/************************************************************/ /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /************************************************************/
/* running.c -- code to handle editing of running header and footer */
#define NOICON
//#define NOATOM
//#define NOGDI
#define NOFONT
#define NOBRUSH
#define NOCOLOR
#define NOMB
#define NOMINMAX
#define NOPEN
#define NOREGION
#define NOSCROLL
#define NOSOUND
#define NOWH
#define NOCOMM
#include <windows.h>
#include "mw.h"
#include "machdefs.h"
#include "ch.h"
#include "docdefs.h"
#include "cmddefs.h"
#include "editdefs.h"
#include "propdefs.h"
#include "prmdefs.h"
#include "wwdefs.h"
#include "dlgdefs.h"
#include "menudefs.h"
#include "str.h"
#if defined(OLE)
#include "obj.h"
#ifdef JAPAN //T-HIROYN Win3.1
#include "kanji.h"
int NEAR EditHeaderFooter();
/* Current allowable cp range for display/edit/scroll */ extern typeCP cpMinCur; extern typeCP cpMacCur;
extern struct DOD (**hpdocdod)[]; extern struct WWD rgwwd[]; extern int docCur; extern int docScrap; extern int vfSeeSel; extern struct SEL selCur; extern struct PAP vpapAbs; extern struct SEP vsepNormal; extern HANDLE vhWnd; extern HANDLE hMmwModInstance; extern HANDLE hParentWw; #ifdef INEFFLOCKDOWN
extern FARPROC lpDialogRunningHead; #else
BOOL far PASCAL DialogRunningHead(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG); FARPROC lpDialogRunningHead = NULL; #endif
extern HANDLE vhDlgRunningHead; extern CHAR stBuf[255]; extern int utCur; extern int ferror; extern int vccpFetch; extern int vcchFetch; extern CHAR *vpchFetch; extern struct CHP vchpFetch; extern typeCP vcpLimParaCache; extern HWND vhWndMsgBoxParent;
/* Min, Max cp's for header, footer */ typeCP cpMinHeader=cp0; typeCP cpMacHeader=cp0; typeCP cpMinFooter=cp0; typeCP cpMacFooter=cp0;
/* Min cp for document less header, footer */ /* Header & footer always appear at the beginning */ typeCP cpMinDocument=cp0;
/* The following variables are used in this module only */
#define cchWinTextSave 80
static CHAR (**hszWinTextSave)[]=NULL; static struct PAP *ppapDefault;
/* cpFirst and selection are saved in these during header/footer edit */ typeCP cpFirstDocSave; struct SEL selDocSave;
HWND vhDlgRunning;
fnEditRunning(imi) { /* Enter mode so that user is editing the current document's
running header or footer in the same window as he was editing the document, with the header/footer info in the dialog box NOT currently in focus ..pault */
if (!lpDialogRunningHead) if (!(lpDialogRunningHead = MakeProcInstance(DialogRunningHead, hMmwModInstance))) { WinFailure(); return; } #endif
Assert(imi == imiHeader || imi == imiFooter);
if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader || wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter) { SetFocus(vhDlgRunningHead); return; }
if (imi == imiHeader) wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader = TRUE; else wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter = TRUE;
EditHeaderFooter(); if (ferror) { /* Not enough memory to stabilize the running head environs */ if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader) wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader = FALSE; else wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter = FALSE; return; } vhDlgRunningHead = CreateDialog(hMmwModInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader ? dlgRunningHead : dlgFooter), hParentWw, lpDialogRunningHead); if (vhDlgRunningHead) { SetFocus(wwdCurrentDoc.wwptr); } else { /* recover and bail out */ fnEditDocument(); #ifdef WIN30
WinFailure(); #else
Error(IDPMTNoMemory); #endif
} }
int NEAR EditHeaderFooter() { /* Setup for edit of header or footer */ extern HWND hParentWw;
int fHeader=wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader; CHAR szWinTextSave[ cchWinTextSave ]; typeCP cpFirst; typeCP cpLim; #ifdef DEBUG
/* TEST Assumption: No changes take place in running head/foot cp range
during an interval in which no head/foot edits take place */ typeCP cpMinDocT=cpMinDocument;
ValidateHeaderFooter( docCur ); Assert( cpMinDocT == cpMinDocument ); #endif
if (fHeader) { cpFirst = cpMinHeader; cpLim = cpMacHeader; } else { cpFirst = cpMinFooter; cpLim = cpMacFooter; }
Assert( wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader != wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter );
/* Save the cpFirst of the document window so we get a clean
transition back to where we were in the document*/ cpFirstDocSave = wwdCurrentDoc.cpFirst; selDocSave = selCur;
TrashCache(); TrashWw( wwDocument );
if (!FWriteOk( fwcNil )) goto DontEdit;
if ( cpFirst == cpLim ) { /* If we are editing the header/footer for the first time in this document,
insert a para end mark to hold the running h/f properties */ extern struct PAP *vppapNormal; struct PAP papT;
blt( vppapNormal, &papT, cwPAP ); papT.rhc = (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader) ? rhcDefault : rhcDefault + RHC_fBottom;
InsertEolPap( docCur, cpFirst, &papT ); if (ferror) return; ValidateHeaderFooter( docCur ); cpLim += ccpEol; } else { extern int vccpFetch; typeCP cp;
/* Test for a special case: loading a WORD document which has been
properly set up to have running head/foot under MEMO. We must force the para end mark at the end of the header/footer to be a fresh run. This is so we will see an end mark when editing one of these. FormatLine only checks for cpMacCur at the start of a run. */
Assert( cpLim - cpFirst >= ccpEol );
if ( (cp = cpLim - ccpEol) > cpFirst ) { FetchCp( docCur, cp - 1, 0, fcmBoth );
if ( vccpFetch > 1) { /* char run does not end with char before EOL */ /* Insert a char, then delete it */ extern struct CHP vchpNormal; CHAR ch='X';
InsertRgch( docCur, cp, &ch, 1, &vchpNormal, NULL ); if (ferror) return; Replace( docCur, cp, (typeCP) 1, fnNil, fc0, fc0 ); if (ferror) return; } } }
/* Save current window text; set string */
GetWindowText( hParentWw, (LPSTR)szWinTextSave, cchWinTextSave ); if (FNoHeap(hszWinTextSave=HszCreate( (PCH)szWinTextSave ))) { hszWinTextSave = NULL; } else { extern CHAR szHeader[]; extern CHAR szFooter[];
SetWindowText( hParentWw, fHeader ? (LPSTR)szHeader:(LPSTR)szFooter ); }
/* Set editing limits to just the cp range of the header/footer,
minus the "invisible" terminating EOL */ wwdCurrentDoc.cpFirst = wwdCurrentDoc.cpMin = cpMinCur = cpFirst; wwdCurrentDoc.cpMac = cpMacCur = CpMax( cpMinCur, cpLim - ccpEol );
/* Leave the cursor at the beginning of the header/footer regardless */ Select( cpMinCur, cpMinCur ); /* Show the display here instead of waiting for Idle() because it looks
better to have the head/foot text come up right away instead of waiting for the dialog box to come up */ UpdateDisplay( FALSE ); vfSeeSel = TRUE; /* Tell Idle() to scroll the selection into view */ NoUndo(); ferror = FALSE; /* If we got this far, we want to go into running
head mode regardless of errors */ }
fnEditDocument() { /* Return to editing document after editing header/footer */ extern HWND hParentWw;
Assert( wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter != wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader );
/* Restore original window name */ if (hszWinTextSave != NULL) { SetWindowText( hParentWw, (LPSTR) (**hszWinTextSave) ); FreeH( hszWinTextSave ); hszWinTextSave = NULL; }
ValidateHeaderFooter( docCur ); /* This will update from the results of
the header/footer edit */ TrashCache(); wwdCurrentDoc.cpMin = cpMinCur = cpMinDocument; wwdCurrentDoc.cpMac = cpMacCur = CpMacText( docCur );
TrashWw( wwDocument ); wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader = FALSE; wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter = FALSE;
/* Restore saved selection, cpFirst for document */ wwdCurrentDoc.cpFirst = cpFirstDocSave; Select( selDocSave.cpFirst, selDocSave.cpLim );
Assert( wwdCurrentDoc.cpFirst >= cpMinCur && wwdCurrentDoc.cpFirst <= cpMacCur );
NoUndo(); vhDlgRunningHead = (HANDLE)NULL; }
BOOL far PASCAL DialogRunningHead( hDlg, message, wParam, lParam ) HWND hDlg; /* Handle to the dialog box */ unsigned message; WORD wParam; LONG lParam; { /* This routine handles input to the Header/Footer dialog box. */
extern BOOL vfPrinterValid;
RECT rc; CHAR *pch = &stBuf[0]; struct SEP **hsep = (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hsep; struct SEP *psep; static int fChecked; typeCP dcp;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: vhDlgRunning = hDlg; /* Put dialog handle in a global for
ESC key in document functionality */ CachePara(docCur, selCur.cpFirst); ppapDefault = &vpapAbs;
FreezeHp(); /* Get a pointer to the section properties. */ psep = (hsep == NULL) ? &vsepNormal : *hsep;
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, idiRHFirst, (ppapDefault->rhc & RHC_fFirst)); if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader) { CchExpZa(&pch, psep->yaRH1, utCur, cchMaxNum); } else /* footer dialog box */ { #ifdef KOREA /* 91.3.17 want to guarantee Default >= MIN, Sangl */
if (vfPrinterValid) { extern int dyaPrOffset; extern int dyaPrPage; CchExpZa(&pch, imax(psep->yaMac - psep->yaRH2, vsepNormal.yaMac - dyaPrOffset - dyaPrPage),utCur, cchMaxNum); } else CchExpZa(&pch, psep->yaMac - psep->yaRH2, utCur, cchMaxNum); #else
CchExpZa( &pch, psep->yaMac - psep->yaRH2, utCur, cchMaxNum); #endif
} SetDlgItemText(hDlg, idiRHDx, (LPSTR)stBuf); MeltHp(); break;
case WM_ACTIVATE: if (wParam) { vhWndMsgBoxParent = hDlg; } return(FALSE); /* so that we leave the activate message to
the dialog manager to take care of setting the focus correctly */
case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { int dya;
case idiRHFirst: CheckDlgButton( hDlg, idiRHFirst, !IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, idiRHFirst)); (**hpdocdod) [docCur].fDirty = TRUE; break; case idiRHInsertPage: if (FWriteOk( fwcInsert )) { /* Insert page # at insertion pt */ extern struct CHP vchpFetch, vchpSel; extern int vfSeeSel; CHAR ch=schPage; struct CHP chp;
if (selCur.cpFirst == selCur.cpLim) { /* Sel is insertion point -- get props from
the vchpSel kludge */ blt( &vchpSel, &chp, cwCHP ); } else { FetchCp( docCur, selCur.cpFirst, 0, fcmProps ); blt( &vchpFetch, &chp, cwCHP ); }
chp.fSpecial = TRUE;
#ifdef JAPAN //T-HIROYN Win3.1
if(NATIVE_CHARSET != GetCharSetFromChp(&chp)) { SetFtcToPchp(&chp, GetKanjiFtc(&chp)); } #endif
SetUndo( uacInsert, docCur, selCur.cpFirst, (typeCP) 1, docNil, cpNil, cp0, 0 ); InsertRgch( docCur, selCur.cpFirst, &ch, 1, &chp, NULL );
vfSeeSel = TRUE; } break;
case idiRHClear: /* Clear running head/foot */ dcp = cpMacCur-cpMinCur;
#if defined(OLE)
ObjPushParms(docCur); Select(cpMinCur,cpMacCur); bIsOK = ObjDeletionOK(OBJ_DELETING); ObjPopParms(TRUE);
if (!bIsOK) break; } #endif
if (dcp > 0 && FWriteOk( fwcDelete )) { NoUndo(); SetUndo( uacDelNS, docCur, cpMinCur, dcp, docNil, cpNil, cp0, 0 ); Replace( docCur, cpMinCur, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0 ); } break;
case idiOk: /* return to document */ BackToDoc: if (!FPdxaPosIt(&dya, hDlg, idiRHDx)) { break; } else if (vfPrinterValid) { extern struct SEP vsepNormal; extern int dxaPrOffset; extern int dyaPrOffset; extern int dxaPrPage; extern int dyaPrPage; extern struct WWD rgwwd[];
int dyaPrBottom = imax(0, vsepNormal.yaMac - dyaPrOffset - dyaPrPage);
if (FUserZaLessThanZa(dya, (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader ? dyaPrOffset : dyaPrBottom))) { int dxaPrRight = imax(0, vsepNormal.xaMac - dxaPrOffset - dxaPrPage);
EnableExcept(vhDlgRunningHead, FALSE); ErrorBadMargins(hDlg, dxaPrOffset, dxaPrRight, dyaPrOffset, dyaPrBottom); EnableExcept(vhDlgRunningHead, TRUE); SelectIdiText(hDlg, idiRHDx); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, idiRHDx)); break; } }
DoFormatRHText( dya, IsDlgButtonChecked( hDlg, idiRHFirst ) ); fnEditDocument(); /* force repaint to the whole client area */ GetClientRect(vhWnd, (LPRECT)&rc); InvalidateRect(vhWnd, (LPRECT)&rc, FALSE); vhWndMsgBoxParent = (HWND)NULL; DestroyWindow(hDlg); break;
case idiCancel: goto BackToDoc; default: return(FALSE); } break;
#if WINVER < 0x300
/* Don't really need to process this */ case WM_CLOSE: goto BackToDoc; #endif
case WM_NCDESTROY: FreeProcInstance(lpDialogRunningHead); lpDialogRunningHead = NULL; /* fall through to return false */ #endif
default: return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } /* end of DialogRunningHead */
DoFormatRHText( dya, fFirstPage) int dya; int fFirstPage; { /* Format cp range for running head/foot currently being edited
to have the passed running head properties */ extern typeCP vcpLimParaCache;
CHAR rgb[4]; int fHeader=wwdCurrentDoc.fEditHeader;
/* Note that the Min value for the part we were editing has not changed
as a result of the edit, so no ValidateHeaderFooter is required */ typeCP cpMin=fHeader ? cpMinHeader : cpMinFooter; int rhc; struct SEP **hsep = (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hsep; struct SEP *psep;
if (!FWriteOk( fwcNil )) return;
/* Ensure that this document has a valid section property
descriptor. */ if (hsep == NULL) { if (FNoHeap(hsep = (struct SEP **)HAllocate(cwSEP))) { return; } blt(&vsepNormal, *hsep, cwSEP); (**hpdocdod)[docCur].hsep = hsep; } psep = *hsep;
/* Set running head distance from top/bottom; this is a Section
property. This assumes the MEMO model: one section */ if (fHeader) psep->yaRH1 = dya; else psep->yaRH2 = psep->yaMac - dya;
/* For MEMO, running heads appear on both odd and even pages;
appearance on first page is optional */ rhc = RHC_fOdd + RHC_fEven; if (fFirstPage) rhc += RHC_fFirst; if (!fHeader) rhc += RHC_fBottom;
/* Set running head PARA properties by adding an appropriate sprm */
/* Set CpMacCur to include the "hidden" Eol; this will prevent
AddOneSprm from adding an extraneous EOL */ CachePara( docCur, CpMax( cpMinCur, cpMacCur-1 ) ); Assert( vpapAbs.rhc != 0 ); cpMacCur = CpMax( cpMacCur, vcpLimParaCache );
selCur.cpFirst = cpMinCur; /* Expand selection to entire area so sprm */ selCur.cpLim = cpMacCur; /* applies to it all */
rgb [0] = sprmPRhc; rgb [1] = rhc; AddOneSprm(rgb, FALSE);
} /* end of DoFormatRHText */
MakeRunningCps( doc, cp, dcp ) int doc; typeCP cp; typeCP dcp; { /* Make the cp range suitable for inclusion in a runninng head or foot.
This means: (1) Apply a Sprm to the whole thing so it is formatted as a running head/foot, (2) Remove any chSects, replacing them with Eol's */ extern struct UAB vuab; CHAR rgb [4]; int rhc; int fAdjCpMacCur; typeCP cpLimPara; typeCP cpT; struct SEL selSave;
if (dcp==cp0 || !FWriteOk( fwcNil )) return;
selSave = selCur;
/* Scan the cp range, replacing chSects with Eols */
for ( cpT = cp; CachePara( doc, cpT ), (cpLimPara=vcpLimParaCache) <= cp + dcp; cpT = cpLimPara ) { typeCP cpLastPara=cpLimPara-1;
Assert( cpLimPara > cpT ); /* Otherwise we are locked in the loop */
FetchCp( doc, cpLastPara, 0, fcmChars ); if (*vpchFetch == chSect) { struct PAP papT;
CachePara( doc, cpT ); papT = vpapAbs;
Replace( doc, cpLastPara+ccpEol, (typeCP)1, fnNil, fc0, fc0 ); InsertEolPap( doc, cpLastPara, &papT );
if (ferror) { NoUndo(); break; }
/* Adjust Undo count to account for extra insertion */ vuab.dcp += (typeCP)(ccpEol-1); CachePara( doc, cpT ); cpLimPara = vcpLimParaCache; } }
/* Apply a Sprm that makes everything a running head/foot */
rhc = RHC_fOdd + RHC_fEven; if (wwdCurrentDoc.fEditFooter) rhc += RHC_fBottom;
selCur.cpFirst = cp; /* OK to just assign to selCur */ selCur.cpLim = cp + dcp; /* because AddOneSprm will handle */
/* We must temporarily set cpMacCur so that it includes the Eol
at the end of the header/footer range. Otherwise, AddOneSprm may decide it needs to insert a superfluous Eol */
CachePara( docCur, selCur.cpLim-1 ); if (fAdjCpMacCur = (vcpLimParaCache > cpMacCur)) cpMacCur += ccpEol;
rgb [0] = sprmPRhc; rgb [1] = rhc; AddOneSprm(rgb, FALSE); /* Do not set UNDO; we want to undo the paste,
which will take care of undoing the sprm */ if (fAdjCpMacCur) cpMacCur -= ccpEol;
Select( selSave.cpFirst, selCur.cpLim ); }