/************************************************************/ /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /************************************************************/
/* These routines are the guts of the text print code. */
#define NOICON
#define NOATOM
#define NOFONT
#define NOBRUSH
#define NOCOLOR
#define NOCTLMGR
#define NOMB
#define NOPEN
#define NOREGION
#define NOSCROLL
#define NOSOUND
#define NOWH
#define NOCOMM
#include <windows.h>
#include "mw.h"
#include "printdef.h"
#include "fmtdefs.h"
#include "propdefs.h"
#include "fontdefs.h"
#include "docdefs.h"
#include "ch.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "str.h"
#if defined(JAPAN) || defined(KOREA) // added 01 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
#include "kanji.h"
BOOL FPrintBand(doc, hrgpld, cpld, prcBand) int doc; struct PLD (**hrgpld)[]; int cpld; PRECT prcBand; { /* This routine prints the lines in document doc that any part of which fall
in the rectange *prcBand. The first cpld print line descriptors in hrgpld describe the current page in the document that will be printed. TRUE is returned if the band is printed, FALSE otherwise. */
void PrintGraphics(int, int); void near PrintFli(int, int);
extern struct DOD (**hpdocdod)[]; extern struct FLI vfli; extern int vfOutOfMemory; extern FARPROC lpFPrContinue;
int ipld; typeCP cpMac = (**hpdocdod)[doc].cpMac;
for (ipld = 0; ipld < cpld; ipld++) { register struct PLD *ppld;
/* Check for user cancellation. */ if (!(*lpFPrContinue)(NULL, wNotSpooler)) { return (FALSE); }
/* Is this line within the band? */ ppld = &(**hrgpld)[ipld]; if (ppld->rc.top < prcBand->bottom && ppld->rc.bottom > prcBand->top && ppld->rc.left < prcBand->right && ppld->rc.right > prcBand->left) { /* Format this line for the printer. */ FormatLine(doc, ppld->cp, ppld->ichCp, cpMac, flmPrinting);
/* If memory failure occurred, then punt. */ if (vfOutOfMemory) { return (FALSE); }
/* Reset the pointer to the print line descriptors (possible heap
movement in FormatLine()). */ ppld = &(**hrgpld)[ipld];
/* Print this line. */ if (vfli.fGraphics) { PrintGraphics(ppld->rc.left, ppld->rc.top); } else { PrintFli(ppld->rc.left, ppld->rc.top); } } } return (TRUE); }
void near PrintFli(xpPrint, ypPrint) int xpPrint; int ypPrint; { /* This routine prints the line of text stored in the vfli structure at
position (xpPrint, ypPrint). */
#ifdef KOREA // jinwoo: 92, 9, 28
/* process Subscript separatedly from descent 920605 KDLEE*/ extern int isSubs; #endif /* KOREA */
extern HDC vhDCPrinter; extern struct FLI vfli; extern struct DOD (**hpdocdod)[]; extern struct CHP (**vhgchpFormat)[]; extern int dxpPrPage; extern int dypPrPage; extern int ypSubSuperPr; extern CHAR stBuf[]; extern struct FMI vfmiPrint; extern typeCP cpMinDocument; extern int vpgn;
int dcp; int dxp; /* Width of current run */ int dxpExtra; /* Width of pad for each space */ int yp; /* Y-coordinate to print at. */ struct CHP *pchp; /* CHP associated with the current run */ BOOL fTabsKludge = (vfli.ichLastTab >= 0); int cBreakRun; /* break characters in run (no relation to Dick or Jane) */
#if defined(JAPAN) || defined(KOREA) // added 04 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
extern struct PAP vpapAbs; extern int vfWordWrap; /* WordWrap flag : TRUE=ON, FALSE=OFF */ extern int iNonWideSpaces; int iRun; #endif
Scribble(5,'P'); Assert(vhDCPrinter);
pchp = &(**vhgchpFormat)[0]; dxpExtra = fTabsKludge ? 0 : vfli.dxpExtra;
#if defined(JAPAN) || defined(KOREA) // added 04 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
iRun = 0; #endif
for (dcp = 0; dcp < vfli.ichReal; pchp++) { /* For all runs do: */ int ichFirst; /* First character in the current run */ int cchRun; /* Number of characters in the current run */
dcp = ichFirst = pchp->ichRun; dcp += pchp->cchRun; if (dcp > vfli.ichReal) { dcp = vfli.ichReal; } cchRun = dcp - ichFirst;
/* Compute dxp = sum of width of characters in current run (formerly
DxpFromIcpDcp). */ { register int *pdxp; register int cchT = cchRun; PCH pch = vfli.rgch + ichFirst;
dxp = cBreakRun = 0; pdxp = &vfli.rgdxp[ichFirst]; while (cchT-- > 0) { dxp += *pdxp++; if (*pch++ == chSpace) ++cBreakRun; } }
if (dxp > 0) { int cchDone; PCH pch = &vfli.rgch[ichFirst]; #if defined(JAPAN) || defined(KOREA) // added 08 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
int *pdxpT = &vfli.rgdxp[ichFirst]; #endif
LoadFont(vfli.doc, pchp, mdFontPrint); #ifdef KOREA /* 920605 KDLEE */ // jinwoo: 92, 9, 28
#ifdef NODESC
yp = ypPrint+vfli.dypLine - (vfli.dypBase + (pchp->hpsPos != 0 ? (pchp->hpsPos < hpsNegMin ? ypSubSuperPr : -ypSubSuperPr) : 0)) - vfmiPrint.dypBaseline - ( isSubs ? ypSubSuperPr : 0 ); #else /* NODESC */
yp = ypPrint + vfli.dypLine - vfli.dypBase - (pchp->hpsPos != 0 ? (pchp->hpsPos < hpsNegMin ? ypSubSuperPr : -ypSubSuperPr) : 0) - vfmiPrint.dypBaseline; #endif /* NODESC */
#else /* KOREA */
yp = ypPrint + vfli.dypLine - vfli.dypBase - (pchp->hpsPos != 0 ? (pchp->hpsPos < hpsNegMin ? ypSubSuperPr : -ypSubSuperPr) : 0) - vfmiPrint.dypBaseline; #endif /* KOREA */
/* Note: tabs and other special characters are guaranteed to come at
the start of a run. */ #ifdef JAPAN // added 01 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
if( vpapAbs.jc != jcBoth || fTabsKludge ) SetTextJustification(vhDCPrinter, dxpExtra*cBreakRun, cBreakRun); #else
SetTextJustification(vhDCPrinter, dxpExtra * cBreakRun, cBreakRun); #endif /* JAPAN */
cchDone = 0; while (cchDone < cchRun) { int cch;
/* Does the wide-space zone begin in this run? */ if (vfli.fAdjSpace && (vfli.ichFirstWide < ichFirst + cchRun) && (ichFirst + cchDone <= vfli.ichFirstWide)) { int cchDoneT = cchDone;
/* Is this the beginning of the wide-space zone? */ if (ichFirst + cchDone == vfli.ichFirstWide) { /* Reset the width of the spaces. */ #ifdef JAPAN // added 01 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
if( vpapAbs.jc != jcBoth || fTabsKludge ) SetTextJustification(vhDCPrinter, ++dxpExtra*cBreakRun, cBreakRun); #else
SetTextJustification(vhDCPrinter, ++dxpExtra * cBreakRun, cBreakRun); #endif /* JAPAN */
cch = cchRun - cchDone; cchDone = cchRun; } else { cchDone = cch = vfli.ichFirstWide - ichFirst; }
/* This run is cut short because of a wide space, so we need
to calculate a new width. */ { register int *pdxp; register int cchT = cch; PCH pch = &vfli.rgch[ichFirst + cchDoneT];
dxp = 0; pdxp = &vfli.rgdxp[ichFirst + cchDoneT]; while (cchT-- > 0) { dxp += *pdxp++; if (*pch++ == chSpace) ++cBreakRun; } } } else { cchDone = cch = cchRun; }
while (cch > 0) { switch (*pch) { CHAR ch; int dxpT;
case chTab:
/* chLeader contains tab leader character (see
FormatLine) */ if ((ch = pchp->chLeader) != chSpace) { int cxpTab; CHAR rgch[32]; int dxpLeader = DxpFromCh(ch, TRUE); int xp = xpPrint; int iLevelT = SaveDC(vhDCPrinter);
SetBytes(&rgch[0], ch, 32); dxpT = vfli.rgdxp[ichFirst]; cxpTab = ((dxpT + dxpLeader - 1) / dxpLeader + 31) >> 5; #ifdef CLIP
IntersectClipRect(vhDCPrinter, xpPrint, 0, xpPrint + dxpT, vfli.dypLine); #endif
while (cxpTab-- > 0) { TextOut(vhDCPrinter, xp, yp, (LPSTR)rgch, 32); xp += dxpLeader << 5; } RestoreDC(vhDCPrinter, iLevelT); xpPrint += dxpT; } else #endif /* CASHMERE */
{ xpPrint += vfli.rgdxp[ichFirst]; }
if (fTabsKludge && ichFirst >= vfli.ichLastTab) { #ifdef JAPAN // added 01 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
if( vpapAbs.jc != jcBoth ) SetTextJustification(vhDCPrinter, (dxpExtra = vfli.dxpExtra) *cBreakRun, cBreakRun); else dxpExtra = vfli.dxpExtra; #else
SetTextJustification(vhDCPrinter, (dxpExtra = vfli.dxpExtra) * cBreakRun, cBreakRun); #endif /* JAPAN */
fTabsKludge = FALSE; } dxp -= vfli.rgdxp[ichFirst]; pch++; cch--; #if defined(JAPAN) || defined(KOREA) // added 04 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
iRun++; pdxpT++; #endif
goto EndLoop;
case schPage: if (!pchp->fSpecial) { goto EndLoop; } stBuf[0] = CchExpPgn(&stBuf[1], vpgn, vsepAbs.nfcPgn, flmPrinting, ichMaxLine); goto DrawSpecial;
case schFootnote: if (!pchp->fSpecial) { goto EndLoop; } stBuf[0] = CchExpFtn(&stBuf[1], cpMin + ichFirst, flmPrinting, ichMaxLine); DrawSpecial: #else /* not CASHMERE */
case schPage: case schFootnote: if (!pchp->fSpecial) { goto EndLoop; } stBuf[0] = *pch == schPage && vfli.cpMin + ichFirst < cpMinDocument ? CchExpPgn(&stBuf[1], vpgn, 0, flmPrinting, ichMaxLine) : CchExpUnknown(&stBuf[1], flmPrinting, ichMaxLine); #endif /* not CASHMERE */
TextOut(vhDCPrinter, xpPrint, yp, (LPSTR)&stBuf[1], stBuf[0]); break;
default: goto EndLoop; } dxp -= vfli.rgdxp[ichFirst]; xpPrint += vfli.rgdxp[ichFirst++]; pch++; cch--; #if defined(JAPAN) || defined(KOREA) // added 09 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
pdxpT++; #endif
} EndLoop:
/* Output cch characters starting at pch */ #if 0
{ char msg[180]; wsprintf(msg,"putting out %d characters\n\r",cch); OutputDebugString(msg); } #endif
#ifdef JAPAN // added 01 Jul. 1992 by Hiraisi
if( vpapAbs.jc == jcBoth && !fTabsKludge ){ CHAR *ptr1, *ptr2; int len, cnt; int iExtra, iSpace, iWid; BOOL bFlag; ptr2 = pch; for( cnt=0 ; cnt<cch ; ){ ptr1 = ptr2; iExtra = dxpExtra; iWid = len = 0; bFlag = TRUE; if( IsDBCSLeadByte( *ptr2 ) ){ for( ; cnt<cch ; ){ iWid += *pdxpT; pdxpT+=2; cnt+=2; len += 2; iRun += 2; ptr2 += 2; if( --iNonWideSpaces == 0){ dxpExtra++; break; } if( iRun == dcp-2 ) break; if( iRun == dcp ){ /* last DBC (maybe) */ iExtra = 0; break; } if( !IsDBCSLeadByte( *ptr2 ) ) break; } } else{ if( FKana( (int)*ptr2 ) ){ for( ; cnt<cch ; ){ iWid += *pdxpT++; cnt++; len++; iRun++; ptr2++; if( --iNonWideSpaces == 0){ dxpExtra++; break; } if( iRun == dcp-1 ) break; if( iRun == dcp ){ /* last SBC (maybe) */ iExtra = 0; break; } if( !FKana( (int)*ptr2 ) ) break; } } else{ for( bFlag=FALSE,iSpace = 0 ; cnt<cch ; ){ iWid += *pdxpT++; cnt++; len++; iRun++; if( *ptr2++ == chSpace || !vfWordWrap ){ iSpace++; if( --iNonWideSpaces == 0){ dxpExtra; break; } } if( iRun == dcp-1 ) break; if( iRun == dcp ){ /* last SBC (maybe) */ iExtra = 0; break; } if( IsDBCSLeadByte( *ptr2 ) || FKana( (int)*ptr2 ) ) break; } } } if( vfWordWrap && !bFlag ){ SetTextCharacterExtra( vhDCPrinter, 0 ); SetTextJustification(vhDCPrinter, iExtra*iSpace, iSpace); } else{ SetTextJustification( vhDCPrinter, 0, 0 ); SetTextCharacterExtra( vhDCPrinter, iExtra ); } TextOut(vhDCPrinter, xpPrint, yp, ptr1, len); xpPrint += iWid; } } else{ iRun += cch; SetTextCharacterExtra( vhDCPrinter, 0 ); TextOut(vhDCPrinter, xpPrint, yp, pch, cch); xpPrint += dxp; } #else
TextOut(vhDCPrinter, xpPrint, yp, (LPSTR)pch, cch); xpPrint += dxp; #endif
pch += cch; } } }
Scribble(5,' '); }