObjInit(hInstance)) goto InzFailed;
/* Parse command line; load document & create an "mdoc" child window */
if (!FInitArgs(rgchCmdLine) || fMessageInzFailed) /* Serious error -- bail out */ goto InzFailed;
/* Create a memory DC for the child window, to test that it works */
ValidateMemoryDC(); if (vhMDC == NULL) goto InzFailed;
/* Make parent window visible after the child gets created; the order is
important and that the parent window is created without the visible bit on, so that no size message is sent before child gets created */
//if (!fPrintOnly)
ShowWindow(hParentWw, cmdShow);
Diag(CommSz("---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r")); vfInitializing = FALSE; fRetVal = TRUE;
FreeMsgs: if (hszCantRunM != NULL) GlobalFree( hszCantRunM ); if (hszCantRunF != NULL) GlobalFree( hszCantRunF ); return fRetVal;
InzFailed: FreeMemoryDC( TRUE ); if (vhDCPrinter != NULL) DeleteDC( vhDCPrinter);
if (hszWinFailure != NULL) GlobalFree( hszWinFailure ); #ifdef JAPAN //01/21/93
if (hszNoMemorySel != NULL) GlobalFree( hszNoMemorySel ); #endif
if (hszNoMemory != NULL) GlobalFree( hszNoMemory ); if (hszDirtyDoc != NULL) GlobalFree( hszDirtyDoc ); if (hszCantPrint != NULL) GlobalFree( hszCantPrint ); if (hszPRFAIL != NULL) GlobalFree( hszPRFAIL );
ferror = vfInitializing = FALSE; /* So the error report is not suppressed */ if (vfDiskFull || vfSysFull || vfDiskError) Error(IDPMTCantRunF); else Error(IDPMTCantRunM);
fRetVal = FALSE; goto FreeMsgs; }
STATIC BOOL NEAR FRegisterWnd(hInstance) HANDLE hInstance; { /* This routine registers all of the window classes. TRUE is returned if
all of the windows classes were successfully registered; FALSE otherwise. */
extern CHAR szParentClass[]; extern CHAR szDocClass[]; extern CHAR szRulerClass[]; extern CHAR szPageInfoClass[]; #ifdef ONLINEHELP
extern CHAR szHelpDocClass[]; #endif
extern long FAR PASCAL MmwWndProc(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern long FAR PASCAL MdocWndProc(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern long FAR PASCAL RulerWndProc(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern long FAR PASCAL PageInfoWndProc(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG);
extern long FAR PASCAL HelpDocWndProc(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); #endif /* ONLINEHELP */
/* Register our Window Proc */ bltbc( (PCH)&Class, 0, sizeof( WNDCLASS ) ); Class.style = CS_OWNDC | CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT; Class.lpfnWndProc = MmwWndProc; Class.hInstance = hInstance; Class.hCursor = vhcArrow; Class.hIcon = LoadIcon( hInstance, (LPSTR)szMw_icon ); Class.lpszMenuName = (LPSTR)szMw_menu; Class.lpszClassName = (LPSTR)szParentClass; Class.hbrBackground = COLOR_WINDOW+1;
/* register the parent menu class with WINDOWS */ if (!RegisterClass( (LPWNDCLASS)&Class ) ) return FALSE; /* Initialization failed */
/* register memo document child window class */ bltbc( (PCH)&Class, 0, sizeof( WNDCLASS ) ); Class.style = CS_OWNDC | CS_DBLCLKS; Class.lpfnWndProc = MdocWndProc; Class.hInstance = hInstance; Class.lpszClassName = (LPSTR)szDocClass; if (!RegisterClass( (LPWNDCLASS)&Class ) ) return FALSE; /* Initialization failed */
/* register ruler child window class */ bltbc( (PCH)&Class, 0, sizeof( WNDCLASS ) ); Class.style = CS_OWNDC | CS_DBLCLKS; Class.lpfnWndProc = RulerWndProc; Class.hInstance = hInstance; Class.hCursor = vhcArrow; Class.lpszClassName = (LPSTR)szRulerClass; if (!RegisterClass( (LPWNDCLASS)&Class ) ) return FALSE; /* Initialization failed */
/* register Help document child window class */ bltbc( (PCH)&Class, 0, sizeof( WNDCLASS ) ); Class.style = CS_OWNDC; Class.lpfnWndProc = HelpDocWndProc; Class.hInstance = hInstance; Class.lpszClassName = (LPSTR)szHelpDocClass; if (!RegisterClass( (LPWNDCLASS)&Class ) ) return FALSE; /* Initialization failed */ #endif /* ONLINE HELP */
/* register page info child window class */ bltbc( (PCH)&Class, 0, sizeof( WNDCLASS ) ); Class.style = CS_OWNDC; Class.lpfnWndProc = PageInfoWndProc; Class.hInstance = hInstance; Class.hCursor = vhcArrow; Class.lpszClassName = (LPSTR)szPageInfoClass; if (!RegisterClass( (LPWNDCLASS)&Class ) ) return FALSE; /* Initialization failed */
return TRUE; }
/* I've removed this for Windows 3.0 because (unless reasons come up
proving otherwise) it is inefficient for a Win program to lock-down so many procedures like this for the entire time the app is running. Originally thought to lock down the entire procedure; now understood only to lock down the thunk. The principle still applies..pault 10/26/89 */
STATIC int NEAR FInitFarprocs( hInstance ) HANDLE hInstance; { /* This routine initializes all of the far pointer to procedures. */
extern FARPROC lpDialogOpen; extern FARPROC lpDialogSaveAs; extern FARPROC lpDialogConfirm; extern FARPROC lpDialogPrinterSetup; extern FARPROC lpDialogPrint; extern FARPROC lpDialogRepaginate; extern FARPROC lpDialogSetPage; extern FARPROC lpDialogPageMark; extern FARPROC lpDialogCancelPrint; extern FARPROC lpDialogHelp; #ifdef ONLINEHELP
extern FARPROC lpDialogHelpInner; #endif /* ONLINEHELP */
extern FARPROC lpDialogGoTo; extern FARPROC lpDialogFind; extern FARPROC lpDialogChange; extern FARPROC lpDialogCharFormats; extern FARPROC lpDialogParaFormats; extern FARPROC lpDialogRunningHead; extern FARPROC lpDialogTabs; extern FARPROC lpDialogDivision; extern FARPROC lpDialogBadMargins; extern FARPROC lpFontFaceEnum; extern FARPROC lpFPrContinue;
#ifdef INTL /* International version */
extern FARPROC lpDialogWordCvt; extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogWordCvt(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); #endif /* International version */
extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogOpen(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogSaveAs(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogPrinterSetup(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogPrint(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogCancelPrint(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogRepaginate(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogSetPage(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogPageMark(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogHelp(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); #ifdef ONLINEHELP
extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogHelpInner(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); #endif /* ONLINEHELP */
extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogGoTo(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogFind(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogChange(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogCharFormats(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogParaFormats(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogRunningHead(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogTabs(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogDivision(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogConfirm(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL DialogBadMargins(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); extern BOOL far PASCAL FontFaceEnum(LPLOGFONT, LPTEXTMETRIC, int, long); extern BOOL far PASCAL FPrContinue(HDC, int);
if ( ((lpDialogPrinterSetup = MakeProcInstance(DialogPrinterSetup, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogPrint = MakeProcInstance(DialogPrint, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogSetPage = MakeProcInstance(DialogSetPage, hInstance)) == NULL)|| ((lpDialogRepaginate = MakeProcInstance(DialogRepaginate, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogPageMark = MakeProcInstance(DialogPageMark, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogCancelPrint = MakeProcInstance(DialogCancelPrint, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogHelp = MakeProcInstance(DialogHelp, hInstance)) == NULL) || #ifdef ONLINEHELP
((lpDialogHelpInner = MakeProcInstance(DialogHelpInner, hInstance)) == NULL) || #endif /* ONLINEHELP */
((lpDialogGoTo = MakeProcInstance(DialogGoTo, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogFind = MakeProcInstance(DialogFind, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogChange = MakeProcInstance(DialogChange, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogCharFormats = MakeProcInstance(DialogCharFormats, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogParaFormats = MakeProcInstance(DialogParaFormats, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogRunningHead = MakeProcInstance(DialogRunningHead, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogTabs = MakeProcInstance(DialogTabs, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogDivision = MakeProcInstance(DialogDivision, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpDialogConfirm = MakeProcInstance(DialogConfirm, hInstance)) == NULL)|| ((lpDialogBadMargins = MakeProcInstance(DialogBadMargins, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpFontFaceEnum = MakeProcInstance(FontFaceEnum, hInstance)) == NULL) || ((lpFPrContinue = MakeProcInstance(FPrContinue, hInstance)) == NULL)
#ifdef INTL /* International version */
|| ((lpDialogWordCvt = MakeProcInstance(DialogWordCvt, hInstance)) == NULL) #endif /* International version */
) return FALSE; return TRUE; } #endif /* ifdef-INEFFLOCKDOWN */
void MmwCreate(hWnd, lParam) HWND hWnd; LONG lParam; { extern CHAR szPageInfoClass[]; HANDLE hSysMenu; HDC hDC; HBRUSH hbr;
Assert( hMmwModInstance != NULL ); /* Should have set up instance handle */
hParentWw = hWnd; if ((vhMenu = GetMenu(hWnd)) == NULL) goto Error;
/* set up font cache */ /* RgfceInit() placed in line for speed */ { int ifce; struct FCE *pfce;
for (ifce = 0; ifce < vifceMac; ifce++) { pfce = &rgfce[ifce]; pfce->pfceNext = &rgfce[(ifce + 1) % vifceMac]; pfce->pfcePrev = &rgfce[(ifce + vifceMac - 1) % vifceMac]; pfce->fmi.mpchdxp = pfce->rgdxp - chFmiMin; pfce->fcidRequest.lFcid = fcidNil; }
Assert(sizeof(rgfce[0].fcidRequest.lFcid) == sizeof(rgfce[0].fcidRequest.strFcid)); vpfceMru = &rgfce[0]; vfcidScreen.lFcid = vfcidPrint.lFcid = fcidNil; }
/* set up page buffer, internal data structures, heap etc. */ if (!FInitMemory()) goto Error;
/* Create the horizontal scroll bar. The size is initialized to zero
because it will be reset later. */
if ((wwdCurrentDoc.hHScrBar = CreateWindow((LPSTR)szScrollBar, (LPSTR)NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE | SBS_HORZ, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, NULL, hMmwModInstance, (LPSTR)NULL)) == NULL) { goto Error; } wwdCurrentDoc.sbHbar = SB_CTL;
/* Create the vertical scroll bar. The size is initialized to zero
because again it will be reset later. */
if ((wwdCurrentDoc.hVScrBar = CreateWindow((LPSTR)szScrollBar, (LPSTR)NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE | SBS_VERT, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, NULL, hMmwModInstance, (LPSTR)NULL)) == NULL) { goto Error; } wwdCurrentDoc.sbVbar = SB_CTL;
/* Create the size box. The size is initialized to zero because again it
will be reset later. */ if ((vhWndSizeBox = CreateWindow((LPSTR)szScrollBar, (LPSTR)NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE | SBS_SIZEBOX, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, hWnd, NULL, hMmwModInstance, (LPSTR)NULL)) == NULL) { goto Error; } #endif
/* Create the page info window. Again, we'll worry about the sizing later.
*/ if ((vhWndPageInfo = CreateWindow((LPSTR)szPageInfoClass, (LPSTR)NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, hWnd, NULL, hMmwModInstance, (LPSTR)NULL)) == NULL) { goto Error; }
/* Initialize the page info window. */ if ((hDC = GetDC(vhWndPageInfo)) == NULL || (hbr = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME))) == NULL) { goto Error; } if (SelectObject(hDC, hbr) == NULL) { DeleteObject(hbr); goto Error; } SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT); #ifdef WIN30
/* If the user has their colors set with a TextCaption color of
black then this becomes hard to read! We just hardcode this to be white since the background defaults to being black */ SetTextColor(hDC, (DWORD) -1); #else
SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT)); #endif
/* Get the height and width of the scroll bars. */ dypScrlBar = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL); dxpScrlBar = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
/* Set the ranges of the horizontal and vertical scroll bars. */ SetScrollRange(wwdCurrentDoc.hHScrBar, SB_CTL, 0, xpRightLim, TRUE); SetScrollRange(wwdCurrentDoc.hVScrBar, SB_CTL, 0, drMax - 1, TRUE);
return; Error: fMessageInzFailed = TRUE; }
void MdocCreate(hWnd, lParam) register HWND hWnd; LONG lParam; { vhWnd = wwdCurrentDoc.wwptr = hWnd; wwdCurrentDoc.hDC = GetDC( hWnd ); if ( wwdCurrentDoc.hDC == NULL ) { fMessageInzFailed = TRUE; return; }
/* Set the DC to transparent mode. */ SetBkMode( wwdCurrentDoc.hDC, TRANSPARENT );
/* Set the background and foreground colors. */ SetBkColor( wwdCurrentDoc.hDC, rgbBkgrnd ); SetTextColor( wwdCurrentDoc.hDC, rgbText );
/* Set the background brush. */ SelectObject( wwdCurrentDoc.hDC, hbrBkgrnd );
STATIC HANDLE NEAR HszCreateIdpmt(idpmt) int idpmt; { /* Create a heap string and fill it with a string from the resource file. */ char szTmp[cchMaxSz];
return (LoadString(hMmwModInstance, idpmt, (LPSTR)szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)) == 0 ? NULL : HszGlobalCreate(szTmp)); }
#if defined(INTL) && defined(WIN30)
/* Routine to load some strings from write.rc. These strings
used to be placed in globdefs.h. fernandd 10/20/89 */
BOOL FInitIntlStrings(hInstance) HANDLE hInstance; { extern CHAR szMode[30]; extern CHAR szWriteDocPrompt[25]; extern CHAR szScratchFilePrompt[25]; extern CHAR szSaveFilePrompt[25]; #if defined(KOREA) // jinwoo : 10/16/92
extern CHAR szAppName[13]; #else
extern CHAR szAppName[10]; #endif
extern CHAR szUntitled[20]; extern CHAR sziCountryDefault[5]; extern CHAR szWRITEText[30]; extern CHAR szFree[15]; extern CHAR szNone[15]; extern CHAR szHeader[15]; extern CHAR szFooter[15]; extern CHAR szLoadFile[25]; extern CHAR szCvtLoadFile[45]; extern CHAR szAltBS[15]; extern CHAR *mputsz[];
#ifdef JAPAN /*t-Yoshio T-HIROYN Win3.1 */
extern CHAR Zenstr1[256]; extern CHAR Zenstr2[256]; // default Font Face Name . We use this FInitFontEnum()
extern CHAR szDefFFN0[10]; extern CHAR szDefFFN1[10];
LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRZen1,(LPSTR)Zenstr1,sizeof(Zenstr1)); LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRZen2,(LPSTR)Zenstr2,sizeof(Zenstr2)); LoadString(hInstance, IDSdefaultFFN0, (LPSTR)szDefFFN0,sizeof(szDefFFN0)); LoadString(hInstance, IDSdefaultFFN1, (LPSTR)szDefFFN1,sizeof(szDefFFN1)); #elif defined(KOREA)
extern CHAR Zenstr1[256]; LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRZen1,(LPSTR)Zenstr1,sizeof(Zenstr1)); #endif
if (LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRModeDef, (LPSTR)szMode, sizeof(szMode)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRWriteDocPromptDef, (LPSTR)szWriteDocPrompt, sizeof(szWriteDocPrompt)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRScratchFilePromptDef, (LPSTR)szScratchFilePrompt, sizeof(szScratchFilePrompt)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRSaveFilePromptDef, (LPSTR)szSaveFilePrompt, sizeof(szSaveFilePrompt)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRAppNameDef, (LPSTR)szAppName, sizeof(szAppName)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRUntitledDef, (LPSTR)szUntitled, sizeof(szUntitled)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRiCountryDefaultDef, (LPSTR)sziCountryDefault, sizeof(sziCountryDefault)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRWRITETextDef, (LPSTR)szWRITEText, sizeof(szWRITEText)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRFreeDef, (LPSTR)szFree, sizeof(szFree)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRNoneDef, (LPSTR)szNone, sizeof(szNone)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRHeaderDef, (LPSTR)szHeader, sizeof(szHeader))) { if (LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRFooterDef, (LPSTR)szFooter, sizeof(szFooter)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRLoadFileDef, (LPSTR)szLoadFile, sizeof(szLoadFile)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRCvtLoadFileDef, (LPSTR)szCvtLoadFile, sizeof(szCvtLoadFile)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRAltBSDef, (LPSTR)szAltBS, sizeof(szAltBS)) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRInchDef, (LPSTR)mputsz[0], 6) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRCmDef, (LPSTR)mputsz[1], 6) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRP10Def, (LPSTR)mputsz[2], 6) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRP12Def, (LPSTR)mputsz[3], 6) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRPointDef, (LPSTR)mputsz[4], 6) && LoadString(hInstance, IDSTRLineDef, (LPSTR)mputsz[5], 6)) return(fTrue); } /* else */ return(fFalse); } #endif